• Published 9th Feb 2021
  • 1,589 Views, 256 Comments

Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Klaaw of the Mountain Pass

With the residents of Rock Village assisted, and the siblings were sure that they were leaving nothing behind, Jak and his sisters got up from where they were sitting and walked over to the pontoons that would bring them to where Keira was working, as she happened to be focused on the Blue Sage's levitation machine and the various notes he made on what he had created, before his sudden disappearance anyway, and from what they could see it appeared that she was making good progress with the machine, meaning that it was only a matter of time before they were able to lift the boulder and get it out of the way, so they could tackle the monster that was bombarding the village.

"I'm impressed, you guys did a great job assisting the residents of Rock Village," Keira remarked, as she spotted the four of them the moment they started walking and jumping across the pontoons, to reach the machine that had a central power unit, a pair of barrels on either side of the device that seemed to be filled with coolant, a better version than what she had used in her cooling balloons and made her wonder if she could replicate what the Blue Sage had made, and a few orbs in front of the main sphere that happened to be where the levitation beam would be fired from when she targeted the item that this device was made for, the massive boulder that was in their way, "I made sure to read the Blue Sage's notes, and it looks like that he made this machine after seeing one of you levitate some boxes with your magic, even though it took him some time to reach this point and he disappeared before he was able to turn it on, but thanks to the Power Cells you guys have gathered we should be able to lift the boulder so you can get up to where Klaaw is resting."

"Klaaw? Is that the monster's name?" Jak asked, because this was the first time he and his sisters had heard someone refer to the beast by something other than 'monster' or 'creature', which made him wonder if the villagers knew the name or if it was another thing that the Blue Sage knew and didn't tell anyone, why he had no idea, but at the very least Twilight did seem interested in the levitation machine and less on the monster's name, even though she did write it down for later, so her notes would be correct for when they faced the boulder throwing creature that seemed to be blocking the way north, meaning they might have to fight him to get to the Red Sage's hut.

"Yeah, that's what the Blue Sage and the villagers call him, even if the villagers have been calling him a monster recently, as to suggest a change in his habits," Keira replied, something that didn't even phase the siblings when they heard it, as at this point they were sure that the mysterious figures they had seen on Misty Island were responsible for Klaaw's changes and whatnot, or maybe the Blue Sage hadn't noticed that the creature had been aggressive towards them and it was more of a failure on his part, though that was when Keira tapped the machine for a moment and smiled towards the siblings as they stopped near where she was standing, even if she was on some platforms that were above them, "but, thanks to the number of Power Cells you guys recovered during your adventure, we should have more than enough power to lift that massive boulder out of the way and open the path for you guys."

"Hey, Keira, do you think we can make a helmet or something to link one of us up to the device, to use it like an amplifier for our levitation spell?" Twilight asked, because she had been thinking about the fact that the Blue Sage had actually built this machine thanks to what she and her sisters had done in the past, likely during one of his visits to Sandover Village so he could chat with Samos about whatever it was that might be bothering him at the time, and if this had been constructed due to what the three of them had done in the past she had to wonder if the Blue Sage intended for them to it with their magical power, as if he intended for it to be an amplifier and repurposed it to be just a levitation device to move any and all boulders that might be thrown at the village he lived on the outskirts of.

Keira raised her eyebrow for a moment and took a few seconds to consider what she had seen in the Blue Sage's notes, as they were intensive and went into great detail about what he intended the device to be used for, though that was around the time that she moved down the wooden steps and seemed to focus on something else for a few seconds, causing the siblings to pause for a moment, before she returned with a metallic helmet of some kind that looked like it was sized to fit Twilight, Starlight, or Cozy's head, like the Blue Sage had taken their measurements recently and made the helm so that it would fit on their heads. Once she had the bluish metallic helm in her hand, Keira found some cables that seemed to link it to the device and beckoned for one of the sisters to come up to where she was standing, where Twilight did so, since it was her idea to ask the question in the first place, and they linked the cables to the helmet in no time, something that was due to the notes she had studied earlier, which was when Twilight slipped it on her head and braced herself, as a small bit of electricity coursed through it, before she snapped open her eyes and focused on what she was doing. A few moments later she raised her right hand and focused on the flaming boulder that was blocking the path that would let them reach the area that Klaaw happened to call home, to which Keira, Jak, Starlight, and Cozy watched as a mass of Twilight's grayish orchid colored magical aura wrapped around the boulder for a few seconds and then, without wasting a single moment, she shifted her hand and lifted the boulder from where it was resting, something that impressed her siblings and Keira, as they hadn't been expecting this to work to that degree, and, at the same time, Twilight didn't seem all that bothered by the strain of what she was doing. In fact she seemed just as surprised as her siblings and Keira, though what shocked her was that, just to test herself and see if there was any strain from what she was doing, she moved the boulder around in the air for a few moments and quickly found that the massive boulder was now like a toy to her, though not a few moments later she raised her other hand for a few seconds and removed the helmet from where it was resting, though instead of feeling a backlash from what she was doing, since she and Keira were using the Blue Sage's device as an amplifier for her power, she felt nothing and just paused for a few seconds, as she was expecting some backlash from this, but it looked like using the helmet and using the device as an amplifier had boosted her power for an undetermined amount of time... the other option was that Twilight had a hidden reserve of magical potential and this had tapped into it, boosting her power, maybe unlocking part of her true potential.

