• Published 9th Feb 2021
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Jak and Daxter: Heirs of Mar - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Cozy Glow grow up in Sandover Village with Keira, Jak, and Daxter, where they train and play everyday, all while unaware of the grand adventure that's ahead of all of them.

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Precursor: Showdown

Jak, Twilight, Starlight, Cozy, and Daxter waited for a few moments before the Precursor Door opened and revealed what was inside the massive circular tube to them, as it was a massive platform with a button in the middle of it, to which they stepped forward and walked over to where the button was located, with Daxter jumping down onto it and caused the large platform to start moving towards the top of the passage, where he returned to Jak's shoulder and waited for them to reach the top so they could see what was going on, especially since they had no idea where the Dark Eco Silo was located and would find it the moment they spotted Gol and Maia's robot. It took about a minute or two for them to reach the very top of the passage and everyone braced themselves as that happened, where they found that there were a number of wooden chests resting near the area in front of them, possibly the north given where the entrance to the Citadel rested, there was a large open area that rested around where they were now standing, something that meant they must be on top of the Citadel and they could tell that it was incredibly high up based on everything they could see, and, interestingly enough, there was a large structure to their left, one that looked like it was a door of some kind. This door seemed unlike anything they had seen in the past, though for now they focused on their main objective and turned their heads towards the area that was resting beyond the chests and the center of the massive platform, where they discovered a massive pillar off in the distance which had four smaller pillars surrounding it, each having a device on top that seemed to be capable to channeling Eco into the closed tips, or at least it was capable of that by Twilight's reckoning, though it also had the seemingly massive Precursor Robot baring down on top of the Silo's seal, as it appeared that Gol and Maia were firing a beam of Blue Eco at it, using the power in an attempt to persuade the door to open, or at least she knew how the Blue Sage would phrase this. The Blue Eco beam was coming from the head of the robot, as there was a path over the robot's right eye that was an addition from the Dark Sages, there was a contraption that replaced it's left arm and hand, a piece the siblings likely stopped them from obtaining back in Boggy Swamp, as in the arm the Lurkers had been working to pull out of the muck, it appeared that it also had something attached to it's right hand, not to mention there might be another addition to its back, though the last one was hard to tell if it was there or not.

The siblings stood there for a few seconds, as they were staring at the robot and what it happened to be doing right now, as it was hard for each of them to imagine that this was the end of their adventure, a showdown with Gol and Maia for the fate of their world, on top of a large Precursor Silo that contained all of the Dark Eco of their world inside it, or at least that was what the Dark Sages claimed, before the siblings sighed for a moment as they readied themselves, even though they found out that there was only a small platform in front of them, meaning Twilight would need to use her magic and form some platforms for her and the others to follow after Jak once he started heading down to the robot.

"So, anyone having second thoughts?" Daxter asked, mostly because this sight was enough to make someone like him, as he wasn't a fighter and had done nothing to help the siblings fight all of the enemies they had faced since he fell into a vat of Dark Eco, want to back off and run into a corner for the next couple of moments, though as he asked that question he found that none of the siblings were backing down and each of them were getting ready for their battle with the pair of Dark Sages, causing him to sigh for a moment as he braced himself on Jak's shoulder, "Right, I thought so. Come then, let's charge down there and teach them a lesson they won't soon forget!"

Jak and his sisters chuckled for a moment as they opened the wooden chests and found some bits of Blue Eco inside two or three of them, giving him the power to activate the platform that was in front of them, while at the same time finding a number of Green Eco clusters so they would have a bit of protection in case Gol and Maia got a lucky hit on one of them, before he stepped onto the platform and channeled his power through it, allowing it to take him and Daxter down to the top of the Silo, while Twilight formed a number of magical platforms for her and the others to follow him on, even though it didn't take them all that long to reach their destination and stare up at the robot's face.

