• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Rite By Combat

Chapter Ten"Rite by Combat"

The greatest athletes from around the world had gathered, wanting to prove their worth through various events. It was a worldwide spectacle held once every four years at the center of Equestria, in the Canterlot Coliseum. These were the Equestria Games, a long-standing tradition not just for ponies, but for all other creatures as well. The event alone garnered the attention of many, from the tens of thousands in attendance or the millions listening to the radio broadcast, but once news spread that Spider-Mane would be competing in a duel, all forms of media exploded with anticipation.

Newspaper headlines and magazine articles thoroughly explained the rules of the Rite by Combat and both combatants' attributes. On paper, this was a horrible mismatch, with Peter holding a substantial advantage over his aristocratic opponent. The weight of the stipulations led many to believe that Blueblood, the overwhelming underdog, had something up his sleeve to initiate the challenge to begin with. The media covered the event with extreme attention to detail, wanting to share a word with both stallions.

While Peter was brief, asking for privacy so he could prepare, Blueblood reveled in the attention, vowing to strip the pretender of his status and reclaim his prestige as a true prince. Needless to say, he was rather outspoken during his interviews. Behind the scenes, Peter only allowed one photographer near, and that was Photo Finish, the mare having become an eccentric yet good friend over the years during their Equestria Weekly shootings.

Peter sat within his personal locker room on the floor, stretching out to touch his lower hooves while performing a full split. The stallion spun into a hoofstand, extending his legs in opposite directions of each other before flipping into an upright standing position. Letting out a sigh, Peter slid his signature crimson and blue tights snugly over his body, pausing once he laid eyes on his mask. Before the stallion could decide whether to put it on or not, he heard a soft set of knocks at the door.

A small sense of dread swelled within the stallion. Peter hoped that the media didn't want a last second interview in spite of his pleas for privacy. He lacked the expertise to swoon the reporters gracefully, and it made him wish that they'd kept in contact with Tony Stark. Ol' Shellhead could've offered a guideline on the celebrity lifestyle. With a bleak nod, Peter opened the door, furrowing his brow at the sight of a cloaked figure taking an equine stance, but his eyes softened once the individual pulled her hood back, revealing a female zebra.

"Hey, Zecora! You sure know how to make an entrance," Peter chuckled, sharing a brief embrace with the mare. The stallion tilted his head to the side once they parted. "You're a long way from the Everfree. What brings you here? Are you a sports fan and came here to confess?"

Zecora managed a smile. "The Rite by Combat is an ancient tradition. I came to lend support with your permission. I've come to wish you luck as a dear friend, for our bond will never truly end." The mare sobered as a stern glare formed in her blue eyes. "Your greatest trial is soon to begin, and in order to pass, you must look within. Very soon, you must face your past, and when the time comes, I will find you at last." Peter readied himself to question the statement, but the mare pulled her hood back over her head, turning sharply as she parted. "After your duel, we'll meet again soon. For my herbs will once again be your boon."

The stallion arched a brow as Zecora slipped into the shadows. "Does she always have to be so cryptic?" Catching a glance at the clock across the room, which read 2:50 P.M., Peter let out a sigh. "It's almost showtime. I'd better head out." He closed the door to the locker room and galloped down the hall, slowly starting to slide his mask on, but he skidded to a halt, spotting a blue alicorn leaning against the wall by herself. Peter kept his mask pulled back behind his ears as he placed a hoof over the mare's shoulder. "You okay, Luna? You're shaking."

Luna weakly nodded. "I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep," the mare whined, brushing a hoof over the bags under her eyes. "I've just felt sick thinking about this. I have a distinct feeling that something bad is about to happen. It's been a very long time indeed since I've felt such… trepidation." Shivering involuntarily, Luna's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. You're being forced to fight because of me. I should never have created such a law in the first place."

Peter chuckled, shaking his head assuringly. "It's ancient history, Luna. Let's just stick to diplomacy from now on."

