• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Chapter Fifty-Three "The Fall of Spider-Mane: Fallout"

Several days had passed since Tirek's reign was ended. Repairs to the land itself and villages heavily affected by the chaos were slowly but surely coming about at a decent pace. However, the very heart of Equestria remained broken, with everypony still dreading the loss of Princess Celestia and those slain in the war. Today was a day for mourning, and the entire world had come to Canterlot to pay their respects.

From the castle to the outskirts of Canterlot, thousands had gathered and filled the plains before the burial site where Celestia would be laid to rest. A representative from each kingdom sat along the second row, from the dragons to the griffins. A sculpture stood at the end of the aisle behind the casket's designated spot, of Celestia herself. It was carved from the finest marble, giving fair evidence of what the princess personified.

With heavy hearts, everypony present turned their collective gazes to the end of the aisles as the pallbearers escorted Celestia to her final resting place. Peter Parker and Shining Armor led the escort alongside two Canterlot knights with saddened gazes. A long silence filled the air out of respect for one that had ruled the kingdom for eons with love and kindness. Yet, through that, stares of discontent could be felt, aimed at the pallbearer indirectly responsible for what had transpired.

Despite those directly involved informing everypony that Peter was not in control of his own actions, there were many that still felt a need to place the blame on Equestria's now fallen hero. However, Peter pushed those thoughts back, knowing today was not about him, but for Celestia. Within the front row of the hundreds of aisles, those closest related to Celestia weeped soundly. Cadance couldn't cease wiping away at her pouring tears from her face with a damp handkerchief, and Diamond rubbed his mother's hoof reassuringly in an attempt to console her.

The wielders of the Elements of Harmony each weeped, some more than others, but Twilight sobbed uncontrollably, as if a piece of her own heart had been ripped out. Her history with Celestia had been well documented, of a teacher and apprentice, yet it was as deep as a second mother to a daughter. She had lost her guide, somepony she'd admired for the majority of her entire life. Now, Twilight would have to lead by example, as Celestia always did for her.

However, her pain paled in comparison to that of Luna, who had lost her older sister of countless eons. From the second Celestia's breathing ceased, Luna could not stop crying. Throughout her long, isolated life, Celestia remained a bridge of warmth and support, even after withstanding a betrayal from her younger sibling. Despite their eternal life, Celestia was taken away, and Luna would have to face the passage of time without her. Luna clutched at the center of her tightening chest. Just the mere thought of that cruel fate made her sick.

Peter winced inwardly, having felt Luna's pain from his position. Because of the bond that they shared and his heightened senses due to his synchronization with Dream, he could practically feel every ounce of Luna's emotions, whether they were positive or negative. Her misery was so deep that he could practically drown in it. It was no further evident in the eulogy Luna delivered just minutes ago, for it continuously echoed throughout the confines of Peter's mind.

Luna's eyes softened as she stood over the altar, choking back her building sobs. "My sister was born of flesh and blood, like you and me. While she may not have outwardly shown it, for countless eons, she viewed herself as unworthy to hold such a title as princess. However, she did so earnestly by always giving her very best effort to carry out her role justly. With only fairness for all in mind, she never thought of herself when it came to her decisions."

Tears streamed down the alicorn's cheeks as her emotions began to pour out. "Every action taken was for the sole benefit of Equestria, and the safety of its inhabitants. To her, simply knowing that they felt safe under her rule was reward enough. My sister loved this land and everypony in it. Even if she is not with us physically, my sister will forever live on in our hearts. Let us honor her memory with matching love."

Blinking, Peter freed himself from his self-induced trance, eyeing the grave as they drew near it. The sounds of sobs suddenly grew, and it would take considerable time for them to cease. The world would weep for its benevolent ruler. For how long remained to be seen, but they would all mourn this day, for Princess Celestia would take her final rest. Tomorrow, they would try to move on without her.


After some time, the festivities slowly came to a close, and everypony eventually returned to their respective homes. For the time being, the Parker/Sparkle family were resigned to Canterlot Castle until they could find a new place to call home in place of their Treebrary. Twilight tended to Ben, tucking the baby colt into bed after such an exhausting day. However, Mayday held her silence still, not having said a word for the entirety of the day. Peter caught a glimpse of the filly before she hastily trotted away upstairs, refusing to look back at anypony.

