• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Return to Misty Island

"This place is still scary... oh, why did we come here, especially after what happened the last time?!" Daxter moaned, as he was the only one out of the group that didn't like the fact that they were back on Misty Island, even though at the moment Jak was silently bringing the speedboat to the dock and making sure that no noise was cast out into the areas of the dark island, so none of the Lurkers or Armored Lurkers, as Jak personally called them, would notice them and come running to beat them into the ground, before they were ready to fight back to be exact, though as he did that he noticed that Daxter was shaking a little, due to his fear of this place.

"To stop an assault on Sandover Village, of course," Cozy remarked, not that she was surprised by the fact that their friend was shaking at the moment, given that he was the most cowardly of all of them, but at the very least having all four of them here with him meant he wouldn't have to worry about any harm coming to him as they explored the island, since she, Jak, and their sisters would be focusing on the enemies that were scattered throughout this place, not to mention anything else they might have prepared for the assault their dark and mysterious masters ordered them to do, before she glanced out at the part of the island that was in front of them right now, "not to mention recover any Power Cells and Precursor Orbs that are here, including finding the Sculptor's muse and bringing her home, before something terrible happens to her... once we accomplish those tasks, and we're sure that all of the Scout Flies and everything else have been collected, we can leave and likely never come back."

Daxter looked like he wanted to say something to that, maybe say something to convince Cozy and the others that they should leave the island and never come back, before he sighed and took his position on Jak's shoulder again, showing that he was waiting for them to get moving so he would sit back and watch what was going to happen next, which caused Jak and his sisters to glance out the part of the island that was in front of them and make sure the speedboat would be safe, even though they suspected that the Lurkers wouldn't be able to use this, before climbing onto the dock and moved into the island for real. One thing they discovered immediately was the fact that there was a stone pillar nearby that just so happened to have a Power Cell on it, one that they would be able to acquire at some point in the near future since there had to be a path that would lead them right to it, so what Jak and his sisters did was walk off the dock and advance into the island, where they took in the darker soil and sand once more, along with the dying trees and a number of creature bones that only made Twilight and Starlight, and Keira for that matter, wonder what they might have belonged to before being left in this state. What they did was head for a set of stone steps that formed a pathway that would bring them to the area that contained the left and right paths they had used during their rule breaking visit to the island, which resulted in Daxter being turned into an Ottsel, but it was in that moment that Jak discovered a seesaw of some kind resting nearby, which seemed to be made out of wood and happened to be attached to some curved bones that were partly buried in the dirt, with a heavy stone on one side, where he tilted his head for a moment and glanced back at his sisters for a moment, as he gestured to it and made a motion that suggested it was supposed to be a device that would boost someone's height if that person caused the rock to fly into the air for a moment. Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy actually agreed with him when each of them took a moment to study the contraption in question, though at the same time they discovered that it was actually a worthless thing for them to use, even if they could get some Precursor Orbs, as Jak could jump from the highest point of the seesaw and the double jump allowed him to reach and quickly collect all three of the Orbs that were in front of him, so when he landed his sisters followed him up the steps and collected the couple of Orbs that happened to be resting in their way, before they stared out at the path that would lead them deeper into Misty Island.

That was when they found one of the Armored Lurkers, the type with bone armor, patrolling the area that was just in front of them and it seemed to be ready for a fight, just like everything else that had to be scattered throughout the island, but this time around Jak and his sisters were actually more confident in their skills, due to each of them clearing out an area before coming here, even if they had done so in pairs, and that was when Jak rushed forward and punched the Armored Lurker in the chest without delay, right between the pair of bones that formed its chest piece, before rolling to the side as Cozy kicked it in the side of the head and knocked it to the ground, even though that was when Twilight and Starlight, who had the same idea, blasted the lone Lurker that was rushing towards them, as they apparently missed an enemy and both reacted at nearly the same time.

"Either I hit that Armored Lurker in the right spot, or these bones are softer than we originally thought," Jak remarked, but as he said that he picked himself up and stood up near his sisters as they stared at the bone armor that their foe had been wearing, as each of them had been expecting the armor to be incredibly hard and to protect the wearer from any and all attacks that came at them, though the fact that Jak was able to break apart the chest piece like it was nothing, as there just so happened to be a number of bone fragments near the fallen foe, which Twilight was in the middle of collecting so she could study them later on, just to see what was going on.