Luna lowered her head, stifling what sounded like earnest laughter. "That sounds like a good idea. We shall erase the Rite by Combat law after today." The mare leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on the stallion's cheek before gently lowering his mask over his face with her magic. She still bore a look of concern. "Please be careful."

Peter's masked eyes furrowed as the princess vanished from sight in a burst of light. Pushing all thoughts to the side, the stallion trotted towards his destination.


Within the VIP skybox, a room filled with benefits, food, and a close view of the field, Twilight paced across the area with a frustrated scowl. Most of her friends and immediate family were present. Applejack leaned back in her seat with a glass of cider in hoof, keeping her emerald gaze fixed on the events unfolding on the field. Fluttershy, Rarity, May, and Chrysalis conversed casually, waiting for one event in particular: the Rite by Combat.

Rainbow Dash chomped away at her popcorn held in a golden trophy she'd won earlier with her feats of sheer speed. Ben, with a pair of earmuffs, obliviously played with a stuffed bear in a cradle while his mother continued to pace. Shining Armor slowly downed a cup of soda while Cadance eased into her seat. Diamond Shield simply guided a comb through his frilly mane as Spike leaned over the railing to get a better view of the field beneath their position.

Meanwhile, Trixie sat with an exasperated expression, resisting the violent urge to suffocate herself with the pair of pom poms Pinkie Pie had given to her. For the sake of nostalgia and lending support, the earth pony managed to persuade the unicorn to put on a red and blue cheerleader's uniform matching the design of Spider-Mane's costume alongside her like they did nearly a decade ago in Manehattan. Mayday guffawed at the sight, taking a photograph before rolling on the floor with laughter.

Standing on her hindlegs, Pinkie Pie spun her pom poms in a propellor motion before shifting into a pose. "He spins a web of any size and catches thieves just like flies~! Look out~! Here comes the Spider-Mane~!"

Trixie's eye twitched involuntarily as she enthusiastically mirrored Pinkie Pie's actions before deadpanning. "Spectacular," she droned, wondering how she ever let the mare talk her into this… again.

"Try to relax, sugarcube," Applejack calmly interjected to Twilight, causing the alicorn to momentarily halt in place. "Keep that up, and you'll walk a hole into the floor again."

Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively, propping her legs up. "I don't see what you're worrying about, Twilight. Pete's gonna mop the floor with that blowhard!"

A sadistic grin surfaced on Rarity's face at that thought, but she cleared her throat, regaining her composure. "I must admit that I might enjoy this more than I should, but Rainbow Dash brings up a fair point. It's high time Peter gave that ruffian a healthy dose of humility."

Twilight forced out a breath, her frustration remaining as potent as ever. "This whole thing is ridiculous. Peter should be at home resting, not stressing himself out over a pointless fight. In fact, this whole incident has been the exact opposite of what Dr. Tranquil Flow advised!"

Trixie placed her hooves over her hips. "Hopefully, he'll put an end to this as quickly as possible so that I can get out of this silly wardrobe and regain some sense of dignity."

Mayday hopped to the available seat next to Diamond Shield with a smug grin. "Watch and learn, Lashes. This is what a real knight is all about."

Diamond Shield scoffed haughtily. "My father is still bigger than yours."

Mayday smirked. "My dad beat up Sombra. Twice."

As Diamond Shield grumbled under his breath, Shining managed a light smile. "Well played."

That same moment, Luna materialized into existence in a burst of light a few hoof-lengths from Twilight, narrowing her gaze at the center of the field. "It's about to begin."

A couple dozen pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns stormed the field, setting up stone columns and pillars around the area. Platforms were placed at various levels, from the top of some columns to the sides of several walls. Before long, the field was converted into an arena. Many of the unicorn members of the Canterlot guard aimed their glowing horns and generated a magical barrier around the outer section of the arena, a wall to keep out the surrounding spectators and protect them if need be. Once everything was in place and everypony had vacated the battle arena, a bright light shone above the coliseum. The energy dissipated, revealing the angelic form of Princess Celestia as her wings flapped to gently lower her form to the ground.

With a defeated sigh, Twilight shook her head and whispered, "I love you, Peter."

