• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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World Famous

Chapter Thirty-One "World Famous"

Three weeks had passed since everyone started training. Progress was made, but after some convincing, a day of rest was mandatory. A majority of the group had huddled together and made their way to the city, with Gwen driving. Using her magic, Eris had transformed the small car into a Hummer with unlimited fuel, giving the group plenty of space to fit in. They didn't go into the heart of New York, instead choosing to stop by a movie theater on the outskirts of town. Needless to say, some were more excited than others, each with a different reason. After parking in the surprisingly empty lot, the group began the small trek to the theater through the sidewalk.

"This is gonna be a blast!" Patricia chimed, walking ahead of the group. She turned around, walking backwards as they headed toward the building. "I really miss going to the movies. It brings me back to the old days. IMAX. Popcorn. Obnoxious kids that won't shut up through the best parts." Her smile widened until teeth showed. The brunette wore a red sweater over a white button-up shirt with a black skirt, matching shoes, and high socks. "Come on, slowpokes!"

Sonata giggled, skipping to join Patricia's side. "Wait up!" Wearing a dark pair of thigh-high boots with a matching skirt and a light blue, long sleeve shirt, she glanced skyward. "I just hope the theater has some good snacks. I'm starving!"

Gwen chuckled, folding her arms as she glanced about the nearby buildings. The blonde wore a pink shirt with matching red skirt, keeping a white jacket over her arms. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Unless this world has a couple of quirks that we don't know about, it appears to be mostly the same as ours. I just hope there's something decent showing." She arched a brow, stealing a glance at her wristwatch. "We don't know what's showing and when."

Twilight frowned, holding a blank stare. "You can blame Eris for that. She wouldn't let us read a paper or anything to see for ourselves. We're going into this blind." The woman exhaled before throwing her arms to the side in a huff. Like the others, she wore casual wear, preferring her pink and red dress with light slip-on shoes. "It'd be best if we were able to plan ahead and schedule for this."

Eris smirked, waving a hand dismissively in her trademark casual suit. "Now, where's the fun in that? You're so stuffy sometimes, doing everything by the book. I just wish you shared your husband's sense of adventure more adamantly, but I guess some habits die hard."

Garbed in a violet sweater, skirt, and high boots, Trixie simply closed her eyes and huffed. "I, for one, am just grateful to be out of that house. I've had enough exercise to last several lifetimes. We all could use a change of scenery for at least a few hours before we resume our training. Let's just enjoy the moment for what it's worth."

Sunset chuckled, placing her hands over her hips. "I just wished everyone could've come." Placing a hand over her chin, the woman frowned. She wore a sleeveless yellow shirt accompanied with a pair of violet boots and matching skirt. "I feel kind of bad leaving them behind."

Peter shrugged, holding Mayday's hand. The young man wore a simple red vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, blue jeans, and black shoes. "Don't worry about them. Julia, Zecora, and Luna have always kept to themselves, but they get along pretty well with each other. Besides, Zecora has Ben to look over. She's always had a soft spot for that kid. They'll have each other's company until we get back. Plus, Felicia will come back whenever she's ready." Glancing off to the side, Peter shared a glance with his daughter. "So, what do you think? Excited?"

Mayday bounced in place, giggling. She continued to wear a simple pair of blue overalls with a bright shirt that matched her yellow irises. "You bet! Thanks for letting me come with you, Daddy!" The group reached the theater grounds, and Patricia quickly ran to the posters posted on one of the walls. Mayday broke away from her father and joined the woman. "Oh! What's showing?"

While a majority of the group huddled together, Peter stepped away and glanced to the side, holding a hesitant expression. "Maybe I shouldn't have come."

Eris arched a brow at the young man before playfully nudging a hand into his side. "Of course you should have. There's no shame in having a little fun. You're a great hero and knight, but you're still the guy next door." Peter frowned, as if disheartened. He continued to gaze at his open hand, clenching it before sighing. Eris smiled warmly, poking a finger into his cheek. "Don't worry about your training. Zecora and Julia have informed me of your progress. You've been working hard for the past three weeks. Trust me. Julia and Zecora have had nothing but praise to offer. You've more than earned a rest day. Have fun with your wife, daughter, and friends. For me?"

