• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Search for the Seal

It took the siblings a few minutes to reach the area that the Air Train was resting in, not to mention a few more minutes for it to fly through the air and reach the structure that was right outside the Dig, giving Jak and his sisters a chance to prepare for whatever might be inside the cave this time around, though when it arrived at their destination the four of them walked out of the Air Train and headed down to where the large elevator platform rested, which quickly lowered itself once all of them were standing on it. Just like the last time they were here all four of them kept their guards up and readied their weapons, as there was no telling what sort of enemies might be lurking in this place this time around, before they found five Stingers that burst out of the sandy ground and rushed over to where they were standing, leading Twilight to wave her hand and loose a wave of red energy that knocked all of them out, where she had to admit that what Midnight had done to her Morph Gun was coming in handy and allowed her to maneuver around a battlefield with ease, before she shook her head and used a bit of magic to collect the fallen Skull Gems as the others moved forward. From there the siblings turned towards the opening that had previously brought them to the location of the drill they had destroyed the last time they were here, where they discovered that every piece of metal and wood that had been left behind by the Krimzon Guards had been repurposed into a makeshift walkway, before noticing that there were a number of houses built into the sides of the ceiling of this cavern, which had to be the Lurker village, hence why they focused on what was in front of them, as there were two Swipers in their way. Jak and Cozy wasted no time in lashing out at their foes, Jak hitting his opponent with a swift punch and then blasted it while his sister just slammed her foe into the ground and struck it several times, six by her count, before it stopped moving, something that let them discover that there was a rail leading to a new tunnel that was on a lower level in front of them, where Starlight used her powers to levitate all of them over to the area in question and dropped them in front of the opening.

She knew it would have been somewhat easier to allow Jak to use the JET-Board as she carried herself and her sisters, but none of the others complained about what she had done and each of them stood at the ready as they walked through the new tunnel, though it didn't take them long to reach a massive open area that had a bunch of contraptions, some made out of metal and some out of wood, which rested around or near the open pools of lava, and, based on what they could see, there were a few Slinger Metal Heads in this place, not to mention a couple of Swipers and Stingers, due to the fact that Cozy knocked out two of the latter before they spotted all of this.

"I had no idea the Lurkers had built a village like this, or that they would build it in such a dangerous place," Twilight said, as they were stopping for a moment to get a good look at the area that was in front of them, due to the fact that it looked like there might be a pathway of sorts on the left side of this cavern and that it would require someone to raise a decent sized platform to reach the upper levels of this place, something they didn't have to worry about given the fact that three of them had magic, "Fascinating... I'd ask Brutter about this, since he seems to be the most intelligent Lurker we've seen, but I have the feeling that he wouldn't be able to answer any question I have for him, so I'll just have to let this drop and, hopefully, come back to this at a later date... or find someone who has the information and is willing to share, even if there is a slim possibility of that happening."

While Jak and the others had to admit that it was interesting to see what the Lurkers had built, given everything they knew about the race in question, none of them were eager to waste time since this place had to be one of the hotter areas that they had traveled through during their adventures, save for the Lava Tubes anyway, hence the reason Jak started to move forward and was joined by his sisters not a few moments later, where they opened fire on the Slingers and Swipers that happened to be out in the open. There were two items in this area that everyone noticed as they started to move, the first being the couple of logs that had been turned into spinning walkways, with one side flat and the other having spikes that would damage whoever touched that side, while the second item was a Lurker balloon that was moving from one location to another, meaning that someone was either learning how to properly use the vehicle in question or the Lurker wanted to aid them in some manner, to help them get from one part of the cavern to another. Their actions didn't stop the couple of Slingers from firing at them from where they were standing, rather it seemed to provoke them into attacking, but the attacks were stopped by Twilight's magic forming a barrier at her command, allowing her to protect everyone before her siblings returned fire on their enemies, taking the Metal Heads down as Alvin and his brothers kept an eye out for danger or anything that seemed out of place, to them at the very least. Of course all of them felt that this entire area was out of place, since none of them were familiar with what sort of village the Lurkers would make if they gathered together to do such a thing, but that didn't stop them from lashing out at the enemies that were gathering around this place and knocked all of the Metal Heads off of the walkways that they happened to be standing on, even though Cozy found her way over to what appeared to be a warehouse or something and discovered that there were a number of Stingers that burst out of the ground all around her and rushed over to where she was standing, to which she grinned as she shifted into her Dark Form for a moment and loosed a Dark Bomb that wiped them all out.

