• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Chapter Twenty-Six "Earthbound"

Mayday clenched her eyes tightly shut and gripped her mother's hoof after Tirek unleashed his attack. It felt as if an eternity had passed while the filly waited for the inevitable blow. Mayday pried one eye open eventually, stealing a glance at her father before she inhaled sharply at what surrounded her: a dull white void with nothing above or beneath, absent of life with the exception of those that were trapped in the Treebrary moments ago.

Twilight finally opened her own eyes, glancing about aimlessly with a widened gaze. Trixie and Sunset exchanged befuddled looks, both hesitant to move about in the void. Felicia took a few steps away before frowning. Lowering into a meditative position, Zecora simply closed her eyes and folded her hooves. A long, awkward silence filled the air for seconds on end, leaving everypony to linger in the sound of their thoughts and Peter's rough breathing.

Sonata blinked, pursing her lips before nervously clearing her throat. "If nopony will ask, I guess I will: where are we?"

Luna walked around the immediate vicinity, keeping her gaze centered skyward. "I do not know. This is most bizarre. I am unable to sense my sister or the presence of the moon." She furrowed her brow, sharing a glance with the surrounding group. "Whereverwe are, it's not Equestria. I would like to knowhowwe ended up in such a location. Did somepony here manage to accomplish this using magic?"

Twilight rested the back of Peter's head against her lap, sighing sadly as the stallion's breathing lowered, both in volume and output. She simply shook her head. "It wasn't me. I can still barely use magic as is."

"This is far too advanced for me to attempt, as great as I am," Trixie murmured, brushing a hoof through her silver-blue mane.

Narrowing her gaze, Sunset strained as she attempted to use magic. A tiny spark ignited, shorting out. With an exhale, the mare shook her head. "It wasn't any of us. Our magic is still being suppressed by something."

Felicia stood upright at the statement and walked over to Sunset with a frown. "If that's the case, do you think this is Discord's doing?"

"That's hardly logical," Luna declared, shaking her head. "His plan was very thorough to make certain that we're all out of the picture. It would hardly make sense to save us in spite of all the attacks."

"Oh, my. You certainly are Artemis. So frank and levelheaded," a female's voice chuckled, catching the attention of all present as it echoed throughout the reaches of the void. Suddenly, a draconequus spiraled into existence, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Discord. She stretched across the air with a fanged smile, holding her crimson gaze on the group hoof-lengths beneath her position. "Chaos is not so easily understood, even by those who cause it sometimes."

Inhaling sharply, Twilight's eyes widened with disbelief at the sight. "E-Eris?! What are you doing here?!"

Zecora opened her eyes, passing the draconequus a knowing glance and smile while remaining in her meditative position. "So,youare the one to which she deferred. There is nopony else that I would have preferred." As everypony shifted their collective gazes towards the zebra, she held a calm pose. "We all stood at the tip of the knives, and we have Miss Eris to thank for saving our lives."

Felicia huffed, managing a smile. "I won't complain about that." She trailed off, eyeing the draconequus carefully. "So, what? Is she Discord's twin sister or something?"

"No, Felicia. It's... a bit more complicated than that," Twilight stammered, glancing off to the side. After tapping a hoof against her chin for what seemed like ages, the mare cleared her throat. "You see, ErisisDiscord."

Sunset arched a brow. "What doesthatmean?"

Mayday raised a hoof, earning everypony's attention. "I can put it simply. Right next door to our dimension is another just like it with a specific variable where everypony's gender is swapped." The filly pointed at the draconequus, who simply smiled and nodded. "In that dimension's Equestria, Eris is the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. So, technically speaking, sheisDiscord."

Reaching out, Eris pulled at Mayday's cheek. "Well aren't you just precious? And so smart, too!"

Sonata pursed her lips, smiling weakly. "I appreciate it. I'm sure we all do, but I'm a little confused." As the draconequus arched a brow, the siren scratched the back of her head with a hoof. "If you reallyareDiscord, then why did you just save us? This doesn't seem like somethinghewould do."

