• Published 9th Feb 2021
  • 1,590 Views, 256 Comments

Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Disaster in Haven City

After breaching the Shield Wall that was protecting Haven City, or should have been doing that since the siblings had done everything in their power to maintain it, even with Kor trying his absolute hardest to actively destroy it for some reason, a fact that seemed to annoy both Twilight and Midnight, Jak had Alvin, Simon, and Theodore fly into the Port so they could land near the Hip Hog Saloon, as Sig hadn't been with Krew earlier and they wanted to check in with him before seeking out any of their other allies, even though they were sure that the Shadow was scrambling to get people ready for when the rest of the Shield Wall fell. So far, based on what Jak was seeing, it seemed like everything inside the city was normal, no one was panicking or proclaiming that it was the end of the world for some reason, even though he could tell that some of the citizens were taken aback by the sudden arrival of him, his sisters, and the three dragons that three of them were currently riding on, but he was positive that the presence of a Krimzon Guard zoomer told the people they didn't have to worry about possible enemies attacking the city. There was a reason that he was having Ashelin follow him and his siblings, which wasn't due to her presence making everything easier for them as they threw through the air and headed towards their destination, rather he wanted her to have a little more to report to her father before handing over the Heart of Mar to Keira, as handing it over to her meant it would safely get to the person who needed it the most, though if Tess had something interesting for them, such as the Time Map that Krew had hidden for some reason, which wasn't an impossibility given what the fat man had been up to, she could join Ashelin and deliver whatever news or item she had to the person who needed it. Once he thought about all of that Alvin and his brothers landed outside the Hip Hog Saloon, allowing him and his sisters to climb off their backs, while Midnight landed near them, before the brothers reverted to their Ottsel forms and stretched as they quickly returned to the shoulders they usually rested on, while Ashelin parked her zoomer nearby and quickly joined them as they headed inside Krew's old place.

As Jak suspected they found Tess inside the Hip Hog, even though she was standing off to the left of the entrance and not behind the bar like she usually did, meaning this was more due to the fact that Krew was absent right now, even though the fact man was dead and wouldn't be coming back to this place, though a quick look around this place told him that Sig wasn't here, meaning he must have been sent out on another mission of some kind, to keep him busy, while Krew went to the Weapons Factory to mess with the Piercer Bomb.

"Oh, hey guys, I didn't see you come in," Tess said, where she stopped staring at the machine she had been staring at, due to the fact that she had been staring at a hack-a-mole game that Krew had installed at some point in time, probably one of his recent additions before he met his demise at the claws of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, something that caused them to stare at the machine in question as well, while Ashelin walked inside and frowned as she noticed a few things that would have gotten Krew arrested or heavily fined by either her father or one of his tax collectors, before she turned her focus back to the machine once more, "Before he left earlier, I noticed that Krew seemed really nervous when he stuffed some sort of item inside this machine, but I have no idea what he put inside it... maybe you guys can mess around with it and see if you can free whatever he stuffed inside it?"

"Whatever the item is, Krew certainly won't be needing it anymore... he's, shall we say, not all together these days," Daxter replied, to which he stretched his arms for a moment as he jumped off of Jak's shoulder and landed on top of the game that had been placed inside this place, a game that he would replace with something else if he were in control of Krew's place, something the siblings already knew he would do without him telling them anything, before he picked up the lone mallet that was attached to the game as he stood above the sets of holes, "Stand back and let the gamer beat this game, as it looks like it might be a bit of a challenge."

