• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Danger in the Swamp

The first thing Jak and his sisters discovered as they entered Boggy Swamp was the fact that the entrance was a circle and that it didn't matter which side of it they took since both ended in the same area, so all four of them just walked around the left side and bypassed the pillar that was in the way, allowing them to focus on whatever was inside the swamp, in addition to the Lurkers that they had been told about and the various contraptions that were being used to haul up a Precursor artifact from the mud, something they were going to stop since it was the right thing to do, especially since the Blue Sage had a feeling it would happen and Samos agreed with his fellow Sage's notes on the matter. After that they discovered a tall rock that happened to be in the middle of the first area of the region that they were going to be tackling, one that had a few wooden chests on it, had some wooden walkways attached to it, and what appeared to be a cave of some kind to the right of the pillar, even though there were a few Precursor Orbs resting on top of the rock, though that was followed by the entire group, including Daxter for that matter, spotting a small red-orange furred rat creature which happened to be over to the left of the rock. The interesting thing about the rat was that it seemed to resemble a Lurker, in terms of the lower part of its jaw and a collar that looked a lot like what nearly every type of Lurker wore, meaning it was either a Swamp Rat or a Lurker Rat, though it was also incredibly weak, more so than the rest of the various enemies they had faced so far, as when it rushed over to bite one of them Jak just kicked it in the side of its head and knocked it into the mud, which he and his sisters had to walk through for the most part, which none of them were happy with and knew that once they were done in this region they could return to Rock Village and clean their hooves and shoes in the water. After that Cozy approached some of the wooden chests that were done on their level and smashed them open, where they found a pair of yellow Eco clusters in both of them, something Twilight knew to be Yellow Eco based on everything they had seen so far, to which Jak grabbed one of the clusters and empowered himself for a time, allowing him to fire yellow bursts of power, fireballs to be exact, which had enough power to break apart the metallic boxes that were in front of them, freeing a number of Precursor Orbs for the siblings to collect, even though it also put a smile on Jak's face as they watched what the Yellow Eco did.

"Oh yeah, I could get used to using Yellow Eco," Jak commented, as it was mostly in the sense that it allowed him to be on a level that matched what his sisters could do when they fought enemies, due to all three of them being capable of using a bit of magic to blast foes backwards or take them out in a matter of seconds, even though the same thing was that he did need a bit of Yellow Eco to be on Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy's level, though he did make sure to break all six boxes that rested in front of the log that seemed to be the path forward, even if one of his fireballs locked onto a Lurker Rat that was off to his right and blasted it into the rock wall.

"I had no idea Yellow Eco would let you launch fireballs like that," Daxter added, even though the sisters weren't surprised by that statement, as he had the least amount of knowledge in regards to the types of Eco that existed in their world, due to the fact that he almost never paid attention to Samos' lessons on the manner, and their friend wondered why Samos was so annoyed with him, even if there was more to the matter than just sleeping through his lessons or ignoring them altogether, but for the most part the sisters decided to say nothing to his comment and let him imagine what he could do with this type of Eco, when he got his previous form back anyway.

What the siblings did after Jak blew up the couple of metallic boxes that were in front of the log, which happened to have a bunch of thorns and vines wrapped around it, to make sure they stayed on the log and didn't stray from the path, was use the nearby pole that was attached to the side of the rock pillar and spun around it for a few seconds, as when one of them latched onto one of the poles they could swing forward and eventually whoever did it found themselves spinning, which allowed them to use the momentum to propel themselves through the air and get higher than they normally could, as it let Cozy get up on top of the rock pillar. There she found a few Precursor Orbs to collect and a few more wooden chests to break apart, even if the chests only had clusters of Yellow Eco inside them, to which she jumped down to where the rest of her siblings were waiting for her and they focused on the path that would allow the four of them to get deeper into the swamp, which just so happened to have a Scout Fly box along the way, so what happened next was that Jak jumped from where they were standing and used a rock to get onto the log, before smashing the box apart to free the little robot that was trapped inside it. From there they discovered an area that had a wooden path for them to walk on, as it was above a bunch of darker looking mud, making all of them wonder if there was some Dark Eco lurking below the surface or if it was just deeper than what they were expecting it to be, though another thing they discovered was a mass of red skinned bats that were flying around part of the other side of the area they were in, Swamp Bats since they didn't look anything like the Lurker Rats they had seen so far, and, of course, Twilight and Cozy noticed some Dark Eco boxes that needed to be wiped out at some point, just to make heading through this area easier for them. The more interesting thing was that there was a Blue Eco vat on the other side of the area they were in and it was resting near a jump pad, making them wonder where it might take them, though before moving forward Jak empowered himself with a bit of Yellow Eco, as a cluster had been in front of where he and his sisters had been standing and he started to loose fireballs into the air as he targeted the Swamp Bats, which was when he used his goggles to make sure all of his shots hit something, and that included hitting a lone foe that had been standing on the wooden walkway, which happened to be a Lurker Rat who was taken down in a single hit, and once all of their foes had been taken care of the siblings started to move once more.

