• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Dealing with Metal Heads

After Jak's 'practice' race with Errol, which ended in an annoyed Errol and would cause the man to be distracted for some time, the siblings regrouped in the Slums and checked in with Torn in the Underground hideout, though they found that he had no missions for them, not right now anyway since his scouts were confirming information before sending even one of them out to tackle their enemies, but he did inform the four of them that Vin seemed to be panicking in the Power Station, so it was possible that he might have a mission for someone to do while he worked to ensure that the Shield Wall stayed online and didn't fall at the worst possible moment. Since there was nothing else for them to do right now, since Krew was silent after discovering that Errol had been beaten in a practice race, the siblings headed outside and used their zoomers to head back to the Industrial Section of the city, maintaining a simple appearance so none of the Krimzon Guards came to arrest them, and it didn't take them all that long to reach their destination, to which they parked their vehicles in the area that was below the ramp that lead up to the Power Station. When they entered the structure a few moments later they did find that Vin happened to be in the middle of moving from one side of the building to another, checking the screens as he made sure all of the readings were where they needed to be so they could maintain Mar's ancient Shield Wall, which would prevent the Metal Heads from invading Haven City, and based on what the four of them could tell he had barely noticed all of them enter the structure, giving them a chance to watch him before someone stepped forward.

"Oh, hey guys... I'm guessing Torn asked you to come check on me?" Vin inquired, where he continued to work on some of the terminals as he made sure everything was fine in the city and that he hadn't done anything wrong, showing that he did see them enter the Power Station and made a note that they were standing there, observing him while he worked his magic in this place, though based on what they were seeing it didn't look like he was panicking right now, or if he had been doing so he had calmed down quite a bit, before he turned to face them for a moment, "Well, I've got some good news, which should lighten the mood in the Underground hideout a bit, and I've got a bit of bad news as well, as in the type that might need one or two of you to deal with it... first, the good news: Kor visited me a few moments ago and told me that we should have enough power to maintain the Shield Walls for some time, and I've checked the numbers three times now, so he's definitely telling the truth and isn't telling me what I want to hear."

"That is good news," Twilight said, because if the Shield Wall stayed up then none of the Metal Heads that were outside the city would be able to swarm this place and start messing with the citizens, which should give them some time to figure out a plan to deal with the leader of the Metal Heads, a real plan of some kind since they didn't have much right now, but she knew that they would have a true plan in due time and had a feeling that it would be her and her siblings fighting their way straight to the heart of the Hive, before she focused on the other bit of news, "Though I have to ask this: what's the bad news that you have for us?"

"Well, there's a cluster of Metal Head eggs in the Strip Mine, ones that flew under the radar since they didn't have the Eco signature I use to track incoming enemies," Vin replied, referring to the dark stalks that the siblings had seen way back in the early stages of the rebellion, when Torn ordered them to go and make sure he was safe, though his statement told all of them that the creatures that were inside them had grown since the first time they had been in the area and that it was likely a matter of time until they hatched, something that was incredibly bad given that a Warp Gate was resting near the small nest in question, so there was a chance that the new Metal Heads might come here if they hatched, something that clearly worried Vin, "look, some of you have to go back there and figure out a way to destroy all of them, before they hatch into a new army of creatures that will devour the rest of the Strip Mine."

"If we're talking about destroying them, I can always smash them with my claws," Cozy commented, though her siblings knew that part of her statement had to be her Dark Form speaking, the desire to cut down her foes and break the area all of the eggs were in, but at the same time she flexed her right hand for a moment as it turned into the claws she had just spoken about, as if imagining what would happen to the next couple of Metal Heads she came across, even if they were all stuck inside some eggs and wouldn't offer much of a fight, "it would be over in a few seconds, with no unnecessary tricks or movements to smash them."

