• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,389 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

  • ...


A Dragon's New Home


Somewhere in a dark room, Aaron and Smolder, who were in their dragon forms, were tied up back to back in some chairs, and blindfolds over their eyes.

"Aaron?" Smolder asked.

"Smolder?" Aaron asked. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Smolder said. She then tried shaking out of the chair. "Why are we even tied up?"

"Hello?!" Aaron called out. "Is anyone there?!" Just then, a bunch of men in protective suits came in and surrounded the two dragons. One of the men walked up to the two and took off the blindfolds. Aaron and Smolder looked towards the man, who had a helmet on.

"Alright, you two," the guard said. "Time to extract your DNA and see what you're made of." One other guard was snickering.

"I can't do this!" the other guard said, laughing. Then the guards took off their protective suits, revealing lab coats. They were scientists for the US Government. One of them untied the two dragons.

"Shoulda known," Aaron said. "I guess it's that time, huh?"

"That's right," the scientist said. "It's that time again." The scientist then got out a couple of needles and rubber bands. "Alright, you two, we're just gonna get your blood drawn and we'll get you home."

"I just hope I get an update on my test results," Smolder said. "Aaron's starting school in two weeks."

"Actually, you'll be starting school soon," another scientist said. "We've got your test results. You've got a 96% on the test. You'll be able to start school with Aaron at the same school he attends."

"Sweet!" Smolder said. "I still need to get the proper school supplies."

"Of course," the scientist said, finishing up the blood drawing. "And of course, we are done."

"Ooh... good," Smolder said.

"Well, we should order a Lyft," Aaron said. "Aunt Marissa wants us to get back to the hotel room before sunset."

"Don't worry about it," the scientist said. "Your aunt called and told us to take you two home. C'mon." They escorted the two dragons out of the room. "Oh, and before you two step outside, you might wanna..." Aaron and Smolder then looked at each other.

"Oh, right," Smolder said. She and Aaron then transformed into their human forms. "Whoa. Still a little woozy."

"It happens," the scientist said. "Now, c'mon. Let's take you two home." They escorted the two out of the building.

Aaron and Smolder were in the back seat of an SUV. Smolder was behind the driver and Aaron was on the passenger side. He then noticed something.

"Hey, you missed that turn," Aaron said. Smolder then looked out the passenger side window.

"Hey, you're right," Smolder said. "The hotel is that way."

"Oh, we're not heading to the hotel," the driver said. "We're dropping you off somewhere where your aunt wanted to meet you. We'll be there in a few minutes." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other confused. Eventually, they pulled up to a house that had two front doors, and two garage doors.

"What is this place?" Smolder asked.

"This is where Marissa Blazer wanted you two to be dropped off," the driver said. "She's inside right now. Go on in." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in confusion. Then they got out of the SUV and walked up to the house. Aaron walked to the door and knocked on it. Then the door opened, but no one was behind it.

"Hello?!" Aaron called out. "Is someone there?!" He then noticed something moving. He didn't get a clear look. "Okay, someone's in there." They started walking into the house and went around a flight of stairs, and they were surprised at who was around the staircase. It was their five friends, who all shouted out...


Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream and Yona were all there, wearing party hats. Aaron and Smolder were surprised to see their friends from Equestria were there.

"What is going on?" Aaron asked.

"Aaron, Smolder," came Marissa's voice. The two looked up the stairs to see Marissa coming down the stairs. "It's a moving-in party. We're living here now."

"Seriously?" Smolder asked. "What about the hotel room?"

"The owner of the hotel asked for us to move out and paid us handsomely to move out," Marissa said. "With that, and with how much my company had made since the performance in Las Vegas, I bought this house and now we live here. For the past week, I've been hiring a few movers to move in the stuff we had before moving here into this house. Even put in furniture for family, and guests. We even got some furniture for Smolder in that apartment over in that room."

Smolder looked towards the door that Marissa was pointing at. She transformed back into her dragon form and went towards the door. She opened the door and saw a furnished guest house. She walked in and saw a 44 inch TV on a wall with an entertainment center below it, and a sofa across from it. She saw a kitchen with an electric stove with a small microwave, a dishwasher, a sink with a dish rack, and a refrigerator with a water and ice dispenser.

"Wow," Smolder said. "This place is amazing." She was joined by her friends, Aaron and Marissa.

"Yeah," Ocellus said. "And we can come here whenever we get a break from our jobs back in Equestria."

