• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,512 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 30, Canterlot. . . . Gala?. . . . No thanks

Author's Note:

Another chapter for you and now we starting the final arc of the story
Happy thanksgiving day
please comment

Everypony, Spike and Alex were inside their train car, they were enjoying a little conversation, about the things they would do in Canterlot, Alex could notice that none of them were so eager for the Gala (well. . . . after what happened at the last one, is understandable)

He was a little sad since Lyra couldn’t come and Proud Hammer told him he was too busy to attend as well, his third choice was Derpy but she was taking care of her daughter who had the flu, Zecora was still in her business trip to Fillydelphia, in the end he kept the third ticket, such a waste.

“Say girls, are you excited for the Gala?” Alex asked

“To be honest darling. . . no, before the last Gala I though it was incredible . . . .but it really wasn’t what I expected, (Everypony nooded in agreement), I know my tastes sometimes are a little high but I can at least say I’m not like those. . . .nobles”

“So. . . . are all of you be attending or not?”

Twilight said “I can say neither of us really want to go. . . but Princess Celestia invited us herself, we have to go and who knows. . . maybe this time it will be not so bad, besides. . . this time we will spend this Gala togheter”

“I see. . . . Twilight, would it be a problem If I. . . . don’t attend??”

“What??” they all said in unison

“But. . . but. . . why you wouldn’t want to come??” Twilight said

“You see, It’s not really my kind of parties, I really don’t see myself surounded by a bunch of conceited nobles. . . worse. . . staring at me”

“I see. . . well. . . I guess you are right, we’ll see what princess Celestia says about this, but I guess. . . If you really don’t want to come, we can’t forcé you to”

“Thanks Twilight”

“That goes for me too Twilight, as the last Gala I rather spend the night walking in Canterlot and eating donuts at Joe’s place and if Alex comes with me the better” Spike said

“Ok Spike, but as I said. . . let’s wait for the Princess answer”

(they both noded)

After that, they all resumed their talking about random stuff until they finally arrived to Canterlot, everypony grabbed their stuff, As Alex expected Rarity brought enough suitcases for a year trip, all them in a little wagon who obviously the one pulling it was Spike (shesh Spike. . . .you really like Rarity, I’d really like it to happen. . . I keep cheering for you, but honestly. . . I think one of the crussaders would be more in your league)

Once outside the train they started their walk to the Palace (Alex did his best to hidde his excitement) the Canterlot Citizens didn’t dissapointed Alex expectations, once he put one foot on the city the rain of stares started, some of them were just curious ones but most of all were angry and disgusted ones.

Alex and the others kept walking, he with a nervious smile, it was really hard to ignore all those stares, but then he felt his leg being pulled by a tiny hoof, when he saw who it was, he saw a little unicorn fillie

“Mommyyyyyyy, can I have one of this??”

Alex didn’t know if take it as a compliment or an insult.

“No Stardust. . . you already have a monkey, and besides this one doesn’t have fur. . . it’s disgusting”

Ok. . . that one was an insult. . . no doubt about it, he keeping it calm, started to stroke the little fillie mane and said

“Sorry little one, but I’m not a monkey nor a pet. . . and sorry but there are not others like me”

Everypony including the mother where in shock when they heard Alex talk, but the fillie just got more excited

“WOW!!, and you can talk?. . . even better. . . . Mommy please buy me this monkey. . . even if he doesnt have any fur, his clothes are really cool, he is way better than the monkey I already have”

“.. . . . . Ok honey let me ask” the pony aproached to Rarity who for her. . . seemed to be the “owner”

“Excuse me young lady but. . . by any chance you sell your exotic monkey here? Or at least could you tell me where you got it”

Rarity could not be any more angrier even if she tried to, she had some good well chosen words she wanted to use but by looking at Alex who was staring at her with a “be careful for what you say” look, she composed herself and said

“Sorry but he is not in sale and as my friend said. . . he is not a pet or a monkey”

“Then. . . what is he??”

