• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Fall of an Empire, Part II

Chapter Eighteen "Fall of an Empire, Part II"

Within the walls of Canterlot Castle, Twilight rested within the plush comforts of her bed in her private quarters. Her heart froze once Princess Luna entered the room. "What happened? Is Peter okay?"

As Twilight made an effort to get up, Luna's hoof and a soft smile motioned for her to remain as she was. "Peter is a little roughed up, but he's just fine. You need not worry about him."

Letting out a relieved sigh, Twilight's head fell back onto her pillow. "Thank goodness." Turning her attention back to the other princess, she raised an eyebrow. "So, just what happened this morning? You mentioned something about a siren and Baltimare before you sped off from breakfast."

Luna's cheerful expression fell slightly. "You'll have to excuse my haste. I had only just then heard reports of a siren openly attacking structures in Baltimare," she answered, approaching the other alicorn's bedside. "I wasted no time in informing Peter and had him look into it. It appears that the one called Sonata was the siren causing the destruction."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Really? It was Sonata?" she asked, earning a nod from the other mare.

"No way," a small voice chimed in from behind, catching the attention of the princesses. Mayday entered the room with a widened gaze. "Sonata's way too nice to do something like that. Besides, she and Daddy are friends."

Luna shook her head. "Your father was just as surprised. We suspect that it was more the will of Discord than her own." A small smile graced the alicorn's features. "Thankfully, neither of them were too seriously injured in their battle. Sonata was rendered unconscious as a conclusion. Your father aggravated his previous injuries, but he will be just fine."

"Where's Miss Sonata now?" Mayday questioned, anxiously approaching the princess. "You said she's okay, right? Is she with Daddy?"

Luan frowned. "Unfortunately, from what Peter stated, Discord took Sonata away, but not before assuring him that she will receive proper medical attention." Luna blankly glanced off to the side. "Whateverthatis worth, I'm not sure. We can only hope that Discord is legitimate."

Mayday brought a hoof to her chin, furrowing her brow. "I don't get it. Why would Discord have them fight even though they're friends?"

Twilight let out a soft sigh. "Nopony aside from Discord himself really knows the exact reason. It's impossible to guess what he's thinking or planning most of the time. It never makes any sense. It's just how Discord works, I guess." The mare paused, her eyes widening as a belated realization struck her mind like lightning to a rod. "Wait. Where is your escort, Mayday?"

Mayday's eyes widened before she shrank down, laughing sheepishly. "Oh, that. Well, uh..."

Before the filly could finish her explanation, a trio of armed guards stormed into the vicinity of the open doorway. "Princess Twilight! Mayday has disappeared from her—" The speaker of the group abruptly cut himself off upon spotting the filly in question in front of him. The stallion narrowed his eyes at her before clearing his throat and returning his attention to Twilight. "Our sincerest apologies, Your Highness. It would appear that your daughter has been... less than cooperative with your request for her to have an armed escort. She retreated upon leaving her quarters."

Twilight sat up with a small strained groan before shooting the filly an icy glare. "Do wereallyneed to have this talk a second time?"

Mayday whined. "Mom, I can take care of myself! I don't need a platoon of guards to follow me if I want to get something to eat! Do you really expect me to go to the bathroom with one of these guys perched at my shoulder? No thanks!"

With a bemused expression, Twilight readied herself to respond, but a small gesture from Princess Luna caught her attention. The older alicorn winked and approached the young filly. "I do not doubt that you are very well capable of taking care of yourself. It's just that times are dangerous right now. This is why you and your family are here with my sister and I, under our protection."

Mayday's demeanor lightened, with her posture relaxing. She let out a defeated sigh. "I know. I just don't like being treated like a baby by having ponies watch me all the time."

Luna chuckled. "While I understand your frustration, you need to remember that Discord has already shown that he is not afraid to target you or your family." She placed a hoof on the filly's shoulder. "He's already had you kidnapped and attacked your mother, briefly corrupting her with his Plunder Vines. There is no guarantee that he will not come after one of you again. This is what has your father so concerned. He feels that you and everypony else would be safer here under our watch. You know that your father is my best friend, and I promised to keep you safe. So, I beg of you to please make this easier for me."

