• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,511 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 28, This is my world. . . you have the spirit of a gamer Luna. . .almost

Author's Note:

OK, my new chapter, to be honest I think I'm making a jump to the sharks with this one, thanks to my prereaders, I hope as you, many people like it. please if you don't like it, say it. and please comment, please If you think I screw it with this chapter. . . tell me,

The next day Alex woke up as usual, made his excercises, took a shower and had his family breakfast with her host and little sister, Alex didn’t really sleep well, he spent almost all night thinking what to show to the girls, Alex was going to show them his laptop, Iphone and PSvita, how they work and everything, one of his questions was, were they prepared for this, he didn’t need to be a genius to know his world technology outsmarted theirs by decades, he thought about showing some movies from his laptop to them, so he spent great part of the night choosing which ones show them, when he was watching them he noticed again something really interesting, when he was watching Batman begins, he actually believed he saw it normally like always but looking it carefully it still looked cartoonish like him in this world, the odd part was. . . he didn’t feel it strange, he always wondered why, maybe was the magic of this world made it natural to him, or he was already used to his new enviroment, (like when Sora from Kingdom hearts had to take a diferent form to match in other worlds), it even happened with his photos, he looked at his and her sister photos, and like him, she looked cartoonish like him, but he didn’t noticed it the first time he saw it that night he adopted Sweetie bell (also as l if it was already natural to him), even though . . . he decided to let it be, trying to explain this was like trying to explain pinkie sense or randomness, but he still wondered, what would happen if he took pictures here and then saw them in his world, how would everypony look like, who knows, it was an question that will be answered eventually.

The funny part was, that it didn’t happen with games, movies like toy story, the lorax, finding Nemo, etc, or even with cartoons, they still looked like always, or at least he saw them like that, maybe because they were not. . . . “real”, only a program and as with his movies. . . he decided not to question it, he would never have the answer anyway.

He prepared everything in his backpack and proceded to go to Twilight Lybrary alongside with Rarity and Sweetie bell, yep the crussaders were coming too, Rarity was keeping asking what he was going to show, he only chuckled in response much to her annoyance, when they finally arrived, Spike answered and let them into the library and as always he looked at Rarity with puppy eyes, anyway when they entered the Library, they could see everypony was there, the mane 6, Lyra, Scootaloo, Applebloom, the princesses. . . . . . WHAT??, Alex thought at the moment, before he could say anything, Princess Celestia was the first to talk

“Hello my little human” (. . . . uh?)

“Hello Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Everypony, I must say to be honest, this is really unexpected”

“Well, Twilight told us about this meeting today and Princess Luna and I took it like a good oportunity to know more about the humans of today”

“I see, ok, then let’s do it”


I’m so excited and happy, the day finally came, I want to ask Alexis so many questions, as well as I want to know so much more about his world, but I have to be fair and see what everypony else ask him, oh Sweet Celestia, this will be awesome, everypony and dragon proceded to sit in the floor, Alexis as well, then he said

“Ok. . . who want to make the first question”

“Oh me, me!” Pinkie Pie said raising her hoof

“Go on Pinkie”

“Ok. . . please tell me, when is your birthday?”

(Well that was one of my questions, way to go Pinkie pie)

“. . . .before answering that. . . I need to know, how your calendar works here??. . . Twili?”

“Well, believe it or not, as you told me with your. . . years, our years also consist in 365, and our months are 12 in total 30 and 31 days each, but we only say month 1, 2, 3, etc”

“I see. . . . (I’m sure Alexis was thinking about how incredible the coincidence was) well Pinkie, if I have to compare and match our calendars, I would say my birthday is Month 4, day 10” and to be exact I’ll be 23 that day

Pinkie gasped. “so your birthday is in 3 weeks??, great!!, I’ll plan the best birthday party you ever have” (and I have a present to get)

“Thanks Pinkie, Ok next question??”

Princess Celestia said next “Ok, Alex, according to Twilight letters, you said the sun and the moon move by their own in your world, please be honest, is that true”

(Wow!! Really, I want to hear more about that)

“Yes Princess, they do move by their own, it’s a gravity issue or something like that, sorry, I’m not precicelly a smarty pants, but if someday I manage to return to my world and be back here, I promise to bring a lot of science and stronomy books” (Twilight and me almost beamed in joy after hearing that)

“I see, well that’s interesting”

Princess Luna then asked

“Alex. . . please tell me, how do humans like the nights and the. . . moon.. . . do they shune them??”

“What are you talking about, almost every teenager human love nights, it’s when the best parties happens and many people and couples like to gaze the stars and the moon, sleep under the stars, make bonfires, not to mention one of our greatest achievements was to finally put a man on the moon”

Wow so humanity already reach the moon, but how?? As Alexis said, their technology surely is incredible, Princess Luna expression was priceless, she blushed hard, she was flattered, it was so obvious she already liked humans a little more, then me and everypony realized. . . Put a man. . . on the moon?