Peter's eyes widened once Eris edged closer to him, her lower lip poked out while her crimson irises held a pleading look. Exasperated, the young man's brow twitched involuntarily. "The puppy dog eyes? You're seriously resorting to that? That's cheap, and you know it."

Eris brought her hands together, fluttering her eyes as she stood practically an inch from his face. "I have good faith that you'll restore harmony as you're meant to do, but you can't do that if you run yourself into the ground. The point of this getaway is to help you trainandrecover." Eris glanced off to the side while a devious grin formed on her face. "Are you going to force me to acquire the aid of your wife and daughter to help solidify your choice?"

Peter's complexion paled at the thought. "You wouldn't dare…"

He had always known himself to be an easygoing fellow, unable to deny the requests of those around him, should they ask nicely. Sadly, that grew into a crippling weakness during his stay in Equestria. Twilight was relatively bossy due to her no-nonsense demeanor, and Peter always went with the motions, only objecting during crucial situations because of his nonchalant nature. However, Twilight had earned all of his love, and he would practically bend over backwards for her on a whim. Once Mayday came into the picture, she had the same effect on Peter, much to his dismay. It didn't help that the Amazing Spider-Man had a soft spot for females as a whole, perhaps due to his chivalrous nature.

Unfortunately, it grew absolutely ludicrous when his company consisted of only members of the opposite sex ninety-five percent of the time. What truly made the situation a dilemma was every female's awareness. It seemed as if everyone used Peter's weakness to their advantage, whether it was his wife wanting to purchase a book, his daughter begging for a chemistry set, Rainbow Dash pleading to take the Spider-Mobile for a joyride, Applejack asking for help around the farm, Scootaloo's insistence that he be her prom date, or Trixie demanding a hot cup of tea, Peter was defenseless against a beauty's puppy dog eyes. The young man could only let out a defeated sigh.

Sadly, it would be no different today with Eris. Peter exhaled, shrugging. "Alright. Fine. But it's back to business first thing in the morning, okay?"

Eris grinned, patting the young man's shoulder appreciatively before slyly planting a swift yet firm kiss on his cheek. "That's what I love about you, handsome. You're so flexible! Thanks for being such a doll."

Blinking, Peter stared blankly at the woman while she joined back with the group huddle. "The Parker luck is a blessinganda curse. I swear. How do I even get into these situations?"

"Peter!" Twilight cried out, freeing the young man from his self-induced trance. He dumbly watched his wife rushed towards him, yelping involuntarily as she grabbed hold of his hand and led him to one of the nearby walls. They eventually reached one poster in particular. Twilight glared at her husband while pointing at it. "Care to explainthis?"

"Well, let's see," Peter trailed off, finally analyzing the poster presented to him, and his eyes shot open at a realization. At the center of the advertisement poster was a costumed man and a blonde woman. However, Peter recognized the spider insignia on his back. Because it was the international poster, the main titles were in Japanese, but this was quite clearly a sequel of sorts starring his alter-ego, Spider-Man. Peter chuckled in disbelief, alternating his gaze between the man and woman. "No way. I have my own movie?!"

Twilight grabbed Peter's arm, her stern glare remaining intact. "Yes! How did that happen? Were you sneaking out behind our backs?"

Peter blinked, shaking his head. "No. I've been stuck in that forest for the past three weeks. This is just as much of a surprise for me as it is for you."

Patricia furrowed her brow at the poster. "Besides, this world is exactly like ours. It usually takes months to a year to film. Plus, this is a sequel. That means Spider-Man has been a thing for a while here." Tilting her head to the side, Patricia stared intently at the poster, specifically the blonde sitting next to the costumed man. "Is that Gwen? It's supposed to be Gwen. It favors her. She doesn't look half bad."

