• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Kras: New Discovery

When morning arrived Jak found something interesting as he and Keira, having shared a room despite Samos thinking it wasn't time for such a thing, left their room, which happened to be the fact that Twilight was already up, Midnight was off to her right, and the other four variations of his sister were hanging out around the garage, each appearing to work on their own thing while Twilight and Midnight focused on preparing for the events that would be starting soon enough, since they would be starting the Blue Eco Cup soon enough.

"Of course she's still testing her limits," Daxter said, as he could see what was going on and didn't care at this point, as he knew it was just Twilight being her normal self and experimenting with her powers to see what sort of limits she might have, though as he said that Starlight and Cozy entered the room as well, taking a moment to stare at the scene in front of them before agreeing with his statement, though Sig and everyone else said nothing about this.

When Rayn walked into the living area she paused for a few moments, finding that the stories about Twilight were true and that she was capable of splitting herself into six different selves, before informing all of them that the opening event of the Blue Eco Cup was a Circuit Race through the Eastern Tour track of Haven City, where everyone would start in the Forbidden Jungle, head over to the City Outskirts and back into the main city track, before cutting into New Haven, the Slums, and the Industrial Section, then heading into the Waterworks Circuit and finishing in the Sewer Raceway. It was an interesting track when Jak thought about it, full of twists and turns, plus potential hazards that might slow all of them down, though since it was on tracks they had been on before he had a feeling that they were going to overcome the event and then see what else the new Cup had to offer them. Rayn also informed them that she had been spending some time on her father's stuff and might have some new information to share, she just had to check out a few more things before telling them what she had found, which was fine since they needed to focus on the race, but Cozy was sure that she knew more about her father's dealings than what she had told them, even if she kept her mouth shut, since it was up to Jak to reveal that piece of information. Other than that there was nothing else for the team to do while they waited for the first event of the day to start, even though they knew that Mizo had to be getting real annoyed with everyone, since his team kept getting knocked down by Jak, his sisters, Keira, and the rest of their team, which meant he might make a mistake and reveal his hand to them, something that would bring about his own defeat in due time, they just had to be patient and see what the future held for all of them.

Once it was time for them to move out Jak and his sisters did so without delay, with Keira and the others joining them as they used the transport to head to their destination, something that allowed them to find that Shiv's group was waiting for all of them to arrive, again making everyone wonder why they were still here since this had to be damaging their former reputations as the best racers in Kras, but Jak wasn't about to argue with their decision as he climbed into his racer and his team did the same thing not a few seconds later.

What they discovered, as Jak and his sisters headed down the track that was in front of them, was that Shiv's group must have found out that Kleiver was not on their side and opened fire on him as well, causing him to growl as he blasted them in return, even though Twilight had a feeling that he was going to have to leave Kras, or at least Mizo's garage, before his former 'teammates' found and killed him for betraying their boss. Of course Sig came in and blasted their opponents while they were distracted, just like Ashelin and Torn did before he showed up to join them, though this time Kleiver openly fired on those he had been deceiving since he joined Mizo's team, blasting tires apart and doing his best to wipe out missiles or grenades that came his way, though this time around Twilight did something that was unexpected and crazy, even for her as Starlight thought about it. What she did was pull back, as they were still some distance from the finish line and that did give her some time to catch up with her siblings once she was done, allowing her to fall back to where Shiv's team rested before activating a button as she turned around and did something that only Starlight and Cozy would know about, part of her magic flared to life, unseen by the cameras, Blitz, Rayn, and those who were behind her team, as she opened fire on all of their opponents. Such a thing caused Shiv and the others to come to a screeching halt not a few moments later, sort of like what had happened when Midnight first showed up on the race track, though once she was done with them she made sure to reverse her direction and race back towards the place that she had been in before the desire to be reckless came up, where she left the defense of the back to Sig's group before retaking her position behind Jak and Keira, even if it meant rejoining the sibling rivalry to put on a show for everyone who was watching this event.