"Gol! Maia! You have to stop this madness!" Twilight shouted, hoping that the Dark Sages would pause and listen to her for a few moments, maybe even see the light given that they wanted to claim her once they opened the Silo and had access to all of the Dark Eco they could possibly want, though while she did that she could tell that her siblings were ready for a fight and that it depended on what the Dark Sages decided to do once she was done talking to them, hence the reason she was focused on them and ready to fall back into her battle stance if the pair refused to see reason, "Releasing all of the Silo's Dark Eco in this manner will destroy the world as we know it... surely we can find a better way to do this!"

"Once we have the key to creation itself, you'll see things our way," Maia stated, where her voice came from the inside of the robot's head, which was understandable given that she and her brother were resting inside that part of it as they used its power to tear open the Silo and access the dangerous Eco that was resting inside it, though it was in that moment that the power of the Blue Eco beam intensified as she and Gol focused their efforts on breaking into the Silo so they could get at the Dark Eco at long last.

Twilight sighed as she and her siblings scattered and rushed over to the clusters of Yellow Eco that happened to be resting around the seal that the Dark Sages were trying to break through, where each of them took a moment to empower their bodies as they spun around and focused on the robot's eye, where the beam was coming from, and quickly loosed a volley of Yellow Eco fireballs into the air, where Daxter found that their attacks rushed through the air, coiling around each other in the process, before slamming into the eye that was firing the Blue Eco beam at the Silo's seal and blasted that part of the robot to pieces. What was interesting about that sequence of events was that he and the others watched as the robot actually roared, as if the machine was in pain over losing its eye or something, even if the piece hadn't been its original eye in the first place, while at the same time it was knocked backwards a little and it floated in the air near the Silo, which just so happened to be the moment where the machine that was attached to the robot's back emerged and shifted into what looked like a cannon of some kind, almost like Gol and Maia were planning on blowing them away, though the part about this that none of them liked was that the Silo's seal was starting to open, revealing the mass of Dark Eco that was resting inside the structure. In the following moment, just as the Dark Sages fired something into the air, a thick disc shaped item that seemed to be gathering power for something, Twilight, instead of heading over to a nearby Blue Eco vent so she and her siblings could use it to empower themselves and access a nearby jump pad, which would likely get them above this device before it detonated, crouched where she was standing and placed her hands on either side of the Silo's seal, where she decided to try something she had never done before and opened herself up to her magic, which she sent into the Silo as she sought out something, anything really, to slow the opening of the seal, to buy Jak and her sisters some time so they could break the Precursor Robot. Starlight, seeing what Twilight was doing, rushed over to where she was standing not a few seconds later and together with Cozy, who happened to be standing nearby, they channeled their magical energies for a couple of moments and a dome flared to life between where the four of them were standing and where Gol and Maia had launched the explosive to, something that triggered the device and caused an explosion to rock the top of the Silo, or at least the sections of it that their foes had access to, and when the smoke disappeared the siblings emerged unharmed, even though shielding themselves from the blast did take a decent chunk of their magic reserves.

"Wait... you can shield yourselves from Eco explosions?" Gol asked, though while one would have assumed he would have been angry, since what the sisters had done just a few moments ago had prevented any of them from taking damage from the explosion that had been fired at them, he was more interested in what the sisters were capable of doing, as they had done something to themselves since the last time he and Maia had studied all three of them and their magical powers, as the last time they did it was the last time they were in Sandover Village, a few years ago, though that didn't stop them from being surprised by the fact that Twilight, Starlight, and even Cozy's magical abilities had developed so much in such a short period of time, which made him and his sister what in the world the sisters had done to gain this power, "Since when could you do such a thing with your magic?"

"Maybe we'll tell you two... provided you calm down and stop trying to destroy the world!" Daxter stated, figuring that they could appeal to the researcher side of the Dark Sages, as he and Jak knew that all five of the Sages, six counting Maia, had an interest in the magical powers that Twilight and her sisters were capable of wielding, especially when one took a couple of seconds to realize that the Blue Sage had designed his levitation machine based on the levitation spell the sisters used and had been made to use his type of Eco to do what the sisters could do, but even as he said that he had the feeling that Gol and Maia might not listen to someone like him, hence the whisper to the siblings, "Guys, be ready to attack the robot in the next couple of seconds, as I have the feeling we're not going to get through to them... and Twilight, could you move from where you're resting, because you're making yourself vulnerable to their attacks."

