• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Calling to the Night, Part I

Chapter Thirty-Seven "Calling to the Night, Part I"

Peter's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of everlasting darkness. A glint of light glowed underneath his feet before taking shape. A platform made of marble materialized into existence, and over its top, a glass-stained image etched itself into place. An insignia of a crescent moon rested at the center between two beings with their backs facing each other. On one side was a dark blue alicorn, holding a somber gaze. At the opposite end was a woman with fair skin, her irises a lighter shade than her long, royal blue hair.

Peter knelt down, rubbing a hand over the glass-stained design of his best friend. Trails of darkness snaked directly behind the young man, spiraling together into a vortex before taking shape. Luna stepped from the mist and waved her hand, prompting the black waves to fade from sight. Peter glanced at the woman from the corner of his eyes, sighing before forcing himself to an upright stance.

Luna shifted her gaze skyward, eyeing the dark depths surrounding them. "Light chases away the dark, but remove the light and the shadow grows. For many years, my sister had beenmylight, chasing away the darkness from my heart." Folding her arms, Luna walked to the edge of the platform, gazing at the endless abyss stirring below. "I've always tried to follow her example, to give hope to those around us, but no matter how hard I tried, everyone naturally flocked towards the light while retreating from the dark. I lost myself to that jealousy."

Peter's eyes softened. "That was a long time ago Luna. You're not the same as you were, and you've more than made up for that mistake."

Luna glanced to the side momentarily. She held her hand out, sighing as a black tendril wrapped around her arm. "You're right. I have indeed changed, but I can still feel the reach of the darkness within me." She narrowed her gaze. "However, there is a different light in my life, giving me both warmth and something I had never earnestly received from anyone besides my sister: love."

Peter grimaced as his gaze fell to the ground. "I… don't understand."

Luna scoffed, turning sharply on her heel until she faced the young man. "Yes, you do. You havealwaysknown how I felt about you. I never exactly hid my feelings from you." The two stood in a long silence, never averting their gazes from each other. Thunder rumbled through the surrounding darkness, sending small tremors coursing across the marble platform. Luna exhaled, closing her eyes. "You turned a blind eye, hoping my love for you would disappear over time. But it never did. It only grew stronger, fueling my latent desires. Deep down, you've always known this. In spite of everything, you stayed by my side. I canfeelwhat is in your heart."

Peter watched as the princess reached out, placing her hand against his chest. He shook his head. "You know that we can't do this."

Slow to respond, Luna frowned before scoffing. "Because of Twilight Sparkle. I find your loyalty to her both infuriating and endearing. I always find myself asking what would have happened if I just confessed my feelings to you sooner. Maybe I would be the subject of your love now instead of her? Maybe I would have given birth to your children?" She chuckled haplessly. "You think about the possibility, too."

Peter's eyes widened at the statement before slowly softening. "Well, yeah, but…"

The princess shook her head. "Iknewhow Twilight Sparkle felt about you then, but I never imagined that she would actually confess. Then again, I underestimated your ability to influence others to change."

"Why are you telling me this, Luna?" Peter questioned, arching a brow.

Luna edged closer, brushing a hand across the young man's cheek affectionately. "I still love you Peter, and I know that you think about the possibilities as much as I do. You are the light in my darkness. Should you leave, the shadows of loneliness will retake me. I died waiting for you in the future. Don't make me wait any longer."

Black tendrils snaked around Peter's legs while others did the same with his arms and neck. He strained, attempting to move his limbs. "What are you doing?" The young man's eyes glazed over as Luna leaned closer. "This isn't… right."

Luna paused once her lips were inches from his. "Shh. Don't fight it. We've both yearned for this for years. Take me. I need you. Don't lose me again."

Peter leaned forward, as if ready to yield to the woman's advances, but he paused, groaning before placing a hand against his forehead. The hazel color returned to his eyes as the tendrils latched to his body began to dissipate, crumbling from existence. Luna watched with a widened gaze, frowning as bewilderment was replaced with frustration. The wind current intensified while the surrounding darkness distorted, giving new shape to the environment. Dark clouds filled the sky as thunder roared.

