• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Fall of an Empire, Part VII

Chapter Twenty-Three "Fall of an Empire, Part VII"

Within the Treebrary, everypony sat with a dreary gaze in spite of the morning sun's beacon. The entire week had been plagued with disaster. While each situation was remedied successfully, a price was paid in some fashion. Sunset Shimmer brushed a hoof over the scar on her shoulder. Even though her stitches had just been removed, the pain remained evident.

Felicia quietly downed a cup of freshly brewed tea as she sat with her legs crossed on the sofa. Zecora gently rubbed a mixture of herbs and medicine onto Princess Luna's body, specifically the areas that were exceptionally burned. The alicorn's recovery was progressing well, considering she had suffered from third-degree burns and nerve damage. However, while her accelerated healing wasn't on par with Peter's, Luna would recover within the span of a week with proper treatment and rehabilitation.

Lastly, Trixie sat away from the group, never averting her gaze from the library room, which acted as Peter's temporary quarters for the duration of this week. He dealt with another emergency yesterday without telling anypony and returned home just a few hours ago in the middle of the night. From what Trixie saw, it concerned her. She just wanted to see Peter in hopes of disconfirming her fears, to ease away the dread that filled her heart.

The mare's ears perked as the stallion's doorknob rattled. Eventually, Peter walked into the living room, earning the collective gazes of every mare nearby, and Trixie's heart sank into the bottom of her stomach, practically freezing. A plethora of bruises were spread across his entire body, each a dark shade of black and blue. The stallion's usually vibrant fur was damaged, singed in patches while multiple cuts and gashes occupied various areas.

Those were the spotsnotcovered in bandages. His tightly wrapped head and midsection had already long since earned their share of woes, from concussions, head trauma, and broken ribs, to internal bleeding. It was a miracle that he wasn't suffering pneumonia already. Somehow, Peter looked worse than he did on the aftermath of his duel with Blueblood and the Venom symbiote. With each step he took, pain resonated through his entire body, evident by the anguish on his face.

Peter leaned against the nearest wall for support, holding a hoof over his bandaged ribs. Trixie could only grimace at the thought of what injuries her friend inhibited recently. She stole a glance at his eyes, begging to find that positive hazel gaze that always shone even during the darkest of hours. Sadly, it was nowhere to be found, with only a bleak, desolate, and glazed stare hanging in its place. He looked to be dangerously close to death's door.

Unfortunately, before anyone could say something, a firm set of knocks tapped against the door. Peter's body language echoed his sentiment, with his shoulders lowering and an exasperated groan escaping from his mouth. Sunset Shimmer was the first to stand, rushing to the door, and the mare's eyes widened at what awaited outside in the form of a tall, blue-maned white stallion. He rushed inside past Sunset, shifting his stern expression in Peter's direction.

However, Trixie cut off the stallion's path, standing in front of Peter with her back facing him. "I'm sorry, Shining, but now isnotthe best time."

Peter placed a hoof over Trixie's shoulder, easing the mare to the side before facing the taller stallion. "I already know wherethisis going. What's up, Shining?"

"The Crystal Empire's under attack!" Shining hastily stated, concern evident in his voice. "Cadance teleported me out of the kingdom, and I had to make the rest of the way here myself!" The stallion shook his head frantically. "We don't have any time to waste! I'm worried about my wife and son! I doubt the guards will last long against that… thatthing!"

Peter furrowed his brow. "Shining! Slow down.Whois attacking?"

Shining frowned. "I'm not sure. It looks like that Venom thing Blueblood used, but it's red instead of black." He glanced off to the side as beads of sweat formed over his forehead. "I've never seen anything so…bloodthirsty. It's slaughtering everything in sight without batting an eye. I could've sworn I even heard it laughing."

Peter's complexion paled as his eyes widened and mouth fell agape at the news. "Oh, no. No, no,no!" he screamed out, shaking his head before slamming a hoof into the wall. "What the hell have you done, Discord?!" Ignoring the new threshold of pain opening itself to his body, Peter quickly retrieved his heroic attire from his knapsack.

Sunset Shimmer approached the stallion with a look of concern as he dressed. "Do you know who it is, Peter?"