Eris frowned at the comment, losing her playful demeanor momentarily. "While wearereflections of each other and share a common goal, there aresomelines that even I'm not willing to cross." She trailed off, leaving her place in midair before gently lowering to the ground. A somber sigh escaped from her mouth before she knelt by Peter's side, brushing the back of her paw through a few strands of the stallion's mane. "I warned him that he would go too far in pushing dear Peter. Now, my lovely friend is paying the price. I just wish that I could've done something sooner."

"Better late than never, I presume," Trixie declared, managing a smile before her stoic expression resurfaced on her features. "So, I take it that you're the reason our magic is being suppressed right now? I understand why Discord would do so to ensure that we wouldn't escape the Treebrary. I can assume you're doing the same, because you're working without Discord's acknowledgement?"

Eris nodded, chuckling before fading from sight. She materialized directly behind Trixie, earning a surprised yelp from the mare. "Yes, Trixie. I can't begin to explain how many rules I'm currently breaking just to make this happen." The draconequus glanced off to the side briefly with an uneasy smile. "Also, using magic here would have rather…unpredictableresults. So, think of it as a safety precaution as well."

"All the more reason we should be thankful," Twilight interjected, never averting her saddened gaze from the broken stallion in her hooves.

Luna cleared her throat before raising a hoof objectively. "If I may? Eris, would you mind explaining where we are currently?" The alicorn narrowed her stern glare on the draconequus. "Above all, what's your intention now that you have made your move?"

Eris pursed her lips into a mock pout. "All business and no fun. You're exactly like Artemis to the point where it's typical," she stated dismissively, playfully ignoring the exasperated glare the alicorn bore. "As you and Twilight should recall, there is a link between the worlds of Earth and Equestria. This is the area in between, a separate dimension that pockets the void. A pocket dimension, if you may. Should anypony fail to succeed in travelingthroughthe link,thisis where they wind up. In the realm of emptiness."

Sunset Shimmer's usually vibrant features paled as her ears lowered. "Okay. Youcanget us out of here, right?"

Appearing next to the fiery-maned mare in a flash of light, Eris patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Have no fear. Making this journey is nothing for one with powers such as mine." Sinking into the ground, the draconequus materialized back into existence in midair. "I chose this location as a contingency. It's extremely difficult to sense lifeforms here." Eris spun into an upright sitting position, raising her glowing talon. "Take into account that I'm suppressing your magical energies further. The lot of you should be nigh impossible to be sensed or tracked by anypony currently, including Discord."

Felicia blinked. "You said 'nigh'. That means Discord can still sense us by chance, right?"

Sobering, Eris frowned and glanced skyward. "Yes, if he tried hard enough. Our abilities are great. That's why I have a second contingency plan." She returned her gaze to the group. "I've made arrangements with a friend. She's gathered a pair of acquaintances. They're awaiting our arrival on Earth."

Mayday sprang to her hooves, bouncing in place as her eyes held a sparkling gleam. "Wait. Do you meantheplanet Earth? Where my dad was born? We're goingthere?" Taking a moment to compose herself, the filly cleared her throat. "But isn't that literally the second place Discord would look?"

The corner of Eris's mouth curled into a coy smile. "Now I remember why I am so taken with you, child. You're very perceptive for your age." She nodded, holding out her talon before an image of a blue planet hovered over it. "Yes. You're correct. That's why my colleague and I decided to exercise caution and move to analternateEarth, similar yet different from the planet your father and Felicia came from. The universe is a big place, home to countless dimensions. Peter's dimension lies near the central universe. The Earth we'll be visiting is on the opposite end of your father's dimension."

Sonata tilted her head to the side. "So it's, like, theothernext door neighbor?"

"To put it simply, yes," Eris replied, fading from sight once more.

Trixie furrowed her brow at the siren. "I don't mean to be rude, but I figured you would be the last of us to understand." She motioned her hoof about, as if contemplating her next words carefully. "You strike me as… blissfully unaware of most situations."

"Oh, I was exiled on an alternate version of Equestria. This just sounds really similar to that," Sonata lightly declared, earning a satisfied shrug from Trixie.

Sunset pursed her lips. "It sounds like you've been planning this for a while. After we go to this alternate Earth, what's next?"