Before long, lightning struck the ground inches behind the woman's position. Peter freed himself from his self-induced trance, inhaling sharply once his trademark Spider-Man attire materialized over his form. The marble platform and its glass-stained design vanished, allowing the ground to morph and expand into a sandy plain. A storm began to brew overhead as rain started to pour on the beach-like setting.

Luna's now wet hair was whipped about by the wind, but she stood firm, holding a steely gaze at the young man. "You're quite the stubborn one. Even now, youstillresist me." Suddenly, a pair of black wings sprouted from the woman's back, stretching out. "Youwillembrace me… even if I have to shut you down again to do it."

Peter shook his head. "Again? What are you talking about?"

Luna's irises vanished behind a bright light. "Stop talking, beloved. Youwillembrace that sense of taboo lodged deep in your heart, whether you want to or not. I'll just have to… persuade you."

Raising her hands defensively, the princess lowered into a battle stance while her wings spread. The surrounding winds intensified, evident by the swaying palm trees that appeared nearby. Peter mirrored Luna's actions and lowered into a defensive stance, his masked eyes narrowing on the princess. Thunder roared across the blackening skies while rain poured over the land, drenching those under its wake.

Luna levitated from the ground and stretched her arms to the side before electrical currents ignited across her body. Gritting her teeth to the core, the princess howled as she unleashed a tremendous lightning bolt from her hands. Peter's eyes widened before he flipped to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. The electrical bolt collided into the ground, generating a shockwave as it violently ruptured the earth.

The force of the shockwave sent Spider-Man flying for several yards, but he shifted his momentum in midair, managing to land on his feet before skidding to a halt. Suddenly, Luna materialized directly over the young man's head with a closed fist, sparkling wildly with electricity, cocked. She threw a punch to the greatest of her ability, very reminiscent to lightning striking from the heavens. However, Peter stepped to the side, watching as the woman's fist burst through the earth where he previously stood.

A stalagmite erupted from the ground with Spider-Man standing at its tip, and trails of electricity coursed over the stone. Before the sparkling energy could reach the young man, he hopped high into the air. Luna caught sight of her target before reaching out towards the stalagmite. Blue magical energy enveloped the stone as it pried free from the ground and levitated in the air. The princess planted her foot, hurling the massive chunk of earth at Spider-Man while he landed on the ground.

Peter lowered his body, practically grazing the ground, and the stalagmite soared inches above his position, exploding upon crashing into the earth. Luna waved her glowing hand, prompting multiple lightning strikes to rain down in a path toward her foe. Spider-Man leapt to the side before rolling forward, dodging consecutive lightning strikes. Once on his feet, he dashed ahead with each lightning bolt at his heels. Spider-Man swiftly shot a wad of webbing as he neared the princess.

The thread expanded on impact, covering a majority of Luna's face. She instinctively clutched at the sticky substance, desperate to clear her blocked vision. Before the princess could hope to react, Peter reached out and gripped her forearm. Leaping into the air, the young man spun the woman at a high velocity until their forms resembled a spiraling propellor blade. Spider-Man relinquished his hold, jettisoning Luna directly into a descending lightning bolt.

Both forces collided, with the electrical bolt slamming the princess into the earth with enough impact to generate a crater and shockwave. A bright burst of light ignited from the blast, forcing Spider-Man to shield his eyes with a hand. A small current of electricity sparkled before Luna erupted from the crater, sending large chunks of stone flying in various directions. The princess took flight, soaring through the raging winds like a bullet piercing through armor.

Vanishing in a burst of light, Luna materialized inches away from Peter before snatching a hold of his collar. The princess took flight, reaching the clouds within mere seconds with the young man in tow. Peter strained to breathe as the air around him thinned, wheezing while he attempted to break free. Weakly glancing to the side, Spider-Man watched as the earth grew smaller and the milky moon neared. Everything grew hazy while Peter choked, yielding to his lack of oxygen.

However, as darkness readied to claim him, traces of white magical energy sparkled before enveloping his entire body to resemble one's aura. Spider-Man inhaled deeply as air rushed back into his lungs, and he held a widened gaze on the energies emitting from his body, not knowing what to make of the revelation. Luna howled upon coming within a few meters of the moon's surface, freeing Peter from his self-induced trance. However, he could not react in time as the princess slammed him through the rocky terrain head-first.

