• Published 25th Jun 2014
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Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 14, Questions and Answers . . . . Yep a Cliche chapter, what can i say?

Author's Note:

one more chapter, please comment, if i'm doing something wrong or good, please tell, i'd apreciate it.


After some good laugh and introductions, it was obvious now was the part Alex knew Twilight was really gonna enjoy more than anypony, Questions and answers!!!

Twilight playing with her front hooves asked “Ok. . . . Alex, if is ok with you, can i, no, can we ask you some questions about you and your kind??”

“Dispara tus preguntas Twilight”

“What???” Everypony and dragon asked

“Sorry, that’s my native language where i come from, it means “Ask your questions”

“Oh. . . . i see, ok, I already know your species is called human, but i was wondering, by any chance are all of you related in any way with the simians??”

“Twilight!!! Rarity interrupted with horror in her face, how can you even think about trying to relate somepony as gentle and Smart like Alex to. . . . Simians?”

Twilight looked down to the floor ashamed, but Alex inmediatily stroked her mane and said

“It’s ok lady Rarity, even I as a human have to admit that in someways there is some resemblance, well to answer your question Twilight, even some people in my world believe all the human race evolved from Apes, but there isn’t exactly any concrete proof of that, almost every human already discarded that posibility.”

“Excellent Thank you, ok next question, then where do humans believes they come from??”

“Well Twilight, as many people believe we evolved from Apes, there are many other beliefs, by my and many people’s part, we believed we were created by our God, we believe he created everything, our planet, humans, the animals, etc, and please Twilight don’t ask me about religions, i really don’t like to talk about that theme ok?”

“Oh, ok, don’t worry, if it makes you feel unconfortable, thats fine”

“Let see, third question, how do you humans managed to stay hidden all this centuries and why haven’t we already seen or heared about another human besides you, are you some kind of spy, collecting information of us to your kind knowledge, are you living underground here in Equestria, Zebrica, Minous, Griffonia or even the Changeling Empire??”

Alex didn’t know what to say, was it wise to tell he was from another planet or maybe lie, . . . . . he decided to be honest

“ok Twilight i will answer with the truth, but all of you have to pinkie promise to not shock ok? (they all noded and made the pinkie promise, just whatching them doing that promise made Alex his day), the truth is. . . it’s not like we’ve been hidding from you all this time, it’s well, as i can see, humans doesn’t exist in your world”

“Say what again”

“I’m not from this. . . Planet, somehow, i don’t know how, i was teleported from my home planet to yours”

Twilight stayed silent then she said

“Applejack? Is he telling the truth”

“Ah’d like to say no sugarcube, but. . . . he is telling the truth”

Everypony and dragon just let their jaws fell to the floor after hearing Applejack, they were not only dealing with a new creature, but also with an ALIEN

“ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, Rainbow repeated, That is awesome!!!”

“Zip it rainbow”, Twilight said almost as excited as she was

“Ok Alex, then tell me what is your planet name?”

“Blue planet, Earth, third one of the Solar Sistem”

“Solar sistem. . . i see, then you have a sun, so i believe you also have a moon right?, do your prince or princess move them too”

(Alex had to be carefull to not blow his cover by showing them he had a little knowledge about her world)

“hmmmm, well, if you are asking that, i could asume your ruler or rulers move them here, wow, move a sun and a moon, just wow, but back to my world, well in Earth, nobody or nopony moves them, let me tell you the best i can, our planet moves around the sun for it’s gravity at the same time the Earth rolled by itself alongside the moon creating that way the days and nights consisting in 24 hours, 12 for daylight and 12 for nights, when the Earth makes a whole roll around the sun that takes 365 days, we know a year have passed.”

Twilight was speechless, a sun and moon that moves by themself technically, “WOW, that’s amazing, so you don’t need magic to do that?, then what you do with your magic?”

“That’s the thing Twilight. . . . we don’t have magic on Earth, the closest thing we have like magic are ilusions with smoke and mirrors, you know, all fake, just a show”

“WHAT? REALLY?, then how you managed to keep advancing as a civilization without magic??