Sure enough they won the Eastern Tour Circuit Race, issuing a start to the Blue Eco Cup at long last while gaining the gold like every event that had come their way since they joined the KGC, something that put a smile on Rayn's face since she knew that nothing Mizo threw at Jak and his sisters would be able to stop them from taking the last two Cups and winning the bet her father set in stone with the other criminal lord.

With Blitz staying away from them, which Jak was fine with since he really didn't want to talk to the man who might be the criminal lord in question, the team found that their next event happened to be on the Canyon Run track, which happened to be another Circuit Race interestingly enough, and this time around Kleiver raced for their team, for real since he had, in fact, lost his fake place on Mizo's team, something everyone was fine with since it just meant Shiv and the others had not to no chance to get up to Jak and his sisters. True enough Shiv, his teammates, and UR-86 had no way of getting close to anyone, showing the watchers that Sig had seen more than enough of their abilities before hand and knew how to beat each of them, allowing him and the others to defend the middle of the pack while Jak's group continued to have fun while having their rivalry for all to see, something that eventually ended with Jak earning the gold medal while everyone else scored the same as they did in the past. With the event done Rayn walked over to where they kept their transport, so all of their vehicles could be ready for whatever challenges the day had in store for them, and revealed that they had to head back to Kras City and return to the Waterfall Loop track, to tackle a Death Race event next, where Kleiver joined the rest of the team in watching them since Shiv's group never bothered to join them in this sort of event, making it easier for Jak and his sisters to earn medals and put on a show for the watchers. This time around the siblings found that the score that they had to beat was a hundred and eighty, far less than some of the other tracks they had tackled the Death Race event on, to which they raced each other as they replicated their motions once more, putting the rivalry first while smashing the vast amount of drones that were used in this sort of event, eventually ending in Jak scoring over two hundred and fifty while his sisters ended up drawing with each other at fifteen points below him, earning another gold.

After that the siblings got some interesting news, Rayn wanted to speak with them and they returned to the chamber that they had watched Krew's will in, where it looked like she had been studying her father's will and might have found out a new piece of information, or maybe confirmation about something they had suspected since discovering Mizo's part in all of this, though she paused the video as they walked into the chamber.

"I took the liberty of going back through some of Dad's things," Rayn explained, to which she gestured to a device on the table, one that looked a lot like a decoder, expect smaller and easier to hide from those who might be looking for it, which caused him and his sisters to wonder what else they might find on the will, or the disc that it had been placed on before Krew's death, "and I found his decoder for the will and discovered that there is more on the disc... I think it might be his journal."

"Let's see what it has to say." Jak said, because there was a chance that this would give them more information on what was going on with Mizo, since the other criminal lord seemed interested in taking everyone on his team down, and that even included the bet that Rayn had told them about some time ago, though they remained silent as Rayn turned back to the will and pressed a button, revealing Krew's hologram once more.

Mizo and I both want the same things, and we'll stop at nothing to get them. Krew stated, though it was like someone else was in the room with him, someone who knew more about the situation at hand and hadn't revealed themselves, to remain safe and hidden until the time was right, but the group remained silent as they watched the recording and listened to what the fat man had said before his demise, So, I rolled the dice and made this bet with Mizo to avoid a costly gang war between us: the winner of the next Kras City Grand Championship race that I compete in will win the other's dirty business. All I have to do is field a better racing team than him, win the big race, and Mizo and his nasty clan will slink off to whatever hole they crawled out of, eh?

"And there's the confirmation that a bet between the two was made," Starlight commented, speaking once the hologram was done talking and disappeared once the recording was over, though she and her siblings were already thinking about what they had learned since they started competing in the KGC and were already coming up with ideas on what this bit of information might mean for all four of them, Keira, and everyone else on their team.

"I suspected that my father did something like this, but it's hard to accept that he made such a bet," Rayn said, where she looked at the area that Krew's hologram had been in and looked like she was annoyed with her father, though at this point Jak knew that something was up about her, especially when he considered that she had known about the poison and had drank the wine in her glass like she had been a noble, meaning she didn't drink it and wasn't poisoned at all.

