• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Return to the Gala, Part I

Chapter Six "Return to the Gala, Part I"

Within the walls of Canterlot Castle, Equestria's highest ranking officials of the Canterlot and the Crystal Empire regions gathered to discuss urgent matters of the utmost importance pertaining to recent events. News regarding Mayday's kidnappers had already been discussed the day before, but news centered around the sirens and Discord sparked interest in all who were present. An emergency meeting had been called right away to address the issue. Peter sat on the edge of the round table between Twilight and Luna, staring wildly at Princess Celestia from across his position as Cadance and Chrysalis watched from her sides after hearing a revelation.

"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned, his voice apprehensive. Silence filled the room, only adding to the stallion's anxiety. "No... That can't be right."

Princess Celestia remained firm, holding her calm gaze on the stallion. "I'm afraid it's the truth, Peter. Sirens are all but extinct." Inhaling deeply before sighing, the alicorn shook her head as a somber chill bore into her chest. "It's been well over three hundred years since the last confirmed sighting of a siren."

"Until now," Luna interjected, sharing a glance with the youngest princess in the circle. "Twilight. You are positively certain that you were attacked by three sirens?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, and they were very powerful." The mare glanced to the side for a moment. "I'd never seen magic performed like that before. It was quite overwhelming reacting to it."

Cadance watched Celestia with a furrowed brow as the older alicorn's demeanor darkened. "What's wrong? Do you know who they are, Auntie?"

Celestia frowned before letting out a sigh. "Vaguely, though only from my old mentor's stories from his youth. I have heard of three very powerful sirens from my mentor, Starswirl the Bearded. He told me of their last battle when I was a teenage filly. Over a millennium ago, the trio sought to conquer Canterlot and nearly succeeded. However, a hastily written spell by Starswirl the Bearded managed to banish them, sending them to what he explained was a parallel dimension. Under the circumstances, I am led to believe that the sirens you encountered are the same ones Starswirl dealt with." Celestia's eyes softened as they looked down to the table. "The last three living sirens in existence..."

Peter eased back into his seat, shrugging. "It's not impossible. I'm certainly not new to the whole 'interdimensional travel' thing. The whole reason I'm even in Equestria to begin with is because Twilight summoned me here."

Chrysalis pursed her lips. "That's the unsettling part. How exactly did they accomplish this feat? Sirens possess great power, but magic users like Starswirl the Bearded and Twilight Sparkle are prodigies. Opening dimensional rifts is no small feat. I strongly believe they couldn't have done this on their own."

"Discord," Twilight blurted out, pausing upon feeling everypony's collective gazes center on her. "We found out that Starlight Glimmer had been negotiating with Discord. It could be a coincidence, but considering the three happened to be there at the time, I think Discord might have something to do with it. He likely helped those sirens out just like he did with Starlight Glimmer. You said that they're using gems to hold their pony forms, right Peter?"

Peter was slow to respond, nodding. "Yeah. At least, that's what Sonata told me. After digging around in the cellar, I found a gem exactly like it. It's exactly like the ones Discord gave me. One can change me back into a human, and the other will transform me into a pony. That more or less confirms that they're working with Discord."

Luna growled under her breath. "They've struck a bargain with that cretinous fool. It would not be the first time he negotiated with beings outside the reaches of our world."

Cadance's ears lowered as concern filled her large blue eyes. "Didn't his last stunt involving that almost end with reality being destroyed?"

Chrysalis blinked before arching a brow. "What exactly does he hope to accomplish? I fail to see any rationality in his actions."

Celestia held a blank stare, as if exasperated with the development of the situation. "There is no method to understand. Only Discord understands his own agenda."

Twilight let out a low sigh before facing the stallion with a stern glare. "You're very lucky, Peter. You shouldn't be so careless. Who knows what those sirens could've done to you with your guard down like that."

Peter paused, his eyes softening. "I don't know, Twilight. I didn't get a bad vibe from them. In fact, they almost seemed... lonely. Maybe we can talk to them?"

Cadance nodded. "I agree. It's never too late to reach an understanding."

