• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Fear and Contemplation

Chapter Thirty-Three "Fear and Contemplation"

Discord sat in midair with his arms crossed. Equestria's conquest came without trouble, considering that all who were capable of resisting had been incapacitated. There were some unaccounted for. Tirek and the other members of the Sinister Six, including the two newest members in Prince Blueblood and Starlight Glimmer, presumed that Peter Parker, Twilight Sparkle, and the others were vanquished in the blast.

However, Discord checked behind the scenes, and discovered that there were no signs of bodies left in the remains of the Treebrary. To make matters more unusual, their presence could not be sensed by the draconequus at all, as if they'd truly vanished from existence. Deep within the reaches of the astral plane, Discord took the past two days to fathom what could possibly have transpired. This certainly was not his doing, as he already deciphered.

The draconequus had no intention of letting such a valuable catalyst in Peter perish. Eris knew that as well, but where, how, and why she took him were the questions Discord repeatedly asked himself. Unfortunately, as the hours dragged on by, the draconequus found himself growing increasingly frustrated with the failure to locate his female counterpart or understand her motives. He checked both Earth and Equestria, figuring either location made the most sense.

Sadly, that resulted in failure, forcing Discord to check the alternate versions of Earth and Equestria where Patricia and Eris were linked to. Like before, that search ended negatively, adding further to Discord's perplexion and irritation. Whatever his female counterpart had planned, she clearly intended to stay inconspicuous. Discord growled under his breath and glared at nothing in particular. Eris was screwing with his delicately laid plan because of her emotions, something unfitting for beings such as themselves.

Discord's eyes widened as a sound buzzed through his arm. That following moment, a tiny ball of light emitted through his talon. "Well now, would you look at that? It seems like dearest Mayday has activated the crystal ball that I gave her." The draconequus smirked as he watched the orb speed off into the distance. "I'm glad that I took the precaution of implanting a tracking spell into that ball, but more importantly, I'm grateful that Mayday actually took care of it. Had she not, I wouldn't be so fortunate right now. That filly's turning out to be even more promising than I'd hoped." Sobering, Discord narrowed his eyes. "Now… where could you have gone off to?"

Catching sight of the universe from the light's perspective, the draconequus watched sternly as it sped through the cosmos and finally landed on a distant planet. The light's viewpoint settled on Mayday as she watched images play throughout the crystal ball. Discord's eyes widened at her shape, recognizing it as that of a human. Before long, he held out his paw until a makeshift holographic map materialized over it. Its design and layout was crudely simple, considering that it was of the multiverse.

The draconequus held a slack-jawed expression once he realized Eris had hidden away in a parallel Earth pocketed in between the dimensions of Peter and Twilight's. It was Earth-725, a fairly domestic and ordinary world in comparison to its neighbors. Discord lamented at this revelation, holding a distant stare. This was an elaborate ruse set up by Eris, and he was done with dealing with her interference.

Vanishing in a bolt, Discord raced through the astral plane for the alternate Earth, caring not if he broke the speed of reality. The trip was short, lasting seconds as he saw the planet on the horizon. However, he came to an immediate and unexpected halt with the draconequus smacking into an invisible barrier of sorts, sending vibrational waves through the field. Like a fly in a windshield, Discord was stuck in place and flattened until he rolled free, landing on his back.

"I knew you would find me eventually. I just didn't think it would be this soon," Eris coolly declared, materializing into existence at the other side of the barrier opposite of Discord. She stood in her human form, frowning as Discord stood back upright in his normal draconequus shape. Inhaling deeply before sighing, Eris only shrugged. "Then again, I'm not surprised. Youareme, after all."

Discord huffed, narrowing his gaze on the woman. "What is the meaning of this?! You know exactly what my plan entails, but you decided to interfere anyway! Do you haveanyidea as to what you're doing anymore—how many laws you violated?! You let yourself get attached to him, and now, you're on the verge of ruiningeverything!"

Eris sharpened her glare, boring her crimson gaze through the draconequus. "No. I'm not just attached to Peter because of my feelings. I know how vital he is to the grand scheme of it all. The problem isyou!"

Discord exhaled exasperatedly, rolling his eyes. "Are wereallyhaving this discussion again? I'm merely exploiting him for—"

"Shut up! That's your problem!" Eris exclaimed, her playful tone vanishing in a blink. She angrily pointed at the draconequus. "You're too busy looking at the end results instead of looking at the here and now. Peter is the perfect catalyst for chaos, but he'snotan object! He has limits and feelings! You're constantly pushing him until he breaks! It took so much of my power to put him back together. Youdon'tunderstand! You're just too stubborn to see what's in front of you!"

