• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Causing Disruptions

With Krew assisted, for the time being anyway, Jak and his sisters took a moment to think about who they needed to help out next and decided that it was time for them to return to the Underground's hideout, to give the Shadow the good news about the forest, even though there were still Metal Heads there, just not the type he and the rest of his forces were used to dealing with, and quickly made their way through the Industrial Section of Haven City, allowing the four of them to reach the Slums, but when they reached the dead end that was their destination, however, they found the Shadow right outside the hideout and the four kids were playing near him, which included the odd dog that had small spikes right on its back, which had to be a pet of some kind.

"Sorry it took us so long to get back, we were a little busy earlier," Jak said, where he and his sisters climbed out of both of their zoomers and walked over to where the Shadow was standing, something that caused the kids to stop what they were doing and focus on them, even though the odd dog did the same thing and made sure to stand near the younger version of Jak, before they focused on what they were going to tell the Shadow, which would be followed by him telling them what their next mission was going to be, "but we took out the Scouts that were inside Haven Forest and helped out Krew, but we haven't gained any new information from him yet."

"I figured as much... Krew isn't the easiest person to work with," the Shadow replied, informing the siblings that he knew it was hard to get information out of the obese man, especially since it cost the Underground whenever he felt in the mood to give them something, like with the Eco Ore they delivered to the Hip Hog some time ago, before he gestured to the kid and his sisters, causing the siblings to raise an eyebrow for a moment as they waited for him to tell them what sort of job he wanted them to do, "Anyway, I need you to escort the kid and his sisters over to Kor at the Power Station, because it's his job to keep a close eye on them and keep them out of danger, plus, as the leader of the rebellion, I'm just too busy to babysit right now... oh, and take their croca-dog with you."

"Out of curiosity, what's their story?" Starlight asked, gesturing to the younger versions of her and her siblings, as while all of them had an idea of what might have happened before the Baron took over the city, due to the fact that they assumed that they were the heirs to the city's throne, hearing the Shadow give them his take on the situation might give them some new information to work with and might explain some things at the same time, though he knew that Twilight was ready to gather whatever bits of information they might be learning.

"I found them just wandering the streets one day, no doubt running from someone without drawing attention to the part of the city they were in," the Shadow replied, though at the same time he gestured to the boy for a moment, where Jak and his sisters found something none of them had noticed earlier, he was wearing a necklace or amulet that bared the symbol of the House of Mar, which was rather interesting to see as they remained silent, "but that amulet around his neck means he may just be the lost heir to the city, the Prince to be exact, which means the girls would be the Princesses. You know, now that I take a moment to look at all of you, and by that I mean the kids and all of you, it would appear that you look like adult versions of them... if I wasn't so busy right now, I'd ask how such a thing is possible and what it means for us... but all of you will need to be careful and watch out for the Krimzon Guard who will be patrolling the city, as I'm sure there will be some between here and Kor's location... oh, and uh, if you happen to lose the croca-dog..."

As the croco-dog growled, to show that it didn't like the Shadow and his disapproval of it following after the heirs to Haven City, Jak and his sisters walked over to a set of guard crates that were resting nearby and handed out the ammunition that was inside it, allowing them to restock some of the bullets they had used so far, even though Twilight didn't take any due to the fact that her gun didn't exist anymore, thanks to the bracelet Midnight had created, and the ammo capacity mod Krew had given them seemed to boost her reserves, or at least that was what it seemed like. Once that was done the four of them stepped forward and beckoned for their younger selves to stand behind them, which the kids did without delay as their dog followed after them, though as soon as they left the dead end Twilight noticed a force of Krimzon Guards that just so happened to be marching on the area that the hideout was located in, meaning they either knew where the hideout was located or this was an odd coincidence in the grand scheme of things, but there was also the fact that someone could have betrayed them to join the Baron's forces. As such the siblings opened fire on the guards, who happened to be raising their weapons to attack them, one even ordering them to hand over the kids, meaning there had to be a spy or traitor that had defected to the Baron's side, where they made sure to put enough fire behind their attacks to knock their foes out, all while Twilight and Starlight made sure to use their barrier spells to protect the kids, even though it appeared the guards might be using shock weapons to knock the kids out, to make them easier to handle. None of the siblings had any idea as to what the Baron might have in mind for all four of the kids, but given everything they had seen inside the Fortress, as in what Jak and Cozy had seen while telling Twilight and Starlight about it, letting the Baron claim all the heirs to Haven City's throne would be bad, especially since none of them understood the true reason behind why they were so important, even if that would become clear in time, hence the reason why they were interested in keeping the kids safe and making sure none of the guards got their hands on them, and this gave all of them some time to think up a way to explain this to the Shadow once he wanted to talk about all of them looking like the four young kids.