“His name is Alex and he is a human, the only one in Equestria”

Everypony present in the streets gasped and started to murmur to each other, taking advantage of that, Alex and the rest trotted to the castle as fast as they could

“Well. . . . that was weird” Rainbow said

“Yeah. . . . why they reacted like that when I told them he was a human??” Rarity responded

“I don’t know, maybe we should ask princess Celestia” Everypony noded

Everypony, human and dragon kept running to the palace, stares still present, Alex only ignored them, thet finally arrived at the main gate guarded by two pegasi

“Halt” they both said but when they saw who they were, one of them said

“Mrs Twilight and the Elements, greeting to you”

Twilight then said “Hello, we are here because Princess Celestia invited us. . . and before any of you ask or start calling him names the tall creature besides me is”

“Oh don’t worry Mrs Sparkle, we know all about the human Alex, Princess Celestia told us about his and your arrival and gave us a full explanation about his appereance, besides we also asumed it was him. . .for the rumors”

“Rumors??, What kind of rumors?”

“Well you see, many ponies who have relatives or friends in Ponyville tell stories about a very tall creature. . . .a. . . .in their exactly words. . . some kind of big monkey without fur called human, powerfull enough to take down a Manticore by himself, tell us. . .is it true??”

“Well. . . (Alex started) yeah, kinda. . . I did beat a Manticore (two in reality but. . . whatever) but I think I was just lucky at that moment, nothing impresive really”

“Nothing Impresive?? Mr Alex, you need at least 2 guards to take down a manticore (as Lyra said) trust me when I tell you that is impresive”

“Ok. . . thanks and everything but we don’t want to make the Princesses wait too long, let’s go girls”

Everypony noded and followed Alex inside the Palace not minding the guards wanting to ask him more questions, while running Rainbow aproached Alex

“Wow, dude. . .it seemes you have a little reputation here. . . cool isn’t”

“Kinda, but I’m not here to brag about anything, besides I don’t want everypony to think I’m dangerous for the Manticore incident”

“I guess you are right but I also believe you should just go with the flow and enjoy it”

Alex and everypony else rolled their eyes and kept their way to their rooms (Alex was speechless, all the luxury in his room, definetely the room for a noble) after leaving their luggage they proceded to go to the throne room, once there, they had to wait for a while since she had a meeting with somepony else, after some minutes the big doors finally opened revealing a white unicorn stallion with blonde mane, while he was exiting he said

“And please, follow my advice Aunt Celestia, don’t bring those uncouth Elements of Harmony to this Gala. . . specially that one they call. . . Rarity, so filthy unicorn, don’t forget it was them who ruined the last one”

Blueblood then turning his head saw them, he only smirked and said

“And speaking of of uncouths ponies, what are you all doing here?? Isn’t there other commoner parties you could ruin?”

Alex remembered that asshole from the season finally, he knew he was. . . well a bad and spoiled brat but. . . he really was an asshole, he saw then how Blueblood aproached to Rarity and said

“And what are you doing here, you are very brave to show your ugly face in this palace after what you did to me the last Gala”

It was obvious for Alex that Rarity and the others. . . even the guards present wanted to do something (they respected the Elements after all), but striking or talking back to a Royal was a serious crime according to them, for everypony surprise, Rarity showing how a mature mare she was smiled and said

“Hello to you Prince Blueblood, I’m Glad to see you are fine”

Everypony including Alex could do nothing but cheer in silence for her attitude (way to go Rarity, you are definetily 100 times more royal than this asshole, Alex thought)

“huff, Whatever commoner” then he finally noticed Alex and just chuckled

“And what do we have here? Your coltfriend is a monkey? huff he is perfect for you”

Alex was about to tell some well chosen words when Rarity spoke again

“To be honest. . . . yes, you see, after our last. . . contact, I decided I deserved a lot better and I found him and I can say it’s a dream come true” Rarity said and ending it by jumping and giving Alex a kiss in his cheek” (much to everypony surprise, more to some than others)

Alex still a little shocked realized what Rarity was doing and took part in the play

“Oh you are so sweet darling, so you wanted this pony to be your coltfriend? Yep, you deserved a lot better and hey! You found me, aren’t we the most lucky creatures in Equestria?”

“Indeed we are Sweetheart?”

Blueblood only stared at them and said

“Well. . . in that case. . . enjoy your monkey” then he started to leave

“I’m a human Idiot” Alex whispered

“What did you say monkey”

“nothing, nothing your highness”



After Blueblood left, Rarity aproached to Alex and said

“Thank you so much for helping me a moment ago, I really wanted to give him a lesson”

“Yeah Rarity, and don’t worry, whenever you want to prank that dude, I’m with you, but just one question. . . what about the kiss, not that I mind but. . .was it really necesary?”