Gwen joined Patricia's side, folding her arms. "The guy they have playing Peter isn't half bad looking either. What's the name? Andrew Garfield? Who do they have as me? Emma Stone?" She trailed a finger against the scrolls of text, holding it against a set of numbers. "Hmm. This movie is still relatively new. It came out at the beginning of May. Looks like it's only been out for four weeks. We should check it out. I'm a touch curious about this."

Mayday's eyes widened as her smile grew. She grabbed Peter's hand and shook it anxiously. "That sounds fun! May we see it, Daddy? Please?"

Peter nodded, smiling warmly. "I don't see why not. I'm just worried that the movie will be totally lame. Anything with me in it might be."

Twilight stepped between the quad of spiders, incensed. "Wait just a darn second! How are you all so calm about this?! Nobody is going to ask just what kind of dimension we're in?!"

All three spiders held a varied bemused expression. Peter scratched the back of his head. "Not really, no. I've seen so many alternate realities that this is another day in the office for me."

Gwen shook her head. "Same here. I just dealt with a universe full of spiders. Plus, I'm a part-time dimension hopper. This isn'ttoosurprising."

Patricia poked Peter's shoulder while staring blankly at Twilight. "Considering that I'm standing next to my alternate reality double, who is a total hottie, any reaction for this should be subpar." She shrugged. "...Eek? I guess?"

Rubbing his chin, Peter tilted his head. "What I really wanna know, is why wouldanyonewanna watch a movie about me?"

Eris grinned. "Billions of people would, handsome. You're a global phenomenon and cultural icon on this planet."

Twilight's brow twitched madly. "You knew this the entire time and didn't think to tell us?!"

"Where's the fun in just outright telling you? Besides I'd miss the chance to see your priceless reactions!" Eris chuckled, holding out her hand until Mayday's iPod appeared in her hand. She flipped it rightside up and pressed a button, capturing a picture. Twilight's image appeared on screen, the woman snarling while a vein pulsated over her forehead. Handing the device back to Mayday, Eris stifled her laughter. "Yes. That's exactly what I meant."

Twilight inhaled deeply before forcing out a sigh. "Fine. Whatelsearen't you telling us then?"

Sunset approached the two women with an uneasy smile."Um, about that..." Walking between both women, she placed a hand over Twilight's shoulder. "You might want to see this."

Twilight rolled her eyes, tilting her head back with an annoyed groan. "Whatnow?!"

Everyone followed Sunset, passing a number of posters before stopping at a particular one at the end of the wall. Twilight's annoyed expression was immediately replaced by utter shock upon inspecting the contents of it. At the center of the poster was a group of young girls, six to be exact, standing between a pair of spotlights. However, what was alarming was each girl's uncanny resemblance to that of the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.

Their skin colors resembled that of their pony counterparts, and their forms were very slim, bearing the appearance of young, teenage human girls. In bold letters, the title read 'Rainbow Rocks'. Pinkie Pie sat behind everyone on a drum set while Rarity played a keyboard guitar. Rainbow Dash held an electric guitar, Applejack had a bass guitar, and Twilight stood at the forefront, acting as the lead singer. The movie was set to debut at the end of September.

Twilight stumbled over a flurry of words all at once and failed to form any coherent response as she pointed to the poster. Slack-jawed, she alternated her gaze between it and her husband. "What? How?What?!"

Peter arched a brow, bringing his hands to his hips. "Would you look at that. You have your own movie, too, honey!" He frowned, rubbing a hand over his chin. "Why is everyone so skinny? Good grief. That other you can use a burger. Maybe even some cake. Everyone there can eat an extra meal or two, actually."

Sonata edged closer to the poster on the wall. "That's exactly how everyone looked in the world I came from! It was pretty normal, really." Pausing for a moment, she jumped up and squealed in excitement. The siren ran and grabbed Trixie, shaking the woman feverishly. "Hang on! I think thatismy world! Iknowthose girls! That's the Twilight that beat us and the Elements of Harmony from that world!"

"The multiverse is a small place, huh?" Gwen whispered, chuckling to herself.