Peter let out a low sigh, staring somberly in the direction his daughter fled as Twilight joined his side. "She'sstilltaking it hard. She's been like that all week."

Twilight's eyes softened as she briefly shared a glance with her husband. "It's going to take time for all of us to recover."

"We know how she is. Mayday's blaming herself for what happened," Peter whispered, frowning. "I know what she's going through. I should talk to her. Otherwise, this is going to hang over her head for the rest of her life in the worst way imaginable."

Just as Peter readied himself to leave, Twilight reached out and placed a hoof over his shoulder. "Let me talk to her instead, honey." The alicorn nodded, her gaze softening further. "Ever since Mayday has been a baby, you've always been there to pick her up when she would fall. In time, she would eventually begin to come to you as she got older. I never thought anything of it and always took to the sidelines, due to the closeness of your relationship. However, I just now realized why she has taken so deeply with you over me."

Peter arched a brow. "Huh? Why is that?"

Twilight trailed off, her gaze slowly lifting to meet her husband's before she forced a smile. "We're too much alike. If I was in her shoes, I'd act the exact same way. To her, you're a breath of fresh air and completely different from what she is. I'm… something she recognizes all too well." She stepped forward, slowly putting distance between herself and Peter. "That's why she needs to hear this from me. She could finally relate to what I have to say. Letmebe there for our daughter this time."

Slow to respond, Peter blinked before giving the alicorn a small smile and stepping to the side. Twilight simply nodded, venturing past and upstairs after their daughter.

Meanwhile, in the confines of her temporary quarters, Mayday sat alongside the edge of her bed with a teary gaze. Countless thoughts cycled through the filly's head, none of which relented in basking in Princess Celestia's memory. However, with that came blame, and Mayday could not chase those vocal thoughts away. The center of her chest ached before she burst into another sob, shielding her eyes with her hooves.

A soft set of knocks echoed from the door, prompting the filly to gasp and instinctively clean her face as quickly as possible with whatever she could find. Mayday grabbed her pillow and buried her face within the cushion, tossing it to the side when she finished. The door quietly creaked open as Twilight stepped into the room, and the filly straightened her posture in response, glancing to the side. Closing the door behind her with magic, the alicorn quietly took a seat next to Mayday once she reached her bed. The air between them grew thin, making the simple act of breathing a challenging feat.

"How are you feeling?" Twilight gently questioned, holding a soft gaze to match her tone. "You've barely said a word all week."

Mayday frowned, unable to lift her gaze from the ground. "WhatcanI say, Mom? I couldn't see what wasrightin front of me, and the whole world got mixed up in the process." The filly's voice cracked as she fought back her building sobs. "Dad tried to tell me somethingreallyimportant before the fighting started, and I threw it in his face. I wassosure that I was right, but now I see that I couldn't have been more wrong." Slamming her eyes shut, tears streamed down the filly's cheeks. "I pushed Dad over the edge, Mom, and Princess Celestia got herself killed because of it. Because ofme! This all happenedbecause of me!"

Twilight softly gazed at the filly as she descended into a sob. However, the alicorn managed a smile while her own eyes began to hurt. "It's okay, sweetie. It's not your fault." Inhaling deeply before sighing, the alicorn placed a hoof over the filly's shoulder. "To be honest, I knowexactlywhat you're going through."

Mayday immediately released a scuff between her sobs. "How could youpossiblyknow what I'm going though, Mom?!"

With a sigh, Twilight approached her daughter, taking a seat on the bed beside her. "Because you're just like howIwas at your age."

Mayday's ears perked at the statement before she rubbed her snout, snuffling. "Howam I just like you?"

Twilight shook her head, chuckling under her breath. "Don't forget. IwasPrincess Celestia's apprentice and the highest graded student in my class." Sobering, the alicorn let out a sigh. "However, like you, while I was intellectually gifted, I couldn't see between the lines. For me, the knowledge within books was absolute. Everything else was wrong in my eyes. I relied on cold logic and nothing else. It was because of that aspect that I didn't have many friends during my years in Canterlot."

"Is that why Princess Celestia sent you to Ponyville?" Mayday lightly questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Nodding, Twilight brushed her hooves together. "Yes. I was booksmart… too much so. Without a book to lean on or to guide me, I was virtually clueless. I didn't know anything else. I didn't know how to make friends. I wasn't in touch with my emotions. I was… just like you. It's why Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville in the first place."