Slow to respond, Discord simply stared at the woman with a widened gaze. Soon, frustration resurfaced, evident by the groan that escaped from his mouth. "As usual, you're far too emotional, and have lost sight of what's important. If you had paid closer attention, you'd have noticed that I had the situationperfectlyunder control. Your interference wascompletelyunnecessary and uncalled for!"

Bemused, Eris stared intently at the draconequus. "That's not how I saw it. Anypony with eyes could see that your plan was going too far." She scowled in disgust. "Your blindness to reality disgusts me."

"And your unnerving lack of patience infuriates me!" Discord shot back before he paused, taking a deep breath before exhaling. "However, Iamfair, in spite of what you may think." Stepping back, Discord held out his paw and talon until a giant hourglass materialized in his grasp. He placed it down in front of the barrier and a few feet away from Eris. "Rather than simply jumping into play, I'll give you twenty-four hours Earth-time to reconsider your actions, but if your attitude doesn't improve by then, you'll force me to take drastic measures to remedy the situation."

Eris frowned, folding her arms. "In case you had any ideas, don't think of sending any of your 'friends' here. This barrier is meant to keep themandyou out."

Raising a glowing talon as he examined the barrier, Discord scowled at the comment. "Well now, this is quite elaborate. You almost thought of everything."

Eris shook her head before turning her back to the draconequus. "No. Just everythingyouwill ever think of."

Discord watched as the woman vanished from sight in a burst of light, exhaling soon afterward. "She'sreallybecoming insufferable," he grumbled, disappearing as well.


A calm breeze brushed through the woods, rustling the leaves of the trees. Peter solemnly stood by the lake with his eyes closed, listening to the running water. A pair of leaves rustled a bit louder than the rest before falling from their tree. Peter opened his eyes at the sound and glanced to the side. He could feel the energies of the environment breaking apart, as if they were disturbed.

Narrowing his gaze, he stared deeply at nothing in particular until his hazel irises glowed momentarily. From the young man's perspective, the forest emitted tiny particles of magical energy before they dissipated suddenly. A distinct sound reached Peter's ears, particularly a firm gust. That same moment, he flipped high into the air, narrowly avoiding Gwen as she swung by where he previously stood on a strand of webbing.

Once the young man landed on his feet, Patricia burst from the bushes near the side and threw a punch. Peter extended his open palm, blocking the attack. Gwen flipped from her strand of webbing, bounding from the side of a tree before speeding towards the young man with her leg fully extended for a kick. Peter's eyes glowed momentarily as he felt a presence soaring through the airflow.

Swaying his body to the side, Peter managed to avoid the flying attack while pushing Patricia away. The brunette planted her feet to cease her momentum while the blonde skidded to a halt nearby. Both women threw a punch, one high and the other low. However, Peter held his ground and captured both women's forearms in his hands before either attack could hope to connect.

A light flashed across Peter's eyes. He inhaled sharply, pushing Gwen and Patricia away before leaping back out of Julia's range as she sped through the air with a knee strike attempt. Lowering into a defensive stance, the young man paused while the woman garbed in red mirrored his actions. Both individuals slowly approached each other, sliding their feet through the damp grass.

Inches apart, Julia threw the first strike in the form of a straight punch. Peter countered the attack with his forearm, deflecting the blow. Reaching out, Julia grabbed her opponent's arm and lunged an open palm right afterward. Peter swiftly used his free hand to swat away Julia's, relinquishing her grip. Using his previously captured limb, he thrust the point of his elbow into the woman's hand.

Eris materialized into existence high above everyone, taking a seat on a tree branch. She watched quietly as Julia and Peter parted, retrieving a golden apple from her pocket while Zecora walked onto the scene with a staff in hand. Gwen, Patricia, and Julia respectfully took a few steps back to give their friends space. Zecora simply nodded, spinning her staff fiercely before lowering into a defensive stance.

Before long, she raced towards the young man, planted her feet, and swung her staff to the greatest of her ability. Peter ducked underneath the attack, and the leaves behind his position rustled from the wind brought. In a swift motion, Zecora threw a pair of spin kicks before following with an overhead staff strike. Peter swayed his upper body out of range of both kicks before sidestepping the staff's reach.