Peter winced in pain, gingerly sliding the pair of tights over his damaged midsection, yet his sense of urgency retained precedent as he checked both cartridges of his web-shooters. "His name's Cletus Kasady. He's a homicidal maniac and serial killer who thinks murdering is a form of art." Peter reached underneath the sofa before grasping a small blue box with a black spider insignia imbedded over its top. "The Venom symbiote had an offspring, and it merged into Kasady's bloodstream during a prison breakout. The guy's insane, simple as that, and he's arguably stronger than Venom."

Trixie stepped in front of Peter with an agitated expression, her face inches away from his. "...andyou'regoing to fight such a monstrosity in your current condition? I knew you were a stupid fool, but this is simply insane!"

Peter placed the contents of the box into the knapsack before gingerly sliding one of the straps around his shoulder, looking past the mare. "Felicia. I need you to watch over Ponyville again." He glanced to the side. "Sunset. Help her out if you can."

Trixie glared at the stallion, attempting to stay in his line of sight. "Peter! You can't do this!"

Peter turned, slowly approaching Shining Armor. "Zecora. Watch over Luna and Trixie while I'm gone."

Trixie growled, using her magic to pull at Peter's shoulder. "Don't pretend as if I'm not here, Peter! You'lldieif you fight that thing in the state you're in!"

Peter's knapsack glowed, causing Trixie's magic to dissipate from sight. He stopped upon being mere hoof-lengths from Shining, glancing at the mare from the corner of his eye without turning around. "I'll be back, Trixie," Peter weakly declared before giving Shining Armor an affirming nod. "Let's go."

Faster than anypony could react, both stallions vanished from sight in a burst of light. Trixie released a low sigh before falling to her haunches. "You idiot..." Her eyes softened. "Why do you have to besostubborn?" Tears began to form in the corners of the mare's eyes as she grit her teeth, struggling to hold her composure. "Why do you have tocareso much?"


Carnage tore through the Crystal Palace, shattering every barricade put in front of him. What remained of the guards charged the pony with their horns emitting magic before firing an array of bolts at their target. Each beam seeped into the symbiote, dissolving harmlessly, and Carnage howled at the top of his lungs, rushing after his attackers. One guard jumped at Carnage with a spear raised, but he extended a hoof, prompting his limbs to take the shape of an ax. Carnage sliced through the weapon before doing the same to the armored pony.

"Bring more!" Kasady shrieked, lashing a tendril around the nearest guard's neck.

A pair of knights hopped onto Carnage's back in a desperate attempt to save their compatriot. However, Cletus merely grinned, tightening his hold until the symbiote crushed his prey's neck and severed the head from the body. Carnage howled, causing razor-sharp spikes to instantly rise from his back. Both guards were impaled at every conceivable angle, and their bodies limply fell to the ground.

Carnage's snake-like tongue whipped about wildly. "How fragile they are... Such weak little glass dolls. At least Spider-Man can put up a fight."

Suddenly, a burst of energy ignited from the other side of the room, causing Carnage to avert his blank gaze in its direction. Shining Armor was the first to step out of the light, narrowing his gaze at Kasady, and Peter followed suit, growling under his breath as Carnage's twisted features fixated into a deranged smile. The last of the guards eyed their prince, all while holding their positions. Princess Cadance rushed into the room with a glowing horn, in turn teleporting each stallion from their positions to hers in a flash of light. The alicorn pointed at the exits with a look of concern, and the guards followed the advice of their princess, retreating.

"See to it that the citizens of the empire are safe, and watch over our son!" Cadance ordered, vanishing from sight before materializing hoof-lengths next to Shining Armor. "I refuse to stand idly by while this monster preys upon innocent lives!"

Shining Armor grimaced, wishing to protest, but he simply nodded, edging his wife behind him with a hoof. "Okay. Just stay close to me."

Peter scowled, never shifting his steely gaze from Carnage. "Why are you here, Cletus? Somebody like you is best left in a cage with the rest of the animals!"

Carnage lowered into a feral stance. "Discord said I could have fun and be myself! It's certainly been entertaining so far." A predatory grin crossed Carnage's features. "I can see why you love this world so much, but these ponies make for such poor sport! Crushing their little world would be no challenge. I certainly hope you can make this more fun, Parker!"

Taking in seethed breaths, Peter gritted his teeth to the core. "You scumbag! Sport?Challenge?! Your life doesn't evencompareto any of the ponies or people you've killed!"

