• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,501 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 35, The Calm before the Storm

Author's Note:

Ok as promised the other half of the END
I hope you like it.
again thanks to all my pre reader
please comment.

“Just do what you must. . . .”

Alex started to say before being striked by the beam from that Asshole, he thought he was done for, he regreted to die but only because he thought he had it easy, his friends by other hand would have to suffer in the hands of those two Tyrants, I’m sorry was the only think he managed to say before. . . .


Alex woke up screaming, without thinking he tried to stand up but was stopped inmediately by the pain all around his body, (I didn’t know you could feel this pain in the afterlife he thought) feeling weak again he fell on the bed again and started to look at his suroundings, then he started to recognize the place, the same place he woke up after his Zebra friend knocked him out when he first met her, he also noticed he was bandaged in his arms, legs, head. . . . all his body, he could think many things but only one remained in his head.

“How am I still alive. . . .I’m sure that beam striked Spike and me. . . . oh my God. . . Spike, how is he??”

Alex tried to stand up again, all his body hurt like a bitch but he really needed to see Zecora and check if Spike was fine as well, using all his strenght he managed to walk very slowly to the main Room, he didn’t find anyzebra or dragon there, he started to search in other rooms until he found him. . . his little purple partner. . . sleeping in a spare bed, he was covered in bandages too but it seemed he was fine (as fine as one can be after the beat up they both recieved) Alex started to wonder what could had happened, how they were still alive if BlueBlood shot that beam to them, some minutes after Alex heard the door of the room slaming and revealing his Zebra friend, she inmediately huged him and tears she said

“Alex my human friend. . . you are still not cured, you are very reckless for that I’m sure”

“I’m fine Zecora. . . well not that fine but alive.. . . . thanks by the way but tell me. . .how is it posible we are here?”

“Of that I’m confused as well but maybe these two here will be able to tell”

Alex then saw two manticores entering the room, he turned to see Zecora who asured him they were friendly after all they were the ones who found him and Spike, Alex wanted to ask them all the details but he remembered Fluttershy wasn’t there to help him to traslate, Zecora noticing this brought a Potion bottle and gave it to him, he stared at it confused while she said

“Drink this Potion my human friend and the manticores you will be able to understand”

“Thanks Zecora”

Alex drank the potion and turned to the Manticores

“Can you understand what I’m saying?” They both nooded “Can you please say something to check if I can understand your language”

“Like what?” One manticore said

“I don’t know. . .anything”

“Any word Previus King?”

“Yes, just say somethin. . . . . . (Alex facepalmed) forget it, ok please tell me. . . where did you find us”

“Two days ago in our hunting área, my friend here and I were chasing some vampiric Jackalopes when a bright light appeared, when it was gone. .. . in it’s place were you and the baby dragon both unconsious and barely breathing then our king told us to bring you here with your Zebra friend.”

“I see then I have to thank you guys, you could eat us. . .thanks for didn’t”

“Of course not our previous king, don’t forget almost all of us are very gratefull with you. . . just be thankfull you weren’t found by the few who aren’t”

“Trust me. . . I am, but that doesn’t explain how we get there. . . we are supposed to be dead”

Zecora and both Manticores gasped after hearing that but before any of them could say something

“That’s because BlueBlood didn’t strike us with a killing or vaporizing beam. . . he used a teleportation spell to send us here”

Everybody turned to see who said that, it was Spike as Alex walking slowly to join the group, once there Spike sat on the floor and proceded

“If I must asume I’d say BlueBlood didn’t want to dirt his “Royal hooves” so he sent us here to be killed by the manticores”

“. . . . ok. . . .but why not kill us himself?”

“Alex. . . you know Ponies almost never choose to kill other creatures. . . BlueBlood is not an exception, he can be a FlankHole but he still is a Pony, besides he still is “Royal” or at least he think he still is.

“interesting. . .but still. . . why here”

“Remember Canterlot only knew about you by rumors, many ponies knew so little about the “Failed Manticore invasión”. . . I’ll say he thought you stopped them by forcé and they would be more than glad to kill you in his place. . . not knowing in fact you are friends with them. . . . hehehehe even in being evil he sucks”

“Wow Spike. . . if that is true. . . you are right. . . he is an idiot after all but I must give it to him. . . he did made a good number on us, I don’t want to admit it but. . . he kicked our asses pretty bad. . . how he got that strong so fast?”