Like Twilight, Trixie found herself at a loss for words for several moments before shaking her head. "All right. I get that much. What I don't get is why is there amovieabout them in this world?" She pointed back to the previous poster they stopped at. "What about Parker? This entire situation is just bizarre."

Eris stayed a safe distance from the group, swaying out of Twilight's reach nonchalantly before standing behind Peter. "While notquiteas recognizable as Peter, I can assure that the lot of you are very popular in this world. You're all part of a cartoon series called 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'."

Mayday snorted involuntarily. "Sounds like an incredibly lame little girl's show."

Peter playfully nudged his daughter. "Isn't that your target audience?"

"Do Ilooklike a little girl?" Mayday questioned in a huffed. "Everyone knows science fiction is where it's at!"

Peter chuckled, rubbing the top of his daughter's head. "That'swhy you're a smart kid."

Twilight gritted her teeth to the core, turning to Eris with a venomous glare. "You!" She stated vehemently, pointing a finger at the woman. "You have some explaining to do!Right now!"

Eris simply smiled, stealing a glance at her wrist while a watch materialized over it. "Oh, my. Where's the time gone? It seems that Julia and Zecora are in need of my audience!" Faster than anyone could react, Eris planted a soft kiss on Peter's cheek before appearing behind Twilight to give her a noogie. "I'll see you all tonight. Ta-ta."

Just like that, Eris vanished in a burst of light. Twilight was left in a fuzz, her eye twitching as her mind struggled to register everything that was taken in. She gripped her hair, struggling to not pull it from the roots. "I swear, I'm going to kill her!"

Peter patted Twilight's shoulder, pulling the exasperated woman into a hug. "It's no big deal. I think it's pretty cool. It's a shame that we can't see your movie. I'd love to see how the other you acts. I bet she's a total riot."

Gwen and Patricia quietly joined back with the group, both holding several tickets. The blonde smiled at the group. "We may not be able to see the pony movie, but we can see The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We got everyone a ticket. The movie starts in about twenty minutes. Let's check it out!"

Everyone took a ticket and entered the theater without objection. Peter wrapped his arm around Twilight, freeing the woman from her self-induced trance. "Come on, honey. I'll buy you some popcorn and a soda."

Letting out a defeated sigh, Twilight rested the side of her head against Peter's shoulder. "Can we please get some cheesecake on the way home?"

Peter grinned, sharing a nod with Mayday before leading both girls inside. "Anything for you."

Mayday shook her head, glancing off to the side. "Friendship is Magic? How ridiculous."

After having ordered their food, snacks and drinks, everyone made their way into the theater and took their seats. Peter sat in between Twilight and Mayday, with his wife munching down a giant bag of popcorn (perhaps out of anxiety) and his daughter downing a large cup of soda about half the size of her body. Gwen and Patricia sat on the end of the row, each commenting on the trailers. Sonata had her own tray of popcorn, gummy bears, nachos, and hot dogs, managing to clean most of it out before the movie even started while Sunset and Trixie quietly watched for the presentation to begin.

Soon enough, the movie started in grand fashion, with a scene of Richard and Mary Parker. Peter blinked, his eyes widening. "Is that… my mom and dad?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "You never talk about your parents. Were they government agents or something?"

Peter hesitantly shook his head. "I don't know. I barely have any memories of them. It's always just been Aunt May and Uncle Ben for me."

The movie progressed, following with a scene of Spider-Man swinging through the city. It was truly a spectacle, a man defying gravity with relative ease and grace. Mayday's mouth fell agape. "Whoa. That looks so cool," she whispered, clutching at her cup. The child glanced up at her father. "Is that what it's really like, Daddy?"

"Actually, yeah," Peter muttered, nodding as he watched the Spider-Man on film thwart a robbery. "It's a lot more fun to do it in the city. When we have time, I'll take you out for a swing. Sound good?"

Mayday smiled brightly, showing teeth. "Totally! Thanks, Daddy!"