Chrysalis trailed off, as if deep in thought. "This Sonata insisted that there were a lot of sirens in the world. This means one of two things. Either she was lying to Peter, or they are unaware of their kind's fate."

Peter shook his head. "I'm betting she doesn't know. Sonata came right out and told me she was a siren as if it were the most natural and obvious thing. If she just made it back here, I'm willing to believe she hasn't caught back up to what's happened." The stallion turned his gaze towards Celestia. "Just how did the sirens become extinct anyway?"

"My inactions caused it," Celestia bleakly whispered, slamming her eyes shut. "Sirens are like changelings in how they feed off of emotions. However, for them, it is the complete opposite. Hatred, spite, jealousy, envy... They fed off of our negative emotions and would act to instill these within us. There was simply no way to live peacefully with them. That's what I thought. I shut off our hearts, and in the process, I unknowingly doomed an entire species because of it."

Peter's eyes softened at the alicorn's words. "I wonder if this is how Chrysalis felt in the future?" he murmured, barely above the hint of a whisper.

Only Twilight and Luna could hear his words. Memories of that dark time resurfaced, each casualty flashing across his mind in rapid succession. A bolt of pain rushed through his cranium, shutting off the visions. Peter placed a hoof over his eyes before shaking his head. Luna quietly watched the stallion, furrowing her brow as Twilight caressed Peter's hoof with both of her own. Only Luna and Twilight knew what Peter went through, knowing that such events were best kept under wraps.

Celestia bit her lip momentarily before opening her eyes."I would like to make amends with these three sirens, if possible. We were directly responsible for not only their motive to attack Canterlot, but for the extinction of their kind. For that, we must help them in any way we can. Peter?" The princess gazed softly to the stallion. "You managed to unite Equestria with the changelings. I implore you to please assist the sirens. If there is any way we can coexist with them, I'd like for us to pursue it. Maybe it's not too late to right this wrong."

Peter nodded without hesitation, smiling. "I'll do what I can. I promise."

"We all will," Twilight interjected, giving the stallion a friendly wink before smiling.

Nods and words of agreement were unanimous amongst all present at the table.


The weekend was now underway, and that paved the way for the biggest social event of the year: the Grand Galloping Gala. Eight on the dot, thanks to Twilight's tight scheduling, the Sparkle family carriage pulled up in front of Canterlot Castle, the avenue which annually held the yearly ball. Peter was not particularly fond of the event, preferring to avoid the spotlight whenever possible, but it was something Twilight loved to attend, considering it an honor that Princess Celestia personally gave the invitation. Peter rolled his eyes. If he was a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist like Tony Stark, then the worldwide attention would be welcoming.

From this perspective, the stallion easily understood Mayday's plight even better. It seemed her distaste for worldwide fame was genetic. She was his daughter, after all.

Every member of the Parker/Sparkle family was present within the carriage, from Spike, Aunt May, Trixie, Ben, Mayday, Twilight, and Peter. Each mare was dressed accordingly. Trixie wore a dress bearing its signature violet colors and blue star-patterned design while Aunt May wore a simple light tan gown with golden bracelets to match her favorite earrings. Begrudgingly, Mayday wore a simple pink dress.

An unrefined tomboy at heart, the filly sat next to her father with her cheeks flushed. She only had her mom and aunts to blame. Twilight wore her favorite blue dress, its star design patterned across the lower regions. For the sake of simplicity, Peter was clothed in a simple black dress coat while Spike wore a clean red bow tie. As males, they had that right at least.

Paparazzi were right on the scene as Peter exited the carriage first, lending a chivalrous hoof to every mare inside individually and respectively. Flash bulbs dazzled around them, nearly blinding those still not used to the fame. Only Trixie seemed to welcome the cameras, seemingly unfazed by their presence. However, she was mostly ignored as everypony's attention was more centered on Peter and Twilight, Equestria's young power couple. They politely pressed on, spotting Rarity and the rest of the Element bearers near the entrance of the castle.