“Alex. . . you see. . . his strenght is not his. . .I believe you saw that amulet he had in his neck (Alex nooded) that’s the Alicorn Amulet, it can amplify any pony magic at least 10 times, more than enought to match or maybe even best a true Alicorn but. . . the more he uses it the more it corrupts the wielder’s mind, I believe the next time we see that pony. . . trust me. . . he will not hesitate to kill us at that very moment, not to mention Queen Crysallis who is evil incarnated. . . I really don’t want to imagine what kind of power and mind she has right now”

“I see. . .now please can anybody tell me what happened this past two days?

“Well acording what Zecora and these two manticores told me when they went to spy Ponyville, it seems Prince. . . well now “King BlueBlood” (Spike seemed like he wanted to puke) visited the town yesterday, you see. . . now there are new laws and decrees to Ponies to at least once in a week they must let a group of Changelings come to town to retrieve part of their love, and if any pony says no, he or she would be put in a coocon and the love would be retreived painfully, and about Canterlot, everypony is living “normally” but by that I mean with fear, the streets are almost empty all the time, one can only see Changelings patroling all day, it’s like a ghost town.

“And what about the true Princesses, our friends. . . my little sisters”

“They are still in Canterlot, no pony is allowed to leave the city and well. . . please read this (Spike gave him the newspaper)

Alex could not believe what it said, in exactly one week. . . a formal ceremony would be held for everypony in Canterlot to wittness how the new rulers of Equestria will banish the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony to the moon for 1000 years

“Damn. . . those two are crazy. . .but why wait so long?. . . not that I mind”

“Maybe they still need them to teach how to raise the sun and the moon, after all we still need them and for the Elements maybe they are used as hostages to keep the Princesses under control”

“That’s make sense. . . DAMN! Stupid Blueblood”

“Alex we have to go and save them NOW!!” Spike said trying to run but failed miserable, Alex after seeing this helped him to stand up and said

“Spike calm down”

“But. . .but. . .in 7 days they will be sent to the moon. . .and and. . .”

“SPIKE!! snap out of it!!” (he said knoking Spike head)

“Ouch. . . Alex? What’s wrong with you. . . they are in danger, we need to do something”

“Spike trust me I love them too and want to rescue them but think for a moment, that bastard defeated us in no time, do you really think rushing there like a crazy dragon and human will do any good? we need to prepare and think how to best an entire army?”

“Is there a way to do that?. . . . we are doomed right?”

“If I have to say it. . . yes we are. . . but maybe there is a way. . .”

“What is it?”

“First we need to get better. . .Zecora. . . how fast your potions can heal us in 100%?”

“Well Alex if you take them all and in a bed you lay I should say you will be better in a day”

“Ok. . . now you two (he turned to the Manticores) please tell the King I need to talk to him tomorrow if he wants of course (they both nooded and exited the cottage). . . now Zecora. . . I need a little favor. . . please go to Ponyville and bring me Proud Hammer and please be carefull, for what you told me there could be Changelings keeping eye in the town” (she noded as well and started her way),

A little while later Zecora brought Proud hammer who inmediatelly hugged them

“Oh Thanks Celestia Zecora wasn’t lying, you are both alive, but the newspaper said that Tyrant killed you two days ago”

“Let’s just say he sucks in getting rid of humans and dragons” (all of them laughted) Ok Proud hammer. . . I’d like to say I only called you to let you know we are ok but. . . we really need your help”

“Say no more my boy. . . what is it?”

“First of all. . . Ponyville warehouse is still full of the diamond dogs Darkness stone armors?”

“Yes. . .we didn’t have time to send it to Canterlot for all what happened”

“Excellent. . . do you think you can use some to modify Spike armor and weapons with DS like mine”

“Of course my friend”

“How much time will you need to have them ready?”

“Well. . .the armor and weapons for little Spike . . . . in two days”

“Wait Proud Hammer (Spike said). . . do you think you can have them ready by tomorrow?”

“Well. . . if I work all night yes my boy why?”

“Because I’ll need to make a trip tomorrow and maybe will not be able to return here to get it”

“uh? what you mean Spike?. . .where do you need to go”

“A place very far by foot, I need to go talk to a friend. . . I can’t tell you the details just. . . please trust me in this one”

“. . . . Ok. . . Proud. . . you think is posible?”

