• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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The Other, Part II

Chapter Forty-Two "The Other, Part II"

Spider-Man soared through the skies of New York, swinging toward the docks on a strand of webbing. His thoughts raced profusely, centering on Mayday's wellbeing and Patricia's state of health. A frustrated growl escaped from the young man as he relinquished his strand and landed gracefully within an alley. While he knew what Mayday's captor looked like, he had no idea where they were holed up. His daughter was without her iPod, the only means he had to track her, and considering she was at the mercy of a psychopathic cannibal, Peter did not like her chances of survival.

The sun had already set, and night began to spread. He was losing time, not wanting Mayday to be left alone any longer than she had to be. Peter clenched his fist tightly and stepped forward with renewed vigor. Sleep was obliviously out of the question, and he would not stop until he knew for sure that his daughter was safe, which brought him back to his current predicament. He had the resolve, yet lacked the means to save his daughter. A voice lingered in the back of his mind, calling out in a faint whisper.

"I know that Mayday's in the area somewhere, but at this rate, I'd be better off trying to find a needle in a haystack. God. I sound like a New Yorker imitating a Southerner. Thank you, Applejack and Apple Bloom," Peter groaned, clutching at the straps of his daughter's backpack. His masked eyes furrowed at the thought. "If I can find her, I can get her to safety and focus on the creep that kidnapped her. The question is… how can I do that?"

The voice's volume grew in his head, echoing across the confines of his mind. "Listen for her voice." The entire environment distorted, morphing to a darkened realm. Taken aback, Spider-Man inhaled sharply before recognizing the desolate abyss and marble platform under his feet. This was the void of his dreams. Before he could question anything, a small black crystal materialized into existence mere inches away, floating. "Use your magic. Shatter the crystal which binds your magic. With your magical sense, you can hear your daughter's voice."

Peter stared wildly at the glowing crystal, reaching out toward it, but he paused, pulling his hand back. "Hang on. Is this thing why I've been hearing voices lately?" The young man exhaled, glancing at the side. "I reallyamgoing crazy. I'm asking the voice in my head for an explanation."

The crystal vibrated, humming as tremors coursed through its smooth surface. "Yes. It is the seal keeping your magic contained. Over time, it has weakened and cracked. That's particularly why your magical feats have been sporadic and inconsistent. Shatter the crystal, and you will be able to access your natural magical supply net. Apart from that, you can use a different type of magic to bolster your abilities altogether. That should help you find your daughter." The crystal levitated closer to the young man. "Break the seal… or is the life of your daughter not valuable enough?"

Peter reached out and took the black crystal in hand. Many questions circulated through his mind, unsure of what to make of the voice's tone. However, Mayday's life was in immediate jeopardy, and he did not have time to dawdle. Peter gripped the crystal, ready to shatter it in his grasp, but he paused, glancing to the side. Suddenly, the environment shifted, distorting before returning to normal within the city alley. A dark man emerged from the corner of the alley, tightening the white cufflinks on his wrists. An unsettling irritation swelled within the young man's chest as he recognized Mayday's kidnapper, evident by his own shaking fist and narrowed gaze.

"So, you came alone. The length a man will go through for his child is admirable, but it's both foolish and mistaken," Morlun declared, standing firm as the wind blew through his long, black hair. "Are you going to fight me, boy?"

Spider-Man lowered into a defensive stance, growling under his breath. "Where is she?"

Unwavered, Morlun merely folded his arms and huffed. "Do you really want to know?" He closed his eyes, holding his silence before glancing at an old, condemned building across the street. Its windows were sealed shut, and its foundation decrepit after years of neglect. Morlun frowned as he returned his cold gaze to Spider-Man. "She's in that building on the top floor. You may go to save her, but it will do you no good. Those I have come into physical contact with are forever imprinted until I devour them. Helping her will be ineffective so long as I have your scent. If you forever want to protect your family from a doomed existence, you must destroy me."