Twilight exchanged pleasantries with her five closest friends, their bonds only having grown stronger over the years. She would never separate from them, or her roots. This was perhaps why so many adored Princess Twilight Sparkle. Once inside the Gala, everypony separated into groups. Aunt May socialized with other guests, never relinquishing her hold on Ben. Peter smiled, knowing his aunt reveled in being a great-aunt. All things considered, Aunt May was more of a mother to Peter in many ways. So it only made sense for the mare to be considered a grandmother for Mayday. Considering her age-regressed state upon coming to Equestria, the stallion could only shrug at the fact that May was perhaps the world's youngest grandparent.

Trixie, on the other hoof, wasted no time in finding her place amongst the local nobles, mingling eagerly with the elitists of Equestria. It came natural to a bonafide narcissist that she fit right in with the highbrow crowd of society. Spike watched as the parties around him departed to see to their own agendas, while he simply opted to retreat to the punch bowl.

Twilight and her friends stuck together, having learned their lesson from their first Gala experience. They simply mingled, exchanging pleasantries with whomever walked by their position. Peter's thoughts were interrupted by a tugging on his dress coat's sleeve. He managed a smile. That left him alone with his daughter.

"Do you think he'll show up?" Mayday questioned, actively scanning the crowds around them.

Peter started to relax. While he still had troubles with crowds to this day, the presence of his daughter made things easier. "Of course he will. His parents wouldn't dare miss out on this."

His ears perked at the sound of light laughter from behind. Peter and Mayday turned, both smiling as Cadance practically skipped to their position. The mare knelt down and swiftly embraced the filly, brushing their cheeks together. Peter grinned at the sight. Ever since Mayday's birth, Cadance took on the role of 'super-aunt' to perfection.

"So, how's my favorite niece this evening?" Cadance asked, patting the filly on the head.

"You mean your only niece?" Mayday quipped back, brushing the mare's leg from her head with a warm smile. "And I'm better now, thank you."

Cadance arched a brow and playfully smirked at Peter. "Well, until your father and mother decide to have another beautiful child…"

Peter raised a hoof defensively, chuckling nervously. "Oh, no. Don't even count on that happening any time soon."

"Good. That saves us all some trouble," Shining Armor chipped in, approaching until he stood beside his wife.

Peter and the taller stallion exchanged knowing glances. They weren't exactly friends, but rather relatives with understanding by default. That wasn't saying that they hated each other. Far from it, but their personalities clashed too much for Shining's liking, from a stern military mind to an easygoing, laidback persona. Instead, the stallions were content with keeping their neutral relationship with one another, knowing each recognised the importance of the other in Twilight's life.

Shining chuckled. "Besides, from what I heard, Ben is turning out to be quite the mischief maker as is."

Peter forced a return chuckle somewhat awkwardly. "Yeah... he seems to have a soft spot for Trixie. He's always getting into her things. I think he's just doing it to get a rise out of her."

Shining smirked. "That sounds familiar. That's what Twily says about you most of the time. The apple clearly doesn't fall far from the tree."

Peter shrugged. "That's the Parker luck, Chuck."

"Mother! Father!"

The group turned to the voice of a young colt approaching them, earning smiles from each and an irritated groan from Mayday as she turned away. On his flank was an insignia of a heart at the center of a shield, its exterior matching that of a diamond. The snow-white colt stopped to quickly brush a pink furry hoof through his multicolored pink and yellow mane upon noticing the stallion accompanying his parents. His light blue eyes practically glowed, matching the liner above his lashes. This stallion really resembled Cadance in terms of how friendly they appeared.

"Oh! Uncle Peter! It's a pleasure seeing you again," the colt chimed, his voice light and feminine.

Peter chuckled, placing a hoof against the colt's shoulder. He was already his height in spite of their age differences. "Diamond Aegis. I swear that you're getting taller every time I see you."

Leaning to the side, the colt smirked once he spotted the filly turned away, hiding behind her father. "Mayday."

Her cover having been blown, the filly jumped slightly at the mention of her name, before slowly turning around to greet the colt with an exasperated glare. "Diamond Aegis."

Shining smugly grinned. "Parker. Did you know my son was just accepted into the School for Gifted Unicorns? Can you believe that at the age of eight?"

