• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Renegade: Fun and Business

Once Jak and Starlight were back inside the city, and made sure Vin had everything he needed inside the Power Station, they headed out to where they parked their zoomer before pausing for a moment, as neither of them had any ideas on who had a mission for them to do while they worked to make sure the city was safe from the Metal Heads, as for right now it looked like the Underground was being silent and it didn't seem like Krew had left them any messages about returning to the Hip Hog for a quick discussion, leaving them to think about the next mission they might tackle and what sort of enemies might be in the surrounding area. Not a few moments later Starlight found a message from Twilight and discovered that both of their sisters were heading over to Onin's for a time, causing them to raise an eyebrow for a moment as they learned that piece of information, to which they climbed into the zoomer that rested nearby and headed for the section of the Bazaar that the old seer happened to live in, even though they would have to fly over to where the Palace rested and park on that side of the section, so they could walk towards the hut their sisters were heading towards. Sure enough they found both Twilight and Cozy standing near their own zoomer, with both of their Ottsels standing nearby as well, though once all four of them were back together, and Jak made sure his vehicle was parked as well, they headed down into Onin's section of the Bazaar and walked towards the hut the old seer called home, which gave them a few moments to talk about what they had done since they split up, especially since he and Starlight had dealt with the eggs Vin had told them about and tackled the tower in the Drilling Platform, with transferring the controls and whatnot to the Power Station so Vin could use them in all of his calculations and his attempts to aid the Underground. Twilight and Cozy, on the other hand, informed their siblings that they had made their way through Dead Town, going through a third path that brought them to where Samos' hut rested, and Twilight told them about her time in the Titan Suit, a mech that Keira had designed, though given that Cozy was with her, not to mention her Dark Form, she had climbed out and allowed it to be teleported to another location, explaining things to Jak as he learned what they had been up to.

Of course the more interesting part of their tale was the fact that Samos had left something called a 'Life Seed' inside the hut all those years ago, before they used the Rift Gate and Rider to come to this point in time, something that all Metal Heads were attracted to and explained why their enemies had smashed through the old wall to get to the hut, but right now the seed was safe in Twilight's storage area and they were on their way to visit Onin, who would prepare it for the Shadow, as he needed it to start becoming the Sage all four of them were used to dealing with... and sure enough, when they arrived at the hut in question, they found Pecker flapping his wings as he landed on the ground in front of them, even if it meant standing between the opening and where Onin was resting.

"Onin says 'What took you so long?', as we had to skip lunch waiting for the lot of you to show up!" Pecker snapped, where the siblings had the feeling the Onin really didn't eat anything for the most part, or if she did it was very rare that she did so, though they also suspected that such a thing wasn't the truth, that Onin had likely said something else and Pecker was just venting in their direction for some reason, though before any of them could say anything the old seer raised her head for a moment and moved her hands as a bit of Blue Eco danced over Pecker for a couple of seconds, causing him to sigh as such a thing happened, "Ugh. Okay... okay. She really says, 'Thank you for saving the Life Seed', but to be honest none of you would catch me saying that if I were in her position... give Onin the seed, and she will prepare it for Samos... ah, bird seed sounds good right now."

"Yeah, well, you won't be eating this seed anytime soon," Daxter remarked, something that caused Pecker to growl as the pair watched as Twilight carefully drew the Life Seed out of her storage area and presented it to Onin, where it floated in the space in front of her as she worked on awakening the power that the Shadow needed to become a Sage, which they knew that Daxter would have been annoyed with, that all of them had helped Samos claim his position and never took the time to thank them for it, but instead of looking like he was about to blow, from outrage, he seemed more calm than what the siblings had been expecting and it surprised them, "not after everything Twilight and Cozy went through to claim it before the Metal Heads closed in on where it rested."

"Listen tiny tail, I was leading my hundredth flock south before you had fur one between your legs!" Pecker stated, where it sounded like he might be annoyed by having someone like Daxter tell him what to do, meaning there might have been a chance that he would have wanted to eat the Life Seed, given that it was the only seed in the area and he was famished at the moment, though at the same time Daxter raised an eyebrow as they heard the words that came out of Pecker's beak, especially since none of his words were important, "Not that your fur means anything!"

"Whatever... also, my Eco powers have awakened, so there is something special about me," Daxter replied, though while one would assume that Daxter was bragging about having the powers that Gol and Maia had said would awaken at some point in time, or at least a fraction of them based on what Jak had learned, his words showed them that he actually didn't care to do such a thing and didn't seem interested in getting into a fight with Pecker, which caused the bird to pause for a moment as he understood what was going on, something that shocked him and caused the siblings to nod their heads for a few seconds, due to the fact that it showed them that Daxter was growing up at last, before he noticed that the Life Seed had lowered for a moment, "What's Onin saying now?"