"Well, I don't care... oh, and I found the muse." Daxter commented, as while he understood that Jak and his sisters might be interested in what they had just discovered after fighting the first foe of the island, given who they were and everything he knew about them, he had turned his attention to another part of this place and found something that he knew all of his friends were looking for, since they were making sure everyone in Sandover Village was helped out in whatever ways they could assist them in, like helping the Fisherman get his fish, assisting the Birdwatcher in saving the Flut Flut, or, what was more relevant to their current situation, finding the Sculptor's muse and return it to him.

Jak and his sisters glanced in the direction that Daxter was looking in and found a cat-like creature that had a face that was different from a cat's, as it had pointed ears, large green eyes, and a small mouth and nose that went with its small beard, though most of its body was a very pale brown, some parts being pure white, with a dark brown trim and its back had a rather flashy golden coloration to it, making it different from most creatures they had seen, and, interestingly enough, it also had a green sheen, sometimes referred to as an aura by the Sculptor, though for the moment it was just resting on a rock near the intersection of the two paths they had used earlier. Truthfully, it was odd for them to have found the muse so quickly, given the size of Misty Island and the dangers that they knew were all over this island, or the ones they thought were here anyway, but none of them were going to complain about it since they could cross off one of their tasks and then move on to the next part of the island, after determining if they wanted to go for the watery area to their left or head over all of the bones to their right, not that it mattered in the long run since both paths eventually came to a total stop at the circular arena, which they still had no idea why the Precursors had built something like that in the first place, making it just one more of the ancient race's mysteries. At first nothing happened, since they were waiting to see what the muse did as it finally noticed them, before it turned to the side and rushed away from where the siblings were standing, where it started to head up some of the nearby bones, a skull or maybe the spine, and it wasn't long before Jak and Cozy followed after it, leaving Twilight and Starlight behind as they studied the rest of the starting area that they were in, mostly because it sure looking like the muse might be taking a path that wrapped around this section of the island and would be back to where they were standing. What Jak and Cozy found was that there was an Armored Lurker in their way, so the former loosed a punch into their foe's chest while the latter knocked it over the edge with a kick to the head, pushing it off the path they and the muse were following, though they were also picking up Precursor Orbs as well, not that they were surprised by the Orbs at all, before the muse reached an area where it just jumped the gap and caused them to either do the roll jump to get across or just punch out the bone pillar that was nearby, to crack the rib and cause it to fall for a new walkway, and in the end it was the latter option, even though Twilight and Starlight placed their palms on their faces as the part of the tall bone shattered and fell into place to form a walkway.

After the rib bone became a walkway the pair found another Armored Lurker waiting in their path, who ignored the muse for the most part, so all they did was replicate what they had done to the last one they encountered and made sure to pick up some Precursor Orbs that were in their path, before the muse brought them to a small body of dark water, like mud or something, and there was a purple skinned Lurker resting inside it, like a frog or something, but Jak and Cozy jumped over its pool of water as they focused on the muse, even though this might end in Twilight and Starlight ensnaring it whenever it reached the area the sisters were standing in. They did pass by another stone and bone seesaw, which was just odd to see given everything else that was scattered across Misty Island, and a few more clusters of Precursor Orbs that both of them picked up along the way, before finding a Scout Fly box and smashed it, freeing the little robot and starting to count for this island, even though the muse did tilt its head whenever they stopped and resumed running the moment either one of them started following after it again, meaning catching the muse might be harder than what all four of them might have been thinking when the Sculptor asked them to do this. A few moments later, however, Jak actually surprised Cozy for a moment as he dropped over the edge of the bone they were walking on and left her to follow the muse, but his plan had been to get ahead of the creature they were following and catch it without giving it a chance to realize it might have been outplayed, and sure enough the muse ran right into his arms when it glanced back to make sure Cozy was following it, which she had been doing since Jak jumped over the edge of the bone, but both of them smiled as Jak held it up, while at the same time Twilight and Starlight clapped for a few seconds to show that they approved of the tactic, even though Daxter didn't seem to approve of the muse and grabbed onto its back before stuffing it into Jak's pack and then wiped his head as he returned to Jak's shoulder, causing Twilight to sigh as she made sure it was fine in the enchanted pack, even though it was fine when she peered into it for a few seconds. It was like Daxter was worried that they would take a liking to the muse and decide to keep it around or something, even though none of them really wanted the creature with them, but instead of actually saying anything about what he had just done, and wasting more time, the siblings just focused on clearing out the rest of the area and making sure they had all of the Precursor Orbs and any Scout Flies whose boxes had been stuck in this place, even though they found that the Mud Lurker, as Twilight decided to call the purple one that was in the mud, could be taken down with a single blast or punch to the head.