Diamond nudged the filly, holding the same coy smile of his father. "Maybe I can teach Uncle Peter how to actually use magic. It's not like he can learn how to fly from you. How was your latest crash session by the way?"

Mayday blankly stared at the colt, pointing a hoof at his blue eyeliner. "Nice mascara, Sunshine. Forget that you're supposed to be a colt again?"

Diamond frowned, scoffing as he brought a hoof to his chest. "At least I know how to properly present myself in public, unlike a certain tactless filly," he retorted, briskly running his hoof through his mane. "So much wasted potential. You really ought to put more effort into your appearance. You could be quite ravishing if you took the time. I can help you. Please let me braid your mane."

Rolling her eyes, Mayday shook her head. "Yeah. No thanks. You can take my place at the next beauty pageant. I'll stick to brains any day—something you clearly lack."

The colt guffawed at his cousin's comment. "Did you not just hear what my father said?"

Mayday waved a hoof dismissively. "Mom got into that school when she was five. I'd say you're a little late, dingus."

Diamond blinked, frowning as his face burned. "What nerve!" He pointed a hoof at the filly. "And what about you? Just where has your 'tinkering' gotten you so far, hmm? I'm still waiting for you to back up that boisterous claim."

Mayday snorted. "Ooo~! Big words! You'll upgrade from the beginner's alphabet book at this rate! Besides, I'll take technology over your magic any day as well." The filly smirked before lifting herself into a confident pose. "And I'll have you know that the glider is finished by the way. In fact, I flew it myself just the other day."

Diamond grinned. "Celestia forbid that you use your own wings to fly, like a normal pony. Then again, I guess this is as close to normal as you can get in your situation."

Mayday growled, marching right up to the colt. "Have you looked in a mirror recently? I could put on my dad's mask and look more normal than you!"

Before the argument could escalate further, Cadance pulled the filly and colt apart with her magic. "Must you two argue every time you see each other?" She slid both ponies closer together until they were hoof-lengths apart, and Cadance hovered over them, bearing a stern smile. "Now apologize, both of you."

"Sorry…" Mayday and Diamond muttered simultaneously, their faces flushing to a shade of pink.

Peter placed a hoof over Mayday's shoulder from behind her position. "Yeah. At ease, May-May." The filly reluctantly heeded, glancing off to the side, and Diamond did the same with a scoff. Peter pointed a hoof across the room to where Twilight and the others conversed. "Twilight's over there. She'd really like to see you three."

Cadance beamed at the sight of her sister-in-law, leading her husband and son away before either could hope to object. Peter let out a relieved sigh once they were a safe distance away. The stallion stole a glance at the filly by his side, her frown having seemed permanent. To say Mayday and Diamond didn't get along was an understatement. While they were family, like their fathers, their polar opposite personalities clashed. Mayday was a tomboy: light-hearted, a touch crude, unrefined, and unusually short for her age. Diamond was a nancy boy: sensitive, narcissistic, sophisticated, and quite tall for his age.

Peter poked Mayday's cheek. "You two are like cats and dogs. Will you ever get along?"

Mayday grinned. "I can say the same thing about you and Uncle Shining."

Snorting involuntarily, Peter booped his nose against the filly's playfully. "Eh, good point, but hear me out. You should really give Diamond a chance. He's a really sweet kid, and he is your cousin. You two are family. Nothing's gonna change that."

Mayday pursed her lips and waved a hoof dismissively. "I know. I love Diamond, but I just don't like him. I don't have anything in common with him. I have no reason to like him."

Peter simply let out a defeated sigh. "There's that cold, rational logic again. I really wish you weren't like your mother in that regard." The stallion's eyes widened, having spotted a table at the corner of the room. However, it wasn't the punch bowl that sparked his interest. It was the two individuals that sat by it that drew his attention. Peter shared a glance with Mayday. "Hey! The punch bowl. You thirsty?"

Mayday brought a hoof to her chin briefly. "Yeah, a drink does sound pretty good, actually."

"Great! There's also somepony I want you to meet," he whispered, taking a hold of the filly's hoof before approaching the table.