The last thing Twilight did with the boulder was slam it right into Klaaw's chest, as the monster happened to be watching what they were doing from his perch and might have been stunned by what he was seeing, knocking the massive monster backwards and pushing him away from the area he had been standing in, where Starlight and Cozy took a moment to see if they could do the same thing with the helmet, so when Twilight set the boulder down her sisters did the same thing she did and it caused Jak, Daxter, and Keira to stare at them in surprise, though it wasn't long before Jak smiled as his sisters finished experimenting with the boulder and dropped it into the water.

"Well, I'd say this was a good thing, as now each of you are stronger than you were earlier," Jak commented, though he was still surprised by what they had discovered and the fact that his sisters must have had magical reserves inside their bodies, ones that had been unlocked by using the helmet Keira had either found or crafted in record time, even though he felt she had found it in the Blue Sage's place, and this would allow them to tackle whatever was standing in their way in the future, which was Klaaw at the moment, if the monster still wanted to fight them after seeing Twilight's display and being struck by the boulder she had been manipulating.

"The Sages aren't going to believe this when we tell them what you guys did," Keira remarked, as she knew that her father would be feeling that way right now, since he had to be watching them and might have been shocked by what the sisters had done, before she smiled for a moment as she glanced at the path that had been restored to its former glory, as the way to the Red Sage's resting place had been opened and it was time for the siblings to resume their adventure north, all to find Gol and gain an audience with him, which was when she reached into a pack that was resting nearby and pulled out a set of collars, which seemed to be as thick as one of her fingers, causing the siblings to glance at her for a moment, even if one of them understood what they were seeing, "oh, and before I forget, I made sure to put the finishing touches on the temperature regulating collars Twilight and I were working on, so when you get to the Red Sage's hut, in Volcanic Crater, the heat won't make three of you collapse."

The siblings glanced at each other for a moment before accepting the collars, where Keira and Twilight made sure to help Jak, Starlight, and Cozy put them on, before they headed up to the area that they had seen Klaaw in, so they could glance out over the area that Rock Village rested in, though before they reached Klaaw's perch the sisters took a few moments to raise their hands and Jak watched as the rest of the boulders that were stuck in the sides of Rock Village just lifted into the air and either dropped into the water or were pulled over to where the group was standing and dropped on the other side of the perch, where a large pool of lava rested and they found Klaaw standing knee deep in the lava, meaning he had to be a lava monster of some kind. Twilight found that to be rather odd, since he wasn't a rocky monster or filled with lava, like one would expect to find when they glanced at the area that was in front of them, though based on the fact that Klaaw was no doubt one of the mysterious pair's minions and was furthering their goals towards taking down whatever village he had been assigned to, Rock Village obviously, that meant he was either modified by their experiments or his armor had been changed in some manner to make sure he survived standing in the lava, something that she and her siblings weren't even worried by as they jumped down onto three rock platforms that were floating on top of the lava, even though there were a bunch of rock spikes sticking out of the rest of the area as well. What they discovered, in addition to all of the rock spikes, was the fact that there were a number of Precursor structures behind where Klaaw was standing, though before they had a chance to focus on the ancient items, which weren't melting under the intensity of the lava, their foe raised his right arm and they found out something interesting, the machine gauntlet that he was wearing over that arm and hand happened to give him the ability to create boulders, possibly merging Green Eco with Dark Eco in some manner, or maybe just Green by itself, which he hurled straight at them with the intent of smashing them into the ground. Not even a few seconds later Jak found a small shimmering barrier, or a wall of magic to be exact, resting in between where he was standing and where the boulder was resting, where Twilight smiled for a moment as she forced the boulders coming towards her and Jak back into the lava as Starlight and Cozy, the latter not having as much experience as her sisters and observed their movements on how to channel this spell, but for the most part none of them were hurt by what their foe was doing and in the end all four of them stood there when Klaaw stopped firing boulders in their direction, clearly debating what tactic he was going to use against the siblings next.