Instead of heading to the right, and jumping over some of the stone platforms and possibly breaking some more bones in the process, the siblings headed to the left of the starting area, where they quickly found the watery area they had passed through not all that long ago, due to their previous unauthorized visit to the island, but this time around the four of them stopped when they noticed that there was now a large metallic ship of some kind rested in the middle of the long wooden bridge, which had been broken into two smaller fragments and were now attached to the ship, not to mention a third one that seemed to be heading up to the highest point of the island, though what interested all of them was the Lurkers that were sitting below what appeared to be a hot air balloon of some kind, ones that had what could have been bombs or just some dangerous orbs resting in front and behind the area the Lurkers were sitting in. It was in that moment that Twilight found something interesting, resting near their side of the bridge, but closer to the ground, was a rather small Precursor structure, one that had a blue dome in the middle of the round device, which just so happened to have a familiar device resting above the dome, a vehicle that was the same size as her or one of her siblings, more in the horizontal sense, as if one of them was laying on their back or something, and it had a propeller on the front of it, even though it was made out of red scrap metal and had three stabilizer fins on the backside, though while this had been created for a single person to ride it, given that this was fairly new to her and Keira, they made sure there was a place for a second person to sit, and at the same time made sure the second person didn't effect the overall performance of the vehicle. This vehicle was Keira's A-Grav Zoomer, the same one that she and Twilight had poured some time and effort into, and she made sure that Cozy, Starlight, and Jak knew what this was as soon as they laid eyes on it, which was followed by Jak climbing onto the vehicle and checked it out for a few moments, to see what all of the controls were like and how it should handle, before Twilight took her position on the back of the zoomer and wrapped her arms around her brother's stomach area, mostly since she and Keira had forgotten to do anything for the second person, which might be crossed off if this test run didn't work out like their thoughts were, to which Starlight and Cozy stood still as they watched as Jak took the zoomer out onto the water and started to investigate the area that was in front of them.

One thing the pair of siblings noticed as they headed out onto the water was that there were a few other rocks that had a bit of wooden platforms on them, and around both of them for that matter, though they would have to check it out in the near future due to the number of Precursor Orbs that rested above the platforms and a Power Cell that would require Jak to jump off the edge of the platforms, or more accurately use the zoomer to jump over the edge, but for now he focused on the Lurkers who were riding around the area, lowering themselves close to the water for a time and then, when they reached the end of whatever path they were following, they took to the air for a time. He felt that this was useless for the Lurkers to do, as it didn't seem like their methods seemed to be working all that much and that they were wasting most of their time, but he wasn't about to complain about what their foes were doing as he figured out what he needed to do as he moved the zoomer around this area, as in the moment one of the Lurkers reached his level he drove right through it, where it appeared that these particular Lurkers might be made out of Eco due to the fact that the one he took down had been reduced to a bit of Green Eco. Twilight took notice of what her brother was doing and noted that the propellers were just fine, as if they had taken no damage from what Jak had done, before she nodded as they moved again, only to take down the remaining three Balloon Lurkers that were in this side of the area he was traveling through, even though there were two more in the other section of the area, but before heading over there Jak drove under the bridge that connected the pair of rocks together and picked up every Precursor Orbs that were in front of him, before riding up the platforms he and Twilight had noticed, even if he was taking a few moments to make sure the Orbs were picked up, so none of them would have to worry about them in the future. Doing that also allowed them to free another Scout Fly, as a box happened to be near one of the edges near the Power Cell they had spotted earlier, though once the box was broken, and the Orbs that had been near it were collected, Jak was able to return to where the platforms rested and reached the Power Cell he was after, allowing Twilight to grab it out of the air before he landed just above the water once more, even though he was rather impressed by how well the zoomer handled, even if it needed a few alterations to make it better, before he headed over to the other side of the area to get at the Balloon Lurkers and put a stop to whatever they were planning, or whatever their mysterious leaders had told them to do.