“Oh! I was just improvising, after all I always believed I could be a great Actress

“ok. . . sweet darling?. . . hahahahaha”

“So you both are not. . . together??” Fluttershy asked. . . shaking

Alex responded “Nah, we were just pretending, and besides. . . do you really think I would be in anypony league worse in Rarity’s? Ok. . . let’s forget that bad moment and go to see Princess Celestia”

Fluttershy sigh in relief while Spike smile grew, everypony started to trott to the throne room, while they were entering there Rarity thought (I think you can be in anypony league, after all. . . somepony is already after you. . . even though she wont admit it so easily)

Once in the throne room they found princess Celestia and Luna who smiled when they saw them enter.

“Hello my little ponies, dragon and human, I’m pleased all of you were able to come, (she turned to Alex), I hope you found your room. . . enjoyable”

“Yes I did, thanks Princess Celestia, I must say you really are a good host”

“Thank you Alex. . . now (she turned to everypony) my little ponies I’m really looking forward to see you in tomorrow at the Great Galloping Gala”

“No 2!!!” Pinkie said with loud voice”

“Yes Pinkie pie. . . No 2, sorry I’m still don’t get used to it, but one thing my little ponies. . . I must tell you, please don’t mind the behaviour of some nobles, they still believe you ruined the last Gala, and don’t forget if any of them dare to do something to you don’t doubt to tell Princess Luna or me or any of our guards”

Everypony nooded, Alex then raised his hand to speak

“What is it Alex??”

“Princess Celestia, do I have to be at the Gala?. . . don’t get me wrong, I’m honored you invited me and all but. . . let’s just say those kind of parties are not my type”

“I see. . . very well, thanks for being honest with me Alex, In that case I don’t see any reason to forcé you to come, but I must insist for your presence at the Gala’s ending ceremony, is when Princess Luna and I will oficially present you to the citizens of Canterlot”

“Ok Princess, I think that can be arranged”

Celestia giggle and said

“Very well, once that said, go my little ponies, dragon and human, see you tomorrow at the Gala. . . 2”

After that, everypony proceeded to leave and let Celestia continue with her Royal Duties, once out Everypony went to their rooms for a little rest, Spike decided to share the room with Alex.

“Say Spike, since we wont be assisting at the Gala 2, what’s the plan for tomorrow night?”

“Well, since we have to make time for the Gala’s ending Ceremony, I believe I have time to bring you to Joe’s donut place, he bakes the best donuts you ever eaten, then we can go to watch some pegasus races at the derby, and I heard there is a new place to buy drinks, they say their Cherry and Berry cyder can even match Applejack’s Apple Cyder”

“Really??, wow, it sounds good to me, the pony in charge must be really good”

“Yeah. . . it’s a new mare unicorn in the city, very cute many stallions say, too bad we have to return here soon, I’d like to show you many places”

“Don’t worry, it’s still sounds like a great plan to me Spike, Ok. . . let’s go to sleep”



The next day, After a good pancakes breakfast with Princess Celestia and Luna, then saying their farewells to them, Everypony proceeded to give Alex a tour through Canterlot, since Twilight used to live there before, she was the guide, the first stop was Canterlot’s Library (OMG, too obvious) they spent some time there, everypony, dragon and human with a book of their liking, Comic books, daring doo, fashion, etc, Alex couldn’t help to notice how soft the comics of this world were, the rating was really strict here (figures)

The next stop was a little restaurant to have a little dessert, everypony sit in a big table outside, Alex really thank God for the pastries at least were normal here (no grass or hay) once eating, they noted how like the last day, everypony were staring at Alex

“They really should mind their own bussiness” Rainbow said and everypony noded

“Easy Rainbow, we all knew it would be like that”

“Yeah but. . . still I don’t like it”

“Thanks for your concern Rainbow, but just go with the flow, let’s hope after tonight everything change”

“. . . ok”

After brunch they continued their tour, Alex was really impressed, the series crearly showed Canterlot to be a beatiful place but looking at it in person, the arquitecture, the elegance, Canterlot was. . . he really didn’t know the word to describe it, he was too focused looking to notice what was in front of him until. . . . “


Alex bumped with somepony, they both ended on the floor, everypony were shocked when they noticed the other pony next to him. . . . Fancy pants, Alex still composing himself could hear one of Fancy pants companions scream

“Ahhhhh, a weird big monkey creature atacked Mr Fancy Pants!!!”

