• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Expectations, Part II

Chapter Two "Expectations, Part II"

"Hey! She's finally coming around!" a light voice exclaimed.

Trixie's eyes weakly fluttered open, slamming shut momentarily once the light emitting from Cadance's horn reached them. She brushed a hoof over her eyes and yawned, pausing upon noticing that she was surrounded by many of her friends. Princess Celestia and Shining Armor were at a distance, each attempting to wake a couple of sleeping guards at their own pace. Twilight knelt by Trixie's side, wrapping her hooves around the unicorn's neck with a warm embrace.

Trixie stammered, blinking in confusion. "W-What happened?"

Twilight relinquished her hold before glancing to the side. "That's what we would like to know. Fluttershy found you here." Concern filled the alicorn's voice as she focused her worried gaze back to the unicorn. "Trixie. Please tell me that Mayday was with you?"

Trixie was slow to respond, as if contemplating her answer before eventually nodding. "Yes. We were talking right here. She was troubled. Before I could cheer her up, we were interrupted by somepony." Trixie furrowed her brow in deep thought. "I don't remember what happened after that. I must have been exhausted because I passed out all of a sudden."

Applejack shook her head. "You weren't exhausted, sugarcube. You were put under."

Cadance nodded, her eyes softening. "It was a sleeping spell. A powerful one. You weren't the only one affected." The alicorn lifted her gaze, prompting everypony to follow her gaze until they all watched Shining Armor struggle to wake one of the guards to no success. "Every guard in and around the courtyard was put under the same spell. I've never seen such a powerful sleeping spell before."

Twilight furrowed her brow, glancing at the guards. "Me either. I don't know what to make of this, exactly."

Rarity huffed, brushing a hoof through her mane. "Whatever the case, this was clearly calculated. Whoever put the guards to sleep has kidnapped our darling Mayday. I only pray that they haven't hurt the poor dear on her special day."

Trixie shook her head before burying her face into her hooves, groaning desolately. "Oh no… No. No. No! This shouldn't have happened!" Trixie exclaimed, striking the ground with a forehoof. "This is all my fault, I should've—"

"This isn't your fault, Trixie," Twilight interjected, her hoof placed over the mare's shoulder. "We won't find my baby by blaming ourselves. We should stop and analyze the situation. We have to find out who took Mayday, why, and where."

"That part's easy," Peter declared, walking towards the girls with Princess Luna by his side. The stallion reached Twilight and extended a hoof, offering the princess a folded letter. "Read this. It was lying next to Trixie."

Twilight took the letter via telekinesis and opened it, reading it aloud, "'We have taken Mayday to Our Town, a village of equality. We will convert her to our beliefs. It is what she wants. Leave her with us, and we will show the entire world the true meaning of equality.'"

Rainbow Dash arched a brow. "Equality? I don't get it..."

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Neither do I, but I don't really care. They took thewrongkid."

Twilight pursed her lips, pausing once something caught her attention. She flipped the letter around, revealing a mark and landscape. "It's a map. Whoever did this left their location." She studied the map for several moments. "The area looks to be secluded, but it doesn't look to be that far away."

Luna frowned, sharing a glance with Peter. "They kidnap Mayday and leave behind a trail? It is obviously a trap."

Peter nodded. "Of course it is, but we don't really have much of a choice. I'll follow the map. Somepony has to learn to never try a stunt like this again." The stallion shared a glance at the map alongside Twilight, analyzing it carefully. "That doesn't look too far away at all. I should have Mayday back within an hour or two."

Twilight gave the stallion a determined glare. "I'm going with you. Mayday ismydaughter, too."

Applejack smirked, wrapping her hooves around Peter's and Twilight's neck. "And Ah'm comin with ya. Heck, Ah reckon we're all coming with ya. We're family. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us! "

Peter managed a smile, but he shook his head. "I appreciate it, but I think you all should stay here."

Rainbow Dash shoved the stallion. "Are you kidding me?! Why?"

Twilight nodded. "No. He's right. We still have a birthday party going on. If all of us suddenly leave and somepony finds out what's happening, it might cause a panic. You all should stay here and keep everypony entertained."

"If anypony asks, Mayday got a stomachache from eating too much cake," Peter declared, folding his hooves. "Twilight and I should be back in an hour or two. We'll head to the Treebrary, grab a few things, and head out immediately."

"Please be careful," Princess Celestia softly stated, her voice wavering with concern as she approached Peter and Twilight. The alicorn stared intently at the sleeping guards around the vicinity before shifting her focus back on the younger princess and knight. "I pray that I am wrong, but I sense a familiarity in the magical properties of the sleeping spells that were cast here. You may come into contact with a siren. Maybe even more than one. Don't let your guards down for a second if that's the case."