As they headed over to the Blue Eco vent Starlight made sure to pick up the couple of Precursor Orbs that were off to the side of the walkway, adding to their collection once more, before the four of them accessed the vent and empowered their bodies with the Blue Eco, something that allowed them to use the jump pad as they launched themselves through the air and headed over to the area it seemed to be connected to, which was over a wall and over a bunch of thorns, before they dropped into a side area that had a pair of Lurker Rats, a Scout Fly box, and another vent with a jump pad, so Twilight and Cozy knocked the rats out with a quick kick to the side of their heads and Jak freed the little robot, something that caused them to jump back to the main path not even a few seconds later.

From there they found a few spike walls, which were sharpened bits of wood with the tips looking like spikes, that were in the process of bursting out of the ground and formed a barrier that was supposed to keep them from moving forward, or at least that seemed to be the case, but there were three sections of spike walls and they moved up in a pattern and they also sunk back into the ground after a point, so all the sibling had to do was wait for one section to sink into the ground and then jumped over the spikes, allowing them to press onward once more, even though they paused for a moment as they noticed a small earthen hut of some kind that Swamp Rats seemed to call home. It appeared to be a Swamp Rat nest, as more rats seemed to be coming out of the structure whenever the siblings seemed to be near it, and every rat seemed to be annoyed with them for some reason, meaning the Lurkers or their mysterious figures had ordered them to attack everyone that invaded Boggy Swamp, but there was a bit of Yellow Eco nearby for Jak to empower himself with and that was followed by him and his sisters loosing a volley of fireballs and magical blasts, where the latter could also be fireballs if Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy wanted them to be that way, that rushed through the air and smashed into the area that the Swamp Rats were coming from, blasting all of their enemies into the walls and knocked down the nest as well, breaking it so no more enemies could come out and attack them. After that Jak and his sisters approached another wooden walkway, one that seemed to be split in half and had a pole that they had to use to get over a patch of thorny vines, though it was easy to do that and they found another type of foe lurking in the new section of the swamp that they were entering, as it happened to be a Lurker that was mixed with a toad and had purple skin, along with a collar like the others they had seen in the past, and it seemed to lash out with its tongue, though Starlight stopped that as she raised a barrier in front of them and let the tongue hit her magic, which surprised the creature and opened the way for Jak to kick it in the side of the head, knocking it out so they could move forward, even though Twilight made a note of the Lurker Toad as well, which gave all of them three types of enemies to keep an eye out for at this point. With the new foe being defeated the siblings found that there were two paths for them to take, one being over another set of spike walls while the other was off to their left, as it was a cave that seemed to lead to another part of this region, though what they decided to do was head over the spikes first, as there happened to be a tether for the Lurker's dirigible in front of them, though it was being guarded by a bunch of Lurker Rats, who were coming out of two nests, but there was a bit of Yellow Eco off to the right that allowed Jak to blast open a rock that had been resting on top of a Yellow Eco vent, which was followed by him and his sisters loosing a storm of blasts on their enemies, wiping out the Lurker Rats and their nests in a matter of seconds.

With the four of them working together they were able to take care of all of the Lurker Rats and both of their nests, which allowed Twilight to see that there were two thin platforms of equal height between where they were currently standing at the moment and the wider platform that the tether was resting on, even if it was tied to a massive boulder, and above the thin platforms rested a few Precursor Orbs for them to collect, which Cozy went after and found that when she stepped on one of the thin ones it sunk while the other rose at the same time, so she purposely sunk one to allow the other to rise up to the point where she could collect all of the Orbs, but once that was done Jak loosed one more blast and quickly blasted the boulder to pieces, freeing a Power Cell in the process.