Kasady released a distorted chuckle, passing off Peter's words. He tilted his head to the side. "You're certainly looking well. I can tell my new 'friends' have been giving you one hell of a welcome! Now, it's my turn. Try not to break as easily as your friends here!"

Peter lowered into a defensive stance, but before he could mutter a response, Shining took a step in front of the stallion. "If you wanthim…"

Cadance immediately followed her husband's lead, stepping in front of Peter. "You're going to have to go throughusfirst! We won't let you hurt our family!"

Peter narrowed his gaze on the pair. "Are you two crazy? You need to get out of here!"

Shining frowned, holding a stern glare. "That's not happening, Peter. You're dead on your hooves right now, and it'd be careless of us to leave you alone with such a monster. Twily would kill me herself if I did that."

Cadance furrowed her brow and pursed her lips. "Besides, the Crystal Empire is underourwatch and protection. I can't just leave when everypony is in danger."

Shining Armor alternated his gaze between Peter and Carnage. "Don't worry. We won't get too close. You have a history with this guy and know how he fights. I'll use my magic to boost your defenses and give you covering fire, should things get dicey."

Cadance nodded, easing closer to the smaller stallion until she was within whispering range. "I'll fight by your side, Peter. I can use the power of the Crystal Heart to weaken him. Because of the wickedness in his heart, it should work, but I'm not sure how much it'll take to put him away."

Carnage stomped towards the trio with a wicked smile as the end of his tail morphed into an ax and claws sharpened at the end of his hooves. "Secrets, secrets. What aren't you telling me, Parker?" Receiving no immediate response, Kasady's grin transformed into a fierce snarl. "Well, no matter. I'll pry the answers from your flesh myself!"

Peter snarled in return before sliding his hooves into his knapsack. "I've gotnothingto hide, Carnage!" The stallion threw the bag behind his shoulder, revealing a pair of sky-blue gauntlets over his hooves. He bumpedTwilight Armstogether, generating an electrical spark. "Eatthis!"

Spider-Mane galloped full speed ahead with his hooves stretched out to the sides, leaving a trail of blue aura to follow closely behind. Cadance's wings flapped and gracefully levitated her frame into the air as magical energies spiraled into her horn. Carnage charged towards Peter, driving his shoulder into the smaller stallion's midsection. The blow sent Spider-Mane spiraling through the air before crashing into the castle's wall shoulder first.

Kasady unleashed a pair of tendrils and wrapped them around Peter's body before he could recover. Carnage whipped the stallion overhead, launching him towards a crystal column. Shining Armor aimed his horn, generating a magical sheet of armor around his ally's body just before he burst through the barricade. Peter slid to a halt, rolling to a kneeling position as the energies around his body dissipated from existence. Cadance's eyes vanished behind a blinding light before unleashing luminous energy bolts.

The symbiote hissed in agony as each beam damaged its being, disorienting Kasady himself. Peter spun back to an upright stance, delivering a trifecta of strikes across Carnage's face before finishing with a straight punch to the chest. The blow carried enough force to stagger the symbiote, but Kasady quickly recovered, retorting with a backhoof. Peter's head snapped back, causing the stallion to stumble to the ground.

His vision spun, and his head grew light: the symptoms of his concussion resurfacing, this time with a vengeance. Peter fought back the bile rising from his stomach before slamming his eyes shut in a vain attempt to cease his dizziness. Carnage gleefully cackled at the sight, all while morphing his hoof into the shape of a large blade, and he raised it high over his head, ready to slay Peter. Shining Armor's horn glowed, causing magical energies to materialize around Carnage's limbs and lock them in place.

Faster than Kasady could react, Cadance vanished from sight and appeared hoof-lengths away, blasting the symbiote directly in the chest with a beam. Carnage roared, taking a wild swing at the alicorn with his blade, and the princess lowered into a defensive stance, generating a shield around her position. Each blow was more devastating than the last, causing cracks to quickly spread across the barrier. Peter leapt out, slamming his hoof into the square of Kasady's face before Cadance's defense could shatter.

The alicorn took flight, putting distance between herself and Carnage while Shining unleashed an array of beams at the symbiote. Kasady raised a hoof as the magical ballistics slammed into his being before lifting a large chunk of crystal from the castle floor. Peter attempted to stop Cletus, only for a spike to shoot out from the psychopath's body and impale his shoulder. As Spider-Mane staggered back and clutched at the wound, Carnage hurled the crystal at Shining Armor, and the prince raised a barrier to block the projectile.