Klaaw, interestingly enough, dived down into the lava and seemed to disappear for a few seconds, while the last boulder dropped some Blue Eco for Jak to pick up if he wanted, before their foe reappeared on the other section of this area, which put some distance between him and then, to which Jak empowered his body and they found that just channeling the Blue Eco through his body was enough to cause all of the Precursor platforms to burst out of where they were resting and took a few seconds to form a path that would take them to where some Yellow Eco rested, though since it was located a short bit away from Klaaw that meant they were supposed to fire at him and inflict damage that way. What they found was that when Jak started to run down the new path Klaaw started to launch more boulders at him, ones that happened to roll all the way down the Precursor walkway that had been formed, though his sisters lashed out with their empowered magic for a moment and found that they could now blast the boulders apart if they wanted, as Cozy went a little overboard as both Twilight and Starlight formed slanted walls to knock their targets back into the lava, but it was nice to know that they could smash the boulders into smaller rocks if they really wanted to do that. As such they allowed Jak to reach the end without having to worry about any of the boulders, to which he gathered the Yellow Eco that was in front of him and, just like what he and his sisters had done earlier, loosed a bunch of fireballs towards Klaaw as he raised his hands and started to form a massive boulder above his head, a rather interesting tactic in Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy's eyes, though ultimately none of his preparations mattered as Jak's attacks slammed into his chest over the course of a few seconds and seemed to knock him backwards every time a fireball hit him, though it wasn't long before one of them realized that this just caused Klaaw's body to shake and not get knocked backwards, before the last fireball caused him to stall and the boulder struck his head for a moment. Interestingly enough the attack caused Klaaw to fall into the lava for a few moments, which might do a bit of damage to him if the siblings were lucky, before the boulder somehow bounced over to where they were standing and started to chase them down the Precursor walkway that allowed them to lash out at their foe, which was followed by them returning to the start of this area and stood on the three rock platforms once more, where they watched and waited for a time, to see what happened next, before Klaaw burst out of the lava in front of them once more, in the distance that had been used to fire boulders at them before Blue Eco was dropped, and they resumed what they had done when the battle had started between the four siblings and their foe.

Instead of changing up his attack pattern, like the siblings had thought he would have done in light of what he was facing, Klaaw continued to bombard the area they were standing in and the sisters continued to protect themselves and Jak with their magic, before eventually forcing their foe to back off and use the provided Blue Eco to restore the Precursor walkway so they could move forward, even if it had a few parts missing, and it wasn't long before Jak dropped another boulder on their foe's head, but when the third round started the four of them were surprised that Klaaw repeated his movements once more and just sighed as each of them repeated their movements as well, eventually leading to the monster falling into the lava for a third time and never came back up, even though a Power Cell landed in front of them.

"Great work guys, the people of Rock Village are going to be breathing a collective sigh of relief when they hear that they won't have to worry about Klaww bombarding their homes anymore," Keira commented, her tone revealing that she was happy with what they had done, while at the same time eight circular rock platforms emerged from the lava and formed a path forward, meaning Twilight and Starlight wouldn't have to form walkways for them to get to the start of the next area that was in front of them, though before they moved the siblings listened to what Keira had to say, "but I'm afraid that you won't have time to celebrate your victory, as my scans of the next region indicate that the Lurkers have rigged the entirety of Mountain Pass with a bunch of explosives, like they're planning on collapsing the entire place to prevent us from going further north, so one or two of you will have to use the zoomer to race them to wherever they placed the detonator and take it out... oh, and once that's done, you'll need to find the Red Sage's hut and activate his Warp Gate, that way the rest of us can teleport over to you and see what else we have to do before moving forward."