Peter frowned, alternating his gaze between both princesses. "I'm usually fast on the uptake, but can somepony tell me what the heck's a siren?"

Luna walked next to the stallion. "A mythical creature that possesses powerful magic. They feed off of negative emotions and gain power from them."

"So, they're like reverse changelings?" Peter questioned, arching a brow.

Luna hesitantly nodded. "More or less. However, a siren is immensely more powerful than any changeling. We haven't seen one in Equestria in several centuries."

Celestia returned her gaze to Twilight. "This is why I want you two to be careful. Again, I urge you not to let your guards down."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, ma'am." The tip of Twilight's horn emitted a bright light as she shared a glance with her husband. "Are you ready?"

Just as the stallion took a place by his wife's side, Luna cleared her throat. "Peter!" Once he looked up, a box soared to his position, forcing him to catch it with his hooves. He quickly recognized the box's sky blue design and black spider insignia on the top lid. Luna returned his knowing gaze with an affirming nod. "Just in case." That following second, both ponies vanished from sight in a flash of light. As everypony in the courtyard discussed what to do next, Luna raised her royal blue gaze to the sky and sighed. "Stay safe, Peter."

Meanwhile, Twilight and Peter materialized in the center of the living room within the Treebrary's cellar. The mare galloped to the nearest closet and opened it via telekinesis once she was inches away. It held two halves with separate compartments, one violet and the other crimson. Peter slid to one of the compartments, retrieving his classic red and blue Spider-Mane costume.

As the stallion dressed, Twilight found her choice of attire, something she wore as a human but had tailored to fit her pony form. The alicorn swayed her hips as she squeezed her body into the pink tights before doing the same for the white second layer of spandex. In costume, Peter checked his web-cartridges, sliding both gloves over his hooves after a successful inspection. Twilight paused, slowly lowering a light violet cape and hood over her head and shoulders before nodding contentedly. She made her way by the stallion's side, watching quietly as he typed a set of commands into the glider's navigational system.

"What are you doing?" Twilight questioned, arching a brow.

Peter furrowed his brow, alternating his hazel gaze between the two points that appeared on the screen. "I know Mayday's kidnappers left us a map, but I wanted to make sure they aren't sending us on a wild goose chase. I just activated Mayday's spider tracer. We should see her location in a few seconds."

Twilight's eyes widened as she pulled her mane back into a ponytail. "One of your spider tracers is on Mayday? Since when?"

"Since this morning," Peter said simply as Twilight removed his mask from the closet. "I was still shaken up from that dream I had last night. I don't know why, but something told me to put a tracer on Mayday, just to be safe. I managed to slide it under the flower ribbon in her mane. I think I'm turning paranoid."

Twilight offered the stallion a warm smile. "You're only worried, like a good father should be." The mare inhaled deeply before sighing. "Why did this have to happen Peter? Why would anypony take our Mayday? She didn't do anything wrong."

Peter frowned. "I'm not sure. If anything, whoever took Mayday is probably trying to get to us. It's easy to forget, but weareroyalty." The stallion shrugged, unable to hide his own concern. "I don't really care about that though. I'm just ready to go get our kid back."

Twilight managed to hold her smile as she extended a hoof. "We'll get her back. Together, like always."

Peter grinned, accepting the mare's gesture and taking hold of her hoof with his. "Yeah. This almost makes me feel bad for whoever took Mayday.Almost."

Both ponies shared a grin before the glider's screen flashed momentarily. Peter read the instructions under both points, narrowing his gaze. "It looks like the map was right. Mayday's signal is about one hundred and twenty-one kilometers southeast from here."

Twilight nodded. "Just a little over seventy-five miles? I guess going on the ground is out of the question." The mare paused, sliding the stallion's mask over his face with her magic. "We'll make it there much faster if we go by air."

"Sounds good," Peter murmured, hopping on top of the glider. The engine purred as the machine hovered several hoof-lengths from the ground. Peter chuckled, sharing a glance with his wife. "Think you can keep up with the Spider Glider… Amethyst Witch?"

Twilight smirked, pulling her hood over her head before tossing the stallion his knapsack. "Let's find out, Spider-Mane."

The stallion lifted a hidden hatch on the glider and pressed its button, causing the main door to the cellar to open automatically. Twilight stretched her wings out, taking flight as she soared from the underground room to the outside world. Peter followed closely behind while aboard his glider, leaving behind a trail of wind in his wake. The door to the cellar sealed itself shut that following second.

