• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Kras: Blue Eco Cup Grand Prix

When morning arrived Jak, Keira, his sisters, and the rest of their team discovered something interesting, Rayn informed all of them that the officials were planning on bringing an end to the Blue Eco Cup today, as in they would be racing through whatever events were still left, including the second Qualifying Event, meaning Mizo likely wanted to pressure them into making a mistake so he could cut them off and bring victory to his team at long last, though he was about to find that such a thing would only lead to disaster.

"Mizo must really be worried about losing if the officials are changing things on us," Jak commented, referring to the fact all of them knew, that being that Mizo had a hand in how the KGC operated, since there was no way Shiv's group could keep racing if they kept failing to gain medals, which he and his team were taking with each event that they tackled, though he could see that Twilight, Starlight, and Cozy were thinking about things.

"Considering our skills and progress, he's got to be worried that he'll lose a lot of money if we win," Twilight said, because that seemed to be the only thing Mizo cared about, based on everything that they had discovered since coming to Kras City and joining the KGC, though at the same time none of them were planning on letting the criminal lord get away from them, as they had a feeling that he would either flee once he lost or he would try and kill everyone who came to read Krew's will, both being bad ideas.

"Which he will, since none of his goons can touch us." Daxter stated, showing that he knew next to nothing could beat Jak or his sisters in a race, even if their opponent rigged it to the point where they were supposed to lose everything, but even as he said that he continued to keep his eyes on Twilight, since he and her sisters knew that something was up with her and her other selves, something they would figure out in due time no doubt.

After Daxter made his opinion known, which everyone on the team agreed with when they considered everything they had seen since the start of the KGC, Rayn informed them of what event they would be tackling first, which would start with a Deathmatch in the Ice Pit, which she claimed was basically a Dirt Stadium area that was made out of ice, hence why it was located in the Icelands. Sure enough they found that Razer was still more than willing to confront the siblings in almost all of the events that existed in this sport, as he joined them in the Ice Pit and smiled as he climbed into his racer, replicating what Jak, Starlight, Cozy, and Twilight did as soon as they arrived, though once the announcers called for the event to start the siblings showed their domination to the cameras, meaning Jak smashed Razer out of the way while everyone took the time to collect the points needed to score yet another gold medal for the team. Despite Razer's attempts he was only one person and he was facing off against the four siblings, so by the end of this Deathmatch Jak had scored the ten points that he needed, his sisters all scored eight in total, and they made it so that Razer only managed to get one point, far less than what he was expected to gain in an event like this when Jak recalled all of the information they had on the man that tried to beat them. With that event done Rayn informed them that the next one was going to be held on the Dethdrome track, where someone would be tackling the Rush Hour race again and it wasn't long before Twilight offered to tackle it, though that caused Jak and the others to raise an eyebrow as she returned to Kras for a time and let the transport bring her over to the track in question, even though they knew that Razer and the rest of his team would be watching from the sidelines, all in an attempt to gain more information on them so they could bring down Jak, his sisters, and their team.

Of course Jak wasn't even remotely surprised by what he, Starlight, Cozy, Keira, and the rest of their team witnessed, as the red vehicles did nothing to Twilight's racer as she used her powers to made sure it remained in pristine condition and that only the drones suffered as she smashed through them, and she was able to achieve more than the score needed to win the gold medal, as she scored four hundred and eighty when all that was necessary was four hundred and sixty, though as she finished Jak was sure that Daxter was right, something was off about Twilight and they would have to figure out what was bothering her once they had some free time.