For the next hour, the movie progressed, but for the better or worse was up for debate for the audience. Film Peter continued to see images of Captain Stacy haunting him. Eventually, Film Peter and Gwen broke up, never truly staying apart. However, during their separation, the hero watched the love interest from a distance, going so far as to follow her from work while staying out of sight. They eventually got back together momentarily, sharing an intimate moment while Max Dillon approached the city.

Peter's brow twitched at the scene. "I'm a stalker? They made me a stalker. I'm totally not a stalker."

Twilight arched a playful brow at the young man. "Does this mean you watch me even when my back is turned?"

"You're different," Peter stated, waving a hand dismissively. "Since we're married, it's my job to watch you carefully. It's a hard job, but somebody has to do it." He grinned. "Luckily, your butt makes the job easier. I can stare at that bootyallday— Ow!"

Mayday stuck out her tongue in disgust, whining as Twilight elbowed Peter's side. "Oh, come on, Dad! Not while I'm eating or drinking!"

Gwen stared blankly at the movie. "What's worse is that I find it charming. Why do movies do that? Women don't like stalkers of any kind. This has Stockholm Syndrome written all over it."

Sunset smiled, sharing a glance with Peter and Twilight. "I think it's cute. Their romance seems natural to me. Plus, it reminds me of how cutesy you two get."

Mayday nodded, slurping on her drink. "Mom and Daddokiss and cuddle a lot."

Trixie rolled her eyes and glanced off to the side. "Tell me about it."

"That's because I love your mother more than life itself," Peter softly declared, earning a soft kiss on the cheek from Twilight. The couple continued to hold hands, with the young man sharing a knowing glance with his daughter. "Besides, all that kissing and cuddling is how you and Ben came about."

Mayday shuddered, shifting her gaze back to the screen. "Eww, gross. Thanks for the scarring mental images, Dad."

A fight scene erupted between Spider-Man and Electro, with the hero dodging the villain's attack. The choreography was to be respected, and the special effects were top-notch. The story progressed further and dove further into the relationship with Peter and Harry Osborn, specifically how south it continued to fall. Sadly, there were many story elements being told at once. For some, it was fine, but for others, it was increasingly frustrating.

Trixie groaned under her breath. "Harry Osborn. Peter and Gwen's relationship. Electro. Richard and Mary Parker. This whole story is rather cluttered for my liking."

Patricia shrugged, tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. "Sounds like a typical Tuesday to me. I'm digging the movie so far."

Sonata nodded, munching on what was left of her gummy bears. "Me, too. The acting's great so far."

Trixie huffed. "Oh, I agree. I'm just saying the story feels a bit… cramped."

Gwen remained silent, her face flushing whenever her film counterpart interacted romantically with Peter Parker. They neared the climax, with the couple declaring their love for each other before the final battle. She groaned under her breath. "Everything's going too well. This has bad news written all over it."

As predicted, Electro took over the power grid and proceeded to battle Spider-Man. With Gwen's help, the good guys emerged victorious. However, Harry Osborn emerged on the scene donning Green Goblin's gear and glider. Peter's eyes shot open. "Whoa. Harry is the Green Goblin?"

"That never happened to you?" Patricia questioned, arching a brow.

Peter shook his head. "No. After the Green Goblin was killed, Harry stopped talking to me and took over Oscorp. I'm actually glad it never escalated to that point." A relieved sigh escaped from the young man's mouth. "I couldn't imagine fighting my old best friend if he became the Goblin."

Unfortunately, the ending scene was crushing. Peter and Harry battled with Gwen Stacy in the mix while in the clocktower. After incapacitating the Goblin, Gwen plummeted to her inevitable doom. Peter watched the scene with a widened gaze, flashbacks of his own life resurfacing in vivid detail. The world slowed as Spider-Man shot a strand of webbing out to the woman. It latched onto her chest, but it was too late, as the back of Gwen's head cracked violently against the concrete floor.