"Why are you doing this? I don't even know who you are," Spider-Man firmly questioned, alternating his blank gaze between the building and man before him. "You nearly killed my friend and kidnapped my daughter. What's the point in all this?"

"Because of the ties that bind us," Morlun huffed, his tone stoic and malicious. "You possess the blood of a true totem. Your life is mine to feast on, and your children will suffer the same fate… as well as the woman who was stupid enough to give birth to your offspring.Iam the Devourer of True Totems, and my feast starts with you."

That unsettling irritation within Peter swelled, exploding into fiery anger. Spider-Man lunged forward with his fist reared back. "Leave my family out of this, you sick, son of a-!"

Morlun sped forward before Peter could finish his sentence and slammed his fist into Spider-Man's chest. Pain rushed through his body, halting all movement instantly before the force of the blow launched the young man flying into the nearest wall with a thunderous crack. Peter wheezed, struggling to draw breath as if his lungs were collapsing under the weight of the earth itself. Morlun swiftly followed up, driving the point of his elbow directly into Peter's forehead.

The back of his skull shattered the stone behind his position, reducing it to rubble. Everything grew fuzzy, fading into a blur for Peter as the world slowed to a crawl. Throughout his entire career as a superhero, he had been on the receiving end of many forms of physical punishment. He had been hurled through buildings, swatted by dragons, decked by the likes of the Hulk, and even crushed underneath meteors by Thanos. However, it all paled in comparison tothis.

Spider-Man recollected his senses as his momentum carried his body into a violent roll. He flipped to his feet and skidded to a halt near the end of the alley. A sharp, stinging sensation coursed across his skull while blood seeped through his mask, dripping to the floor. The thick and savory taste of his own blood was bitter, and it filled his mouth, never ceasing. Peter drove past the pain, channeling his distorted focus into Morlun and his daughter's safety.

Dashing toward his opponent, Spider-Man ducked as Morlun attempted to grab him and flipped onto the side of a wall before diving out with a kick. The older man raised his forearm, blocking the attack effortlessly. Faster than Peter could react, Morlun reached out and snatched him by the neck with his large, powerful hand. All of the air rushed out of his body as the Inheritor strangled the life out of him. Peter desperately hurled his legs skyward, forcing Morlun to break his hold and sway his head out of the kick's range.

Spider-Man clutched at his throat, coughing harshly before quickly leaping for an attack. However, Morlun snatched Peter out of the air once he was within range, slamming and pinning him against the wall by his collar. Never relinquishing his grip, the Inheritor used his free hand to repeatedly punch his prey's skull, chest, and gut. Each blow was heavier than the last, forcing cracks to spread across the stone wall behind Spider-Man.

Lifting his leg, Morlun drove his foot into Peter's torso and sent the young man bursting through the wall. Spider-Man's momentum hurled him through the other side of the building, and he crashed through that wall with equal force, causing broken shards of brick to fly in countless directions. He eventually skidded to a halt along the street on his back. Morlun casually walked through the wreckage and slowly approached Peter as he struggled to force himself from the ground.

His costume was in tatters and left parts of his face exposed, specifically the mouth and one of the eyes. Spider-Man climbed back to an upright stance, but his legs trembled, struggling to keep his body vertical. An image of Mayday flashed across his mind, prompting Peter to ignore his body's pain and lunge at his attacker out of desperation. Morlun merely huffed at the sight, extending his hand as Peter neared, but in a blink, the older man shifted. Suddenly, three of his fingers were pressed against Spider-Man's face, specifically over his exposed eye. By the time Peter inhaled sharply, Morlun swiftly dug his claws behind the socket and ripped his prey's eye out with a single, clean jerk.

"No…!" Spider-Man exclaimed, clutching at his face while blood poured from his wound. Landing on his stomach, Peter held a hand over the area where his eye used to be to slow the profused bleeding. Thoughts erratically spiraled across his mind like a rampant tornado, and he could only grimace, both in horror and disbelief. "Hedidn't… Oh,God.No."

Morlun devoured the eyeball without hesitation and brushed a hand over his lips, never averting his cold gaze from Spider-Man. "Delicious."