As Tess proclaimed that he was an animal, more in the sense that she was impressed by him once more, Daxter focused on the two sets of holes that were in front of him as he tapped the button that would activate the game and reveal what sort of 'moles' Krew had prepared for this machine, where he found that both of them looked like the directional compass with the four points, to which he braced himself for when the game started, even though he noted that there were two screens behind him that displayed his score and how many misses he was entitled to. Jak, his sisters, the dragon brothers, and Ashelin watched as Daxter focused on the game and started to whack some odd shaped Metal Head puppets, black ones that seemed to reward ten points for being hit, meaning if he missed one he'd lose one of his life counters, before he found a second type that was red colored and had a bit of electricity around it, a bad one he ignored, and then spotted a golden one that gave him far more points than the normal ones, fifty to be exact, something that caused him to smile as he struck it and continued playing the game. As such Daxter focused on whacking the black and gold icons while making sure to ignore the red ones that would hurt his life counter, maybe even decrease his score since it was Krew had must have designed this game, though everyone else watched as he struck his targets with a level of precision that shocked a few of them as they watched him beat Krew's game, even though Tess was enjoying every moment and might actually be turned on by Daxter's ability, reminding the siblings that she was a weird one as they decided not to question her about it, before turning their focus back to their friend as Ashelin waited for them to be done with the game. Ashelin was here just to see what sort of item Krew had stashed inside the machine, before heading back to her father to tell him what she had discovered, since having three Metal Heads, dragons to be exact, was a boon to their forces and he needed to be told this piece of information, but even then she had to admit that Daxter had a bit of skill in this field and suspected that if there was a gaming station made with him in mind he would be a great gamer, though that was when he overcame what had to be the high score, fifteen hundred, and a Precursor artifact, an egg that looked like a map as it opened up, popped out of one of the holes and floated in front of them.

"Of course Krew would have the Time Map... makes me wonder what else he might have hidden away," Midnight said, to which she sighed for a moment, as now that the fat man was dead there was no way for them to figure out what he might have hidden from them and the rest of the city, or at least in terms of asking him about such a thing, meaning whatever artifacts he had recovered might be lost forever at this point in time, before Tess stepped forward and picked up the Time Map, since it landed on the floor after resting in the air for a moment, "You might as well join Ashelin and head over to Keira when you get a chance, she'll need the Time Map and the Heart of Mar for the Rift Rider she's working on... I would explain everything, but we're running short on time."

Daxter opened his mouth to say something, mostly about how he'd actually bash some Metal Heads if there were any for him to strike down, though that was when Jak and Ashelin's Communicators became active as Vin declared that they had been sabotaged and that the Shield Wall had failed, that Kor was the culprit behind the deed, meaning he must have done something in the Power Station or another part of the city to bring down the barrier, and that Metal Heads were flowing into the city, where they found two of the Grunts walking into the Hip Hog, which caused him to smile for a moment as he tapped into his own power and jumped forward, spinning around as he extended a pair of Eco Blades to cut both of them down with ease.

"Great, it seems we were right about Kor... though where's Sig? He'd be perfect in a fight like this." Daxter commented, as while he was no longer as cowardly as he had been in the past, which was a drastic change he hadn't gotten used to since he didn't have a lot of time to get used to such a thing, he knew that the Wastelander would be perfect for taking down all of the Metal Heads that might be pouring into the city at this very moment, before he considered something else while he glanced at the Metal Head brothers, "Also, we might want to track down Shade and gather her forces as well... show the rest of Haven that there are good Metal Heads in the world."

"Don't worry, we'll go gather them," Starlight replied, where the group headed outside for a moment and stared at what was going on at the moment, as there was a number of Metal Heads invading the city and running at the citizens who just so happened to be in front of them, something that caused Simon and Alvin to transform into their true forms as Midnight headed out to weave her magic and knock their enemies backwards, while Starlight climbed up onto Simon's back, as Alvin launched himself into the air as well.

"Krew sent Sig on one last mission, to unlock some secret passing in the Underport," Tess added, though she was taken aback by the fact that two of the Ottsels she had seen on the shoulders of the siblings were actually dragons, or rather she had the feeling three of them were that way, but that didn't stop her from joining Ashelin in her zoomer, as it seemed like a safe position as the Krimzon Guards rushed out to deal with the invaders, indicating that a full scale battle was unfolding inside the city, even though she knew that giving Jak that information was important.