The denizens of Ponyville watched in awe as Spider-Mane and the Amethyst Witch soared through the sky with a burst speed and disappeared into the horizon. They set on towards their destination, vigilant to find their missing daughter at their quickest pace. The journey was brief, having taken nearly half an hour, but it felt as long as an eternity for Mayday's parents. Before long, they reached a small village concealed within the mountains.

Peter narrowed his gaze as the tracker's signal on his radar grew stronger. "This must be the place. Mayday must be somewhere in this village." The stallion glanced at the buildings far below his position. Each and every one was the same, with a dark brown rooftop and silver-grey brick layout, none bearing any unique feature to differentiate from each other. Spider-Mane's masked eyes furrowed. "Is it just me, or is there something… I don't know, off about this place?"

Twilight stole a glance at the scenery, quickly averting her attention on the flight path. "We can worry about that later. Where's the signal?"

Spider-Mane turned sharply on his hoof, maintaining his upright stance as the glider slowed to a halt in midair. The signal erupted into a series of rapid beeps, prompting the stallion to nod and peek downward. "She's right here… directly below us." Peter leaned forward into a free-fall, prompting Twilight to mirror his actions while the glider kept its place in midair. Performing a series of flips before landing gracefully on his hooves, Spider-Mane hopped into a defensive stance upon landing on top of the largest building. "Alright! Bring it on!"

Twilight levitated to the ground, her eyes glowing brightly. "You have one chance to give our daughter back, or else—!"

"Mom? Daddy?" Mayday lightly questioned, earning the collective gaze of Twilight and Peter. She stood next to a light violet mare with a neon blue streak at the center of her purple mane, smiling as she approached her parents obliviously. "It's about time you two made it here!"

"Huh?" Peter and Twilight blurted out simultaneously, with the mare staring blankly at the filly while the stallion tilted his head to the side.

The light violet mare chuckled, brushing a hoof through her purple mane. "Prince Peter Parker and Princess Twilight Sparkle. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Starlight Glimmer."

Flabbergasted, Peter waved his hooves defensively. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What?! Don't you realize you've been kidnapped?!"

The filly blinked, alternating her confused gaze between Spider-Mane and the Amethyst Witch before shaking her head. "What? No way! I wasn't taken away. I was brought here after I blacked out. I kind of wanted to come here."

Twilight's eyes shot open before the tip of her horn glowed momentarily. "Mayday Parker Sparkle! Listen to me!" The filly disappeared from sight in a burst of light, materializing into existence just hoof-lengths from her parents. "I don't know what this pony told you, but you were taken. Every guard in the courtyard was put under the same sleeping spell as you. Why did they feel the need to render youunconsciousbefore bringing you here?"

Mayday was slow to respond, glancing off to the side. "Well…"

Starlight Glimmer waved her hoof dismissively. "I humbly apologize. It seems my cohorts were a bit overzealous. They must have anticipated that you two wouldn't have liked what I have to offer little Mayday."

"That doesnotexcuse what you've done!" Twilight snapped, narrowing her gaze on the mare.

Peter paused, stealing a glance at something perched above his position while a tingling sensation hummed in the back of his head. Time froze for the stallion, as vibrational waves coursed through the vicinity, and magical particles of energy floated in the breeze. Peter recognized the sensation, having experienced it during his encounter with Black Cat in Manehattan nearly a decade ago. He lifted his gaze skyward, settling it on three particular magical signatures emitting potent energy perched in the lookout above his position. Peter glanced around the radar, attempting to make sense of the developing situation.

Unbeknownst to the stallion, a bright light emitted from his eyes, causing the blank lenses of his mask to glow. Peter shook his head, attempting to cease the constant humming of his sixth sense, but it continued to tremor, more so when he inadvertently shifted his gaze to Starlight Glimmer. The magical energy exuding from her body was more potent than the three signatures emitting from above. It was cold and wild, much like the chaotic nature of a foe fought back on Earth. Peter's eyes widened as something else entered his mind. They were words, thoughts, and at the center was Starlight Glimmer.

'Am I… hearing her thoughts? How?'Peter tilted his head to the side, listening to the monologue echoing throughout Starlight's head for several long moments. Static eventually filled his ears after some time as a stirring sensation pulled in the back of his mind. Peter cringed at a sharp bolt of pain that rushed through his cranium as invading voices from all around began to echo across his mind before a sudden silence hushed everything at once. 'Was that my spider sense? Did it just…?'

Twilight scowled, oblivious to what had transpired within Spider-Mane as she eyed Starlight Glimmer cautiously. "You had our daughter taken away! Why would your cohorts resort to kidnapping? Whatever you have planned, itmustbe extreme."