“Well, we may not have magic Twilight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work hard to keep improving, you know. . . . like Earth ponies, (Alex gave a glance to Applejack who only blushed at that statement) but also we kept trying to improve by creating tools to help us to make the hard work easier, as far as i can tell you Twilight, what we lack in magic, we compensate in Technology.

“Ohhhhh” Everypony and dragon said

“I. . . . I see, well. . . . by any chance do you have some of your technology with you to show us??”, Twilight said, hope clearly seen in her eyes”

“Right now no, but at my PLACE (he half lied for the time being, saying his place didn’t especific Earth or the Sisters old Castle, so maybe that could fool Applejack), i have some advanced stuff, I’m sure you would like to see my Iphone, my computer, my PsVita, my PS3, etc”

Twilight was a little dissapointed but still interested more than ever, “Oh, you have computers in your world too, i don’t know about those other things you mentioned a minute ago, but i can tell we have computers here in Equestria, and let me tell you i have the most advanced one right now, the best of the best, with 1000 kilobytes or 1 Megabyte worth of space, really impresive uh? tell me, how much memory the ones in your planet have?”

Alex wasn’t exactly shocked, in the show he already had seen Twilight computer and well.. . . he knew it was like the ones on Earth, like 40 or 50 years ago, he didn’t want to make Twilight feel bad by telling her how outdated her computer was, for not saying “muy pero muy CHAFA” (very very cheap) compared to his, she obviously seemed to have so much pride in her device.

“Well my computer memory is hmmmm”

“Cmon don’t feel bad or ashamed, after all mine is the newest one, you can be honest, but i have to tell you, my friend Applejack here can tell if you are lying, trust me”

Alex was trapped (Sorry Twilight)

“well mine has. . . . . . . 2 Terabytes of worth space”

“uh? what is a Terabyte??” Twilight asked (Alex Facepalmed in the inside, of course she doesn’t know, they haven’t reach that capacity of internal memory)

“Well Twilight as you may know, 1000 kilobytes are 1 Megabyte right?


“then tell me. how would you call to a gathering of 1000 Megabytes?”

“Oh that would be a Gigabyte, (she knows, this will be easier than i thought) but we are very far to reach that capacity yet, but someday, i know it, in many years maybe 20 or 30, but tell me, what does that have to with this topic?”

“Well Twilight, a Terabyte is like well. . . . . 1000 Gigabytes”

Twilight only stared at him, Alex could swear by this time he had spent in Equestria, he already had seen jaws extended to their maximus size, but Twilight proved this statement to be wrong, regaining her jaw to her place, without stopping staring at Alex she said


“Yep Sugarcube?”

“He is Lying right?”

“Nope, he is telling the honest truth”

“I. . . . see, then. . . “ Twilight breath slowly and then. . . . “

“WHAAAAAAAAT???? Your computer has 2000 Gigabytes?. . . . 2 Terabytes?. . . but for that to happen, your computers must have the size of a town or a palace at the very least, and it would need a lot of energy, how much power cristals you use to keep it working???, how you managed to build them in the first place, PLEASE TELL ME!!!” (she was shaking Alex shoulders by this moment with a wicked look in her face, also Alex didn’t have the heart to tell her his laptop size, nor to tell her his iphone or Vita were even far more advanced than her computer, at least not tell her for the time being)

“Easy there sugarcube, you are scaring him (no she wasn’t, Alex thought.. . . . well maybe a little), anyway, why all that conmotion, is there really a great diference between your computers for these. . . BYTES”

“YES APPLEJACK!!!, uh sorry, i mean, yes Applejack, his computer is at the very least 2,000,000 more powerfull than mine, it’s like trying to compare the size of a dog house to an entirely palace, and it even wouldn’t be a fair comparation”

“. . . . Well ah don’t know much about Fancy mathematics, but. . . that does sounds big” EveryPony and even Spike noded

“Well Twilight, Alex said, remember this, by not having magic to aid us, we had, well, better said, our scientist and inventors had to try to advance as faster as they could, and you can trust me, many scientists in my world would give anything for having a bit of your magic” (Twilight smiled at him)

“Ok. . . Twilight said, i’ll stop this topic for now, but you can be sure this conversation isn’t over”

“Ok. . . . (OMG, what did i get myself into??” he thought)

“Ok, those are all my questions. . . for now, anypony have one?”