"It seems that the dirigible is held down by four tethers, and with this one breaking we've got three more to take down to stop the Lurkers from getting more Precursor junk," Daxter stated, though even as he said that Jak claimed the Power Cell and added it to their collection, where he could see that Twilight was already putting two and two together, because if one of the tethers dropped a Power Cell, and there were three more tethers for them to break apart, that meant three more Power Cells for them to claim and add to their collection, before she shrugged for a moment and resumed sitting on Jak's shoulder as he focused on the area the siblings were standing in, "Well, good luck hunting down the rest of the tethers, as I'm sure they won't be as easy to find and break as this one was, given the lengths the Lurkers are going through to collect more bits of Precursor junk."

Twilight decided to say nothing to that, and her siblings could see that she really didn't like Daxter using the term 'junk' all the time when he talked about Precursor artifacts, save for the Orbs since those were the only ones he liked, which just so happened to be when Jak started to move once more and headed over to the cave they had walked by, where they found two sets of spike walls in their way and simply waited for them to lower back into the ground so they could move forward, even though there was a bit of Yellow Eco that allowed him to fire upon the Swamp Rat nest that was near the cave's other exit, while his sisters blasted the three Dark Eco boxes that were in the way. Once they destroyed the nest and took out all of the Swamp Rats the siblings discovered that the nest had been built on a Blue Eco vent and that there happened to be a jump pad just outside this cave, to which they empowered their bodies and then used the jump pad, once more allowing them to launch themselves over another wall that was covered in thorny vines, or in part anyway, and landed in an area that had another nest inside it, but due to there being a bit of Yellow Eco Jak was able to join his sisters in blasting the rats as they emerged from the lone nest, even though Cozy also smashed a Scout Fly box and claimed the third one before she did anything else. The moment they cleared out the small area they had discovered, and they were sure there were no rats coming out of another area to attack them, the siblings found that the nest had, once more, been built on top of a Blue Eco vent and it empowered their bodies so they could use the nearby jump pad to leave this part of the region, which was when they used one of the spinning poles that rested near a mass of thorny vines and launched themselves over the mass that was resting in their way, which allowed them to see that there was another area with dark mud and it had a wooden walkway that would allow them to make their way through this part of the region. Interestingly enough there was a bit of Blue Eco resting nearby and a bit of Yellow Eco near it, where Jak tapped into the Yellow Eco for a moment and blasted the couple of metallic boxes that were in the mud, allowing Starlight to take a moment to channel the Blue Eco and collected all of the Orbs that had been freed, before they jumped over to the next part of the walkway and carefully followed it, even if they had to take turns using the spinning poles to continue forward, which also earned them a few Precursor Orbs in the process, while also smashing a number of wooden chests that happened to be in the way as well.

At the end of the wooden path, which happened to be a platform that was higher than the others and had four chests for them to break, the siblings found one of the tethers resting in front of them and a bit of Yellow Eco happened to be resting inside some of the chests, to which Cozy stepped forward and combined her magical power with the power of the Yellow Eco to quickly blast apart the boulder that the Lurkers had tied the rope tether to, freeing another Power Cell in seconds as they watched the dirigible in the air shake for a moment, which made sense due to losing a second tether, which was the moment that Jak claimed the Power Cell and they moved forward once more. From there they discovered that there just so happened to be a mass of Swamp Bats around the corner, not to mention a Yellow Eco vat, to which the sisters waited for a moment to allow their brother to empower himself before they opened fire on their targets and blasted the bats out of the air, though once that was done they turned to the right and started to blast a number of metallic boxes with their Eco fireballs so they could free the Precursor Orbs that were inside them, and that included the ones that were resting off in the mud, near a wooden platform for them to jump on, so the siblings made sure to take those ones out as they broke the ones near the cave they discovered as well. One thing they discovered was that there was a Scout Fly box, the fourth one to be exact, and they made sure to break it to free the little robot that happened to be inside it, though once that was done they discovered that there just so happened to be a set of spike walls nearby, behind where the mass of Swamp Bats had been flying, but due to the side path that allowed them to get to the Scout Fly box they just bypassed it once more and headed for the cave, as it seemed to be the way forward and they were eager to see if there was anything else for them to worry about, other than the three types of enemies they had discovered so far. It was in that moment that they found yet another boulder resting on either a vent or a jump pad, so Jak channeled a bit of Yellow Eco and blasted it apart while his sisters loosed a burst of magic at the Dark Eco boxes that were resting on a wall that seemed to be the way forward, but in the end they found a jump pad under the boulder and it made all four of them wonder where it might take them this time, hence the reason that they gathered a bit of Blue Eco that was resting nearby and channeled it so they could launch over to whatever part of this region that it would lead them to, even though they were expecting a fight based on the fact that the other jump pads had brought them to areas that enemies were lurking in.