Mayday, smiling stiffly, whimpered under her breath. "Please tell me it's not another celebrity."

Peter shook his head, chuckling. "No way. They're friends."

Once the stallion and filly were hoof-lengths away from the table, they simply stared at the two mares, oblivious to their presence. Sonata, bedecked in a violet and pink dress, downed a glass of punch before quickly refilling it and repeating the action. Aria stared blankly at the light blue mare, exhaling for each glass of punch she finished in seconds. Her dress was laced to perfection, its golden design simplistic yet majestic as it hugged her slim frame. The accessories she wore only went further to compliment her almost regal appearance, the bracelets, tiara, and necklace sparkling with luminous energy.

"I didn't come here to watch you drink whole bowls of punch, Sonata," Aria grumbled, her face twisting with disgust.

Sonata giggled, offering the mare a glass. "Want some?" Aria simply groaned, prompting the light blue mare to continue her binge drinking. "I guess you don't wanna get your dress dirty. I understand. You look really great by the way. I'm surprised you were so willing to dress like that."

Aria scoffed. "Just because we've been living in a cave for a few years doesn't mean that I've lost my taste." She brushed a hoof across her dress. "Besides, it's been ages since I've had the opportunity to enjoy a decent night out at a social gathering that wasn't some wannabe frat party. I wanted to make the most of this occasion."

Sonata giggled. "Whatever you say." She started waving. "Oh! Hi, Peter!"

Aria growled before she paused, her mind slowly registering Sonata's words. She glanced to the side, sharing a gaze with Peter. "You always sneak up on everypony?"

"More or less. I try not to, but my wife thinks otherwise," Peter grinned, alternating his gaze between the mares. "It looks like you two made up."

Sonata nodded, finally placing her glass down. "Yeah! We did! Thanks for helping us!"

Aria managed a rare smile. "I can agree with that. Thanks."

Peter scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "It's no problem!" His eyes widened at a realization. He turned, making certain they were a safe distance from anypony hearing their conversation. Peter faced the mares with a somber expression. "Hey. I have something really important I would like to discuss with you two." A silence filled the area, as both mares exchanged uncertain glances. "It's nothing bad! I promise!"

Sonata let out a relieved sigh, playfully punching Peter's shoulder. "That's good! You scared me there for a moment. I was worried that you didn't like us anymore or something."

Peter shook his head. "Oh, no. Quite the opposite, actually, which is why I'm asking."

Aria shared Sonata's relief, evident by her eased demeanor. "Alright. So, what did you want to talk about?"

Peter's face paled momentarily. "Well…" he trailed off, sharing a glance with Mayday before turning his gaze back to the mares. "Let's talk in the garden around midnight. The party should be ending by then. This isn't the best time or place for us to talk about it."

"Okay!" Sonata chimed, her eyes widening at something swelled within her. She began to pace in place. "Um, where's the bathroom?"

Aria facehoofed with a groan. "You're an idiot, Sonata."

Peter pointed across the room. "Down that hallway."

Sonata sped off just as Peter finished his sentence. Aria shrugged, sharing a glance with Peter. "Well, you two enjoy yourselves. I'll see you in the garden later, I guess."

Aria held out a hoof. "Hold up a sec, Peter," she called out to the stallion, causing him to stop in place. "This is actually really serious, isn't it? What do you want to discuss with us?" The mare's expression hardened into a serious gaze. "Should I be worried about us showing up?"

"A little," Peter muttered bleakly, "but I promise you that there's nothing to worry about with you two showing up. You have my word as a knight. I just want to talk."

Aria paused for a moment, carefully reading the stallion before eventually nodding. "All right. We'll be sure to be there. If you need me before then, you can find me in the concert hall, and Sonata?" Her expression fell flat. "You'll probably find her anywhere that has food."

Mayday watched as Aria walked off, disappearing into the crowd. She turned to her father with a concerned expression. "Those were the sirens, right?"

Peter blinked. "How'd you figure it out?"

Mayday waved a hoof dismissively. "Mom told me about it. She said to remember what they look like and avoid them at all costs."