"I know that, its just that the Silo's seal was opening and it seems that I might be able to keep it closed, or at least prevent it from opening any further," Twilight replied, keeping her voice down so only her siblings and Daxter could hear her, since she didn't want Gol and Maia to figure out what she was doing and purposely target her with their attacks, at least for the time being anyway, though her magic was doing far more than seeping into the top of the Silo and was keeping the seal from opening, because based on what she could tell it sure felt like her magic was delving deeper into the structure that was the Silo and was giving her an understanding of it, "just focus on the Precursor Robot and I'll focus on making sure this doesn't open anymore than it already has."

Just as Jak and her sisters nodded their heads, to show that they understood what was going on, Gol and Maia shifted their robot's stance and loosed a number of Green Eco bursts through the air, where they slipped through the cracks in the seal and disappeared inside, something that was followed by thin wisps rushing back out through the opening and expanded as they landed on top of the Silo, where the siblings discovered that the Dark Sages had created hulking monsters that had black colored skin, almost like the night, with white spikes growing all over their bodies, as in on their arms, legs, and backs based on what they were seeing, and they seemed to move like the various Lurkers did. Based on what Twilight noticed, as she raised her head for a few seconds to see what was going on, there were a grand total of ten Dark Lurkers rushing over to where Jak, Starlight, and Cozy were standing, no doubt to take each of them down before they could ruin Gol and Maia's plans for the Dark Eco Silo, though fortunately it appeared that there might have been a leak or something in the robot, as they noticed that a few bits of Yellow Eco dropped out of the robot's chest, where the bursts of Green Eco came from, and it was in the following moments that the siblings empowered themselves for what was coming next. The lumbering Dark Lurkers must have had a bit of Blue and Red Eco mixed into their makeup, as they were faster than the normal Lurkers the siblings had fought during their adventure and one was able to reach the area Twilight was resting in within a few seconds, where it raised its large fist and prepared to smash her into the ground, where she debated between shielding herself and ruining what her magic was doing or taking the blow, but that was when Cozy rushed forward and kicked the arm into the air, redirecting the attack, though while she did that she flipped backwards and loosed a fireball into the air and struck one of the other Dark Lurkers in the chest, blasting it to pieces and revealing that these creatures had to be weaker than the rest of the creatures they had faced in the past, at least in terms of their defenses anyway. Her first opponent took a few steps backwards as she did that, so when Cozy landed she spun around and loosed a fireball at her target, blasting it into the ground, while at the same time Jak dodged the incoming punches and fist swings that the couple of Dark Lurkers were sending his way, even though Daxter jumped on top of one of them and distracted it so Jak could punch it in the face and then blast the other two down seconds later, allowing his friend to return to his shoulder, before they noticed that a few more fireballs rushed out to smash the other Dark Lurkers into the ground as Starlight used her magic to defend herself and used a small magical blast to knock out the other foe.

