• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Fall of an Empire, Part VIII

Chapter Twenty-Four "Fall of an Empire, Part VIII"

Within the confines of her room in Canterlot Castle, Mayday sprawled out atop her bed, releasing a hard sigh. "Thissucks," she whined to herself, rolling over onto her back. The filly pursed her lips, glancing off to the side. "Mom didn't have to ground me to my room. Celestia wasn'tthatupset..."

Mayday furrowed her brow as she once again reflected on the alicorn's response to her questions yesterday. She could clearly tell that Celestia's reaction had been more than a little awkward; almost as if she had been caught off guard. The more Mayday thought about the whole encounter objectively, the more it seemed that the filly was encroaching on a topic she was not supposed to. This only sparked her curiosity even further.

Pausing for a moment, Mayday retrieved the vial that she had hid away the other night. "How am I supposed to make any more connections? I doubt I'll find anything else in the archives. There were too many inconsistencies." Swirling the clear liquid in her hooves, she let out a large sigh. "There has to be more informationsomewhere, but... I don't know where to go from here."

'I would suggest looking someplace nopony is allowed to go. Well... almost nopony anyway.'

Mayday's ears perked up at the familiar voice within her mind. "Probably, but that doesn't exactly help me right now, does it, Discord?"

With a chuckle, the draconequus appeared across the room from the filly. "You weren't even the least bit surprised this time? Interesting."

Sitting up on her bed, Mayday turned to face her much anticipated guest. "That's because I've been waiting for you," she admitted, folding her forelegs. "I have some questions that I think you may be the only one with the answers for."

"Is that so?" Discord chortled. "Questions? Forme?"

"Youdidsay that we would speak again," Mayday casually pointed out, raising a hoof.

"Fair enough," he replied, clapping his paw and talon together as a small grin graced his features. Pausing briefly, Discord nodded. "So, what has you so curious that you'd anticipate a visit from yours truly?"

"You've been around for a long time, right?" Mayday questioned before straightening her posture. "What do you know about the old school that once stood where Celestia's school for gifted unicorns is now?"

The draconequus raised a piqued eyebrow. "You certainly don't beat around the bush. An aspect you share with your no-nonsense mother, I'd assume."

Mayday pursed her lips, frowning. "Do you, or do you not?"

"The old University of Applied Sciences and Magic…?" Discord grinned, stroking his goatee. "Imayknow a thing or two about it. It was quite a prestigious establishment for its time. A real shame it was shut down prematurely."

"Iknewit!" Mayday blurted out, dropping a foreleg into her other hoof. "There reallywasanother school before the current one!"

"Oh, yes. One of many in that era, actually," Discord replied curtly with a nod. "However, the UASM was quite the hustle and bustle compared to the rest. Many great minds from all across the new nation came together to study and research together. It was beautiful, really, and rather chaotic at times, too! It was truly a remarkable combination!" The draconequus chortled, slapping a knee before leaning in close excitedly."Oh, oh! Like the time where the Mortar and Pestle twins accidentally blew up the alchemy lab on its very firstdayof opening!Hilarious!"

Mayday stared blankly into nowhere at a sudden revelation the draconequus's answer brought. Hypothetical thoughts from days before crept back into the filly's mind as she quickly found herself at war with herself. There was the need to exercise caution, abandoning this task and warn everypony that she was conversing with the enemy. However, it was overshadowed by her undying need to quench her mind's thirst for knowledge, a trait shared by her parents' intellectual sides respectively.

Shaking the invading thoughts from her head, Mayday turned her gaze skeptically back to her guest. "How can I be so sure that you aren't lying to me? That you haven't lied to me about everything so far?"

Discord paused, scratching his chin for several moments as he arched a knowing brow. "I suppose you can't. Honestly, I don't necessarily have anything to gain from lying to you."

Mayday narrowed her eyes. "You gain by having me doubt the princesses. Doubt if what they're doing is right."

A grin slowly spread across Discord's face. "I thought you would've sharedsomeof your father's optimism, but you're proving to be just as cynical as yourboringmother sometimes. Yet, I can't deny how clever you are. While that technicallyistrue to some extent, allow me to ask you one thing." Discord pointed a talon at the filly, chuckling. "If you really were so afraid of me lying to you, would you really have asked me about the previous school? In fact, would you have even looked into it in the first place if youtrulythought that I had been lying to you?"

His question caught the filly off guard, taking her aback. Mayday felt a chill run down her spine, as if the draconequus had pulled the very warring thoughts from her mind.

Swallowing hard, her ears fell back before she looked away. "I was more afraid that what you said might be actually true. It speaks for itself that I probably shouldn't trusteverythingyou say..." Trailing off, the filly cleared her throat before shifting her gaze back towards Discord. "However, after looking into the archives, there was just too much missing. Too many questions with no answers. Yet… here you are, seeming to have these missing answers… I know I shouldn't listen to you, but…" Mayday cupped her head into her forehooves, shaking herself with a frustrated groan. "Ihaveto know what happened! Maybe it'll give me some closure if I just know the truth."

