• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Interlude: Unexpected Discovery

Tess and Torn, as Twilight discovered, where surprised by the discovery of Simon and Theodore, even though one liked the fact that they had two new friends and the other didn't seem to care for this discovery at all, given that the latter was a little preoccupied by planning out the Underground's moves against the Baron, even though there was a bit of good news from all of this and that was the fact that none of the citizens of Haven City, being the residents and the Guards, seemed to take notice of Twilight's true nature, meaning she could just walk around and not care about being spotted at all, even though they were all sure that would change the moment she did something that upset Baron Praxis. Truthfully, after everything she had discovered so far, and she was sure that there was more she hadn't found out yet she had only been in the city for a day or two, she honestly didn't care for the Baron's oppressive rules and was more then willing to do anything to upset his rule over Haven City, even though that was when she learned that the Baron lead a coup to expel the previous King and had succeeded, much to the dismay of the residents of the city, meaning that the residents had been forced to change from one type of rule to another and that none of them really cared for the current rule, even if many didn't want to speak out due to the Krimzon Guards taking down anyone that spoke out. That was why the Underground existed, to fight the Baron and his corrupted followers, which included the Captain of the Guard, an evil individual who was ruthless and enjoyed watching the suffering of others while he worked, whose name happened to be Errol, someone that Twilight was going to have to keep an eye out for in the future, as Torn knew that if he spotted her while she was out in the city he would stop at nothing to take her down and ship her to the prison, or one of the other Krimzon Guard facilities, meaning that if someone was taken into such a place it would be hard for them to leave. In that moment Torn seemed to have an idea of what the Underground could do with the Ottsel brothers and that, as Twilight learned, was to use them as a new type of spy, since they were much smaller than everyone else in the city and, if someone happened to be focused on whatever was around them at the time, he was sure that each of them would go unnoticed and would be able to leave the area they were sent to with whatever information they were tasked with collecting, meaning they could gain some vital information without leaving a trace for the Baron or his lackeys to follow.

Interestingly enough Alvin, Simon, and Theodore weren't annoyed by the idea, rather they seemed eager to help out, due to everything they had discovered in the short time they had been inside Haven City, since all of them were in Twilight's position right now, and she had the feeling that the brothers would be able to handle themselves, given their true forms and whatever their middle forms looked like, since she had been told that there were three forms they could use and she had seen two of them, which really made her wonder what the third form looked like since Alvin had told her it was more of a hybrid form, but she was sure that she would find out in due time, even though this was something that they kept to themselves since the brothers didn't trust the Underground with their secret just yet.

Once Torn had an 'official' labeling for the Ottsel brothers, for the Underground anyway, Twilight found that the next few days were filled with her not really doing much, save for using a device that Tess gave her to read anything and everything that they had access to, as in history tomes, research notes, and a number of books that held a bunch of new subjects for her to read up on, meaning that while she had some time off she used it to expand her knowledge on everything that had happened over the last three hundred or so years, even if some of them were completely made up based on everything she had read so far. Her new companions, meaning Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, joined her from time to time since Torn hadn't given them any missions yet, meaning they were still in the recruitment stages of the rebellion and weren't ready for spies to go into the Krimzon Guard facilities, but while Alvin and Theodore enjoyed several of the items she had pulled up, as in the action related stories, Simon seemed interested in expanding his own knowledge and joined her in seeing what Tess' tablet had to offer them, as the device was a black rectangular item and had a glass screen, though that didn't stop them from reading everything that had been offered to them. Torn didn't seem to mind the fact that she was just hanging out in Tess' place for the time being, rather it was like he expected her to do that in the first place since he didn't have any missions to offer her, even though he also gave her no thanks for fixing the valve, meaning he was going to be like Samos in the fact that he was a 'tough audience', as he liked to call himself, and that it would take something special for him to congratulate her, meaning she would have to work hard and do something truly impressive, just like what she, Jak, Starlight, and Cozy did during their first adventure. Of course Twilight found nothing that would help them taken down the Baron inside the tablet, not that she was planning on finding something in there anyway, so she spent her free time reading up on studies and everything that had come before this point in time, along with thinking up new ways to use her magic, for when she went on a mission for the Underground or when she got into a fight with someone, be they a Krimzon Guard or her training partners, which was a great way for her to pass some of the time and improve her skills as Alvin and his brothers watched her, taking in the new type of power that she was wielding, since they were still surprised by what she was capable of.