Elsewhere, in another skybox, Aria sat in her seat with a stoic expression. "I don't get it. Are we seriously supposed to believe that wuss stands a snowball's chance in Tartarus against Spider-Mane?" Thanks to the unknowing courtesy of a few generous aristocats sleeping soundly in the corner, the trio of sirens made themselves comfortable in their donated seats. Aria exhaled. "Whatever Discord gave Blueblood, it'd better be worth all this trouble. That guy is such an egomaniac that it's beyond grating."

Adagio leaned back into her seat with a glazed expression and wide smile. "I agree, but his jealousy and envy are to die for." The mare rested her chin on a hoof. "With all of that hatred, Blueblood's surely going to kill Spider-Mane. That'll save us a ton of trouble in the long run."

Sonata spat out some of her drink, nearly choking. "What did you say, Adagio?" The siren quickly took a seat next to her friend, staring at her intently.

"What? You didn't know?" Adagio asked, raising an eyebrow. "The last time Peter fought—"

Sonata jumped up from her seat. "You didn't say anything about killing Peter! I know we're trying to get him out of our way, but that's going too far!"

Adagio scoffed, grabbing Sonata by her collar. "Wake up! He's not going to stand idly by when we carry out the plan. You think you're friends with him? Well, you're not. He's no different than everypony else. If Peter Parker dies, he dies." Adagio held her glare into the mare's eyes for several seconds, before releasing her hold with a long exhale. "You really need to stop being so soft, Sonata. You know it's going to come down to this at some point. Better now than later."

Aria paused, silently watching the two's exchange before quickly turning her head to the side as Sonata looked to her for a comment. "Whatever. It gets the job done, right? I don't really care either way." Aria glanced off to the side, her eyes softening as she brushed a hoof against her foreleg. With a harsh scoff, the mare's eyes hardened before she straightened her posture.

Sonata shifted her concerned gaze to the arena, placing a hoof over her gaping mouth as the event began. "Peter…"

"Greetings, Equestria," Celestia declared, her voice echoing throughout the stadium, greatly amplified by magic. "We are here today to bear witness to an honored tradition of old: the Rite by Combat. Prince Blueblood has challenged Prince Peter Parker for his title and status. Both combatants will fight honorably, using only their natural weapons and abilities. The victor is decided when his opponent yields or perishes. The loser will forfeit all rights of their royal heritage. Outside interference from here on is strictly prohibited by law and will not be tolerated, regardless of the outcome." The alicorn paused, giving the audience a moment to digest the gravity of the information she had given before proceeding further. "Will both combatants now please enter the arena?"

On one side of the arena, the audience burst into uproarious applause and cheers as Peter entered first. Twilight's skybox practically exploded with support, with everypony whooping wildly. Derpy and Dinky stumbled inside, with the pegasus leaning over the railing while the unicorn grabbed her tail to keep her clumsy mother from falling to the stands below. Mayday and Diamond Shield stopped their squabble, cheering mutually with fervent enthusiasm. In a separate skybox, Sonata joined the crowd in their applause, whistling. With rhythmic stomps, the entire coliseum joined in a harmonious chant, their tremors shaking the very earth.


Aria scoffed a response, folding her hooves with a disinterested stare. Adagio furrowed her brow as she stared vividly at the crowd, their ecstatic round of applause lasting nearly three minutes. "Do they really love him this much? I'll never understand the way ponies think."

Once within range, Peter removed his mask before bowing respectfully to Princess Celestia. The alicorn gestured with a warm smile as the stallion modestly waved to the crowd, prompting them to lessen their applause. Suddenly, the audience erupted with a series of boos as Blueblood entered from the other side of the arena. The prince scowled at the negativity being poured over him.

The world's reception to them couldn't be more contrasted, going from overwhelming support to outright displeasure. He could hear their voices tearing into him. Blueblood did not give his aunt a glance and centered his venomous glare on Peter, the source of his discontent. Sonata and Aria inhaled sharply as traces of magic spiraled into their bodies, and Adagio grinned maliciously, shivering involuntarily.

