• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,403 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 8: Theater Auditions

Chapter 8: Theater Auditions

In the school theater, all the students that signed up for drama class were all sitting in the seats there. Aaron and Smolder were in the front row. Then Mr. O'Connell walked up on stage.

"Alright, class," Mr. O'Connell said. "Settle down."

"Mr. O'Connell?" Aaron asked. "You're teaching drama?"

"Yes, I am," Mr. O'Connell answered. "The new principal thought that since I do so well with teaching English Class, I'd do so well with teaching drama. And to start things off, I think we should do a play version of the Disney Channel Original Movie, Descendants."

"Descendants?! I loved that movie!" Smolder said.

"I think Samantha should be able to play Mal," said one blonde student. "After all, she does have purple hair just like Mal."

"You make an excellent point, Maddie," Aaron said. He then looked towards Smolder. "You're practically a shoe-in to be playing the lead girl in this play. You've got this."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "I got a tough girl attitude that'll be good enough to be a bit of a VK." She then gave a sly look. "As long as you get to play Prince Ben."

"Cool," said a male student. "Aaron as Prince Ben and Samantha as Mal. We've got the perfect leads."

"That girl? As Mal? Puh-lease," came another girl's voice. The students on stage and Mr. O'Connell looked towards the voice and there was a redhead girl coming in, wearing a green blouse, blue skinny jeans, and an expensive coat. She was also holding her phone. "She'd be lucky to play the dog in the play. No way a pathetic freak like her will make a good Mal." Smolder was getting angry at the new girl who was talking smack about Smolder.

"Kyle, who is that?" Aaron asked, looking towards the male student who thought Aaron and Smolder would be the perfect lead roles.

"Miley Brands," Kyle responded. "She's a prissy, rich girl who gets whatever she wants. Especially when her dad bribes them. She's been performing in plays since she was five, and always got the lead role. She wasn't even good."

"Yikes," Aaron said.

"So, I'll be auditioning for the role of Mal, and I don't need an understudy because I am so perfect," Miley said, making Smolder mad. Aaron then started pulling Smolder away as she was about to jump right towards Miley.

"Take it easy! Take it easy!" Aaron said. He pulled Aaron backstage, the two standing in front of the ropes that control the curtains and the backgrounds. "Don't let her get in your head like that."

Smolder then started blowing some air out of her nostrils. Good thing it was actually air in her human form and not smoke or small flames. She then said, "We both know I'm more qualified for this part. My hair is purple, I've got the perfect attitude, and on top of that, you as Ben and me as Mal, the two of them end up being in a good relationship. Just like we are now."

"We're just gonna have to talk to Mr. O'Connell about it," Aaron said. "Hopefully, he doesn't take a bribe Miley's father allows him."

Smolder sighed and said, "You're right. Like Mr. O'Connell isn't that weak minded. Time to rehearse." Then the two of them headed back towards the stage.

"Seriously? Why would I need an understudy?" Miley asked in a mean tone. "I would never want to miss my big break."

"Look, Miley," Mr. O'Connell said. "You're not the one who gets to decide who gets to play the lead female role. I'm the one who has to make the decision. Samantha is more qualified to be Mal in the play. But, before I can make it official, everyone needs to rehearse."

"Alright, then," Miley said. "I'll start." She then cleared her throat and started singing a song from the Disney Channel Original Movie Descendants. But she was too pitchy. "Mirror Mirror on the wall... Who's the baddest of them all?! Welcome to my wicked world! Wicked world!" Everyone around her was covering their ears. Including Aaron and Smolder.

"Stop! Stop singing!" Mr. O'Connell said. "Sorry, Miley, but you're too pitchy. Samantha, why don't you try?"

"Okay," Smolder said. "Here I..."

"Too pitchy?!" Miley asked, angrily. "How am I pitchy?! My daddy says I have a wonderful singing voice!" Smolder nearly growled at Miley, but Aaron held her back.

"Are you sure your dad said that to make you feel better?" Aaron asked.

"No way, cute and single," Miley said, flirting with Aaron. "Besides, only the best qualified should be the lead roles, and that's you and me."

"Not gonna happen," Aaron said, covering Miley's mouth. "By the way, not single. Already have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, and it's me," Smolder said, standing next to Aaron, and resting her arm on Aaron's left shoulder.

Miley removed Aaron's hand from her mouth, scoffed, and said, "Yeah, right. Like this weirdo is in a relationship with you. I bet she's not even talented."

Smolder groaned and said, "Not talented, huh? I'll show you." She then cleared her throat and she started singing, using the same tone when she asked for tea when the Tree of Harmony was testing her. "A million thoughts... in my head... Should I let my heart... keep listening? 'Cause up 'til now... I've walked the line... Nothing lost... but something missing... I can't... decide... what's wrong... what's right... which way... should I go?" She stopped singing. Everyone around her, except Miley, started applauding.

"That was amazing, Miss Drake," Mr. O'Connell said. "You're the most qualified. But maybe for the dress rehearsal, you should let your hair down."

"You have a point," Smolder said. "Mal does keep her hair down."

"That's... not... fair!" Miley shouted. "I always get the lead role! Just wait until I tell my daddy about this!" She then stormed out.

"That girl's got issues," Aaron said.

"You said it," Kyle said. "Hope you and your girlfriend get the lead roles."

"Thanks, Kyle," Aaron said. "Well, we might as well keep it going."