"No, that won't be necessary, as there was a crane in the Strip Mine and Jak can use his JET-Board to get up to the switch that's locked it in place, which should smash the eggs with ease," Starlight countered, as while she knew that Cozy wanted to help take down their enemies, and she had done a good job of doing that in the past, it seemed like she was angry and wanted to channel her anger in a constructive manner, but doing it to break some eggs that were in a cleared section that was outside the city, and not use it against some actual enemies, might annoy her Dark Form and that was the last thing they needed right now, especially after what happened inside the Fortress, "however, we might be able to find a mission that you can use your power on, we just need to wait for Torn to finish checking in with his scouts, or wait for either Samos or the Shadow to give us something to do."

Cozy paused for a moment, since she had been itching for another fight after what happened in the Sewers, before letting out a sigh as she nodded her head and stood near the door, since there was nothing else to do besides wait for someone to tell her that there was another mission to do, though Twilight stayed with her to check Vin's calculations, not that she thought he was wrong since he happened to be one of the smarted people in the city, rather it was due to her and Jak, not to mention their Ottsels, coming to the decision that there was something about Kor that didn't seem right and it might all of them had to be careful as time went on. As such Jak and Starlight headed through the Warp Gate and headed back to the Strip Mine, where it took both of them a few seconds to reappear on the other side and glanced around the area for a few seconds as they took stock of what was going on, only to find that no Metal Heads were guarding this area, which was odd since one would have assumed the Metal Head Leader would have assigned some guards to protect the cluster of eggs that were to the right of the Warp gate they jumped out of, but this either meant the eggs were a diversion or might have been forgotten in the heat of trying to pierce the Shield Wall. One thing they both recalled was that there happened to be another path near where the Warp Gate rested, one that was across a small river of Dark Eco, a river that linked up with the area the eggs were located in, so what Jak did was deploy the JET-Board and ride across the top of the dark liquid as Starlight engaged her magic for a few seconds, forming a faint aura around her so she could float in the air and follow him as he looked for the controls that would deploy the large crate that the crane was holding onto. Of course Starlight did notice that Daxter was staring at her while they picked out their methods of transportation, as if wondering why she was letting Jak do this instead of using this spell to figure out where the controls were located, before shaking his head for as he came to the conclusion on his own, Jak wanted to have a bit of fun with the JET-Board and calling on Starlight aid was, in this instance, more of a last resort for him, which meant this was also a matter of making sure he had a mastery of Keira's device and hadn't gotten lucky when he tested it back in the Stadium, even though Jak knew there were several changes that needed to be made and knew that Keira would get around to it at some point in time.

What Jak found as he started to head up the path that lead away from where Vin had been hiding, during the first assault the Metal Heads launched on this area and caused Torn to send them to save him, was that there was a saw resting in his way, something that he just had to wait for, since it was moving from the right to the left as its head pointed towards the clouds, and once there was a big enough space he carefully used the device to get around it and started to follow the rest of the path that was rested in front of him, a long one based on what he and Starlight were seeing. The next obstacle that was in his way happened to be a short gap that he jumped over, along with a coiled drill not a few seconds later, which he noticed was digging into either the ground or the wall that was to his left, so he jumped over the gap and then repeated the movement when he approached the drill, before heading up a decent sized dirt hill that had been molded to fit this area and also happened to lead to one of the Eco Wells they had blown up some time ago, so he knew to crouch for a few seconds as he bypassed another drill and jumped on a moving platform that allowed him to jump over to where the now ruined Eco Well rested. After landing near the ruined Eco Well, and he made a circle in the area in front of it to make sure Starlight was following after him, Jak headed passed another saw and jumped onto a metallic walkway that had a yellow pipe that happened to be bent in the middle, something that served as a grind rail for him to reach another section of the path and found a few more saws waiting for him, which did seem to be more like obstacles and less like components that would dig into the stone and earth of this place as they searched for more Eco. Once he bypassed the saws he reached an open area that had two pipes that were bent and also stopped just before an area that had a ramp for him to use to turn around, without getting off the JET-Board or actually turning around on his own, and it took him no time to get over this obstacle and use the ramp to redirect himself as he headed up the conveyor belt ramp that brought him to a higher point of this area, even though he then had to jump over two more moving coiled drills to progress further along the path that was in front of him, all while Starlight noted that there were no enemies up here at all, meaning Jak could focus on using the JET-Board and nothing else.