Mayday blinked, bewildered. "Me?"

Twilight's smile widened. "You're very intelligent, more than your father and I were at your age, but you rely on logic alone without listening to your heart. Doing that will cause you to makemanymistakes, and you'll alienate yourself from those around you."

The filly's ears fell into her mane shamefully. "Just like I did with Dad and Princess Celestia." Letting out a sigh, Mayday shared a glance with her mother. "Discord mentioned one of the mistakes you made. Did you make any more?"

A pink flush stained the alicorn's cheek as she giggled sheepishly. "Enough that I could make a list of them. I was not a friendly filly during my time in Canterlot. It really wasn't until I mentioned it to your father that he pointed out how mean I really was. My studies were too important to me. Even when my closest friend, Moondancer, threw herself a birthday party and invited me, I snuffed her invitation because I didn't want to stop studying."

Mayday's eyes widened. "That sounds like something… that I would do."

Twilight's eyes softened as a warm smile graced her features. "My entire time in Ponyville has been one big misadventure, but it's also been a wonderful learning experience. It's where I met my best friends. It's where I met your Auntie Trixie, who became like a sister to me. It's where I ascended to become an alicorn." Warm tears dripped from her face, yet her smile remained intact underneath her glowing cheeks. "It's where I met your father and gave birth to you."

Mayday edged closer, laying against her mother's side before looking up to her. "All because you listened to your heart, too?"

Twilight wrap a foreleg around her daughter, pulling her close. "Yes. I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't. You and your brother wouldn't be here either."

Mayday nuzzled into her mom's side before letting out a deep sigh. "What am I supposed to do? I'm not sure I really knowhowto listen to my heart."

Twilight brushed the side of her head against Mayday's affectionately. "Trust me. That's the hard part. It takes time to learn how to stop and listen to your heart as well as your head. I had your father help me over the years. He always wore his emotions on his sleeve, and I can say that he's deeply affected with that. Now, I think I can do the same for you alongside him. It's what… Princess Celestia would've wanted us to do: to grow together as a family."

Taking her mother's word to heart, Mayday weakly nodded as tears once again swelled in her eyes. "Okay, Mom. I'll try, but… if I do, you have to promise to go see your friend."

"Okay. I promise," Twilight nodded, as her own eyes swelled with tears as well.

Before long, the filly finally submitted to her emotions, burying her face into Twilight's chest. Tightening her grip around her mother, she sobbed uncontrollably, pouring out a week's worth of grief at once. Twilight sniffled before slowly bursting into a sob as well, returning her daughter's tearful embrace.

Through tragedy came unity, and understanding rose from sadness. A mother and daughter slowly began to mend the great distance between them, growing closer through a shared love they unknowingly had. The two remained as such for the remainder of the night, spending quality time together for the first time since either of them could remember. Unbeknownst to them, Peter peeked into the room through the small crack in the door, watching from a distance with equal love and a warm smile before exiting completely.

The following day at the hint of sunrise, Luna, Twilight, and Peter sat in the High Council's room. The stallion let out a low yawn before lowering his head onto the table. However, before he could drift back into a slumber, Eris materialized into existence mere hoof-lengths away in a burst of light. Twilight gently poked her husband's side until he rose, earning a disgruntled groan in response.

"What was it that you wanted to speak with us about, Eris?" Luna questioned, narrowing her gaze on the draconequus. "Based on your insistence, this clearly couldn't have waited."

Peter grumbled under his breath, rubbing his eyes with a hoof. "Anytime after noon. That's all I ask for in life."

Eris held a stern gaze, lacking the usual playfulness she possessed. "My apologies. I know that this is a sensitive time for you all, but I am set to follow strict instructions." The draconequus raised a glowing paw, causing a golden set of royal wear to materialize into existence in a burst of light over the table. The group was quick to recognize the crown, chestplate, and hoof-shoes that used to belong to Celestia, their condition as spotless as ever. "Princess Celestia gave me a message to pass onto you before her death. She insisted that I waited untilafterher burial."