This time around Jak and Cozy decided that they would ride the zoomer to the next area, as she was the only one to not experience the zoomer since Twilight and Starlight had ridden with Jak earlier, to which the sisters nodded their heads as the pair headed across the new platforms, while claiming Klaaw's Power Cell at the same time, before Jak and Cozy found a few Lurkers, who were riding what appeared to be some sort of wooden flying machine, flew down to where they were standing and headed off into Mountain Pass, no doubt to check and make sure the explosives were in the right spots for when the passage was blown apart. Once they saw that Jak and Cozy quickly climbed onto the zoomer and flew after the Lurkers, where they headed over the grassy landscape and bypassed some trees as Jak focused on their targets, leaving Cozy to focus on any Dark Eco boxes that might be in their way, ones that were arranged in square clusters this time and were blown apart with her magic, which did put a bit of a smile on her face, though Jak made sure to use the ramps that happened to be in their way to get some air and catch up with his targets, which also earned them a few Precursor Orbs at the same time. One thing they discovered was that there were a few Human sized cylinders lining their path that had red shaped sticks wrapped around the sides, which appeared to be the bombs that the Lurkers were planning on detonating at some point, though at the same time there were a few Blue Eco vents that Jak used to catch up with their targets, and, of course, Cozy spotted a Scout Fly box that happened to line up with a ramp and what appeared to be a side path, which she pointed out to her brother and Jak nodded his head as he smashed through the box and flew up into the passage that should allow them to get around the Lurkers and put them ahead of their goes. What actually happened was that the side path came out right behind the flying pests, meaning that it was worthless for them to use it again in the future, but it did let them return to the main path and Jak smashed another Scout Fly box so Cozy could collect the second little robot, only for him to find two more ramps that allowed him to collect a number of Orbs to add to their collection, before it brought them to a more open area which required some care in navigating around the trees and a few ledges, least they fall off the edge, even though Cozy found the third Scout Fly box and made sure it was smashed as well, even though Jak was more focused on the Lurkers that were flying away from them.

Not a few moments later the Lurkers brought Jak and Cozy to an area that had a massive gap between the side they were in and the side that would take them down into the mountain that contained the Red Sage's domain, where Cozy found a ramp that would allow them to leap over to the other side and a path that would allow one to come back here, though Jak did make sure to get the Orbs that were in front of the zoomer as he leapt into the air and followed the Lurkers as they headed for the detonator for the explosives, and when he landed on the other side of the gap he smashed into a fourth Scout Fly box and continued moving forward. While he did that, however, Cozy noticed that there was a massive boulder on the left side of the area Jak was flying through and a locked Eco vent in the middle of the area, which was either linked to Red or Yellow Eco, which were the types that they hadn't found a vent for yet or a device that could activate the rest of the vents across the continent, but for now she focused on what Jak was doing as he actually pulled ahead of the Lurkers, who sounded surprised by what was going on, and headed into the cave that rested in front of them, where he smashed a metallic box in the process. It was easy to see that the Lurkers were planning on collapsing part of the mountain itself, due to where the various explosives were resting and how many there were, though as Cozy noticed each of the containers, so Twilight would know where everything was located when she went to write down everything in a journal or something, Jak followed a curved path and gathered some Orbs along the way, even though it was mostly to see what the Lurkers might be doing and found that they were still coming after them, before he returned to the main path and continued flying down the rest of the cave that was in front of him and Cozy. After the curve they found the fifth Scout Fly box and smashed it to pieces, before locating a small tunnel that had a few Blue Eco vents, which was odd since there were about three or four in a row with a couple of metallic boxes, ones Jak had no choice but to smash since they were in the way, and then he found the sixth Scout Fly box and a ramp which allowed them to jump over some Dark Eco boxes, ones that Cozy blew up to get ride of them as she picked up a few more Orbs as well, before Jak landed and smashed through one more metallic box, which was when they found the last of the Scout Fly boxes, which they ignored so they could focus on the purple Lurker that happened to be standing in front of a wooden box of some kind, the detonator, and not a few seconds later Jak drove right into it to prevent the explosives from going off, something they would have to move in the future.

Once that was done Jak turned around and made sure to claim the seventh Scout Fly for the Power Cell it had, in addition to another one that the detonator Lurker had, before he flew over to a trans-pad so he and Cozy could dismount and head up the path behind it, which happened to be made up of a lot of gray stone and a wave of heat, the latter being confirmed when they turned a corner and found that they were in the center of a volcano, which made sense due to this place being called Volcanic Crater, and that there was a decent about of lava in the center of the area, even though that was where the Red Sage built his metallic heat resistant hut, to which the pair carefully made their way over the wooden bridge that was connected to the hut and found the door that allowed them to enter a rather wrecked looking interior, including a button that activated the Warp Gate... which was promptly followed by Samos, Keira, Twilight, and Starlight teleporting over from the Blue Sage's hut.