Jak nodded as Ashelin and Tess headed off for the Palace, and hopefully the Stadium to give Keira the artifacts she needed, while explaining why she needed them, as Starlight headed for the forest so she could inform Shade's forces of what was happening, if they weren't aware of the Shield Wall going down, leaving Midnight to weave her magic and take down the enemies that were coming at the citizens, though he and Cozy headed for the area that served as the entrance that would bring them to the Underport, an area none of them had known about and he had the feeling that having one of his sisters would be more than enough for whatever was down there. Not a few moments later Vin, despite the fact that he was busy trying to do something, anything, to salvage the Shield Wall and protect the city from the Metal Heads, sent them the exact coordinates of the passage that would allow Jak and Cozy to head down into the Underport, which just so happened to be located in one of the two large pillars they knew were near the edge of the Port, near where the Air Train was resting, and it just so happened to be the one on the right, the closest one to where Krew's place rested, so they used a two-seater zoomer to fly over to their destination. Sure enough Jak found a door at Vin's coordinates and parked near it, where he and Cozy took a second to climb out of the zoomer before approaching their destination, something that caused the door to open and let them see that there was an elevator waiting on the other side of it, though once they were standing on top of the pad the door closed behind them and they started to descend into the depths again, this time heading for another location that none of them had been told about in the past. When the elevator came to a stop they found that there was a decent sized area that happened to rest on the other side of the door that appeared in front of them, revealing that it was as tall as one of the Titan Suits, of which there happened to be one inside the area in question, meaning that someone might have to swim through the Underport and that caused Cozy to growl for a moment as she shifted into her Dark Form, though at the same time Theodore climbed into the machine with Jak and Daxter, something that was followed by the machine powering up as they and Cozy walked over to another metallic door that likely lead out into the Underport.

Sure enough the area they were in filled with water and it became clear why that was not a few seconds later, as the area that rested on the other side of the door happened to be underwater, there happened to be a large spherical mine off to their left, and it looked like there was a vent of oxygen that rested off to their right, though at this point Jak wasn't worried about Cozy and what was in front of them, as she had both her magic and her Dark Form that she could use to navigate the area they were entering. As he expected his sister rushed through the water and smashed her fist into the mine that was in this area, apparently taking no damage from doing such a thing, so Jak walked over to the vent, just to be sure it did what he thought it did, before heading over to a small step and punched his way into the next chamber they had to pass through in their search to find Sig, though it didn't take Dark Cozy long to rush out and target the couple of mines that had been placed in this part of the Underport, smashing each and every one of them to pieces while Jak made his way over to the upper level of this chamber. Of course Jak found some squid-like Metal Heads that were swimming through the water, meaning they must have adapted to living underwater and might be more suited to fighting than what he assumed, and sure enough Theodore mentioned that they were referred to as 'Squid Heads', given their form and race, though the more interesting thing was that a single punch from either the Titan Suit or from Dark Cozy, meaning that neither of them had to worry about the Squid Heads doing anything too major to them. After that Jak found a hole in the floor and used it to access an area below them, meaning he had been walking on a roof of a rectangular room, before smashing another door to bits as he discovered a chamber that had a few more mines inside it, something that caused him to wait for Dark Cozy to catch up with him before she rushed into the area and smashed her way through the mines, while stopping in the vent of oxygen for a few seconds to make sure she didn't run out of air, allowing him to continue moving as he found a brand new chamber and made his way through it, leaving the mines to Dark Cozy as he dealt with the lone Squid Head that was in his way, who fell in seconds to the might of his mech.

After that he smashed his way through a metallic door and found a chamber that had four anchors that were locked into the ground, to which he punched them with the Titan Suit's fists and unlocked them, which allowed the platforms that were linked to each of them to rise up and breach the water that was above where they were walking, and once all four of them were unlocked he used a nearby platform that brought him out of the water and revealed that the new platforms formed a path that lead over to the other side of the chamber. As such he followed the path and just jumped from one platform to another, while Dark Cozy quickly burst out of the water and landed where he was heading, before he found a hole in the floor he had been moving towards and discovered that it allowed him to fall underwater once more, while also revealing a passage that would allow him to move even deeper into the Underport, all while Dark Cozy followed after him so she didn't get left behind, not that he would leave his sister in a place like this, even if she could smash her way through the walls of this place and leave with her terrifying power. From there they made their way through another door Jak just punched apart and discovered a more open area that had a single thin bridge connecting their area to the next one, with at least three Squid Heads floating through the water, to which his sister rushed towards her targets and crushed them so he could move forward without having to worry about being attacked by some sort of enemy, which allowed him to enter a new chamber that had two more Squid Heads and, more importantly, two platforms that seemed to form a way for him to jump to the other side of the chamber, as they rose up to a certain height and improved his jumps. The first thing he did was clear out the pair of Squid Heads that were in his way, taking them out without dealing any damage to the Titan Suit, before he accessed the platforms and allowed both of them to turn into pillars so he could get higher and higher, as he did see a gap in the bridge connecting where the platforms were to the next area and determined that this was a good way to move forward, before eventually jumping over the gap and safely landed on the other side, with Dark Cozy taking a moment to show off as she just swam over to where he was waiting, once again displaying the strength of her magic to him and the others.