There were two more Balloon Lurkers resting in the other part of the area he could explore and he targeted them without delay, as taking them out would hopefully put a stop to the planned assault on Sandover Village, where he rammed right through both of his targets and took them out, where Twilight noticed that a Power Cell appeared in the middle of the ship that Starlight and Cozy were standing near, as in the underside of the ship in question, but before they did that Jak made sure to investigate the large skeleton that rested nearby, of a fish or something aquatic in nature, though he did find a few Precursor Orbs for his efforts, and once those Orbs were claimed he returned to the ship and claimed the Power Cell that had revealed itself, before returning to the trans-pad that the zoomer had been resting above earlier.

"Well, that should please Samos, since you just took care of the potential threat to the village," Cozy remarked, though at the same time she and Starlight could see that Twilight was very pleased with how the A-Grav Zoomer operated when the controls were in Jak's hands, where they suspected this might have been the first time it had been properly tested out in the field, though Keira would likely be happy with what the pair had done as well, but before anyone could say anything else a glow emitted from the dome and the siblings watched as the zoomer vanished within seconds, heading back to the trans-pad that just so happened to rest inside Keira's workshop, meaning she could do some maintenance on the vehicle before they needed to use it to travel over Fire Canyon in the very near future.

"Yeah, and we got a few Power Cells for our efforts," Jak replied, as finding a bunch of Precursor Orbs, a Scout Fly, and two Power Cells meant testing out the A-Grav Zoomer like that had allowed them to get a few more artifacts for their quest to reach Gol's hidden home or village, wherever he happened to be living at the moment, and that wasn't counting taking out those that were planning on assaulting the village, to which he shifted his gaze for a second and found that a Lurker was laying on the wooden bridge that would allow them to reach the top of the ship, one that looked like Starlight and Cozy had taken it out with either a punch, a kick, or even a simple magical blast to the chest, but that meant they wouldn't have to worry about one enemy while moving forward.

Neither Starlight or Cozy were worried about the Lurker that was laying on the bridge, rather they followed Jak and he and Twilight moved over the bridge and headed over towards the top of the ship, where they avoided a Dark Eco box that was in the way and bypassed some chests as they found just a normal Lurker guarding the upper part of the ship, who had no idea that they were there in the first place, how none of the group really knew since each of them had been busy in some manner in this part of the island, but that was just followed by Starlight kicking it in the side of the head before it noticed any of them, opening the way for them to investigate the rest of the ship. One of the things that Twilight and Starlight were able to find were a number of vents with steam or smoke coming out of them, meaning the Lurkers must have been given a steam powered ship by their superiors, since the species didn't seem capable of creating something like this on their own, but after a few moments of studying the ship the siblings picked up the couple of Precursor Orbs that were nearby and then climbed up onto an outlet of some kind that happened to have a Scout Fly box on top of it, the third to be exact, though from there they jumped over to another part of the roof and Cozy blasted the Lurker that was walking around for its patrol. From there they carefully climbed up the couple of platforms that were in front of them and found that it let the four of them collect a few more Precursor Orbs, not to mention another Power Cell for some odd reason, though once it was safe with all of the others they had collected so far the siblings glanced at the wooden platforms that were in front of them, which seemed to form a path above the watery area that was now below them and appeared to lead right to the top of the area that the Dark Eco vat was located in, though it had its own dangers as there were a number of logs rolling all the way down to where the top of the ship rested, with a few bouncing for some odd reason. As soon as they spotted that little piece of information, and took a few moments to study what was in front of them, Jak jumped down onto the wooden walkway that was in front of them and started moving forward without delay, where it only took his sisters a few seconds to follow after him and watch what he intended on doing, as he rolled forward to avoid the bouncing log that was coming his way while his sisters did whatever they wanted when it came at them, as Cozy replicated his movements since it had worked out quite well, Starlight paused to let it bounce over her head before walking once more, and Twilight just used a bit of magic to either blast the bouncing logs to pieces or just move them behind her, with the latter being the best option in her mind and was the more commonly used one.