“Wait, did you say, humans already reached the moon??” Princess Luna asked not believing him


“but. . . but. . how?” Twilight said, “how you did it with out magic??, Even princess Celestia had to use the Elements of harmony to send Princess Luna to the moon!”, then Twilight realized what she just said, ashamed she looked at Princess Luna and said she was sorry

“It’s ok, Twilight, but what you said is true, tell me Alex, how you humans managed to do that”

“Well, as I said to Rainbowdash about the aircrafts humans built to reach the skies, they also managed to make ones to reach the space and finally the moon, as we keep living we also keep progressing (and becoming more amazing Alexis)”

“Fascinating” was all Princess Luna could say

Applejack asked then

“There is something ah been wondering sugarcube, are there creatures like us in your world?”

(Great question Applejack, however Alexis seems a little worried about this one, I wonder why)

“Well Applejack, as dragons, griffins, minotaurus, they are only myths in my world, fabula stories, and with ponies and horses, well. . . . yes there are but not like the ones here”

“. . . . care to explain sugarcube?” (Yep please, explain Alexis)

“ok, as pegasi and unicorns, they are as well myths, basically there are only earth ponies in my world (everypony including me gasped), and well. . . . they can’t talk or reasoning, they are like barn animals, like sheeps and pigs” (the gasp was harder this time)

“So you are telling me, in your world, Ponies and horses are nothing more than wild animals or farm animals??”

“Yes Applejack, but don’t get me wrong, granted, there are people who mistreats animals, ponies included, but almost everyhuman take care of them with love”

“I see. . . .” (Fiuuu, that’s a relief)

I could noticed my Alexis expected some angry stares or disapproval looks from everypony, but we just stayed there, smiling, me most of all, then he asked.

“. . . .What??, no “you should be ashamed”, or “how dare you?”, or some kind of moral speech about how cruel humans are??” (Wow Alexis, you really underestimate Pony understanding, so cute)

Ratity then said

“Why would we do that darling?” (yeah why?)

“Well, I just told you, ponies are like pets in my world, didn’t that offend you??”

“It’s a little shocking I must admit, but we also understand every world has it’s rules, you said ponies in your world aren’t inteligent like us, you think I’d treat my Oppal the same if she could talk or think like a pony, sentinent creatures are sentinent creatures, and animals are animals, and besides, it only proves how good friend you are to us, even though you came from a world where ponies are like that, you always had treated us with respect, like if we were equals” (Everypony noded, well said Rarity, I could not be more agreed)

“Rarity, we are equals, don’t forget that” (awwwww)

“Thank you darling”

Not wanting to wait anymore I said

“I’d like to know your world someday”

“That’s would not be a good idea Lyra”

“why?” (why would you say that Alexis)

“Even though many humans would accept you with open arms. . .I’m pretty sure many of our cientists or goverment would hunt you, put you in a cell, make some experiments, it shivers me only to think about that” (so you really worry about me)

I nuzzled my face to Alexis chest and said

“You would protect me. . . right?”

“With my life Lyra? (so do I, Alexis)

“Ok Alexis, I also have a question, do you. . . . have a special somepony back in your world??”

Everypony got closer to hear the answer, (what? are they that interested?. . . weird, well It’s a mare thing after all)

“I believe that is your versión of girlfriend. . .well to be honest Lyra, no, at least not for now, With luck a had few friends, not to mention a girlfriend or as you say. . . special somepony”

“Ok, what a waste, those girls don’t know what they are missing” I said still hugging Alexis chest

“Thanks Lyra, It`s not true but thanks” (Wow Alexis. . . stop selling yourself so short for Celestia’s sake)

After that, Fluttershy reluctant raised her hoof to talk, and said

“Um. Alex, I been curious about something. . . . you been here for almost two months, by any chance. . . . do you miss your home already, do you want to go back??” (Well, I’d like to know that too, I love having Alexis here, but I don’t want him to be sad or homesick)

“Well, Fluttershy, as I told you, I like it here a lot, but I must admit, there are many things I miss of my world and many things I’d still like to see there, so yes, If I can return, I will return back to Earth (Everypony frowned a little after hearing that, bell and me most than everypony, strangely Fluttersy and Pinkie Pie looked like they wanted to cry)”

“Please don’t get me wrong, It’s not like I don’t want to stay here for some more time but try to understand. . . is my home and my friends and relatives probably are wondering where I am, remember I just. . . . dissapeared without a trace, I have to let them know I’m ok” (Well. . .that’s true)

“I. . . think I understand, but do you think there is a way for you to return Earth?”

“I don’t know. . . .Princess Celestia?” (Am I a bad pony for thinking. . . please say no?)

“Well, my little human, My sister and I had been looking for a way to maybe open again the portal the human world at the castle, but our efforts had been worthless, Starswirl the Bearded closed it very well, besides who knows if is a door to your world” (say what?)

“What you mean??”