Sonata's eyelids fluttered, before she caught her nodding head in a hoof. "Whoa..."

Aria's stoic expression had also faltered at the overwhelming sensation, her eyes widening in its wake. "Blueblood really has it out for Peter. I've never sensed so much negative emotion from just one pony."

Adagio smirked. "And that's why he'll win."

Celestia eyed both stallions sternly. "You're both aware of the rules. Fight with honor."

The alicorn vanished from sight in a burst of light, and the audience roared with anticipation as the combatants were left to square off.

Prince Blueblood brushed a hoof through his dainty blonde mane. "I have long awaited this day!" He stood tall, staring down at the considerably shorter stallion. His face scrunched in disgust. "I will no longer tolerate living in a pretender's shadow. It's high time I reclaim my rightful place in the world."

Peter shook his head disapprovingly. "You're taking this way too seriously, buddy. How are you living in my shadow when I don't even know you? This entire thing just reeks of pettiness."

Blueblood narrowed his eyes."Pettiness you say?" he questioned mockingly with a small laugh as his horn began giving off an unnatural glow. "Well then, allow me to show you the pettiness of your feeble climb to fame, Peter Parker." His glare sharpened as he gritted his teeth to the core. "We will put an end to you right here and now!"

Peter's eyes widened. "We…?"

Blueblood planted his hooves into the ground, roaring as his voice distorted. A black substance spiraled out of his back before enveloping the rest of his body. Blueblood's teeth sharpened into fangs, and the living substance hissed as it added bulk to the stallion's physique, his black form towering over Peter. Twilight's mouth fell agape and her eyes grew as wide as saucers.

The majority of those inside of the skybox tilted their heads to the side at the sudden transformation, but Luna froze, her heart stopping. Her breathing grew shallow, increasing to the point of hyperventilation. Memories of that day flashed through her mind, of the day she was taken, and the atrocities she committed. Luna fell to a kneeling position, unable to free her terrified gaze from the ground as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Oh no… it can't be," Luna whispered, her voice cracking.

The symbiote settled into place, the bonding process having been completed. Blueblood's eyes vanished behind a blank white substance as his jaw widened, revealing an array of razor-sharp teeth. His long, whip-like tongue slithered about before the stallion unleashed a roar potent enough to send vibrations through the nearest walls. Peter stared at the sight with a stunned expression, dropping his mask to the ground.

Blueblood neighed, turning his glare towards the smaller stallion. "We are Venom!"

Peter shook his head furiously. "Venom! How are you still alive?! Twilight incinerated you! How are you even here in Equestria?!"

"We were saved by Discord when Twilight burned us. Only a tiny bit of us survived, but we were doomed. Discord healed us and promised us revenge," Venom hissed, pacing slowly around Peter while stealing glances at Twilight's skybox.

Peter frowned. "You have no idea what you've just done."

The symbiote peeled back enough to show Blueblood's face as the stallion held a confident grin. "We have formed quite the alliance. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Discord offered a trade. He removes my horn, and I am bestowed with magnificent power. With this, I can show the entire world how powerless you truly are. I'll kill you, take my rightful place on the throne, and the world will love me! You should never have tried to destroy such a gift, Peter Parker!" The symbiote slithered back over Blueblood's face before lapping its snake-like tongue over its fangs. "Now... Venom rises, and Spider-Mane falls."

Twilight shook her head furiously as her wings stretched out. "I'm not letting this happen!"

That same second, Discord materialized into existence mere hoof-lengths from Twilight before she could take flight. "Now, now, don't be so hasty," he chuckled, twirling his glowing talon in a circular motion.

An electrical current sparked through the horn of every unicorn holding up the arena's barrier, severing their ties to the magical shield. Before the shell could dissipate, Discord raised his paw and conjured another in its place. Twilight fired an array of magical beams at the draconequus, but he simply waved his talon, causing the projectiles to transform into pillows before finding their target's face.