Starlight had to admit that it was a good move, using up some of the Dark Eco that she had gathered inside her body since the last time she had used the Dark Bomb on some enemies, or even used her other side for a time, though once the four of them made sure their enemies were dead, and they gathered all of the Skull Gems that had been scattered around the area, they made their way over to the tower that rested nearby, as in near the warehouse Cozy had cleared out, and found that the Lurker balloon was definitely moving from this area and reached where the next part of the cave was, but since it had a pole long enough for one person there wasn't much they could do, save for allowing Jak to use the balloon to reach the other side as his sisters used magic to follow after him.

There were a few Swipers guarding the area in question, as they jumped down from where they had been resting before Jak and his sisters reached the section of the cave that seemed to be the way forward, though it didn't stop Twilight from opening fire with a few Fireballs, blasting all four of their enemies backwards and opened the way for her siblings to take all of them down, before they stared at the area they were in and noticed that there was no platform for them to use to get to a higher level, since none of them bothered with the switches they had seen so far. As such Starlight weaved some of her magic through the air and created some magical platforms for them to use so they could continue looking for the Lurker totem that held the first of the three fragments of the Seal of Mar, which the Underground had to obtain so one of them could figure out where the Tomb rested, though as soon as the siblings reached the highest platform, and were able to area that was in front of them, they paused as they noticed that there was a large lava filled area for them to traverse as they looked for the totem. Of course there was something good about everything that was in front of Jak and his sisters, as there happened to be some sort of ancient wood or heat resistant stone resting in the lava, two of them to be exact, which formed a path of sorts for them to follow, though Jak blasted three Stingers that emerged from the ground and left picking them up to either Twilight or Starlight as he leapt onto the stone that was in front of them, as it felt more like stone and less like wood, and made his way across the path in question, all while Daxter made sure to keep an eye out for enemies that might be looking to knock them off either of the stones and send them into the lava, which he'd rather not fall into if he could help it. Once he had a decent head start his sisters followed after him and started to traverse the stones that he was using to move deeper into the massive cave they were exploring, before they reached an area that happened to have two Lurker balloons, one that seemed to bring them to the middle of this section of the cave and another than would bring them to the end point of this area, so Jak just used both Lurker balloons as his sisters used magic to move forward, with a few keeping their eyes open for enemies.

That brought them to a short tunnel that seemed to bring them to the outskirts of the village, or the main center of it, and happened to be where a few platforms rested, ones that Jak and his sisters would have to navigate while using a pair of wooden wheels to get up to the highest point that they could see from the opening, though along the way Cozy struck a lone Slinger with her fist and knocked it out as Twilight weaved a protective wall in the next area, as it happened to have a number of spike balls rolling down a diagonal path, before they avoided the obstacles and found what they were looking for, a tall log that had been transformed into a totem pole, complete with an odd metallic object at the top, one that was a circle with two indents.

"So, that's the first piece of the Seal of Mar... and I'm willing to bet that the indents are where the other two pieces go, once we figure out where they're located," Daxter commented, which was probably one of the smartest things he had said in his life, and would likely be the last time such a thing happened in the first place, before he sighed as he glanced at the rest of the area that they were in, where Jak discovered a new path around the backside of the totem that lead right to something that put a smile on his face, a Warp Gate that had to link back up with Haven City, "Twilight, Starlight, you two are up, since your magic will make sure that nothing bad happens when we remove the piece from its resting place."