Fortunately it appeared that the Shadow, or one of the members of the Underground, had prepared a zoomer for them to use, as it had more than enough space for the kids to sit in and have someone as the driver, so while Jak sat in the driver seat Twilight and Starlight went and got some single seater zoomers for themselves, leaving Cozy as the one who would be facing the guards on the ground, leaving the air to her sisters, and once they were ready to move Jak powered up the zoomer and moved forward.

Getting to the Power Station this time around proved to be somewhat harder than the last time they went to that section of the city, because there were a number of Krimzon Guard vehicles in their way and they happened to be accompanied by a number of guards that fired from the ground, once more confirming that someone had sold them out and had given some information to their enemies, even if they had no idea who in the world would do this, which was something they would have to worry about at a later date, as in after the kids were safe. Given the level of guard activity that was between them and their destination, and there were a decent amount of enemies based on what they could see, Jak left them to his sisters as he focused on navigating his way through the Industrial Section, allowing Twilight to open fire on the vehicles in front of her, Starlight to blast her targets with small bursts of magic, and Cozy went on a small rampage as she smashed a few guards into the ground and even smashed a turret that popped out to blast Jak's vehicle. One thing they discovered was that there were no special vehicles or opponents for them to worry about, as it was just the normal guards that they were used to fighting since they first emerged from the Fortress, and they made sure to just knock everyone out, instead of killing them like Krew or some of the other members of the Underground might do, though each foe would be knocked out for some time and would only come to once they were no longer in this area, with the kids being safe with Kor and the siblings no longer being in the area, or at least that was the plan. As such Jak was able to reach the area that the ramp that lead to the Power Station was located in, allowing him to land the zoomer and make sure the kids were able to get out on their own, including the croco-dog that just growled at the incoming guards, who Cozy proceeded to smash into the solid ground and knock each of them out, leaving him to make his way up the ramp and make sure the kids were following him and Daxter, though once he reached their destination he beckoned to his sisters and Twilight weaved an illusion spell into the air, hiding all of them from the guards and making them head into the Port.

With that done, and they were sure that the Krimzon Guards were no longer on their tail, Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy took a moment to quickly walk up the ramp Jak had walked up and stopped near the door, something that was followed by the spell fading from their bodies, given that it was no longer necessary for them to have it on, before the door opened and revealed that Kor was definitely inside the Power Station, while at the same time Vin seemed to be working on something at the moment, which made sense when they thought about his position in the city.

"Hey, Kor, the Shadow told us to bring the kids to you, since it's your job to watch over them." Daxter stated, though as he said that the kids stopped following Jak and his sisters as they rushed over to Kor, even if it was Young Jak who took a few seconds to hug Kor's leg, while his sisters stood near him and watched what was going on, all while the croco-dog seemed to stay near Jak's group for a time, like it was watching what was going on or something, to which they focused on Kor for a time, to see what he had to tell them.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to keep them close." Kor replied, where his words seemed to upset the croco-dog for a moment, as it growled at Kor for a few seconds for some reason, something that made the sisters wonder what sort of statement or words would cause it to not growl at whoever was talking, but that was when Jak petted the area behind its ears, to which it stopped growling and even had what appeared to be a smile on its face, which caused Kor to raise an eyebrow as he and the others saw that, "Interesting... that insufferable mutt has never cared for anyone else but the boy and his sisters, as he growls at everyone else that annoys it or threatens the kids... in fact, I just assumed it hated everyone but these four, due to all the hostility it shows to everyone else."

"It's no big deal... I'm just good with animals." Jak said, where that part was pretty much true, he had a thing that allowed him to work with animals, be they wild or tamed, even though at this point Twilight was sure that it was either due to the fact that Samos' energy had rubbed off on him or it was due to his innate Eco powers, since he and the three of them had the power to channel five of the six types of Eco, given that none of them knew if Light Eco even existed at this point, but even as he said that Jak knew that his sisters would be studying Kor for a time.

"Anyway, I hope we have enough Eco to keep the Metal Heads at bay." Kor commented, to which he turned to look at one of the screens that were around them, giving the siblings an idea as to why he was here in the Power Station, no doubt so he could keep an eye on things while Vin worked on the terminals, even though it also looked like he was deep in thought about something he had seen in the past, before he glanced at them for a few seconds, "During my travels in the deepest parts of the Wasteland I saw some of the bigger ones; awesome and terrifying creatures, not to be taken lightly, and right now we have some moving towards our location..."