Back at Aaron's house, Aaron, Smolder and Marissa were having a pizza dinner. Smolder was in dragon form. Smolder was about to take one last slice.

"Smolder, maybe you shouldn't have too much," Marissa said. "If you're gonna be playing Mal in the play, you might as well keep the calories down."

"Oh, please," Smolder said. "Like any of us from Equestria can actually gain some pounds."

"Not here," Aaron said. "In your human form, you need to be fit if you're gonna play the part of Mal."

"I guess you're right," Smolder said. "Maybe I should take it easy with eating. I don't wanna get too big or snug in my costumes for the play. Perhaps I should do some extra exercise at school."

"Actually, I may have another idea," Marissa said. "Perhaps, you and I should do some hot yoga, here, after dinner, everyday."

"Hot yoga?" Smolder asked. "What's that?"

"Oh, it's a bunch of stretching and posing to get you in shape," Marissa said. "And that's just normal yoga. Hot yoga is when you turn up the heat, to get you sweating more than usual."

"Dragons don't normally sweat," Smolder said. "I've been living in the Dragon Lands my whole life before I started attending the School of Friendship."

"Actually, I think you're wrong about dragon's not sweating," Aaron said. "When the Storm King attacked Canterlot, Twilight and her friends, and Spike were heading down South. All of them had to tread through a desert, and Spike was sweating along with the others. Plus, you were sweating when the two of us were in that Ferris Wheel cart when Ocellus got us both in there."

"Well, guess there are more ways to sweat," Marissa said. "But, for you to stay fit, I want you to remain human throughout the hot yoga."

"Do I need to get some certain clothes for this sort of thing?" Smolder asked.

"Actually, yes," Marissa said. "We'll get you some yoga clothes tomorrow after school."

"Whatever," Smolder said, shrugging her shoulders.

The next day, Aaron and Smolder were leaving the cafeteria to head to drama class. The two of them were talking together about the play.

"So, as soon as the final bell rings, we're gonna be picked up by Marissa so the two of you can get some yoga gear," Aaron said. "I might as well get some Basketball gear for Basketball season."

"Or, you can have your aunt make you some since her fashion line makes sports clothing," Smolder said.

"Good point," Aaron said. The two of them headed into the auditorium and on stage was a billboard with the other students looking at the names.

"Sweet," Kyle said. "I got the part of Jay."

"And I've got the part of Evie," Maddie said. She then noticed Aaron and Smolder coming towards the stage. "Hey, here come Aaron and Samantha." Aaron and Samantha reached the edge of the stage. Smolder then kneeled down, put his hands together, and Smolder put her left foot onto Aaron's hands, him using his hands as a step so Smolder could get up. As soon as Smolder was on the stage, Aaron climbed up and the two of them headed for the billboard. "Glad you two could make it. The cast has been set."

Aaron and Smolder looked at the cast and looked for their names. Aaron then said, "Sweet. I got the part of Ben."

"Not bad, Blazer," Smolder said, crossing her arms. She then checked the cast. She then saw her human name, Samantha, on the cast list. She then got a confused look. "Wait. Why am I the understudy for Mal?"

"What?!" the other students asked. They all looked where Smolder's human name was and saw that she was cast as Mal's understudy.

"This doesn't make any sense," Kyle said. "You've nailed the part. How are you an understudy?"

"If Samantha isn't going to be playing Mal, who is?" Maddie asked. She then looked at the cast and saw who was going to play Mal. Instead of Smolder, it was Miley's name who was casted. "Miley?!"

"Miley?!" Smolder asked, angrily.

"That's right, loser," came Miley's voice. The group of students looked towards Miley's voice and saw her standing with Mr. O'Connell. "My daddy had a talk with Mr. O'Connell, and persuaded him to let me have the lead actress role. And, like I said, I won't need an understudy. So you might as well not learn the lines."

Smolder started to get angry, but Aaron, Kyle and Maddie held her back. Aaron then saw Mr. O'Connell, a little ashamed at what he did. Aaron then walked over towards him.

"Mr. O'Connell?" Aaron asked. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry that your girlfriend didn't get the part, Aaron," Mr. O'Connell said. "Miley told her father and he bought me out. He's... very persuasive." Aaron noticed that Mr. O'Connell was sweating.

"Persuasive, huh?" Aaron asked. He then noticed that Miley was sticking her tongue out at Smolder, making the human dragoness get angry, Kyle and Maddie holding her back so she wouldn't attack Miley. "Something's not right. And I'm gonna get to the bottom of it."

"Don't get into this, Aaron," Mr. O'Connell said. "Mr. Brands is a very... persuading man. You don't want to mess with him. Trust me." Aaron raised an eyebrow at that. Mr. O'Connell then walked towards the rest of the students. "Alright, students. You all know your parts, now it's time to learn your lines."

Smolder grumbled, "I don't get it. I was a lot more qualified than that Miley girl. Why is she Mal and not me?"

"That doesn't make any sense," Maddie said. "Right now, the only chance for you to play Mal is if Miley is sick or out of town."

Aaron then looked towards Miley with an angry look. Miley saw him and she blew a kiss towards him. Aaron shook his head and then walked over towards Smolder.

Author's Note:

Well, this is a conundrum. How did Miley get the lead role when Smolder is more qualified to play Mal? This is going to be one interesting investigation, wouldn't you say? Find out what happens in the next chapter.