Tossing her weapon high into the air, Zecora closed the gap and grabbed her opponent's arm. She managed to flip his body over her shoulder, but Peter shifted his legs, flipping to his feet. Faster than Zecora could react, the young man thrust his foot into her midsection, sending the ebony warrior to the ground. Peter quickly captured the staff and held its tip inches away from Zecora's face before she could hope to recover.

"Yield," Peter quietly warned, tightening his grip on the weapon.

Slow to respond, Zecora sternly glared at the young man, but her demeanor lightened, allowing the corner of her lips to curl into a warm smile. "Excellent, old friend. You've truly learned to defend," she kindly stated, extending a hand to her friend. Peter sighed before grinning. He accepted Zecora's gesture, helping the woman back to a standing position before offering her staff back to its owner. Zecora nodded. "Very well done. That was actually quite fun."

Eris smiled, causing the apple in her grasp to vanish from sight in a burst of light. "Most impressive. He's come a long way in two months."

Julia approached the pair with a grin. "You're getting better every day, Peter." She folded her arms as her stoic expression resurfaced. "Don't get cocky, though. You still have a ways to go."

Patricia leaped onto Peter's shoulder, holding a wide smile as she poked her counterpart's cheek with a finger. "Don't be such a downer, M-Dubs! It's progress!"

Gwen chuckled, playfully punching Peter's arm. "I think it's pretty cool that we're having a harder time laying a hand on this dude. Just imagine if he had his spider sense! At least now, we don't have to worry about him taking on the bad guys head-on like a battering ram."

Zecora shared a glance with the young man before she bowed out of respect. "We will press on and not let this distract us. For now, I would advise we continue practice."

Peter mirrored the ebony beauty's action, placing his hands together before bowing respectfully. "You're still the Yoda to my Skywalker. I just hope this will work in the long run."

Patricia stretched her limbs high over her head, wincing. "Let's call it a day. I'm pooped."

Gwen nodded with a low yawn and followed the brunette. "Sounds good to me. I could use a nap."

"I suppose we don't have a choice but to call it quits for the day," Julia scoffed, staring blankly at the pair as they quickly retreated for the home. The redhead shook her head and quietly followed, pausing to wait for Zecora. Once the ebony beauty passed her, Julia furrowed her brow at Peter, who held his silence and stared at the lake. "Are you coming, Peter?"

Peter's eyes widened, as if freed from a trance. The young man shook his head and forced a smile. "You girls go ahead. I'll be right behind you." Accepting his answer, Julia nodded and disappeared into the forest. Once certain he was alone, Peter let out a low sigh. "I can't believe that it's already time."

"Time for what?" Eris lightly questioned, inches away from Peter after having materialized into existence by his side.

The young man screeched involuntarily at the woman, pausing to grumble under his breath. "Eris!? God, I hate it when you do that!"

Eris playfully hummed, sliding behind Peter before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "You're so cute. Those reactions make it all worthwhile."

Peter stared blankly to the side. "Now, I know how Twilight feels, dealing with me most of the time. Remind me to apologize to her later."

The pair stood in an awkward silence, listening only to the sounds of the rustling leaves and running waters around them. The woman's eyes widened as she stared at Peter, his hazel gaze lacking its usual vibrant glow. He inhaled deeply before sighing, unable to free his sight from the ground. Eris's eyes softened at the sight. She vanished, reappearing directly in front of Peter while hovering from the ground with her legs crossed.

"What's wrong, handsome?" Eris questioned, tilting her head to the side. His eyes widened, as if the remark surprised him. The woman placed a hand over her mouth and hid her smile. "It doesn't take a telepath to see that you're disheartened about something. Care to talk about it? I'm actually a good listener, should anyone decide to humor me."

Blinking, Peter frowned. "Actually, Eris. You're exactly who I need to talk. Really, you're the only one." He glanced off to the side shamefully, folding his arms. "It's very personal, and I didn't want to bother you with it."

"How considerate. You're quite the charmer," Eris chimed, resting her chin on the back of her hand. Her smile remained genuine. "Nothing's too personal. In fact, I want us to grow closer. We'll be working rather…intimatelytogether for the days to come. You can trust me with anything. I already trust you more than everyone else in my life."

Peter's eyes widened. "Really? Why is that?"