Her win allowed them to advance into the second Qualifying Event for the Blue Eco Cup, a Circuit Race on the Timberlane Track, where they found Razer and his team waiting for them to arrive before Rayn, Blitz, and the other announcers called for the event to start, as once that happened Jak and Razer surged forward while Keira, his sisters, Sig, and everyone else dealt with all of Mizo's remaining racers once more. The only reason his sisters allowed such a thing to happen was due to how many people wanted to see the pair race each other on the track, hence why Jak was always gunning for Razer during the events his opponent decided to partake in, even though he still earned the gold medals despite that fact, and it lead to a boost in ratings for the show, something that had to please the network that Blitz appeared to work for. Of course that didn't stop him from knocking Razer down a few pegs before his sisters and the rest of their team passed by him, just like what happened in the past, which was why he made sure that it occurred some time before anyone reached the finish line and brought an end to this event, something that had to be annoying Mizo, even though for right now he was fine with the fact that Blitz got annoyed whenever this happened to Razer. In addition to that one would assume that Razer had to be getting annoyed with back to back losses like this, even though he presented himself in the same manner each time they were near each other, though with the Qualifying Event done Rayn informed them that a new event in Sanctuary was up for them to tackle, which happened to be a Turbo Dash in the Spargus City track, causing them to meet up with Razer and the rest of Mizo's team once more.

No one was surprised to find that Jak, his sisters, and Keira scored all of the major positions, their team got everything else below them, and Razer's team scored nothing despite their attempts to bring down those who Mizo wanted to take down, adding yet another gold medal to their collection as Rayn nodded her head, showing that she approved of them breaking through Mizo's attempts to bring her team down and that she enjoyed seeing Razer being beaten like this. With that done she informed the team that the next event would be taking place in Kras City, this time on the Seaport Strip track and that it was a Death Race event, meaning they wouldn't have to deal with Mizo's team for a short period of time, giving Razer all the time he needed to make sure his vehicle was ready for whatever events were coming up after this Death Race came to an end and Jak had scored another gold medal. Sure enough Keira found that Jak was able to smash the required score for the gold medal, which happened to be two hundred and forty points, with his sisters scoring between ten to fifteen below him by the time the event came to an end, though with that done Rayn waited for a time before speaking to the team, as the next event following the Death Race was a return to Haven City to tackle a Freeze Rally, one that would be taking place over on the Waterworks Circuit. As such Rayn and the other announcers watched as the siblings took to the track not even a few minutes later and started to race each other, just like they had done in the past whenever one of these events came up, where they found that Jak still had the fastest time out of him and his sisters, with Twilight coming up behind him, then Cozy and Starlight, though of course each of them beat the gold medal time limit and that meant another gold medal was added to what they had collected so far.

With that done Jak and his sisters found that the next event, according to what Rayn had to say, was another Freeze Rally, this one taking place in the Icebound Citadel, which was quite a surprise when the siblings thought about it, though Keira, Sig, and the rest of the team weren't even surprised when the siblings smashed through the time limit and earned another gold medal, before Rayn found that a third Freeze Rally was up, this one on the Mountaintop Highway track, and after a bit of time the siblings were able to overcome it as well, adding yet another gold medal.

"Jak, you and your sisters, not to mention the rest of the team, have done well in getting us this far," Rayn said, as most of them were gathered in a bar and were trying to rest for a time before tackling the Grand Prix, though it was also due to the fact that she had it on good authority that Blitz would show up at some point and talk with them about something, or at least he should if he followed what he had done in the past, before she considered something, "normally I'd be saying that I would be racing with you, but after everything I've seen I know that it would be best if I stayed on the sidelines and let all of you claim the remaining trophies and gold medals."

"Razer had better bring his best, otherwise Mizo's going to lose another race." Jak replied, knowing that such a thing was what Rayn wanted of them, to tear down all of their foes and show the criminal lord that his racers wouldn't be able to do anything for him at this point in time, though neither he or his sisters were drinking anything, since they had to be ready for whatever tracks and events would be thrown at them during the Grand Prix, even if most of them would be focused on whatever the Yellow Eco Cup had to offer, but he said nothing else as Blitz walked in.

"Yes folks, we're live as I deliver a secret recorded message dropped of at our station earlier this morning." Blitz said, a fact that caused Jak and his sisters to raise their eyebrows for a moment, as they were curious as to what this might be and if it would mean anything to them, though Jak figured that the latter had to be true since Blitz was coming here, to speak with them or use them as background while he was filming his television show, and he had a smile on his face, "That's right, it's from the mysterious crime lord Mizo himself!"