Discord arched a brow with a smirk. "I understand that you're thickheaded, Twilight Sparkle, but outside interference is strictly prohibited during the Rite by Combat. Celestia said so herself, did she not? Do you really want to get your husband disqualified and tarnish his honor?"

Twilight growled, glaring intently at the draconequus. "If it keeps him alive, yes!"

Just as the alicorn readied herself to rush past Discord, Celestia emerged between the pair in a flash of magical energy. "I concur. You clearly plotted this, Discord." The older alicon narrowed her gaze on the draconequus. "This is completely unfair."

Discord laughed at the mare's words. "Unfair? You're right. This is completely unfair. I mean, what chance would Blueblood stand against the great Spider-Mane alone?" He smirked a toothy grin. "All I did was simply even the playing field. No harm in that, right?"

Twilight pointed a hoof at Discord. "No harm!? Peter was killed by that thing, and you know it! Why would you bring Venom back?!"

Discord took a seat in midair, chuckling. "Venom put on quite the show on Earth when it took over Princess Luna. Anger and jealousy seems to fuel the symbiote's power. If it pushed poor little Luna to such extremes, then we can only imagine what it would do for Blueblood, who hates the very ground Peter stands on. This makes for phenomenal entertainment!" He glanced at Luna from the corner of his eye, smirking. "Thanks again for making the Rite by Combat possible. It's the perfect proving ground! "

Celestia shook her head. "There is no excuse for this, Discord."

Discord folded his arms and scoffed. "This would've been quite the bore if I hadn't done this. You all were perfectly fine with the stipulations because you knew there was no way Peter could lose. However, the audience came for a show, didn't they? All I did was simply give them just that. In fact, this will fill the headlines for months on end." The draconequus alternated his crimson gaze between Twilight and Celestia. "Your law all but states that what's fair is fair in the rite. You have nopony to blame for this but yourselves." Discord arched a brow, feigning shock as he threw his paw over his mouth. "Maybe you all don't have as much faith in him as I thought!"

"No way!" Mayday confidently snapped, earning the collective gazes of those present. "My daddy can beat anything you throw at him! Just watch. He's gonna take that jerk down!"

Discord clapped his paw and talon together. "Now, there's some real confidence!" he beamed at the filly a smile before looking back to Celestia. "I like this one. The lot of you could use some of that enthusiasm!" With a snap of his talon, the draconequus vanished from sight, his boisterous laughter ringing in the minds of all those present in the skybox. "Now... on with the show!"

Twilight galloped to the barrier's wall over the railing, screaming as she slammed her hooves into it several times. "I don't believe this!"

Celestia approached Twilight, placing a hoof over her shoulder. "I don't like what just happened either. However, Peter will have to settle this on his own. It's the merits of the Rite by Combat. I know how much you love him, but..." the alicorn trailed off, closing her eyes and lowering her head. "Discord's right. If there is anypony to blame for this, it's myself for allowing the law to remain with the naive notion that it wouldn't be invoked again after so many centuries."

"Come on, Mom!" Mayday cheered, nudging the mare's side. "Daddy'll be fine! Let's cheer him on!" Twilight managed a weak nod, placing a hoof over the filly's own as they turned their gazes to the arena. Luna offered no response, bleakly shaking her head. Mayday inhaled deeply before screaming. "Kick his butt, Daddy!"

Back within the arena, Spider-Mane leaped away from Venom and landed in an upright stance before sliding his mask back on. "The worst thing you could've ever done was bond with the symbiote. It's a parasite. It changes you."

"Stop talking!" Venom barked, galloping towards Spider-Mane at full speed.

He threw a slow, wide punch and followed with an overhead strike, forcing Peter to duck underneath the first attack before sidestepping the second. Spider-Mane countered with a swift jab to the jaw, but Blueblood shrugged off the blow, quickly ensnaring the smaller stallion with the symbiote's tendrils. Venom planted his hooves firmly before throwing Peter into the nearest pillar. Spider-Mane's body burst through the stone, shattering it into rubble, and his body bounced violently off the ground for several meters until he flipped to a standing position, skidding to a halt.

Blueblood laughed maniacally. "We're only beginning, you pretender!"