Neither of the sisters needed to be told that as Starlight used her magic to make sure that the totem didn't move when the first piece was yanked out of the area it was held in, so when she was ready Twilight weaved her magic through the air for a few seconds and latched onto her target, where she carefully pulled the relic from where it was resting and found that it came out with ease, meaning whoever put it there hadn't done much to hide it or attach it to the totem, before she stored it inside their pack and they headed through the Warp Gate, returning to Haven City once more, which would no doubt be when Vin or someone else had the Air Train return to the city as well, just in case they needed it later. Upon their return to the Power Station, since that seemed to be the only location for a Warp Gate that wasn't under the Baron's control, they discovered that no one was inside the structure they had appeared in and that meant Vin was either busy with something else or he was checking somewhere without having to expose himself to others, though it also meant there was no one to give them missions in this area and caused the group to leave the Power Station not a few seconds later, before heading for the Hip Hog to see what Krew, Sig, and Tess were up to. None of the Krimzon Guards cared about the four of them, which was what they were used to when they were inside the city and not assaulting one of the Baron's operations outside the walls, so Jak and his sisters were able to quickly traverse both the section of the Industrial Section that they were in and the Port in a matter of minutes, allowing them to come to a stop right outside their destination and set their zoomers near a wall, so they could use them once they were done figuring out what sort of mission they would be given next. Sure enough they found Tess working on the other side of the bar, cleaning glasses since there were next to no customers inside the Hip Hog, in fact the only one who seemed to be in inside this place was Sig, who was either taking a break and relaxing a little or he was supervising Tess, though both of them stopped what they were doing as the siblings entered the structure and walked over to where the bar rested, where it looked like Tess was starting to prepare a few energy drinks, or drinks designed to restore their energy, for the four of them.

"I hope you cherries are ready for another mission, even though it looks like you might want a break before heading out to do anything else," Sig commented, something that caused the siblings to raise their eyebrows for a moment, even though each of them were expecting to be given a brand new mission without taking a break or a day off, but as they remained silent it looked like Daxter and the Ottsel brothers climbed onto the bar as well, where Tess smiled and poured a couple of glasses for them as well, full of juice based on what Twilight could see, "Vin has informed me that a large group of Metal Heads have been spotted in Haven Forest, combat types based on what he's been able to determine, and that they have a new camouflage ability that we haven't seen before, making them harder to spot and tougher to fight... however, Vin also noticed that they were either slain or have disappeared from his radar, so since he's unable to determine what happened to them he asked me to go check it out, but given your skills and 'killer instincts' you should be able to find them and quickly eliminate them. Also, we got a message from Brutter earlier, something we recorded for you since he wanted to tell you guys about something in the Water Slums... we didn't play it and were waiting for you to arrive."

Jak raised his eyebrow for a moment as Sig pulled out a small rectangular shaped item that had to be a recorder, though as soon as it rested on the bar Sig pressed the play button and they heard Brutter's voice speak up, where he revealed a bit of interesting news, he apparently knew that the Underground was looking for the Seal of Mar and that he liked shiny things, which was followed by him revealing that he might have a fragment of the Seal and that he was gifting it to Jak and his sisters, even though they would have to go to his hut in the Water Slums to collect it. Truthfully, he wasn't expecting to hear such a thing, especially since the Shadow and Onin were in the middle of looking for the other two pieces, but it was something that they could look into and he quickly came to a decision on what they should do, as he and Cozy would head out for the Water Slums while Twilight and Starlight would head to Haven Forest to see what might have happened to the Metal Heads, even though they assumed that the Neo Metal Heads had taken the intruders down and were likely feasting right now, before determining that they could meet up in the Slums, to visit Torn and see if he had anything that needed to be done to aid the Underground. In the end Twilight determined that it was a good idea, since they had two missions and it would be easy for them to split up to tackle them, or at least one mission and one visit to the resting place of their allies, who they would need to tell the Shadow about at some point, though instead of leaving immediately the siblings finished off their drinks and then departed from the Hip Hog, after making sure Daxter and the others did the same thing, before climbing into their two zoomers so they could head out, Twilight and Starlight heading for the Mountain Temple Door Lock and the Warp Gate that was behind it, while Jak and Cozy headed for the Water Slums. As it turned out, however, Jak and Cozy noticed something odd as they headed towards their destination, there was a larger guard presence in the Slums, far more than what they were used to since there seemed to be four to five times as many enemies as what they had seen in the past, not to mention some of the larger guard zoomers that seemed to have a yellow and black coloration and not the original red color, which caused them to land outside the Water Slums and walk towards Brutter's place.