Once the ten Dark Lurkers were done for, and the siblings were sure of that as Twilight remained in her crouching position to study the Silo and keep the seal from opening more than it already had done, they turned towards the robot for a few seconds and waited to see what Gol and Maia were planning on throwing at them next, since there had to be more to the modified Precursor Robot than what they had seen so far, though it was followed by another Blue Eco bomb being loosed at them, something that Starlight and Cozy defended against by raising another barrier between them and the explosion, and when the smoke cleared they continued to stare at the robot. In the following moments the Precursor Robot raised its right hand and pointed towards the platform the siblings were standing on, where the metallic contraption that the Dark Sages had attached to it seemed to power up for a few seconds before firing a few blasts of Red Eco into the air, which just rained down on the platform and rested above the metal, just like the small bits of Yellow Eco they were using against Gol and Maia, though not a few moments later one of the spheres exploded and a ring of red energy moved out from where it happened to be resting, so that meant that they either had to dodge five of those attacks by either jumping or using a bit of magic to protect themselves from what their foes were doing. Starlight focused on making sure she, Twilight, and Cozy were safe from the rings, by keeping a barrier up around them, while Cozy used a bit of her power to knock the couple bits of Yellow Eco into the air so Jak could collect them and loose a few fireballs towards the Precursor Robot, which struck the weapon that was attached to it's right arm and caused a chain reaction that tore apart both the arm and the weapon that had fired the spheres down to where they were standing, even though it was also followed by Jak and his sisters hearing the robot roar in pain once more. Twilight still felt that such a thing was odd, as in why would the Precursors design one of their creations to feel pain like this, when one of it's arms or legs was blown clean off, before realizing that the only way anyone would even understand the reasoning behind the decision would be if they managed to find out what happened to the Precursors and if they left anything behind for researchers to study and record for the future generations to read, but that was when Gol and Maia got the robot under control as they fired another Blue Eco bomb down on them, which was just blocked by Starlight and Cozy once more, even if it weakened their magical reserves to do so.

One thing that Twilight noticed, even if most of her attention was on keeping the seal from opening all the way and what was inside the Silo itself, she noticed that the four pillars that surrounded her and her siblings seemed to be opening while the fight progressed, where it didn't take her long to determine that there had to be some sort of mechanism resting deep inside the structure that was waking up, in response to all of the Eco types that Gol and Maia were using, and three of the four were currently open, meaning if the Dark Sages used the last of the four types, Yellow Eco, maybe they would figure out what sort of defense mechanism was attached to this structure. In the following moments the robot raised it's left arm and pointed the cannon that had been attached to it at the siblings, where each of them could see that a decent amount of power was being gathered inside the front of the weapon, though it wasn't long before the Dark Sages fired a large ball of Yellow Eco, a large fireball that was easily three times bigger than the ones the siblings could fire with the type of Eco in question, that raced towards the area they were standing in, intending on blowing them off the top of the Silo and open the way for them to continue opening it up. Cozy rushed over to where some of the Yellow Eco bits were resting and took one into herself, where she spun around and combined it with her own magic not a few seconds later, something that was followed by her loosing her own large fireball into Gol and Maia's attack, cancelling it out as Starlight made sure she, Jak, and Twilight were safe from the explosion, which had to shock the Dark Sages since they weren't used to seeing stuff like this in the first place, but she was just fine with that as Jak and Starlight loosed a couple of Yellow Eco fireballs that quickly raced through the air and smashed into the cannon that fired the large fireball, weakening it like they did to the rest of the components that had been added to the Precursor Robot since the moment Gol and Maia discovered it and started their work on it. Of course that was followed by the cannon exploding due to the damage the siblings did to it, where it roared in pain once more and stared at them as it seemed to shake its right hand at them, given it was now missing its left hand, though it appeared that the only weapon the Dark Sages might have left was the Blue Eco bomb launcher that was on the robot's back, though in the following moment Twilight smiled as the fourth and final pillar opened up, because with their opponents using the final type of Eco the Silo's hidden defense mechanism was activating, even if she had prevented the seal from breaking, and she stood up and recalled her magic so she could see what in the world was going to happen in the next couple of seconds.

Not a few moments later each of the four pillars lit up with a different type of Eco, the closest to the robot being Blue Eco, while the next ones were Yellow, Green, and then Red Eco, if one were to go in a clockwise motion from where the first bit of Eco rested, before the four pillars fired a beam of energy made from their respective type of Eco into the space that was just above the center of the Silo's seal, where the four types of Eco gathered into a single mass that had a silver coloration to it and seemed to be glowing with a pure light, making the siblings remember what some of the Oracles had told them about 'seeking the pure light' and had them wonder if this was what they had been talking about.

"Light Eco?! It actually exists?!" Gol exclaimed, his tone revealing that this was the sixth type of Eco, the mythical Light Eco that no one knew anything about since finding it on the surface and below ground was pretty much impossible, or at least it was at this point in time, while also informing the siblings that he and Maia might be worried about this turn of events, especially given the rarity of this particular type of Eco, though it didn't look like he or his sister were doing anything, as in they were transfixed by the fact that Light Eco existed and that they were currently staring at it.