From there he avoided another saw and used one of the two pipes that rested above the gap in front of him to reach an area that a large sunken section which had two metallic gates blocking the way, so he had to ride down into the depths for a moment and ride up the walls to get around the blockages he had found, even though he and Starlight had to wonder why this was here since it didn't seem to fit the design of the other machines Jak had passed by so far, before he reached the edge of the odd area and landed on the dirt path that would allow him to move further again. After that they found a short passage carved into the stone walls and brought Jak to another moving platform that had three pipes connecting to another part of the pathway, even though those actually lead to a middle section and forced him to jump over another gap that happened to be in his way, with the pipe connecting them broken in the middle, before he bypassed another saw and a drill to reach yet three new pipes and another new moving platform, one that brought him to a new section of the area, another ramp and a conveyor belt that brought him to a higher point of the Strip Mine. He had to wonder if he was getting closer to where the controls rested or if this was just a waste of time, as in it might cause him to stop and call for Starlight to find the console and activate the crane to smash the eggs, or maybe just use her magic to forcefully lower the massive crate and smash their target, to which he sighed for a moment as he headed up the conveyor belt, since he felt that he might as well explore the rest of this path before coming to a decision on what needed to be done next. He then had to line up two moving platforms, which wasn't all that hard to do if he was being honest with himself, and once both he and Daxter were on the other side of the small gap he glided along the path that was in front of them for a couple of seconds, before he smiled as he noticed that the crane was directly in front of him and that meant he was close to finding the controls that would allow him to mess with his target, even though he discovered something annoying, there were no terminals nearby, so he raced towards the edge of the platform and jumped into the air.

Starlight watched as Jak landed on the top of the large box that the crane was holding onto, giving him a chance to put his JET-Board away before he and Daxter braced for what was coming next, which happened to be when Jak walked onto the part of the crane that was holding onto the crate and stepped on the red button that was up there, something that let go of the crate and they watched it fall through the air, quickly falling towards the pool of Dark Eco that was near the Warp Gate and smashed the egg cluster in a matter of seconds, where Starlight floated down and noticed no eggs had survived her brother's actions, allowing them to return to the Power Station.

"Vin, you can breath easier, your task is complete," Starlight said, though the reason she didn't mention the eggs was due to the fact that she, Jak, Daxter, and Simon found that Kor was standing close to where the doorway rested, meaning that if they wanted to leave this building they would have to speak with him and listen to whatever he had to say to them, but all four of them shared Twilight's feeling that there was something off about him, something Starlight was going to blame on her connection to the Dark Eco that was inside her, and Midnight as well, so by not mentioning the eggs it might leave Kor in the dark for some time.

"I cannot believe it... we were so close to achieving our goal! The Baron stole the Precursor Stone right out from under us, after all of our hard work to obtain it," Kor commented, where the siblings noted that he seemed angrier than anything all of them had seen in the past, even though it was possible that he was referring to a different 'us' while he was talking, as if he was aligned with another group and was only using the Underground to get what he wanted, which wouldn't be much of a surprise given some of the people they knew, before he sighed for a moment, "and not only that, but we've lost all of the heirs as well, stolen by our terrible foe, and he's gotten Torn to betray the cause as well... if the men knew of Torn's betrayal, we might lose everything we worked hard to achieve."

"Torn meant well, especially since Ashelin is the next in line to govern Haven City... in case something happens to her dear old father," Cozy replied, though while there was some truth to her statement, given that Torn had acted partly because of his relationship with Ashelin and partly because of her position in the city, Jak noted something that worried him a little, he could tell that she didn't approve of allying with Praxis, after Twilight and Midnight's actions inside the Tomb of Mar, and a part of her had to be thinking about tearing down the Baron and making him pay for his crimes against them, especially due to the fact that one of her hands had shifted into claws while she said that.