As they followed the wooden path forward they found a few side sections that were circular shaped, some having a Dark Eco box for them to avoid, another having a chest full of Green Eco, and one had the fourth Scout Fly box, though as they did that they also found a couple of Precursor Orbs for them to collect, before they reached the highest point of the path and were able to jump off of the walkway, where Twilight found a few machines up here, ones she would have to take a moment to study at some point, before they found a cannon commanded by two Lurkers off to the left of the machine that was moving the logs, with the Lurkers falling as soon as the siblings approached them due to Jak hitting one and the other being struck in the chest by Cozy's punch. Once the pair of enemies were taken care of the siblings glanced down at the arena that was near the Dark Eco pit, on a lower level anyway, and found that there were a number of metallic boxes scattered all over the place, resting near the walls in question, to which they turned towards the cannon and found that it also had a Power Cell for them to take, though as Jak claimed it Cozy took control of the weapon and Starlight assisted her in targeting the boxes that were below them, allowing her to fire a number of explosive sacks down into the arena so she could blow open the metallic boxes and free the Precursor Orbs that were trapped inside them. While that happened they got a comment from Samos, as he was actually impressed by what they had done, in stopping the Lurkers from blowing open the Dark Eco Silo that happened to be resting down in the middle of the arena, which told Twilight that the vat they had been standing near during their previous visit to this island had to be a way to relieve the pressure from the Silo, so it didn't blow up and flood the region in Dark Eco, and taking care of the Lurkers meant that it wouldn't be hounded by all of the explosives that the Lurkers were using on it from this area, but before the Communicator disappeared Samos had one more thing to say, and that was for Daxter to wipe the grin off his face, causing their Ottsel friend to frown for a moment, as the one time they actually got a comment like that he wasn't allowed to enjoy it. The moment they were sure that all of the metallic boxes were blown open, and that there weren't anymore for them to worry about, the siblings headed back down the wooden walkway that had brought them to this area and continued following the bridges that were connected to the odd ship that they had been on top of earlier, where they were able to find a couple of wooden chests in front of the dirt path that would lead back to where they had seen the mysterious pair before finding their way to the Dark Eco Silo's open vat, though there was a Precursor Cache for them to worry about later and a couple of enemies as well.

From what they could see there were three Lurkers and an Armored Lurker standing between them and the next part of the island, where Jak dodged an attack and spun around to deal damage to the more imposing foe, the Armored Lurker of course, with a spin kick, while Twilight blocked a punch with a magical shield and then kicked her opponent in the face not a few seconds later, Starlight just dodged what was coming her way and punched her Lurker in the side of the head, and Cozy just jumped into the air and landed on the Lurker's outstretched arm as it tried to knock her into the ground, before she kicked it in the side of the head and knocked it to the ground. As soon as those enemies were taken care of the four of them moved forward and walked up the path that was in front of them, where a large rib happened to be resting above a larger pool of mud, on a raised section of stone which was above the mud to be exact, and there was a raised section of stone near them as well, meaning if they smashed the other side of the bone they could form a walkway to use, something that would allow all four of them to walk under a large rib cage and head towards one of the Precursor Doors that rested on top of the Dark Eco Silo. Another thing they discovered was that there were two of the Mud Lurkers resting inside the pool of mud, though instead of letting neither of their foes do whatever they were planning on doing, which was annoying the siblings and spit poison at them, Twilight and Starlight loosed a pair of blasts into the space in front of them and took out both of their enemies, allowing Jak and Cozy to jump up to the first stone pillar and then roll jumped over to the next one, to which they smashed the bone down and created a path for them to run over as Cozy rushed by with a bit of Blue Eco coursing through her body, more than enough to open the Precursor Cache and claim the Orbs that were inside the ancient container. After that was done the siblings quickly walked over the fallen rib and found that there happened to be two side paths for them to check out, one to their left that happened to have a few Precursor Orbs for them to collect and add to their temporary collection, while they found a bone seesaw to their right that Starlight used, something that let her get up to a higher point that an Armored Lurker and a normal Lurker were resting in, to which she made sure the armored foe hit the unarmored foe and knocked one to the ground, before kicking the other to the ground so she could pick up all of the Orbs that were nearby and, more importantly, the fifth Scout Fly box, freeing another little robot before returning to her siblings so they could move forward once more.