“I mean, if Starswirl journal and our researches are not mistaken, there are infinite worlds there, Twilight remember when I told you he knew about two diferent portals? (she nooded) well, you see. . . he always said even though it seemed it brought him to the same human world, he said they were slightly. . . diferent, and the little girl he loved so much only existed in the one he liked to visit most, acording to him there could be many versións of Earth and even Equestria”

“hmmm. . . . It’s like the multiverse theory right??” (fascinating, more human worlds, I really like that, of course if the humans are like my friend)

“Something like that, yes, worlds very similar in many ways, but also so diferent at the same time, but don’t worry we will keep searching, you said you came from the Everfree forest, maybe the other Portal he told me about is there, maybe we will be able to find something in his remaining journals, just be a little patient ok?, I hope to have something when you visit Canterlot”

“Thanks Princess Celestia and Luna, I’ll be waiting” (you don’t have to hurry Princesses, trust me, but. . . . Looking at Alexis, he. . . seems like he is. . . hidding something??. . . nah, maybe it’s just my imagination)

Rainbowdash was next

“Ok Alex tell me, exactly what do humans do to have fun, you have sports, games??”

(Yes please, I always wondered what kind of sports do humans do, I hope some involving those. . . hands)

“We have many kind of sports, like football, soccer, baseball, swiming. . . .”

Alexis then proceded to explain to us the rules of all the sports he knew, he was surprised when we told him, we had sports very similiar in Equestria, (to be honest I was also shocked by the similarity as well) like the football with hoofball, Rainbow dash seemed very fascinating when he told us about something called the WWE and the UFC, then he told us about the Olimpic Games and all it’s competitions, and again, we told him Equestria had something similar called the Equestria games, and again Rainbow dash really seemed fascinated about them.

“Wow, dude to think our worlds are similar in so many ways, so Sports aside, what else do you do?”

“well. . . we like to go to watch movies, cartoons, anime, going to parties, reading, playing card games, but most of all at least for my part, playing the most beautifull invention of all times, The videogames” (Videogames?. . . like the ones we are starting to have at the arcade?) the Rainbow dash said

“Movies? Videogames?, we have those here, even though they are kinda new, If I’m not mistaken that little colt. . . .Button Smash is the one who plays them the most, I have to admit they are kinda cool at first, but one get bored pretty quick, and with movies, well . . . I only watch the awesome ones” (Well I think they are kinda cool as well)

“Well Rainbowdash, I have seen them, but trust me, back at home, they are so much diferent”

“What?, how yours look like??” (yes! Tell us)

“It’s hard to explain, I’ll do it later ok, any other question??”

Alexis prepared for Twilight question, me and he knew what it would be, and to be honest it was one of the most important ones for me as well

“Ok, Twilight started, Alex, I’ve been waiting for this, please tell me more about your world technology” (OMG, I’m a psychic)

“Nope. . . I will not tell you anything about it” (. . . . .What??)

“But, but, you promised me. . . .?”

“Twilight, I wont tell you, instead of that, let me show you” (Again. . . .What?)

“What?, how are you. . .”

Before she could finish, Alexis stood up, grabbed his backpack and started to search for some stuff, Twilight and everypony were confused for what Alexis took out from it, those were things we never saw before, two of them were small, not bigger than 10 inches, both had some kind of window, one of them said. . . . PSVITA and SONY words imprinted on it and also had buttons and little joysticks like the ones in the arcade, the other one only had one little bottom under the mini window, but the most extrange thing was the third device, it was way bigger than the other two, it didn’t seemd as impresive as the others, but then Alexis “opened” it, it had the same window in the “upper” part and a lot of buttons in the “lower” one, the buttons had letters and many strange simbols unknowns for us, Alex putted them on the table, one next to the other, Everypony only stared at them, agape, Twilight finally finding her voice again said

“Alex. . . . what are these things??”

“Ok, (Alexis breathed and sighed) these two little ones are my Iphone 5, my PS Vita, and the bigger one is my. . . . computer” (. . . . Computer. . . . hahaha nice joke Alexis. . . .what? I also know what a computer is, Twilight is not preciselly the only Pony to have one)

“. . . . . . Seriously Alex, what are those?”

“Applejack. . . please tell her I’m not lying”

“Ok Alex, Sorry Twilight, but he is telling the truth” (Really?)

“Ok. . . . . (Twilight sighed and breathed as well and) WHAAAAAAAT??”, BUT, BUT HOW??, YOUR. . . YOUR COMPUTER IS. . . THIS. . . THIS SMALL??”

“Yes Twilight, it is, I know it sounds imposible but it is, trust me, around 50 years a go if any human would say the computers could be this small, they probably would be treated as crazy people, but here it is, and I’m sure it will keep improving and improving” (wow. . . just wow)

Twilight still looked shocked, Alexis was afraid maybe he broke her, it took some more seconds before she could speak again, only one sentence she managed to say

“Can you. . . . ple. . . please. . . turned it. . . . on” (pleaaaaase!)


