• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,512 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 2, My True Motivation, goodbye Earth


October 2010, Alex was really impatient for the next to come Assasins Creed game, BROTHERHOOD, Alex liked the new assasin Edzio Auditore, granted, he wasn’t Altair, but he knew how to kick asses too, at that moment he was in his room searching for something well recomended by one of his friends, it was a show about colorfull little ponies who liked to spend their days learning the “Magic of Friendship”. . . . just that information was enough for Alex to try to avoid this show like some kind of letal decease, but one comment of his friends made him at least give this show a chance, stupid comment he thought. . .“HEY REMEMBER WHEN YOU SAID NOT TO JUDGE KINGDOM HEARTS JUST BECAUSE IT HAD DISNEY CHARACTERS, NOW YOU OWN ME ONE, DON’T JUDGE THIS SHOW BEFORE WATCHING IT”.

Damn! that hurt like a bitch, but he was right, now he was there searching in the web for the first two episodes of the show, he found it and started watching it with his sick bag in hands just in case. But. . . he didn't throw out, he could not believe it, the show no matter how childish it was, it was…….really good, even the draws wasn’t bad, the animation, the story, the music, everything, he had memories of the last generations of this particular show, (those ones did really make him trown out), he…..like it, no maybe he…… LOVE IT, maybe as much as he loved Assasins creed and his PS3 (well, not really, but he liked it a lot). Since that day he waited for the next new episodes, he loved every one, he didnt have exactly a favorite pony, all characters had their own good and bad atributes. But maybe what sealed the deal, was the fact they had what he always dreamed, ADVENTURES, what would he give to have adventures like they did, going in the search for some ancients artifacts, facing a dragon, not every episode was about an epic adventure, but somehow they managed to make every day to look like an adventure, he like many BRONIES at least once (no matter how much he and they try to negate it) wished to be there, to talk with Twilight and Rarity, help Applejack with her apples, to fight or spare with Rainbow dash, play and partying with Pinkie pie, and why not… give a crushing hug to Fluttershy and never let go. Of course as with assasins creed's smoke bombs and leap of faiths, he knew how to separate fiction from reality, and of course the day he would photoshop one of his photos with a pony or some ponies claiming to be his special somepony or his herd, he would definitely search for profesional help and seclude himself in the nut house.


As any gamer and normal teenager, Alex was not diferent from the rest, some of his activities since he found Prince of Persia, sands of time saga, consisted in going to Comicons and local game conventions, of course when he cosplayed, at firstn he invested good money in the Prince's outfit copy, but since 2007 he cosplayed as ALTAIR, with a crossbow, knifes, everything, and Alex really liked it, then he cosplayed as Edzio and finally Connor, until 2013

He was never gonna forget that day, february 2013, it was a local normal Comicon, same rutine, he took his backpack and suit case full of stuff, in his backpack it was of course his profesional bow and arrows, his bowgun, his laptop and psvita with their unoficial solar chargers and his yugioh cards to play for a while, anyway, this year, his outfit was diferent, in the last convention, his costume was of CONNOR KENWAY, up today, connor was his favorite assasin, because unlike the previous ones, he was a hunter by nature, everything he wanted to be, his costume this year, was not about an assasin one could ever see in a game, because it didnt existed. This year Alex finally made his own Assasin outfit.

Alex didnt have anything againts gowns, they look good and treathing with the assasins, but this was the 21 century, and gowns really weren't practical, his outfit was almost plain and simple, not exactly a ninja, but it did the trick, it was really clear that he was not a fan of color White since this outfit was grey, red and black, his ninja belt with 3 mid sized bags, two for the right and left side fo his waist and one for the side of his butt, in one, he carried his throwing knifes, in the other his his darts for the bow gun and in the last one was saved for food, in the game he never saw it, but it was obvious the assasins has to have a bag to store food to not starve) and to finish the touch, one sheath for his sword and one for his tomahawk (yep he added the tomahawk to his arsenal, he thanked Connor for that amazing idea) his T shirt was plain and black with a hood added, but under it, he of course, had his bullet proof vest. For his arms he had his elbow protectors and his hidden blades and brown motocyclist gloves, when he made his hidden blades, he managed to make them as plain and simple as posible, he manage to cover them so no mecanism could be seen, for any person I was just a boy’s toy without anything inside. Except for the blade point imposible to hide no matter what. His black jeans were convined with a his knees protectors and to finish he was using black soldier's boots, Of course, his black t shirt had the distinctive assasin logo, the Hood that unlike all the other outfit was white, (he did it for tribute to the game, after all all hoods had always been white).