"Rayn, I think it's time we came clean... you've known about this recording since before we even arrived in Kras, yet you decided to ignore it until now," Jak stated, something that caused Rayn to raise an eyebrow as she turned towards him and his sisters for a moment, finding that the sisters were a little surprised that he was bringing this up now, though she kept quite for a time as she took a seat and focused on Jak for a time, "Krew was talking like someone else was in the room with him, when he made that recording, and you were the one who brought up the information of the bet while we tackled the events that were coming at us, so it's not hard for us to assume that you knew more than you were telling us... in fact your act when Krew informed us about the poison made some of us wonder about you."

"There's also the fact that we noticed you didn't drink the poison, since you drank like a noble." Daxter added, figuring that if Jak was revealing their hand to Rayn, at long last in his eyes, he might as well inform the lady that they knew she lied to them in some manner, before he chuckled as he thought about the other piece of information he and everyone else knew about, while Rayn had no idea that they weren't poisoned at all, something he was going to let one of the others mention when they were ready to do so.

"And let me guess, none of you are poisoned." Rayn commented, where she glanced at all of them for a few seconds, as if she was looking for some sort of sign that she was right, and discovered that Jak nodded in response to her comment on the matter, causing her to let out a sigh for a few seconds as she leaned back in her chair, meaning there had to be more to the conversation for them to get through, before returning to the track, "Why am I not surprised? I told father that even involving you four was a bad idea, and that was back before his death at your hands... don't be too surprised, I've known all about the cause of his death for some time... though he was, well, convinced that he could get you to race in his name and win the KGC if you had the proper motivation to do so. Your time in Sanctuary has only proven me right, giving you all sorts of skills and abilities to get around things such as poison... I guess this is the end of us..."

"That is where you would be wrong, as we're going to take Mizo down and put this city in capable hands," Twilight said, as she and her siblings agreed on that matter, that having Rayn in control of both Krew's business and Mizo's side of things would be good for all of Kras, not just Haven and the others, causing the lady to glance up in surprise, since she figured all of them would abandon her once their hand had been revealed, "The KGC isn't won yet, and if we back out now that just means Mizo's won... so come on, let's show him that he's wrong to underestimate us."

Rayn sat there for a few moments, wondering why the siblings were so keen on taking Mizo down, before quickly coming to the decision that it was for the best if she continued to assist them in taking down their foe's team so they could win the KGC, to which they headed back down to their garage as she figured out what the next event was, which happened to be an Artifact Run in the Desert Arena, giving all of them an idea of what to do. As such Jak, his sisters, and the rest of their team headed out to see if Shiv's group was going to show up or not, where they found the enemy team were present and ready to try and stop them from gaining more gold medals, to make sure none of them reached the end of the current Cup and earned another trophy for Krew, meaning Mizo had to be desperate at this point and wanted to win his bet with the dead man. Sure enough Shiv and the others didn't stand much of a chance when they viewed the team that they had to face and take down in some way, where Jak ended up with ten points, Keira got nine artifacts, Twilight and Starlight got eight, and Cozy ended up with seven as the rest of their team scored six and below, making it another shutout for them and another defeat for Mizo's team, something that lead to Daxter noticing yet another look of rage appearing on his face before he got rid of it. With that done Rayn discovered what the next event was, which happened to be a Rush Hour that would be taking place on the Beachfront Drive track, though this time around Twilight stepped up and tackled the event on her own, where she found that the surge of magical energy returned and she put it to use keeping her powerful racer right at full health while smashing through all of the drones that were in front of her, though as that happened she fought off an itch that happened to be on her right arm, deciding to focus on winning the event and did so by passing the three hundred score needed to win the event.

With that gold medal acquired Twilight, her siblings, and the rest of the team returned to their garage, finding that a new racer, a large red one called the Boomer, had arrived, though Twilight left the others to see to it and rest up for whatever tomorrow might bring, though once she was in her room she pulled off her right glove and watched as the patch of orange fur on her hand inched forward and quickly covered the rest of her hand, causing her fingers to shake as they shifted into an Ottsel's fingers, causing her to sigh as she covered up the new changes and rejoined her siblings as everyone waited to see what sort of challenges the next day had for them.

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