While they walked towards their destination, carefully traveling down the wooden walkway, the siblings and their Ottsels noticed something else that caused them to raise their guards, there were no civilians in this section of the city, despite the fact that they had seen many the last time they were here, and Cozy was sure that there were a few guards following them as she and Jak headed deeper into the Water Slums, before they eventually reached the end of the path they had been walking down and found a metallic object, made out of Precursor metal and shaped like a curved half of a yin yang symbol for some reason, just like the symbol on the young Prince's amulet, though the moment they took it the guards spread out and started to rush at them.

"So, they were planning on using this Seal fragment to lure us out, to crush us and claim it," Jak commented, as that had to be the situation that he and Cozy had found themselves in, though at the same time he beckoned to Theodore with his head for a moment and the other Ottsel climbed over to his other shoulder, something that allowed Cozy to shift into her Dark Form once more, where he noticed that there were a few guard carriers flying into the area and were dropping more enemies for them to fight, even if they hadn't taken anyone out yet, to which he readied his weapon as he stood beside his sister, who was waiting for him to get ready before she moved, "Cozy, smash!"

Cozy grinned as she rushed forward and started to lash out at the enemies that were in front of them, where she struck all of the guards that were blocking her way and either kicked them into the floor or sent them flying at the other guards, but as Jak followed her, and opened fire on any guards who rushed at him and even punched a few that got close to him, this allowed him to see that Cozy was, in some capacity, in control of herself and was carefully attacking her foes, leaving them in an unconscious state, meaning none of the guards had been killed and showed just how much restraint she had gained since their visit to the Oracle's building. Jak had to admit that he was impressed by his sister's skill, the fact that Cozy was in control of her other side, for the most part since there were times where it seemed like Dark Cozy had taken over during one of their fights, though he suspected that, after some additional time training herself, she would be in total control of her body and her Dark Form would no longer be a thing, unlike how it looked like Twilight and Midnight were two sides of the same coin, so much so that one overcoming the other didn't seem possible. For now, however, he focused on blasting and kicking his foes into the water that was around them, making those guards unable to do much since they had to swim over to one of the lowered sections to get back up to where he and Cozy were fighting, though this explained why there were no civilians in this area of the city, given the ambush the guards set up and failed to carry out since they exposed the trap long before they reached their destination, but for now the siblings focused on knocking their enemies down while they moved through the Water Slums, making their way back to the entrance of this area. Eventually the predictable part of this reared its head on them, some of the Krimzon Guards started to flee when they found Cozy approaching them and it weakened the amount of enemies that were coming into this area, something that allowed them to reach the border that rested between the two Slums sections of the city, where the guards stopped coming and it was followed by Cozy taking a moment to switch back into her base form as they got in their zoomer and left the area.

Upon their arrival outside the Underground's hideout, since that was where Jak wanted them and their sisters to meet up once both of their objectives were done, they found Twilight and Starlight waiting nearby, where Twilight informed them that they had been right to think that the Neo Metal Heads had killed the group of camouflage Metal Heads that had been inside Haven Forest, even though they made sure to tell Sig that it was by their hand that such a thing happened, to make sure no one discovered the existence of their allies, before Jak revealed the piece of the Seal they had recovered, to which they smiled as the piece was stored inside a pack and they headed down into the hideout... where it was easy to see that Torn was going over some papers and stopped upon their arrival.