"Anyway, I want you to head out to the Drill Platform again and take out the control tower there, as it should temporarily stop the Baron's use of Eco to harm us," Kor stated, showing them that there was another reason for him being here, as it was far better than him being angry over what happened earlier, though instead of saying anything else he turned around and headed outside, meaning he was done here and had been simply waiting for all of the siblings to be gathered in the same location before he told them what had been on his mind.

Jak sighed for a moment, as he wasn't entirely sure what to do with Kor right now, though he knew that the old man was a threat to their mission he would suffer, just like Krew would in due time, but before he did anything else Vin informed him that Samos had left him a message and that it was only for the eyes of him and his sisters, hence why he had waited for Kor to leave before mentioning it had arrived, and he walked away from the terminal in question not a few seconds later, allowing him to see that Samos, the one from the past, wanted them to head out to his old hut In Dead Town and recover something he had hidden there before they went through the Rift Gate, to which Twilight got up and headed outside, and she dragged Cozy with her, as it would give them something to do. Once he was sure that both of his sisters were on their way to Dead Town, leaving him and Starlight with Vin and their Ottsels, Jak took a moment to check in with Vin and found that what Kor wanted would, in fact, do harm to the Shield Wall, which was still not in the best condition it could be and such a thing meant they would weaken it even further, but Vin had a trick that Kor didn't know about, another tower that could serve the same function as the one at the Drill Platform, where some of his friends were located as they waited out the storm, meaning he could redirect the power flow to the new tower and let them destroy the old one, pulling the wool over Kor's eyes in the process. That was the gist of the situation, said in basic terms since Vin decided to use a lot of large words that went over both his head and Daxter's, something they were used to when they spoke to their ally, and it meant Starlight had to translate the meaning to them so they understood what was going on, while all Daxter understood was that this gave them the ability to fulfill Kor's order of taking down the tower, all without inflicting any harm to the Shield Wall that was protecting Haven City, and Vin informed them that by the time they reached the control room for the tower he would have everything transferred to the other one. Once they knew that information both of them jumped through the Warp Gate and appeared on the metallic platform that happened to be the start of the Drill Platform, where the path in front of them would take them back along the main path they had used to take down all of the Metal Head eggs earlier, though based on what they could see the area that they needed to focus on was the metallic doorway behind them, as it lead to another area, but for the most part there was no way to open the door.

As such the pair just stared at the door as they considered their options, as Jak could use his Eco powers to smash it down and Starlight could channel her magic into breaking it, though after a few moments a mech appeared nearby, no doubt it had been warped here by Keira since she informed them that it was supposed to be used in a test run by Twilight, but due to Dark Cozy appearing it was brought over to Jak and Starlight so they could use it, to which Jak climbed into the pilot seat and let the glass panel slid into place as he stared at the bipedal machine and took in what it was supposed to be, as he was leaving the more advanced maneuvering to his sister.

Once they were ready to go Jak turned the mech around and smashed his way through the metallic door, knocking it to the ground and opening the way for them to enter a small room that had a lift behind a security door, to which they stepped onto the lift and waited for the door to close on them, where it lowered down the shaft it was resting in and stopped a few seconds later, allowing Jak and Starlight to step out and find that they were in a chamber that had a walkway that would bring them to another metallic door, though there were some holes in the flooring which revealed that they happened to be above the large drill that was in this area. The next thing the siblings noticed was that there were pipes that did loose a small laser beam at the wall opposite the one it happened to be attached to, meaning to normally progress through this area whoever was inside Keira's mech suit would have to be patient and wait for the beams to stop firing before moving to the next part of the chamber, but with Starlight with him his sister threw up magical walls to block the lasers and allowed him to move the suit forward without wasting any time at all. As such he was able to reach the metallic door and smashed it down without delay, revealing another large chamber for them to pass through, even though this one had a larger gap in the flooring and there were only two paths to take, one being an elevator for the suit and another being a few platforms to the left of the main path, which would allow someone to jump up the platforms and reach the level that the lift would no doubt bring someone in a mech to, so Jak brought the mech to a stop as Starlight headed up to where a lever rested, one that would allow her to help her brother out. Starlight found two Metal Head Grunts hanging up on the upper level and blasted both of them with her magic, knocking them to the ground before finishing them off with her Blaster, though once that was done she struck the lever and watched as the lift raised up to where she was standing, allowing Jak to move the instant it came to a stop and in a matter of seconds he smashed his way through another metallic door, allowing them to progress even further into this place as they kept an eye open for what Kor wanted them to break, though Starlight had an idea on how to ensure that no damage was done to the city or the Shield Wall, which would please Twilight and Cozy when she told them what she and Jak had been up to.