Discord huffed, holding a smug grin. "Oh, Mayday. You simply don't disappoint. I can help you with that. Unfortunately, I'm pressed for time and can't afford to be as thorough as you would prefer, but I'm perfectly capable of giving a substitute. I can tell you, but I'd rather show you. Seeingisbelieving, after all."

His suggestion only earned a confused look from the filly as she tilted her head to the side. Discord shrugged indifferently before snapping a talon. A small ball of light materialized just hoof lengths before the filly, causing her to lean back instinctively. Within moments, the small ball of eternal energy grew exponentially in size. Upon reaching the size of a basketball, the light faded and revealed a crystal ball slowly rotating while hovering in place.

Mayday leaned forward, slowly reaching out for the glowing ball before it dropped in her grasp. Looking up to the draconequus, she yelped as the crystal ball shrank in size instantly to where it fit on her hoof. "What is this?"

"Answers placed at the tip of your hooves. Consider it my appreciation for having somepony actually listen to what I have to say," he grinned, raising a paw objectively once the filly readied to touch the object with her free hoof. "Don't activate it just yet. It's like a magic lamp. Just rub it three times and project your thoughts into it. Any questions you have, they'll be answered, and the crystal ball will grow back to normal size whenever you activate it. The same rule applies whenever you want to deactivate it. I recommend waiting a few days, seeing as you're… compromised at the moment, and things will be very hectic soon."

"What do you mean?" Mayday questioned, her eyes widening as Discord vanished from sight instantly. The doorknob to her room rattled, sending a wave of panic through the filly. She glanced about wildly, eventually spotting her knapsack, tossing the object into the bag before hurling that underneath her bed. By the time the door opened, Mayday slid back on top of her bed and whistled, unaware of the beads of sweat that formed over her forehead. Twilight walked into the room with a concerned expression, but the filly could only exhale, rolling onto her side. "Mom! Don't you think you can knock next time?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "I'm sorry, honey. There's something we need to talk about. It's very important."

Mayday lifted her head, sharing a glance with the mare. "What is it, Mom?"

"It's about your father. There was another attack yesterday. This time, it was in the Crystal Empire," Twilight declared, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

Inhaling sharply, the filly leaned forward until her face was inches from Twilight's. Concerned hazel irises met saddened violet eyes. "The Crystal Empire? Was anypony hurt? What happened to Uncle Shining, Auntie Cadance, and Diamond?"

Placing a hoof around her shoulder reassuringly, Twilight weakly nodded and smiled. "They're fine. Your father protected them." She trailed off and sighed. "However, your father is hurt very badly. I'm very worried about him. That's why I'm here. I'll be heading to Ponyville to check on him right away."

Mayday hopped to a standing position. "I'll go with you!"

Twilight shook her head. "No. I want you stay here in Canterlot. It's much safer. There's been an attack every day this week, and your father is concerned that either Canterlot or Ponyville will be one of the next targets. With Princess Celestia and the guards here, you and your brother will be safe with Aunt May and Spike."

Standing firm, Mayday held her ground. "Mom! You can't be serious!"

"I'mdeadlyserious, Mayday! You have to stay here while I check on your father!" Twilight reaffirmed sternly, bearing down as her shadow engulfed the filly. Letting out a low sigh, the mare lowered her body before pulling Mayday into a warm embrace. "I don't need you sneaking off. You're too important to me. Please, watch over your brother while I'm gone. I'll also let your father know how you're doing." Twilight eased back, raising a hoof. "Promise me that you'll stay put."

Grumbling incoherently, Mayday hesitantly nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I promise."

As if satisfied with her daughter's answer, Twilight placed a kiss on her cheek before walking out of the room. Mayday waited until she was certain that she was alone. "Discord? Hey. Are you still there?" she questioned, her ears perking as they awaited a response. Unfortunately, she was only greeted with silence. Releasing a harsh scoff, Mayday threw her hooves into the air and collapsed face-first on the bed. "Thanksa lot, Mom…"

"It's been ten years since I started this," Discord murmured, folding his arms as he stared into the burning ashes stretched across the horizon of the pits of Tartarus. "I've gathered the pieces and set the playing field. Now, it's time to finally carry the plan into fruition."

Tirek nodded, sharing a glance with the six ponies standing by hoof-lengths away. "You all have your reasons for being here. For most, it's revenge, and the rest, it's for the chance of a world cleansed of Celestia and her followers."