Sure enough the same was true for the area the latest jump pad sent them to, as it actually brought them to the area that the Precursor artifact the Lurkers were trying to pull out of the mud was located and they could see that a bunch of wood platforms had been built in a rectangle shaped arena, but as soon as they landed in the center of the area a good number of Lurkers and Lurker Rats dropped down into the area around the siblings and rushed at them, intending on taking them down so they could return to pulling the Precursor artifact out of the area it happened to be resting in, where Twilight took a second to look through an opening and found that it looked like an arm for some reason. From what they could tell there were about ten actual Lurkers and about twenty Lurker Rats rushing down to where the four of them were standing, which was when Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy switched between blasting the furthest foes with a bit of magical energy while at the same time kicking and punching the Lurkers that came at them, while Jak, for the most part, punched and kicked the foes that were in front of him, choosing not to worry about the Yellow Eco that was nearby as he dodged the incoming attacks as well, while Daxter braced himself so he wouldn't be seen as a target. One thing Jak considered was how lucky they were that there were none of the Armored Lurkers or any of the other stronger Lurkers that they might have fought in the other regions, otherwise this would have been far harder than what they were experiencing at the moment, though that didn't stop him from punching a few Lurkers in the face and tripping up some Swamp Rats so he would take them out not a few moments later, and he could see that his sisters seemed to be doing the same thing for the most part, even if they added blasts of magic to their fights, something he was grateful for since it allowed them to stem the tide of enemies and make sure they weren't overwhelmed by the number of foes that tried to bring them down. Once the last foe fell to the ground, and everyone was sure that there were no more trying to come down here, the siblings sighed as the last Lurker that fell also dropped a Power Cell for them to collect, something that they did without delay, before they stared at the massive Precursor arm that was in the mud, which actually moved a little as the dirigible tried to pull it out, but for the most part it didn't look like they had to worry about the Lurkers were making any progress in this manner, though once they claimed the Power Cell the siblings gathered a bit of Blue Eco and used the nearby jump pad to return to the main path once more, so they could resume hunting down the last two tethers.

What they discovered was that there happened to be a jump pad on the other side of the wall the few Dark Eco boxes had been resting on and took a bit of Blue Eco that was resting nearby to launch themselves to the next side area, while also claiming a few Precursor Orbs along the way, before they found themselves in a small area that had a pair of Swamp Rats wandering around the area, including a nest that needed to be smashed, so what Jak did as his sisters dealt with the few enemies that were near them was gather some Yellow Eco and blew up the boulder that served as the third tether, which earned them another Power Cell and it wasn't long before the nest was destroyed, allowing them to gather some Blue Eco and returning to the main path once more. When they returned to the main path Jak found one of the Lurker Toads, one that happened to be caming towards the area the jump pad they landed on was located in, but Starlight stopped its attack with her barrier and opened the way for Jak to punch the toad in the face, knocking it out like all of the other enemies they had faced so far, before they followed the rest of the path and noticed two things, the first being that there were a number of wooden platforms that were resting above the ground, which seemed to form a path of some kind and required them to go a bit further to reach the start of it, while the other thing was that there were a number of metallic boxes that had to be smashed to get at the Orbs that were inside them. In fact the fifth Scout Fly box was resting above where the siblings were standing at the moment, meaning they only had two more to hunt down and smash once they figured out how to get up to where this one rested, and there happened to be a few Swamp Rats standing between them and the next part of the swamp, meaning a nest or two had to be somewhere in the surrounding area, though as they rounded a corner another thing jumped out at them, the Flut Flut was standing on a trans-pad that happened to be near a massive pool of dark mud, but none of them had been expecting to see it again, given that it was recently hatched and shouldn't be out in the field as an ally. Twilight suspected that the egg might have been resting on the cliff they had found it in for a long period of time, instead of a few days like they originally thought, and it allowed the Flut Flut to grow a little more before hatching, but even as she thought about what she and her siblings were seeing at the moment she realized that she was going to have to ask the Birdwatcher about the Flut Fluts, as her knowledge on the matter was superior to what Twilight had on the matter, a fact she aimed to correct at some point in the future, before they noticed something interesting, the Flut Flut had some bracers on its legs and a saddle on its back, meaning that Samos and the Birdwatcher felt that it was appropriate to send it out into the field.