Rarity then stepped forward “Ok Darling, just one question, why do you always wear clothes?”

“Ok lady Rarity, to start, back on Earth, we don’t have fur to keep us warm, and well, not wearing anything in public is a taboo, you can get even be put in jail for exhibitionism because. . . . well, let say unlike you. . . our manhood is not that very well hidden, (everypony, even Rainbow dash blushed at this statement, Spike had to bite his lips to not laught), and finally for confort and protection, by example we need to use shoes like this, (he showed them his sneakers) to let us walk in rough grounds, our feet are not as strong as your hooves or Spike feet. (they noded in agreement and understanding)”

“I see, Thank you for your honest answer Darling, and don’t worry, if you ever need some clothes, don’t hesitate to pay me a visit, i have to admit your style has caught my attention, and also bring your. . . . shoes, i think i may be able to recreate similar copies if you let me study them of course”

“Thank you very much Lady Rarity”

AppleJack was next

“Ok Partner, ah need to know, are you some kind of royal guard or soldier back in your world?, i mean considering the tools and weapons you have, the sword, the bow, ah didn’t see you use them againts the dogs, but i believe you don’t carry them just to show up right?”

“Well. . . i’m not a warrior, soldier or guard, but i always felt fascination about been. . . like some cools guys i admire in my world, so i trained really hard to be at least as cool as them”

“ok sugarcube, ah can say, after hearing of what ya have done, i can say your training really worked, ok, just one more question, what are those. . . . brazalets in your front legs”

“My arms Applejack, well they are nothing, just a decoration”

Applejack narrowed her eyes a little, “Alex, please, Twilight already told you. . . please don’t lie to me”

“Ok, wow, you do are a lie detector, well this beautis are my hidden blades”

“hidden blades, and how do they work??”

“let me show you” at that moment Alex extended his both arms with a fast swing and let out his blades finishing in an assasin pose (Ninja style), then he retrieved them again turning back in a normal pose. (he had to do it that way, he just. . . had to, even though, then he really felt like an idiot, blushing like a tomato, of course any girl would think he is lame now, idiot, idiot, idiot)

Everypony only stared at him, shocked what they just saw, Twilight wrote something in her scrool (dunno what it was), then Rainbow dash with a big smile said

“That was AWESOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!” Rainbow dash shoutedn (Well, at least one girl liked it)

“yeah, Spike started, no matter how many times i see it, it doesn’t stop being awesome” (Thanks Spike, at least someone apreciate it)

Applejack after recovering the shock just said “wow sugarcube, i have to say, that tool is intersting, it’s mecanism is something else, to manage to take out the blade and hidde it again by your will it’s really amazing. A perfect tool for a warrior or guard”.

“Thanks Applejack and trust me, i would never use it to hurt the inocent, pony, human or any other creature, i made an oath to not to”

“ah can tell you are telling the truth Alex, ah have my doubts about ya, but now, ah know ah can fully trust yah”

“Thanks Applejack, ok. . . . next question, Rainbow dash?”

“Ok dude, just one question, are there flying humans?”

(it was too obvious that would be her question, Alex thought, laughting inside)

“Well humans can’t fly by themselves, no human have wings, but our technology advances have let us to build giant aircrafts to help us reach the sky”

“ugh, like the ballons we have here??. . . BORING”

“Well. . yeah (so you do underestimate us) at first, but now, humanity manage to make like well. . ., let say giant metalic birds called airplanes that let us fly faster, there are even airplanes (Alex avoided the part about they were war planes) that let us break the sound barrier and let us make Sonic booms (like your Sonic rainboom, haha, take that rainbow)

“. . . . . Wow, the sound barrier?, Sonic booms?, ok, i have to admit. . . not so boring”

Pinkie was next “Ok, i already asked you if you would be my friend, you said yes, and if you would come to your party, and you said yes again, just one question, can you please tell me where do you live to send you the invitation there or maybe even make the party there.