Peter folded his hooves. "So, what did you see just now?"

"Absolutely nothing," Mayday bluntly stated, shaking her head.

Peter grinned, kissing the filly's forehead. "That's my girl. Now, let's get back to the others, shall we?"

"Do you think you can help them, Daddy?" Mayday interjected, sobering. She held her gaze on the stallion, even as he hesitated. "Will they even want your help?"

Peter tried his best to relax, chuckling. "I want to help them, and I will. They aren't really bad. They're pretty nice. I think they just need a little help." He scratched the back of his head with a thoughtful hum. "Though I'm not exactly sure how to yet. Helping the changelings was cake compared to this. Teaching somepony to love and accept isn't that difficult, but a race that feeds off negative emotions? I've really got my work cut out for me this time."

Mayday beamed her father a positive smile. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do. You're the pony with the big brain, remember?" She tugged on the stallion's foreleg. "Let's go see what Miss Sunset Shimmer is doing. You said she'd be here tonight, right?"

"Don't you know that if you speak of the devil, he shows up?" a feminine voice declared from behind. Peter and Mayday turned, spotting a light tan mare with a fiery colored mane. Her black dress was simple, accessorized with a silver bracelet around her neck. The unicorn gave the pair a smile, holding her light blue irises on them. "Although, I guess in this case, the devil's a she. Twilight told me that you two would be by the punch bowl."

"Miss Sunset!" Mayday cheered, gleefully hopping into the mare's open hooves. The pair embraced, each hugging the other to the greatest of their ability.

Sunset placed the filly down, brushing a hoof through her mane. "Hi, Mayday. It's good to see you!" The mare paused, giving the stallion a warm smile. "Peter."

Peter grinned, placing a hoof over the mare's shoulder. "Hey, Sunset! You're looking great!"

"We have a bit to catch up on, but let's talk about it with the others. Twilight sent me to bring you to our table," Sunset whispered, pointing a hoof behind her position without turning around. Twilight and the others smiled at the trio, motioning their hooves suggestively. Sunset reached out, dragging the stallion by his hoof. "She'll complain if I don't bring you back. So, come on."

Peter grumbled under his breath. "It's not like I have choice. Why are all of the girls in my life so bossy?"

Mayday nudged the stallion, playfully winking. "It's because it's you, Daddy."

Nearly an hour had passed, and everypony had finally relaxed. Peter was in the middle of everypony with Twilight and Mayday by his side as he recalled a battle with Doctor Octopus. Rarity soaked it all in, nearly gushing, and the other mares mirrored her actions, some taking pictures. Peter was the only piece of testosterone in a room of estrogen, with the exception of Spike, Shining Armor, and Diamond. He was at the center of it all, an outsider turned ally. They admired him, with many mares begging the stallion to form a herd.

Peter shook his head, holding Twilight's hoof. "You girls would have to talk to my wife about that. She's the brains between us." He planted a kiss behind her ear, earning a blush for his efforts. "Honestly, I'm very happy with Twilight. I love her so much, I just can't see us forming a herd any time soon… like, in this or any century. We just want to focus on our children and us for the time being."

Twilight shook her head, sternly frowning as her flushed face started resembling the lone pink strand in her violet mane. "Sorry, girls. I'm not sharing."

Most of the mares let out collective disappointed sighs and groans while the closest circle of Twilight's friends simply chuckled, knowing how possessive the alicorn was of her stallion. More questions of their adventures surfaced throughout the crowd, with Peter sharing tales on his encounters with Kraven the Hunter. It started with a run-in at a museum exhibit and progressed to a showdown within a jungle with Kraven wielding a tablet of great power. Spider-Mane's adventures were something to behold, and many were fascinated at the diversity of each, whether he combatted super beings or demigods.

One seethed from afar, however, watching with a venomous glare. It felt as if the entire world's eyes were fixed on this outworlder. After everything Equestria had learned nearly a decade ago, everypony openly embraced him in spite of Peter Parker proving to be a worthy vessel for Nightmare Moon. The tall, snow-white stallion gritted his teeth, growling as he continued to stare down Peter. He sat alone, fuming. His coat was minted, holding a magnificent glow, and his blonde mane was combed smoothly.