Then Alexis proceded to push a button and inmediately the window still all black showed a strange draw, it looked like a bitten apple and the word Imac under it, after some seconds, it showed a cyan screen with a lot o little draws and little words under them as well, some of them said. . . Word, Excel, Paint, Movies, Games, Calculator, etc.

Everypony was shocked, me included, it was something out of the world (literally), Alexis only chuckled and proceded to show us the most basic “aplications” (as he called them) like word, excell, paint (Pinkie pie really liked that one) Twilight really couldn’t believe it, but ironically one of the aplications that impressed her the most was the calculator, how it calculate so fast and so easy to use, that’s really convenient I have to agree.

Everypony, fillie, dragon, even the Princesses were in shock, Alexis then proceded to show us some of his photos (yes! photos, real human world photos) from when he traveled around his world, we could withness some countries like. . . . well he called them Egypt, Japan, Italy, United States, Guatemala, the cities were outsanding, big buildings, the parks, the “piramids?, ancient ruins, Rarity took a great liking to one particulary country called France, and the clothes some human women were wearing, she even took some notes of every country style, also he showed some pictures of diferent sports, Rainbow as before took a great liking to wrestling and Mixing Martial Arts, even though seeing men in thights make all of us Laught a lot, for us to understand what he said about ponies and horses not being sentinent creatures in his world, he show us some pictures of him riding a horse in some kind of farm, much to his relief, we only stared at the pictures but didn’t show any sign of being offended, (Alexis, really. . . have more faith in us) the last photos showed some of the aircrafts or planes as he called them, (I must admit they really looked . . fast, I was obvius Rainbow dash was the most facinated of all of us after seeing them) after finishing showing us the photos, Twilight aproached Alexis and said

“Wow Alex, just wow, to think your computers can do all those things, even storing a lot of pictures and photos, can it do more things?” (please say yes)

“Yeah, you can listen to music” (yes!!!. . . what? really)

“Really??” but where do you put the disc”

“Well. . . . you can put disc in here, (he showed her the slot, very small if you ask me, what kind of disc to they use I wonder), but I’m not planing to put any, as with my pictures, it had a lot of songs stored in its memory”

Alexis then looked in his “albums”, he looked for some seconds and finally decided to plaid a band he called. . . Blink 182, he decided for a song called “the rock show”, and “let’s stay together for the kids”, (odd names I must say) the girls, most of all Pinkie and Spike took a liking for this band very quick, After that he played a guy called. . . Michael Jackson and his song “Billy jean”, the Princesses and Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it the most, Rainbow dash melted with the rap style of a guy called Eminem, for Applejack it seemed she liked every song but didn’t pick a favorite, Rarity and me loved so much one called “Final fantasy Vll one winged angel”, It sounded like an Opera, finally he plaid as he said two of his most favorite songs in the world, “Simple and clean, from Kingdom hearts and We are, versión 2 from One piece”, everypony enjoyed very much the first one, (The CMC even danced a little with it) then we all listened carefully the second one, even though we could not understand any word of this language called “japanese” expect for the few ones sang in equestrian (english), the melody inmediately won us.

After finishing listening, Princess Celestia said

“I must say, even though there are some styles not exactly my liking. . . .humans music is very beautiful, thank you Alex for this interesting experience” (yeah Thank you Alexis)

“No prob Princess, but we are not over yet, I left the best for the end”

“Really??!! Everypony and me said in unison

“Yep, just please just look at it, and don’t talk until it’s finish ok??”

Everypony noded, then Alex proceded to play according to him. . . the most hilarious “videos” in the world, no “video” lasted more than 5 or 6 minutes everypony and me gasped when the “animations” (as he called them) started, but as we promised no Pony talked until the end, by the end of the 2nd video everypony were already laugthing for the misventures of a little squirrel over an acorn in a Winter land, really, how much bad luck that little squirrel could have, when it ended, Rainbow was the first to talk

“That was. . . . AWESOME DUDE!!!!”, please tell me you have more like those” (everypony looked at him with expecting eyes)

“Easy Rainbow, those were only sneak peaks for 4 full movies, maybe someday I will let you watch them” (Really??)

“Really!!!”, Rainbow and Everypony and dragon said in unison (hey?!, they copied me!!)

“Yep, in fact, for you and Spike, look at this. . . . just one thing, everything I will show you is fiction, trust me, many of the things you are going to see don’t even exist. . . yet. . . . maybe in 30 or 40 years” (we all noded, I wonder what does he wants to show us now??)