Mayday stepped in front of her mother. "Mom! It's not a big deal! I just wanted to have my cutie mark removed! That's all!"

"That's all?!" Twilight fumed, as if on the verge of imploding. "We were worried sick about you, and you're condoning this entire situation?!" A realization came into mind, causing the mare to pause with a bewildered expression. "Wait. Why do you want to have your cutie mark removed? I told you before that it's impossible."

Starlight Glimmer smirked, glancing off to the side as a staff materialized by her side. "It's very possible for me. This is Our Town, a place of equality." She walked over to the edge of the building's rooftop, pointing her staff at some of the denizens walking through the village below. Starlight turned to the side, smiling as she pointed at her own blank flank. "Everypony here has had their cutie mark removed. Myself included."

Twilight blinked, eyeing Starlight Glimmer with concern. "That's not natural. No pony should remove their cutie mark. It's a symbol of who they are."

Starlight Glimmer scoffed, almost glaring at the princess. "That sounds fine for somepony like you. You were destined for greatness from the start. Your cutie mark represents your place as the center of the Elements of Harmony. It's only natural that you rise to stardom, become Princess Celestia's apprentice, and become a princess yourself." Starlight pointed a hoof at Mayday. "What about those who are not so lucky? Can somepony with a cutie mark of a harp or a cloud truly become great? Tell me this. What if a cutie mark raised everypony's expectations? You should ask your daughter about this."

Twilight's eyes softened. "Mayday, what is she talking about?"

Mayday pursed her lips together. "Think about it, Mom! What is my cutie mark? It's not of a gadget or invention. It'syourcutie mark combined with Daddy's! My special talent… who I am… is just a copy of you two! All everypony says is that I'm supposed to be just as great as my parents!" The filly proceeded to pace in place. "I'll be a princess like my mom! I'll be a superhero like my dad! It's always whattheywant—whattheyexpect! Well, what aboutme? What about whatIwant?! I don't want to be a princess or a hero! I just want to beme! Not you! Not Dad! Just Me!"

Twilight shook her head, giving the filly a stern glare. "Mayday! Nopony has put any expectations on you! Your father and I only want you to be happy, but what you're thinking about doing is wrong! You're just trying to hide from who you are!"

Mayday exhaled, throwing her hooves out in frustration. "See?! Iknewyou wouldn't understand! I'm not trying to hide from who I am. I'm trying tobecomewho I am!" The filly pointed a hoof to the mare behind her. "Miss Starlight understands! With this, I can start over."

Starlight Glimmer smirked. "Indeed you can, Mayday. With the Staff of Sameness, I can easily remove your cutie mark." The filly turned around, approaching the mare with a smile. Starlight lowered the staff with her magic, taking aim at the star/spider insignia on Mayday's flank. "True friendship comes from equality. The entire world will come to see the power of equality, through my eyes and yours. If everypony lacks a cutie mark, they'll be considered equals, even with those descended from royalty."

A bright light emitted from the tip of the staff. However, before it could fire a shot, Peter dashed between both ponies and snatched the staff into his hooves. Starlight blinked, her mouth falling agape as Spider-Mane skidded to a halt beside Twilight after a long silence. That same second, Peter bent the staff, snapping the artifact in two. Mayday screamed at the sight as Starlight Glimmer mirrored her actions. Spider-Mane threw both pieces of the staff to the ground.

"Dad! Why?Whydid you do that?!" Mayday screamed, dashing towards Peter before flailing her hooves helplessly against his chest. "Why?!" Peter offered no response, causing the filly to sniffle and burst into tears. "This is all your fault! Why do you have to ruin everything?!"

Twilight furrowed her brow at the stallion. "Why did you do that, Peter?"

Undeterred, Spider-Mane shared a glance with Twilight. "Because Starlight Glimmer is a liar. The power isn't in the staff. It's her own magic."

Starlight Glimmer's eyes shot open. "What?! How did you—?!"

"Second of all, why don't you tell my daughterandyour followers the truth?" Peter murmured, taking a miniature crystal heart from his knapsack before sliding it across the floor until it stopped beside Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight's horn glowed momentarily, causing the crystal to explode in a burst of light. Starlight shielded her eyes with a hoof instinctively to block out the blinding rays. The light flashed brightly, acting as a beacon for the village. Everypony below noticed its rays, prompting most pegasi to take flight to investigate the cause while those not gifted with that privilege rushed into the home of their beloved leader. Soon, dozens of ponies surrounded the scenery, watching those at the center with concern. Amidst the chaos, Peter retrieved a bottle of water from his knapsack before dashing it over Starlight's flank. The light soon dissipated, leaving Starlight seemingly unharmed. However, Mayday's eyes, as well as the denizens' of the village, widened as their mouths fell agape at a peculiar sight.