That allowed Alvin, Simon, and Theodore to understand why she was so eager to find both of her sisters and her brother, as both Starlight and Cozy were getting on her level of magical might, even if Cozy was the weakest of the three, while Jak was capable of channeling the four types of Eco that were the most common in the world, something that she and both of her sisters were also capable of, even though Twilight also hid the fact that they had channeled Light Eco for a few seconds during their fight with Gol and Maia, since she wasn't sure if it existed in Haven City or not, though for the most part it did look like the Ottsel brothers were fine with everything she told them.

It took some time, but eventually Torn started to give her missions as he had Tess and some of the other members, who were indistinguishable from each other since they wore the same green sweater, the same beige pants, and the same red bandana that covered half of their faces, meaning their uniforms had been designed to make it harder for the Krimzon Guard to figure out who was who, heading out and keep to the shadows as they started to recruit more members for the Underground, as they needed to expand a bit before they even attempted to go after some of the higher ranked items on the list of things that needed to be taken down to knock the Baron off his throne. The missions were rather simple, as he wanted her to use her powers to disrupt the Krimzon Guard so the rest of their forces, those who had been assigned to other missions that weren't recruitment, could fulfill whatever missions they had been given, meaning she was just one of the support members right now and she was fine with that, as she had to start somewhere and this seemed to be the best place for her, though Torn also forked over a Red Security Pass, something that would allow her to get into two sections of Haven City that he had flown her through, those being the Industrial Section and the Port. The reason was so she didn't have to rely on anyone else to ferry her from place to place, which she was thankful for and found that there was no form of identification attached to it, as most of the Security Passes in Haven City showed a picture and some information of the one who carried the item in question, but since she was part of the Underground it made sense not to have a picture or some of her information on it, so it wouldn't be given to the Baron or Errol, or whoever else was part of the evil force that had control of the city, so this was the best for her and for her new friends. Twilight was positive that once this rebellion reached it's end, and she had been reunited with all of her siblings, plus Keira and Samos, they could obtain true passes with their information written on them, if they wanted to become citizens of Haven City, though as she and the Ottsels left the hideout, and quickly discovered one of the two seater zoomers resting nearby, her thoughts turned to what she had to do for the Underground and let her magic wash over her for a moment, revealing one of her disguises she had created in the last two weeks, a seemingly ordinary lady with short brown hair and some mechanic clothing, like what both she and Keira would have worn when they were working on the zoomers.

Once that was done she climbed into the driver seat as the Ottsel brothers took their position in the other seat, where she made sure everyone was ready before turning on the vehicle and headed out into the city, making it look like she might be going out on a pleasant drive or something like that, though her first destination was the outside of the Fortress that Torn had told her about, where she made the guards outside think that she was just following traffic and wasn't up to anything as she weaved her magic through the air for a few seconds, using a spell that should jack the control of the pair of turrets that were outside the structure. She supposed that the turrets were to deter anyone from acting out, even though she felt such a thing was bad since they were stuck in the ground and didn't come up until the guards were chasing people down, as in lawbreakers or those that the Baron felt were in league with the Underground, though for right now this was her first diversion as the turrets sprung out of their holding areas for a moment, which surprised the couple Krimzon Guards that were leaving the Fortress, due to a change in shift happening between the Baron's forces, and they ducked under cover as the turrets opened fire on everything that was around them. Her magic made it so they would miss her, the citizens, and just about everyone else, as this was more to annoy the guards and not actually hurt anyone, though as she did that she made sure to leave the area as well, to not arouse suspicion with the guards, where Alvin, Simon, and Theodore chuckled for a moment as they observed the chaos that she was causing, which would allow the other members of their faction to do whatever missions Torn had for them, even though Twilight suspected that acquiring supplies, food and weapons to be exact, had to be their priority right now and stealing from the Krimzon Guards while they were distracted was Torn's plan as he searched for Twilight's siblings. As soon as they got back together, and had a chance to go over everything that had happened since they entered the Rift Gate, which she would tell the Ottsel brothers about later, since she didn't want that fact to be revealed just yet, she was sure that Torn would have all four of them start to truly assist the Underground and take the fight to the Baron's forces, eventually overthrowing him and his evil followers, even though she had to wonder if some of the guards are only doing this for safety or something, since this future world seemed to have a money system, which Tess was taking care of without leaving any tracks that might lead to the Underground.