"Ah, good, you guys have returned." Torn commented, where he seemed like he was glad that they were back, despite the fact that his face didn't express such a thing towards them, though as he said that the siblings spread out and focused on what he might tell them, since they had the feeling that a true mission was going to come their way and this would give all of them a chance to understand what sort of situation they would be in, "The Baron's been gearing up for something big, due to all of the increased Krimzon Guard movement we've been seeing lately... whatever you four have been doing lately, both in our name and in Krew's name, you've really upset him."

"Trust me, we're just getting started," Cozy remarked, where she flexed her right hand for a moment and the claws came out for a few seconds, as she was imagining what would happen the next time she and her siblings encountered more of the Krimzon Guard or their toys, though at the same time, in the corner of her eye, she noticed that Torn seemed to raise his guard for a moment, no doubt worried that her Dark Form was about to come out and run wild, before she shrugged and her hand returned to normal as she thought about something, "though something tells me that the Baron has done something specific that has caused you to be grateful that we've come back to the hideout."

"You would be correct, as he's brought in new Krimzon Guard HellCat Cruisers," Torn replied, something that caused both Jak and Cozy to think about the odd cruisers they had seen while they were traveling to the Water Slums earlier, the black and yellow ones that didn't take part in the failed ambush, while at the same time Twilight and Starlight seemed interested in what the new vehicles looked like and how dangerous they had to be, "these vehicles are making the streets dangerous for the Underground, as I've read reports that they are far more deadly than the previous generation of cruisers... in fact, we've already lost five men since they were sent out, while at least twenty to thirty have been forced into their hideouts to treat their wounds, weakening our grip on the districts of the city."

"Well, we can take them out for you, as I have a plan on what to do about them," Twilight said, where she moved some of her fingers for a moment and her siblings noticed that she seemed to be manipulating either magic or the Dark Eco that was inside her body, moving a small cylinder shaped item that was like a pencil or pen that was made from the material in question, but the fact that she had a plan on how to take them all out interested her siblings and seemed to bring a nod from Torn, which meant he was ready for whatever they needed to do to bring the HellCats down.

Twilight's plan, as it turned out, was to manipulate some of the Dark Eco she had access to and created five small cylinder shaped items that floated above her hand, showing them that her skills in controlling the power that Midnight had granted her had improved, before she had Torn tell her where all five of their targets were located and pinpointed their locations in Haven City, finding that most of them were scattered all over the Slums and none of them were near each other, which meant she could set her plan into motion with ease. The plan, as it turned out, was to put on a disguise and walk under all five of their targets, where she and her siblings could either toss the cylinders up into the backside of the HellCats and the power inside them would cause all of them to stick to the exhaust portion of the vehicles, so once all five targets had been tagged she would expand her power for a moment and detonate all of them, blowing the terrible vehicles to pieces and making the streets safer for the Underground, all without leaving a trace of tampering. She was sure that Keira had been behind making these things, given that part of her job seemed to be working as the mechanic for the Krimzon Guard, to make newer and stronger vehicles to bring down their enemies, though it also meant that she placed inside them a couple of weaknesses that someone could use to topple them, all without the Baron knowing about what she had done, but once she was done with making sure every HellCat was destroyed, which Jak and their sisters confirmed as well, they quickly regrouped at the Underground hideout and found that Torn was no longer in need of their assistance, because with all five of the vehicles blown apart, which must have been unmanned since they were empty, the Underground could deal with whatever happened next. As such the siblings returned to their zoomers and quickly departed from the Slums, just so the Krimzon Guards wouldn't link them to the destruction of their new vehicles, even if the Baron might since he seemed to dislike them, where they headed over towards the Stadium once more, just to check in with Keira and see if she had a task or something for one of them to do, or just chat for a time, but, upon their arrival, she informed them that everything was fine and slipped Jak something, which he pocketed before they headed out again.

