• Published 9th Feb 2021
  • 1,590 Views, 256 Comments

Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Searching the Beach

After Jak made the comment about splitting up so they could tackle multiple areas at the same time, and he and Twilight headed off in the direct of the Forbidden Jungle, leaving Starlight and Cozy along for a few seconds as they realized that, in the midst of all that, Daxter was staying with Jak and Twilight, instead of jumping over to one of them so he could be safe from the dangers of the jungle, given what they had seen in the past before he had been transformed into an Ottsel, but for the most part they weren't all that worried about their siblings and knew that they would be able to come out on top, hence why the pair focused on the path that was in front of them as they walked out of Sandover Village.

"So, all we have to do is search the beach, find that Flut Flut egg for the Birdwatcher, and open Samos's Eco collectors, even though that last one might just be breaking rocks," Cozy commented, though she had to smile while she said that, as it sure seemed like she and Starlight had gotten lucky after their brother made his announcement about what they should do for the next couple of minutes, even though both she and Starlight had to be thinking about making a return visit to Misty Island so they could collect everything that's there and disrupt the forces that called it home, "sounds like we might have gotten the easier task this time around."

"Its hard to say if you are right or wrong, but we shouldn't be overconfident," Starlight replied, as while she did agree with part of what her sister was saying, given that exploring the beach and tackling the dangers seemed better than taking on all of the dangers that rested inside the Forbidden Jungle, she wanted to be sure that both she and Cozy didn't walk into a trap or a cluster of enemies that might take them out, meaning that she was being a little overcautious since neither Jak or Twilight were with them, though as she said that they stepped down into the area that served as the entrance for Sentinel Beach and glanced at the small lanterns for a few seconds, before glancing out at the rest of the beach, "especially since we have no idea what sort of enemies might be waiting for us as we explore the beach."

Cozy said nothing in response to that, as she knew that Starlight was right and that being overconfident would lead to one or more of them being hurt in the process, though it was in that moment the pair found that there were some bits of Blue Eco resting near the beach's entrance, where she took a second to absorb it and the flow of energy allowed her to smash apart a wooden chest that was in front of them, to get some small bits of Green Eco, before she found and smashed yet another chest and discovered that there were a fair number of them resting around a Scout Fly box, even though it took only a few seconds for the Blue Eco that was coursing through her body to smash the containers apart. That allowed her to claim the first of the seven Scout Flies which were scattered around Sentinel Beach, where she wished Keira or Twilight had thought to put a tracker or something inside the little robots to help them track them down a little faster, though as she did that both she and Starlight noticed a few things, like the first being a spinning gear made out of wood and had a few platforms for them to jump on, meaning it was a moving conveyor belt that would allow them to reach the top of the grassy area that was between the beach and the cliff that was to their right, though there was also an odd stone tower near the beach, one both of them were sure hadn't been there the last time they came to the beach, which was a long time ago they silently admitted to themselves. In addition to all of that there was a red colored crab moving around part of the beach, which had a conch shell on top of it that had a few markings on the shell, like dark Precursor markings or maybe just markings that the Lurkers used to communicate with each other, the latter meaning it would be a Lurker Crab if Twilight had seen it and taken a moment to study it, though for the most part the shell of the creature was able to resist their punches and kicks, but, when it raised its shell to pinch one of them with its pincers, that was when Starlight lashed out with her leg and the attack knocked the Lurker Crab to the side, leaving a bit of Dark and Green Eco behind, even if those bits vanished. That just told the sisters that they might not have to hold back when dealing with any enemies that were in this area, though as that happened they made sure to collect a few Precursor Orbs that were resting nearby and headed for the beach, as the pair agreed that dealing with whatever was on the upper grassy area would come later, once they were sure that the part of the beach they were currently exploring, even though they did find a small pit in the sand that happened to have a blue snake creature resting inside it and only emerged once Starlight and Cozy got close to its home.