From there Twilight focused on several sections of the Slums and repeated what she did outside the Fortress, finding the locations of the slumbering turrets and made the devices go crazy for a time, just to mess with any Krimzon Guards that happened to be in the area she was targeting, and sure enough she, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore carefully watched as both the guards and the residents were spooked whenever she messed with one of the turrets, though they had to agree that this was the best thing they could do without dealing any damage to the walls or the houses that were around them, due to Torn making sure she didn't damage the city they were fighting to liberate.

This went on for some time, Torn would allow her and the Ottsels to relax for a time, which lead to Alvin and his brothers practicing with their arms, legs, and tails while they were stuck in their smallest form so they didn't get stuck or lazy during their time off, even though they were itching to get back out there and transform into their true forms for a time, but due to Torn not sending them outside the Eco Dome, to the Pumping Station or the forest Twilight had landed in, there was nothing they could do and the brothers had to be patient until an opportunity presented itself to them, all while Twilight kept reading and sparred with Tess from time to time, to keep her own skills from getting rusty. When the six month date rolled by, however, Torn informed Twilight that he had something for her to do, not as an assignment, rather they had a contact in the Arena section of the city, where zoomer races were held, who might have come up with a new weapon and that one should be located inside a building that was known as the Gun Course, as it allowed one to practice with their weapons and see if they needed to improve, where she would be looking for an experimental weapon that was known as the Scatter Gun, as the contact wanted someone to test it out and see if there were any problems with it, before seeing if it could be added to what the Krimzon Guards used in battle. While some would be worried about arming their enemies with brand new weapons and new types of ammunition, something that Twilight could sort of agree with, doing this would also allow the Underground to have access to these new types of weapons, especially when they got around to sending a couple of members to steal a bunch of gear when Twilight distracted them with her powers, even though it was odd that the Baron hadn't caught onto their actions yet, and putting the Underground on an even level with the Krimzon Guard, in terms of weapons anyway. While she headed up the stairs and left the hideout, however, Twilight determined that taking some time to train with these new weapons meant that whenever a final product was created, since she had no idea how far along in the process it happened to be, she would be able to claim one at some point and add it to her arsenal, which would give her something else to use against whoever her enemies might be, though the first thing she would do after she found her siblings was likely show them how to operate this new type of weapon, hence why she was so interested in the 'mission' she had been given, learning everything there was to know about it and what it was capable of.

As such Twilight focused on taking her position in the driver seat and waited for her friends to take their position in the other seat, where she powered up the zoomer and quickly left the area that the hideout was hidden in, allowing them to head into the Industrial section of Haven City not a few moments later, even though there were a number of vehicles and that meant traffic was upon them, to which they patiently waited for the zoomers to move as Twilight followed the line to her destination, even though she knew that if this had been a real mission, with a time limit, she could have just switched to the lowest height the zoomers could fly in and bypass everyone, though once more the few Krimzon Guards that flew by didn't seem to care about her odd features, simply ignoring her as they moved forward.

