• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Celebrity Treatment

Chapter Thirty-Two "Celebrity Treatment"

Peter watched the spectacle around him with an arched brow. The shopping center was colossal, putting those of Equestria to shame with its sheer size and variety of selections. However, it was not like a normal mall today. Instead, most of those in attendance were in costume, some carrying props that resembled items associated with fictional characters of their choice. This was a gathering of nerds cosplaying, and Peter could only shrug, feeling right at home.

The group stood at the outside of the shopping center's walls, having just purchased their passes. Most went in casual, figuring that their natural looks alone would garner enough attention as is. However, Trixie found the opportunity at momentary fame too tempting to pass. Thanks to a small spell from Eris, above Trixie's simple white shirt and blue jeans was her signature violet cape and pointy hat decorated with blue stars.

Twilight sternly glared at her notepad while she sketched walls of text onto it. "Okay. The shopping center is large, and there's so much to check out. Remember to stick with your group and rendezvous back here at seven o'clock." Everyone nodded, earning a content sigh from the princess. She alternated her violet gaze between her notes and members of the group. "Gwen and Patricia are the first group. Sunset, Sonata, and Trixie are the second group. Lastly, I'll be with Peter and Mayday. Does everyone remember the checkpoints?"

Trixie exhaled, waving her hand dismissively before walking past the princess. "Yes, Twilight. We've only discussed this a thousand times. Now, hurry along!" Her haughty tone of voice practically sent chills up everyone's spines and waves of exasperation through their psyches. Paying the world no mind, Trixie marched onward. "Time to steal the show once more. Our audience awaits!"

Exasperation filled Twilight's face as Trixie entered the mall with a confident strut. The princess groaned under her breath. "Is it just me or has she regressed back to her old self?"

Peter glanced off to the side, holding a blank stare. "Regressed? I don't think she ever left."

Sonata simply giggled and followed Trixie obliviously. Sunset chuckled nervously before placing a hand over Twilight's shoulder assuringly. "We'll keep an eye on Trixie. Don't worry. See you in a few hours."

Patricia guffawed at the sight, specifically that of Twilight's visible annoyance. "Thatnever gets old, whether it's Dusk or you." The brunette ceased her laughter eventually, sharing a glance with Gwen while tugging at her sleeve. "Well,weshould totally check out and see how manyheroeswe recognize. I can use another laugh."

Gwen nodded, playfully waving her phone about with a grin. "That's why I have my camera." Both women walked into the shopping center, with the blonde winking at the remaining trio. "Try not to get lost before we make it back."

Twilight was slow to respond, shaking her head once she was alone with her husband and daughter. "What am I going to do with everyone?"

Peter chuckled, folding his arms. "Let them go, dear. They're just excited and ready to have fun. Speaking of which, I thinkweshould be doing that, too." The young man paused, nudging Twilight's side playfully before poking the center of Mayday's forehead. Both returned his actions with warm smiles, prompting Peter to walk up to his wife as she retrieved a map from her notepad. "So, where to first, girls? How about you decide, Mayday?"

Mayday stood on the tip of her toes and pursed her lips. "That's a tough choice…" She glanced to the side, a sudden thought entering her mind before pointing at a nearby shop. "Oh! How about a souvenir shop first?"

Humming, Twilight nodded contently. "Actually, that's a good idea. I could use a bag to hold our belongings in."

Rolling his eyes, Peter shrugged and sighed. "Not even three minutes in, and we're already shopping. Go figure."

Mayday crossed her arms with a huff. "I just wanna see if there's anything of someone we know. I mean, you're famous in this world. Right, Daddy?"

Peter rubbed his chin. "I guess, but I'm not the only one. Keep an eye out for something of your mother as well." The young man grinned to himself. "Now,thatI'd like to see. Heck, see if you can find something with Luna, too. It'll give me some ammo to use against her."

Mayday gave an exaggerated salute before running off ahead. "You got it!"

Twilight chuckled, grabbing Peter's hand before leading him into the shop behind their daughter. Once inside, they stared vividly at the selections. There were coffee mugs, keychains, and other goods holding images from both Twilight and Peter's respective universes. Various members of the X-Men and Avengers were featured on their own type of merchandise, from Wolverine being on a shirt to Black Widow having her own collectable figurine.