For the most part they ignored the Sand Worm, as they were sort of common in the past and they were easily avoided as both Starlight and Cozy walked around its pit, even though there was a second one near the first one, but they collected a few Precursor Orbs as they headed to the main part of the beach, where they found a number of metallic boxes, ones that were harder than a Scout Fly's box based on what they were seeing at the moment, and there was a large pelican flying in the air above this part of the beach, though the things that they found to be interesting was that there just so happened to be a cannon on top of the stone tower and it was firing down upon this area every so often. What it loosed was a number of small gray colored sacks that had a fuse sticking out of their tops, which had been sealed by rope, and that made the sisters wonder if there was gunpowder inside them or something, a new type of material that the Red Sage had found in one of his studies and repurposed it for making explosives, to help with large stones that happened to be blocking a path or something, but for the most part it seemed that the Lurkers that were in control of the cannon were more interested in just firing at whatever they wanted, even though it wasn't long before they focused on Starlight and Cozy. Neither of the sisters were worried about that, as they could avoid the explosive sacks thanks to their training and, at the same time, use a bit of their magic to snatch a sack out of the air and deposit it near one of the metallic containers that rested around this part of the beach, basically allowing them to free the Precursor Orbs that were inside them, though as all six containers were blown open Cozy found a Power Cell sitting out in the open, near the area they were standing in, and moved to take it for their collection, which for some reason caused the pelican to swoop down and gobble it up, before flying off to a very small perch that rested near their location, even if she or Starlight would have to swim a little to get to the small pillar of earth it had built its nest on. Based on the direction the pelican was facing, which was towards the higher grassy section of the beach, Starlight determined that if one of them were to punch the annoying pelican, in the side or something, it might spit up the Power Cell and the force of such a thing would cause it to fly up to the area that was near a set of stone steps that lead right up to the grassy area, and along the way whoever did that would be able to acquire a few more Precursor Orbs for their efforts, so they could afford the Power Cells that their Uncle and the Mayor wanted to trade for, since those ones were ninety Orbs apiece.

As Cozy moved over to where the pelican was resting, however, she noticed Starlight going for another Power Cell, as both of them could see that there was one resting just behind one of the Sand Worm pits and that it was incredibly easy for her to get to, meaning they could add another one to the pile already, before she headed over to the pillar that the bird was resting on and collected some Precursor Orbs along the way, which was followed by her getting into position as she took a moment to make sure Starlight was doing the same thing, as the instant she noticed that her sister was ready Cozy got up and made her move against the pelican.

"Pesky bird... this will teach you not to steal things that don't belong to you." Cozy commented, keeping her voice low for a few moments as she approached the pelican, as she didn't want it to fly off before she had a chance to strike it, but sure enough it just seemed to ignore her, as if it didn't know that she was there in the first place, allowing Cozy to quickly punch it in the side with all of her physical strength, hard enough for the pelican to stagger for a moment as it coughed up the Power Cell and it went flying over to the area that Starlight was standing in, which caused the bird to remain still for a few seconds before taking to the air, as if it wanted the Power Cell.

Cozy grinned for a moment as Starlight walked over to the area that the Power Cell landed in, as it had landed nearby and hadn't actually landed in the area she had been thinking it would land in, something that caused the pelican to pause in the air for a moment as it stared at her and the Power Cell, the latter being stored away inside a pack that Starlight had on her back, before the pelican turned around and just flew off into the distance, leaving Sentinel Beach in the process, which meant they wouldn't have to deal with it again for the foreseeable future, to which Cozy took a moment to gather all of the Precursor Orbs that were in the water around the pillar of earth the nest had been built on. Of course one of the things she had to ignore for now was one of the Precursor Caches that they knew were scattered around the continent, a name that Twilight had given them at some point in the past, but while she wanted to open it and get her hands on the Orbs that were inside it, to add them to their collection for the trading they would be doing later, the only bits of Blue Eco were back at the start of Sentinel Beach and sure was sure that it would run out if she or Starlight tried to run over to where this lone pillar stood, making her wish that a Blue Eco vent was open, even though there wasn't one right now. While she did that, and made sure to check out the waterfall that rested near where the pelican had been resting, because it seemed to be a good area to hide stuff in and she found a few Orbs over there, Starlight walked along the upper grassy area that was up where the pelican's Power Cell landed and found some Lurkers waiting for them, though each of them were shaped to be more like puppies, meaning they would be called Lurker Puppies if Twilight was with them, and that meant that the pair of mysterious figures must have made new minions to cause havoc in the villages and provinces of the continent, but for the most part she didn't have to do much to take each of them out, as a small magical shock seemed to be more than enough to take one of them down, meaning a punch or a kick would suffice as well. While she did that Starlight noticed the five Green Eco collectors that Samos had told them about, the ones that he wanted them to clear out so they could function like what Keira had designed them to do, because she just so happened to be the one to make them and so far the balloon shaped devices seemed to be functioning just fine, save for some rocks that were resting on top of the Green Eco vents that the balloons were above, but for now she decided to come back once she and Cozy had checked out the rest of this part of the beach, hence why she jumped down and landed near her sister, which allowed her to break a Scout Fly box and free another one from its container.