"Twilight, are you sure your siblings said they were heading to Haven City?" Alvin asked, because that had been something that was bothering him and his brothers since each of them joined her in her quest to locate her missing siblings, despite the fact that it had only taken him a day or two to locate his own brothers and reunite with them, though when he took a moment to think about how long it had been since they found Twilight, and these months had been some of the best due to the fact that they weren't stuck inside the Metal Head Hive anymore and didn't have to listen to the Leader ordering all of them around like soldiers and servants, he started to wonder if Starlight and the others actually existed, "I'm not saying that you're a liar or anything, but it has been six months since we started looking for Starlight, Cozy, and Jak, and during our time with the Underground none of us have found anything that suggests they're living inside the city, or even on the outskirts for that matter."

"They have to be here, somewhere," Twilight replied, though even as she said that she didn't blame Alvin for asking the question in the first place, since she and the Underground had been looking for six months and hadn't discovered where any of her siblings might be hiding, since both Starlight and Cozy would have learned the same magic she knew and could have hidden themselves with ease, to which she sighed for a moment as she focused on all of the traffic that was right in front of them, even though her mind drifted back to the Rift Gate and the Rift Rider, "We traveled to Haven City together, but we were separated on the way here and I ended up in the forest, with no idea where the others might have ended up, though I'm sure they would have seen the city and would have headed for it, since Haven City is the only city for miles in each direction... it is hard to imagine that they would have gone elsewhere, so I'm hoping that we find a clue or something soon, as I'm starting to worry about all of them, including Daxter and the others."

Alvin and his brothers didn't say anything to that as they flew down the streets of Haven City, though Twilight felt bad due to the fact that she hadn't explained everything to her new friends, as she really had no idea how they would react to the news that she, her siblings, and the others she was in the middle of looking for were actually from the past and that they had traveled to the future by using an unknown set of Precursor artifacts, which may or may not have been the reason the Metal Heads had invaded the continent and lead to everything that had happened over the last three hundred years or so, as it sure felt like part of this was their fault. As she thought about everything, however, she noticed that she had arrived in the part of the city that happened to be their destination and made sure to stop before flying by where the Gun Course was located, where she found that there wasn't a lot of parking, if any at all, in front of the building, which seemed more like a wall of some kind, before parking near a single seater zoomer and climbed out of it, where Alvin sat on her shoulder as Simon and Theodore walked behind her hooves as she headed for the doorway, even though she entered a decent sized square shaped chamber that had two openings and what appeared to be a rack that she wasn't sure what function it had to serve. From what she could see it appeared that the rack might be able to determine what sort of course the pair of doors would lead someone to, like a novice course, an intermediate course, and an expert course, as that would be Torn's way of labeling things and telling trainees what they would be expecting, but based on what she was seeing right now it sure looked like someone was already running the course, meaning all she could do for the time being was take a look at the building she was in and see if she or the Ottsels could find the weapon she was supposed to be testing, though she did find a number of Krimzon Guard crates that seemed to hold a bunch of ammunition for the guns that the guards used all the time, or at least their current guns anyway, since they were more like what Torn carried. Not a few moments later she heard one of the doors open and glanced at them for a moment, finding that it happened to be the one that was opposite of the building's entrance, though that was when Twilight stopped for a few seconds as Starlight stepped through the now open doorway, wearing a light blue low cut shirt, much like what she was wearing right now, and a pair of shorts that she knew would make people assume her sister worked somewhere in the Port, which might be true since she had no idea what Starlight had been doing for the last six months.

While she was overjoyed to see her sister again, who paused as soon as she stepped out of the course she had tackled and noticed that Twilight was standing in the building she was in, Twilight noticed that her sister was carrying a weapon, which had to be a gun, which seemed to be about the length of her arm from the elbow to the tip of her middle finger, though it seemed to have a few exhaust vents, a few circles on it for some reason, a lever that might be for pumping more of the ammunition into it, and there seemed to be a red device attached to the top of it, something that she had to assume was the container for whatever it fired at the user's targets.