Gwen slammed her eyes shut, wincing while the others did the same. Spider-Man leaped down to his lover's side, crying upon realizing the terrible fate bestowed upon her. Peter felt a sharp twinge in his chest. It was too much like his own, bringing back memories of old. Twilight watched as her husband stood and left the theater in a hurry, excusing himself in a dark voice.

Twilight turned around, frowning. "Oh, Peter..."

Gwen glanced off to the side, her eyes softening. "Was that what it was like for him?"

Trixie stood, stretching her arms high over her head. "I'll go talk to him. Tell me how the movie ends."

"I'll go with you," Sunset whispered, following the woman before patting Patricia's shoulder. "We'll wait for you outside."

The following scene began with Gwen's funeral. Film Peter stood by her grave with each different season, whether it was fall or winter. Twilight pursed her lips and held a hand over her mouth. Times of old flashed through her mind. When she first summoned Peter to Equestria, there was something he always hid. At times, his smile seemed forced, and she could practically feel his guilt over what had happened. After receiving the truth serum from Zecora, he poured his heart out, feeling Gwen's death was his fault in spite of his valiant efforts to save her.

However, a hint of sadness pulled at her chest. It was just a few weeks ago that she felt resentment towards Peter for adoring Gwen's return to the extent that he did. Watching the film, she had a better grasp of what her husband's relationship was with his ex. Had fate not played such a cruel hand and thrown so many hardships towards him, Peter may not have been summoned to Equestria in the first place, and he more than likely would've married Gwen Stacy in the near future. Twilight imagined how her own life may have progressed without her husband, daughter, and son, only to choke back a sob. She was happy, undeniably so, but it came at the cost of another woman's life.

Gwen took the available seat next to the princess and offered a small smile. "You doing okay?"

Twilight cleared her throat, using a hand to wipe her face clean. "Yeah. I'm okay. I just…" she trailed off, sharing a glance with the blonde. "I just wanted to say thanks again. Peter was really happy to see you again. You really cheered him up."

Gwen shook her head. "No. I have to thankyoufor that." Twilight's eyes widened at the comment. The blonde paused, stealing a glance at the movie as the ending scene began to play out. "Peter told me how depressed he was when you first brought him to Equestria. He was in a dark place at that time, but you brought him out of it and made him happier than he had ever been. The fact that you agreed to marry him and give birth to two beautiful children makes him giddy. Like I said before, it's all he ever talks about." Holding a genuine smile, Gwen placed a hand over Twilight's shoulder. "Peter probably wouldn't be the lovable goofball that he is now without you. So thanks."

Twilight felt the temperature in her face rise. Even now, Peter continued to take her breath away. She nodded and smiled, sniffling. "What am I going to do with him?"

"Tell him that he did nothing wrong," Mayday bluntly replied, earning the collective gazes of Twilight and Gwen. The young girl stared at the screen as the ending credits scrolled down with 'It's On Again' playing in the background. "Daddy tried his best. There's nothing to be ashamed of there."

Gwen blinked, chuckling. "Mayday. You're absolutely right. I think you should tell your dad that."

Mayday nodded, leaping from her seat before running down the aisle. The others followed, leaving the theater. The trip outside was brief, taking only a minute to complete. They found Peter standing with Trixie and Sunset near the parking lot in the middle of a conversation. Mayday waited quietly, her eyes widening once her father glanced in her direction. Peter frowned, folding his arms before averting his gaze skyward. Trixie pursed her lips while Sunset watched the girl with a softened gaze.

"No matter how much time has passed, I still can't completely get over it," Peter whispered, his voice low. "You've read the stories about the Green Goblin and how it was him that actually killed Gwen. Watching that movie made me remember for how long I actually blamed myself for it. I mean, she was brought into that situation because ofwhoI am."

Mayday nodded. "It's well documented. That happened nearly a year before I was born." She reached out, taking hold of her father's hand. "So, why are you upset about it? You tried your best, and it was the Goblin that put Miss Gwen in danger. That isn't your fault, and it's stupid to think that it is. You're a hero, Dad." She gently squeezed his hand. "Not just mine, but everyone else's, too. Mom. Aunt Trixie. Miss Sunset. Miss Gwen. We're all proud of you, Daddy. Don't forget that! Ever!"