Appearing behind Sunset in a burst of light with her arms crossed, Eris sighed. "The idea is to give Peter immediate medical attention and the rest of you time to heal from your injuries." The draconequus placed a talon over her chest before shifting her crimson gaze towards Peter. "My colleague has plans for Peter, and he'll need to be at full strength if he's going to see it through."

"Just who is this colleague of yours?" Luna questioned, unable to hide her apprehensive tone back. She edged closer to Eris with a wary glare. "And what do they want with Peter?"

Brushing a paw through her snow-white hair, Eris only chuckled dismissively. "Now, it wouldn't be any fun if I gave everything away at once, now would it? Don't worry, Moonshine. Your questions will be answered soon enough."

Luna's eye twitched at the name. "Moon… shine?"

Eris grinned mischievously. "Peter informed me that was one of his many nicknames for you. He also says you enjoy them so." Waving a talon as it sparkled with energy, the draconequus faded from existence. "I'm going to see my associate to make sure the preparations are complete. I'll return in a matter of minutes," her voice echoed, chuckling before muttering a final statement. "Don't go anywhere."

Mayday scratched the back of her head, glancing around the desolate environment aimlessly. "As if we could…"

Once certain they were alone in the void, Felicia faced the group with a concerned expression. "So, what does everypony think? Can we really trust her?"

"Considering where we previously were and currently are, I don't think we have much of a choice," Trixie dryly affirmed.

Mayday tightened the straps of her knapsack before straightening her posture. "Miss Eris visited us a few weeks ago, and she was really nice, especially to Daddy. I think we can trust her. I mean, she could have just left us back there after all."

Zecora nodded, lowering her head. "There is no need to mistrust, as Eris means to help Peter achieve his destiny. That means we must follow him, wherever that might be."

Twilight let out a deep sigh, exchanging glances with the others present. "Eris is a friend. She may be a bit too playful for my liking, but sheisgenuine. Plus, she was willing to reform back in her dimension. Eris is nothing like Discord. Their genetics are the same, but that's where the similarities end," Twilight whispered, continuing to soothe her unconscious husband. Peter instinctively leaned into the mare's warm touch, groaning as his chest weakly rose and fell. Twilight's eyes softened. "To be honest, I don't carewherewe go. I just want to get Peter some help."

"Fair enough," Felicia responded, glancing at Sonata from the corners of her eyes. "Though what abouther?" The mare shot a hoof at the siren, her heavy glare causing Sonata to shrink down instinctively. "She used to work withDiscord. What makes us so sure that she won't have any second thoughts?"

Once Felicia's gaze reached Sunset, the mare sheepishly stammered about. "I can't make a fuss about it. I mean, I also started off as your enemy, remember?" She managed a smile. "Everypony deserves at least one second chance, right? I wouldn't even be here right now if Twilight hadn't forgiven me."

Trixie nodded, her stoic demeanor faltering. "I have to agree with Shimmer's sentiments," she stated, looking to Twilight with a soft smile. "Despite all of the despicable things that I did to them, Twilight and Peter still forgave me. Now, we're even a family." The mare turned to Felicia. "We all make mistakes, but it's a matter of learning from them that truly matters"

"Half of everypony here is reformed in some manner," Luna stated matter-of-factly, hesitating before smiling. "I am a firm believer of second chances and redemption. It would be hypocritical if we shunned her out."

Felicia snorted, glancing off to the side in a defeated fashion. "Well, if you're going to put it like that, fine. She can hang around, I suppose."

Mayday walked up to the siren, grinning. "I'm with Miss Sunset. You were always nice to Daddy, and he really wants to help save your race. Plus, I saw what happened in Ponyville. You couldn't bring yourself to attack Daddy." The filly patted Sonata's hoof. "I owe you one, really. You stood up to Big, Red, and Gruesome for me. You put yourself on the line. That has to count for something."

Twilight was slow to respond, seeing as how the majority of her attention was centered on Peter. Inhaling deeply before sighing, she lifted her softened gaze as tears streamed down her cheeks. "You saved my daughterandmy husband. I can't thank you enough for that."

As if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders, Sonata could not contain her smile or stray tears. Wiping a hoof across her face, she sniffled before nodding contently. "Thank you, everypony. I just wish Aria and Adagio could see this."

