• Published 25th Jun 2014
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Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 7 Lets go. . . .shopping? Alexis wikie?. . . . oh no, hell no!!

It was already night, everypony was already sleeping, in Golden oak library there were also two unicorns sleeping but unlike the rest of ponyville. . . . they didn’t fall sleep voluntary, they fell unconcious by the shock of hearing that Spike was int the Everfree forest being chased by a Timberwolf.

While Pinkie and Fluttershy were trying to wake up Rarity and Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow were really busy scolding 3 little very ashamed fillies.

“So let me see if ah understood well all this, you somehow convinced Spike to go to the Everfree forest with ya, and all of ya ended being chased by a timberwolf, and ya 3 manage to flee while he kept runing for his life??” Applejack said

“hmmmm Yes?” they said

“Sometimes ah really think you 3 were born without that really convenient thing ah like to call COMMON SENSE, Really”.

At that vey moment Twilight with a gasp woke up and started to freak out around the library.

“oh no, oh no, Spike!!! Don’t worry, I’m coming for you, just you wait, I’ll save you” she was almost leaving the library when she felt her tail grabed by the mouth of Applejack.

“Applejack?? What are you doing?, Can’t you see Spike needs our help??, LET ME GO”

“ah know Sugarcube, ah know he NEEDED our help, just think about it, according to the time, it happened about 2 hours ago, if the timberwolf was already chasing after our friend Spike, you think by now there is still a baby dragon to save?? I dont’t want to think that, but right now, at the night, it’s almost suicide to go to the Everfree Forest, worst in your mental condition, sorry Twilight but there is only two ways how this could have ended.”

“Or Spike managed to get away from that wolf and now he is hidding somewhere safe, or. . . . . he is now in the dragon’s heaven, but ah can tell ya this, ah hope and ah’ll pray to Celestia with all my heart for the 1st option, and if it is the case, ah will gladly go with ya tomorrow morning to try to find him and bring him home.”

Twilight and the others were angry, they wanted to say to Applejack some well chosen words, but they on the inside knew she was right, if there were somedragon to save, it was too late, they would have to have some faith in the baby dragon this time.

Waterfalls of tears were coming from Twilight, “ok. . . . . Applejack. . . . you are right, and besides Spike is a tough dragon, he has read a lot of books, not like me but. . . . . , I know he at least knows some survival knowledge.”

“that’s so true Darling (rarity added, she had just woke up) I know my little spikey wikey is fine, cmon girls, we need a good night sleep to go for him the first hour in the morning.”

They all noded and proceeded to go to their homes to try to sleep, thing that they knew in that moment would be imposible. With every pony already gone, Twilight proceeded to go to bed and only whispered “Spike please be ok” and “Alex. . . . if you are real. . . . please keep Spike safe as you did with Sweetie bell. . . please.”

Old Sisters Caltle

Spike just finished eating, he couldn’t remeber the last time he had a a feast like that, by his part, Alex was also finishing eating a cooked fish and some berries, surprisely Spike wasn’t disgusted, after all, Dragons were like him omnivores, but unlike the human, they really didn’t need to eat meat to survive, in fact, almost every dragon prefered gems over meat.

“So….(spike started sitting next to Alex, he somehow by now knew he was harmless) you eat meat and fruits, you are a. . . . how they call it omna, ovnim…”

“Omnivore” Alex finished it “yes I am and before panic. . . . don’t worry, I have never eaten dragon or pony meat and I don’t plan to start any time soon”.

Spike just sign in relief, that was going to be his next question.

Alex continued “So, are you going to tell me how in the world you almost ended being the dinner of that timberwolf”

“Well me and other 3 filles were trying to find you (Alex didn’t need to be a genius to figure out who these three fillies were), we . . . .got lost and the wolf appeared, I had to attract his attention in order for him to forgets the filles and come only after me”.

“I see, well. . . I must say, you are very brave kiddo”

Spike eyes grew and had a little bright in them “you , you think so, really?”

“yes, you choose to keep other ponies with life knowing you could lose yours, and that makes you a very brave dragon and even a hero in my eyes.”

“gee thanks, but. . . . if we are going to start talking about heros, you are the one, you saved Sweetie bell from drowing and a manticore and now you also saved me”

Alex blushed a little “I’m not a hero, I only did what anypony would do”, Alex answer, but spike inmediatily said “but you were the one who did it, nopony were there to save me, you were, and for that thank you so much”, Alex blush a little more, it’s not like he wasn’t complimented before by other people, but right now it was Spike, a dragon, one (in Alex eyes) of the most powerfull especies in the world and myths.

“ok kiddo whatever you say, thanks”

“I’m Spike by the way, you can call me that if you want, and if what Sweetie told us is true, your Nick name is Alex right?. . . . can I ask you your real name?

“. . . . . Alejandro , but my friends call me Alex”

“Oh! Sorry Alej. . . . . .” he was interrupted quickly

“you can call me Alex, don’t worry for that”

“REALLY!!!, Spike said with a huge Smile, so that means you see me as a. . . . friend?”

“yeah, I mean why not, who wouldn’t want to be friend with a dragon and a true hero like you?”