Peter's eyes widened at the statement. His daughter's words, as simplistic as they were, held an astounding weight to them. The sadness in his heart dissipated, having been replaced by something warmer and lighter. Peter scooped the young girl into his arms, embracing her to the greatest of his ability without doing harm. Mayday returned the gesture in full, giggling before wrapping her arms soundly around his neck. Twilight walked up to the pair, letting out a surprised squeak as Peter used his free arm and pulled her into the hug. Everyone watched with a smile, but Sunset arched a brow as a group of spectators approached her.

"You're a bit early for the convention. I love your cosplay, though!" a young man declared, his mouth agape. "You lookjustlike Sunset Shimmer! Your costume is amazing!"

Another of the spectators approached Twilight. She smiled widely. "How long did it take for you to do your hair? It looks so realistic!" She shifted her gaze to Mayday, the child holding a befuddled expression as the stranger giggled uncontrollably. "Is this your daughter? You did the same with her hair! It looks amazing! And those eyes! With those beautiful contacts, she looks like ayandere."

Peter tilted his head to the side. "Uh, gesundheit?"

"Emma Stone?! Is that you! I'm such a huge fan!" another spectator screeched, holding her hands together as she ran towards Gwen. "Can I have an autograph?!"

Gwen blinked, chuckling sheepishly while raising her hands defensively. "I think you have me mixed up with someone else." She glanced off to the side. "Uh, Trixie? A little help please?"

No response came. Rather, Trixie brushed a hand through her hair pompously while the spectators swarmed her. "Why, yes. IamGreat and Powerful. Thanks for noticing."

"Wow! She even has Trixie's mannerisms perfected!" one of the fans commented, taking a picture of the woman with his phone.

Peter rolled his eyes, staring blankly at Trixie with Mayday sharing his expression while in his hold. "Once a narcissist, always a narcissist."

"You know Auntie Trixie. She likes attention," Mayday sarcastically chimed, leaning her forearm over her father's shoulder.

Sunset stammered about, rubbing the back of her forearm with a hand. "U-um, thanks?" She paused briefly, her eyes widening. "Wait. You said something about a convention?"

"Yeah! It's at the King's Plaza Shopping Center and takes place this weekend. You all should totally come! The entrance fee is only twenty dollars per person and an extra hundred for VIP passes," a younger man stated, alternating his gaze before rushing towards the theater with his cohorts. "I hope you guys show up there!"

Once they were out of hearing range, Peter shrugged. "Well,thathappened."

Sonata giggled, walking up to and gently punching Peter in the shoulder. "It sounds fun! We should totally go!"

Trixie nodded, folding her arms with a triumphant smile. "I agree. It sounds like too good of an opportunity to pass up."

Peter shook his head. "You all can go. I shouldn't. I have to keep training."

"Come on, Peter. It wouldn't quite be the same without you," Sunset stated, smiling to herself as she fidgeted with her hair. "I mean, you must admit that itdoessound interesting to say the least."

Gwen placed a finger against her lip. "I've never been to a convention before."

Patricia smiled, sharing a glance with her male counterpart. "Yeah. Don't be such a saiyan, Peter-Sensei. Take a break for once! You've been at it for three weeks straight! We canalluse a good break from training.Pleasedon't make me beg."

"This convention thing sounds awesome!" Mayday declared excitedly, before placing her cheek against her father's. "Won't you come with us, Daddy?Pleeease?"

Twilight glanced off to the side, smiling sheepishly while a pink tint filled her cheeks. "Well, I'd really like it if we could check it out… for scientific purposes, of course." She grabbed Peter's free hand, edging closer to the man until her face was inches from his. Both she and Mayday held a look of plea, their eyes growing softer by the second. "Please, honey?"

Peter stared blankly at the surrounding women, pausing upon sharing a glance with his wife. He could only shrug in defeated fashion, cursing his weakness once more. "It's not like I have a choice."

To be continued...

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