After their short visit to the Stadium, where they found a number of posters that revealed that the next race, the Class Two race, would be sooner than they thought and meant that it might happen in the next day or two, but instead of worrying about that, not that anyone was remotely worried since Jak could overcome any lesser skilled racer and would likely have a challenge when he faced Errol, they headed back to the Bazaar and parked their zoomers outside their destination, so they could walk over to Onin's hut and see if she had any information for them, where they found Kor in the middle of talking with Onin about something.

"Expecting that little boy and his sisters to save us is folly! At their age, none of them are ready to face the Metal Heads or their terrifying Leader!" Kor exclaimed, revealing that he didn't agree with whatever he and Onin were talking about, or he and Pecker since Onin was silent and only signed things for the bird to translate, though it was in the following moments that he noticed that Pecker was oddly silent and turned towards the opening, findingthat Jak and his sisters had arrived and were now standing right in the middle of the tent's opening, "Oh, Jak, girls... we were just talking about Samos' plans for the future, and how bad some of them are."

"Onin says your voice sounds very familiar... I bet you two golden oldies go way, way back, huh?" Pecker commented, as he noticed that the seer had something to say, even though it caused her and Kor to glare at each other for a few seconds, an odd thing to have happen based on what the siblings recalled, though it didn't take the old seer long to refocus her efforts and started to sign once more, something that caused Pecker to pause for a time as he gathered what she was saying, or however he was figuring out what the seer had to say, "Onin says that it is time for the four of you to prove yourselves, Jak, as you and your sisters have passed the tests associated with the first and second fragments of the Seal, trials designed to make one show their strength and their skills, with the third test being the test of the mind. Onin also says that they were placed in such a way that they would be energized by someone, or a group of someones, who were looking for the Seal, and she always wants you to know that, despite two of you not engaging the Krimzon Guards in the Water Slums earlier, the Seal recognizes the power of those who weren't present for the trial... along with the fact that if you pass the third and final trial the last piece of the Seal will be revealed, allowing us to reforge the ancient artifact."

What they discovered was that Onin channeled her Eco powers into the space that was between her and the siblings, the latter finding that a couple of shapes appeared in the air, a blue x, a red circle, a green triangle, and a purple square, why they were shaped like that they had no idea and honestly didn't care to explore why she created the shapes that popped into existence in front of them, but what they did do was channel their own Eco powers and tapped on each symbol that appeared in their faces, though eventually the energies that were gathering produced something interesting, the third and final piece of the Seal pushed through the Eco and merged with the other two pieces, creating the complete Seal, which Jak collected with a smile on his face.

"Behold! The Seal of Mar is now complete!" Pecker exclaimed, his tone revealing that he was pleased with their actions, as it allowed Jak and his sisters to recover the missing key that would allow someone to uncover the Tomb of Mar, where one would find the legendary Precursor Stone, which they needed to keep out of the Baron's hands at all costs, since they had no idea what he wanted with it, before the bird noticed the old seer moving her hands again, meaning she had something to tell them, "Onin says the three artifacts you retrieved from the Mountain Temple are relics from an ancient Light Tower, one that happens to have old songs written about it and tell how it once shined down on the actual site of Mar's tomb! I sing one of these songs for you: From the mists of time, Mar's light would shine..."

"Woah there, iron lungs. Just tell us what we need to do," Cozy stated, mostly because Pecker's singing was terrible, which had caused Kor to let go of his walking stick for a moment and let it hit the ground, something he had to pick up once they recovered from hearing the terrible singing, though the other reason was due to the fact that even her inner Dark Form disliked the tune and wanted to shut him up before he completed the song, and she could tell that Midnight shared her opinion on the matter, given the change to Twilight's energy signature and one of her eyes, "before you make one of us shift into our Dark Forms and do something we might regret."

"Right... anyway, you must take the three artifacts to Mar's gate," Pecker replied, showing that he hadn't considered that possibility, that his singing might cause one of the three siblings to shift into their Dark Forms, since Starlight, being the fourth one of the group, didn't have such a form, which would have lead to them attacking him and ruining the tent, even if he knew Onin would come to his aid if she sensed them coming at him, before he focused on the topic at hand so they could leave this place, "from there you will be able to find the Light Tower and make it rise, so it will reveal the location of the Tomb of Mar and the legendary Precursor Stone."