Once they were back together Jak resumed moving and found a chamber that had an open metallic door for him to walk through, and Dark Cozy to swim through, and the instant both of them were inside it the door closed before they found that the water inside the small room started to drain before their eyes, allowing Dark to climb out of the Titan Suit as the next door opened, revealing a passage, and a gap after a right turn that he jumped over, before they found Sig, who was standing next to some strange stone object, which had part of the Ruby Key stuck inside it and part of it resting off to the side, firing at some Grunts who were trying to take him down.

"Sig! There you are!" Jak said, though as he uttered those words Sig turned and fired at their direction, where they dodged the blast that was coming at them and he made sure Dark Cozy did nothing stupid right now, since lashing out at Sig was something none of them needed right now, but after that he found a Grunt coming from a tunnel above them and quickly loosed an attack of his own to take it down before it could do anything to Sig, even though their ally was focused on doing the same thing to any of the other attackers that might be in the area.

"Get your skinny asses over here and keep shooting!" Sig stated, where it was hard to see if he was happy to see them, as he had to deal with Dark Cozy all over again, or if he was annoyed that they were here, due to the fact that he was a hard individual to read most of the time, though he growled for a moment as he fired at one of the Grunts who tried to come out and attack them, meaning he was definitely annoyed by something, "Man, was I set up! Krew sent me down here to open some old doors with that Ruby Key you guys found earlier, and when I did that these Metal Heads came streaming in from some passage outside the city walls... just like they were waiting for me! There's one!"

"I guess Krew sold out the city to Kor and the Metal Head Leader, and they must have given him a lot to betray the Baron and everyone else," Daxter commented, though as he said that Sig blasted one of the Grunts and took it out in seconds, as he was an expect shot and was capable of taking down enemies with a single blast, making them wonder how many times Sig must have received weapon modifications from Krew, since his Peace Maker was far stronger than most of their guns, before he considered something that might make Sig a tab bit happy, "Well, this should make you happy: Krew's dead, and he was killed by Alvin and his brothers... oh, and they're Neo Metal Heads and we've got a force of them attacking the evil Metal Heads who are attacking the city right now."

"Oh... you'll have to explain things to me when we get back to the surface," Sig commented, as he paused for a moment as he heard that piece of information, because he wasn't expecting something like that to happen, even though it was Jak and his sisters who had done the deed in question, though in that moment he started to move forward and blasted one more Grunt who happened to emerge from one of the tunnels, where Dark Cozy noticed it and loosed a blast of dark energy at the tunnel, causing it to collapse, "Come on, let's go."

Jak nodded and followed after Sig as he started to head down another path that was connected to this chamber, as it did look like whatever device he had used to get down here must have been destroyed before they arrived to aid him or save him from any dangers that were down here, where they walked into a rectangular chamber that had some stone cubes that looked like they needed to be pushed into two indents in the floor, to which Sig and Dark Cozy stood guard in case a few Metal Heads came at them while leaving Jak to push the cubes into place. It didn't take Jak that long to push the pair of cubes into position, where he noticed that both seemed to flash a little like they were going to blow up or something, and once they were inside both holes the stone door that was in front of them opened up, revealing a passage that had to lead to another entrance that lead down into the Underport, or back up to Haven City, to which Jak and Sig headed through the now opened door as Dark Cozy followed behind them once more. When they reached the opening that required them to make a right turn, to head down the passage in question, the wall to their left started to crack for a few seconds before it was smashed to pieces by a massive Metal Head, a massive centipede to be exact and explained why Theodore referred to it as a Metal-pede, though as Jak and Sig started to head down the passage, which would require jumping by a couple of obstacles, such as electrified points and small platforms that needed to be struck to flip around, Dark Cozy rushed forward and grabbed onto the pincers that were attached to her foe's face. Her plan was simple, she was going to use her power to stall the Metal-pede and give Jak some time to reach an area that was closer to where the exit might be located, which her brother understood without needing to be told and continued moving forward with Sig, who had been focused on her for a moment and knew that annoying her was the last thing he wanted to do, to which they left her alone as she made sure the massive Metal Head stayed in this area, while ignoring a decent sized pit behind her, since it didn't seem important to her and was sure that it wouldn't do anything to the Metal-pede if she threw it down the pit.