"You know, we heard a rumor about a massive Metal Head that came out of a rift," Cozy said, speaking of the first time the group had seen a Metal Head, even though she made sure to make it sound like they hadn't actually seen such a beast, all to make it seem like they were from this time period and not reveal that they were actually from the past, even though she did think it was odd that Kor seemed impressed by some of the Metal Heads, while at the same time Daxter was nodding his head to agree with her, "According to the story, and the one telling it, this one was uglier than the rest of its kind, even if he didn't go into great detail about it looked like."

"I have some valuable information for you." Kor replied, though before he said that he huffed for a moment, like he took great offense to the fact that Cozy and Daxter, at the very least, felt that the massive Metal Head they had mentioned was one of the uglier ones in existence, meaning he was focused on their opinion of the massive creature and not the rest of the story, before he focused on what he needed to tell them, "The Baron is conducting an excavation at the Dig; he is still looking for that ridiculous tomb. Frankly, I don't believe the Tomb of Mar exists, given the lack of information we have on it, but you might as well go out there and disrupt his operation just in case, and by that I mean you should knock down all the scaffolding at the site... that should set him back in his plans. Here is an Air Train Pass to get you out there."

The Air Train Pass, as it turned out, was nearly identical to the Security Passes they had obtained so far and Kor made sure to inform them that the Air Train happened to be located inside the Port, no doubt the lone carrier vehicle that was resting on the opposite side of the massive Port, across from where the Hip Hog rested, to which they departed from the Power Station, leaving the kids with Kor and Vin, before heading back over to the Port, as it was time for them to see what sort of damage the Baron was up to and stop his plans for a time. What was interesting was that they discovered a number of guards running around the Port, appearing to believe that the kids were in the direction Twilight had sent her illusion in, a spell that was no longer running and made them question whatever intelligence the Krimzon Guards had, but it opened the way for them to reach the large vehicle that was waiting near one of the circular areas of the Port, where they found a door, which doubled as a ramp, opened up and allowed them to enter an area that they could sit in, and once all four of them were sitting down the door closed and the Air Train departed from the city. It took five minutes for them to reach the area that the Dig was resting in, something that Twilight calculated and found that the pilot of the Air Train had gone a bit too fast to reach this area, before the door opened and they discovered that they were in an area that appeared to be cut into a mountain side, with pipes that had to be moving Eco from one position to another, in addition to a path that looked like it might lead to a metallic door, one they assumed they wouldn't be able to unlock, to which they turned towards the large hole that had been dug into the rock wall that was near them. The Air Train had landed on a platform that seemed to be used for whoever else was sent to this place, no doubt the Krimzon Guards that were defending the area, before they found a large metallic platform that doubled as an elevator of sorts, one that brought them down to a more natural cave tunnel that made it look like the Baron had dug his way to this area so he could reach this place, before the siblings pulled out their weapons and readied themselves for whatever was waiitng for them in the depths of the Dig.

At first there was nothing in front of them to worry about, which was odd given that this was a Krimzon Guard area, and it wasn't long before they found two guards guarding a passage that lead right into a massive chamber, which happened to be where a massive mechanical drill was tearing into the ground and was held up by support beams of some kind, given the fact that they looked like rope and seemed to support the weight of the drill, but before the guards could do anything Twilight waved her hand and blasted her targets into the wall, allowing her and her siblings to enter the main chamber at last and focus on their mission. The guards, of course, opened fire on them the instant they noticed Jak and his sisters had arrived, either knowing that they would have been coming to interfere at some point or someone had warned the guards of their impending arrival ahead of time, the latter would point to Kor or Vin being the traitor to the Underground, and due to all of Vin's help it was unlikely that he would do such a thing, but for now the siblings focused on what was going on in front of them as they separated from each other, forcing their enemies to divide their attention as well. Cozy decided to go on a rampage and not worry about using her gun against any of her targets, where Jak was able to see that she embraced the power of her Dark Form and rushed through the air to slam some guards into each other, just hard enough to knock all of them to the ground and knock them out, leaving them resting on the metallic walkways that had been put up around the drill, meaning that even if the drill was destroyed no one would be hurt or killed by being too close to the device, which was followed by Jak switching his gaze to his other sisters. Starlight was in the middle of loosing small shards of ice to send her foes backwards, onto the platforms to be exact, all so they would be out of the way for what they were doing, while at the same time Twilight switched things up by loosing Blaster shots at her targets and using a wave of Scatter energy for anyone who dared to get close to her, figuring that she could use Midnight's bracelet to her advantage, though as some of the guards fired at her backside one of her other side's raven wings rushed out of her back, or out of a small black portal, and blocked the attacks so she could bring the ones that fired at her down as well.