Twilight could only blink at what she found. Scattered across many shelves were plush doll versions of herself and her friends. The whole idea was surreal, that in this world they were popular fictional characters of a growing franchise. However, Twilight grew to accept it after studying how the multiverse theory truly worked. Every action gave birth to a reality, and the universe was filled with perhaps billions of different dimensions as a result. Peter, Gwen, Eris, and Patricia were all living testaments to that theory, after all.

Mayday pulled at her mother's sleeve, freeing the woman from her daydream. "Mom! I found the perfect bag for you!" She offered Twilight the item, causing her to inhale sharply at the sight. The bag itself was dark blue, but what stuck out was the violet equine etched onto its side. It was of herself, Twilight Sparkle. Mayday could only smile brightly at her mother's sheepish expression. "I think it suits you. It really goes with your hair and eyes."

"That's because itismy hair and eyes, sweetie," Twilight blankly retorted, staring sheepishly at the bag.

Mayday pursed her lips, snorting involuntarily as she attempted to stifle her laughter. "Was thatsarcasm, Mom?"

Twilight's eyes softened as she laughed halfheartedly. "Yes. But please don't tell your father." She paused, analyzing the bag and its image of herself further. "You honestly want me to walk with my own image around my shoulder? Won't that come off as narcissistic? I think one Trixie among us is enough."

"As long as you don't kiss your own reflection in a mirror every now and then, no. And you didn't hear that from me," Mayday whispered, waving her hand dismissively before glancing off to the side. She reached for a shirt and jacket, offering them to her mother. "Besides, I think that bag would go great withthese. What do you think, Mom?"

Twilight analyzed both pieces of attire with an arched brow, smiling upon noticing the unique designs on them. She shared an affirming nod with her daughter. "I love it, sweetie. Let's see if we can find them in my size and show them to your father."

Minutes passed while Peter found himself in an action figure aisle. "This really takes me back." He held a Wolverine and Captain America figure in each hand, making the toys play fight each other with dramatic sound effects. Peter huffed as the corner of his lips curled into a smile. "I actually miss you, bub. I really hope things are going well on your end. Maybe Cap's keeping you in check back on Earth?" Peter's eyes widened as he caught sight of his wife and daughter approaching. He hurried to place the dolls back before facing the pair. "Did you girls find what you… wanted?"

Peter trailed off as he fixed his gaze on Twilight, specifically her change in wardrobe. Twilight had removed her vest and button-up shirt, replacing it with something more casual. It was just a simple white t-shirt, but at the center of it was Spider-Man's head, acting as an insignia. It almost completely contrasted the bag in her hand that held a design of herself as a pony, with two different franchises swirled together in a chaotic manner.

Peter couldn't hide the smile or blush on his face. "Of all the shirts, why that one? Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered, way more than you think, but I'm very curious."

Twilight grinned triumphantly. "Because I'm yourrealnumber one fan, despite what Derpy says."

Mayday nodded feverishly. "Me, too!"

Peter chuckled, his eyes softening before he pulled both Mayday and Twilight into an embrace. "When I say I'm the luckiest guy in the world, I mean that. Thanks, you two." He placed a hand over the top of his daughter's head, musing her hair slightly while he shared a brief yet affectionate kiss with his wife. Peter's smile only widened as they parted. "Did you two find everything you wanted?"

Twilight nodded, holding a receipt to her husband. "Yeah. We found a few things. Mayday grabbed a few toys to see which one Ben might like." After earning an affirming nod from Peter, the woman disclosed everything into her bag and took hold of her husband's hand while their daughter did the same. "The day is still young! I read the event guide, and it said that the next place we should check out is the Special Guests area. It's near to the concession stands. We can check out what's there after we get a bite to eat."

Peter grinned, allowing both his daughter and wife to lead him away. "Sounds good. Let's go."

Sonata's stomach growled in protest, causing the woman to whimper softly. "I'msohungry." On the other side of the mall within an auditorium-like room, a large gathering of people sat at tables placed before a stage. She lowered her head onto the table. "I hope we find a snack bar soon."

Sunset arched a brow at the considerably smaller woman. "You're hungryagain? We just ate before coming in here."

Sonata pursed her lips, glancing off to the side weakly. "I can't help it. I just am."