Alexis then proceded to show us two more “sneak peaks”, the first one was about a young man who wanted to be a soldier but his body wasn’t strong enough, then he was injected by some kind of “medicine” and he became a lot more muscular, some final clips showed him using a blue, white and red uniform with an “A” in his helmet, (I must admit, he seemed very cool in that outfit, it was like a moving comic book) the other one was about some kinda “rich narcisist man” traveling with some soldiers and showing some kind of. . . weapon, (he blew up a mountain with it. . .scary) then he seemed like he was kidnaped and then wearing some kind of red and yellow full body armor with some a blue light in his chest, (wow, to think if someday humans or ponies would have that kind of technology) after finishing watching, everypony were shocked, Rainbow dash the crussaders and Spike looked agape, all of them were. . . drooling?, she only looked at Alexis and said

“Please.. . . . tell me you have those 2 movies too in there” Spike noded in agreement with her, me as well

“Don’t worry Rainbow, I do, I promise someday I will show you every movie I have here, I have a lot, action, drama, comedy, for kids (she looked at the crussaders).

“Cool!!, Spike and Rainbow said, Spike was even hugging Alex foot

Twilight then said

“I hope the invitation is for everypony present” (yes please!)

“Of course Twilight, oh!! and just for you to know, I have some books in there as well. . . if you are interested, but I must warn you, almost all of them are terror ones”

Now was time to Twilight to drool, she only stared at Alex her face a few inches to him

“Really!!, you have books in there?, books from another world? (he noded)

She inmediately tackled him in a crushing hug and said

“Do I ever tell you how much I like you”

“Yes, but I like hearing you saying it again” they both laughted

After that . . . Princess Celestia Spoke again

“Well Alex I must say, the technology from your world is outstanding, to think how far your kind has reached, just by looking at this. . . device I can say humans had great imagination to create, but tell me. . . what do the other two devices do??” (Oh Sweet Celestia, I almost forgot about the other two)

This atracted everypony attention to Alexis again, he sigh and proceded to grab his “Iphone”, turned it on and said

“Well, this is an Smartphone. . . like my computer, it has very similar functions, a calculator, you can make note lists, watch videos, Listen to music, playing games, but it’s not a computer, this device main function is comunication” (. . .. ok?)

Everypony looked how Alexis sliced his finger on the “screen” as he called it, after some videos and music demostrations like with his computer, Applejack asked

“Ah can see what you said about this. . . device being like your computer but tell me sugarcube, what exactly yah meant by comunication” (yes please, I’m intrigued)

“Well I don’t know all that tech stuff, but long story short, by using radio frecuencies, If another person has a device like mine, I can talk to that person as if he were in front of me, or. . . if we can’t talk, we can also send text messages, think about it like twilight comunication sistem with Spike, only. . . faster and to anypony you want. . .not only the Princess” (Really?, wow, that would make sendings letter by mailmares so outdated)

“Really?? Rarity said, wow, do every human have one of those in your world??”

“Yes, believe it or not, this. . . phones became part of our daily life”

“why darling?”

“Well, It help us to keep in touch with every person we know, we talk to our family or friends even if they are very far away, and not only that, it let us call for medical help in case there is an accident, call for the pol. . . .the guards in case there is a crime, they will come faster, if you are sick, you can call your work for them to know faster about it, In some kind of way, these devices became an escential element in our lives” (Well. . . if you put it that way, yes it seems an essential ítem)

“I understand darling, and I must say, having Smart. . . . phones here in Equestria would really come in handy, not to mention all the other things they can do”

“Well. . . . having great unicorns like Twilight here. . . I would not be surprised if they come out soon” (I really hope they do)

Then Rainbow dash said

“Ok Alex, I have to admit it’s cool and everything but you said you had games, are you planing to show them or not??” (yes!! Let’s see some human games)

“Ok Rainbow, you are right sorry, let see. . . . Oh!! I know!”

Alexis then decided to try according to him, one of his Iphone favorites, every pony watched how the screen showed some kind of birds that looked. . . angry?, after Alexis pushed some buttons on it, it inmediately changed to an escenario where some kind of. . . Slingshot was place and the ammo it uses where the birds, aparently the meaning of the game was to try to knock down all the green pigs secluded in some kind of constructions made from Wood, stone and ice walls because they stole their eggs (Ok. . . the idea is. . . interesting)

By slicing his finger on the slingshot with a bird on it, Alexis showed them how to play, every bird had a diferent “power”, except for the red one, one multiplied x3, another was a lot faster (Rainbow dash took much attention on this one), other exploded like a bomb, etc, after a few tries and using every bird in his arsenal, Alexis managed to hit and banish every pig on the other side, then according to the game he got 1 star of 3. (1 of 3, it seems even you are not so good at it my dear Alexis)

After that, Alexis pushed the button to repeat the same stage and passed the Iphone to Spike, Spike then as Alexis, he used his little finger (I thought for a minute that maybe Spike would ruin the “screen” with his claws, (After all it looks. . . sensible) but. . . he didn’t, (thanks Celestia) and sliced it on the screen, after using 3 birds he finally got one pig

“Yay I got one!!!” Everypony cheered with him much to Alexis joy.