"Why?" Twilight hesitantly questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Slow to respond, Eris simply turned to Celestia's armor before raising a claw of her talon. Suddenly, a tiny flame rose from within the golden armor. It morphed to a shade of blue before an astral image hovered over the ember, shifting to take the shape of Celestia. Everypony inhaled sharply at the sight, never averting their gazes from the blue flames and the small projection they emitted.

Celestia inhaled deeply before sighing. "Hello, Luna and Twilight. If you're seeing this, I am already gone. The future ahead of you both will be paved with questions and doubt, but I'm confident that you can lead Equestria to an age of prosperity in my stead." She glanced off to the side momentarily before shifting her gaze forward. "My time is short, and I must give you these messages with haste. Luna. Do not lose yourself to hatred. I don't want you to make me worry anymore. Peter and Twilight will be there for you in my place."

"Sister…" Luna whispered, closing her eyes as she allowed Celestia's words to sink in.

Celestia paused, managing a smile. "And Twilight. I've watched you grow from an irrational, headstrong filly to a mature, loving mare. I told you years ago that you were no longer my student. However, now, I would be honored, if you became my successor." Just as Twilight's eyes widened, a small orb of energy rose from the blue flame and channeled into her chest. Celestia lowered her head and closed her eyes. "I leave what's left of my essence with you. From here on, it is your solemn duty to raise and lower the sun daily. Luna will instruct you on how to do it over time. Stand by my sister and lead Equestria to an age of prosperity. And Peter? Watch over both of them for me."

"Princess Celestia," Twilight sniffled, fighting back her tears to no avail.

With a brief pause, Celestia lifted her gaze before nodding. "It seems that I've run out time. I have only one last thing to say. No matter what your futures hold, one thing is always certain." A small smile graced her features. "I willalwayslove you… my little sister and my dearest student."

The flames immediately dissipated, causing Celestia's image to fade from sight. Everypony in the room sat in silence, as if allowing the alicorn's last words to sink in. However, an air of content filled the vicinity. Luna managed a smile, weakly nodding as a great weight was lifted from her shoulders. Twilight's lip quivered while fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, and Peter wrapped a hoof around her shoulder, allowing the mare to cry into his chest. Eris quietly stood back with a knowing smile, assured that the world was in capable care as of now.

For the first time in what seemed like years, Gwen Stacy was back in her home dimension. She sat in the corner of the garage as the members of her band, the Mary Janes, bickered about what song to practice for their upcoming concert. During a rare time of peace, Gwen had no idea what to do with her time. She glanced to the side, almost begging for a bad guy to punch in hopes of a distraction.

Sadly, it never came. A small sense of sadness tugged at her heart. She couldn't get him out of her mind. The symbol of her past had returned, becoming a pivotal part of her present, and they were forced to say goodbye, as the dimensional barrier between their homes had to be closed. Gwen brushed a hand through her blonde hair before shifting her saddened gaze to the window by her side.

She could not rid that lasting image from her mind at the dimensional rift between their worlds. The blonde let out a desolate sigh, allowing her chin to rest in the palm of her hand. "This is the third time I've had to say goodbye to him. I don't know if I can take this much longer."

On the other side of the room, Glory folded her arms and arched a brow. "What's with her? She's been zoning out ever since she came back from that trip."

Betty Brant shook her head. "It's not the first time. Remember that other trip she took?" She placed down the paper in hand and raised a finger objectively. "I'm telling you that Gwen found a guy and got dumped."

"What if she didn't get dumped?" Glory interjected, humming as she tilted her head to the side. "What if she just misses him? That'ssoromantic if that's the case."

Em Jay marched forward, rolling her eyes and exhaling while brushing a hand through her long, red hair. "You'rebothmaking alotof assumptions right now. Guy or not, we won't let her go on any more trips ifthisis how she's going to act every time she comes back." Clapping her hands loudly, Em Jay held her hands out to the side. "Hey Gwen! Are we practicing or what?"

Freeing herself from her self-induced trance, Gwen simply nodded before retrieving a pair of drumsticks from her sidepockets. As the rest of her fellow bandmates gathered their respective instruments, the blonde sank back into the confines of her mind to where she saw him for the last time. They stood on the edge of nothingness, never averting their gazes from each other. Gwen wanted to drown in the hazel ocean that was Peter's gaze, evident by the pink tint filling her cheeks.