"She says that you must now take the energized Life Seed to the Shadow in Haven Forest, for it will give him the power he needs to finally see the forest from the trees," Pecker stated, where Jak collected the Life Seed and quickly handed it over to Twilight, who stored it away inside her storage area, though as they did that Pecker walked over to Onin's location and started to gather whatever materials they needed for their lunch, but he did wave a wing at them, to send them on their way, so he could focus on the meal he and the old seer had skipped while they were waiting for the siblings to arrive with the ancient seed.

With the Life Seed in hand the siblings excused themselves and headed back to their zoomers, so they could make their way over to the Door Lock that would allow them to leave the city and head to Haven Forest once more, where they knew that the Shadow would be waiting for the seed and suspected that he would be standing in front of the large tree they had seen during one of their previous visits to Haven Forest, though it did make them wonder if the Neo Metal Heads would show up while they were helping the Shadow out, which would be a perfect change to tell him that the Underground had more allies. One thing all of them noticed was that some of the Krimzon Guards were missing from all of the patrols they had seen in the past, meaning either the Baron or Errol might have ordered them to move to another area or something, even if they had gotten no information from their new ally, though even then it didn't take them long to reach their next destination, the ramp that lead to the Door Lock that would allow them to head out to the forest once more, and none of the guards seemed to care about what they were doing, to which they parked their zoomers at long last. Not a couple of seconds later they emerged from the passage between the wall and quickly used the nearby Warp Gate to head up to the path that would allow them to head into the forest at long last, so once everyone was on top of the nearby cliff they used the platform that was waiting nearby, though once they were on it the siblings stood still as it moved through the air and headed for the forest, where the Shadow would be waiting for them and the Life Seed to arrive, even though they were sure that some of the Neo Metal Heads were lurking in the shadows, watching him to be sure he wasn't a threat to them and their hidden hive. A few moments later they came to a stop at the edge of the area that would allow them to head out into Haven Forest, allowing the siblings to head out and start seeing what might be lurking in this area, even though they headed down some stones and walked up a ramp that would bring them to where the Great Tree happened to be resting, as they were sure that the large tree was the one in question, and when they reached their destination it was easy to see that the Shadow was sitting in front of the large tree, likely meditating and recalling whatever his older self had told him before he came here, though he opened his eyes when they approached him.

"Your older Time Twin told us you needed the Life Seed," Jak said, where Twilight pulled out the seed and let him take it for a time, even though he ended up turning so the Shadow could take it and hold onto it for however long it took him to do whatever he was supposed to be doing in this forest, while he was using the name that his sister had come up with for the two versions of Samos they were now dealing with and would be dealing with for a period of time, even though they did think it was more appropriate to use 'Samos' and 'the Shadow' when referring to them, so using 'Time Twin' was really only for when they talked to one Samos and had to mention the other one.

"Yes, I do, for its power will allow me to speak to the plants and ask them vital questions about our future, so we can plan for whatever the Baron has planned," the Shadow replied, where he held his hands out and took the Life Seed that they had claimed from part of Dead Town earlier, even though he was still surprised to learn what his older self had left in that ancient hut and that it had attracted the Metal Heads that broke through the old city wall, before he focused on the here and now as he glanced at the tree that rested near them, "while I do that, might I ask that you four stay and watch over me until I am done asking my questions?"