“Yes you did, now, let’s go for the other ones”

“You bet”

Spike used all his remaining birds but he wasn’t able to clear the stage, Alexis thought he was gonna throw the Iphone when he saw Spike getting angry at the remaining pigs were smiling and laughting at his defeat. (Even I have to admit, they were kinda meannies)


“Take it easy Spike, you have a lot of time to keep trying” he noded and handed the Iphone back to Alexis

“Everypony, including me only stared with marvelous eyes, this game even being so simple looked so fun, Princess Luna then said

“I must say Alex, the game seems really plain and simple but. . . even so, it has a lot . . . A LOT better quality than the ones we have. . . . mind if we try it”

“Sure Princess Luna. . .”

“Please. . . .adress us. . . as Luna, drop the formalities, we are. . . friends after all. . . right?”

“Ok. . . .Sure Luna, of course we are. . . just wait one second”

Alexis then started to search for something in the case where the Iphone was stored, he then took something out of it, it was some kind of. . . pencil, he gave it to Princess Luna who just levitated to her and looked at it very confused, Alex then said

“I think hooves wont work on the screen so use that. . . . It’s a special pencil with a gum point, just slice it easy on the screen like I did with my finger” (I see, well it make sense after all)

Princess Luna noded and proceded to play, to Alexis disbelief, she managed to destroy every pig, but as him, she only got 1 star, seeing this, obviously angry she said

“How dare you Game!!!, We won in our first try!!, why did we only got 1 of 3 stars?!!”

“Easy Luna. . . (now that I think about it, why does she refers her self as. . . we, maybe. . . I’ll ask later), you only got one star because you used all your birds, you don’t have to use all the birds, in fact, the less birds you use, better your score will be”

“but. . . but”

“Believe it or not, this stage can be clear by using only 2 birds, you just have to realize where to hit in order to destroy more than one pig with only one shot, strategy is part of this game as well, don’t forget that” (hmmm. . . interesting)

“Ohhhhh, no matter, we will keep trying and will get our 3 stars, you’ll see”

“Oh please Princess Luna, we all want to play too, don’t be greedy” (Rainbow dash said then regreted saying that when she realized who she was talking to)

“Very well Rainbow dash, you are right, then Luna aproached to Alexis and said, We expect you to borrow us your. . . Iphone afterwards to keep trying ok??”

“No problem Luna” (awwn, I wanted to ask him that too!!)

Not really wanting to do it, Princess Luna proceded to pass the Iphone to the next pony, everypony had her chance, non unicorns or alicorns ponies had to grab the pencil with their mouth, Obviously no pony managed to clear the Stage, but I really enjoyed my turn, I was so close, only failed for one pig, Princess Celestia seemed a little bit annoyed when she failed, much to Luna’s pride, but when it was Twilight turn. . . she managed to clear it by using only 2 birds, she got 3 stars, Everypony and Alexis looked shocked, he said, It took him at least 12 tries to get 3 stars in that stage

“Wow Twili. . . how you??”

“Oh, After I saw how you and everypony played, I made some calculations to see the best spots to hit, and in some kind of way. . . it’s just basic geometry and physics, I hope there are stages or levels tougher than this one, I must admit, I never liked our world videogames very much but. . . this game is something I can really relate with”

Alexis looked very surprised, like if he already heard those exact words before, I wonder where?

“. . . . Ok Twili, you really impress me, but as you asked, there are a lot of tougher levels than this one, be prepared”

“Bring it on, Human boy” Twilight said, trying to hide her excited face with no success, she would never admit it, but it was obvious for everypony that she really was eager to keep playing the game.

After that Alexis showed us a couple more games, one was about making groups of candies or sweets to make them dissapear, it was called Can. . . something, the other one was about of a human running in a straight line and the player had to help him to not clash by moving him right, left or jumping, really, one could become addict to these games. After a while and a few tries of everypony (most of all Princess Luna who obviously wanted Alexis to borrow her the Iphone now more than ever)

“Soooo, Rainbow dash, Alex. . . do you have any other cooler games, I mean these are good and all, but after seeing how awesome your computer, music, movies are, I was kinda expecting something. . . well. . . more awesome” (Rainbow, these are awesome, but I kinda hope you are right)

To my surprise Alexis only grined and said

“You are right Rainbow, as with my Iphone that is meant for be a comunication device, my final device is meant for gaming, Alexis said pointing his. . . . “Vita??”