“Yes boy, leave it to me”

After that Spike told him where his weapons and protectors were stored at GoldenOaks Library which he nooded.

“Excelent, thanks Proud (Alex said) . . . now. . .is there a way you can help me to get in Rarity’s place without being spotted?”

“I think there is a way. . .but let’s just wait a couple of days until everything calms down ok?”


After that Proud Hammer took some meassures to Spike and proceded to return Ponyville to start working, Spike confused asked him

“Alex. . . after knowing you for some time. . . I’m almost sure you will ask the Manticore King his help. . . Do you think. . . he will accept?

“I really hope so. . . If not. . . well I can say without that we are almost doomed”

“I see. . . then more reasons for me to travel where I need to?”

Alex and Spike then drank their medicine and proceded to sleep for the rest of the day, the next morning Alex could not believe it, he and Spike really were almost full healed, there still were som minor injuries but Zecora told him they would be healed by the time, still Alex was speechless. . . he knew Zecora’s potions were the best but this was beyond unreal, after thanking her they both recieved the visit from King Manticore who the first thing he did was hug Alex and gave him a huge lick in the face (cute but still so gross)

“Alex my friend, It’s so good to see you ok”

“Thanks King. . . too bad I can’t say the same for my friends”

“What?. . . what happened. . . something happened to Fluttershy?”

Alex then explained everything that happened to him and the plan the Rulers had for the Elements with her included, the expresión of the King was like a demon. . . (Alex noted to never make a manticore to really get mad)

“So you are telling me they plan to send Fluttershy away for 1000 years”

“Basically it will be forever, she as her friends are not alicorns, she will not live for 1000 years, she will never comeback”

“NO!!! that will not happen, Alex tell me anyway I can help you and I will”

“I’m glad you say that, you see. . . we need to face them. . . but. . . we are talking about hundred of changelings here, I really need as many manticores you can gather to help me and Spike to fight againts them, I know it is too much but. . .”

“I’ll do it”


“I’ll do it Alex, I still owe you so much and Fluttershy.. . . she were always kind to us, not only to me, trust me. . . there will be many manticores that will give their lives to save her and your friends”

“Thanks King. . . how many manticores do you think you can gather in 6 days?”

“. . . . if we search the entire Everfree forest and other neighbor ones . . I’ll say. . .around 200”

“200???, wow you really can gather around 200 manticores??”

“Yes all of them ready to part in 6 days”

“Great!! (Alex said hugging his friend)

After that the King and his bodyguards returned to the forest to start the gathering, a little later Proud hammer returned with Zecora with Spike special order, Spike looked at it amazed. . . his armor was so cool, it looked much like Alex, his new bow and arrows, hidden blades and his little tomahawk, everything with Darkness stone alloy, he tried it and didn’t believe how light it was

“Wow, thanks Proud Hammer really. . . this will come in handy”

“No problem kiddo, just please be carefull, kids like you shouldn’t be involve in this kinds of things”

“You may be right. . . but right now. . . we are fighting for Equestria’s future, I’m fighting to save my mom’s figure, the Pony I love and all my friends, I can tell you. . . I rather fight as a kid than be a grown up who did nothing”

“Wow. . . Spike. . . you. . . really are growing up. . . I’m so proud of you”

“Thanks Alex”

(Now I can fight without any regrets, I know now you will be fine. . . .even If I don’t. . . )

Spike then removed his armor and stored all in his back pack and proceded his long journey, he would have to take another route to not be spotted, but before starting Alex said

“Spike wait!!”


“If what you really said about meeting us outside Canterlot in 6 days is true then I need to tell you this right now for I will not be able later”

“I’m listening”

“Spike. . . I trust you and you know that, I don’t know what you are planning to do but I know it will be awesome, but remember. . . you are still a kid. . . when the time to fight comes. . . maybe there will be a moment where you will have to. . . kill, I really don’t want you to. . .that’s not something a kid should do and I really don’t expect you to . . . . but remember this. . . it’s easy to wield a sword or any weapon and feel in the top of the world. . . .but. . . that’s not what defines a true warrior. . . Spike. . . you need to have this in mind. . . . true braveness is not about knowing when to take a life but to know when to forgive it”

“You. . . you just made that up?”

“Nope, a wise old man in my world said it, but is so true, Spike. . . . ok. . .see you in 6 days” (he nooded and they both shared a hug)

Once Spike gone Alex proceded to train a little, he had to be in his fullest for the incoming day and he had no time to lose.