As Jak informed the Shadow that they would be here, to make sure no enemies bothered him, his sisters found a couple of Krimzon Guard carriers flying into this area, though based on their communicator it was clear that they weren't here on the Baron's orders, rather it seemed like Errol had grabbed whoever he could find before sending them to the forest, but none of them were worried about such a thing since they had beaten plenty of Krimzon Guards since they started taking the fight to their enemies, after Twilight and Starlight freed him and Cozy from the Fortress. Of course there was another reason behind why none of them were remotely worried about a fight happening, as there happened to be some shadows that moved as the carriers came to a stop near the two ramps that lead up to the Great Tree, though that was when they and the Shadow watched as several Scouts and other Metal Heads rushed out of where they had been hiding, who had to be the Neo Metal Heads, before they attacked the Krimzon Guards who were getting ready to assault this part of the forest and everyone who was near the Shadow, and sure enough they found Shade leading the charge. Jak and his sisters stood near the tops of the ramps, so they could watch the fight while their allies tore down Errol's forces, though that didn't stop Alvin, Simon, and Theodore from transforming into their hybrid forms and joining the battle, due to the fact that their true forms were too much for what was going on right now, though they made sure that the Neo Metal Heads knew to knock out their targets, as Twilight and Starlight could use their magic to mess with their memories and make it seem like something else might have happened in this area, to keep all of their allies a secret for a little while longer, at least from their enemies since the Shadow was caught off guard by what he was seeing. For now it seemed like it would be some time before the Shadow asked them whatever questions were swarming around in his head right now, as he was in the middle of channeling his weak Eco powers into the Life Seed, while floating in the air, so he could speak with the tree and ask it whatever vital questions he had for it, allowing the siblings to focus on blasting their enemies or hitting some of them with their feet, hooves, or fists, which opened the way for all of the Neo Metal Heads to knock their foes out so their memories could be messed with before the siblings left this place.

Even the Krimzon Guard carriers were knocked out of the air, as Twilight yanked them to the ground and used her magic to knock out any remaining enemies aboard the pair of vehicles, though it wasn't long before she and her siblings found that there were no more foes to worry about and such a thing caused the Neo Metal Heads to cheer a little as they went back to guarding this area from invaders, even though Shade and a few others approached the area that the Shadow was in, who seemed to pull himself out of the trace he had been in, even though it had been a few minutes since he started talking to the tree, to which he landed and faced Jak for a moment.

"I have been given... confusing information," the Shadow admitted, though as he said that he glanced around the area he was standing in and noticed the couple of odd Metal Heads that were standing near Jak and his sisters, like they might be friends or something, which was also confusing and made him hope there was an answer as to why it was happening in the first place, before he focused on what he had learned from talking with the tree and the plants that were resting in this part of the forest, "Apparently I would have been given a vision of the Baron finding a way to break open the Precursor Stone, unleashing a level of destruction not seen by anyone... something that would have destroyed the world and more if it had been allowed to play out... but the plants have told me that such a fate has been, well, adverted, even though such a thing would imply that the Baron doesn't have the Precursor Stone. I have questions... especially about the Metal Heads who are standing nearby."

"Long story short, they aren't Metal Heads that report to the Leader, they're a new breed that have turned against him, just like Alvin, Simon, and Theodore did," Starlight replied, figuring that time was of the essence and that they needed to give him the basic rundown of what was going on at the moment, something Twilight agreed with as she carefully pulled the Precursor Stone out of her storage area, just long enough for the Shadow to see it before returning it to where they had stored it earlier, even though it was clear that younger version of Samos was confused, "they're Neo Metal heads, as that is the name they have chosen for themselves. In addition to that we recovered the Precursor Stone from the Tomb, though we made sure to make it seem like the Baron had taken it, because while you trust Kor we've determined that he very well might be a mole for either Praxis or the Leader of the Metal Heads, so keeping him in the dark might work to our benefit in the long run."

Due to the fact that it looked like the Shadow was still lost about everything, or was coming to terms with the fact that the Underground did, in fact, acquire the Precursor Stone and had allies in the form of a new breed of Metal Heads, Starlight decided to stay with him for a time and actually explain things to him, leaving Jak, Twilight, and Cozy to head back into the city and see if there was anything else they could do to help their allies or acquaintances, as they knew that Shade and her forces would keep the area secure until it was time for the Shadow to leave. As such it didn't take Jak and his sisters long to reach the platform that would bring them all the way back to where the Warp Gate rested, where it took them a couple of moments to reach their destination and jumped through the device to return to where the Door Lock rested, though as that happened Twilight noted that there wasn't much in their Communicator, save for a notice from Krew that seemed to be linked to Brutter, meaning he likely wanted them to help free some Lurkers so he could take more of Brutter's money from the poor Lurker, a thought that caused all three of them to pause for a few seconds. Once they got over the fact that Krew wanted them to help free more Lurkers, for free this time around by the looks of things, Jak and his sisters headed into the city and returned to their zoomers, where it wasn't long before they took to the air and made their way into the western part of the Bazaar, where Brutter's stand happened to be located, though other than helping Brutter out with his enslaved brothers, something Jak was planning on asking the Baron about since it was about time that the slavery ended, Twilight found that there was nothing else for them to do at the moment and caused her to sigh for a few seconds as they headed for the dead end section of the Bazaar they had found Brutter in the last time Krew had sent them to 'assist' him in his time of need. Based on what all three of them could see the Krimzon Guards who were in the city must have been assigned to another location or another area of Haven City, making each of them wonder which commander they were dealing with, as in the Baron or Errol, but in the end they decided that it really didn't matter since they would take down any challenges that were coming their way, be it some of the Krimzon Guard or whatever obstacles a mission might have for them to tackle.