“So that device is used most of all to play?” Spike asked

“Yes, If you think the games in the Iphone were good, trust me, you have seen nothing!!” (. . . . . you must be jocking Alexis)

We only stared at him, trying to find any sign of lying, but we didn’t, Alexis still smiling proceded to check which game to show us, the screen was touchable as his Iphone, he started to slice his finger on it and after a minute he told us he was gonna show us the very first game he played for this “device”

Alexis then choose and after selecting some options and pushing some buttons, the game started, It showed a human, in a wide jungle and ruins, he seemed like daring doo type, according to the game, his name was Dra. . . something, Alexis then started to move the “joysticks” as he called them, and pushing some buttons, the characters started to move around the ruins, he could jump, escalate, aim with his “weapons” or lance (It looked like a mini cannon, like the ones the soldiers in the movie he showed us had), then he started a confrontation with the bad guys humans, Alexis however even being outnumbered managed to take them all down and proceded to keep his way around the ruins

All of us were shocked, the Princesses too, the games in the Iphone were incredible enough, but this one . . . ., I mean our games were like moving forward, back and jumping, no to mention the quality didn’t scrath these ones, very simple games, but this one . . . .it was completely in a whole other level or dimensión, it was like inside of this game was a whole new world, the enviroment felt so real, the character could go wherever Alexis wanted, he and the bad guys even had voices, I mean VOICES, and finally the quality, the Iphone games made our games look like nothing, but this game. . . .it made them look like trash, it was just something way ahead to our times, not that I didn’t already notice with the computer and Iphone, Alexis then called for Spike, and after some basic teaching and aparently changed the game to the most easier mode posible, he handed the device to Spike.

Spike started to play, much to Alexis surprise Spike got used to it very quickly, Kid’s nature I believe and well, like Alexis, he has hands, after some minutes, without removing his eyes from the game Spike said

“Wow!!!, just Wow Alex!!!, this is way AWESOME!!, how in the world humans managed to create this, trust me, even now for me it seems imposible for this to exist”

“I know Spike, but. . . .trust me, if 20 or 25 years ago, any person would tell us that we were going to have games or technology like this, we would had not believe it either, what seems imposible today sometimes becomes posible in the future, that why people or ponies with. . . .vision are so important today” (Oh, I’m so agree with you Alexis and it seems Everypony as well)

“I understand Alex, but please tell me you have more games in this thing”

“Oh Spike, I was hopping for you to ask that”

Alexis then showed us some more games of his favorites, like the first one, every one of them were awesome, the most awesomes by my part were one about a pretty blonde human girl with a strange cat who could manipulate gravity, the style was similar to the first one, but the “style” were more like a comic than realistic as the last one, even so. . .awesome, also he showed us another one about a Fireman?? who started to fight againts some really ugly aliens, using weapons that shot lasers, this game took everypony attention since it gave the player the feeling to being there, since the character was unseen, only the “weapon” pointing to the aliens was visible, Alexis described it as a First person shooter game, after another incredible experience, much to Spike and the crussaders annoying, Alex shutted down the Vita, and said.

“Well. . . . . I just showed you a little piece of my world. . . . what do you think??” (Oh Alexis, better ask what I don’t think, it would be a lot shorter answer)

Twilight without thinking, proceded to hug Alexis and said

“What do I think?? WHAT DO I THINK?? all I can say is. . . .Thank you, Thank you, you just showed me the future, a lot of posibilities, options, what we ponies can become if we keep progressing or even more, humans are amazing, is as you said before, you totally compensate your lack of magic with technology and imagination” (well said Twilight)

I joined the hug and said

“Indeed Twilight, humans. . . .as us. . .you keep evolving and moving forward, they are really amazing, Alexis. . . . thankyou from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for making me like humans even more”

Rarity then said, “Yes darling and thanks to you, I have a lot of ideas for fashion for at the very least 5 seasons, to think the endless fashion options your world has to offer, it was the best thing possible”

“yeah!! Rainbow said, and look all those incredible videogames and sports, wow, wrestling and mixed martial arts, we definetily must have something like that here!, with some tigher rules of course” (yeah, not so violent please, we have fillies and colts here)

“yeah, yeah, and did you see all those humans in the photos, they seemed like if they were having fun, like a big PARTY!!!” Pinkie pie said

“Well. . . . .I have to admit, I liked all the animals you showed us from your world, but please tell me, that bird. . . the one green with a red chest and that beautifull long tail made of feathers, what is it’s name??”

“Well Fluttershy. . . It’s called Quetzal, it’s a patriot simbol in my country, one of the most beautifull birds in the world”

“I’m. . . . agree, it’s really beautiful, I never seen any bird like Quetzales here”

“Thanks Fluttershy, it’s our pride after all”

Sweetie Bell then aproached and hugged Alexis stomach and said

“Wow big brother, to think your world has to many funny stuff, it was so much fun!!”

“Yeh, no wonder why yah miss your world a little Alex”

“Well. . . . all that stuff is cool and all but not. . . . Oh who am I kidding they were the mos awesome things I ever see. . . .sorry RainbowDash

“No problem kiddo, they are indeed incredible awesome”

Everypony including me were really impresed but as me Alexis noticed Applejack didn’t say anything yet, she as all of us. . . . looked amazed but she also looked. . . .worried, Alexis noticing this asked

“Something wrong pretty cowgirl?”

“What?. . . no, nothing!” (she said looking in many directions, she is really a bad liar)

“Applejack. . . . you may be the best lie detector that exist but you also are the worst liar ever, please tell me what’s wrong?”