Trixie marched up to their table, laughing confidently. "If you two can stop talking about your stomachs for a few seconds, you will learn that I am on the verge of winning the costume contest for best cosplay. It's only fitting that I am finally recognized for my latent greatness."

Blinking, Sunset stared blankly at the blue-haired woman. "Are you serious? Youreallywent and did it? You can't cosplay as yourself! That's practically cheating! It's hardly fair for everyone else."

Trixie closed her eyes and smirked. "My dearest Sunset Shimmer. You're thinking too narrowly. I have just as fair of a chance as everyone here to win. The people here are enamored with Trixie thepony, not so much the human."

Keeping her chin on the table, Sonata tilted her head to the side. "I think as long as Trixie doesn't use magic, it's fair."

Grinning triumphantly, Trixie patted the back of the siren's shoulder. "See? Sonata understands! You will too, Sunset." The lights within the large room dimmed, and a man stepped onto the stage, testing the microphone. Trixie brushed a hand through her hair. "Ah, the results are in. I shall return shortly with a glorious trophy."

The main judge cleared his throat, sharing a glance with the audience. "Good evening, everyone. Will the three finalists come to the stage?"

Groaning, Sunset held a palm over her forehead. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Once the audience settled down, the announcer took hold of a bronze ribbon and raised it high over her head. He offered third place to a woman clad in simple green tights with a giant, fuzzy tail propped over her rear end. With a pair of giant, false buck teeth, she cosplayed as 'Squirrel Girl,' and earned a round of applause for her efforts. Trixie was the only other on stage aside from the judge. With her hands over her hips, chest stuck out, and a smug grin, it was evident that the woman all butknewthat victory was hers. Sunset shook her head in an exasperated fashion while Sonata looked on obliviously.

The announcer held a silver ribbon high over his head. "In all of my years, this year's cosplayers are two of the best that I've ever seen, and the judges couldn't agree with me more. Taking home second place for an amazing cosplay, I'd like to award Miss Lula for her Trixie costume! Congratulations!"

"That's right! I am truly magnificent! Only second place is fitting for the Great and Powerful Trixie— Wait!What?!Second?!" Trixie blurted out, her eyes widening as the reality of the situation struck her mind like lightning to a rod. "How am I not in first place?! This isblasphemous! No! It's a crime! How could I possibly lose?! IAMthe Great and Powerful Trixie!"

The announcer chuckled, paying the woman's tirade no mind. "Listen to her, folks! Her impression is spot-on! Kathleen Barr better watch out, huh?!" His eyes widened as he turned to the nearby photographers. "Take a picture of this year's number two!"

Trixie was lost in a stunned daze, staring wildly into nothing. Her face grew cold as countless cameras flashed before her widened eyes. She raised a finger defiantly, yet fruitlessly. "I lost? How? This is inconceivable! I demand justice and recount! Furthermore—!"

Before the woman could hope to protest, the announcer nonchalantly turned his attention to the other side of the stage. "Now, it's time to introduce this year's winner!"

Every spotlight shifted to the other side of the stage. Trixie freed herself from her stunned state of mind long enough to gaze upon the one that stole her glory. Stepping from behind the curtain, a woman was greeted by rounds of applause and countless camera flashes. Her long, snow-white hair was vibrant, reaching her shoulders, and it matched the fur around her forearms and cleavage. The woman walked toward the center of the stage, swaying her hips seductively with each step.

The black latex she wore tightly hugged her voluptuous figure to perfection, nearly showing details of what rested underneath. While the woman closed the distance between herself and the center of the stage, Trixie's mind grew fuzzy and mouth fell agape as she recognized the individual. Wearing a simple black mask over a pair of large blue eyes, the woman brushed a white gloved hand over her black collar before raising both arms and meowing flirtatiously. As if on command, the camera flashes intensified and multiplied tenfold.

The announcer offered the woman a golden ribbon and matching trophy. "Let's congratulate this year's winner of best cosplay for her amazing Black Cat costume!"

Slack-jawed, Trixie sunk back into a void of disbelief and horror. "What? How?Why?!"

Felicia arched a brow at the silver-blue haired woman before chuckling. "So, itisyou. I thought that was too good of an impersonation."

Sunset and Sonata made their way through the crowd, earning a surprised look from Felicia. Ignoring the surrounding commotion, the snow-white-haired woman quietly led the group backstage. After a brief journey, they found privacy away from the public and cameras. Sonata paused to admire the trophy after Felicia placed it down, the golden prize standing at half of her height.