What they found in the immediate area near the second Scout Fly box were a few Lurker Crabs, who were lurking around the area and seemed to be guarding a cave that happened to have some large logs sticking through the ground, ones that, if they hit them hard enough and in the right manner, would rise up into the ceiling and would allow them to access some areas that were just out of reach, though for now they focused on avoiding the pincers of the couple of Lurker Crabs and blasted their foes in return, before heading over to the part of the beach that had three stone structures that seemed to be out of place, or maybe had no purpose in the grand scheme of things, and there were a fair number of pigeons resting on the stone platforms in question.

"You know, if Daxter were here, I'm sure that he'd spout some nonsense about messing with the birds for kicks, just due to the fact that he never liked them all that much," Starlight commented, as she, Cozy, Twilight, and Jak had spent a great deal of time with their friend and most of them knew his mannerisms, not to mention all of his habits and when he would do something terrible or say something that would just cause them to pause for a time, though Daxter was one of the oddest individuals in the village, in their opinion anyway, even though he was of the opinion that Starlight, Cozy, and Twilight were the odd ones, but they never figured out why he didn't like pigeons.

"True... and, now that we've said it, we'll likely do it just for fun," Cozy said, because that seemed to be the case whenever Daxter wasn't around and one of them talked about whatever he would have done, it usually caused them to do what he would have done or follow whatever he would have suggested, and sure enough Starlight, despite herself, nodded not a few seconds later and they moved out of the area that they had been standing in, where they headed for the three stone structures, as there were a number of Precursor Orbs resting around the area, along with the possibility of a Scout Fly box and a Power Cell, or at least that was they were hoping for right now.

The first structure happened to have a number of pigeons in front of it and the sisters made sure the birds went flying off to another one, before they climbed up the couple of stone steps that were in front of them and headed up to the highest point of the one Starlight had picked out, which just so happened to be where a Scout Fly box rested and was smashed not a few seconds later, freeing the third little robot in the process, though as soon as that was done they followed the group of pigeons over to the second structure and found that it had a Power Cell where the first had a Scout Fly, and the third had a few Precursor Orbs for them to collect... but when they messed with the pigeons again, just to make sure they were no longer in the area, something that caused the most unexpected result as the birds caused part of the cliff near the Eco collectors to collapse for some reason.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that to happen," Cozy stated, because while she and Starlight were assuming the pigeons to do nothing harmful, since it was just a flock of birds and not a pack of Lurkers, it appeared that the mass flock caused a great deal of rocks to collapse and might have revealed something for them to look at soon, and she could see that Starlight was just as shocked as she was, even though from where they were standing they could see a pair of Precursor carvings in the side of the cliff, no doubt carved by someone in the past as a form of worship for the beings that shaped the world so long ago and everything else they had learned so far.

"Neither was I, though we ought to check out what happened at some point," Starlight added, as she had to agree with her sister for a moment, though for the most part there wasn't much they could do right now since the path leading up to the stone tower didn't seem to be operational, as none of the jump pads had power and it appeared that there was only one Blue Eco vent that was sealed at the moment, so all she and Cozy could do for the time being was head up to the area that the Green Eco collectors rested in, to remove the couple of stones from the Eco collectors and see what else might have occurred when the pigeons flew through the area.