“Ok, Pinkie, to tell you the truth, i’m living in an abandoned castle in the Everfree forest”

“WHAT?” they all said, except Spike, then Rarity stepped forward with a face like she had just been ofended

“Oh Darling that . . . will not do, no sir, you are moving to Ponyville inmediately, there is no way i will let you spend another night in that horrid and dark place”

“I have. . . torchs?” Alex responded, Rarity only stared at him with a “you are moving, got it” look, defeated Alex only said “Ok, ok, but where am i going to live here??”

“Oh, oh, at my place, at my place, please please”, Pinkie said

“Are you sure Pinkie?, i mean, i don’t want anypony to think im imposing or freeloading, is there at least someway i could pay for my stay”

“It’s not a problem silly, i’m sure the Cakes wont mind at all, and if you want to, you can help me bake, what you say?”

“Ok Pinkie but know this, if i see any sign of troubles for you, i’ll move right away any other place or back here ok?”

“Okidokilokie, besides i know there wont be any problem”

“Well Rarity said, i was gonna invite you to stay at carrousel boutique with me and Sweetie bell, after all, anypony can say now she adores you, but if Pinkie wants to. . . well, that’s ok, but remember, in case that doesn’t work, you don’t have to. . . No! you will not go back to that castle, you are coming with us, got it??”

“Ok. . . (man she can be scary if she wants to), Thank you very much Lady Rarity”

“Ok, and even though i really love you to call me Lady, you can call me just Rarity, we are friends after all right?”

“Ok Lad. . . . Rarity” (she smiled)

“Well. . . any other question?. . . Fluttershy?

Fluttershy YEPED and hidded almost all her face behind her mane again asked

“Well. . . . can you please. . . tell me, what do humans eat?, well if thats. . . . ok with you”

“(OMG does her cuteness have any limit???) Ok Fluttershy, it is ok with me, well first of all, please don’t panic ok?” they all noded

“Right, well. . . . humans are omnivores, we can eat fruits, vegetables, and. . . meat, but before somepony panic, don’t worry, ever since i arrived here, i only have eaten fish, and no, i don’t eat ponies, dragons, any other Smart creature and of course any little or big animal creature you consider your friend Fluttershy”

Fluttershy gave him a warm Smile and hug him “Ok Alex, Thank you”

Alex inmediatily hug her back “Fluttershy, since you care so much about animals, tell me, do my necesary diet upset you?”

“Well, you don’t do it by choice, and well. . . many of my animal friends are carnivores, so no, i’m not mad at you, it’s who you are”

“Thank you Fluttershy” and gave her another hug (yep another hug so what?, for God sake it's FLUTTERSHY cmon)

Everypony dawwwwww again,

By that time, they didn’t notice it was already night.

“Ok girls, Alex said releasing Fluttershy, this was a good and entertaining visit but i believe we need to call it for today”, i have to stay here for tonight, but tomorrow, i will go to the castle, take my stuff and move to pinkie’s place ok?”

“Ok, Alex, Twilight said, but we are going there with you, it’s dangerous there, you most of all should know it”

“Cmon Twilight, you really don’t have to, i think i can. . . “

“We insist Darling” Rarity interrupted glaring at him

“. . . . Ok”

After that, they all left, once alone, Alex was only thinking

“Man. . . . they are. . . AMAZING, everyone of them, everypony is so unique, what a waste, if. . . . only they were humans, o well, i still have around 3 more months here (in theory) and i’m planing to enjoy it at the fullest, Ponyville, Equestria, here i come, are you prepared??”

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