"Twilight? Thank the Precursors that you're alright." Starlight said, though before she did anything else she placed the odd weapon on a rack for a moment, where Twilight could see that it seemed to be overheating right now, as there was smoke coming from it and that had to mean that it wasn't designed as well as it could be, before they rushed over to each other and embraced not a few seconds later, leaving Alvin and his brothers to jump over to some boxes as the pair did that, as they were quite pleased that she had found one of her siblings, though they would have been happier had they been of some help to her, before they separated for a moment, "I take it you know about the time displacement and everything else that's been going on in the city?"

"Yes, three hundred years and everyone was separated when the Rift Rider blew up," Twilight replied, knowing that what she and Starlight were talking about would lead Alvin and his brothers to ask what in the world they were discussing, due to her not saying anything to them about it, which might cause some trust issues between them in the future, but for now she was focused on figuring out what had happened to Starlight and if she had any idea what happened to Cozy, Jak, and the rest of their group, before she sighed for a moment as she recalled what she had gone through after exiting the time tunnel and landing outside the city, "I was thrown out of the Time Tunnel the Rift Gate had created and I landed in Haven Forest, just outside the Eco Dome to be exact, and had to fight off some Metal Heads with some help, though that lead me to meeting one of the Underground's members and joined up with them, so I've been lending them my magic in exchange for the aid in finding you, Cozy, and the others. What about you?"

"Fell right into the Port, hit the water so hard that I would have broken an arm or a leg had it not been for me using some of my magic to form a barrier around me," Starlight stated, where she took a second to recall that day as well, because it had been one of the strangest days of her life and she was sure the same was true for the others, even though she took notice of the three Ottsels that were nearby and figured that she would have to ask about them later on, which was when she refocused on Twilight and everything that she had to tell her, "after I sank beneath the water I quickly teleported back to the surface and landed on one of the walkways I had seen from the surface, though while I did that I ended up bumping into a large warrior, a Wastelander to be exact, and he brought me to Krew... whose a real scumbag, worse than anyone we knew before using the Rift Gate, and I've only stayed with him and Sig so I could use his resources to find you and the others, but I've spent the last six months looking for ghosts."

"Hm, it almost seems like someone is trying to hide us from each other, or at least from the Krimzon Guard," Twilight said, as when she thought about the situation for a moment it sure seemed like someone was working with the various security systems and was making it so that no one knew that Twilight and Starlight existed, meaning that they and Cozy, at the very least, were some of the most shadowy figures in the city, possibly extending to Jak and the others, which made her take a few seconds to wonder if the Underground's electronic expert, the genius that was supposedly helping them while staying hidden from her and near every member of the organization, was behind it or not, "Anyway, you are the first one I've been able to find, just like I'm the first one for you, but I haven't heard or seen any signs of the others yet, so I have no idea as to where Cozy, Jak, or the others might be."

"At least you're safe," Starlight commented, as that was the truth of the matter, that she was happy to see that at least one of her siblings was just fine, even though they had no idea what had happened to the others, even though Twilight just so happened to be a member of the Underground, which meant that the two of them would be interacting with each other a lot more in the future, since she knew that her 'boss' was an informant that gave information to the rebellion, whenever it suited him anyway, and it didn't look like Twilight knew about that fact yet, meaning she was likely going to have to explain some things to her before they were separated, but she was hoping Sig would understand and convince Krew that it might be to their benefit if she stayed close to Twilight, before she focused on something else, "So, who are the Ottsels that have been following you?"

"Oh, right, allow me to introduce Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, three brothers I met and assisted shortly after my arrival in Haven Forest," Twilight replied, though this time around she was planning on telling Starlight everything, even if it might cause her companions to question her and make them wonder why she would be revealing their truth to someone, since none of them had tried to do that since they entered the city and started to observe the Baron's movements and what his guards had done to the civilians, before she returned to the topic they were talking about, "just don't let their size fool you, as they're actually a new breed of Metal Heads that are capable of thinking for themselves and creating their own views on events and people, and they disagree with what the Leader of their race is doing, so they came to Haven City to hand over some information to the Baron... but after hearing about everything he's done, well, that plan has been put on hold until we figure out who they can trust with the information they have."