He even wore a bow-tie collar. He was once a noble of many mares' desires, but now, Prince Blueblood was an afterthought, ignored by the masses. The stallion stole a glance at the cover of a magazine of Equestria Monthly on the table next to his. On its cover was Peter, holding his mask in his hooves with a smile. Its cover read 'Equestria's Sexiest Male for the Tenth Consecutive Year: Peter Parker'.

Blueblood's eye twitched at the sight. Not only had the outworlder crawled his way into power, Peter had usurped Blueblood of every mare's desire for him, with the stallion constantly reaching second place for the entire decade. Infuriated, Blueblood marched across the room until he was hoof-lengths outside of the group of mares surrounding the source of his misery. He pushed and shoved his way through the crowd, never ceasing until he finally reached the center table.

"Enough of this tomfoolery!" Blueblood cried out, earning the collective gazes of everypony around him. Rarity quickly recognized the stallion, holding a look of disdain, while others held befuddled expressions. Peter simply blinked, oblivious. Blueblood pointed a hoof at the considerably shorter stallion. "I've had enough of you! You are an absolute fraud!"

Peter looked around aimlessly, sharing a glance with his equally-confused daughter before returning an arched brow to Blueblood. "Um, have we met before?"

Blueblood's brow twitched at the response, and his anger boiled, threatening to reach dangerous degrees. "Have wemet? You have no idea who speaks to you? Everypony knows my name!"

Rarity frowned and exhaled. "No, darling. You two haven't. This is Prince Blueblood, a common brute."

"Common brute!?" Blueblood spat, taken aback at the mare's awn. "I am a prince of royal blood!" This gained no reaction from the crowd. Rarity's glare seemed permanent, and her friends were beginning to mirror her exasperation. Peter simply scratched his head in confusion. Blueblood ground his teeth to the core as a small vein throbbed on the side of his temple. "This is your fault! I was once recognized as the finest noble in the land, but you've taken that from me!"

Peter's brow furrowed. "Now just a minute here, I didn't take anything from you. I don't even know you!"

Blueblood closed the gap until he towered over Peter, their height differences vastly apparent. "Of course you don't! You're just the outworlder that crawled his way into power! You've done nothing to prove yourself as royalty, yet you're a prince and knight before me! You've swayed everything so that...changelingsare allowed to walk among us! You've allowed those abominations to walk about freely in Canterlot!"

Peter held his ground, never averting his stern gaze from Blueblood's ice cold stare. "Thoseabominationsare no different than us. They're our friends and should be treated as such."

Blueblood scoffed. "You can't fool me, pretender. You may act noble and gallant, but deep down, I know there are hidden motives and ill intentions yet to come to the mere presence has disrupted the balance of our government system! A mere commoner, let alone anoutsider, doesn't deserve to marry a princess! That right was mine! I should be seated at the round table! Not you! I am what everypony desires!"

Peter bit down on his lip before inhaling deeply, his patience steadily dwindling away. "Look. I don't get your problem with me, but you're really coming off as petty right now. I married Twilight because I love her, not because of her status. I'm not a knight for the fame. I do this because it's my responsibility."

Twilight stepped in front of Peter in a huff, staring up at the taller stallion with a snarl. "I've had it up to here with you! Stop trying to slander my husband! He's done more for Equestria than you ever have and probably ever will! I love him for who he is, and that's enough for me!"

"What is going on over here?" Cadance questioned, politely maneuvering her way through the crowd until she was beside Twilight.

Twilight huffed. "That's what I would like to know. Blueblood came barging into Peter's conversation and started to slander him completely unprovoked!"

Cadance alternated her gaze between the two stallions, with Peter shrugging while Blueblood glared. "Is that true, Blueblood? If so, what gives you the right?"

"I merely speak the truth. Besides, he is an outsider! Surely, you understand?" Blueblood snapped without hesitation.