In the following moments the siblings gathered near each other as Twilight formed a few magical platforms for them, as this allowed Jak, Starlight, and Cozy to climb up them and jump through the mass of Light Eco, which she replicated after they were done, before they landed and showed Gol and Maia that the four of them were now had a silver sheen to their bodies and the immediate area around them seemed to have the same coloration as well, before they raised their hands towards the robot as they released the temporary power that had been bestowed upon them for this battle, which caused them to loose a blast of power that shattered the robot's body, as it exploded seconds later, and the arms and legs blew up a few seconds after that, leaving the head as the only thing that was intact, which landed on top of the Silo, just behind where the siblings were standing as the Light Eco faded from their bodies.

"Do you realize what you've done?!" Gol exclaimed, where he and Maia pulled themselves out of the robot's head a couple of moments after it landed on top of the Silo, even though it was clear that they were torn between being upset that all of their plans had been ruined with the destruction of the robot, which must have taken them a couple of years to make into the form Jak and his sisters had fought, or being overwhelmed by the fact that they had, in an odd manner, discovered the existence of Light Eco and proved that it was incredibly powerful, at least when it was wielded by the four individuals that were standing in front of them, where Twilight did notice that some of the darkness was clearing from Gol and Maia's eyes as the main Dark Sage talked to them, meaning the Light Eco must have purified them in some manner, possible letting them return to what Samos and the other Sages knew, "Without the Dark Eco, which we worked hard to gain access to, we will never be able to complete our research, meaning that we will never learn the secrets of our world, or creation for that matter... in fact, we won't be able to help your friend at all!"

"Its not that bad, we can still study him," Maia stated, as while she didn't care for Daxter all that much, given their history, his new form was interesting to her and her brother and it would give them some insight into the secrets of evolution, as that was what they had called what happened to him back in the Red Sage's lab, though she did have to agree with what her brother had said, that without the Dark Eco they would be unable to do anything and their research would be stalled until they found a source of the Eco they were used to channeling during their studies.

"What we did was stop you from destroying the world," Twilight replied, though while she said that she knew Daxter must have given up on being restored to his previous form at some point in time, no doubt due to the fact that Gol and Maia had claimed it was evolution and not a mutation of some kind, and while she thought about that she noticed Samos and the other Sages had found a platform and were using it to come over to where they were standing, before she glanced at both of the Dark Sages that were in front of her and her siblings, as there was something she needed to tell them before they did anything else, "however, while I was using my magic to stop the Silo's seal from opening, to stop the vast amount of Dark Eco from rushing out and twisting our world into something else, I think I found something that might be able to help all of us in some way."

"Twilight, the magical powers that you and your sisters have access to are both fascinating and confounding at the same time, in equal measures," Gol stated, because it was one thing to take in the fact that the three of them were capable of using their magic to summon shields, generate barriers to negate Eco explosions, create platforms to move around, and even hurl blasts that were nearly identical to Yellow Eco fireballs, and that wasn't counting anything else they might have figured out how to do since the last time he and Maia studied them, while it was another to understand that each of them might be capable of using their magic to study the works of the Precursors and gain a level of knowledge on them, just like Twilight apparently did to the Silo, to keep the seal from opening, before he sighed for a moment, "but you've made me interested in whatever you might have found... so, um, lead the way I guess."

Twilight nodded her head and beckoned for the Dark Sages to follow her, where she took a few seconds to lift the head of the robot with her magic, once more surprising Gol and Maia, in addition to the rest of the Sages, and positioned it on the platform so it wasn't in their way, before she formed a number of platforms for them to use as she walked down the side of the Silo's structure, causing her siblings, Keira, and the Sages to follow after her while the Dark Sages floated just behind the group, who were marveling at the fact that the siblings were able to convince Gol and Maia to stop their plans, for now anyway... though it took them a few minutes to reach what appeared to be an indent on the side of the structure that was the Dark Eco Silo, a little workshop of sorts, with all sorts of indentations and markings that had Precursor runes written all over the place, causing Gol and Maia to raise their eyebrows for a moment.