A dust cloud erupted from the generated shockwave, and Luna hopped back, sternly watching as slabs of rock fell over her foe's limp form. Her eyes widened once Peter burst free from the wreckage. The magical energies surrounding him spiraled about wildly before rushing back into his body. Luna held a knowing glare, scoffing as her wings flapped and launched her body forward. Spider-Man watched the princess soar towards him, and he responded earnestly, sprinting until his form vanished in a blur.

Once inches apart, both individuals threw a punch directly into each other's fists. Dust flew from the force of the blow, and both combatants stared each other down in what seemed to be a stalemate. Luna readied her free hand and thrust it forward. However, Peter swayed his head to the side, dodging the strike while counterattacking with a straight punch of his own. All of the air rushed out of Luna's lungs as Spider-Man slammed his fist directly into her stomach.

She was launched, flying several yards before colliding into the nearest chunk of land. A dust cloud spread from the point of impact, but a strong gust at the center cleared the area, revealing the princess standing firm with her hands extended. A sword materialized into existence, and its hilt landed in the woman's open hand. The blade hummed as pure blue energy glowed across its surface. A vortex of magical energy spiraled around Luna as she raised the sword high over her head.

"Celsius?" Peter questioned, shielding his face from the surrounding winds.

Swinging the weapon with all of her might, the princess unleashed a large wave of energy. It sped across the moon, slicing through the rocky terrain effortlessly like a knife through warm butter. Peter sidestepped the wave, staggering as the land under his feet shook violently and ruptured apart. Luna vanished from sight, materializing back into existence behind Spider-Man before taking a wild swing at his side. Peter spun around and captured the woman's arms with both of his hands, halting her malicious progress instantly.

Both individuals strained, opposing each other. Turning his wrists, Spider-Man slowly managed to shift Luna's sword until its tip was directed downward, and he slammed the blade, embedding it halfway through the terrain. Luna lunged forward, snatching hold of Spider-Man's collar once more before taking flight. However, Peter shifted his momentum after driving his forearm into the woman's jaw. Luna fired back, punching the side of her foe's head. The pair wrestled in midair for what felt like eons, high above the moon while slowly drifting towards the earth.

Suddenly, cracks spread across the reaches of space, spreading over the earth and moon. Everything shattered like glass, with the fragments falling into the empty void. Spider-Man's eyes widened as his body suddenly felt heavy, yielding to gravity before he plummeted into the abyss. Luna continued to levitate in midair, watching as Peter vanished into the spreading darkness.

"As much as you resist, there is nothing you can do to stop the shadows from spreading in your heart," she whispered, holding a coy smirk as her blue eyes held a bright gleam. "Remove the light… and the shadow only grows."

Mayday shot up from her bed, panting heavily as she clutched her chest. She glanced to the side, spotting the moon behind the window before allowing the back of her head to sink back into her pillow. Sweat dripped from her forehead, and her racing heart had yet to settle back to a normal rate. The young girl reached underneath her pillow and retrieved her iPod. She could only moan in exasperation upon realizing it was only a little after two in the morning.

"Of all the times to wake up early," Mayday groaned, holding both hands over her throbbing cranium. "I havesucha headache."

Slamming her eyes shut, the young girl turned over onto her stomach and buried her head under the pillow. She whined, tossing and turning as bolts of pain continued to pulsate through her cranium. A buzzing sensation chimed at the center of her mind, like an alarm clock refusing to cease its insistent ringing. Mayday sat upright, tossing her pillow across the room in frustration upon failing to recapture sleep.

She allowed her throbbing cranium to rest in the palm of her hand. "Ugh! This issoirritating! What kind of migraine is this?!"

With a defeated sigh, Mayday left the comfort of her bedroom and walked downstairs. Sleep, at the moment, was beyond reach with her headache, which seemed entirely against the notion. The young girl quietly traveled for the kitchen, cringing whenever the hardwood floor under her feet creaked in protest. The last thing that Mayday wanted was for her mother to find that she was currently up way past her bedtime and disrupting her sleeping schedule.