There was so much she wanted to say and more she yearned to do. Gwen reached out, brushing her hand against the side of Peter's face. Fortunately, she knew of his intentions, and with Eris, they would be reunited someday. With a low sigh, Gwen stood on the tip of her toes before leaning closer to kiss Peter's cheek. They stared at each other for a while longer, knowing words weren't needed. This wasn't goodbye, for they always had each other in their hearts.

"I'll always love you, Peter," Gwen whispered, forcefully choking back a sob as she freed herself once more from her trance. With renewed vigor, she tapped her drumsticks together. "Okay! One! Two! Three!"

Taken aback, Dusk Shine blinked at his wife as she offered him her folded costume. "Patricia! Are you sure about this?"

The mare chuckled, extending her costume out until her husband hesitantly accepted it via telekinesis. "I couldn't be more sure. After what I just went through, I'm more than happy to retire. Equestria doesn't need Spider-Mare anymore." She trailed off, lifting her gaze as her face burned. "Personally, I need you more than anything else, Dusk. I've had one too many close calls for my liking. If I never got to say goodbye to you, that would've been too much for me."

Blinking, Dusk was slow to respond before managing a smile. "Well, if you're sure." He levitated the costume high overhead, sliding it into the closet before closing its door shut. "So, what're you going to do now?"

Patricia hummed, placing both hooves behind her head. "Peter gave me a pretty good idea. I think I'll go back to school and get my degree. I think it's time I used my head to help those around me instead of my muscles."

Dusk eased back, smiling. "I've been telling you that for years. I'm glad you're finally listening to me a little." The stallion arched a brow as a thought came to mind. "So, is it true? Eris is going to stay in the other Equestria from now on? Is that really a good idea?"

"Yeah. She's gonna be working with Peter from now on," Patricia hummed, shifting her gaze skyward. "It's complicated to explain, but Peter has become the embodiment of Order to that of Chaos. Eris finally has a friend that can keep her in check."

Bewildered, Dusk furrowed his brow. "Come again?"

She playfully patted a hoof against the stallion's chest. "Think of it like this. Opposites attract. Just think us on a platonic scale."

"You know, it does makes sense when you put it like that," Dusk replied, nodding. He glanced to the side, pursing his lips. "Eris was a touch annoying, but I still think I'll miss her a little. Then again, I'll enjoy the peace and quiet."

Patricia smiled evilly. "Don't be so sure about that. I'll have an excuse to stay at home for a while before I go back to school. For example, did you know that Peter and Twilight have had asecondchild? That meanswehave to catch up."

"Wait. What?!" Dusk gulped, unable to react as Patricia hopped into his unprepared hooves and slammed the door to their room shut.


The evening sun stood perched overhead, blessing the land with its warmth. On the outskirts of Aria's lake near the Whitetail Woods, a pair of graves sat in a secluded meadow. Peter and Trixie quietly watched as Sonata knelt before the slabs of marble and dropped roses on their respective pedestals. She brushed a hoof over the names inscribed in the stone, 'Aria' and 'Adagio', before pulling herself to a standing position.

"I'm going to miss you two," she whispered, eyeing the stones gently. "In a way, we got exactly what we wanted. Equestria's heading in a new direction. I'm going to work hard and make sure that everypony's treated equally, so something like the extinction of our race will never happen again." Inhaling deeply before sighing, Sonata managed a smile. "Well, I'm off. I promise that I'll come and visit again."

Once the siren turned away from the graves, Peter stepped toward Sonata with a soft gaze. "Are you okay?"

Sonata nodded, chuckling weakly. "Yeah. I'm getting there." As if a realization came into mind, the siren pursed her lips and wrapped her hooves around the stallion's neck for a warm embrace. "Thanks again for helping me with the burial. It means a lot to me."

Peter returned the hug in full, patting the back of her head reassuringly. "Don't mention it."

"So, what are you going to do now?" Trixie questioned, tightening the sling holding her dislocated shoulder in place. "You don't have a place to call your own."

Sonata hummed, scratching the back of her head after parting from the stallion. "Um… I don't know. For the time being, I can stay in the lake. It's pretty refreshing being able to breathe underwater again."

Peter chuckled. "While thatiscool, I think it'd be better if you stayed with us. We have plenty of room, and I think you're better company than Trixie."

Trixie merely rolled her eyes in response, waving a hoof dismissively. "As if anypony is better company for you than me."