That same moment, Eris materialized into existence at the center of the group in a burst of energy. "Very good. The preparations have been made. My colleague and her cohorts are waiting for us as we speak." The draconequus flicked her paw, causing energy to spiral before a portal took shape. "Before we step through, however, I must give you all a couple warnings."

A bemused expression formed on Trixie's face as she released an exasperated groan. "Nothing can ever come simply, it seems."

Eris shook her head, forcing a chuckle. "I assure you that it's nothing bad… mostly. As Twilight can concur, time will move normally for us as we stay on Earth for two to three months, but by Equestria's span, we'll be gone for a week."

"Two to three months?!" Sunset blurted out, furrowing her brow. "Why so long? Even if it's only for a week, what's stopping Lord Tirek from inflicting damage on Equestria?"

"There isn't. They'll have free reign over Equestria in your absence," Eris bluntly declared, frowning. "However, as it was proven, you all will not last in your current conditions if you combated Tirekandthe Sinister Six… or theFearsome Fiveas Peter might suggest." Clearing her throat after an awkward silence occurred, she raised a talon before another question could be asked. "The length of time is important. Peter will need as much time as possible to prepare. My colleague will explain everything once you arrive. It'll all make sense then. For now, we should depart, before Discord grows wise to your absence or my presence."

Mayday blankly stared at the draconequus. "I hope you know that being cryptic isn't as reassuring as you think it is."

"I know, child. It's meant to keep you on edge. It's so much more fun that way," Eris nodded, grinning before stepping to the side. She bowed respectfully (and condescendingly, considering her wink and evil grin). "Come, everypony. A new world awaits." Her eyes widened at a belated realization. "Oh, and youwilltransform upon stepping through. It may be instantaneous or could take several hours to occur. Or possibly even days."

Sunset groaned, shaking her head before stepping into the portal. "Oh, no. Notthisagain…"

"I'm actually looking forward to having my old body back," Felicia countered, walking through the gate with a strut in her step while Zecora quietly followed.

Trixie brushed the dust from her hoof, shrugging. "I'm certain this won't be too bad. I'm ready foranything."

Skipping, Sonata grinned. "Sounds like it'll be fun. I just hope I don't have to go back to school."

"Technically, I'm part human, but I don't know anything about Earth, outside of what Daddy told me," Mayday chimed, staring at the portal before stepping through while tapping a hoof against her chin. "I wonder what I'll look like as a human?"

Luna walked over to Twilight, sharing a glance with the alicorn before settling her gaze on Peter's broken form. "I'll help you carry him."

Eris shook her head. "That won't be necessary. I'll transport him myself. Iamhis nurse for the time being."

Slowly but surely, Luna merely nodded. "Very well. Please be careful with him," she whispered, her voice cracking.

As the moon princess stepped through the portal, Twilight pulled herself to a standing position. Eris grinned. "Oh, by the way, there's something I thought you might like to have." Waving a glowing paw, a burst of energy ignited mere hoof-lengths away. Suddenly, Ben materialized into existence, sleeping peacefully and obliviously in midair. Twilight threw a hoof over her mouth to conceal a shriek. The mare reached out and pulled the baby colt passionately into her hooves. Eris smiled. "I thought ahead and figured you would want your son with you. Considering you'll be gone for a few months, I only thought this was right. A mother should never be without her son. And don't worry about Aunt May and Spike. I've already informed them of the situation."

Twilight nuzzled her face against Ben's cheek before holding an appreciative smile towards the draconequus. "Eris… Thank you so much."

The mare readied to step into the portal, but she paused, glancing back at her husband. Crimson energy enveloped his form, gently levitating him from the ground. Eris waved the tip of her talon, bringing the stallion to her position. She shared a nod with Twilight, prompting the mare to step into the portal first. The draconequus guided Peter inside, nodding before stepping through the gate herself. A blinding light engulfed their bodies, sending them to parts unknown. Eris glanced back, closing the portal before focusing on the journey ahead. They were Earthbound, preparing for the days ahead.

Eris smiled at the stallion. "My dear, Iwillfix you. By the end of this, you'll be better than ever." Her fang grin widened. "Then… you will beall mine."

To be continued...

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