In the next chamber Jak had to jump across a few platforms and navigate his way around some flaming vents, where he found his sister floating through the air as she followed him and helped him out whenever she noticed that he needed a bit of assistance, allowing him to make his way through this chamber and reached an area that seemed to be a square shaped tunnel with two holes in the path, ones that could be corrected with a swift hit to the levers that were resting in the path they were following, though both of them did find two more Grunts wandering around and knew both needed to be beaten next. As such Starlight weaved her magic through the air and struck both of her targets in the face, taking both of them out with her weapon like she had done to the first group of enemies, before blasting both levers to raise the lifts that formed the path forward so Jak could move, so while she collected the Skull Gems her brother moved forward and made his way towards the other end of the tunnel that had been built into this structure, even though it was odd to discover all of the odd additions whoever designed this place had added to the overall design. From there they found that they had to pass through an area with a curved walkway and just so happened to have some lasers that needed to be avoided, so that was what Jak did as he made his way towards the other side of the new chamber, even though after that he had to move the mech over some flaming vents when they weren't busy beltching flames into the air, which allowed her to reach the other end of the chamber and find an elevator that would allow them to leave this part of the Drilling Platform, to which he waited for Starlight to catch up before they stepped onto the lift and let it bring them to whatever was above them, even if they suspected that it was the chamber Kor wanted them to mess with. Sure enough not a few seconds later they found that it did bring them to their destination, which had about five Grunts messing with the machines and caused Starlight to use her magic to pull them back so Jak could smash them, though once that was done he stepped out of the mech and let it warp back to Keira's workshop, since she needed to make it better for the future, but as that happened he stopped for a moment as Starlight contacted Vin for a time, letting the two of them talk before they smashed this area with either a bit of her power or his empowered Eco powers.

Once the controls in this tower were transferred to another part of the Power Station, and Vin was sure that nothing would happen if they wrecked the place, Starlight channeled her power for a moment and created an orb of energy that floated in the center of the area Kor wanted them to take care of, where she teleported all of them back to where the Warp Gate rested, before detonating the orb and blew the top of the tower up, which would no doubt please Kor, but both of them were more interested in hearing what Twilight and Cozy were doing while they did this.

Twilight and Cozy carefully made their way through Haven City, since there was still no telling whose side the guards were on given that many reported to both the Baron and to Errol, and headed for the Door Lock that would bring them to Dead Town, as they were both curious as to what Samos wanted them to retrieve, meaning he must have sealed whatever item it was a long time ago, before they went through the Rift Gate, and the seal must have weakened to the point that he was now worried that the Metal Heads might be heading for it... though both of them pushed those thoughts to the back of their minds as Twilight landed outside the Door Lock and they headed into Dead Town, only for them to pause as Twilight let a smile appear on her face as she noticed something new.

"Um, what is that?" Cozy asked, referring to the odd mechanical device that was resting to the left of the main path that all of them had used the last two times they had been here, with the right one being the one that brought them to the ruined tower and the one in front brought them to a viewing area that wasn't connected to Samos' hut, though based on what she and Twilight could see the device looked like it might be humanoid in nature and had armor to protect it from all sorts of harm, with thickened areas that had to serve a purpose of some kind.