"Based on what I was feeling with my magic, this place seemed important in some manner, and I suspect that you two will know we're looking at," Twilight commented, where she and the others got out of the way for a few seconds, even though Keira and the Sages were interested in what they were looking at, so Gol and Maia could float over to the indentations and study them in greater detail, but at the same time she could tell that one of the markings was similar to the heat gauge for the zoomer's heat shield, only it was approaching the highest rune, before she focused on the Dark Sages as they focused on what they were studying, "this area is very interesting, isn't it?"

"This... is a pressure gauge..." Gol replied, this time speaking slowly as he and Maia stared at some of the indents that were in front of them, showing the group that they understood what they were looking at and maybe, just maybe, why Samos had been so insistent on making sure no one tried to open the Silos in the manner that they had just tried to do, though at the same time there was a bit of shock in his voice, making the siblings wonder what in the world the Dark Sages might be discovering and what they might share with everyone, "and from the looks of these Precursor runes, which we studied so we could understand them, the Silo is... well, its under a lot of pressure... an incredibly high and unsafe amount. If we had succeeded in opening the seal all the way..."

"You would have released all of that Dark Eco into the world, letting it flood everything we know and love," Samos stated, though it appeared that he had been correct in thinking and believing that opening the Silo with a Precursor Robot would have brought about the end of the world, as it sure looked like Gol and Maia were confirming his thoughts on the matter, due to the expressions that were on their faces and what the pressure gauge was revealing to the pair, even though none of them were all that surprised by the fact that Twilight and Keira were interested in learning what the Dark Sages knew, as being able to read and understand the Precursor language was something both of them wanted to do, "rather than being able to perform any experiments with Dark Eco, like you've been planning for some time, you would have caused the end of everything, including yourselves."

"Sadly, now that we know how bad things are, you're actually right, as once we ascended to these forms we studied our bodies for a time," Maia said, though she seemed a little sad about something and it was hard to see if it was due to what they had discovered, as in she and Gol could have killed the entire world if their plan had been successful, or if it was due to the results of the studies the two of them had done after gaining their new bodies, though Daxter thought what they were seeing was odd and out of character, making him wonder if the Light Eco had done more to the Dark Sages that just blow their robot into a number of pieces, "Gol and I... well, we lack the genetic markers to evolve via the Dark Eco... which is why we were so interested in what happened to Daxter when we encountered each other in the Red Sage's lab earlier... though without those markers we would have perished in the flood as well..."

"Hey, um, what's that?" Daxter asked, because while he didn't want to interrupt Gol and Maia, least they become annoyed with him or something, there was a machine or device in this area that seemed different from what everyone had seen so far, hence the reason he was looking over at an area that had a number Precursor jars, which were three times the size of a Precursor Orb, that seemed to be resting on a conveyor belt, though above one of the jars rested what appeared to be a small pipe that could move up and down, though instead of the Dark Sages responding Twilight walked forward and took a moment to tap something, which made them interested in what they might discover next.

What happened next was that the pipe moved for a moment and shifted until its top was resting near the jar that was just below it, where the jar's lid had moved out of the way to allow the top of the pipe to rest against it, before they watched as it was filled with a decent amount of Dark Eco, which Gol and Maia realized must have been drawn out of the Silo, though once the jar was filled the flow from the pipe was cut off not even a few seconds later and the pipe moved into it's upper position, allowing the top of the jar to seal itself before the conveyor belt moved and the jar moved down the path a little, which was around the time that Twilight stopped touching the part of the wall she had tapped and everything stopped in their tracks, allowing her to pick up the jar.