Eris waved her hand dismissively. "Now,thatwould be telling. I'll save that secret for a more fitting time. Besides, this isn't aboutme. We're here to helpyou, handsome." Snaking a finger across the exposed section of his chest underneath the tank top he wore, Eris bit her lip seductively, unable to hide the pink tint burning in her cheek. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

Slow to respond, Peter furrowed his brow in thought. "It's been bugging me for a couple of weeks." Lifting his gaze, Peter calmly shared a glance with the woman, placing a hand over her shoulder. "Eris. I'd like to ask you for a favor."


After a brief consultation, Peter and Eris traveled to another universe in a distant reality, specifically a world much like his own. However, its heroes weren't such. Tony Stark was a normal genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist. Bruce Banner was just a normal scientist that studied in gamma radiation. Norman Osborn was just a normal man in charge of Oscorp. There was nothing special about this planet Earth. It was perfectly normal.

They eventually reached a quaint neighborhood just on the outskirts of the city of New York. Peter had been unusually quiet throughout the entire trip, holding a somber expression the entire time. The pair stood in front of a small house, its design mixed with that of wood and brick. As if his heart had stopped beating, Peter took in labored breaths while Eris watched him.

The woman's eyes softened. "If you're not certain about this, we can turn back."

Peter shook his head, smiling. "Thanks, Eris, but I'll feel better if I get this off my chest." Inhaling deeply before sighing, the young man shared a gaze with his friend. "You know what to do, right?"

Eris simply nodded, brushing a hand through her white and black hair. "Don't worry. I'll be there with you the entire time. I'll just watch from the reaches of the astral plane. Just give me a ring when you're ready." Pausing, Eris edged closer and pressed her lips against Peter's cheek. "Good luck."

Peter smiled, giving an affirming nod before Eris spiraled out of existence. With one last deep breath, the young man pushed the picket fence open and walked through the yard, approaching the home. Trepidation filled his being, evident by the beads of sweat forming over his palms and racing heart. Meanwhile, in the reaches of the astral plane, Eris walked by the young man's side.

She could only watch and not interact with the world, much like a ghost. Peter finally reached the door, inhaling deeply before gently knocking on it. Eris furrowed her brow at the young man, noting how drastic his demeanor had changed from what she was accustomed to seeing. Gone was that confident swagger, replaced by one filled to the brim with nervousness.

"For all of your power and accomplishments, you're still vulnerable to the little things in life," Eris whispered, managing a smile. "It really is part of your charm."

The door slowly opened, letting out a protesting squeak. Peter waited anxiously for the person answering the door to reveal their identity, inhaling sharply once an older man walked into view. While he had most of his hair, it was gray with age. Peter stood taller than the man, but he was somewhat burly, something else earned with age supposedly. Eris stood in between both men, alternating her gaze before her crimson eyes stopped on the younger of the two.

Nostalgia filled the confines of Peter's mind and heart, bringing back golden memories of a time long ago. However, that fateful day resurfaced as well, of that moment when he had to say farewell prematurely due to his own carelessness. Peter bit down on his lip, choking back a sob threatening to rise from his throat. Unfortunately, he couldn't do the same with his tears as they streamed down his cheeks. Eris quietly watched the spectacle, placing a hand over her mouth.

Oddly enough, the older man merely tilted his head to the side, taken aback by his visitor's emotional outburst. He reached out and placed a hand over his shoulder. "Peter? What's wrong, son?"

Peter brushed a forearm over his wet face, chuckling weakly. "Nothing's wrong, Uncle Ben." He lifted his gaze and smiled. "I've just missed you so much."

Ben grinned, patting his nephew's shoulder. "It's always a pleasant surprise to see you, too, son. Come on inside. I was making tea while your Aunt May was out."

"Sounds good, but I can't stay long. I'll just catch Aunt May the next time," Peter whispered, following the older man inside.

While Ben walked into the kitchen to finish his tea preparation, Peter took the time to explore his old home. Sadly, when Uncle Ben passed away in his world, Aunt May moved a majority of his belongings to the attic. However, Ben's stuff remained out in the open, where it rightfully belonged here. Peter stared at the bottle cap collection held on display over the cabinet. He paused, arching a brow upon spotting three particular items nearby.