“Sigh, well sugarcube, everything you showed us was so unreal, I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it, but in the “movies and games” you showed us. . . ah could notice those strange. . . “weapons”, the humans use, tell. . . are they real and. . . are they that dangerous”

Everypony even myself were shocked, I believe we all noticed that but I thought nopony wanted to ask about that, at least not yet, I was going to. . . but later in private, well. . . I guess Applejack is just too honest to let it be for another moment, Alexis with a sigh proceded to answer

“Good one Applejack, I gues it was foolosh by my part to think this topic would pass unoticed, anyway sooner or later we’d had to discuss about this, many of the things I showed you like lasers beams or full armors that can fly are just fiction, but if we talk about the other weapons that looked like mini cannons. . . well, yeah they are very real, unfortanitely, our technology also let us create dangerous weapons like big cannons, guns, tanks,. . . . mass destruction. . . bombs, etc” (Wow)

“But. . but. . why would ya all need that for sugarcube??”

“To be honest, if we talk about mass destructions weapons, we don’t even use them anymore, they only works as an insurance that no country will turn againts each other or to be use in case there would be a war”

“I see. . . .then what about the other ones, the mini cannons. . guns I believe you called them. . . as your. . . phones. . .do every human have one of those??”

“Applejack, as here where anypony can purchase a bow, a spear, swords, etc, there are also stores where we can buy this kind of weapons, there are rules for one person to have them, even though they are avoided sometimes, anyway what I want to say is yes, almost every person can have access to them, but almost every person use it to protect himself or his family and not to hurt others” (so. . . . bad humans have access to them as well. . . that’s. . . a little scary)

“Ah see. . . then. . .just tell me this. . . by any chance you brou. . . .”

“NO APPLEJACK!! I don’t use any of those weapons and also No!, I didn’t bring any here to Equestria, the last thing you need here are guns”

After hearing this and knowing he was telling the truth, Applejack hugged him in the neck and said

“Thanks sugarcube, yah again showed me you are a good human who really don’t want to hurt us, now I trust yah even more” (Everypony included me nooded in agreement)

“Thanks Applejack, and don’t worry, even IF I were to use them, I would never dare to hurt any of you or inocent creature, I swear” (awwwww)

“Ah know sugarcube, yah know ah know”


Smiling Princess Celestia aproached to him and said

“Thank you Alex for that comment, after hearing you say that and for all what we saw today. . . I must say, humans. . . your humans are indeed an interesting especies that deserves to be watched, we can learn so much from your kind, know this.. . . I still have my doubts but I can guarantee you now, I respect you humans a little more now”

“Thanks Princess Celestia, It means a lot to me hearing you say that, and I also think we could learn so much from all of you, your harmony, trust and peace is something we really could use in my planet”

“Indeed. . . now my human friend. . . I know I maybe asking for too much but. . . is there a chance that maybe. . . you can borrow us one of your devices to bring it to Canterlot for my scientist to study it in the academy, I believe it would help us ponies. . . no, all our world technology to advance faster”

Alex didn’t know what to say, he had the chance to help ponykind to progress faster, not that they start to have iphones or laptops the next week or next year. . . .but who knows?? He didn’t exactly wanted to relinquish one of his devices, but in someway. . . he saw it coming, with a deep sigh and with his Iphone in hand he said to Celestia

“Here Princess, take it, I hope this would be enough for now, at the time being, I may be willing to borrow you my Laptop. . . but for now, take my Iphone”

Celestia not believing how fast he took his desition said

“Are you sure Alex??”

“Yes I’m sure, take it as a token of confidence, besides. . . I already promised Luna to borrow it to her, be sure she can use it as well ok?” he said winking at Luna who smiled and blushed a little, after that Alex gave Celestia the solar charger and explained to her how to use it, (Celestia couldn’t believe her sun could be used as energy source) he also thought her how to use and access to some handy applications and commands, (Celestia made sure to write everything in a scroll)

“Thank you my humand friend, I promise to take good care of it”

“Me too Alex” Luna said before turning to Celestia and said as well

“But remember sister, the acadamy can have it during the days, but at nights, IT’S ALL MINE! GOT IT?”

Princess Celestia only smiled and rolled he reyes, everpony, dragon and Alex only chuckled and rolled their eyes as well, Princess Celestia then said

“Well my little ponies, dragon and human, it was a really and I mean really a great experience, but I think it’s time for all of us to get some rest”

Everypony then noticed that indeed it was already night, everypony, human and dragon bowed to the Princesses who proceded to return to Canterlot, Alex could not help to laught a little when he saw how Luna never stopped staring at the Iphone in Celestia’s aura”

Once the Princesses were gone, Alex inmediately noticed everypony and dragon staring at the two left devices on the table, before anypony could react, Alex stepped in front of them and said

“I think we have to set some rules for the usage of these ones ok??”

Everypony and the crussaders looked dissapointed, seeing this Alex felt strange. . . like if he experienced this before. . . soon realization came to him and he thought


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