"A safe way to study Dark Eco, provided by the Precursors," Twilight replied, where she walked over to Gol and Maia and handed over the jar that now contained a decent amount of Dark Eco inside it, something that surprised the Sages, both the ones that had been kidnapped and the Dark Sages, before she smiled for a moment as she looked at the workshop her magic had found while she kept the seal from opening and understood what they could do with it, and based on what she could see it looked like Gol and Maia had figured out what was going on, "apparently they knew someone would try to study Dark Eco at some point, so they made this Silo and left a way to safely draw out this type of Eco, so now you two can continue your studies without having to break the seal."

Gol and Maia stood there for a few moments, clearly taken aback by the fact that they missed something like this during all of the times they studied the Silo's structure as they planned out how to break the seal, before deciding that there were a few things both of them needed to do and swiftly apologized to the Sages, confirming that the Light Eco had helped them out in its own way, where Samos and the others accepted the apology, and welcomed the pair back with open arms, which was when they used the platform the Blue Sage was powering to get back up to the top of the Citadel, so they could make their descent back down to the Warp Gate and head back home, before Daxter remembered something else that they had seen and wanted to inquire about before leaving this place.

"Hey, what's inside that large Precursor Door?" Daxter asked, because it was the only thing that they had seen that hadn't been explained to him and the siblings, though he knew that if they left this place, without figuring out what was behind or inside the large door, Twilight and Keira would likely return at some point in the future and open it so they could see what was waiting on the other side, but even as he said that he could see that most of the others glanced up to where the door rested and seemed to be thinking the same thing, even though the question was more for Gol and Maia, since they knew more about this place than everyone else did and would be able to answer the question with ease.

"Truthfully, we have no idea... we sort of focused on the Silo once we discovered what's inside it," Maia replied, though at the same time they paused for a moment as the platform reached the top of the Citadel and everyone walked off of it not even a few seconds later, where she and her brother shifted their stances and focused on the door that Daxter wanted to know about, even though she had to search her memories for a moment to figure out what they had determined about it, before they became obsessed with the Silo, "All we know is that there are one hundred indents that look like Power Cells can fit inside them, though we never bothered to find that many to see what was inside... it will take some time to get that many to figure out what the Precursors locked on the other side of the door."

"Or we can check it out now, since we have a hundred Power Cells... we overdid saving the other provinces, since we had far more than what we needed," Cozy spoke up, where the Sages seemed like they had been ready to say something to the rest of the group, probably about how they could help recover any Power Cells to assist them in opening the door, before everyone went silent for a moment as each of them realized that they could open the door and see what was inside it, to which she, Starlight, and Twilight walked over to the door and started to pull out the Power Cells, as they were interested in seeing what was on the other side of the massive Precursor Door.

Over the next couple of moments Samos, Keira, Jak, Daxter, and the rest of the Sages watched as the sisters weaved their magic through the air and slipped the Power Cells into the one hundred slots that they could see, where four of the Cells rested in the center of the door, like the four main directional points, with the remaining ninety-six resting in three rings around them, each having different sizes than the last, before they stopped and took a step back, where they found that they had found one hundred and one Power Cells, as there was one left over in the pack, which was when everyone heard a clicking sound a few moments later. It was in that moment that the Precursor Door split in half and opened so they could see what the Precursors had left in this area, though what they discovered on the other side of the door was a massive ring-shaped object that was made out of Precursor metal, complete with a number of objects resting near it, before they noticed another metallic item that looked like a vehicle of some kind, where part of it seemed to be made from more of the Precursor metal and the rest was made from normal metal, but it was clear that the two were connected to each other and to understand what these were would require them moving the ring and vessel somewhere else. The sisters froze for a moment as they stared at the pair of artifacts, as all three of them had the same memories of a seemingly foreign world or city and one memory involved the ring, or at least Twilight was sure of that while Starlight and Cozy tilted their heads for a moment, while they could tell that Samos, out of everyone here, was the only one worried about what they had found on the other side of the Precursor Door, meaning that it had to be important and that they really needed to get it back to the hut that they called home, since it seemed like the best place to study it, even though Twilight had the feeling that this was going to be the start of something much bigger than the adventure she and her siblings had just finished.

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