"Keira's latest invention: the Titan Suit," Twilight replied, though she had heard about this and knew what Keira had made it for, since it was partly supposed to allow Jak to sort of keep up with her and their sisters, while having the power to just punch through solid stone and metal walls, had a jump boost that was higher than a standard person's ability, and was, as she recalled, a study device that could take some damage and deal some in return, but even it had limits and neither her or Keira were totally sure what those limits might be right now, and her smile remained as she looked at the glass casing that the controls rested near, "oh, I've been waiting to test this out since the moment she told me about it... and I'm willing to bet there are some Metal Heads for us to take down while we're in this part of the city."

Twilight noted that Cozy's ears perked up at the mention of Metal Heads possibly being here and said nothing as she took a moment to slip into the command center of Keira's new machine, where she powered up the Titan Suit and it rose up to a standing position, allowing her sister to see the person sized area she was now rested in, with reinforced glass to keep her safe from potential harm, while Alvin stood between her stomach and the controls, as there was no room for him to stay on her shoulder, before she checked the controls to be sure they worked like Keira had designed. The first thing she did was move around for a few moments, to make sure everything was operational, before tapping the controls to punch at the empty air that was in front of her for a few seconds, though once that was done she approached a stone wall that was in front of them and punched it with the fists with the Titan Suit's metallic fists, breaking down the wall within a few seconds, though there happened to be a Metal Head prowling on the other side, in a small area that had another wall she had to break down to move forward. The Grunt in question growled when it noticed her breaking through the stone and started to make its way towards where she and Cozy were currently standing, though as Twilight expected Dark Cozy was the one to smash the Metal Head into the ground and beat it up for a few seconds before claiming the Skull Gem, just like what happened whenever they defeated one of these enemies, something that caused her to sigh as she smashed down the other wall and opened up more of the path they were following, even though two more Grunts were on the other side of the second stone wall. Twilight wasted no time in moving out of the way as her sister rushed at them and knocked both enemies to the ground, the beast inside her rising to the surface with little to no resistance from her sister, something that told Twilight that whatever had happened to Jak and Cozy when they talked with the Precursor Oracle might have worn off at long last or Cozy was angry that they had spared the Baron, even converted him back to their side with a ball of Light Eco she and Midnight had worked together to create, when she wanted him to be punished for his crimes against her, Jak, and all of the other victims that had been experimented on inside the Fortress.

Since she didn't want to get in the way of her sister's Dark Form, especially after what happened when she and Starlight freed both Cozy and Jak from the Fortress, Twilight simply let her sister fight the Grunts that were in front of them as she studied the rest of the area, not that such a thing mattered since the way became clear not a few moments later and that let her smash through another stone wall, revealing an area that had a decent sized cube of stone that could be pushed over to a ledge that lead deeper into this section of Dead Town. Fortunately the Titan Suit had been designed to do such a thing, as she gripped the sides of the stone and started to push it towards the ledge, using some of the boosters that the mech had to actually move the cube over to the steps and stopped when she reached her destination, forming a way up to the upper part of this area, and she made sure to use the booster again to jump onto the stone before jumping up to where her sister was patiently waiting, as it appeared that Dark Cozy had simply jumped up here and didn't bother with a stepping stone. Not a few moments later they found an interesting sight, there was a bipedal Metal Head near the end of the passage that would bring them closer to where Samos' hut rested, one who carried a gun in its hands and seemed to have no armor on its body, save for the shoulder pieces and some pads on its knees, though Alvin informed them that this was a Rapid Gunner, a Metal Head who fired many short blasts of energy at their targets and usually did so in a matter of seconds, hence why they had 'rapid' in the name, though Theodore jumped onto the Titan Suit as Dark Cozy went to town on the unfortunate Metal Head. Twilight found that such a thing included Dark Cozy smashing her target into the ground and into some of the walls that were around her, before sending him flying through a stone wall that looked like it might collapse with a single punch or blast from one of their weapons, collapsing the stone wall and opening the way to another area that required Twilight to move a stone close to one of the walls so she could get the Titan Suit up to the next level of this area, even though her sister seemed to frown as she watched her do that, almost as if Dark Cozy was trying to tempt her into sending the machine back to Keira and just following her through the rest of this place.