Mayday's complexion paled at the thought. An hour long lecture on how the side effects of insomnia and sleep deprivation could have negative effects on a child's mind and body was in her immediate future, should she be caught by her mother. After a brief and agonizing journey, Mayday reached the kitchen without alerting anyone of her presence. Sweat continued to drip from her forehead while her mouth had grown dry. She retrieved a small glass from the cabinet before walking to the sink, filling the cup with water. Mayday quietly downed the drink, allowing the cool beverage to level her senses.

"You're keeping late hours," a low voice whispered from behind, causing Mayday's heart to nearly jump out of her chest. She sharply turned, letting out a relieved sigh upon spotting her father sitting at the table with a bowl of ice cream. Peter paused, scooping a tiny sample of the treat into a spoon before driving it into his mouth. "You couldn't sleep either, huh?"

Mayday shook her head, taking a seat on the available chair next to her father. "No. I woke up with a migraine, but it disappeared all of a sudden."

As if out of instinct, Peter ceased eating his ice cream and slid the bowl to his daughter before offering her a spoon. "Don't tell your mother."

She smiled, accepting the treat without hesitating. "Deal!" Mayday hummed as the sweet melted in her mouth. The young girl paused in the middle of her eating and tilted her head to the side. "What about you, Daddy? Why are you up so late?"

Peter grimaced, glancing off to the side. "It's nothing. It was just another bad dream." Blinking as if a realization came to mind, Peter arched a brow at his daughter. "Hang on. You said that you woke up with a sudden headache... and it disappeared? What did it feel like?"

Mayday tapped her chin with a finger. "It was weird. It felt like my entire head was buzzing, almost like someone took an alarm clock and shoved it into my skull." She scratched the back of her head. "Then it just stopped. Talk about bizarro."

"That sounds familiar. I have a hunch," Peter whispered, bending a finger back with his thumb. He reached out, holding his hand inches away from the girl's forehead.

The tingling sensation resurfaced, sending pulsating throbs coursing through her cranium. Gritting her teeth, she smacked the side of her head with an open palm repeatedly. "There it isagain! What's going on?!"

Peter chuckled, lightly plucking the center of his daughter's forehead. "You're just reacting to a tiny hint of danger."

Mayday yelped in response, hissing soon afterward as she rubbed away the sting. "That hurt, you jerk!" However, her eyes widened once the profound ringing ceased instantly, disappearing as quickly as it began. "Whoa. It's gone again. What wasthatabout?"

Peter nodded, grinning lowly. "You've officially got another one of my powers now. That's your Spider Sense, tingling for the first time."

Mayday tilted her head to the side. "You mean that sixth sense for danger?" She exhaled, rubbing at her forehead. "Is it alwaysthisannoying?"

"Itcanbe sometimes," Peter affirmed, folding his arms. "Yours just activated, so it'sreallysensitive. I remember when mine first activated. I was skittish for the first few days because it reacted toeverything, even flies buzzing around."

Mayday blankly stared at her father, exasperated. "So, I might go nuts in the meantime? That's reassuring."

Peter shook his head, holding a knowing smile. "Don't be so overdramatic. Just think of your Spider Sense as a personal safety radar. The smaller the danger, the lighter the buzz. The bigger the danger, the greater the headache. That's whereyoucome in." He placed a finger against her forehead, poking it playfully. "It's up to you to judge the danger and how to react to it. Youwillhave a knee-jerk reaction every now and then, but with enough experience, it'll become second nature to you."

Slow to respond, Mayday pursed her lips and contemplated her father's words. She eventually nodded. "Okay. I have to say that this power-up sucks though. It's a migraine generator." The girl leaned back into her chair, folding her arms with an annoyed expression. "Frankly, I'd much rather do without it. It's not like I do anythingdangerousanyway."

Peter narrowed his gaze. "That's true, but the world around you can be dangerous. You'll come to appreciate that migraine generator. It's saved my life more times than I can count, and Ireallymiss it right now." The young man stood from his seat, placing a hand over the top of his daughter's head. "You'll get used to it, sweetie. I had to get used to my Spider Sense on my own, but you've got help. First thing in the morning, you should talk with Patricia, Gwen, and Julia. They know what you're going through and can help give you some better advice than I could. Female migraines vary a little from males. I mean, just look at what happens when your mother gets one."

The corner of Mayday's mouth slowly twitched into a wry smile as she glanced aside. "Point taken." She furrowed her brow, managing a smile. "That's a good idea. Thanks, Daddy."