As usual like any kingdom dungeons, Canterlot ones were dark and lonely, the place where no pony really wanted to be, the place where the most despicable creatures should be, but this time it wasn’t the case for at that very moment the ponies imprisionated there were the most kind and brave ones of the time, they were really miserable each and one of them in their own cell. . . .only waiting. . . all their hooves and throat chained, unicorns and Alicorns with 5 DS rings each, escaping was nothing but a dream, some of them were unconcious for exhaustion, hunger or just for crying every night, Princess Celestia and Luna weren’t even the shadow they once were, their mane not floating, their fur not as bright as always. . .Exhausted for teaching them the spell to lower the sun and the moon all day. . . they stayed there. . thinking what went wrong. . . how could they let this happen. . .Princess Cadence and Shining Armor Imprisoned together. . .their only consolation were they could see each other but at the same time it was torture for they could not at least touch each other hooves.

The Elements weren’t doing any good either, all of them in diferent cells chained, Rainbow dash and Applejack still half strugging to get free and swearing to take revenge for Alex and Spike. . . Rarity unconcious for been in that awfull cell for so long and the thought of never be able to see Alex or her Spikey wikey, Pinkie Pie with her mane flat only staring at the floor like if nothing in the world mattered anymore, Twilight still thinking every posible way to escape. . . her eyes red. . .obviously for the lack of rest, Finally there was Fluttershy. . . she was the only still sobbing, she still really didn’t want to believe Alex and Spike were dead, she saw them. . .all of them saw them. . . dissapear and she could not do anything to stop it from happening, at that moment the iron door opened revealing BlueBlood and Chrysallis, aproaching the cells she said

“Hello my little ponies”

“You don’t have any right to call us your little ponies. . . only the true Princesses can call us like that” Twilight said angry

“Oh sorry. . . hahahahaha, I hope all of you are enjoying your staying here and preparing for your journey in a week”

“What do you gain by banishing us Chrysallis?, I thought you needed everypony posible to take their love” Celestia said

“Hahaha, as clever as always Princess, you are right, I gain nothing. . . .in fact I lose too much but. . . having you here would not be very wise, you could escape and start planing a payback”

“sob sob. . . Alex. . . .sob sob. . . Aleeeeeeeeex”

“Oh shut up little anoying pegasus, it’s not so a big deal, why are you so sad for the death of a monkey. . . not like you’d seen him again after your banishment” BlueBlood said

“You. . . you are a monster”

“Incorrect. . .I’m the monster who bested the human and a dragon”

“huf!! You were able to defeat him for the alicorn amulet you spinless excuse of prince, If you really are proud for that fake victory. . . you are more pattetic that I thought” Rainbow dash said

BlueBlood started to shock her with his aura

“You will not talk to me like that you worthless pegasus”

“Ugh. . . Truth. . .hurts. . . right?”

BluedBlood only smiled and let her go

“Just enjoy your nonsense talk. . . while you can”

He then turned to Princess Cadence

“Sister I really don’t like to see you like this. . . cmon just say it. . . oath loyalty to us and you and your husband will exit here in no time”

Cadence only saw him with pitifull eyes

“Don’t call me sister anymore. . . you are not my brother, that colt as I see. . . dissapeared so long ago. . . I’ll just say. . . I’m sorry. . .I’m so sorry for not noticing it before to try to bring him back. . . I’m sorry”

“. . . .Fine. . . have it your way. . . I hope you enjoy your long staying in the moon, hahahaha you know what everypony? I’ll tell you a little secret, I was planing to let you live and die thinking your friends died right away but guess what. . . they didn’t. . . I never vaporized them (Everypone raised their head) I wanted them to die as painfull as posible so guess what. . . I transported them to the everfree forest. . . .to be more specific to the Manticores hunting área so they could get their revenge like me, they both must be manticore poop by now HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.”

Saying that, BlueBlood and Chrysallis exited the room leaving the soon to be banished ponies, Everypony just stayed there agape. . . did BlueBlood really did that or was he just pulling a cruel prank of them

Prank or not it was enough for Pinkie to recover some of her fluffy mane and for everypony (most of all Fluttershy who stopped crying) to have a little hope

“Girls. . Girls (Twilight said) don’t get your hopes up, even if it were true. . . remember their condition at that moment. . . and the fact it the Everfree Forest. . .I’m sorry but. . . until I hear any news about them I will keep believing they are no longer with us”

“Twilight. . .sugarcube. . . yah know ah know yah are lying. . . yah also believe they can be alive. . . right??”