"Ow! I'm always wondering if I'm losing body parts when I use these things!" Samos stated, once more showing his dislike for the Warp Gates that rested between his hut and the domains of the other three Sages, since the siblings were sure Gol didn't have one, and even if he did Samos sure didn't want them to know about it, but instead of landing on his knees, on his rear, or even on his face, he had, in some odd twist of events, emerged from the Warp Gate upside down, something that caused all of them to pause for a moment before helping him back onto his feet, which was promptly followed by him noticing the mess that was all over the room they were standing in, which also surprised Keira, Twilight, and Starlight as they took a moment to stare at the mess, "Holy yakow! The Red Sage's lab looks even worse than what we found when we arrived in the Blue's lab!"

"Well it definitely looks as though there's been a struggle here." Keira remarked, where she looked down at the ruined lab and the trashed furniture that was around them, including a few scorch marks that make her wonder if the Red Sage used his staff to fend off an attacker, as her father had said that the Red Sage's staff was capable of loosing bursts of Eco power that mimicked Yellow Eco's fireballs, which might have been invented by the Sage in question, though as she said that she found that she wasn't the only one that noticed something odd, as Twilight was staring at a scorch mark that looked more like the magical blasts that she and her sisters used, or possibly a powerful fireball.

"I'd hardly call it 'struggle'... would you call it a struggle, dear sister?" a voice said, to which everyone paused for a moment as they heard someone else speak, something that was followed by them glancing at the ceiling of the hut and found the odd male figure from Misty Island floating in the air, who happened to chuckle for a moment at the mention of a 'struggle', even though Samos seemed interested in what they were seeing right now, no doubt due to seeing the real thing and not having to rely on Twilight's sketch of the figure in question, making the sisters and Jak wonder if he might know the figure that was in front of them or not.

"Certainly not. The Red Sage gave up with so little effort... it wasn't fun at all." another voice replied, where the mysterious female that the siblings had seen with the male on Misty Island floated down to the right of the first figure, though she did seem a little more interested in her nails and left hand for a few moments, before she focused on everyone that was right in front of her, though it sure looked like she was focusing on one person in particular, Samos to be exact, which made the siblings and Keira what was going on and it made each of them keep their guards up in case another fight broke out, given that the lady just admitted to doing something to the Red Sage.

"Gol? Is that you? You've finally gone off the deep end, eh?" Samos inquired, though this came as a shock to the rest of the group, as they weren't expecting the mysterious pair that the siblings and Daxter had seen on Misty Island to be the Dark Eco Sage and his sister that they were looking for, to figure out how to reverse the transformation that Daxter suffered not all that long ago, since it had only been a few hours since Jak, Daxter, Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy went to the island, which had been against Samos' desires, before he focused on the pair for real, "And Maia, I told you two that excessive exposure to Dark Eco would have an impact on your appearances, and possibly your minds as well... why does no one every listen to me when I talk about this? Now, what have you two done with the Blue and Red Sages?!"

"Hold on a minute... are you telling me that these two are Gol and Maia?!" Daxter exclaimed, apparently deciding that this was more important than asking about the whereabouts of the missing Sages, even though Twilight was sure the Yellow Sage was missing as well since no one had heard from him for some time as well, and his lab was further beyond where the Red Sage had set up the hut they were currently standing in, before he dropped to the ground and gripped the sides of his head for a moment, as if now realizing that there was no way for him to get help with his situation at this point, not if the guy they were looking for was the guy trying to take over the continent, "I'm doomed! I'm going to be stuck in this furry form for the rest of my life!"

"Wait... that annoying voice!" Maia said, where her tone shifted to one that seemed to be annoyed by something, not that Keira was all that surprised by that due to the fact that most of the villagers in Sandover Village had been annoyed by all of the things Daxter had done, before falling into Misty Island's Dark Eco vat anyway, but even as she thought about that she also realized something at the same time as the siblings that were standing near her and her father, when they were much younger, probably when Jak and his sisters were six and she was two, Daxter caused a pair to move out of the village due to everything he did over the course of four to six months, if her memory was right, "You?! You're that annoying boy who kept breaking into our house, generally during the most inappropriate moments, and eventually drove Gol and I to move to the north... granted it was also in part due to our research into the mysteries of Dark Eco, even if Samos disagreed with what we were doing, but you were definitely a cause of us making that decision!"