Mayday's ears lowered into her mane as she glanced away with a sullen expression. "You're right, Mama Luna. I'm sorry." Her eyes softened as she turned to Twilight. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'll be sure to stay with the guards if I need something."

Twilight managed a small smile. "Thank you, sweetheart. I know you don't like it, but it's for everypony's good. Honestly, I feel the same way. I want to be there with your father during this time, but until I'm well, I have to help him by recovering first. It's only for your own good and my own that we stay here. Do you understand?"

Mayday nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I just hope we get to go back home soon. There's nothing to do around here." With a sigh, the filly turned back to the hallway, though not before climbing into the bed and embracing her mother. "I'm heading back to my room. Love you, Mom."

A warm smile crested Twilight's features as she returned the gesture lovingly. "I love you too, Mayday."

Making her exit and following along the hallway, the filly groaned once she put some distance between herself and from her mother's room. "This stillreallysucks..."

A guard behind her chuckled. "Sorry, kid. It's your mother's orders."

Mayday rolled her eyes and frowned. Ignoring the guards behind her for the remainder of the short walk, she quickly entered her quarters as swiftly as possible before closing the door behind her. With a low sigh, she laid face down onto her bed. "I amsonot cut out for this royalty stuff. I'll never understand how Mom and Dad put up with it."

"It isn't easy being the daughter of royalty, is it?"

Mayday closed her eyes with a forced laugh. "You havenoidea." After a brief moment, the filly's eyes shot open at a sudden realization as she raised to a sitting position. Mayday intently scanned her room for the source of the mysterious voice with a furrowed brow. "Who's there? I know that wasn't just my imagination! Show yourself!"

With a chuckle, a tall figure materialized in a chair across from the filly's bed. "You certainly are a sharp one." The draconequus grinned, pressing the tips of his talon and paw together. "You're very charismatic, too. I've been waiting for an opportunity to speak with you alone."

A chill traveled down the filly's spine. "Discord?" Mayday paused, slowly eyeing the door set along the wall across from the two.

The draconequus crossed his legs, getting more comfortable. "Oh, by all means. If you feel the need to leave or call for help, feel free to do so. I won't stop you." Discord inspected a talon seemingly disinterestedly before shrugging his shoulders. "In fact, that would probably be the most logical thing to do in this situation."

Mayday cautiously eyed her uninvited guest before slowly sliding off the bed and making her way to the door. Reaching out, she grabbed hold of the doorknob, but she hesitated, pausing for several seconds before glancing at Discord. Mayday arched a brow. "You'rereallynot going to stop me?"

Discord simply shook his head. "Nope."

Mayday stood in a stunned silence, lamenting on the situation that was transpiring. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, the root of her father's nonstop struggles, had appeared before her nonchalantly. To make an unusual situation even more bizarre, the draconequus was sitting across the room from her. Furthermore, he made no efforts to stop the filly from leaving. In fact, Discord had advised it to be the best choice of action. Mayday's prior fear and nervousness were replaced with confusion and a growing sense of curiosity.

Taking a step away from the door, Mayday turned to the draconequus skeptically. "Just why are you here? What makes you so sure that I won't just call for help at any moment?"

Discord shrugged. "I'm not. I'm simply here because I wish to have a little chat with you. Whether you humor me or not is entirely up to you."

Mayday pursed her lips. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would you want to talk tomeof all ponies?"

Discord laughed. "Make sense? Oh, little one, there is much you have to learn. What fun is there in making sense for the Spirit ofChaos?" The draconequus grinned, waving a paw dismissively. "Thereisa very good reason as to why I wish to speak to you in particular, Mayday."

Mayday frowned. "What's that?"