The first was a photograph Peter recognized, taken on his world as well. Ben stood by a small boy, his hair mixed with a shade of brown and grey. They both smiled in front of a prop volcano that held a ribbon with '1st' over it. Peter could only chuckle, recognizing the small boy as himself. He was fairly skinny, wearing a thick pair of glasses over his face. The photograph was of his first science fair taken in the fourth grade. His smile only deepened. If he was grateful to the genetically-altered spider that bit him for one thing, it would be how it improved his vision and eliminated his need for glasses. Looking back, they were incredibly cumbersome and not cool to look at.

Peter shifted his gaze to a second photograph. Uncle Ben and Aunt May stood with this world's Peter Parker, all three holding warm smiles. The young man at the center wore a blue graduation robe and hat, as well as a thick pair of glasses over his face. Peter's eyes softened at the sight, while he felt envy bore into his chest. Because of his carelessness, Uncle Ben did not live to see his nephew graduate from high school.

Lastly, Peter focused on the third photograph, and he snorted involuntarily, looking into an inverse mirror. Holding a diploma in hand, this world's Peter Parker bore a sheepish grin with teeth. He came off as awkward, whether it was the thick glasses, tacky vest and tie, or slim figure. Peter Parker was a nerd personified.

However, Peter could only smile at his doppelganger and the fact that he was able to obtain a college diploma. Unfortunately, Twilight pulled him into Equestria while he was a sophomore. For all intents and purposes, Petercouldresume college, but time constraints worked against that idea. As a hero, knight, prince, husband, and father of two (potentially hundreds if he counted the changelings Chrysalis recently gave birth to), he simply could not break away to attend school again.

From the reaches of the astral plane, Eris mirrored Peter's actions and eyed each photograph carefully. "So, this would've been Peter's life had he not received his powers. It seems to be a relatively tame life."

Eventually, Ben exited the kitchen with two large cups in hand, each filled with iced tea. Peter left the photographs and joined his uncle on the sofa. Both men reveled in each other's company while exchanging pleasantries and drinking their tea. Unbeknownst to them, Eris took a seat in midair directly behind Peter, never averting her gaze from the sight.

The more she watched them interact, the more she felt the true depth of their relationship. They were uncle and nephew biologically, but mentally, they almost came off as father and son. Soon, her heart began to ache, and the inside of her chest tightened. Eris sadly shook her head, dreading what would be soon asked of her momentarily.

Ben eased back into the sofa, sharing a glance with his nephew. "So, what brings you by, son? You usually call before showing up. It must be a slow day at the school, right?"

"You can say that. The students got a short lecture today, and I let them go early. I thought then that I could surprise you," Peter whispered, lying after learning he was a college professor at Empire State University.

Ben placed a hand over Peter's shoulder, grinning. "That's thoughtful, son. I appreciate that." He furrowed his brow before pointing a finger at the young man. "I see you finally decided to try on contacts."

Peter grinned, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah. I'm just trying something. It's pretty convenient. Plus, the ladies say that I have pretty nice eyes."

"Your Aunt May's been telling you that for years," Uncle Ben deadpanned, playfully tapping Peter's shoulders. As if a late thought entered his mind, Ben's eyes widened. "Oh! Are you still dating that Mary Jane model girl?"

"Model?" Blinking, Peter waited for an awkward amount of time before an answer came to mind. "Wait. Mary JaneWatson? You mean the redhead party girl that was mean to me during school?" Realizing his mistake, Peter hastily cleared his throat and nodded. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It's just weird that a school teacher is dating a model."

Ben's smile never wavered, only widening. "I know that it's surprising still, but it's like I always told you. Some women are like oranges, very rough on the outside. Sometimes, you have to peel away the outer layer to see how sweet they really are."

Peter held a blank stare, chuckling. "Yeah. You're right about that, Uncle Ben."

Indeed he was. For Peter, Twilight, Trixie, and Luna were perfect testaments to that statement. While he got along well with Twilight from the start, she still had a no-nonsense attitude that held well to this day. However, for all the bad puns she put up with, Twilight still had to be the sweetest girl on the planet to Peter. Trixie was an arrogant snob, but after a good consultation, she turned out to be one of the young man's best friends, even if she remained as condescending as ever. Luna had dealt with eons of loneliness, using that as a barrier. However, Peter managed to break through that wall, and now, the moon princess was irreplaceable, tied closer to him than most could imagine.

Peter stood from his seat, smiling. "I'll make you a deal. If things turn serious with Mary Jane, we'll have a pair of kids and name them after you and Aunt May."

Ben chuckled. "I like the sound of that. Just don't rush anything. I'm not going anywhere."