As Maia said that, and glared at Daxter for a few moments, the sisters found that she seemed to be getting ready to loose one of her Dark Eco powers on their friend and it was in that moment that Twilight raised a hand as a transparent wall just appeared between them and the Dark Eco Sages, because at this point she figured that with whatever power Maia had she must have learned everything her brother had discovered over the years, meaning they had two Dark Sages instead of the one they had known about and that meant there was no knowing what was going to happen next, something that caused both Gol and Maia to pause for a few seconds as they stared at the group, before they both formed what appeared to be glasses made out of Eco and placed them over their eyes not a few seconds later.

"What the... what did you three do? Your magical signatures are far stronger than they had been the last time we took the time to study you... granted its been a few years, but this is shocking," Gol commented, something that caused the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they heard that, even though Twilight was more interested in everything that he and his sister might have to say on the matter, especially once someone told them how they unlocked the change in their magical powers, and lowered the wall as Maia lowered her arms, something that was prompted by them floating down to where the group was standing at the moment, "Fascinating... we know the three of you were capable of firing blasts from your hands, and forming small walls and platforms, but this is different... Twilight, these Eco Lens are showing us a drastic increase in your power, by a multiple of ten at the very least, and Starlight is either a nine or nearly a ten as well, with Cozy being at least a seven... possibly even a eight if she's lucky... its like something was limiting part of your powers and it only just loosened to allow such a drastic increase in power."

"Not only that, but the annoying one has had a drastic change as well... falling into that vat didn't cause a mutation, rather it allowed his body to evolve," Maia added, as while she had been interested in Twilight and her sisters, which also made Twilight more interested in what she, Starlight, and Cozy were capable of, she also raised her hand to stop Samos and the rest of the group from saying anything about what she had just revealed to them, no doubt due to knowing that someone would tell her that she was wrong about something, "and Samos, before you go on and on about how we're 'obsessed and that we're blindly tampering with things we shouldn't tamper with', these Lens are capable of revealing so much to us, like seeing one's cells and being able to determine a number of things at a glance: aging, energy generation, Eco metabolism, and so on... and, based on what I'm seeing, this miserable child has had those factors increased beyond the normal limits of a Human, save for Jak anyway... especially since his sisters don't fit the normal either... and there's no telling what else he might be capable of, as we'd need to do more than just a quick glance."

"You're talking as if his body was naturally keyed for this sort of evolution, and that falling into that Dark Eco vat allowed it to happen to him, rather than his descendants, say, five hundred years or so in the future," Twilight said, showing that she was following their logic on the matter and that she understood it, which Keira and Starlight, at the very least, were doing as well, even if Samos was having a hard time seeing such a thing happen to Daxter, though that brought a smile to her face for a moment as she glanced at Daxter, who frowned for a moment as he took in everything he had learned, as while it sounded like he might have gained some sort of power, that power was slumbering inside his body and there no way of knowing how to awaken it, "Daxter, at some point we need to do some tests and see what sort of skills you might have, as this is an opportunity that we simply cannot pass up!"

"This proves that our studies are right, Dark Eco is the key to unlocking the mysteries of our world," Gol stated, which just showed the group that he and Maia might have been more interested in what they had seen while they were studying the sisters and Daxter, though at the same time both he and his sister seemed to have an idea about something as they took a moment to glance at Twilight and then nodded to each other, before floating back up towards the ceiling of the hut, as if they were going to leave the Red Sage's lab and return to wherever it was that they were working in, since that happened to be one of the mysteries none of them knew the answer to, "Come, dear sister, its time for us to return to the Citadel and put the finishing touches on the Precursor Robot, so we can open the Silos at long last and access the vast stores of Dark Eco stored within... oh, and Twilight, we'll be back for you before then, since we wouldn't want anything to happen to one of our like minded researchers."

Samos paled when they heard that, even though Twilight was surprised that they would be coming for her at one point in the near future and that the Dark Eco Sages determined that she was like them in some manner, the latter confusing her for a moment since she didn't care about flooding the world with Dark Eco, but before anyone could react the pair used their powers and teleported out of the Red Sage's hut, to which Samos declared that the siblings should do what they did in the past, explore the regions, take out the Lurkers, and recover Power Cells, while he and Keira worked on figuring out where exactly the Citadel rested and how many Power Cells were needed to move forward, where the siblings nodded not a few seconds later and headed out, to help whoever was near the Red Sage's hut and then split up once they figured out how many regions were near this point.

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