Furrowing her brow, Sonata tilted her head to the side. "That's really sweet of you, Peter. Really. But I can't ask you to do more for me."

Trixie reached out, placing a hoof over the siren's shoulder. "Please don't try to argue with this idiot. He's already had your room made and customized. There's even an aquarium there, to satisfy all your aquatic needs."

Sonata threw a hoof over her mouth, concealing a gasp. "What?! Really?!"

Peter grinned, taking hold of the siren's hoof. "Yup. You're my responsibility now, remember? There's no way I'm letting you live alone. Adagio wouldkillme. Besides, you have friends. Maybe one day, we can be like… a family to you."

Faster than Peter could react, Sonata lunged forward into his unsuspecting hooves. Nearly knocked to the ground, the stallion planted his hooves and returned the siren's affection. Her lips quivered into a smile while fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. Overwhelming relief and admiration filled her heart where sadness and loss had previously dwelled. In her glee, Sonata's mermaid-like tail wagged earnestly, unknowingly striking Trixie repeatedly, who merely raised her good hoof in bemused defense.

Chuckling under his breath, Peter tightened his hold. "I guess that means yes, huh?"

Sonata sniffled, nodding once they parted. "Oh Peter, thank you so much!" The siren paused, glancing to the side upon noticing a blank glare from Trixie. As if a realization came to mind, she pulled her tail to the side before shifting her widened gaze back to the stallion. "Hold on. Your treehouse- erm,Treebrary- is gone. Are we going to live in Canterlot?"

Trixie scoffed, wincing at the bolts of pain coursing through her body. "Oh, how cute. She finally noticed."

Peter shook his head. "Nope. We're not moving to Canterlot. It turns out that we have something new on the outskirts of Ponyville. It's a little bigger than the old Treebrary, and we could use some help filling it up. It's pretty empty with just Twilight, Trixie, the kids, Aunt May, Spike, and me. Believe me, you'd be doing us a huge favor."

"Really? Wow. Um, how much bigger is this house?" Sonata innocently questioned.

Trixie slowly walked away from the pair, waving a hoof suggestively. "It's big enough. You'll have to see it for yourself. Why don't we talk about it more there? Peter has a little pet project he wants to discuss."

On the outskirts of Ponyville lay a benevolent sight. Its exterior was smooth, forged from the finest diamond, and its multicolored surface gleamed brightly underneath the rising sun. On a scale, its size stood several stories high, nearly towering over the neighboring village and rivaling that of the surrounding mountains. Its shape resembled that of a tree, with a star perched at the top of its being, and the castle itself bore a shade of violet, much like the princess it represented. A pink banner bearing Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark hung from the side, flapping proudly in the coming breeze.

News of Twilight Sparkle succeeding Princess Celestia as co-ruler of Equestria quickly spread throughout the land. In her honor, considering that her old home had been destroyed, a castle was made to fit her ascending royal status. However, nopony expected such a castle to be done in a day, but they had Eris to thank for such a feat, seeing as the draconequus finally recovered from her time on Earth.

Once inside, Sonata stared vividly at the castle's designs. "Wow! This place ismuchbigger on the inside!"

Mayday bounced happily about upstairs, pointing a hoof at an empty section. "This room here? Mine!" Her eyes widened before she trotted downstairs hastily, skidding to a halt by another empty section as Trixie slowly approached it. "And this one? Also mine!"

Trixie could only exhale in defeat, shrugging. "Why do I even try?"

Sonata blinked, shifting her gaze about aimlessly. "So, um, where's my room?"

Peter faced the siren, pointing a hoof behind his shoulder. "It's over there, but Twilight's not done organizing yet. Until it's pitch perfect, she'll be at this all day."

Everypony turned their gazes to the side, spotting Twilight and Eris. The alicorn walked with a clipboard and pen hovering by her head via telekinesis, while Eris followed with a hardhat and design map in paw. The draconequus held a bemused glare, drifting into a standing slumber. Twilight levitated her clipboard, lightly tapping it against Eris's hardhat until she awoke abruptly.

"Stay focused, Eris! If we're finishing this castle tonight, you have to pay attention!" Twilight declared, centering her gaze on the clipboard. She ran a hoof over the miniature map, tapping it lightly. "Now, we should move the aquarium next to the workshop. That way, should anything happen to the water, Sonata won't have to travel far to get it cleaned."