Discord grinned, extending his open paw until a small image of Twilight Sparkle materialized over it. "The plan has been carried out to perfection. The Plunder Vines weakened young Princess Twilight, rendering the Elements of Harmony useless due to her absence." The image distorted, shifting between multiple individuals. "Sunset Shimmer, who is arguably the second most powerful magic user outside of the alicorns has been incapacitated. Princess Luna is wounded. The central changeling hive has shielded itself off to recover, and Queen Chrysalis herself has her entire attention centered on her precious eggs. Cadance and the Crystal Heart are drained and will not be a factor."

Tirek rubbed his hands together. "Most importantly, Peter Parker is weakened, and we can carry out the final phase of our plan. The seeds have been planted," he declared as dozens of thestrals emerged from the shadows, walking in rows until they stood behind his position. "Now, we will move to Ponyville before striking the heart of Equestria. Finish off the great knight! Destroy Spider-Mane!" Tirek clenched his fist and rose it above his head. "Give rise to a new empire!"

Green Goblin cackled maniacally, spreading his wings before taking flight. "I thought he'dneverask!" Several thestrals followed the pegasus through the air as they left the dark reaches of Tartarus. "Let their screams fill the air!"

Electro merely huffed, sharing a glance with Tirek before nodding. He levitated from the ground and sped into flight, prompting more thestrals to follow after the electrified pony in swarms. Carnage slithered his snake-like tongue over his razor-sharp claws, releasing distorted laughter before galloping into the distance. As thestrals followed the symbiote, Adagio waved a hoof to her fellow sirens. Aria frowned, nodding as she stepped closer. However, Sonata remained still, holding a hesitant gaze while she shook her head.

Adagio narrowed her gaze, growling. "What is itnow, Sonata? We're on the verge of completing our task, but youstilldon't want to see it through?!" She snatched hold of Sonata's collar, holding a glare. "I amnotgoing to let you screw this up for us! Get it together or stay out of the way!" Adagio relinquished her hold before shoving Sonata. "So, what'll it be?"

Sonata pursed her lips before glancing in Aria's direction, who closed her eyes in an attempt to avoid her pleading gaze. With a somber sigh, she could only weakly nod. "Okay, Adagio. I'll… I'll come along."

"All right. Let's get this over with. The sooner we get rid of Parker, the faster you'll let go of that petty bond with him," Adagio huffed while Sonata and Aria edged closer to her as the remaining thestrals did the same. "Let's go," Adagio whispered, prompting Discord to wave his glowing paw and cause the entire group to vanish in a burst of light.

Discord smiled at Tirek. "Now that they're heading out, I believe it's time foryouto move into position, too. I'll make sure everything is aligned perfectly. You know what to do." The draconequus turned around and held out his glowing talon, earning a coy smile from Tirek before he faded from sight. Discord nodded, extending his paw as several images materialized over it, revealing Celestia, Chrysalis, and Cadance. All three mares' eyes widened, each staring intently at the draconequus. Discord merely chuckled. "I take it I have your attention? Good. You should listen very carefully."

Chrysalis gritted her fangs together as her gaze sharpened into a glare. "You monster! Why should we listen to you? You had my central hive and eggs attacked! I should destroy you!"

Cadance frowned, pausing as Shining Armor edged closer to her side. "This is awfully brazen of you. You had your lackeys attack us first? I never took the Spirit of Chaos as a coward."

Celestia raised a hoof, causing both Cadance and Chrysalis to maintain their silence. "What is the meaning of this, Discord?"

Discord grinned and raised his paw until it was inches from his face. "Oh, nothing. I find it strange and ironic that Cadance is callingmethe coward. I mean, hasn't poor Peter Parker foughtallof your battles for you this week?" He paused, clearing his throat as shamed expressions formed on the mares' faces. "I digress. I have called you all to inform you that my 'friends' are heading towards Ponyville as we speak. You may call them the Sinister Six, the individuals that have given Peter so much grief over the course of the week."

Cadance inhaled sharply. "What are you talking about?"

Discord arched a brow and held a smile. "We're just finishing what we started. Peter survived the gauntlet, and now… we're about to give him everything we've got at once. I must admit. It's a miracle he hasn't fallen apart yet, with defeating Blueblood and withstanding each attack over the course of the week. However, from what I'm seeing, the poor fellow is on his last leg, and he won't survive the ambush that's heading his way." The draconequus glanced off to the side, humming. "I forgot to mention that there's practically a hundred thestrals going with them."

Chrysalis growled, grinding her teeth to the core. "You—"

Discord nodded, paying no mind to the glares being shot in his direction. "Well, I've given you the warning. Now, it's up to the lot of you to react, but I wouldn't be surprised if you left Peter to face those odds by himself in his condition." He gently pulled at the fur on his chin. "Then again, there are the innocents in Ponyville. Poor Princess Luna surely can't defend herself right now. I also forgot that Twilight Sparkle is on her way to Ponyville as we speak, too. That will surely be quite the surprise she stumbles upon."