The first thing they did was explore the backsides of the three structures and found that while two of them had no Orbs or Scout Fly boxes for them, which was a little surprising given what they had seen so far, they did find a few Orbs below the one that had the last Scout Fly box they had found, which was followed by Starlight and Cozy heading down into the cave they which rested below the part of Sentinel Beach they would be exploring soon enough and discovered a few more Orbs to be added to their collection, before they stood below the logs that were sticking through the ceiling and stared at them for a few seconds. What the sisters did next was take a moment and crouched where they were standing, like they were trying to sneak around and not draw attention from any potential enemies that were still on this side of the beach, like the pair of Lurkers that were standing near the stone structures and hadn't engaged either Starlight or Cozy as they walked through the area earlier, though as soon as both of them were ready they pushed themselves off the ground and loosed a simple punch at the logs that were above them, though their attacks were more than enough to push the logs up through the ceiling a little and the pair landed in the water once more. That was the uppercut technique that Jak had developed at one point in the past, mostly because he was bored and wanted to see if he could create anything all of them could use, or just one of them if it didn't work for his sisters, but all three of them had learned how to do the technique after he made it and now both Starlight and Cozy were using it to push the logs up through the ceiling so they could use them to get over to whatever they might form a path to, be it more Precursor Orbs or maybe even a Scout Fly box to help them find one of the other Power Cells, though they made sure to hit the logs one or two more times to make sure they were in position for what they would be doing next. Once Starlight was sure that both of the logs were locked into place, and that only took her a few moments based on everything that she could see from the underside of the area, she and Cozy headed over to the spot that the two Lurkers were standing in and she blasted one of them in the chest as her sister dodged a punch that had been sent her way and then kicked her target in the side, knocking her foe to the ground in seconds as it joined Starlight's foe, where they paused for a moment as they stared at the still inactive Eco vent, which they were guessing was linked to Blue Eco since those were the most common in the world, just to make sure nothing had activated it and then rode one of the small wooden platforms up to the area that held Samos' Eco collectors.

The modified watermill, which was linked to a windmill, brought them up to the section that held the Eco collectors and it was easy to find that the tops of the logs did form makeshift platforms for them to reach a small walkway on the cliff wall and a small earth pillar that was near the edge of the area, where Cozy found a few Precursor Orbs resting on top of the pillar and that there was a Scout Fly box further above the set, the fourth one to be exact, while the fifth one and a couple of Orbs rested on the wall Starlight was exploring, meaning all they had to do was find the last two and another Power Cell would be theirs for the taking. With those two places taken care of the sisters regrouped near the Eco collectors and just did what came naturally to them, where Starlight blasted and smashed a few of the rocks and Cozy just broke them with a swift kick, allowing her to break them apart with ease, though in doing so the Green Eco that was coming out of the vents moved through the air and poured into the collectors that were resting above them, something that allowed the balloons to enlarge and float up into the air once more, restoring them to their former glory within seconds, even though they were still tethered to the ground. Stepping into the bits of Green Eco that were escaping the vents allowed them to tap into the power of this type and it would have healed whatever wounds the sisters might have had, if they had been hurt before this point anyway, though for the most part this allowed Samos to continue his studies on the type and do everything that one of the Sages did with the type of Eco that they were connected to, like how the Red Sage would focus on Red Eco, the Blue Sage would focus on Blue Eco, and the Yellow Sage would focus on Yellow Eco, even though the same would be true for Gol, the Dark Sage they guessed, given his knowledge of Dark Eco. The sisters made sure that all five of the vents had no more rocks inside them and nothing else was blocking them, which included clearing out the rubble from the rocks that had plugged up the vents before their arrival, though after a few moments they stepped back and determined that their work in this part of the area was done, though that was when they found one of the Communicators floating around the air and seemed to be staring at them for a few moments, meaning that Keira had created more than one, which both of them knew made sense given that Twilight had been working with her in the past and that they must have made more than one of them before this adventure started.

"Well, I see that you two got around to unblocking my Eco collectors," Samos said, where he sounded the same as always, not that Starlight or Cozy were expecting anything different when they noticed the Communicator emerge from the pack and expand into its true form for a time, though as he started talking the sisters stopped moving and just listened to what he had to say, because there was no telling if he had more information for them or if that was all he had to say right now, as both of them were sure that they would listen to what Jak and Twilight did when they regrouped, "I would congratulate you for your efforts, but then Daxter would hear about it and complain for the next week that he didn't get anything like that during the time he spent with you... so keep up the good work, and keep finding those Power Cells."

Starlight and Cozy glanced at each other for a few seconds as the Communicator returned to the pack, leaving them to do whatever it was that they wanted to do next, which was collect the Power Cell that sprung out of one of the vents when the rocks had been broken and walked over to the fallen rubble that contained the one that came from the pigeons flying and doing whatever it was that they had done, before they glanced out at the stone tower and found something interesting, as the Blue Eco vent had suddenly become active while both of them were dealing with the rocks that were stuck in the five vents that were now spewing Green Eco into Samos' Eco collectors.