Sure enough they found Brutter standing at his shop, or bar since it looked like someplace where someone would stop for a drink before heading home, to which the siblings came to a stop nearby and walked over to the area that the Lurker was working in, where it looked like he might be busy restocking some of his materials as he wanted for Krew to send someone to help him with his problem, though when he turned around a few seconds later a wide smile appeared on his face as he realized that Krew had sent him people who could get the job done with ease.

"It's brother Jak, sisters Twilight and Cozy, and the little orangey pals!" Brutter exclaimed, his tone revealing what they were seeing right now, he was excited by their return to his place of work and knew that they would be able to aid him in saving however many Lurkers might be in trouble this time around, where Daxter, Alvin, and Theodore waited on the shoulders they rode on and didn't jump down onto the wooden table that was in front of them, as they knew there was no time for a bit of relaxation, since once Brutter revealed his task to them they would head out to complete it, "Thank the Totem I sees you. You help Lurkers once time, you help us twos? You know big-to-do ruckus you caused at dig? I know all caves like back of claw, and Mar's tomb no where there! Now Metal Heads find hidden Lurker village in caves! They bite, and hurt village real bad, and me Lurker brothers trapped like animals!"

"Sounds like Errol's doing, not the Baron's." Cozy remarked, though while she knew that the Baron might have enforced the trend of using Lurkers as slave workers in the city, or maybe he created it after his corruption by the Dark Eco that had been inside the metallic part of his head, they all knew that Errol loved the idea of being superior to everyone, save for the Baron, and this did seem like something he would enforce, making sure to cart off more Lurkers for whatever he wanted all of them for, "He likely sees them as animals and nothing else at this point."

"We no longer evil-lurking, bad-to-bones, dark sister! We good now. Metal Headers are bad. They is enemies." Brutter said, his tone and expression showing that he knew the history of his people, that they had once been evil and that such a thing had influenced how everyone saw them from that point, while also showing that he understood the danger that the Metal Heads posed to the city and everyone that called Haven home, or at least it sure seemed that way based on what Jak and his sisters were seeing at the moment, before Brutter held his hands up, revealing six fingers this time, like that was how many Lurkers needed to be saved this time, "Please, save six Lurker brothers quick, and Brutter will kiss you foots!"

As Jak agreed to the job, since it would please Brutter and distract Krew for a time, Twilight found that three new locations had been prepared for drop points for the Lurkers in question, which was perfect since each of them could focus on saving two Lurkers and taking them over to one of the three drop locations, and based on what she could tell two of the transport zoomers were to the south, in the farm area between here and the Port, while the other four were to the north, two in the other farm area while the last two were in the modern section near the Stadium, an area known as Main Town for some odd reason. In the end Jak decided that he could take the transports that were near the border between the Stadium and Main Town, Twilight could easily take down the ones that were in the northern farm area, and Cozy could tackle the ones in the southern farm section, something that caused him to climb out of the zoomer Twilight had been driving and claimed one that was laying off to the side, which meant they could tackle all of their targets without giving their enemies time to retaliate or move the other Lurkers off to another section of the city, and once he was ready to go he and his sisters split up once more. It didn't take Cozy too long to reach the part of Haven City that her targets were traveling through, though as soon as she discovered them she jumped out of her zoomer, leaving Theodore to drive it for some time, as she shifted into her Dark Form for a moment and smashed through the metallic cage that was keeping the first Lurker trapped, which she did without actually hurting the poor beast in question, before freeing the Lurker and let it touch the ground while she burst through the air and knocked down the second one in the same manner, and once she did that she had the Lurkers follow her to the safe zone that had been prepared for them. While she did that Twilight flew through the other farm area of Haven City and found her targets following traffic, like she had seen most of the Krimzon Guards do in the past, though instead of attacking first she studied them and found that they followed what appeared to be a circular motion path, as in neither of them went anywhere, so she wait for them to cross paths before engaging her magic and disabled both of her targets with ease, allowing her to collect the Lurkers and drop them off at the nearby safe zone... and as she did that it was easy to find Jak blasting the remaining two transports apart as well, allowing him to transport his Lurkers to the third safe zone and ensure Errol's plans failed.