"You see, young Mayday, you have something special." Discord pointed to the filly's flank, particularly her cutie mark. "You have almost unlimited potential. You can become whatever it is you wish to be."

Mayday's ears perked. "Aunt Trixie said the same thing to me."

Discord gave the filly a fanged smile. "Ah, yes. Trixie Lulamoon. She's a smart one as well. It's no wonder that she helped you come to understand the significance of your cutie mark."

Mayday shook her head. "Wait. Hang on. You had me kidnapped so I'd have my cutie mark removed. So... why are you here telling me how special it is now?"

Discord shook his head. "Oh, no, no, no, my dear. You've got it all wrong. You see, I simply put you in a scenario to help youunderstandthe importance of your cutie mark as well as learn a bit about yourself along the way."

Mayday narrowed her eyes. "If that's true, then why did you have those three sirens fight Mom and Dad?" Her voice tone deepened, nearing a growl. "That had nothing to do with me or my cutie mark."

Discord smiled. "That was the other half of it, yes, but I'll get to that in just a moment." The draconequus snapped his talon, causing an envelope to materialize into existence before the filly. "That is the letter I had the Dazzlings leave behind for your parents to find." Discord pursed his lips, glancing off to the side. "Though I would've preferred them to have convinced you to come willingly, rather than render you unconscious. They can get a bit anxious at times."

Hesitantly retrieving the floating letter, Mayday examined its contents. Furrowing her brow, she gave the draconequus a bewildered expression. "There was a map leading to where I was?"

Discord chuckled. "It's like I just told you. I didn't want for you toactuallyhave your cutie mark removed, so I left a map for your parents to get there in time to stop it from happening," Discord responded confidently, closing his eyes with a smile while folding his arms. "As for why the sirens fought with your parents, I was simply testing them. Seeing how strong they had become since our last encounter. Nothing more, nothing less."

Mayday tilted her head to the side. "Why? What about the Equestria games? Venom? Wasthata test, too? You nearly got my Daddy killed with that!"

Discord chuckled, raising a paw defensively. "That was just another test to see if your father was ready for the trials ahead of him." The draconequus trailed off, closing his eyes. "Your father is very powerful, but he's not invincible. I have to test his merits and see just how far he can truly go."

Mayday shook her head frantically. "Why would you want to do that? I thought you were trying tostopDaddy."

Discord smiled. "Well, yes and no. I honestly have nothing against your father. In fact, I find him irreplaceable. My sights are set on stopping somepony else."

"Who?" Mayday questioned, forcing the lump in her throat down with a rough swallow.

Discord's fanged smile widened. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, of course."

Mayday's eyes widened before she took a defensive stance. "I knew you were up to no good coming here. What do youreallywant from me?"

Discord held up his talon and paw defensively. "Now just one moment. As I said, I'm only here to talk, and as such, I'm going to let you in on a little secret… one that I feel you possess the capacity to truly understand. Not even Celestia or Luna know of this." Discord grinned. "What I'm referring to is thetruthabout chaos, order, and harmony."

Mayday blinked. "Really?"

Discord nodded, clapping his paw and talon together. A large container of water appeared on the floor in front of Mayday with a small wooden table beside it. Atop was a number of vials of colored liquids that sat beside a pair of crudely designed wooden dolls of Princesses Celestia and Luna.

Mayday furrowed her brow upon finishing her inspection. "What does any of this have to do with chaos or whatever?"

Discord smiled. "Just watch." Waving a glowing paw, the water in the large metal tub began to swirl perpetually in a slow, clockwise motion. "Pretend that this water is the world. See how evenly it flows? You could even say that it's a perfect balance of harmony even." Lifting a vial of green liquid into his paw, he brought it over the churning water. "Now, let's say that these dyes represent change... or 'chaos' as the princesses so lovingly put it. Now, watch what happens when I add some change to our peaceful little swirling world."

Mayday watched intently as the draconequus poured the thick green substance into the water. Within moments, a large swirl of green began to take shape, skewing the once pristine water.