However, his defense ruptured as the crystal shattered, leaving one of the chunks to crack against the side of his head. Shining fell to the ground, holding a hoof over the gash spread along his cranium. Rays of light enveloped Carnage once more before he could react. Cadance strained as she held the spell in place from across the room. Kasady spun around, roaring before galloping towards the mare while pushing through the rays of light tearing into him.

Cadance screamed as she unleashed more of her energy, the beam igniting with enough force to burst through the walls of the castle. Carnage never slowed, howling as he quickly closed the distance between himself and the alicorn. Hoof-lengths apart, Kasady burst through the energy wave and threw a wild ax strike, slicing through the alicorn's chestplate. The blow knocked Cadance to the ground, and the momentum carried her body in a violent roll until she skidded to a halt.

The mare clutched at the wound stretching across her shoulder, wincing as stinging sensations filled her senses. Blood poured from the wound, staining her perfect pink fur. Carnage stepped onto the back of the alicorn's neck, laughing maniacally as his hoof took the shape of an ax once more and raised it high overhead. He brought down the weapon with all of his might towards Cadance's neck, like the Sword of Damocles, but Peter stepped in front of the blow, slamming his hoof into the attack.Twilight Armsshook violently as a shockwave generated, causing tremors to course through the walls of the castle until large cracks spread along the crystalline surface.

Suddenly, a crack spread through the center of the gauntlet before it shattered at the point of impact. Peter screamed as his limb gave in, feeling the bones snap and break alongside one ofTwilight Arms. Carnage quickly recovered, lunging forward with a second slash attempt. Peter held his ground, lunging forward before driving his free hoof into the side of Kasady's face. Carnage pushed against the blow, glancing at the stallion from the corner of his eye, but his jaw snapped as the gauntlet grinded further through the symbiote.

Peter roared before snapping Kasady's body back, an orb of blue energy glowing inches away from Carnage's face.Twilight Armsshattered as a vortex of blue energy engulfed Kasady's form, blasting through the walls of the crystal castle and into the outside world until the wild energies dissipated in the horizon. Carnage's body flew limply from the tower while the energy dissipated, prompting Discord to materialize hoof-lengths away before teleporting the symbiote away.

The draconequus peeked back up at the hole, clapping his paw and talon together. "You actually triumphed over the entire gauntlet. Well done, Peter! Justonemore surprise to go! I hope you won't be disappointed!" he declared, fading from sight in a burst of light.

Back within the castle, Cadance and Shining watched Peter with bewildered gazes. Traces of electrical energy sparked from where the vortex ruptured. Everything in its path shattered like glass, disintegrating into nothingness, and Peter simply stood in his stance, trembling as the muscles in his body faltered. What was left ofTwilight Armsslipped from his hoof, its broken metallic pieces clanging against the ground.

The gauntlets only resembled broken glass now, most of the pieces dissolving into a cloud of dust with the exception of one as the blue energies faded from existence. Shining Armor swiftly pulled himself from the ground before rushing to his wife's aid. He slid his head under her chin, helping lift the alicorn's frame. Cadance managed a smile in spite of the wide cut stretched across her shoulder and chest.

Fortunately, the armor blocked a majority of the blow, leaving Cadance with a flesh wound at worst. Shining Armor furrowed his brow, frowning before shifting his gaze to Peter. His hoof limply hung to the side with a protrusion sticking from his limb. If not for his costume, the world would have seen what was clearly a broken foreleg.

A trail of blood streamed down said hoof, dripping across the crystallized floor into a puddle, and Shining could only grimace at the gaping hole in the stallion's shoulder, a fresh impalement wound accompanying his already staggering list of injuries. Shining's mind raced. Peter practiced true grit and valor as a knight, leaping into battle without a second thought while clearly compromised immensely. However, something stuck out more than anything else, immeasurable by Shining's standard. Peter saved Cadance, his high school sweetheart, and damn near lost his own hoof in the process.