Venom raced to the smaller stallion, attempting to tackle him once within range. Peter swayed his upper body at the last second, causing Blueblood to topple over. Spider-Mane threw a kick against the symbiote's head, managing to turn his body around in a stagger. Extending a hoof, Peter shot a strand of webbing around Venom's upper torso, but the living substance absorbed the gossamer. Blueblood countered swiftly by firing webbing of his own onto Spider-Mane's chest before yanking the stallion high into the air and slamming him into the ground, repeating the process until cracks spread along the stone arena floor.

Venom released his hold on the strand, sending Spider-Mane airborne. Peter flipped several times as he neared a column, landing gracefully on his hooves along the side. Venom rushed out in pursuit, forcing Spider-Mane to jump onto the closest column as the symbiote slammed into the previous one with enough force to reduce it to a broken mess of shards and stones. The chase resumed, with the same process and result coming into fruition as both stallions elevated to new heights. However, Peter spun around upon bounding off a column and rushed to meet Venom in midair.

Before the pair could collide, Spider-Mane unleashed a large array of webbing from both hooves, completely ensnaring Venom in a cocoon. Never relinquishing his hold on the strands, Peter spun until he and the cocooned Venom resembled a whirling propellor. Spider-Mane released his strand, sending Blueblood rocketing into the ground, and a dust cloud spread from the point of impact as a violent tremor rushed through the earth. Peter landed in front of the crater, taking in winded breaths. Faster than Spider-Mane could react, Venom burst out of the cloud of dust, slamming his hoof into Peter's jawline.

The blow echoed along the walls of the stadium, and a shockwave erupted, blowing away the dust cloud. Venom threw a second strike, forcing Peter to duck underneath it before shooting a strand of webbing onto the top of a column and bungeeing himself into a swing. Blueblood jumped high into the air and mirrored Spider-Mane's actions, slashing the smaller stallion's strand. As Peter fell, Venom tackled him out of midair, driving his body into the barrier wall. The audience reacted, clamoring as vibrational waves rumbled through the shield at the point of impact.

Tendrils slithered out and wrapped around Peter's head, neck, and shoulders, removing his mask. Venom reared his hoof back, punching the side of his opponent's head several times. Each blow sent brutal waves rushing through the barrier, and blood escaped from the gash widening across the corner of the stallion's eye. Peter managed to free a hoof, delivering a swift uppercut to Blueblood's chin. The blow staggered Venom, causing the tendrils to retract back into his body, and Spider-Mane pulled his legs up, kicking Blueblood away.

Peter shot two strands of webbing out, latching them onto his opponent, and he pulled with all of his strength, slamming Venom headfirst into the barrier. As Blueblood fell, Spider-Mane leapt onto his chest and punched his face rapidly with the speed and force of a turret as they plummeted. Venom reached out, wrapping his hooves around Peter's neck before throwing him into the side of a column. Soon afterward, Blueblood drove his shoulder into Spider-Mane's chest, bursting his body through the column. Venom retook hold of Peter's neck, pinning him in place underneath his body before both stallions slammed into the earth. Tremors coursed through the ground as a dust cloud erupted from the blast.

Venom was the first to make his way to a vertical base, standing over Peter's prone yet stirring frame. Before the smaller stallion could react, Blueblood tore a large chunk of the nearest column free, slamming the massive stone over his opponent. The stone shattered upon impact, crumbling to rubble in Venom's grasp. The symbiote peeled back, revealing Blueblood's face as he leaned down over Spider-Mane before bashing his face repeatedly with a hoof. The cracks on the earth underneath Peter's body spread with each blow, and blood quickly stained the stone, lashing out wildly.

Twilight shielded the sight from Mayday, with the mare burying the filly's face into her chest. Peter grew numb to each blow, the entire world muting into an ill silence. It was the same as the time that he had died. Everything he had established seemed to be slipping, the world around him falling into a dark void. Suddenly, a series of images flashed across his mind, of each individual member of his family. Aunt May, Mayday, and Ben faded from sight, dissolving into the darkness. Twilight materialized into existence and reached out to him, prompting Peter to subconsciously do the same, but the alicorn disappeared, with future Pinkamena taking her place.