Greetings fellow race lovers. the screens said, where they found a silhouette of a man speaking to a camera with the vast majority of his features hidden from everyone who might be watching right now, with a light to help him hide who he truly was, and it came complete with a voice modifier that would make it impossible to figure out who he was, though by this point in time Jak and his sisters had a few ideas on who he might be, Your perseverance this season has been... surprising... but Krew has sent you on a fool's errand. I'm prepared to forgive and forget, and spare each of your lives if you walk away right now.

"So much for the intimidating crime lord," Cozy commented, speaking once the video was done playing, as they had been expecting far more from someone like Mizo, especially after everything they had learned since they came to Kras City for the KGC, and her siblings nodded their heads in agreement, as now Mizo seemed more like a thug and less like someone that they had to be worried about, "it sounds like he's afraid that we'll win."

"Which means Mizo must be a terrible driver, if this is what he sends us," Jak added, because he knew that if Mizo was a competent racer, such as Razer or even UR-86 for example, the message he would have sent them would have been more of a threat and a promise that he would beat them on the track if they dared to race against him, before he had an idea on what he could say, especially since Blitz seemed to be filming him and his sisters right now, "hey, Blitz, do you think that you would be a better racer than the cowardly and fearful Mizo?"

"Now listen here you..." Blitz started to say, quite angrily Jak noticed when he found the man starting to reach for him with a look of anger in his eyes, before he realized that he was being filmed right now and regained himself, though the deed was done and Jak had gotten everything he wanted from it, the public had seen him slam Mizo, as he called the crime lord a coward, that his message didn't convey strength, and that he was afraid of them winning the KGC, and they had seen the reaction from Blitz, which was more like Mizo was reacting and not Blitz, "I'm sure Mizo will be waiting for your response and that this will anger him... just a word of warning, knowing what he's done in the past."

Jak grinned as Blitz retreated from the bar, because now they knew exactly who Mizo was and the smarter members of the public would know it as well, that he had been hiding in plain sight this entire time, especially since he, Daxter, his sisters, and the rest of their team knew that the silhouette resembled a bald Blitz, though no one said anything as they finished off their drinks and headed outside. With that done Rayn revealed what the events of the Blue Eco Cup's Grand Prix were, to which Jak and his sisters learned that the first one was a Circuit Race through the Sewer Raceway in Haven City, followed by another Circuit Race on the Frozen Speedway track in the Icelands, before ending with a third Circuit Race that was on the Western Tour track of Kras City, an interesting set of locations in their eyes. Sure enough Razer was ready for them the moment they found their way to the first of the three tracks, though sure enough Shiv's group proved to be no match for Sig and everyone else, all while Razer did everything in his power to try and get ahead of Jak and his sisters, not to mention Keira as well, who had studied his driving style and had the perfect strategy to overcome him, something that ended with all of them passing by Razer and scoring all the points as he scored nothing. After that they returned to the Icelands and started traversing the track that they would be racing on, even though this time it was five laps and not two, though while they raced Twilight stayed between her siblings and Razer for a long time, using her powers and vehicle abilities to ensure Razer stayed as far away from Jak, Keira, and the others, to the point where she knocked him down and allowed everyone else to pass by him. The Western Tour event proved to be much of the same, Razer tried to take all of them down and one of the siblings focused on fighting him for the majority of the race, where Twilight continued to smash him back and kept her team safe from him, to the point where she and Midnight stayed at the back until they were sure Razer submitted to them, allowing them to rejoin Jak, Starlight, Cozy, and Keira at the front, winning the trophy for the Blue Eco Cup.

With that done Blitz talked with Jak about how he owned Razer on the track, speaking in front of their base of operations this time around, though as they did that Midnight slipped into Twilight's shadow and returned to her space for the rest of the night, where Twilight headed to her room and shut the door before watching more orange fur spread up her right arm for a short period of time, only to stop when it reached her elbow, meaning she was going to have to wear a jacket from this point forward, so they could focus on what the Yellow Eco Cup had in store for her and her siblings.

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