A long silence filled the air as Peter strained to recollect himself. Cracking his knuckles, Morlun began to step forward to finish his prey, but a series of high-pitched sirens echoed across the airwaves, growing in volume by the second. The dark-haired man paused, recognizing the sound of the local law enforcement making their way to investigate the disturbance. Morlun turned his gaze back to Spider-Man, only to find that his prey had undoubtedly retreated during the distraction. Before long, a group of squadron cars rolled into the vicinity and surveyed the damage. Morlun stepped onto the edge of a rooftop and eyed the police after he climbed the nearest building, folding his arms.

"I have your scent, boy. Youcan'thide," he growled, narrowing his gaze to the side. Soon enough, Morlun paused upon spotting the condemned building across the street where the totem's daughter was being held. The older man smirked, quietly walking towards the destination. "Like any parent, you just want to save your child." He cracked his knuckles and snaked his tongue across his lower lip. "Admirable… but mistaken."


Perched at the upper levels of the side wall of the building, Peter opened the windows and slid inside. The confined area and condemned atmosphere, along with the lack of light and compromised eyesight, made navigation more difficult than it already was. A bolt of pain rushed through his head, causing the young man to instinctively clutch at his eye, but he lost grip on the wall, falling roughly on his shoulder upon landing. A broken mess, Peter lay in a pool of his own blood, staring blankly at the dark ceiling.

He longed to sleep in an attempt to forget the immense pain clouding his mind. However, Peter chided himself against the notion, remembering that time wasnota luxury at the moment. With a dry exhale of breath, Peter pulled himself from the ground and leaned his shoulder against the nearest wall for support. He sank into his thoughts, calling back Morlun's words.

Mayday was somewhere on this floor. Analyzing his surroundings, Peter paused upon spotting a door near the stairs. Its metal hinges were twisted together into a makeshift knot of sorts, an act of super strength undoubtedly. The young man dragged himself to the door, ready to twist the bars back into place, but the muscles in his body protested, throbbing profusely until he lowered to a knee. His breathing was harsh, reminiscent to shards of glass scratching against a rough surface. Swallowing roughly, Peter rose to his feet and gripped the handles, straining until he ripped the door from its hinges.

A small squeak escaped from within the room, and Spider-Man's strength faltered at the sound. He weakly lifted his gaze to the source, managing to smile earnestly as Mayday walked toward him. Outside of a few specks of dust that plagued her outfit, the child was fine. Peter lowered to a knee, unable to react as Mayday embraced him soon afterward. The young girl sobbed into his shoulder, tightening her hold around his neck. In spite of his own pain, Peter returned his daughter's hug in full, patting her back reassuringly.

"Hey, sweetie," he whispered, hesitantly pulling the girl away before brushing a hand through her hair. "Are you okay?"

Mayday sniffled, brushing a forearm across her wet eyes. "Y-yyes. Some guy jumped us. Auntie Patricia tried to protect me, but…" she trailed off, her eyes widening at a realization. "Auntie Patricia! Is she okay?"

"Don't worry. Patricia's a tough gal. She's dinged up pretty bad, but she'll make it. Gwen's with her right now," Peter whispered, nodding before pulling his daughter in for a second embrace. "Did he hurt you?"

Mayday shook her head. "N-nno. He said if I tried to run, that he would kill Auntie Patricia. He just… touched her, and suddenly knew about you. I didn't know what to do! I-!"

"Hey, hey. It's okay. What's important is that you're safe," Peter lightly stated, rubbing his daughter's shoulders affectionately. Pausing as if a thought came to mind, Peter removed the backpack from his shoulder and offered it to the girl. "Here. You're practically naked without your iPod."

Mayday's eyes widened as she inhaled sharply, taking the backpack and hugging it tightly against her chest. "Wow! I can't believe you found it! I thought I lost it forever. Thanks, Dad… dy." She trailed off, her gaze finally meeting that of her father's, and her mouth fell agape at the sight. Mayday extended a trembling hand towards Peter's bloody face. "Youreye!What happened to youreye?!"