With those areas cleared out they took turns jumping over a small stone that was above the next mud pool before coming to a stop as they noticed three of the Armored Lurkers standing near the Precursor Door that would allow them to enter the Dark Eco Silo's arena, though resting on the other side of the mud pool was a cluster of Red Eco, the type that Twilight knew could empower the user's strength and power, and Cozy showed off its power by grabbing it as she rushed forward and lashed out at the Armored Lurkers without wasting a single second, the first one falling with a powerful punch to the chest, the second collapsed as she spun around and kicked it in the side of the head, and the third one fell after receiving a kick to its back as she avoided its attack and knocked it backwards. With that done, and her siblings had a good idea of the power that the Red Eco possessed, they made sure to gather the couple of Orbs that were resting nearby and then found that the Precursor Door opened without one of them having Blue Eco coursing through their bodies, which was a surprise and it meant that the figures that were leading the Lurkers didn't want them to be using all of their Eco to open the doors all the time, but after thinking about that they walked into the arena and prepared themselves for whatever was going to come their way, since they knew something had to be coming at them. Sure enough the Lurkers had something planned for them, which was also a surprise given that many assumed the creatures weren't intelligent enough to come up with all of these machines and plans, as a number of ordinary and armored Lurkers jumped down into the arena that they were now standing in, as they were now near the circular indent that was in the center of the Silo, which had to be the sealed opening that the Lurkers were trying to blow open, and rushed towards Jak and his sisters as Daxter did his best to hide behind Jak's head. It was hard for them to count just how many enemies were rushing towards them, even though Twilight did suspect that there were about twenty enemies for them to fight, to which she and her siblings burst out into the open area of the arena and attacked the enemies that were coming at them with everything they had, as each of them dodged the incoming punches and club swings to the best of their abilities, lashed out with their feet or fists when an opening was shown to them, gathered any Red Eco that their foes foolishly dropped while they were chasing them, and three of them made sure to loose a magical blast or two to take down the Armored Lurkers that tried to either smash someone into one of the walls, into the hands of another Lurker, or just into the ground, all while Daxter did his best to remain hidden and not draw attention to himself, which seemed to be working to his benefit.

It took the siblings a few minutes to overcome the swarm of enemies that were rushing at them, and they felt that taking out the cannon before coming down here had been the smart move, as it could have been used against all of them if those Lurkers were still in control of it, but once the rest of the Lurkers fell the siblings stood their ground as they waited to see if there was anything else they would have to fight, as Jak and Twilight were thinking about the twisted plant monster they had fought inside the jungle's temple, but what happened was that no more Lurkers came out to fight them, either due to there being no more to be thrown at them or the rest were too scared to do anything else, and it was followed by a set of four oval shaped Precursor steps emerging from the ground to form a set of steps up to where the vat rested, which just so happened to be where a Power Cell rested.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen, but it was a nice change of pace," Jak commented, as for the most part all four of them had fought smaller groups of enemies, one or two at a time for the most part, and fighting so many enemies, even if it would have been bad in any other situation or location, had been a little refreshing for him, since it crippled the assault force that the figures had been sending at the village, and for the most part it seemed that his sisters agreed with what he was saying at the moment, even though they were in the middle of climbing up to where the vat rested, which was when they collected the Orbs along the way, "and I'm guessing that one of the Lurkers dropped this Power Cell earlier, not that I'm complaining given everything that we've seen so far."

"Now the Mayor and the other villagers won't have to worry about an assault happening," Starlight said, though she had to agree with Jak, this had been a nice change of pace and it made her wonder what else her brother and Twilight had fought inside the jungle or the temple they had explored earlier, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things since she was sure one of them would tell her and Cozy what they had done in the Forbidden Jungle, though Samos had to be pleased by what they had just done, even though protecting the Dark Eco Silo had been far more important than dealing with a force of Lurkers that decided to ambush them, "though now I guess its time for us to see what's on the other side of the second Precursor Door and make our way back to the speedboat, since I'm sure we've mostly done everything we can do on this island and that, by the time we return to the dock, we'll have found the remaining Power Cells, Precursor Orbs, and the last two Scout Fly boxes."