"Um, Keira, why is the Flut Flut here? Isn't she, you know, too young for this sort of thing?" Twilight asked, as she knew that they were being watched at the moment and knew that if she asked Keira a question she was likely to respond in a matter of seconds, unless she was buried in studying the Blue Sage's notes and looking over the levitation machine that would let them tackle the monster that happened to be throwing boulders at Rock Village, though as she said that all of them stared at the bird that was standing on the trans-pad and seemed to be waiting for something to happen, even though it did see them and seemed to chirp when it noticed them.

"According to my father and the Birdwatcher, most Flut Fluts get into fights and long journeys at a young age," Keira said, showing that Twilight's thoughts had been correct and that she had some information to share with them, where they took a moment to glance at each other since none of this was what they were expecting to hear, given that each of them had been thinking the Flut Flut had been peaceful creatures and only fought the Lurkers, but if they engaged any dangerous creatures that threatened them it made sense that they would be more like mounts or warrior companions, "so we put a few bits of gear on her, just to protect her from harm, and a saddle for one of you to sit on, so if you get on her back you can help her learn how to fight some of the enemies that are in the swamp."

The siblings simply shrugged when they heard that and watched as the Communicator returned to their pack, where Jak walked over to the trans-pad that the Flut Flut was resting on and climbed onto her back, where the bird chirped and took a moment to ready herself, to which Jak headed out and found that the mud didn't stop the Flut Flut at all, though for the most part he found that there were a number of large gaps between all of the wooden platforms and put together he was seeing, where he headed up the step section and eventually reached the area that was above his sisters, who watched him and the Flut Flut for a few seconds. After he started to navigate the upper reaches of the area Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy took a moment to empower themselves with Yellow Eco from the nearby vent and loosed a bunch of blasts at the various metallic boxes that had been along the way down to where they found the trans-pad, allowing them to collect all of the Orbs that were inside them, before also turning around to blast apart both of the Swamp Rat nests that were across from where the vent rested, leaving Jak to break a box and collect the fifth Scout Fly of this region. Of course, as they did that, Cozy noticed that part of the wooden path their brother would be following happened to have another Scout Fly box along it, the sixth, and it also had a Power Cell to be added to their collection, in addition to all of the Orbs that were resting just above the wood, and she made sure Twilight and Starlight knew about it as well, so the moment they were done breaking the two Swamp Rat nests the sisters came to a stop and watched as Jak and the Flut Flut moved around the platforms that were above them, reaching the area that the Scout Fly box was in and the area that the Power Cell was in, allowing him to pick up both of his targets, before he returned the Flut Flut to the trans-pad and climbed off her back, where he rubbed her beak for a moment and she chirped afterwords, before he left her behind and rejoined his sisters. From there the four of them regrouped near the edge of the area that seemed to be the way forward, where they found a number of Dark Eco boxes that the sisters fired upon without delay, though the only hazard they had to worry about in this area were a pair of spike walls, which seemed to be separating the rest of Boggy Swamp from a small dock area that seemed out of place in their eyes, given that there was no one who called the swamp home, to their knowledge, and when they turned a corner all four of them realized that they were wrong in that regard.