Eris blankly stared at the alicorn, waving a glowing paw. "You areveryparticular." The area distorted, morphing as the rooms were swapped accordingly. The draconequus arched a brow at the stallion. "I can't believe that I let you talk me into this agreement.Youare the embodiment of Order. Not her."

Peter walked between the pair, folding his hooves while sharing a glance with his wife. "Twilight's the whole reason I have some organization in my life. If we're going to be partners as Order and Chaos for Equestria, Twilight will be our consultant." The stallion placed a hoof over the alicorn's shoulder, grinning. "It's a package deal. You get a Parkeranda Sparkle."

Twilight sternly stared at the draconequus. "Plus, if you're going to live in this castle, I have to teach you how to practicesomerestraint. That will come with time."

"It's fine, I suppose," Eris grinned, fading from sight before instantly materializing into existence between Peter and Twilight. "I have no need to raise chaos in this world. Chaos just naturally flocks to Peter, and he always remedies the situation. It's entertaining in its own right, and I have a front row seat in this lovely castle." The draconequus disappeared in a burst of magic before flashing into existence in midair. "So, fine. What shall we move next?"

As Twilight guided Eris to the other side of the room, Trixie grimaced before sharing a glance with the stallion. "Eris is living here, too? That's a colorful bunch already gathered."

Peter nodded, raising a hoof objectively. "Eris wants to help with our project. Keeping her here will help with that. Plus, she's more than earned our trust, and she's proven to be a great friend."

Trixie huffed, waving a hoof dismissively. "Point taken. So, when will you talk with the other two?"

Sobering, Peter pursed his lips and glanced to the side. "Soon. There's somepony Eris and I have to talk to first."


Deep in the reaches of the astral plain, Discord stood with his paw and talon folded across his chest, arching a brow as Peter and Eris materialized into existence mere hoof-lengths away in a burst of light. The draconequus huffed. "I see you took your time."

"We're still rebuilding. That's gonna take time," Peter declared, brushing the dust from his hooves before arching a brow. "So, did you make up your mind?"

Discord nodded. "Indeed. The choice was relatively easy to make." Sobering, the draconequus frowned and shifted his gaze to the side. "After everything that's happened, I have to leave this world. It was my ambition that drove the world into anarchy. I have much to answer for." He shifted his gaze to his female counterpart. "Eris has proven to be quite capable at staying in my place. She can help you grow into your role as the Spirit of Order and Harmony in time."

Eris let out a low sigh. "So, where will you go? The universe is awfully big for one to wander about aimlessly."

Discord closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I will seek out the Grand Council and confess my crimes. I manipulated a youngling to turn against her father, allowed two cosmic entities from separate timelines to coexist on the same plain, and my actions directly led to the death of a major ruling figure. If I had just practicedsomerestraint, like Eris consistently insisted, things wouldn't have escalated to the degree that they did."

Eris furrowed her brow. "Are yousureabout this? Turning yourself in could result in a ten to twenty lifecycle sentence. You won't see the light of day again for eons. It'll be considerably longer than your imprisonment by the Elements of Harmony."

The draconequus simply nodded with a softened gaze. "I'm aware of that, and I'm perfectly content with the sentence. It'll give meplentyof time to rethink my way of thinking." Slowly but surely, Discord managed to hold eye contact with the stallion. A brief silence filled the air between the them. Eventually, he managed a smile. "Peter, you're everything I imagined and then some. From the bottom of my heart, I'm really sorry that I pushed you so hard, but I knew you could overcome anything I threw at you. Whenever I return, I hope that we can start anew under better circumstances."

Peter simply stared at the draconequus with an unreadable expression before frowning. "Well, I can't say that it's all been good. I've been smacked around, tossed, blown up, stabbed, frozen, killed, maimed, and corrupted by two cosmic forces—one of which is still living in my head as a second voice."

"You talk enough for both of us. At the very least, my voice proves as a distraction and minimizes your chatter somewhat,"Dream whispered as she materialized in the back of Peter's mind, folding her arms in a huff. "Yet there is great potential in our partnership. That much I can't deny. Keep your promise to me, and in time, I can come to guide your senses and assist you in many ways."