"Did we do something to cause that to happen?" Cozy inquired, because while she assumed the answer was a firm 'no', as she was sure that neither of them had done anything that would have caused the Eco vent to suddenly become active and start spewing Eco into the area it was in, which would allow them to open the Precursor Cache that was on the pillar that the pelican had built its nest on and use the jump pads to reach the stone tower, just to clear out the area and take down the couple of Lurkers that had to be manning the cannon that was on top of the structure, but she figured that she would ask the question anyway, just to see what Starlight had to say about it.

"No, I'm sure that this was due to Jak and Twilight doing something, as I recall Keira mentioning that there was a pipeline that lead to the temple inside the Forbidden Jungle," Starlight replied, though what she was referring to was an ancient system of pipes, or at least that was what many assumed they were when they stared at the various vents that rested all over the continent, that the types of Eco flowed out of, be it Red, Blue, Green, or even Yellow Eco, though the reason Dark Eco wasn't part of the set was due to the fact that no one knew if a Dark Eco vent existed or not, and based on the fact that the sealed vent was now unsealed, and the Eco was flowing out of it, she had to assume that Jak and Twilight must have found the switch the sealed Blue Eco vents were connected to, "Come on, let's go check it out and see if we can get to the stone tower at last, as I'm sure we'll find some Precursor Orbs and maybe a Power Cell for our efforts."

Cozy nodded her head and the next thing they did was make their way over to the edge of the area they were in, where a waterwheel happened to rest nearby and it didn't take either of them long to ride a platform down to the part of the beach that the vent rested near, to which the sisters stepped through the Blue Eco vent for a few seconds and empowered their bodies in the process, before they walked onto the first teleport pad and launched themselves into the air, where both of them found themselves just above the next pillar and were able to land on it without delay, where all they found was a lone wooden chest and another jump pad. Since there was nothing on the first stone pillar for them to break apart of even collect, like what they had found throughout the rest of Sentinel Beach, the sisters jumped over to the next stone pillar and found a few Precursor Orbs resting near another Blue Eco vent, one that also had a metallic chest near it, so all the sisters did was quickly pick up all three of the Orbs that were resting around them and then took a moment to refresh the Blue Eco that was coursing through their bodies so they could access the next jump pad. From there Starlight discovered that the third pillar was identical to the second one, minus the missing vent, so after collecting another three Orbs she followed Cozy as she launched herself over to where the stone tower rested, where they found that that two Lurkers were loosing a bunch of explosives at the beach and didn't seem to be doing much at the moment, though when the sisters landed their enemies turned and rushed at them without delay, showing that they wanted to take down any intruders and return to whatever they were doing, where Starlight dodged a few punches that were coming her way and then kicked her foe right in the chest before sending it down into the water with a blast of magic, while Cozy pretty much just threw a punch and knocked her foe down, which caused a Power Cell to fall out of the cannon for some odd reason, not that it seemed to do anything to the weapon. With the Lurkers taken care of, and they made sure that all of the barrels were emptied of Green Eco, which was just odd when both of them considered what was going on right now, Cozy approached the cannon for a moment and started to move it, where she found that she could move the barrel of the weapon up and down, as well as move it side to side so she could target other places besides the beach, which was where Starlight assisted her in figuring out which angles she needed to use so she could hit the couple of metallic boxes they had passed as they headed for the area they were now standing in.