Jak was sure that he noticed the change to Twilight's right eye for a moment, as it looked like Midnight's for a few seconds, before it returned to normal and she went about her business, to which he focused on using the JET-Board to grind on the metallic rings that the bindings were attached to, breaking all twenty-four of them in rapid succession as he switched from one set to another, before the drill spun out of control and exploded into a shower of pieces that Twilight and Starlight had to move with their magic. Once the siblings were sure the drill was totalled, and that there was nothing left for the Krimzon Guards to use, they quickly pulled out their Communicator and informed Kor of the situation, who mentioned that he was 'so proud' of them and what they had been able to do, as this might lead to them willing the war against the Baron, before it went back into their pack and the siblings headed for the Air Train, as it was time for them to return to Haven City and see what else they needed to do to disrupt what the Baron was doing. On the way back Jak and his sisters debated who to head to next, since none of them had any method that would tell them who needed help, since there was Krew, Torn, Vin, and the Shadow, but as everyone talked about who to pick Twilight noticed that the Communicator was beeping and took a look at it, which revealed that Vin had left a message asking for assistance, something that quickly informed them that Kor and the kids must have left the Power Station before this happened, otherwise Kor would have mentioned something during his brief call with them. As such they decided to head over to the Power Station and see what sort of mission Vin had for them, since it was might deal with the Strip Mine or the Drill Platform, not to mention the possibility of a number of Metal Heads to deal with, so when the Air Train came to a stop they departed from the vehicle and headed for the area that the Power Station was resting in, making sure to get some zoomers so they wouldn't have to walk through the Port or worry about any guards rushing at them for what they did at the Dig, though it appeared that none of the guards seemed to know about the destruction of the drill and left the siblings alone.

When they reached the Power Station, however, it quickly became clear that Kor and the kids had left, even taking their croco-dog with them, while Vin happened to be using the metallic platform they had seen earlier to move around the upper reaches of the building, though that just so happened to be around the time that he noticed them and landed near the doorway, as in right in the center of the building, before facing them with a worried look on his face, making them take a moment to wonder what he might have uncovered.

"Guys, we've still got trouble at the strip mine... I think the Baron set me up." Vin stated, though at the same time, despite the fact that there were no enemies in the area, he cowered for a moment as he gripped the sides of the platform he had used to ride around the building, before he bit his nails for a second or two and then ran over to one of the terminals that were around them, like he was looking for something specific, "Actually... to be perfectly honest, I think nearly everybody is trying to kill me!"

"Except for all of us, since we're on your side and your safety is important," Twilight replied, which was the truth, Vin was one of the most important members of the Underground and keeping him safe was vital to understanding everything that the Baron might be doing with the Eco that was meant for the city and the Eco Dome, Eco that he was currently feeding to his enemies and the Metal Head Leader, before she sighed for a moment as she and her siblings focused on the man who was working at the moment, "Now, what sort of trouble are you talking about?"

"Well, you know all about those Eco Wells that the Baron had us drill?" Vin inquired, as he knew that Twilight and Starlight had an idea as to what he was talking about, given what little he knew about them and their time in the city, while Jak and Cozy might be a little lost during this conversation, but he waited for one or both of the sisters to nod their heads before he started to say anything else, "According to my investigations, since I haven't seen the Eco levels go up since you saved me earlier, it appears that he never intended to pipe the Eco Wells into the city grid... when you think about it, it doesn't make any sense at all! Of course this comes with a downside, as open Eco Wells will attract more Metal Heads, so you've got to close them off! Now, since Torn wants to keep me safe, he shipped over some plasmite bombs, which are grenade shaped bombs that are incredibly dangerous, hence why he told me to use them the next time I'm sent outside the city, that should be able to destroy the Eco Wells... all you need to do is drop one of them into each of the wells, and the blast will do the rest."

"So basically we can set these inside our targets, without them blowing up, and then blow all of them up at once, by using a switch or something?" Starlight asked, as she wanted to make sure they understood what Vin was asking of them, while at the same time Alvin and his brothers made sure that Daxter didn't set off or arm the plasmite bombs that were resting inside a rectangular crate that Vin was handing over to her and her siblings, since none of them wanted to activate these earlier than intended.