"Twilight, can you please explain what in the world is going on?" Alvin asked, because while he had an idea as to why she was revealing their secret to Starlight, while not revealing it to the Underground that she was allied with, parts of what the sisters had talked about went right over his head and it made him lost when he considered everything that was going on at the moment, but even as he thought about that he was positive that Simon had been keeping track of everything that had been mentioned so far and would have a greater understanding of everything they had talked about since meeting each other in the Gun Course.

"It appears that Twilight, Starlight, their siblings, and the rest of their group came from the past, given the 'three hundred year' comment and the mention of this 'Rift Gate'," Simon remarked, as he had been listening to what had been said and several of the terms that had been mentioned had interested him to some degree, meaning he would have to ask about them at a later date, and he understood why Alvin might be either worried or troubled by what was going on, even though Theodore didn't seem to care all that much, not that he was surprised by such a thing, "and she trusts her sister enough to reveal our true identities to her, so we shouldn't have to worry about this Knew learning that information, though I have the feeling that we'll have to go back to the forest and show off our true forms to her at some point... I think we should wait before we do that, so that way we can locate Jak and Cozy first."

"Like I said, I haven't seen or heard anything since I landed in this place," Starlight spoke up, though that was around the time that she noticed that the gun she had been training with had finally cooled down and allowed her to pick it up once more, giving her something else to focus on while she talked with Twilight and her new friends, to which she sighed as she glanced at the weapon for a few seconds, which caused her sister to glance her way and focus on the gun, "and, like I said earlier, I've been helping Krew with a number of things, to gain access to his network so I could search for you and the rest of the others, and he wanted me to test this Morph Gun out... truthfully, this version is a piece of trash and it overheats in no time, almost like when we used the A-Grav Zoomer to cross over Fire Canyon, though I know if I had fired one or two more shots with it in the practice course it would have broken under the heat."

Twilight sighed for a moment as she glanced at the weapon and wondered if it was possible to find the blueprints for this 'Morph Gun', as Starlight called it, because if she had access to that she might be able to figure out how to fix the problem and send that news to whoever had made the blueprints or gun in the first place, though while she stared at that, due to her interest in the weapon Torn wanted her to learn about, both she and Starlight started to come up with a plan of sorts, one that would allow them to travel around Haven City like they had done in the past, before activating the Rift Gate and using the Rift Rider, and focus on the search for Cozy, Jak, Daxter, Keira, and Samos. Starlight decided not to both taking Twilight and the Ottsel brothers to the place that Krew owned, mostly because she didn't want to show the man that she had found one of her siblings just yet, in the off chance that he tried to force more work on her for 'using his resources to find her siblings', basically paying him back for what she had used so far, but even then, with Twilight being a member of the Underground movement, she knew she would come into contact with Krew at some point in time, so for now the two of them would pool their resources and resume looking for the rest of the group, even though they had the feeling that it would take some time before they found someone else. As such Twilight resolved to meet or talk with Vin at one point, or at least that was supposed to be the name of the genius who was helping the Underground while working for the Baron as a spy of some sort, mostly an informant, because she was sure that he might be able to help them out in locating where the rest of their siblings were located, though given that he happened to be one of the more mysterious members of the rebellion, save for the Shadow, the leader of Torn and everyone else, she knew that it was going to be some time before she even got around to making that happen. Once they figured out where Cozy and Jak were, along with Daxter since he had to be near Jak, they would focus on locating Keira and Samos, the remaining members of their group, and then figure out what they were going to do after that happened, since there happened to be a war going on between the Baron and the Metal Heads, plus the Underground trying to overthrow Baron Praxis so they could put the true ruler on the throne to restore hope, or something like that, but for now they had to focus on locating their siblings and everyone else, then they could worry about whatever the future held for all of them.

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