Spider-Mane pointed at Starlight, specifically her flank where a cutie mark surfaced of a star swirl design. "You still haveyourcutie mark. Why's that? Tell everypony the truth for once!"

Mayday shook her head in disbelief, staring intently at the mare. "You… you lied to me? You said that we would be equals…" Bursting into a full sob, the filly ran through the door behind Starlight Glimmer into the building's lower level, not looking back. "Why does this keep happening to me?!"

"Mayday!" Twilight called out, only for the filly to ignore her as she continued to run. She alternated her bewildered gaze between the stallion and mare afterward. "Peter! How did you know?"

Spider-Mane did not respond immediately, his gaze shifting to the side before narrowing back on Starlight. "I… don't know. It just… came to me." Clearing his throat, Peter stood tall. "You're just a liar, Starlight. You lower everypony's expectations around you just to make yourself look high and mighty. It's overcompensation. You want to lead your followers with fear and lies. A cutie mark doesn't represent who a pony is. Their actions do. You're just a fraud that wants to bring others down just to make yourself feel superior. It's kind of sad, really."

Starlight Glimmer's face twitched as the reality of the situation crept into her mind. "Howdareyou! You come intomyvillage, disregardmyrules, and sayI'ma liar?!" Her entire disposition changed, as if a rabid animal had marked its prey. Starlight gritted her teeth to the core as a vein throbbed at the side of her temple. "You think you're so mighty! You arenothing! Just because you're anindividual! In Our Town, there are noindividuals! Only equals! My followers know the truth!"

The villagers were slow to respond, most shaking their heads disapprovingly while others stared at the mare with disgust. Starlight shot a glare back. "What are you looking at?! My ideals are true! You would all be in chaos without me!" She paced across the top of the building, stealing a glance at everypony in sight. "I brought you here as equals! Cutie marks cause nothing but problems! We areequals! All of us!" Starlight took in seethed breaths as her followers looked on with doubt and hurt in their eyes. The mare glared maliciously at Peter and Twilight, nearly foaming at the mouth. "This the problem of the world!Individualslikeyoucause nothing but chaos and disharmony! You're destroying the very foundations I've built!"

Twilight frowned. "Your foundations are built on lies and deceit. Cutie marks are not the center of chaos and disharmony. Part of that comes from the fear and ignorance of those unwilling to accept those that are different!" The alicorn stole a glance at those around her, all of which were lacking cutie marks. "Everypony is an individual. Whether they're blank flanks, with cutie marks, royalty, or whatever! We're all different in our own wayandequals!"

Peter nodded. "You have the right idea, Starlight, but you're going about it all wrong."

Twilight managed a smile. "It's an easy enough mistake to make. We can learn from each other. Please Starlight. Give back everypony's -."

"Shut up!" Starlight Glimmer spat, staring venomously at both Peter and Twilight. The three figures from above disappeared from sight, materializing into existence by the unicorn's side. All three wore shrouded cloaks, hiding all physical traits from the outside world. Starlight snarled. "You will not ruin what I have built! We will shut you up and rip away all of your cutie marks… starting with your daughter! This entire world will know what true equality is when I remove every cutie mark from the face of Equestria!"

That same moment, Starlight ran back to the trail Mayday took. Spider-Mane and Twilight readied to pursue the unicorn, but the three cloaked ponies cut off their path, standing interference. Only their eyes could be seen behind their masks. The pony at the center glared intently at the Amethyst Witch while the other two alternated their gazes between the mare and stallion.

"Look. It reallyisher," one of the cloaked ponies murmured, huffing. Their voice was that of a female. "She looks like the one from the school. For the most part anyway."

"She's not the same, though," another answered almost disinterestedly. "Try not to forget that."

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Huh? Have we met before?"

"Yep! Just not with you! Well... itwasyou, but then it wasn't! Get it?" the third lightly declared, earning a baffled expression from the alicorn.

Twilight blinked. "Huh? W-what?" pausing for a moment, she narrowed her eyes at the cloaked figures. "Just who are you ponies?"

The first chuckled lightly. "That's not important."

Spider-Mane's masked eyes furrowed. "You three. I sensed you earlier. Your magic's… weird." He shook his head and lowered into a defensive stance, prompting Twilight to do the same. "It doesn't matter. Now get out of our way!"

The three cloaked ponies held their ground, with the one at the center grinning. "If you want your kid, you're going to have to go through us first!"

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