"That is correct, and with the Mechanic's JET-Board is should be easy to get the bombs into position," Vin replied, where he quickly turned around and walked over to one of the terminals, which was followed by him pressing a few keys as the Warp Gate switched from the Drill Platform to the Strip Mine, before he glanced back at the group and nodded his head towards them, showing that he had done all he could do and that the way was open, to which Jak and his sisters took a moment to grab some of the plasmite bombs and then headed through the Warp Gate.

Upon their arrival in the Strip Mine, which seemed to be devoid of Metal Heads at the moment, Twilight used a bit of her magic to form some magical platforms and used them to get a good view of the area, where she found that there were a total of six Eco Wells for them to take out, as there were six beams of Eco energy that happened to be scattered all over this place, meaning six targets for her and her siblings to take out, where four were resting in the area that was to the left of the area that the Warp Gate was resting in, leaving one by Vin's former hideout and one on a section which happened to be higher than all of the others. Based on what she could see there were small ramps that seemed to allow someone to throw something, just like their plasmite bombs, into the tops of the Eco Wells and revealed why Vin would have bothered to mention the JET-Board, even if it also told them that Keira had told many of their allies about the device and explained why some of their missions would have involved it, before she came up with a plan of attack that would allow them to take care of the six Eco Wells at the same time, or at least place their plasmite bombs inside them at the very least. Her plan for right now was to have her and Starlight focus on the two Eco Wells that were the furthest away, given that both of them could use the magical platforms to move from place to place and would be useful in an area like this, while Cozy rushed all the way over to the furthest well and place her lone bomb inside it, allowing Jak to use the JET-Board to head up the ramps and throw the remaining three bombs into the other Eco Wells, as Vin had only delivered six of the ones that Torn sent his way, making Twilight wonder how many more he might have inside the Power Station. With her plan heard, and the couple of plasmite bombs were divided among them, the siblings headed out not a few seconds later and focused on making sure they were capable of throwing their bombs right into the tops of the Eco Wells that were around the Strip Mine, which was swiftly followed by each of them depositing the plasmite bombs into their targets before returning to a hill that rested just above the Warp Gate, where Daxter pulled out a detonator and pressed it, triggering the bombs that tore apart the six Eco Wells and knocked him and the other Ottsels off their feet for a moment when they felt the burst of wind that came from all six of their targets.

Once the Ottsels were ready to leave, and Twilight had confirmed that all six of the Eco Wells had been destroyed, the four of them returned to the Warp Gate and used it to return to the Power Station, though as they did so it didn't take anyone long to see that Kor had returned for some reason, where everyone hoped that he had made sure the kids were safe and sound before coming back to the Power Station, to which they focused on what they needed to do next, even though it did look like there might be another mission for them to do.

"Vin, you sure are scared of Metal Heads... its funny and sad at the same time" Theodore commented, speaking the instant he and the others returned to the Power Station, though even as he said that he was thinking of ways to help the man get over his fear of the Metal Heads, despite the fact that Simon and Starlight might have a better idea than anything he came up with, while Daxter smiled for a moment, like he was already planning on messing with Vin at some point in the future, once they were done with whatever missions were up next.

"It is good that he's this way, as I have seen what the Metal Heads do when they take a city; the destruction, the killing, the devouring..." Kor spoke up, referring to everything that happened when a city was taken down by the Metal Heads, which Twilight knew from the couple of history books, even if some accounts were more like rumors and weren't true at all, but it was still odd that the old man knew that, given that most accounts were from someone investigating a ruined city and just drawing conclusions, "The Baron's scheming will only result in this city's falling prey like all the others that came before it... we must replace Praxis before it's too late, which is why I am happy to say that all of you and your sidekicks are causing quite a stir in our fight against the Baron."

"Hey, uh, wise and whiskered, you uh, got something itching under your robes?" Daxter inquired, as while Kor was talking he and the others noticed that he happened to absentmindedly scratched at something that was beneath his robes, which was followed by Twilight thinking about what Alvin and his brothers could do, shift from one form to another, and had to wonder if the same was possible for the Leader of the Metal Heads, something that made her stare at Kor's headpiece and think about it, as there might be a chance that it resembled the Leader's headpiece and not a coincidence, before Daxter continued speaking, "They have ointment for that you know... or at least they should."