"And we can all have a sleepover here when we get time off from work or from Royal Guard Training," Gallus said. "Kinda like old times."

"We've only been roommates with Aaron for four months," Sandbar said.

"There's also a pool in the back," Marissa said. "Silverstream, I recommend not going into the pool as a sea creature. Chlorine is very harmful to sea creatures."

"Really?" Silverstream asked. She then thought of something. "Oh, so that's why Starlight confiscated my seashell when we went to the huge swimming pool that day."

"Who do you think told her?" Aaron asked.

"That makes sense," Sandbar said. "So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well, I was thinking of getting us some pizza," Marissa said. "But it'd make more sense for us to go out to an arcade and eat out. We're going to a Dave and Buster's for dinner and all of you can play some arcade games. Which means, all of you have to put on your special medallions."

Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar and Yona had put their medallions on. Although, Yona had help from Aaron and Smolder to put the medallion around her neck.

"Yona thanks Yona's friends," Yona said.

"No problem, Yona," Aaron said. "Now, let's see you all in your human forms." Gallus, Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream nodded. They tapped their medallions and they all became human.

Gallus and Sandbar were at Aaron's height. Gallus's hair was blonde with blue tips, was wearing a blue varsity jacket with yellow sleeves, a shirt that matched his chest as a griffon, dark blue jeans, and blue running shoes.

Sandbar's hair was really light brown, but his hair was dyed to match his real hair color. He had a t-shirt that matched his coat color and some cyan swim trunks with his cutie mark on them. And he was also wearing brown flip flops.

Silverstream and Yona were 2-3 inches taller than Smolder in her human form. Silverstream had her signature hair style, but the roots were very light blonde hair. She was wearing a t-shirt that was the same color as her coat, and a skirt and a pair of shoes that were the same color as her claws. She was also wearing her magic shell.

Yona's hair was the same. Although, she was wearing a shirt that was the same color as her undercoat, a scarf that was the same color as the blanket she always wore, shorts the same color as her overcoat, and shoes the same color as her horns.

Ocellus then shapeshifted into a human girl. She had blonde hair with pink hair dye, a shirt that matched her exoskeleton, a skirt that matched her wing covers, knee socks that matched her wings, and shoes that matched her skirt. She was also two inches shorter than Smolder in human form.

"Wow," Smolder said. "You guys look awesome!"

"I agree," Marissa said. "Well, I hope you're all ready to go."

"Oh, we're ready," Yona said. "I'm also glad you invited us, Miss Blazer." Everyone there just looked at Yona in surprise.

"Yona, you just spoke clearly," Aaron said. "How did that happen?"

"I asked Princess Twilight to adjust my medallion so I can talk clearly and not to confuse the other humans of this world," Yona said. "In case Rarity's teaching on me how to speak the way you all do wasn't enough."

"That was actually a last minute addition she did last night," Gallus said. "She wrote a letter to me to ask Princess Twilight to do it before we left for this world."

"Good call," Marissa said. "Alright, all of you. Let's head on out and get going. Oh, and Dave and Busters serve some meat items. If you're not comfortable with eating meat, just go for the vegan menu."

"Yes, ma'am," Sandbar, Silverstream, Yona and Ocellus said in unison. Then they all looked at Gallus.

"Griffons eat meat," Gallus said. "You all didn't know that?"

"It's true," Aaron said. "I saw him once in a while at a restaurant sitting in a spot that had griffon friendly foods. I saw him eating a steak."

"I was surprised they served that stuff in Ponyville," Gallus said. Then the two of them fist bumped after Aaron transformed back into his human form.

Smolder transformed back into her human form as well and said, "Well, we should get going." Then all of them headed out. They got into the car, and Aaron and Smolder had to explain how to put on their seat belts. Eventually, they got them on, and they all were about to head out. Marissa was in the driver's seat while Aaron was in the passenger seat. In the back seat, Smolder was sitting behind Aaron, Ocellus was in the middle, and Silverstream was on the passenger side. And in the third row seating, Yona was behind Smolder, Sandbar was in the middle, and Gallus was behind Silverstream. Eventually, Marissa started the car, put it in drive, and drove off, heading for their destination.

Author's Note:

Well, here's the start of my new story. Hope you all will enjoy this story. And if you're wondering when I'll put in another "A Sparkle's Little Dusk" sequel, I'll try to make it the next one. Don't worry. It'll come, possibly after I finish this story.