There was a figure, a male Human based on what they could see, who appeared to be slouched in front of a hut that had a bunch of flies swarming around it, though he had a hat of some kind covering his eyes, a tattered white shirt that had part of it covered by a dirty green colored overalls, or at least that was what the item in question looked like, and he had buck teeth as well, though he had a blue pouch of some kind in his left hand and seemed distracted by something, due to the fact that he seemed sad about whatever might have happened before they arrived in this area, before he glanced up for a moment and noticed them coming his way.

"Howdy, friends! Enjoyin' my beautiful swamp?" the individual said, where his speech seemed slurred and he appeared to be a hillbilly, or at least that was what the siblings determined based on what they were seeing and what they had heard so far, though that was followed by him swinging his arms around as he gestured to the rest of the swamp, which made all of them wonder if he truly owned the swamp or if the villagers of Rock Village let him believe that, so they didn't have to deal with him, "I own these here parts... everything that doesn't sink into the mud, that is!"

"Judging by the smell that's coming from you, I'd wager your bathtub sank in the mud long ago." Daxter stated, because he and the siblings could tell that this guy smelled worse than anything they had encountered in the past, meaning he didn't have anything that would allow him to clean his body, though even if he had a bathtub inside his hut they were sure that he would have no idea how to operate it in the first place, but everyone remained silent as they waited for the Hillbilly to say something, though Twilight had to wonder if this guy might have been called 'Boggy' at one point, meaning the name of the swamp would have been 'Boggy's Swamp' at one point if she was right.

"What's a bathtub?" the Hillbilly asked, his tone revealing that he was serious about the question, where Twilight just stood still and resisted the urge to magically pull him out of the swamp so he could be cleaned, not to mention educated in all of the technology that was just outside the swamp, before the Hillbilly leaned back once more and lifted his container for a moment, where he shook it and found that it happened to be empty, before he seemed to talk to them once more, even if he didn't look in their direction for a few seconds, "Anyway, I got bigger problems now. Seems some nasty Lurker varmints are grousin' abouts snatchin' everything they can get their grubby little paws on. And scared away my pet hip-hog, Farthy. He's been missin' for nigh on to a coon's age! Now I've been puttin' out his favorite snack, but those ornery Swamp Rats keeps stealin' 'em! If you could keep them pesky critters away long enough, I just know Farthy would smell them vittles and come back! Will you help me out?"

As it turned out his task was really simple, all they had to do was stand near the hut the Hillbilly called home and used the bits of Yellow Eco that were provided to them, where they were unsure of where he was even getting the Eco since there was no vent near his hut, before loosing fireballs into the open space that was in front of them, as there were a number of muffin-like treats resting near them and they were drawing out more Swamp Rats, where it wasn't long before the Hillbilly could see that the rats were under fire from the group and that none of them were missing, as they split the area into four sections and each one took one section, and, more importantly in his eyes, all of the treats would be safe for his hip-hog when it came back. While the siblings found that there were a lot of enemies for them to take out, between thirty to forty Swamp Rats from what they were seeing, each of them happened to be ready for the challenge and lashed out at the rats as they emerged from the swamp, blasting each and every one of them into the wooden posts or the tree trunks that were scattered throughout this section of Boggy Swamp, though no one let up and soon the Swamp Rats turned around and fled back to the holes that brought them to the surface, allowing the four of them to stop what they were doing, which was when a pig sized dog creature, which seemed to be a mix of a dog and maybe a hippo in Twilight's eyes, returned and took a few seconds to devour the snacks. This creature was apparently Farthy, what the Hillbilly was looking for, and he took a moment to toss a Power Cell to them as their reward for helping him out with finding his pet, though all of them knew that he had no idea what in the world the artifact had been or what it could be used for, as he was far more interested in the fact that his pet was back, so Jak collected it and they headed over to the nearby wall that seemed to be the continuation of what they had seen so far, though each of the siblings suspected that they would find the final tether soon and be done with the Lurkers, since it seemed like they might be heading back towards the start of the swamp. On the other side of the short wall Jak and his sisters found a small cave that had a Swamp Rat nest inside it, which had a few wooden chests right in front of it, though to the right rested a few Yellow Eco clusters that were surrounded by spike walls, which blocked the way forward by the looks of it, though that didn't stop them from letting Jak empower himself before they loosed a burst of fireballs and blew up the nest in seconds, before the sisters did the same to some Dark Eco boxes that happened to be on the other side of the spike walls, something that including blasting two normal Lurkers into the ground, breaking a few metallic boxes, and a Scout Fly box as well.