As such it didn't take her long to loose an explosive sack and it landed on the closest box, blowing it open not even a few seconds later, before Cozy focused on the second one and repeated what she had done with Starlight's help, though once both of the boxes had been blown open, and the Precursor Orbs had been freed, Starlight took a moment to use some of her magic and formed some steps in the air for both her and Cozy to use, where they headed to the nearest Blue Eco vent and empowered themselves, all so they could use a jump pad and launch themselves over to where the pelican's nest was resting, which was followed by the Precursor Cache being opened so they could get at the Orbs inside it. From there they walked back over to the rock fragment that fell when the pigeons flew through the area that the Eco collectors were in, to which Starlight and Cozy climbed up the couple of rocks that were in that area and found that there was a walkway that seemed to wrap around part of the cliff, which happened to have a few wooden chests for the sisters to break and some Orbs for them to collect, even though they were keeping their eyes open for anything that might be remotely dangerous, despite the fact that the Lurkers had been taken care of and the cannon had been silenced. Another thing they found was that there was a bit of Blue Eco resting near a gap in the walkway they were following and that there was a Scout Fly box just beyond it, where Starlight accessed the Eco that was in front of them and channeled its power through her body as she smashed the box by approaching it and gathered the little robot with ease, though fortunately the chest next to it did have another bit of Blue Eco inside it and that allowed her to make her way down the rest of the path she was following, even though Cozy was walking ahead of her and kicked the couple of Lurker Puppies that were trying to bite her, meaning her sister didn't have to worry about enemies at all. As Starlight and Cozy approached the end of the walkway they found out two things, the first being that there was another Precursor Cache resting in the middle of this section of the path they had been following for the last minute or two, where the Blue Eco that Starlight was channeling allowed her to open it up and was when they grabbed the Orbs that were freed from its container, before they focused on the second item, which just so happened to be a light blue egg, about as tall as they and their siblings were, resting in a nest that was near the edge of the walkway, which had to be the Flut Flut egg the Birdwatcher had told them about.

Interestingly enough they heard the lady in question and glanced over the edge of the area the egg was resting on, only to discover that the Birdwatcher was standing near the bottom of the edge and that she had taken a moment to gather some hay so no harm came to the egg she wanted them to save from any and all Lurkers who were wandering around Sentinel Beach, to which Starlight and Cozy channeled their magical powers for a moment and carefully lifted the egg into the air and moved it over the edge, so it could be lowered onto the pile of hay, and once that was done they jumped down to the area the Birdwatcher was standing in so they could make sure the egg was just fine, but as the sisters did that they found Jak and Twilight walking over to the area that the egg was now resting in.

"Well, would you look at that, you actually did this thing!" Daxter remarked, as if he couldn't believe that the sisters would have taken the time to seek out the egg the Birdwatcher had told them about and move it so she could study it in greater detail, not to mention move it to an area that it could hatch in and be safe in, given that its guardian was missing due to what the Lurkers had done before they started their quest, though it was in the following moments that the egg actually shuddered for a few seconds, causing the group to stop for a time, before the top of the egg shattered.

What they found was a tall bird-like creature, one that was just a little bit taller than Jak and his sisters, which had a blue tip to its feathers, a yellow colored body that was mostly on its back, while it had a pale underbelly and an orange beak, though based on what Twilight and Starlight knew an adult Flut Flut was a graceful and deadly predator, meaning that the Lurkers who captured this one's mother had suffered a pair bit to capture her, which told Starlight why there weren't all that many enemies roaming around the beach, but before anyone said anything the infant Flut Flut, who was already very strong based the species as a whole, started saying 'momma' a few times as it flapped its wings, just to get out of the egg, and landed in front of Daxter, who it pecked at for a moment, which only annoyed Daxter.

"Awe, isn't that cute?" the Birdwatcher said, as she found this to be incredibly humorous, even though it was also sad due to the fact that the infant's mother wasn't around to actually tend to her child, thanks to the Lurkers that had attacked the beach earlier, villains that she knew Cozy and Starlight had run off so they could reach the egg in the first place, and it was easy for her to see that the siblings found some amusement in this as well, especially when they took in the fact that their friend was at the center of this entire thing, "It thinks you're its mama."

"I'm not your mom!" Daxter stated, speaking to the newly hatched bird for a few seconds, even though the siblings could see that he was in the middle of groaning at the moment, because he couldn't believe that this was happening to him right now, that he had lost his Human form due to falling into a vat of Dark Eco, which he still blamed his friends for since three of them had magic to defend themselves with, and now an infant Flut Flut was assuming that he was its mother, which he didn't even want to deal with at the moment, hence why he was gesturing to his body in the hopes that it would figure out what he was trying to say, "You see any feathers here?!"