Sunset furrowed her brow at Felicia. "Where have you been? It's been weeks! We were really worried about you."

Felicia waved her hand dismissively. "I appreciate the sentiment, but there's nothing to worry about. I simply needed space from that old home in the woods. I'm a city girl, after all. The backside of the country just doesn't do anything for me."

Sonata tilted her head to the side. "So, where've you been staying?"

"That's a secret, but I assure you that it's been quite comfortable," Felicia coyfully whispered, nodding. "So, what brings you all out here? Did you grow as bored of watching the trees as I did?"

Sonata nodded, walking up to the considerably taller woman with a smile. "Yeah. We're all just taking a break from training. Most of the others are here, too. We're meeting back up at seven before heading home."

Felicia chuckled, brushing a hand through her long snow-white hair. "I suppose that I've had fun then. I'll return home with the lot of you."

However, before anyone could hope to move, Trixie stepped in front of Felicia with a frustrated glare in her eyes. "What were you doing at the convention? Why did you enter the costume contest?"

"I like the attention," Felicia bluntly stated, smirking. "The types here practically drool over what I bring to the table."

Sunset blankly glanced off to the side. "That sounds familiar."

Trixie gritted her teeth, slamming her eyes shut angrily. "I still don't understand it! How did I lose so decisively to you?! We're both perfect representations of ourselves! It should've atleastended in a draw! Why did they flock to you over me?!"

Felicia straightened her posture, eyeing Trixie carefully before grinning under her breath. "It's quite simple, really. I have certainassetsthat yousorelylack, and they help get me the extra attention that I desire," she whispered, easing her arms closer until her cleavage stuck out. Inhaling deeply before sighing, Felicia retrieved her ribbon and slid it between her breasts, the award disappearing in her bosom. "Try not to let it get to you, dear."

Trixie blinked, fuming. "That has to be the most shallow explanation that I've ever heard in my life!" Throwing her hands in the air in a defeated fashion, Trixie walked to the side. "I refuse to believe such a tripe. If that's the case, then you humans are animals!"

Felicia shrugged, lifting her trophy. "Believe what you will. Just try not to think about it too much. I just find it funny." The woman walked ahead, chuckling under her breath. "The 'Great and Powerful' Trixie is now the 'Flat and Figureless' Trixie. What dramatic irony."

Sunset involuntarily cringed at the comment as a deadly silence filled the air. Black Cat walked ahead of the group, prompting the others to follow. In spite of the clear skies and bright sun perched overhead, it felt as if a rain cloud hovered above Trixie's head. She held a bemused expression before lowering her head shamefully. Eventually, Trixie followed everyone, all while cursing incoherently through discontent grumbles.

Oblivious, Sonata followed her friends with a frown. "I'm hungry. I want some tacos."


Mayday smiled widely, holding a Spider-Man action figure in hand. "I think I found something to replace Smarty Pants the Second." She held the toy out to her father, grinning. "How does Mini Pops sound? He's not quite as cool as the real deal, but he's compact-size!"

"The problem with being compact sized is that I can't smother you with love," Peter chuckled, earning a knowing grin from his daughter. He sobered, letting out a somber sigh before shifting his gaze ahead. "We don't know if there's anything left of our home, but if we're lucky, Smarty Pants the Second will be okay. I got that bear for your mom when she was pregnant with you." His eyes softened further. "Speaking of bears… I hope Ursa's okay, too."

Twilight placed a hand over Peter's shoulder, freeing the young man from his daydream. "I'm sure that they're both just fine. Ursa's just as stubborn as you, after all." The comment made Peter smile, causing the princess to return his with one of her own. The concession area had begun to close down as the convention neared its conclusion. Twilight used a napkin to clean her face before stealing a glance at the clock above her position. "We only have twenty minutes left. I think it's time for us to head back."

Mayday crossed her legs and fidgeted in place. "I have to pee."

Peter arched a brow at the young girl. "Stay classy, Mayday."

Twilight smirked. "Well, I have to go to the ladies' room, too. Peter, would you be a dear and watch our stuff and wait for us?" After receiving a quiet nod from her husband, Twilight stood from her seat while Mayday did the same. "We'll be right back."