“Just. . . just don’t get your hopes so high. . . is all I ask. . . I don’t think anypony here could bear. . .another deception”

Everypony noded still with a smile present.


Alex trained the first two days without trouble, as incredible as it seemed he had a competent sparring partner. . . Proud Hammer, who would had say he was a royal guard in his younger days and who would say his weapons were nothing more than sledged hammers levitated with his magic, he really didn’t make it easy to Alex. . . in fact once he sent Alex flying to a tree leaving him uncouncions, he apologized at the very moment he woke up.

“Ha . . . ha. . ha. . . Wow Proud. . . you are really tough, I’m impresed, if I’d have known you were this good I’d have invited you to come to train with me and Spike so long ago”

“Thanks kiddo. . . I also have to say. . . you are pretty good and fast, no wonder how you managed to best a manticore and those ponies in Canterlot”

“Thanks. . . . Ok. . . what you say if we call the day, I really need you to take me to Ponyville, I need to retrieve my armor and weapons”

“Ok Alex let’s go”

Hidding in wagon full of hay pulled by Proud Hammer, Alex was able to reach Carrousel Boutique with no problems, as fast as a lightning he entered there and went to his room to get all his stuff, after packing everything he proceded to exit when he heard noises in Sweetie Bell room, he went to check who it was. . . who would say he’d find Magnum consoling Pearl crying on Sweetie Bell’s bed and hugging one of her toys, when they saw him, not believing her eyes. . . Pearl inmediately tacked him in a hug followed by Magnum

“Alex. . . you are alive. . .but. .. but the newspaper said”

“I know Mrs Pearl. . .Magnum, don’t worry. . . I asure you I’m very alive”

“Oh thanks Celestia .. . . Son. . . I believe you know what is going on right??”

“Of course Magnum. . . don’t worry. . . me and some friends are already planing a rescue mission, I promise I will do anything in my power to bring Rarity and Sweetie Bell here safe”

“Thank you Alex (Pearl said) but please be carefull, don’t increase the reasons to be sad”

“I wont, promise”

Alex was about to leave when Pearl stopped him

“Alex wait. . . here have this”

She opened the closet and levitated some kind of scarf with the CMC logo in it

“As you may know. . . your little sister wanted to make you an oficial crussader but since you are so big. . .making you a cape was too much for her so she asked me to help her make that. . . she didn’t asked Rarity for fear you could find it before time but. . . . I believe you need it now”

Alex stared at the scarf, then a big smiled appeared in his face

“Thanks. . . Pearl. . . this will help me a lot. . .believe it, I promise the two of them will be back here”

“You mean. . . The three of you. . . right?”

“. . . . . Yes, the three of us”

Alex exited the Boutique and Proud Hammer brought him back to Zecora’s cottage, but not before making a little detour to Proud hammer workshop, he retrieved a huge box and proceded to return to the Everfree.

Once there Alex could see what Proud got from his workshop was an armor. . . his armor with 4 big sledgehammers, both of them put on their armors, then Alex said

“Wow Proud. . . you really can fight with 4 sledge hammers at the same time??”

“Yes kiddo, many guards like swords and spears but. . . these were always more my style, you can imagine my surprise when I invented a four hammer style, ironically I haven’t hear any other pony who uses it, these kids today”

“hahahah, don’t sweat it proud hammer. . . NOW. . . SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT OLD MA .. . . OLD PONY” Alex said wielding his hidden blades

“You bet, let me show you how the old school do it”


It was night and Spike was a little tired, he had been walking for at least two days only taking short breaks, he had to admit it. . . walking there instead of taking the train was horrible but he couldn’t let anypony know he was still alive, he finally reached the wild lands, once there he proceded to look for someponies. . . they should be near, after some minutes he saw smoke at the distance, he proceded to run as fast as his little legs let him, after some minutes he finally could see the huge campfire and the creatures he was looking for. . . some of them dancing around it, some of them saw them coming and inmediately greeted him. . . amongs them the biggest of them stood behind Spike and said

“Hello my little dragon”

“Hello. . . Chief”

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