After a few moments Dark Cozy got the signal she was waiting for, as she had Theodore use his hybrid form to fly after Jak and Sig, that way when they reached a safe location he could fly back to her and tell her what was going on, to which she pushed her foe backwards and followed the passage that her brother had used, eventually finding an opening that lead to where Jak and Sig were waiting and was followed by her turning as the Metal-pede followed her into the chamber, only for her to smash her fist into the head of her foe, sending it down into the depths so the others didn't have to worry about it catching up with them again. In that moment she found that the area Jak and Sig had stopped in had two platforms, where one happened to have another Key Cube, as Dark Cozy was going to call it, since she was sure Twilight or Starlight would call them the same name if they were helping Jak and Sig, where Jak kicked it into position and the large door that was in their way opened up, revealing the path forward, causing them to start moving once more as each of them, even though it brought them to another chamber that had two additional Key Cubes, along with an opening that looked like something that might be used by the invading Metal Heads. As such Jak focused on moving the pair of Key Cubes into the slots that were in the ground while Dark Cozy and Sig dealt with all of the Metal Heads that came rushing out of the tunnel they had spotted not even a few seconds ago, the latter slashing at some of her enemies while smashing a few into the ground as Sig opened fire on those she didn't target in her desire to do battle, almost lust for it as Sig watched what happened and once more confirmed that it was a good idea that he was on their side. Once the door was open, and Jak started to move forward again, Dark Cozy used her power to blast the tunnel and sealed it before more Metal Heads could rush at them, allowing her and Sig to follow after Jak once more, only for the wall to the left of the opening to crack as the Metal-pede had found them and wanted to smash them into the ground, to which Dark Cozy had Theodore follow Jak and Sig as she focused on stalling the Metal-pede again, who seemed annoyed with her and gladly lashed out at her while the others continued moving towards the exit of the Underport.

Not a few moments later Dark Cozy found that the Metal-pede's anger made it stronger and it actually pushed her back as they fought each other, so much so that it pushed her down the tunnel that Jak and Sig had headed down earlier and they smashed their way through whatever obstacles had been in Jak's way, before they smashed their way through a wall and appeared above where Sig and Jak were standing, causing Dark Cozy to gather her energy for a moment and swung her right hand downward, sending some thin waves of dark energy into the head of the Metal-pede and knocked it down into the depths of the Underport, allowing her to land near Jak and noticed something.

"Where's Sig?" Dark Cozy asked, as from what she could tell their friend wasn't near Jak, nor was he standing off to their left, near the exit that would take them out into the city, causing her to wonder if Sig might have fallen for one of the traps or obstacles and was using an alternate path to reach this part of the Underport, though she did notice that there was a broken pathway behind her that must have been the one that Jak had run along a few moments ago, before she arrived with her massive foe.

"In the depths now... thanks to your actions," Daxter remarked, as Sig had stopped on the now broken bridge after both Dark Cozy and the Metal-pede had smashed through the wall that was above this area, meaning that the Metal-pede had crashed right into both the stone walkway and Sig, sending their friend down into the depths of the Underport with the large Metal Head that had been chasing them, but even though he did seem annoyed by something he knew that Sig was a strong fighter and the Metal-pede had to be injured from Dark Cozy's attack, meaning they would be seeing him again at some point in time.