"Good girl," Peter grinned, lowering to a knee before wrapping his arms around Mayday's tiny form. The young girl returned his embrace in full, giggling. Peter hesitantly parted, turning his daughter around before gently shoving her away. "Now, go back to bed before your mom catches you. I don't think either of us wants a lecture this early in the morning."

Mayday's complexion paled. "No kidding." She rushed out of the kitchen, nearly tripping over her own feet. "Night, Daddy."

Peter quietly smiled, waving off his daughter. "Night, sweetie." Once Mayday had made it upstairs and closed her door, Peter's brow lowered in thought. "I wonder what Mayday sensed?" After sitting in an awkward silence, Peter simply shrugged and glanced to the window. "While I'm up, I may as well go ask her."

In the calm of night, Luna stood on the roof of the house with her royal blue gaze fixed on the moon. She shifted her line of sight to the plethora of trees surrounding the home before settling her gaze on the city in the far distance. These hours were the most comfortable for her, seeing as she was nocturnal at heart. Equestria and Earth were two sides of a coin, different yet similar. However, the princess frowned and folded her arms. She missed her home, unable to stop worrying about Equestria's inhabitants and her sister.

"Hey, Luna," Peter quietly called out, freeing the woman from her self-induced trance. He climbed onto the roof from the side of the house, flipping to his feet gracefully. Peter chuckled sheepishly. "What are you up to?"

Luna huffed. "It is my duty to watch over the land at night. You know that."

Peter stared blankly at the princess as he walked to her side. "Um, the last time I checked, this was Earth and not Equestria."

The corner of Luna's lips curled into a smirk. "That may be true, but I suppose I'm just used to performing this task after so many centuries." Luna placed her hands over her hips and arched a brow at the young man. "It's not like you to saunter about at this hour. What's the occasion?"

Peter grinned. "It's silly, but I was thinking aboutyou." Luna's eyes widened at the statement, and Peter edged even closer to her side. "We've been here for weeks, and I just realized that we haven't spent any time together. I mean, just the two of us. We really need to get out and go on a date."

Luna gulped, her face flushing to a bright shade of pink. "What?" Her voice was light, lacking its usual firm tone. She shook her head and shamefully glanced to the side. "That's ridiculous. You have a training regiment to keep."

Peter waved his hand dismissively. "Zecora gave me the day off after what happened with Deadpool yesterday. I just really want to spend that time withyou."

Luna's body suddenly stiffened. Countless thoughts ran through her head. Her cheeks flushed, growing as hot as the sun despite the chill in the breeze, and her condition only worsened once her blue irises found his wide smile. While they were closely acquainted, having grown to be the best of friends, it shouldn't have affected her way of thinking. Whenever she was around him, her heart felt light, like the clouds overhead, and that feeling remained as firm as the day she fell for him.

Nearly a decade ago, Luna forced herself to accept Peter's feelings for Twilight, but she refused to let go of her love for him, prompting herself to keep it hidden for the sake of their friendship. Luna questioned her own wisdom for even considering accepting the gesture. Yes, it was sweet and harmless. The princess always found Peter's company enjoyable, but she had a chance of flying too close to the sun. A low shudder escaped from the woman, involuntarily. She knew what the right thing to say was.

Unfortunately, Luna's mouth betrayed her mind. She brushed a strand of her long, blue hair behind her ear. "Yes. That would be lovely."

Peter grinned, clapping his hands together. "Sounds good! Let's do lunch around noon. Then, we can check out some of the city sights." He paused, never losing his smile. "You should head to bed. We'll be moving around quite a bit soon."

Luna chuckled inwardly. Her heart was fleeting too feverishly to even attempt to sleep. However, she nodded, sharing the young man's enthusiasm. "You're right. I will do just that."

The pair shared a nod before Peter walked to the edge of the rooftop. He winked at the princess, leaping to the ground below. Upon landing gracefully, the young man held a coy smirk as a dark glint flashed across his eyes momentarily. Back on the rooftop, Luna's smile seemed permanent before she eventually yielded and chose to retreat inside. However, she had no idea of the slimy black substance slithering seamlessly up her leg. It faded from sight, blending into her stockings before the princess could notice.

To be continued...

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