Cadance was slow to respond. The alicorn's usually cheerful demeanor dissipated, giving way to what appeared to be exasperation and irritation. "Peter just so happens to be my friend and brother-in-law. He's a good pony, and I will not stand to let you insult him so carelessly. Now, if I may so kindly ask you, please leave. Now."

The mare's words were muttered with a deadly silent air. Blueblood readied to protest, but he spotted a dark glint within Cadance's eyes. Twilight held a similar threatening glare. Were she a viper, the alicorn could have poisoned Blueblood with looks alone. Mayday took a place by her father's side, glaring at the noble. Before long, everypony in the vicinity gave the haughty noble the same expression.

He suddenly felt small, no different from an ant. Blueblood stormed off, cursing under his breath as he exited the premises. Entering the courtyard, the prince perched himself against a large statue. "I can't believe those ponies. Has the status of royalty really fallen so far as to take sides with a commoner and outsider over royal blood?" The stallion huffed. "If only there were some way to remove that wretch. Equestria could begin to recover from this descent into ruin."

"Perhaps there is?" a feminine voice whispered from behind. Blueblood turned, furrowing his brow as a pony stepped out from the shadows across from him. The off-yellow mare wore a simple, yet stylish teal dress. Her long, orange mane swayed in curly waves that cascaded down past her shoulders. The mare smirked as she stopped before the prince. "What if I told you there was a way to remove Spider-Mane from the scene?"

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, looking the mare up and down. "I might listen. However... just who might you be?"

The mare paused, shuddering involuntarily as her body glowed momentarily before the dark energy seeped into her fur. "Your jealousy and hatred is delicious. I also sense… envy. It's been a long time since I've felt emotions this… powerful. You must truly despise Spider-Mane." Straightening her posture, the earth pony grinned. "My name isn't important, but my offer is. All you need to know is that I know of a way that might just be enough to aide you in removing Spider-Mane with your own hooves, if that is what you wish," the mare whispered, running a hoof across the stallion's chest seductively. "My client has something that can give you an edge."

Blueblood took a step back. "You do realize just what you are suggesting, miss? While I despise the wretch, to attack a noble is simply criminal, if not outright traitorous. I can be incarcerated or worse for such treason."

The mare chuckled. "Who said anything about attacking him? You could simply defeat Spider-Mane in a duel at the upcoming Equestria Games. There is an age-old tradition in Equestria that could invoke the Rite by Combat. It's ancient, but the rules are still in effect. With the Rite by Combat, you can challenge Peter Parker for his status and title. Winner takes all. Loser is no longer royalty in any regard. Question is… are you willing to step up and take the fight to Spider-Mane? Are you willing to risk everything to dethrone him?"

Blueblood guffawed. "Me? A simple stallion engage Spider-Mane in combat? Surely, you jest. That pony has bested King Sombra, Princess Celestia, and has tamed that monstrous beast, Glacius, on multiple occasions. Just who exactly is your client? How can I be certain he can give me the power necessary to be far greater than any of these feats?"

Before anypony could respond, a being materialized between the pair. Discord grinned, brushing a talon across his own chest. "Because unlike King Sombra and Princess Celestia, I have the power to do as I please. Chaos is boundless, and I can't wait to add fuel to this growing fire." Discord extended his paw to the stallion. "I have just the thing to help you. Will you accept this offer and challenge Peter at the Equestria Games? Come with me to Tartarus. I can give it to you there."

A wicked grin formed on Blueblood's face at the proposal. What seemed hopeless moments ago suddenly had a light. Soon, he would right the wrong that was Spider-Mane. "Very well. I accept."

Adagio's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as a sensation filled her core. "Now, I remember why I missed Equestria so much. Humans really aren't the same as the natives here. The magic behind a pony's emotions is just so much stronger." Adagio's body emitted a black aura before the energy faded into her body. The mare held an exhausted smile before trailing her tongue against her lips. "More… I need more!"

Discord chuckled, placing a talon over Blueblood's shoulder. "Head to the garden, Adagio. Stick to the shadows, but do not engage. The news Peter has to share with Aria and Sonata will surely… enlighten you."

Adagio nodded, fading back into the shadows as Discord and Blueblood vanished from sight in a flash of light.

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