The earth pony shook her head. "Are you really going to die this soon?" she asked with a disappointed frown, crossing her hooves. "After everything you know that happens next, are you just going to let it all happen, again?"

Her image wavered, morphing into future Trixie. The unicorn scoffed, forming an expression of disgust. "Do not fail them like you failed us" As the mare's form vanished, light and sound spontaneously returned to the stallion's world. "Get back up and fight."

Peter's hoof shot out, stopping Venom's inches from his face. The smaller stallion growled and gritted his teeth, snarling as he pulled Blueblood's hoof away with an iron grip. Venom attempted to pry himself free, but he couldn't, staring wildly as Peter slowly brought himself to a standing position. A wild glare formed on Peter's bloodied face, his ferocity evident through his scowl. Traces of black aura exuded from Spider-Mane's body momentarily before the smaller stallion jerked back his hoof, causing Venom's momentum to shift and sail forward. Peter lowered his head, driving his crown into the center of Blueblood's face with a crack.

Venom staggered back, unable to react as Peter zipped behind his position. Once Blueblood turned around, Spider-Mane viciously slammed his hoof into the taller stallion's jaw. The force behind the blow was strong enough to launch Venom, sending him bouncing off the ground for several yards until he skidded to a halt on his back. Peter raced across the field, disappearing in a blur before stopping directly over Blueblood. Images of his family continued to flash vividly through his mind. He couldn't die. He wouldn't lose his family again.

Peter howled as he punched Venom as hard as he could, following with another strike. He never relented, pouring all of his energy into his offensive. Every one of Spider-Mane's blows shook the earth and echoed across the airwaves, generating a series of shockwaves that tore the surrounding stone apart like paper mache. His strikes were comparable to gatling gun fire as Peter brutally pummeled Venom without mercy. His only thoughts were to live, to survive, and to witness his children growing up. He would not allow Twilight to be alone ever again. He would not allow his children to know what it was like to not have their father there. Voices cried out to the stallion, but they could not reach him. His senses were null, prompting him only to continue his desperate, almost mindless assault on the foe before him.

"Peter!" Twilight yelled out from mere hoof-lengths away, causing the stallion to stop instantly as reality snapped back into place. He raised his gaze and found Blueblood unconscious under his body, the taller stallion's features bruised beyond recognition. Twilight wrapped her hooves around Peter's neck as she gently eased him away from Venom. "It's over. You can stop now. He yielded," she whispered, sniffling as she tightened her hold affectionately. "I'm so proud of you."

Princess Celestia materialized by their position. "Everypony! The victor of the Rite by Combat is Peter Parker!" Her voice echoed across the airwaves, and the entire stadium exploded with applause, their cheers sending tremors through the vicinity.

Moments later, Discord appeared next to Venom's limp frame, and the draconequus clapped slowly while holding a wide grin. "I do believe congratulations are in order! You never cease to amaze me, Peter, my boy! I knew you would come through, just like you always do." Discord stole a glance at Celestia as Blueblood vanished from sight in a burst of light. "Feel free to take away Blueblood's title. As you do that, I'll be holding onto him and Venom for the time being."

With a snap, Discord vanished from existence as well. Peter weakly nodded, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he slipped out of Twilight's grasp. He limply collapsed, succumbing to the reaches of unconsciousness. Twilight cried out, kneeling by the stallion's side as the medical staff rushed onto the field. Within their respective skybox, Sonata watched the spectacle with a concerned gaze, placing a hoof over her chest with a relieved sigh.

Aria leaned over the railing, raising an eyebrow. "It seems that he's much tougher than we thought." A faint smile graced her features. "It looks like Spider-Mane won't be dying today at least."

Adagio scoffed, managing a smirk. "Peter Parker may have won today, but he shouldn't get too comfortable. We're only softening him up. Think of this as a preview to the main event." The mare motioned with a hoof, making her way to the door. "Let's go."

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