Discord placed back the dye onto the small wooden table before pointing to the water. "Now, what do you see?"

Mayday frowned slightly. "A mess. The water was nice and clean before, but now it has swirls of green in it."

Discord nodded. "It may be a mess now, but just give it a moment."

The filly waited as instructed, watching silently as the swirls of green began to expand, the color slowly engulfing the entirety of the previously pristine water. Before long, the water itself evened out into a clear, emerald color, and it continued to swirl, just as usual.

"Now, what do you see?" the draconequus questioned, arching a brow.

Mayday sternly stared at the water. "A green world."

Discord clapped excitedly. "Exactly! Notice that even with the 'change' added, things eventually settled to become peaceful again. It's only a bit different than before." Discord smiled. "Now, the green worldisthe norm, and it will continue to be until more change is introduced."

Mayday's eyes widened at a sudden revelation. "Oh, I think I get it. What you're saying is that even when change is introduced, while seemingly chaotic at first, things will eventually return to being peaceful again." The filly turned her gaze up to him. "While things are different than before, it's eventually accepted as normal, right?"

Discord whooped, giving the filly a short round of applause. "Correct! Your parents must besoproud of you. So intelligent at such a young age."

Mayday blushed slightly, scratching the back of her head while averting her gaze. "I'm notthatspecial."

Discord chuckled. "You are very special, and in your own way." The draconequus winked before pointing to the vials beside the bastion. "Why don't you give it a try now?"

Blinking, Mayday turned to the vials, thinking for a moment before taking the red into her hooves and pouring some of the liquid into the swirling green. Streaks of crimson began to slowly form, melting into a haze. After a short time, the red began to fade, and the once green waters now appearing to take on a shade of yellow. Before long, the entirely of the water took on a brilliant, bright yellow.

"Wow." Mayday cooed. "I see what you mean."

Discord chuckled. "Keep going."

The filly repeated this process a number of times, gaining the same result everytime. However, when reaching for the next color to add into her rainbow-like swirl, a metal cage suddenly slammed over the vials, with a large metal padlock holding the latch shut.

Mayday furrowed her brow, piqued. "Why'd you do that?"

Discord shrugged. "Me? I didn't do anything." The crude Celestia and Luna dolls levitated into the air before coming to rest atop the cage. "That would be their doing."

Mayday eyed the dolls with a widened gaze. "I don't get it." The filly paused, staring at the swirling multi-colored water. Before long, the water morphed into a shade of mud brown, remaining as such as it continued its swirling motion. Glancing back to the locked away vials, Mayday's eyes widened as her mind came to a realization. "Wait. Are you trying to say that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia don't want the world to change from what it is?"

A large smile with teeth adorned Discord's features. "IknewI liked you for a reason. Yes. The princesses don't approve of change. They see it as nothing but a chaotic imbalance to the peaceful world as is."

Mayday furrowed her brow. "I don't see why the princesses would be so against it. I mean, even if thingsdochange, the world would still eventually become peaceful again, right?" Mayday paused briefly, rubbing her chin. "Ifthat'sthe case, then wouldn't the world changing just be a perfectly normal thing?"

Discord huffed, crossing his arms. "Good luck convincingthosetwo of that. They certainly don't believemewhen I try to tell them." The draconequus sighed. "You see, Mayday, you're actually correct. Changeisa perfectly natural thing. However, Celestia and Luna are stopping that natural flow of change because they view it as needless chaos and disharmony to an already perfectly peaceful world. Yet by doing so..."

"...they'rethe ones creating chaos and disharmony, by stopping the world's natural cycle of evolution," Mayday lightly declared, staring wildly off into nowhere. "I… I never actually thought of it likethat."

Discord chuckled. "Of course not. Because you didn't know."

Mayday paused, looking back up to the draconequus. "How can I be sure that this isn't all just a lie?"