Once Twilight reached the upper level she found two more Rapid Gunners guarding the area in question, who seemed to be patrolling the area as Dark Cozy flashed through the air and smashed one into some rubble that rested near her target, where it wasn't long before the second one was smashed into a wall as Twilight sighed, to which she climbed out of the Titan Suit and sent a message to Keira that, for the most part, informed her that the suit worked as intended, but due to Dark Cozy fighting everyone there was no way she could get all the information Keira wanted, hence why it was warped back to Keira's workshop and likely sent to a new area it could be tested in. After that there wasn't much for Twilight to do as her sister and her Dark Form, as she was convinced that Cozy was venting her frustration while they were here, but she did notice that there was a pathway to a new building, even if they had to go to the right and enter what looked like an old hallway or something that connected two structures before this area had been abandoned, and Twilight found a pillar of stone that happened to be resting near a gap between the ledge they were on and the ledge that was the next area they had to pass through, something her sister smashed to form a walkway, not that either of them needed one. From there it was easy to see another Rapid Gunner guarding the next area of this place, near another pillar that could form a walkway for them to use, though as Dark Cozy smashed her target into the ground Twilight gathered her magic and moved the next pillar into place so she could move forward, as she knew her sister didn't need help and sure enough she caught up with another Skull Gem to add to the collection they were forming, before she smashed her way through a stone wall that was blocking the way and downed another pillar that allowed the two of them and their Ottsels to reach Samos' hut. As the two of them walked up the worn wooden path it became clear just how old this place was, even though they knew it had been three hundred years since the last time they had stepped into this building, and that it was only a matter of time until the building fell apart completely, especially since the earthen pillar it rested on had to be eroding as time passed, though as all of them entered Samos' old place they noticed a glowing green seed, which was about the size of one's head, floating near the ceiling, and Twilight could tell it had some Green Eco power inside it.

As she raised her hands and carefully claimed the seed, since she was sure that this was what Samos wanted them to find and retrieve, one thing she noted was that Alvin and Theodore seemed to stare at the seed like they might be in a trace or were enticed by the power that happened to be inside it, to which she weaved some of her power around it and placed a barrier around it, which would ensure that its power didn't leak out and bring more Metal Heads upon them, freeing their Ottsels from what they were doing, and sure enough their Communicator came out as she did that.

"Good work girls," Samos stated, no doubt feeling that the seed had been claimed by one of them and that told him that it was time for him to speak with them about why he wanted it, though based on the lack of sound in his area it sounded like the Shadow might have stepped out or Samos had found a quiet place to speak with them, without revealing anything else to his younger self, something that caused the sisters to remain silent as they waited to hear what he might have to say to them and if it might lead to another mission, "Before we activated the Rift Rider all those years ago, and traveled back to this place, I was nurturing that Life Seed from the Great Tree, preparing it for the day that my younger self would use it like I had done before we went into the past, and it seems that the Metal Heads are attracked to the power it contains... had I known that your magic could shield the Life Seed, from all sorts of creatures, I would have asked you to do so before our trip through the rift. Anyway, I need you two to take the Life Seed to Onin, who will prepare it for my younger self, who will use it to become... sagely."

"So we helped you become a Sage, good to know," Cozy said, where Twilight noted that she had returned to her base form as her other side returned to the darkness once more, despite the fact that she was more interested in the fact that two of them, at the very least, had helped Samon become the Sage that he was today, meaning he learned a lot from his older self before heading back in time with the younger heirs, before she chuckled for a moment, "though I'm glad Daxter didn't hear that, otherwise he would be infuriated that he never got thanked for such a thing... or not, since he's gotten over his ego a bit during our time in Haven City."

Twilight nodded as she stashed the Life Seed in the realm that Midnight had created earlier, since the seed would be safe for the time being and it could be drawn out when it was needed, though once that was done she and Cozy, with both of their Ottsels on their shoulders once more, headed back to the Door Lock so they could return to the city and make their way back to Onin's place, even though they knew that Jak and Starlight would likely catch up and join them for whatever might come after delivering the seed to the old seer.

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