Dark Cozy tilted her head for a moment as she rejoined the group, which was when they stepped into the nearby elevator that would take them up to the Port, though as that happened their Communicator came out and revealed that Vin had a piece of information to share with them and their siblings, even though he was thankful for the few Neo Metal Heads that were guarding his area, and that was that they should head over to the Stadium, as it sounded like Keira needed help with the Rift Rider, meaning she must have found where the Rift Ring had been hidden. Not a few moments later the siblings emerged from the Underport and stepped out into a raging battlefield between two forces, where the Krimzon Guard and the Neo Metal Heads, the latter having put on red colored metallic bracers to separate themselves from the rest of their kind, were fighting the Metal Heads who were assaulting the city, though as they witnessed that Theodore shifted into his true form and allowed both Jak and Dark Cozy to climb onto his back before he took off. Of course they weren't the only ones to do that, as Jak spotted Starlight and Simon off in the distance while Midnight and Alvin quickly emerged from the Industrial Section and joined them as they headed over to where the Stadium rested, finding that the city had been turned into a massive battlefield thanks to Krew betraying everyone who called Haven City home, though none of them focused on that since it looked like the combined forces of the defenders were more than enough to deal with the invaders, which allowed them to focus on reaching Keira. Sure enough they found Keira standing near the stairs of the Stadium, where it looked like she had been in the process of moving the Rift Rider before the city became a battlefield, before they found Samos and the Shadow standing nearby, weaving some of their Eco powers over the device to protect it from harm, and a very worried Brutter who happened to be nearby, though based on what they knew of Brutter it was likely that he might have called in one of the Lurker balloons, maybe two so he could have his own and escape, and as they landed Jak noticed that the Shadow bowed his head a little as he and his siblings approached Keira, as he knew the secret the four of them had been keeping, one that was now up in the air for all of their allies to know.

"We've found the Rift Ring... the only bad news is that it is likely in the heart of the Metal Head Nest, no doubt guarded by the Leader," Keira said, speaking as soon as everyone got close to where she was standing, as she knew that this was what all of her friends were waiting to hear, that she knew where the last artifact might be resting and what they needed to do to get their hands on it, where she noticed Jak share a glance with his sisters, meaning they had to be happy that she had discovered that the Rift Ring was inside the Metal Head Nest.

"Good, then let's get the Rift Rider into the air and start our assault on the Leader of the Metal Heads," Jak stated, as all of them were happy with Keira, Samos, and likely the Shadow's work in discovering where in the world the missing Rift Ring was located, even though they should have assumed that it was resting in the Nest given that Kor likely gave their younger selves to the massive Metal Head they had seen years ago, leverage for when he and his sisters invaded the Nest, though he was sure that someone might have an idea on how to get the Rift Rider to their destination.

In the following moments Brutter declared that he had called in a Lurker balloon for them to use to move the vehicle out of the city, before loudly declaring that 'Metal Headers' were coming to attack everyone, though while a number of Metal Heads were definitely rushing at them, no doubt to kill them, they were stopped in their tracks by Alvin, Simon, Theodore, and a few Neo Metal Heads who happened to be guarding this part of the city, no doubt due to Shade realizing that Keira was important to Jak and wanted to protect her. For the most part Jak and his sisters didn't do anything while the dragons tore into the incoming attackers, though there were a few Grunts that approached them and Jak used his blade to cut all of them down, even though he made sure to avoid their attacks as he did that, giving Samos and the Shadow the time they needed to lift the Rift Rider onto the platform of Brutter's Lurker balloon, make sure Keira was with them, and then depart while Jak and their allies were tearing into the Metal Heads that were attacking the Stadium. Once they were gone Jak had the Neo Metal Heads return to the main battle as he and his sisters took to the skies again, where Vin informed them that Praxis was heading to the Construction Site, an area inside the Industrial Section that none of them had been to, as there was never any need to go there, and gave them the coordinates they needed to reach the areas in question, which Jak was happy to receive since he and his sisters knew that there was a chance that Kor might go after him and right now the city needed him alive, at least until things had settled down. With that information in hand they turned towards the area that the Baron was heading to, finding that a good number of Krimzon Guards were blasting all of their enemies as they made sure to avoid hitting the Neo Metal Heads, before they found the area in question and Alvin landed near a door not a few seconds later, where he shifted back into his Ottsel form and opened the way for Simon and Theodore to replicate what he had done after Jak and Midnight moved out of the way, and once all three of them were back in their Ottsel forms the siblings headed through the door.