By law, they were brothers due to Parker's marriage to Shining's little sister, but like oil and water, they hardly mixed. Even after, Shining only respected Peter for Twilight's sake. Peter was an unorthodox, motor-mouthed slacker, and he hardly seemed fit to be a knight, in spite of his heroic background, support cast, and Princess Celestia's blessing. However, Peter's behavior over the course of the past few years held a merit to Shining. Parker upheld his knightly vow to the sirens that no harm would come to them even after they threatened the kingdom itself.

Now, Peter was putting his life on the line for the land he had vowed to protect. Every knight valued honor, and it was clear that Princess Twilight Sparkle knew what her husband was capable of, even though there were doubts from those around her. Peter finally turned, revealing his bruised features and weary gaze. Shining gestured a warm smile to the stallion, finally giving his brother-in-law the respect he rightfully deserved.

Cadance sobered as her gaze fell on the shattered remains of her slain guards. "That monster was vile. He didn't have to dothisto so many innocent ponies."

Peter frowned, using his webbing as a sling for his broken hoof. "He didn't have to. He justwantedto. I just wish I'd gotten here sooner. This probably could've been prevented."

Cadance's eyes widened at a belated realization. "It's not too late actually." The alicorn inhaled deeply before sighing as her irises faded by a blinding light. A bright, magical aura emitted from her horn and spread over her body. The energies spiraled from the atmosphere before enveloping the shattered remains of those slain by Carnage, both inside the castle and around the Crystal Empire. Atop the spire where the Crystal Heart lay dormant, rays of light erupted, matching the potency of the sun. Cadance strained as her body shook. "I won't let it end this way."

Peter used his free hoof to shield his eyes from the surrounding rays. "What is she doing?"

Shining readied himself to respond, pausing upon noticing the light enveloping each of the slain guards. Air rushed back into their lungs, and the same miraculous occurrence happened throughout the rest of the empire until each pony was resurrected, evident by the beacons of light erupting from the area surrounding the castle. Suddenly, the lights of the Crystal Heart rushed back to the source, dissipating from sight. Cadance limply fell from her place in midair, but Shining rushed forward, allowing the princess to safely land across his back.

As the guards came to, shaking the cobwebs from their craniums, Peter arched a brow at the royal couple. "Okay. I've seen some wacky stuff in my time, but can somepony tell me what the heck just happened? More importantly,how?"

Shining glanced back at Cadance, who had drifted into a slumber, before shifting his gaze to the summit of the Crystal Heart. "Crystal ponies are unique from the common pony, because their hearts and bodies are magically linked to the Crystal Heart. So if its power is drained, amplified, or used, they're affected as well." The stallion's eyes softened. "Cadance channeled the Crystal Heart's power to resurrect everypony. Because they had just been killed minutes ago, their souls had not transcended yet. This wouldn't have been possible had she waited a bit later. However, she used her own body and magic as a catalyst, so that the Crystal Heart's power wasn't drained in the slightest."

Peter winced, clutching at his broken hoof before edging closer to the alicorn. "Will she be okay?"

Shining nodded, holding a smile. "Cadance will be just fine. She'll just be exhausted and without magic for a while."

Peter let out a relieved sigh. "That's good to hear. I'm just glad this day wasn't a complete disaster." The stallion retrieved the lone shard of what remained ofTwilight Arms, staring softly at the item before sliding it into his knapsack. Peter slowly turned and limped towards the hole in the wall, unwavering even as tremors coursed through the castle's foundation. Suddenly, Ursa peeked in from the outside, the astral bear having climbed several stories before perching herself in place. Peter weakly smiled at the cub once he was hoof-lengths away, pausing to brush a hoof through her fur. "I'm happy to see you, too, girl."

Shining, with Cadance in tow, trotted towards their position as Peter climbed onto the top of Ursa's head. "Hang on, Peter! You should check into the hospital!"

Peter waved his free hoof dismissively, cringing before clutching at his injured limb. "I'm a fast healer, remember? Besides, I need to get back home and watch over my friends in case something happens. You should take care of Cadance. She needs you right now. If you need to, take her to Canterlot. It's pretty safe there, and Twilight could use the company." The stallion patted Ursa's head, prompting the cub to slowly climb down to ground level. Peter weakly smiled. "Take care, Shining."

Shining watched with a softened gaze as the distance between them grew. "You do the same," he whispered, watching as Ursa reached ground and ran into the horizon with Peter in tow. Shining Armor could only smile. "And thanks again… Bro."

To be continued...

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