Peter turned the bloody side of his face to the side. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Right now, we need to get you out of here."

Suddenly, a loud banging sound echoed from downstairs, and bolts of pain channeled through the young girl's cranium. Mayday clutched at her head and glanced about wildly. "I think that's him downstairs. Just being around him made my head spin."

"It'smethat he's after," Peter declared, scooping Mayday into his arms faster than she could react. He jumped to the nearest window, opening it before holding his daughter outside until she perched herself against the wall. Peter pointed in the distance. "I want you to get as far away from this building as you can. Once you're a few blocks away, call Gwen so she'll pick you up. I left her number in your iPod."

Blinking, Mayday stared at her father with a befuddled expression, "Okay… but what areyougoing to do?"

Coughing roughly, Peter shook his head. "If I leave, that'll put everyone in danger. I'll make my stand here." He forced a laugh, wincing before shielding the bloody side of his face with a hand. "Besides, I'll just slow you down. I'd rather use what strength I have left to make sure this guy never tries to hurt you, Patricia, or… your mother and brother."

"No! There'sno waythat I'm leaving-!" Mayday exclaimed, stopping as the barred double doors on the other side of the room swung open.

"I love you," Peter whispered, slamming the window shut before his daughter could protest further. Turning sharply, the young man faced the other side of the room and hopped to the floor. He shot several wads of webbing onto the window, and it spread upon impact, sealing the opening without turning around. Peter bleakly stared at the sight of Morlun standing before him with his arms crossed. "It's just you and me now, Morlun."

Morlun merely huffed. "This changes nothing. You've merely delayed the inevitable for the child. Once I've consumed you, the other totems will fold. Their life force will help me thrive for ages to come."

"Bring it on," Peter weakly declared, staggering into a defensive stance. "I'm not becoming a part of your food chain without a fight."

Morlun's frown deepened as he walked toward Spider-Man. "Your bravado is to be commended, but words mean nothing against fate."

Once a few feet apart, Spider-Man threw a wild punch, but Morlun drove the point of his knee into Peter's gut before the blow could connect. As the young man wheezed for breath, his attacker followed with a straight punch to the jaw. A loud crack echoed across the walls, and Peter's body whipped back, bouncing off the floor for several meters before skidding to a halt. Spider-Man's limbs trembled as he tried to stand once more, but his strength finally failed. Prone, Peter coughed while Morlun approached his fallen prey.

"Many have tried, and all have died trying to resist me with the exception of one. You can try to oppose your fate, but you will not choose it," Morlun muttered, stepping forth. "It'salwaysthe same."

In the confines of Peter's mind, the dark void materialized into existence with Twilight clutching at the black crystal. "Are you seriously going to let it end this way… aftereverythingyou've been through?!" She reached out, extending the crystal to Peter, but the young man frowned, slamming his eyes shut. "It's not too late! Shatter the crystal and use its magic to stop this monster!" Twilight frantically shook her head and gazed skyward, inhaling sharply as everything began to fade, even the darkness itself. "Peter, you're going to getkilled!Use it!"

Back in the real world, Peter tuned out the invasive thoughts and shifted his gaze to Morlun. "What are you going to do?Talkme to death?"

"No," Morlun coldly replied, reaching down before lifting Spider-Man by the neck with a single hand. He slammed his free hand into the young man's torso repeatedly, pausing once Peter coughed up blood onto his face. Morlun's expression hadn't changed, even after licking Spider-Man's blood from his lip. Huffing, he reared his clenched fist back. "I'm going tobeatyou to death and suck the marrow out from your bones."

Suddenly, an individual fell from the ceiling, landing on Morlun's shoulders. The Inheritor instinctively lost his grip on Spider-Man, staggering back. Peter fell to the ground and weakly lifted his gaze. His mouth fell agape upon identifying the intruder, recognizing her braided purple and pink hair.