Now was Spike time to blush, “so Alex, you are a human right?

“yep, I am, I believe you never saw one before right?”

“nope, I can tell for sure, if anypony see you, they will think you are some kind of hairless monkey or a minotaur without horns, no offense”

“NONTAKEN” Alex said. . . . then strangely he thought (why am I feeling like a Mule now. . . . wait, how I even know how to be a mule feels like??)

they spent the next hour talking and sharing information with one to another, (Alex knew a little, but he was impressed for what he did in the Cristal Empire) “Damn I knew I didn’t have to wait too long to see the 2nd season, but noooo, I had to wait until the 3rd one ended right, stupid me” Alex thought. Obviously like Sweetie, Spike didn’t know about Guatemala or any place Alex mentioned, but he was fascinated anyway.

“ok spike, I think is time to go to sleep, don’t worry, as long as you stay here, you will be fine and tomorrow morning, I’ll bring you to Ponyville, and please don’t worry if you don’t find me in the middle of the night in case you wake up, sometimes when I can’t sleep, I go to patrol the Area, (he was lying but he needed an excuse to go out that night in particular)

Spike noded, then Alex exit the room, after making sure he was sleeping, he took his backpack full with gems and went out the castle, he also took his empty suitcase, he knew he would really need it, after all, his destination was Ponyville and his “proyect” was difficult

SHOPPING!!! Well. . . . . almost.

Alex didn’t know all the Everfree, but at least by now he knew great part of the área he was living now, he knew where Zecora lives (in case he would need to meet her), and he also already knew the safest paths to Ponyville (just in case too), but no matter what, he always had to be very carefull and always looking behind his elbow.

True the Everfree was more dangerous at night but only if you manage by pure bad luck or being so dumb to wake up some monster, but if you were carefully enough, quiet, fast and not showing any sign to be a threat, even if you somehow manage to wake them up, they maybe would ignore you to go back to sleep (Monsters need to sleep too, after all they need to defend from other monsters)

Now Alex, dressed in his Assasin’s outfit, perfect for the job (save by the Hood, it was all black after all), he only brought his hidden blades just in case, and some sticks to use as torchs.

Now in ponyville, Alex needed to go to many stores and places, he knew by now almost everypony should be sleeping, but of course that wasn’t gona make this proyect any easier, the plan indeed in theory was easy, place the suitcase next to the place he would go in, take what he needed, leave some gems as payment (he could be many things but not a thief) put everything in the suitcase or backpack, and go to the next place, and after gathering everything, go back to the castle.

OK….. ITS GAME TIME (he said to himself)



I can’t believe it, the ponies don’t lock their doors, I guessed thievery is not actually a part of pony’s nature, at least not in ponyville, they do really trust each other. . . .wow, just wow, it is a true place of harmony I thought (great. . . hours spent practicing how to unlock doors wasted).

Well, I then proceeded to take anything I would need, soaps, tooth brush, tooth pastes, sponges, shampoos (hoping they would not be like the pet shampoos back home), some towels, some matches boxes, (guess the lighters are still not invented yet, damn I will have to use mine counsiously), finally I syncronized my Iphone and my watch with the local time in the coco watch on the wall, (it wasn’t so much diference but hey, precition is always good), “so this is diamond tiara’s father bussines, well I’m glad he is doing well, but he should really watch his daughter behavior, she is a brat (seen on the show), I was about to leave when I noticed something inside Mr FiltyRich office, I saw it through the window, unlike the front door this door was locked, (well not so hours wasted after all. . . .yay), I forced the lock very quickly and proceeded to go in, in other circunstances I‘d not mind about minor things but. . . . this really took my atention, inside the office there was some kind of mini altar, on the top of it, there was a picture, in the picture, there was a. . . .Mare, she was as well as everypony, cute and beautiful, pink fur, white mane, she was like an older versión of diamond tiara, it was obvious who she was, (well the show never mentioned her anyway, at least not in season 1), there was an plaque with some sentence written in it “PRECIOUS GIFT, LOVELY MOTHER, FAITHFULL WIFE, THE TIME YOU SPENT WITH US WAS PRECIOUS”, there were also a vase with some flowers in it, . . . ., then I started to notice a lot of pictures of her with her daugher, sharing hugs, playing at the beach, family pictures, the three of them smiling and finally one. . . . with her lying in a bed in the hospital and huging her dauther diamond, still with a smile in the face, well, maybe. . . . man. . . now I feel like a dick , well it isn’t exactly an excuse for your behavior Diamond but I do know the pain of losing a parent and how it can affect you, I’m sorry for thinking you were just an spoiled brat and bully without a cause, if I have the chance. . . I’d…. like to talk to you, who knows? Maybe someday, anyway shaking my head I proceeded to left some gems in the counter and go to my next target.


I really never put much attention to this pony in the show, after all she is a background character, but as Lyra she gain some popularity with memes and fimfictions, according to them, she is a dentist and boy who would say, they were right but not only that she is also the owner of ponyville pharmacy, well, I repeated my act like in the last place, I quickly found what I was looking for and really needed, a full equiped first aid kit, headache pills, bandages, alcohol, etc, I grabed it and was about to leave when I heard hoofsteps, I quickly hide the best I could and try to see who it was, then from the front door a blue pony appeared, wow her mane do really recemblance tooth paste.