Discord shrugged. "What, exactly, could I gain by lying to you? Regardless, in the end, it's for you to decide what's true and what is not." He snapped his talon once more, causing the alicorn dolls and the cage housing the vials of dye to fade from sight in a flash of light. "Now, one last thing. Try emptying all of the remaining dye into the 'world'."

Mayday paused before nodding and collecting the vials, emptying the contents one by one into the water. The resulting effect truly was a mess this time, with the colors blending and bleeding into one another. As the colors faded, the water itself got darker and more murky before eventually resembling a swirling vortex of black.

Mayday pursed her lips. "Now it's all black."

Discord nodded. "If you were to add in more color, or more change, what do you think might happen?"

Mayday furrowed her brow. "I don't think anything would happen. This is pretty dark. I mean, it technicallycouldchange still, but it would takea lotof one color to change it from this. Almost as much liquid as there is in it right now."

Discord nodded. "Indeed. However, the tub can only hold so much liquid, so that wouldn't work." Discord managed a smile. "What if I told you there was one more thing we could still add to change it?"

Mayday blinked. "What's that?" Discord waved a glowing paw, and a single vial appeared before the filly. Taking the vial into her hooves, Mayday examined the perfectly clear contents of the glass container with an arched brow. "How isthissupposed to change anything?"

"You'd be surprised at how powerful change can be. That seemingly useless clear liquid might actually have the power to change the world completely," Discord declared, motioning a talon towards the filly. "Go on. See for yourself." Mayday eyed the liquid skeptically before eventually nodding. However, before she could turn her hoof to pour the contents, a sudden knock came from the door. Discord frowned. "Welp! Looks like that's my cue to leave!" The draconequus jumped into a backflip, vanishing from sight, the container of water and table, along with all of its contents, disappearing along with him.

"Hey wait!" Mayday called out, scurrying to her hooves and alternating her gaze about wildly. "What would the last vial do?"

"Mayday? Are you alright?" a female's voice called out from the other side of the door before it opened. Aunt May peeked her head into view, arching a brow at the filly. "Who were you talking to?"

Mayday bit her lip, chuckling sheepishly. "Nopony, Aunt May! I was just, uh, talking to myself!"

Aunt May grinned. "All right, dear. Dinner is ready, and your mother asked me to come get you."

Mayday nodded. "Alright. I'll be there in just a minute!" Her aunt beamed her a smile before closing the door. Mayday collapsed to her haunches with a hard sigh. "That was too close."

"I must admit. I am surprised you didn't mention me just then."

Mayday's eyes widened as she pulled herself to a standing position. "Where did you go?"

Discord's voice echoed as a chuckle in her mind.

"I have business I need to attend to, but I do have a small gift for you. Thanks for being such a good listener."

Suddenly, a corked vial of clear liquid appeared before Mayday, slowly falling into her outstretched hooves. Mayday tilted her head to the side. "Just what is this stuff?"

"You'll find out… eventually. For now, I recommend that you keep that vial safe for the time being. Also, let's keep this little conversation a secret between you and me. Though if you feel that you must tell somepony, I won't stop you."

Mayday slowly nodded, her gaze remaining on the vial of liquid in her hooves.

"I like you. Wewillspeak again. At which time, I might just have even more secrets to share."

As the voice's echo faded from her mind. Mayday found herself lost in the wave of numerous revelations and epiphanies from her conversation with the draconequus. She knew better than to trust a single word that Discord said, but a tugging curiosity in the back of her mind wondered if everything he had said was actually true. As the filly fell deeper into these hypothetical scenarios, the lines between right and wrong as she knew them quickly began to blur. Soon, she didn't even know what to think anymore.

Mayday growled, shaking the troubling thoughts from her head before walking to her bedside and stashing the vial under her pillow. "Yeah. It's probably best not to think too much about it." She brought a hoof to her chin. "Though, I wonder if he really will come to speak to me again?" With a shrug, the filly trotted to the door, reaching for the handle. She made her exit, following down the castle hallways toward her destination of the dining room. "Though, I kind of hope he does. That conversation was... interesting."

To be continued...

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