With the Scout Fly box being the seventh one they were able to claim one more Power Cell as they picked up the Orbs that had been freed as well, before they found another area full of dark mud and Jak used the last bits of Yellow Eco to break a few more metallic boxes that were off in the distance, which was when he and his sisters moved forward and followed the wooden path that was in front of them, before they reached an area that happened to have a vent that was spewing a bit of Yellow Eco into the area and used it to blast apart the final tether, which was in front of them, something that caused a snapping sound to be heard as the dirigible's rope around the Precursor arm broke and the vessel in question flew off due to the wind, which would no doubt annoy the mysterious figures when they heard the news.

"Good work everyone, your Uncle would be proud of you all." Samos stated, though even as he said that the group heard a slight hesitation when he mentioned the one who looked after them, despite the fact that their explorer Uncle barely did anything like that and they were usually in Samos' presence, making them wonder if the Sage had been about to mention their parents or something, figures that none of them knew about and almost never thought about, before it seemed like he was focusing on something else, no doubt the artifact that must have fallen back into the mud and might have sunk in a matter of seconds, "From what I could see, that was a giant arm from a Precursor Robot, which is one of the rarest and the most dangerous Precursor artifacts in the entire world... truth be told, I've never seen one of those, even a fragment like an arm, in such good condition, and I honestly can't begin to imagine what the Lurkers wanted it for, even if its possible it might have been destined for that pair you saw on Misty Island, but its good that you stopped their operations."

Daxter frowned for a moment, mostly because he was sure that Samos would have told them not to savor his compliment or something, just like what happened in the past, but this time he was surprised and that meant the Sage might be a tad bit troubled by everything that they were discovering over the course of this adventure, though instead of taunting Samos into saying something, like he normally did, Daxter remained silent and allowed the siblings to collect the fourth and final Power Cell from the tethers, not to mention a number of Precursor Orbs that were in this area, before they headed into a cave that had a Swamp Rat nest on top of a Yellow Eco vent. Of course the sisters blasted the Swamp Rats as Jak headed back to the Yellow Eco vent and returned with the power coursing through his body, allowing him to break the nest as his sisters took care of the Dark Eco boxes, to which they headed for the exit and broke a metallic box or two to pick up the rest of the Orbs that were in this region, along with making sure they didn't have to return in the future, before making their way back to the swamp's entrance at long last, as it was time to return to the Gambler, Geologist, and Oracle for the rest of the Power Cells that were in Rock Village. Based on Twilight's estimates she and her siblings should have roughly seven hundred and forty Orbs in their collection right now, which was more than enough for them to gather the four Cells that remained, since the Geologist and Gambler wanted ninety for their Power Cells and the Precursor Oracle wanted one hundred and twenty per Cell he had, so if her count was right, and she was sure of that fact, she knew that they could gain the rest of the Power Cells and wouldn't have to worry about coming back here if they needed more for whatever she and her siblings needed to power in the Red Sage's domain. The Gambler was overjoyed to have the ninety Precursor Orbs in his possession, claiming that they would go a long way to him earning his way out of the barrel he was stuck in, despite the fact that Jak beat his record earlier, and handed over his Power Cell without delay, while they found that the Geologist was happy to have some additional funds to repair her equipment and replace anything that might have been broken, or just buy something new that she needed for her next study, and made sure to hand over the Power Cell that was part of their trade, which put a smile on Daxter's face as it was stored inside the pack the siblings were storing all of them inside, until Keira needed them for whatever she was working on.

Once those two were helped out the siblings approached the Oracle and traded a good portion of their Orbs for both of its Power Cells, where it seemed pleased by their offering, as that was what it called the Orbs that were given to it, but in the end the siblings claimed two more Power Cells, the last in Rock Village based on what they could see, to which they took a moment to sit down in the food area and take a small break as they called Keira down so she could check out the levitation machine and make sure it was ready for the Power Cells, as one it was ready they were going to tackle the monster that was attacking the village and put an end to its rampage, and then head north to see what else they had to do before they reached Gol's location and got Daxter the help he needed so he could revert back to his previous form.

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