Mayday wrestled her way onto Morlun's arm, pulling back with all of her might. "Keep your filthy hands off my Daddy!" she exclaimed, biting at Morlun's arm.

Morlun shoved the girl to the ground with his free hand. "Your blood is not ripe just yet."

Mayday stumbled back to her feet, screaming as she charged towards her father's attacker. Morlun frowned, slapping the child with the back of his hand once she was within range. The force of the blow sent Mayday flying before her body rolled violently across the ground until she collided into a steel beam. The bone in her arm snapped at the point of impact. Wrought in pain, Mayday clutched at her arm, specifically the protrusion of bone through skin, and she cried, tears streaming down her face.

Unfaltered by the sight, Morlun scoffed. "Regardless, I have no quarrel spilling your blood either. Rest assured, child. I will end your suffering after I kill your father."

The world slowed to a halt as Peter stared at Mayday's damaged form. He felt numb, yielding to a burning sensation steadily engulfing him. All of his fears had led to this, and as usual, he could do nothing to prevent it. Suddenly, the world burst into flames, enveloping everything in sight. Twilight, Ben, and Mayday faded into the wall of fire while Peter could only watch helplessly. However, the reaches of darkness prevented the flames from consuming the young man.

Twilight materialized inches away from Peter with the black crystal in hand, once again offering it to him. Without a hint of hesitation, Peter accepted the gem and tightened his grip, shattering the jewel. Trails of darkness spiraled around Peter before diving into his body. He knew firsthand what it was like to lose everything after having traveled to a future timeline. Peter grit his teeth to the core, as he could feel the darkness shifting his very being. Twilight held a fanged smile, nodding feverishly while the black mist spread around them.

"Strike down your enemy!" she exclaimed, fading from sight. "It will make sense soon enough."

Back within the real world, Peter slammed his fist into the ground, causing the entire building to shake. Morlun staggered, shifting his gaze to the young man, and Mayday remained on the ground with a grip on her broken arm, staring wildly at her father. Traces of black aura emitted from Peter's body, seeping into the many wounds spread about. Tremors coursed through the building, causing Morlun to nearly lose his footing. However, Peter stood with a feral snarl, unwavered by the shaking area.

Suddenly, the flesh on his body healed at an accelerated rate, erasing all traces of damage within seconds. Even Peter's eye had grown back, but it was of a different shade, glowing momentarily. His iris was slitted, delved in an ocean of blue. All traces of darkness faded, dissipating from existence. Yet, the change in his eyes remained, their piercing blue glare never freeing from the Inheritor.

"What is this?" Morlun questioned, narrowing his gaze before the very foundation of the building shook further. "Just whatareyou?"

Slow to respond, Peter clenched his fist and took in seethed breaths "You're a ruthless, heartlessbastard!" Lowering into a defensive stance, Peter's eyes vanished behind a blinding light. "And I will make yousuffer!"

Paying the young man's words no mind, Morlun dashed forward and threw a punch. However, Peter simply stood still, his eyes widening as an all too familiar blaring alarm erupted within his cranium. The young man eyed the incoming attack, various sections of Morlun's arm highlighted in a bright aura. A knowing smile emerged on Peter's face before he blocked the blow with the palm of his hand effortlessly.

'My Spider Sense is back, and… it's combined with my martial arts and magic?!'he questioned inwardly, smirking widely afterward. Before Morlun could react, Spider-Man gripped his fist tightly as black aura spread, pressing until the bones in his hand snapped. The Inheritor's face finally faltered, shifting from a stoic tone to one of anguish. Hissing in pain, Morlun staggered back upon freeing himself, gripping at his own broken hand. Gritting his teeth, Peter clenched his fist tightly. 'Let's get dangerous!'

Just as he blinked, Peter appeared inches away in a blur with his fist reared back, and he drove it into his foe's mouth. The force of the blow sent out a shockwave potent enough to free the collected dust from every inch of the condemned building. Morlun flew back, crashing into the nearest wall with enough force to imbed his form into the stone. Two strands of webbing latched onto the older man's hand, expanding upon impact. Before he could even attempt to free himself, Peter roared at the top of his lungs and drove his fist into Morlun's exposed gut.