"It's just my aching bones... I am, after all, one of the oldest members of the Underground," Kor replied, his tone revealing that he didn't much care for Daxter's comment and that he was more interested in saying that it was his old body, which none of the siblings were going to argue with since they didn't want to waste time, due to the fact that there were a couple of things for them to do before they got closer to bringing down the Baron and their enemies, before Kor faced them and seemed ready to speak with them again, "Anyway, we have received word that the Baron is sending out one of his large tanker ships out to the Drill Platform to pick up a load of ill-gotten Eco, so what we need you to do is go through the Warp Gate and knock out that ship! Once that is done the Shadow will send a team to pick up the Eco later, just as soon as the coast is clear. Keep up the good work, we're counting on you!"

It seemed odd to be going back to the Drill Platform, despite the fact that they had been expecting it to happen after their first visit to the area, though thanks to Vin's quick work they were able to return to the more ruined area, the second of the two Warp Gates that were in this area, and found that a wall had either been moved or had fallen due to some additional Metal Heads attacking this place, revealing one of the turrets that happened to be connected to some rails, meaning that Twilight and Starlight would have to use their magic to move along with Jak. Cozy, on the other hand, jumped on top of the turret as Jak climbed into it, where she braced herself whenever her brother moved the weapon and repositioned her own angle, due to the fact that she was planning on firing at some of their enemies, just to make sure Jak didn't have to worry about everyone who might be challenging them, since they had the feeling that there would be Krimzon Guards coming at them once Jak started to leave the area that the turret had been resting in upon their arrival. Twilight and Starlight made sure to put some distance between where Jak was resting and where they would be moving for the foreseeable future, as this allowed Jak to focus on any incoming enemies without having to worry about hurting the two of them, though as the turret moved into position and started to travel down the rail they were, of course, assaulted by a force of flying Krimzon Guards, with some sort of hover pack or something, but that didn't stop the group from firing at their foes and knocking all of them out, leaving Twilight and Starlight to use a few bits of their magic and move their unconscious foes over to one of the ledges so when they woke up it wouldn't be down near the bottom of the drill. From what they could see there were about forty to fifty enemies who flew through the air to take all of them down, but due to the fact that four people just so happened to be firing at them, with bullets and magic to be exact, and the fact that their enemies came in small groups it allowed the siblings to take all of the guards out and let the turret head towards an electric gate that powered down so he and Cozy could slip through the opening, the latter blasting a group of ten Spinners that happened to be in front of them, which allowed them to disembark from this turret and jump into a new one that was near them.

That turret rail brought them to the area that the large tanker ship, one that was easily half the side of Haven's stadium as the siblings noticed it, was resting in, to which Jak, Starlight, Cozy, and Twilight opened fire on it as Jak focused his fire on where he assumed the power sections might be, Cozy blasted some of the turrets the ship brought out, while Twilight and Starlight struck down some of the Krimzon Guards that flew out to return fire on everyone, where their blasts caused the ship to rock with violent explosions before the entirety of the side they were facing was on fire. The siblings knew that all of the guards that were on the ship had to be running around as if every one of them were chickens with their heads cut off, given the fact that none came out to challenge them, though it seemed to pull away from them and might be heading out towards a massive Warp Gate or to an area that they couldn't reach, given that their turret was moving away from the tanker ship, but that was when they smiled as each of them noticed what was in front of them. There happened to be one more turret and rail that was set at a higher position than the other two, allowing them to use a longer rail as they fired on the other side of the tanker ship, as instead of being smart the pilot decided to turn around, so that the other side would face their attackers, and opened fire on the siblings before anyone could do anything, though Twilight and Starlight used a bit of magic to shield themselves before all four of them fired through the smoke, blasting new holes into the metal as all of the tanker's weapons were wiped out. In addition to that the siblings made sure to tear into the stronger side of their target and watched as the tanker faltered for a time, smoke rising from every section of it, before it fell out of the air and crashed into the ground, where Twilight switched to a levitation spell and headed down there to make sure whoever was still inside it were knocked out and moved somewhere safer, while at the same time making sure to move the vast stores of Eco to a location so she could send a notice of its location to the Shadow, though once that was done she returned to the others and they used the Warp Gate that was in front of them to return to the city again.

All of them were sure that there was something wrong with Kor, at the very least he sure seemed to be hiding something from everyone that was around him, and while they weren't pointing fingers or accusing him of being the hidden Leader of the Metal Heads, like Daxter would have done before his brief bout of maturity he went through, none of them were going to tell him any of their secrets and just do their best to keep him in the dark, just in case he was a traitor, all while trying to bring down their enemies and restore order to Haven City.

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