The stallion cleared his throat and inhaled deeply before sighing, managing a smile. "But it hasn't been all bad either. It's because of your shenanigans that I found a place that accepts me in Ponyville and met my wife, Twilight. Besides, Dream's rather pleasant company. So to be honest, in a way, I owe everything to you. Besides, everyone deserves at least one second chance. In the meantime, I hope you get the help that you need."

Both individuals shared a knowing glance before the stallion stepped forth, extending a hoof. Discord's eyes widened at the sight before the corner of his fanged mouth curled into a smile. The draconequus accepted the gesture, taking hold of Peter's hoof with a talon. They eventually parted on good terms, with Discord and Eris sharing a final glance before the male draconequus faded from sight in a burst of light.


Peter eased back, sharing a glance with Twilight. "I almost can't remember the last time we spent alone time together."

Twilight nodded, smiling sweetly. "It's beentoolong." The couple sat in an open grassy field underneath the luminous light the sun provided, with a basket filled with various goods, such as sandwiches and fruits. Having a picnic with lit candles, they reveled in the peace earned after the fighting and repairs. Twilight eyed the checkered blanket underneath their hooves, nodding. "A picnic was a romantic choice. Simple, but effective. It'ssome."

Peter shifted his gaze skyward, chuckling. "I aim to please."

"So, Discord's really gone?" Twilight questioned, using her magic to tie her ponytail into a bun.

Peter nodded, swallowing the chewed contents within his mouth. "Yeah. He's gone on hiatus. Eris says it'll be alongtime before we see him again."

Twilight pursed her lips. "I see. I'm a little surprised, but it's like Princess Celestia used to say. Everypony can change." Sobering, the alicorn edged closer to the stallion. "How about you? How areyoufeeling?"

"Me? Let's just say I feel like a million bucks. I've been sleeping much better, thanks to Dream," Peter obliviously stated, chuckling. "Then again, anypony would sleep better when they're not in any immediate danger."

"What about your eyes? I've noticed that they've been alternating colors lately," Twilight whispered, concern evident in her voice.

"Oh yeah, about that, actually. We found out something pretty cool," Peter declared, raising a hoof. His hazel eyes faded behind a blinding light before morphing to a blue slitted gaze. "When Dream and I synchronize, my eyes turn blue. I can use my magic then and sense through magic. However, my spider sense stops working. Plus, Dream can speak through me in this state."

"It's a working progress," Dream coolly declared, her voice meshing with Peter. "Your Highness."

Twilight politely waved. "Dream. I must admit that this will take some getting used to."

Dream simply nodded. "It will take time, but I promise not to pry during your personal affairs. I shall take my leave."

Peter shook his head. "And you said I couldn't multitask." Chuckling, the stallion nodded, tapping a hoof against the side of his head. "However, we stop the synchronization, and then my eyes turn back to hazel. My spider sense comes back, and Dream can identify the threats for me. Downside is that I can't use my magic then." He trailed off, glancing to the side as he scratched the back of his head while a pink flush filled his cheeks. "So… should I keep the blue eyes? I remember how much you liked them back on Earth."

Twilight's heart skipped a beat at the question as she clapped her hooves together. "Actually…" she paused, flapping her wings eagerly. The temperature in her face rose. "If it's the same to you, I'd prefer it if you kept your normal look. You had big brown eyes when I married you. I mean, no matter how much you change, you're still you, and either way, I'll love you regardless."

Peter simply stared at the alicorn, chuckling under his breath. The blue color in his eyes faded, morphing back to their usual hazel shade. He leaned forward, booping his nose against the mare's affectionately. "Have I ever told you that you're the best girl a guy can ask for?"

Twilight giggled sheepishly. "A few times… not that I'm complaining." The alicorn eased back, blinking as a strange sensation churned at the center of her chest. She furrowed her brow before brushing a hoof over her thumping chest. "Hmm. I've been feeling strange lately. Luna said that I'll be changing soon, since Princess Celestia's essence merged with me."

"Whatever happens, we'll see it through together," Peter gently whispered, planting a soft kiss on Twilight's forehead. The alicorn squeaked sweetly in response, leaning the side of her head against the stallion's chest. The couple stared at the clear skies overhead, cuddling together. Peter raised a hoof, pointing it at the horizon. "Also, I think it's time thatweexpanded. It's a brand new day, Twilight. Let's shape Equestria into a better world."

Up next: Epilogue

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