Not a few moments later Jak and his sisters entered the decent sized area that Praxis was standing in, glancing around like he was looking for something, though as they walked down the wooden path in front of them Kor suddenly dropped down out of nowhere and landed like his bones were made out of metal or something, once more confirming that there had to be something strange about him and Jak considered one of Twilight's more outlandish theories about the figure, after the events outside Mar's Tomb, before he carefully approached the seemingly old man.

"Kor? What are you doing here?" Jak loudly asked, something that allowed Praxis to know that they had company and did find that the Baron turned to glance at them as he heard him speak, all while the sisters stood at the ready, because if they were right things were going to get heated in some manner in the next couple of moments, though as that happened Kor got up and brushed off the front of his attire for a few seconds, as if that was important right now, before glancing at Jak and his sisters for a few seconds with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I'm sure you know... deep down in your deepest nightmares!" Kor replied, where Jak and the others found that a change washed over Kor not a few seconds later, as his teeth sharpened for a moment as he focused on Jak, though as he did that Alvin and his bothers noticed a light wave of dark energy emitting from his head jewelry, causing them to realize who had to be in front of them and neither side noticed the other until this point, but that was when Kor staggered for a moment as Jak stabbed him in the chest with Mar's sword, not that it seemed to do much to him, meaning they could only hurt him while he was in his true form, "Do you mind? I'm trying to be menacing here!"

"Well, you aren't doing a good job," Dark Cozy stated, as she was sure that if Kor had done a better job at hiding his dark side from them and their allies, instead of showing it a few times while he was having them assault the Baron's forces and his attempts to damage all of the systems that went into powering the Shield Wall, though in the following moments she swung her claws at Kor's face and discovered what Jak had discovered, that she could hurt his disguise but couldn't do any true damage to their foe.

"Plus, we figured out that you were either in league with the Metal Heads, or you were the Leader in disguise, hence why we kept most of the important things from you," Midnight commented, where she noticed that Praxis was approaching the area they were walking in and seemed to have his broadsword at the ready, like he was going to behead the false old man that was in front of him, where she wondered if such a wound would actually cripple the disguise and kill Kor, before he could transform into his true form, though before he could reach his target Kor loosed a burst of power at the ground and knocked all of them backwards as his form shattered.

"Now you see!" Kor stated, where Jak, his sisters, and the others found themselves staring at the massive form of the one who lead the Metal Heads and who lead the forces who were attacking the city at the moment, confirming that Kor was, in fact, the Leader of their enemies and that meant it was a good thing they had chosen not to let him know certain things as they worked to make the city a better place, before he landed and glared at all of them, showing that he was either upset with some of them or glad to be out of his disguise, "Without the Shield Wall disrupting my powers inside the city, I can, at long last, use my full power and unleash my full potential now! So for the last time, give me the Precursor Stone, before I reduce this pitiful city to a pile of rubble!"

"I sent it along to Mar's gun... they should be blasting open your Nest in the next couple of seconds," Praxis stated, even if he was telling Kor a complete lie since the Precursor Stone was resting inside Midnight's private storage area, though since Kor had no idea who actually had the Stone, since they had told everyone the Baron had it and they believed the lie, all he could do was believe what Praxis had said and do something about it, hence why Kor spread his wings and took off not a few seconds later, heading for the area that the legendary gun was resting in, causing them to chuckle for a moment when they realized that the lie had worked to this degree, "I was not expecting that to work as well as it did, but you had best get to the Air Train and take it to the Metal Head Nest, as I have arranged for them to take you out to the Nest... thanks to the ongoing assault, this will be our best chance to take down Kor and cripple his forces."

Jak nodded as he and his sisters headed out of the Construction Site, allowing Praxis to return to the battle and lead their combined forces against the attackers, to prevent people from being hurt while taking down enemies, leaving the four of them to head over to the Port and find the vehicle in question, where the pair of guards who were protecting it nodded as they approached and opened the door so they could enter it without delay, and once all of them were aboard the vehicle it took off and headed for the area that the Metal Head Nest rested on, as it was time to bring an end to this war, take Kor down, and use the Rift Ring before they worried about anything else.

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