“hmmmm why Bonbon asked me for some bandages at this time of the night, well I guess it can be helped, Lyra is a special case after all, but going to the everfree forest and get hurt by hidding in a bush fulls of thorns, funy Lyra, I wonder what she was doing there. . . oh well, not my bussiness I believe”, she then just took some bandages and alcohol and left the place.

I just waited a bit longer, until I was sure it was safe, I left my payment there and got out of the pharmacy, I was about to go to my next target but my thoughts betrayed me “mmmmm, Lyra Heartstrings and BonBon. . . . I wonder?” what the hell I know I want to check it out, lets go”


Ok, I proceeded to take ones of the most important thing in this misión (. . . . WHAT? I really really really love candies and they are a need. . . . maybe), just follow the rutine, take the product leave the payment and leave, simple right?, but as with Colgate I really needed to prove if the myth is true, If Lyra knows and is obsesed with humans as many fans believe. I filled the suitcase with a lot of candies and chocolates, then I went to the second floor where they sleep, the first room I reached showed me a really peacefull sleeping cream colored mare, with curvy blue and pink mane, BONBON, “nope, wrong room. . . sorry” I whispered and went to the next room.

I proceeded to go in, and . . . . there she was, Lyra Hearstrings, sleeping and snoring a little, lot of bandages covering her body, I could notice some superfitial little cuts around the uncovered parts, “ohhh, poor Lyra, I was relieved she wasn’t in so bad conditions, but. . . I was also very dissapointed. “I guess the whole human thing was a fan made up thing”, but very soon that thought was crushed when I noticed two really dreadful things, the first one not as dreadfull as the second was a big map on the wall with a lot of “Xs” marked as already cheked places, the title on the top of the map clearly said “ALREADY CHECKED SPOTS WHERE MY HUMAN IS NOT LOCATED”

Well. . . . she was already awared of my presence in this world and was already looking for me, cute, very cute but. . . . . there it was, the 2nd dreadful thing I noticed, if only the map would had been there I swear I could have present myself to her, to fullfill her dream of finding a human, to help her gain the respect of anypony who made fun of her for believing in us.

But I killed that thought in that very instant when I saw the. . . . . the. . . . things she bought I think for . . . me? there in the corner of the room there was, there was a hay bed, a chain atached to the wall on one side and in the other side atached to a collar, (I could just asume Lyra maybe was planing of buying a dog or some other pet) but next to it, to finish the combo to my already shatered mind, there was a pet’s bowl and in it there was a name writted with ink and it said.


I gulped, I could freak out or scream, but if i did that, I was done for, instead I did what any Smart and mature person would do, O grabed some ink and a feather from the little table next to Lyra’s bed, then I proceeded to spread the ink on every corner of the map, making it imposible to read anymore for her know where had she already looked for me (she was getting close to the castle by the way), finally I just made a little art in the bowl, when I finished the bowl said this:



Satisfied with my work art, I just grabed my stuff, left the gems and go to my next destination, and start thinking how to forgets what I just saw.


Just before going there, I made a little detour at Sugar cube corner to “buy” some cupcakes and muffins, and to my surprise there wasn’t any incident. . . . “really? No incident at Pinkies place??” I couldn’t stop wondering why I was upset just because there weren’t any troubles or incidents when I was there.

Well, I went to Applejack’s place for two things, apples and buckets, I needed to carry wáter to my place and use them to wash myself or my clothes, I take so much pride in my hygiene and I really feel unsanitary to wash directly to the rivers or lakes, not when they look so pure and clean, also they were my source of wáter and maybe to other creatures and ponies, well I quickly found what I needed, I collected the apples by climbing in a tree, when I came down, I noticed I wasn’t alone, there she was, a dog, but not just any dog, it was Winona, Applejack’s pet, staring, obviously upset at the “Apple Thief”, she was about to bark to alert the family, when I quickly said

“wait, wait, I’m not a thief see?” I showed her how I was gonna pay for the apples and buckets, Winona calmed down when she saw the gems, I just placed my “payment” there under the tree and started to leave when Winona growled at me

What??, its not the right ammount?, I added more gems and started to leave again, Winona growled again, “still not enough ok, then I’ll keep adding until it is enough ok?” she noded, I started to add gem by gem until she finally gave me the aproved nod.

“Finally” I thought and started to run away, when I was out of her sight, I chuckled and say to myself “I guess Big Mac is not the only one who knows “FANCY MATHEMATICS” in this family”

With everything I needed ready, I finally started my way to the castle, always taking my precautions, by one hour (man this things all together are really heavy) I was there, I placed everything in my room, verified if Spike was still there, (there he was, sleeping like a baby), After that i just laid on my bed and let myself be taken by the realm of dreams, (I was hopping not to have a nightmare with certain obsesed green unicorn in there).

Author's Note:

ok as i promised 3 chapters, see ya in 1 or 2 weeks

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