Shining shook his head frantically. "Twily!"

Discord readied to close his talon, but he hesitated, holding his crimson gaze on the central alicorn. "Just pass this off as well, Celestia. You neglected Princess Luna and the sirens. Surely, you can ignore this as well? I'm sure Peter and Twilight will understand, given your track record and all."

"You have no right to say such a thing!" Cadance snapped, her voice cracking.

The draconequus raised a glowing paw, in turn causing the atmosphere to emit a jade and crimson glow. The skies darkened as the energies glowed brighter. "In case you were thinking of teleporting, that will not work. I suggest that if you are indeed planning to go to Ponyville that you start flying now. Sure, it'll take a bit longer, but what's the rush?" Discord cheerfully waved the others off before the projections dissipated. "Ta-ta!"


Cadance and Shining shared a glance with each other. The stallion pursed his lips before nodding. "It's obviously a trap, but I can't let them fight this alone. Not after what he's done here for us. I'm heading to Ponyville."

Cadance placed a hoof over his shoulder. "I'm coming with you. I'll activate what's left of the Crystal Heart's power to shield the Empire in our absence."

Shining, though hesitant, nodded. "Okay. I'll have the guards watch over Diamond. If what Discord said is true, we have to hurry."


Elsewhere, Chrysalis slammed her hoof into the ground, gaining the collective gaze of her subjects in proximity. "That monster is vile! I can't just stand idly by while Peter is led to the slaughter. He risked his life for me. I can't just… leave him." Her eyes softened before they narrowed. She walked across the room before lowering next to a pair of her eggs. She rubbed a hoof over one of them affectionately and stared at the other lovingly. Receiving a mental cue from its queen, a changeling approached the mare from behind. Chrysalis turned with a determined glare. "Tell everyling that I am departing. Lock down the hive and protect the eggs as well as the wounded. Iwillreturn shortly!"


Celestia stood alone, her mind and heart lost in a vortex of confusion and concern. Mayday's questions suddenly had a distinct flare to them, as if the source behind her mysterious knowledge had become clear. Discord was somehow responsible, that much she knew, but his own words held great weight to them. The greatest troubles in Celestia's life had come from her own mistakes and incompetence.

Her sister and the sirens paid the price for her careless negligence. Now it seemed her former student and chosen knight were about to suffer similar consequences, should she not intervene. Celestia frowned before galloping towards the exit. Her wings spread upon reaching the outside, and she took flight, speeding towards Ponyville to the greatest of her ability. She would not fail those around her. Not again.


Mayday paced back and forth across her room. "This issolame! Mom just wants me to sit back while she helps Daddy? She doesn't understand how I feel. I can't just stand here knowing Daddy's probably about to die!" The filly paused, rubbing a hoof across her chin. "There's no way I can make it to Ponyville without alerting the guards. It's a long way there, too, and I'm not really the best flier. I'm not even the fifth best." Her eyes widened at a realization. "Hang on. There's that thing that Daddy gave me! I just hope she's close enough to hear it."

She reached into her knapsack, finding an aerophone before blowing the whistle. Mayday opened her knapsack, using the time to put both the vial of clear liquid and the book Discord entrusted to her inside. The filly locked the door upon filling her bag with other materials. Seconds turned to minutes as she waited eagerly for something in particular to transpire. Suddenly, small tremors shook the walls of the castle, and a commotion erupted from the outside. Mayday peeked down her window and smiled at the sight of Ursa, who returned the filly's gaze with a panting smile.

Sliding the straps of the knapsack around her shoulder, Mayday proceeded to clumsily climb down the walls of the castle. "I'm glad Daddy gave me this. Though, I don't think this was his intention when I used it. I mean, he made it formysafety. It's only fair that I use it for his, right…?" Lost in thought briefly, Mayday slipped from the wall, tumbling into a deep fall, but Ursa lowered her head, allowing the filly to land on the back of her furry neck. Mayday let out a relieved sigh, patting the cub's head affectionately. "Thanks, Ursa! We have to hurry to Ponyville! Take me to Daddy!"

Ursa nodded, leaping out of Canterlot before dashing through the fields.

Discord grinned. "Now, the stars are aligned. I'll let Tirek and the others handle the rest. I'll join with them shortly."

The draconequus vanished from sight, materializing in the astral plane wearing a large red and blue hoofball jersey and matching face paint. Snapping his talon, a large bag of popcorn appeared in his paw and a cup of soda in his talon. He leaned back as a plush reclining chair materialized behind him before a large projection screen popped up. Discord reached into the side pocket of the chair, retrieving a small red blue flag with 'Spider-Mane is Number One' etched into it in golden letters.

Discord whooped, waving the flag via magic. "The big game is just about to start! I've waited so long for this one! So for now, I'll just enjoy the show..."

To be continued...

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