"Oh, love at first sight! Ah..." the Birdwatcher remarked, as it was rather special to see such a thing between a Flut Flut and someone that wasn't of the same species, though as she said that the little chick glanced at the others for a moment and it amazed her once more, as Jak and his sisters seemed to be just fine in the Flut Flut's mind, as it let Jak pet her peak for a few seconds as Twilight and Starlight glanced over it to be sure no harm had been done to it, while Cozy did what Jak was doing, before she pulled out a Power Cell and called for everyone to focus on her once more, "You have done well, as you have shown valor to save this chick, and so I'm giving you a Power Cell for your good deed... and don't worry, I'll take this little chick back to the village with me, so Samos can see what you've done, and, more importantly, so we can create an area to take care of her."

Jak and Twilight, knowing that neither Starlight or Cozy needed their help at this point, rounded up Daxter and decided to escort the Birdwatcher and the infant Flut Flut back to the edge of Sandover Village, not that they were needed since all of the enemies that had been assaulting Sentinel Beach had been defeated at this point, leaving Starlight and Cozy to clean up the rest of the wooden chests, pick up whatever Precursor Orbs were still scattered around the beach, and find the last of the Scout Fly boxes, so they could make sure they had everything that might be in this area and regroup with the rest of their siblings, even if that would lead them to Misty Island once more. The area the Birdwatcher had been standing in just so happened to be the grassy area that was near the start of Sentinel Beach, which the sisters had ignored after starting their search of this area, since they had been planning on coming back here at some point, but this worked out for them as they walked around the raised area that had a small windmill nearby and a small bridge that would take them to where the last of the Scout Fly boxes rested, as well as a few more Precursor Orbs to collect, hence the reason they walked over to where the items were resting in. Sure enough when they smashed the Scout Fly box it released the Power Cell that was inside it and they added it to their collection without delay, where the sisters paused for a few seconds as Starlight took a moment to count up the Orbs that they had picked up so far, as she was positive that they had picked up everything that had been on the beach, which was a hundred and fifty by her count, though as soon as the count was done she and Cozy headed back towards Sandover Village, as it was time for them to regroup with their siblings, see how many Power Cells all of them had collected and whether or not they needed to return to Misty Island, though given who their siblings were they were sure that they would be heading back to the island soon. As such the two of them headed back to the entrance of the beach and decided that their destination would be the Fisherman's house, since that had to be where they would find Jak and Twilight, given what the Sculptor wanted them to do for a Power Cell, and sure enough the sisters discovered that the pair were exactly where they suspected they would be, as they were standing near the speedboat, but at the same time it was easy for them to discover that the Blue Eco beam that powered the village was reconnected to the Mayor's windmill and that their village had power again.

"It seems you two were successful," Starlight commented, because unsealing the Blue Eco vents and redirecting the Blue Eco beam back to the village were good signs that Jak and Twilight had done well during their trek through the jungle, and it almost made it seem like she and Cozy had done nothing in the grand scheme of things, but, even as she thought about that, neither she or her sister were disappointed by what they had done, because stopping the Lurkers and saving what looked like the last Flut Flut egg, that the Birdwatcher was aware of anyway, meant they were putting a stop to whatever plans the mysterious figures had planned for the continent and the various villages, "we've managed to find eight Power Cells during our time exploring Sentinel Beach, and a fair number of Precursor Orbs."

"Same for us, we also found eight Power Cells and a number of Orbs," Twilight said, though she was happy with what they had done, in teams of two no less, and it made her wonder what they could do when they headed over to Misty Island, to truly explore it for once and take down the Lurkers that had to be left behind for the eventual assault on the village, not to mention recover any Power Cells that might be resting all over the island, but even as she thought about that she knew the four of them must have recovered at least twenty Power Cells, so if they wanted to they could head to Fire Canyon, but she knew Jak's thoughts on the matter, before she turned towards their sisters, "the only Power Cells we haven't picked up yet are our Uncle's, the Mayor's, and the two the Oracle has in it's eyes, which cost one hundred and twenty Orbs apiece, so we figured that we'd get those after clearing out Misty Island."

Cozy nodded her head as Twilight said that, as she understood that they had gathered a good number of Power Cells and that it was now time for them to head to the island that had set this adventure in motion, to disrupt the Lurker's plans for the area and save the village from the imminent attack that the mysterious figures commanded their forces to undertake in the near future, to which the four of them climbed into the speedboat and got underway, as they were eager to take on whatever dangers were scattered throughout the island and recover some more Power Cells and Orbs for their quest, and once that was done it would be time to move to the north at long last.

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