Once all three of them were done with their task, which had been rather simple in the grand scheme of things, they took a moment to regroup and found that the Communicator came out to tell them something, where Brutter thanked them for saving his people, saving something about the smelly breath of a goosesnake, that they were heroes to the Lurkers, and that all of them, which included Starlight and Simon, were honorary members of the tribe now, that he and his tribe would come aid Jak and his siblings if they ever needed help, something they would keep in mind for later. Twilight was sure that they would find some way to make use of the aid of Brutter's tribe, even though it would be a nice way to make sure some people were safe in case the Shield Wall actually fell, though once the Lurker was done talking, and the link between them and him was cut, they found another message from Keira, where she wanted them and her father to meet up with her in the garage she worked in, as she felt that it was about time she told them what she had been working on since she started her job as one of Haven's best mechanics. Fortunately they didn't have to worry about tracking down Starlight, as all three of the siblings found her flying towards them on another zoomer, so they parked two of them nearby and returned to just using two vehicles as they headed for the Stadium once more, even though Jak had a feeling that the final race, the Class One race to be exact, would happen soon and it might be another reason behind why Keira wanted to see them before the announcement was made, likely to share some information with them before wishing him luck. Interestingly enough there were a large number of citizens outside the structure in question, not to mention a good number of Krimzon Guard, which made sense considering that this happened to be the final race of the season and this was the only one that the Baron had time to watch, while at the same time Errol was here and that meant that some of the guards had to be on his side, or at least here to watch their boss 'win' the race since all of them seemed to assume that Errol would win the race and take all of his enemies down, though it put a smile on Jak's face, due to him wanting a challenge and this seemed to be the best thing for him to do.

Sure enough Keira was waiting for them and beckoned for the siblings to join her as she made her way to her workshop, where they parked near the bottom of the stairs and walked up towards where their friend happened to be standing, all while making sure none of the Krimzon Guards bothered them, and when they walked into the workshop they found that Samos was inside the chamber as well, something that was followed by Keira closing the doors behind them so this could be kept a secret.

"I know you guys have been curious about what I've been working on for the last year or so, but please, don't laugh when I show my project to you," Keira said, where she walked over to the curtain that prevented everyone from seeing her secret project and moved it out of the way within a matter of seconds, to which Twilight smiled for a moment as she and the rest of the group noticed exactly what she had been working on, the Rift Rider most of them had used to travel through the Rift Gate all those years ago, even though Alvin and his brothers recognized it thanks to all the descriptions Twilight had given them, even if they thought such a thing was odd, before Keira turned to look at them again, "I've been building a replica of the Rift Rider we used to fly through the Rift Gate, using old Precursor artifacts to make it as perfect as it can be... however, I've hit a snag, as I'm missing three important artifacts to make everything work: an artifact known as the Time Map, which likely links two points of time and space together, an old energy gem called the Heart of Mar, which serves as the ignition for the entire Rift Rider, and the most important artifact, the Rift Ring itself, which has, based on all of my research, vanished without a trace."

"Well, we know that Krew has the Heart of Mar, so we'll make sure to retrieve that," Starlight remarked, though as she said that she found Twilight studying one of the walls that were near the replica Rift Rider, where Keira had left her notes on all of the artifacts she needed and the leads that she had come up with in regards to those that were missing, which meant that her statement would cause Keira to update the notes in regards to the Heart of Mar, something that was followed by her noting that their friend seemed to think that Krew might have the Time Map, or at least knew who had it, and that Vin might be able to help them find it, while the Rift Ring had a note about the Metal Heads near the picture she had drawn of the ring and it was joined by a question mark, showing her uncertainty about that particular artifact.

"While you guys do that, I'll be working with Vin to track down the Time Map and possible locations that the Rift Ring might have been hidden in," Keira stated, because right now there wasn't a whole lot for her to do, in regards to her job as one of the mechanics for Haven City to be exact, so she could devote more of her time to looking for the artifacts she needed to complete the Rift Rider, though this also meant that she could focus on tearing down Krew's network for when this war was over, since he needed to pay for his crimes at some point.

As Jak started to open his mouth, so he could say something about how impressive this was, especially with all the time that Keira must have poured into making sure this could happen, the announcer for the Stadium spoke up and revealed what they were waiting for, that the Class One Championship Race was about to begin and that all racers were to prepare themselves for the final race of the season, though while it was odd to have the previous race and the last one so close to each other Jak was ready for anything, especially since Errol would be racing against him.