The siblings nodded their heads to that, as everyone had to agree with what had just been said, even if Daxter didn't care for the most part, before the four of them headed back down into the arena of the Silo and found that the second door was just like the first one, it opened as someone walked up to it, allowing them to see the couple of stone pillars that were between them and the area that the dock rested in, which they had used Twilight and Starlight's small platforms to jump over the last time they were here, before they focused on the couple of ribs that were in front of them, at least two from what they could see, which would form walkways for them in due time. The first thing they did was jump over to the first of the stone pillars and found that there were two Armored Lurkers waiting for someone to come and annoy them, so it was only a matter of seconds before they tried to smash the siblings into the ground, even though it failed as all four of them dodged the incoming attacks and then delivered their own punches or kicks to the Lurkers, taking them down in seconds and allowed them to open the way back to the Precursor Door, but that didn't stop Jak from smashing part of the rib that was behind where he and his sisters were standing, creating a walkway back to the arena. From there they discovered two small paths they could take, even though they met back up with each other in due time, and the only reason the siblings bothered to split up was so they could recover any of the scattered Precursor Orbs and take down any enemies that were in this area, which were a lone Armored Lurker and a Mud Lurker, so it didn't take them all that long to reach the rib bone that was near the first split in the path that they had taken, near where they found the muse, but instead of focusing on all of the Blue Eco clusters that were around this part of the island, and there were a fair number, they jumped up a taller stone pillar and found that it lead to an opening that allowed them to stare out at the watery section of the island that they had explored earlier. The opening, which was guarded by a Lurker that Cozy kicked over the edge of the small area it was protecting, had a few Precursor Orbs for them to collect and, more importantly, had a Scout Fly box for them to break, as it was the sixth of the seven and they made sure to free the little robot without delay, before returning to the path that had been near the opening and found another side path that had a few Orbs and the last of the seven Scout Fly boxes, so Jak jumped over a few collapsing stones, leaving the others behind for a few seconds, and freed the robot after claiming the set of Orbs, allowing him to gain yet another Power Cell for his efforts.

Once that was done the siblings returned to the start of the Blue Eco trail and Starlight followed it, gathering the Blue Eco for a time as she recalled the first Power Cell they had seen earlier, when they docked the ship, and found a few Precursor Orbs along the way, before she located a small single person platform that she empowered with the Eco and used it to get over to the long pillar, allowing her to claim the artifact they had seen earlier, though when she returned to her siblings, who had smashed the last rib bone into a walkway, it didn't take them all that long to return to the speedboat and headed back to Sandover Village at long last... even though Twilight was sure that she caught a glimpse of the two figures they had seen earlier when she glanced back at the island, as they vanished no less, and knew they would have to deal with them at some point in the near future.

As they headed back to the village, however, Twilight counted the Precursor Orbs they had gathered so far and found that there were five hundred and fifty Orbs in their possession, which was more than enough for them to trade for the Power Cell that the Mayor wanted to trade for, the one their Uncle happened to have, and the two that the Precursor Oracle had in its eyes, and based on how much they wanted for their Cells, from what they had been told so far, she was positive that they would end up with one hundred and thirty Orbs for whoever was in Rock Village, even if they would find some more as one or two of them used the zoomer to cross over Fire Canyon. The first thing they did when the speedboat returned to the Fisherman's dock was head over to the Sculptor's house, where Jak made sure to pull out the muse before they did so, where they found that the man who had asked them to recover the muse was overjoyed to see that they had saved her from Misty Island and, in addition to handing over the only Power Cell he had, he even said that he would sculpt a statue for them at some point in the future, once this adventure of theirs was over, showing the siblings that the residents of the village had to know about what they were doing, in part anyway. From there they headed over to the Mayor's house and found that he was still overjoyed by Jak and Twilight restoring the Blue Eco beam to his house, thus restoring power to the rest of the village as well, and it didn't take them long to trade the ninety Precursor Orbs for the second Power Cell he had in his possession, even though he claimed it would help his reelection campaign, not that anyone was running against him and made them take a moment to wonder what he actually wanted them for, before they headed outside so they could get on with what they were doing at the moment. Their Uncle was pleased to see the four of them again, even though the same couldn't be said for Daxter since he didn't seem to like his Ottsel form all that much, as he might be seeing him as a rat or something, and he was happy that they had the ninety Orbs that would allow them to trade for his Power Cell, but as soon as he had the Orbs he wished them farewell as he continued his preparations for whatever venture he was in the middle of preparing for, to which the siblings glanced at each other and figured that they would figure out what their Uncle was up to later on, when he returned from his venture, before they left the house and headed for the cliff that the Oracle happened to be resting on.

The interesting thing was that the Oracle seemed to think that they were worthy and believed that the Orbs were a gift of some kind, which caused the siblings to take a moment and wonder if there was some sort of grand destiny for them that the Oracles knew about, before deciding that now wasn't the time for them to be worrying about something like that and started to head over to the entrance to Fire Canyon, as it was about time for someone to use the zoomer to get over this volcanic area and reach the village the Blue Sage called home, so they could focus on the next leg of their journey as they sought out Gol so he could fix Daxter and return him to normal, even though all four of them suspected that their quest was far from over and they were eager to see what was waiting for them in Rock Village.

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