Instead of saying another word, even though Starlight had noticed that Kor had left while Pecker was giving them all of the information that they needed on the Light Tower, the siblings exited the hut and headed back to where they had parked their zoomers, as it was about time that they found the Tomb of Mar and put an end to the Baron's plans, or at least that was their hope when their foe found out that someone had beaten him to the Stone, though once they reached the pair of vehicles the siblings headed out for the Mountain Temple. It only took them a few minutes to reach their destination, as it was close to where the Bazaar rested, though upon their arrival the siblings climbed out of their zoomers and walked up the ramp once more, passing through the Door Lock again before being allowed to access the Warp Gate that was on the other side, bringing them up to the level that the other one rested on, at the start of the Mountain Temple, but instead of focusing on the platform that would allow one to enter the domain of the Neo Metal Heads they focused on hitting a lone circular platform and lowered it into position. Once that was done they stepped on the larger platform and let it take them down towards the path they had walked down the first time the four of them had come here, even though they had also separated to tackle the three paths that were around their area, but that was when Jak came to a stop in front of the lone gate that was to the right of them and raised the Seal for a few seconds, where the energy inside it seemed to resonate with the power inside the gate, allowing the latter to open and reveal another path for them to take. This path happened to have a massive chasm between the area that was on other side of the opened gate and the other side of the area, or at least that was what the siblings could see, and fortunately there happened to be several metallic pillars that were linked together with thin pipes, meaning Jak could use the JET-Board to get across the area while Twilight or Starlight used their magic to levitate all three of them so they could follow after him, though it didn't take them long to reach the other side of this area and found a gate surrounded by Precursor metal, one that seemed to lead to a hidden section of the Mountain Temple, an area that had a few machines that seemed older than what was inside the city.

Twilight noticed that the machine to their left, a console of some kind, had a triangular gear shaped hole that needed to be filled, a device to their right had a holder that seemed perfect for a crystal, and in front of them stood a structure that had an eye shaped item at the top of it, perfect for the lens they had picked up earlier, to which they pulled out the artifacts Onin had them pick up earlier and spread out, where Cozy slipped the gear into the slot that was waiting for it and just so happened to activate all of the gears the console was attached to, Jak jumped across a few stones to reach the structure that seemed to be the tower and attached the lens to the eye section, and Starlight slipped the crystal right into the holder they had discovered... which was when the eye structure pushed out towards the sky, forming a large tower in seconds, before the crystal was pulled into the device and fired a beam of blue energy at the lens, which was redirected not even a few seconds later, pointing in the direction of Haven City before it faded away seconds later.

"Well I'll be a moncaw's uncle, the Light Tower actually does exist!" Pecker exclaimed, showing that he and the others must have been watching the skies after the siblings visited Onin, as if that was something they needed to watch out for, but all of this did confirm the existence of the mythical tower, which was in front of the siblings, and, more importantly, the exact location of the Tomb of Mar, or so Jak and his sisters hoped anyway, hence why they were silent and waited for Pecker to tell them if anything else had happened when they activated the tower, "Based on what we could see, even if it was for a few seconds, the beam of light did shine somewhere inside Haven City, meaning that the Tomb of Mar was resting under our noses all along... and thanks to me, the Underground found it before the Baron could!"

Jak and his sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as Pecker was being arrogant in believing that he had played any part in discovering the existence of the Tomb, despite the fact that he did translate Onin's statements for them, but none of them said anything as they retraced their steps and headed for the zoomers, giving the Shadow and the others time to figure out where the beam of light had fired, even though the moment they figured out where the Tomb rested the four of them would rush over to it, as it was time to claim the Precursor Stone and bring an end to the Baron's plans, before they focused on bringing down the Metal Head Leader and ended the war that was raging outside the walls.

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