Mayday offered her toy to Peter. "Mind hanging onto Mini Pops for me?"

Grinning, Peter gently accepting the toy. "Sure thing, honey."

Peter watched both girls walk off, waiting until they made it to the women's restroom before he gazed upon the toy in his hands. The action figure was slightly bulky when compared to his athletically slim body, but its design was exactly like the one he wore to this day. However, thoughts traveled through his mind of his current dilemma and what awaited him back in Equestria. Peter couldn't help but question himself, pondering if his training would be enough to defeat the Sinister Six. A familiar distant voice lingered in the back of the young man's head, reminding him what befell his wife and daughter the last time he failed to protect them.

"I like your choice of action figure there, friend," a voice stated from the side, freeing Peter from his self-induced trance. The young man shifted his gaze from Mayday's toy to an older man standing a few feet away. His hair was thin and grey, showing his age. Yet, the smile he bore was bright, yielding unmatched energy under a moustache. The older man finished delivering his order at the concession before facing Peter once more, nodding. "It strikes me as 'amazing.'"

Peter shared a glance with the stranger, managing a smile. "Thanks. He's my daughter's favorite." The world slowed to a halt as Peter and the older man held eye contact with each other. A sense of familiarity bore into the younger man's chest despite him never having met this individual. Peter furrowed his brow. "Have we ever met?"

The older man shook his head. "I don't think so, and you don't strike me as an avid comic book reader." His tone was light, holding no malice. He managed a chuckle. "As far as your daughter goes, I can safely assure you thatyou'reher favorite. There's a hero in all of us. You constantly have an impact on your daughter and influence her. As long as you hold your moral compass strongly, your child willalwayslook up to you."

Blinking, Peter found himself at a loss for words. He had no reason to listen to this stranger. However, there was a great weight to what he said, and Peter could feel some of his previous doubts fading away. The young man readied to respond, pausing upon noticing Twilight and Mayday exiting the restroom. Peter retrieved both the toy and bag, sliding its strap over his shoulder. Soon after standing, he faced the older man and offered his hand. "Hey. It was nice meeting you, Mister…?"

"Stan Lee," the older man politely greeted, accepting Peter's gesture. The two men shook hands and shared smiles, not knowing of their conjoined history. Eventually, they parted, with Peter waving before joining his family. Stan turned back once the waitress returned with his meal. He finally waved back to Peter. "Excelsior!"

Peter glanced back, seemingly grinning at Stan's exclamation. Once he reached his wife and daughter, Twilight arched a brow at the stranger before shifting her bewildered gaze to her husband. "Who was that, Peter?"

Slow to respond, Peter alternated his gaze between Twilight and Stan. "I'd say that he's an inspiration." He simply nodded, wrapping one arm around Twilight's and Mayday's shoulder while leading them away. A small smile graced his features. "Let's go. We have to resume our training first thing in the morning."

The following day, Mayday sat alone in her bedroom. She peeked outside of her window, finding Ben in the arms of Sunset Shimmer underneath a tree. At a safe distance away, Sonata unleashed a wild melody, prompting Twilight, Trixie, and Luna to evade the vibrational waves. Deep in the woods, Peter, Zecora, Julia, Patricia, and Gwen continued to push through their training.

Left to her own devices, Mayday could only sigh before flopping backwards onto her bed. After having a taste of what this world had to offer, she wanted nothing more but to return to the city and explore its vast unknowns. "It's soboringout here!" She pursed her lips, glancing to the side. "There's a wholeworldof science and technology out there waiting, but I'm stuck here being babysat."

Closing her eyes, the girl let out a long sigh. She lay silently for several seconds before her eyes shot open at a sudden realization. Quickly sitting up, she removed her iPod and tossed it down beside before leaning over and peering under the bed. Reaching out, she retrieved her bag of Equestrian origin from under the bed, pausing to lock the nearby door to her room before proceeding.

After listening closely to the silence of the house for a brief duration, Mayday sat back up and pulled out a crystal ball from one of the bag's pockets. "Now's as good a time as any while everyone's distracted." Waving a hand over the orb, it grew exponentially in size. Images began to materialize within the orb, prompting the young girl to quickly retrieve a pen and journal she'd prepared in advance from her desk across the room, before sitting directly in front of the crystal ball. "Time to see what history has kept hidden from everypony in Equestria."

To be continued...

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