He entered to the the event with a proud expression in his face, he thought maybe nobody would like his costume, surprisely, every one in the convention loved it, the originality played great role in it. Alex really sigh in relief for the good result.

The event continued perfectly, Alex showed his agility and some of his parkur moves in an improvised obstacle course his friends helped him to build, he also using targets for a throwing knives and arrows demostration, and some sparring with swords with a friend, it was all a show, but for him, the applauses of the crowd worth it, now that Alex thought about it, he never really knew why he learned to use the Spear, he meant, the assasins never used them in any game, realization then just hit him, the royal guards of MLP use spears, cool! it's all he could think, After the show, Alex just expended his remaining time playing psvita with some randow guys, exchanging cards, etc.

By the time the convention ended it was like 6:00 PM, so he started the long walk home, while he was walking with his backpack and suitcase, he passed next to the local park, Alex remembered how he spent time there with his sister, playing tag, hide and seek, etc, while it was a beautiful memory it also ache his heart.

Not having anything better to do at home, he entered the park and searched for a especific special place, the park wasn't that big, but since the accident, Alex didnt return there again, after 15 mins he finally found it, the big and oldest oak tree in the park, a little deep in the woods, it was a special place since he and his family many years ago gazed a meteor shower under that tree, it was beautiful, he got closer to the tree and stare it for a while, finally putting all his stuff next to it, he sat there and started gazing the stars, many memories came to him, memories of his family, his little sister playing with him, he was fighting to not let his tears come out, but then he remembered something his mother told him once, “if u dont cry when you want to, you will never be able to smile”, there in that very moment one tear came out, but a few second later, a rain of tears followed it,

Alex just stayed there, crying like a baby, it was funny in some kind of way, he didn’t think of his family in years, the memory was too painfull, he regreted not being there at their last moments, sometimes, he really wished to had been there that night, to die with them, thought that banished as soon as he remembered his father last words, it hurt, it hurt so much not being able to say goodbye, not being able to hug them more, kiss them more, being with them more, but the worst of all, was. . .his broken promise to his sister, since that day, he wasn’t able to even finish saying her name, it always ended in Ang. . . Ang. . . , for a long time he wondered why, until this day, he remembered his promise to her, he remembered he didn’t do everything for only himself or his dad's last word. . . but. . . for her, how she always wanted to have a brother like the prince of Persia, (kid’s dreams he guess), and then he remembered, he . . . .promised her that someday he would be one, appareance and all, that he would be the most coolest brother she ever had and she will be the proudest sister in the whole world, he remembered her face. . .a huge smile in it, and then. . . she died, she died before he could fullfill his promise, granted it was a silly promise, but it was their life promise, a promise at least he wanted to fullfill to the end, now. . . 6 years later, here he was, a crazy man pretending to be an “Assasin”, did it worth it?, it was a question he really didn’t know how to answer. After some thinking, he finally thought with his heart, he looked at the beautifull night and said

“Ang. . .Ang. . . Sister, I really hope someday you will be able to forgive me for failing you, I really wanted to make you proud, I hope you are watching me from Heaven, I'm really sorry for being late, but now, look at me please, I hope you like what I became, I hope this would be enough, now, let me make another promise, I. . . promise no matter where I’d be, I wont let all the hard work be for nothing, I will use it as you'd want me to, I will protect anyone who need it, , I will fail to no one again, and finally say dad, I’m planing to keep living, so don’t worry, I. . . Pinkie promise. . . that, cross my heart and hope to fly. . .. stick a cupcake in my eye. . . damn, I think I went nuts, hehehe”

After that and not in the mood to stand up, Alex fell asleep under that beautiful tree, who would say in the very same moment he did that, a meteor shower started, that was odd, it wasn’t predicted by any way, and then a bright light began to cover the oak tree with Alex undert it, many people stared the show with wonder in their eyes, for many people it represented many things, miracles, wishes, good luck, but for one particular person who was no longer under in an oak tree in this world, it was the begining of a new life an maybe the greatest adventure an earthling has ever made.


It was the 8:00 PM in Ponyville, a little pony named Twilight Sparkle and her friends along with all the ponies in the park, were enjoying the show, the first meteor shower of the year, many were wishing many things, good luck, love, but a very special baby dragon was wishing something really special, A FRIEND, not any friend but somepony who could understand him, someopony who he would want to be, to look up to, don't get him wrong, he loved Twilight and everypony, but he knew he needed more guy friends, granted Big Mac was his friend but it was not enough, he wished with all his heart even knowing it was just a fantasy and nothing more, who would say that this meteor shower would bring somepony or better said someone really special, who now was resting under a very same looking oak tree in the Everfree forest.

Author's Note:


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