“. . . . What?”

“Don’t worry everypony (A unicorn stallion said) I’ll deal with him. . . (he turned to Alex) you filthy creature, how dare you attack Mr Fancy Pants”

“Wait, wait, it was an accident, we just bump to each other”

“huff, likely story, it’s time for you to know your place freak, I Jet Set will teach you a lesson”

“But. . .”

At that moment Jet Seth used his telekenesis on Alex and Levitated him

“Hey!! What do you think you are doing to our friend?” Twilight said

“So you are the owner of this big monkey, you should put a leash on him”

Twilight and the others could feel their anger rising, not letting it take the best of her, she said

“Don’t worry Alex, I’ll use my magic to free. . .”

Nopony could predict what would happen later, Alex freed himself of Set Aura by himself. . . . what? is what everypony thought, Alex then said

“Wow, that was super easy. . . . dude . . . your magic is really weak”

“What?! how dare you, let’s see if you can do it again”

Jet Seth made Alex levitate again, but this time he didn’t lose any time to broke the bind

“Ok. . . if magic doesn’t work, then hooves will have to do”

He then started to swing his hooves at Alex like a maniac, It wasn’t hard to Alex to dodge, it was obvious Jet wasn’t a combat trained pony, he didn’t fight back, the last thing he needed was to get in trouble there, after some more tries, Jet Set panting and sweeting only looked at Alex with disbelieving eyes

“Did. . . did you have enough. . . monkey?”

“dude. . . . seriously?”

Set was about to continue his attack when Fancy Pants said

“That’s enough Mr Set, I apreciate your concern but I believe you are just embarassing yourself, you should stop”

“But. . .but he attacked you”

“As he said, I also believe it was an accident, besides he made clear he doesn’t want to fight you and I’m glad he did, because. . . nevermind”

“. . . ok, Mr Fancy Pants if you say so”

He then returned with everypony else in Fancy pants group, Fancy Pants aproached to Alex and said

“First of all I must say I’m sorry for this missunderstanding, my name is Fancy Pants, nice to meet you Mr. . . .”

“Alejandro. . . but. . . you can call me Alex” (for some reason Alex thought this noble seems way different from the others, he could be. . . trusted)

“Very well, Alex, I must say, I’ve never seen a creature like you, can I ask what are you?”

“I’m a human, and I’m the only one around here, no surprise you don’t know anything about us”

“I see. . . well, one more time sorry for the missunderstanding and I’d like to talk and discuss with you someway to make amends. . . but we have some bussiness to attend, I hope we meet again another time, you too Miss Rarity” (she noded)

“Same here Fancy Pants”

Fancy Pants and his group resumed their way, all of them except Fancy pants and another white beatiful unicorn gave Alex a death glare, Jet Seth most of all, once they were gone, Twilight inmediately asked him

“Wow Alex. . . I can’t believe you did that”

“Yes darling, I’m really glad you showed that Jet Set a lesson, he really isn’t a nice pony”

Rainbow then said “But dude, tell me how you managed to free yourself from his Aura, I mean you are not using your DS armor?”

“Well. . . . ok, to be honest with you. . . beside my armor I made these

Alex then showed them his DS big medal and told them his brazelets were also made by it but with a purest Darkness stone alloy, they all gasped, then Twilight said

“But Alex. . . you know it’s ilegal to. . .”

“Don’t worry Twilight, Celestia and Luna gave me and Spike their permition since I could be a target from prejudice ponies just like that Jet guy”

“I see, well, I’m glad they trust you enough for that”

“Yep. . . trust me, it really surprised me as well, ok let’s continue shall we”

After that, they visited Twilight house, the face of her parents when they saw Alex was priceless but at least they didn’t freak out since they knew Twilight wouldn’t bring somepony dangerous, they had a little conversation with them, after a while it was time for the ponies to return to the Palace to prepare to the Gala, saying their farewells, everypony proceeded to leave, the return was quiet, since many ponies would asist to the Gala there weren’t many outside, once in the Palace everypony went to their room to get ready, Alex and Spike decided to take a little rest before their little night tour.

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