A loud crack echoed against the walls as all of the air rushed out of the older man's lungs. Peter followed in a blur, slamming his fist into the underside of Morlun's jaw before connecting yet another punch to the bridge of the nose. Peter screamed, clenching his fists as black aura emitted from them. Images of his loved ones flashed across his mind, fueling his rage further. Spider-Man delivered a barrage of black magic-induced punches against the pinned man, each strike made with the speed and power of a gatling gun.

The magic pouring from Peter's strikes ate away at the Inheritor, while each strike weakened his resolve. Tremors rushed throughout the entire building until cracks swiftly spread across the surrounding stone. Peter never relented in his assault as a feral glare formed in his eyes. Too many had suffered because of his inaction, and he only wanted to ensure their safety. Suddenly, a soft laughter echoed in the back of his mind, freeing Peter from his self-induced trance.

Blinking, he peered down at Morlun, only to find a hollow, broken man. The black flames burned away his skin, reducing his bones to dust. Peter inhaled sharply, shifting his quivering gaze to the side, but the second sight was just as alarming, of black particles of magical energy emitting from his hands. The energy dissipated, fading as quickly as it appeared.

Countless thoughts raced through Peter's mind, attempting to both make sense of what had transpired and the the act of brutality that he committed. However, a faint sound reached his ears, prompting the young man to turn and find his daughter. Those thoughts slipped into the back of his mind, bringing more important matters to the forefront of his attention.

Peter knelt down and slid his hands underneath Mayday's body, lifting the girl bridal style, firmly yet gently, as to not aggravate her injured arm. His eyes softened as she stirred to life. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

Mayday's eyes fluttered open halfway before shifting to find her father's. "Guess I blacked out for a second there. Is that guy gone?" She winced, clutching at her arm upon making a wrong movement. "Ow."

Peter narrowed his gaze across the room, frowning at the pile of dust that was once a human being. He nodded soon afterward. "Yeah. He won't be bothering us again." The young man glanced off to the side. "I barely remember what happened. I just know that I went to a very dark place when I saw you get hurt." Blinking, his eyes widened at a realization. "Speaking of which, why did you come back? You should've listened to me. Now your arm's broken."

Mayday chuckled under her breath. "If you read my resume, 'rebellious daughter' is one of my defining features." Sobering, the child averted her gaze from her father's stern glare. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I saw what that monster did to Auntie Patricia. I just couldn't leave you alone with him."

Letting out a low sigh, Peter could only chuckle softly. "You're just as stubborn as your mother…" he trailed off, planting a soft kiss at the center of Mayday's forehead, "and just as beautiful. I love you."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Mayday grinned, managing a smile. "I love you too, Daddy."

"As you should. Oh, and you're grounded," Peter replied, matching his daughter's smile in earnest. The sound of sirens blared outside of the building, growing louder by the second. Peter shifted his widened gaze to the side before leaping to the nearest window. "It sounds like the boys in blue heard the commotion. We should head home before they find us here. Eris and Zecora will patch you up."

Mayday nodded, leaning the side of her head against Peter's chest. "Sounds good." Her father climbed out of the window and onto the wall, all while keeping Mayday safe in one arm. The child stared at her father intently until they reached the roof. "Nice eyes, by the way. I didn't know you could grow your eyes back if you lost them."

"Neither did I," Peter whispered, leaping high into the air and across the street before landing gracefully on the side of a building. He paused upon spotting his reflection on the clear glass, specifically the blue, slitted eyes he now harbored. Peter blinked, furrowing his brow after a duration. "Um... How am I supposed to turn the blue off?"

Shrugging, Peter continued his journey back home with his daughter in tow. There were questions that needed answering, and he begged that his allies would be able to help. For now, Peter only wanted to find aid for his injured daughter.

Meanwhile, in the depths of his mind, a soft laughter echoed over the remains of the crystal before fading.

To be continued...

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