Letting out a somber sigh, Peter's eyes softened. "Sadly, I have to go. There's a lot of important things I have to take care of."

Ben nodded, placed a hand over his nephew's shoulder. "Do what you have to, son."

Disheartened, Peter's saddened gaze fell to the ground. His tears surfaced as he wrapped his arms around Ben's body. "I love you, Uncle Ben." He tightened his hold on the older man. "With great power…"

"...comes great responsibility. I love you too, son," Ben whispered, returning his nephew's embrace in full. Resting his head against Peter's shoulder, the older man patted his back affectionately. "...and I could not be more proud of you."

Eris materialized into existence behind Uncle Ben's position, tears streaming from the corner of her eyes. Before the older man knew what happened, she placed a glowing finger against the back of his head. Uncle Ben's eyes widened before falling shut. He immediately slipped into a deep slumber while still in Peter's arms. The young man tearfully smiled before gently resting his uncle on the sofa.

Peter inhaled deeply before sighing, wiping his face clean. "Thanks, Eris. So, he won't remember any of this?"

Eris was slow to respond, choking back a sob before straightening her posture. Sniffling, she forced a nod. "Yes. He won't remember anything that happened during your visit. As far as he'll know, he simply took an unexpected nap." She turned her back to the young man in a desperate attempt to hide her tearstained face from him. "Are you sure about this?"

"Very sure. I don't need Aunt May or this world's me to think Uncle Ben is crazy. This was just something I wanted. Speaking of which, let's get out here before one of them comes in," Peter stated, nodding. He managed a smile, placing a hand over the woman's shoulder. "I really appreciate this, Eris. It means the world to me."

Throwing away her reservations, Eris spun around and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck in a warm embrace. "It was nothing, becauseyoumean the world to me." The woman's hands glowed, causing both individuals to vanish from sight in a burst of light. She never relinquished her hold, cherishing the warmth Peter's body brought. After a brief journey, they materialized into existence on the front porch of their temporary home in the countryside. They had made it back to their universe. Eventually, she let go, using a hand to wipe her face clean futilely. "I'm sorry, Peter. I haven't been entirely upfront with you. I know why Discord has been so infatuated with you."

Peter blinked, holding a befuddled gaze. "Wait. What? What do you mean?"

Eris glanced away shamefully, rubbing a forearm with her hand. "We both have the same goal in mind. You're the perfect catalyst for chaos. Even during times of peace, chaos always finds a way to reach you, but Discord is exploiting that to an extreme. I disagreed with him about it. Once I learned about his plan with Tirek and the Sinister Six, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands."

Peter furrowed his brow. "Wait a minute, why are you telling me this?"

Eris walked up to the young man, pausing before holding her mouth inches from his ear. "Because I want you all to myself. Patricia's just not as exciting as you, and I find myself thinking about you more everyday. Once this is all said and done, I intend to swap places with Discord. Permanently. That way, we'll be playmates for all eternity. I won't break such a beautiful creature. I'm not careless like my stupid counterpart. I intend to takegoodcare of you," she whispered, her hot breath brushing against his skin.

Peter hummed, as if contemplating her words. He soon chuckled. "That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. You're much better company than Discord. And easier on the eyes." He placed his hands on the woman's shoulders, easing her back until their gazes were inches apart. "After what you just did for me, I owe you. Just none of the bad sort of chaos, okay? I've had my fair share of bad guys for a while."

Eris grinned afterward, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Consider it done. Besides, you lead a chaotic life already. There's really no need to add more to your tray. It'll be my way of thankingyoufor changing me for the better… and making this decision even easier than it already was."

Before Peter could hope to respond, Eris vanished once more. He simply watched the sun fall over the horizon, lamenting on his time spent with his dear uncle and the woman's words.


Elsewhere, Discord appeared before the hourglass in the reaches of the astral plane, arching a brow as he noticed his female counterpart was not present. The draconequus readied to leave, but he noticed a small note taped to the side of the hourglass. Tearing the piece of paper free, he read the words written. It simply read 'Shove It' next to an arrow pointed towards a crudely drawn buttocks. After only a couple of seconds, Discord crumbled the letter and threw it to the side angrily.

Discord growled under his breath. "You wanna play hardball, Eris? Fine. You've left me no choice." The draconequus narrowed his gaze. "I suppose it's time to call in that old favor first."

To be continued...

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