"Well, its time to face Errol and win the championship," Jak said, though he was pumped for this, because after seeing how Errol had fared in their little practice race he had the feeling that he could beat Haven's champion with ease, even though all the time he spent with Twilight and Starlight made him a little cautious about the fact that Errol might have hidden his true skill in an attempt to make him overconfident in the final race, which would be an interesting plan if Errol was capable of creating such a plan in the first place, before he turned to leave the chamber.

Keira made sure to stop him for a moment and kissed him for good luck, something that had to annoy Samos a little bit, and once that was done she wished him good luck as she opened the door to her workshop, allowing all of them to head out and take their positions inside the Stadium, Keira making one final check to be sure the racing zoomer was ready for this race as Twilight and the others stood near the railing of the stands, allowing them to see the entire race and note the locations of the Krimzon Guards, and when Jak lowered himself into the ranks of the racers they found that the Baron was here as well, confirming the presence of the guards they were seeing... not to mention Errol, who growled at Jak before he pulled his mask over his face, showing that he was ready to 'put Jak in his place', as he liked to claim.

"Greetings, racers!" the Baron said, where he stood on a platform that floating through the air, allowing him to stare down at Jak, Errol, and the other racers who had gathered here today, even though Twilight noted that he was acting like nothing was wrong with him, that he was the same as before the events in the Tomb of Mar, so if her thoughts about the Leader of the Metal Heads was correct this would make him arrogant in believing that things were still working in his favor, and on his circular platform stood two guards, a last time of defense in case someone dared to attack the Baron, before he took a moment to focus on them once more, "Today your nerve and skill will be tested for our amusement. If any of you should by some small chance beat our grand champion Erol, then you will be awarded a month's supply of Eco and a short tour of the Royal Palace. Good luck, and may the best racer win! Ready! Get set!"

Twilight noticed that there was a new platform that lowered into place near their position, which had twenty barrels that had to be full of Eco, meaning the Baron must have discovered some reserves that he had been keeping from the Leader of the Metal Heads and his forces, back when he was under the control of the twisted metal that had saved his life, and it had three guards watching over them, who nodded their heads a little towards Twilight and her sisters, meaning they had to be on their side, before everyone turned their attention to the race as the Baron said 'Go'. The instant that word left his mouth, and his platform raised up so he had an aerial view of the entire track that had been designed for this race, Jak and Errol were off as the other racers did the same thing, causing all eight of them to leave the area that the startling line was in as they started to follow the path that was in front of them, even though it wasn't long before most of the citizens who were in the stands cheered, showing the sisters that they just enjoyed watching races unfold before their eyes, despite the fact that only a few truly cared who won the race. Of course Jak started in the back of the pack, either due to the fact that he was one of the last two to arrive or he wanted a challenge and allowed Errol to take first place for some time, mostly to give him a chance to see the rest of the track and get an understanding of the layout, which he had done during the last race and the first one Keira had asked him to participate in, even though it did seem like Errol was being arrogant thanks to Jak's decisions and didn't think he would be a threat to hm winning the race. As Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy expected this scene didn't last forever, rather Jak quickly started to overcome some of the racers that were in front of him and soon he was in second place, much to the surprise of the people in the stands, something that didn't stop them from cheering for Jak and Errol, even though many were surprised when Jak pulled in front of Errol, which happened near the end of the fourth lap, and he spent the rest of the race, the fifth and final lap to be exact, staying ahead of Errol and pulled further ahead of him, effectively making it impossible for Errol to overcome him and retake first place, though what was slightly amusing was that Jak had half a lap on Errol by the time he reached the finish line, much to the shock of the citizens of Haven City, who cheered their brother on for his spectacular performance.

With the victory assured, and the Palace Pass floated down into Jak's hands, the Baron started what appeared to be a short speech to the winner of the Grand Championship Race, which would have gone to Errol had Jak not been part of the race in the first place, and the Eco platform was lowered so that ti could be claimed once the speech was done, though before he even had a chance to finish his speech Errol, in an act of rage, flew his zoomer right at where Jak was standing, who just jumped out of the way and avoided the attack with ease. His actions caused Errol to fly passed him and crash right into the Eco barrels that were resting under where the Baron's platform rested, which was followed by a dark purple explosion that likely killed him, while revealing that there had been a bunch of Dark Eco inside the containers, and in the following panic from the civilians, after seeing such a thing happen, Jak rejoined his sisters before following after the Baron, as it allowed them to leave the area without being stopped by Errol's guards, as it was time to speak with him and see what needed to be done next in their war to bring down the Leader of the Metal Heads.

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