• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,389 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 9: The East Coast Gang

Chapter 9: The East Coast Gang

In Smolder's part of the house, Smolder, in human form, was doing hot yoga with Marissa. She was grumpy about what happened in school that day. Smolder was wearing an orange yoga shirt with purple yoga pants. Marissa wore a white yoga top with black yoga pants.

"Smolder, is everything okay?" Marissa asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Smolder said, grumpy.

Marissa sighed, sat up correctly and asked, "Okay, what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Smolder said, tightening her fists.

"I can tell you what's wrong," Aaron said, walking in. "Smolder's just grumpy that the part she wanted was casted to a talentless girl who is so spoiled she gets what she wants, and Smolder has been placed as the understudy."

"Oh, is that all?" Marissa asked.

"I did the part perfectly, and I got casted as Mal's understudy," Smolder said. "And she says she needs no understudy?! It makes me want to go to her house, go all dragon on her, and burn her house to the ground."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy," Aaron said. "I don't think it was as simple as that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Smolder asked, crossing her arms.

"When I asked Mr. O'Connell about that, I noticed that he was sweating nervously," Aaron said. "Like he was scared of something."

"Scared?" Smolder asked. "Why would he be scared?"

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out," Aaron said. Just then, there was a knocking at the door. Aaron got confused and walked towards the front door. He opened it and there was his aunt's boyfriend, Officer Liam Daniels. "Oh, hey, Liam."

"Hello, Aaron," Liam said. "Is your aunt home?"

"She and Samantha are having a bit of girl talk while doing hot yoga in the other apartment," Aaron said.

"Send him in," Marissa called out. Liam then walked in and headed for the door that led to Smolder's apartment. "Hey, Liam. What brings you here?"

"I'm here to warn you that last night, a gang that had been going across the East Coast had arrived," Liam said. "A lot of people are on edge."

"A gang?" Smolder asked. "A gang of what?"

"A gang of criminals," Liam answered. "These people are bad news. The East Coast Gang have been threatening people for the things they want. And we don't have any evidence that proves them guilty. They always manage to get away with clean slates, from all the states from here to Maine."

"Mane?" Smolder asked. "What is that, some kind of Pony..." Aaron quickly ran over to Smolder and covered her mouth before she could finish what she said.

"Aaron, it's okay," Marissa said. "I told him about... your dragon features."

"What?!" Aaron and Smolder asked in unison.

"Actually, she didn't need to," Liam said. "I was there at the Harlem Globetrotters game. You two and your friends were worn out from the game. I followed you here that night and saw Marissa guiding you all inside."

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in shock. Then the two of them transformed into their dragon forms, Smolder still covered in sweat.

"So, you didn't report us?" Smolder asked.

"You all are famous celebrities across the world," Liam said. "I couldn't let you two get attacked by those who hate the show you're from."

"Well, technically, I was born here," Aaron said. "Well, back in Chicago."

"That's good to know," Liam said. "Well, I've got work to do. The East Coast Gang are slippery. Especially their gang leader. People believe that their gang leader is Richard Brands, but there's not enough proof."

Smolder looked at Liam with a glare and asked, "Brands?"

Aaron looked at Smolder with a shocked expression. He then asked, "You don't think...?"

Smolder then asked, "Does this Richard Brands have a daughter by any chance? By the name of Miley?"

"Yes," Liam asked. "Why?"

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Smolder then looked back at Liam and said, "Miley Brands is the talentless girl who got the lead female role in the play we're going to be in, and I was a shoe-in for the lead role."

"Actually, if Miley Brands's father is the leader of the East Coast Gang, we might have a shot of finding out if it's true or not," Liam said. "Friday, after school, the three of us are going to follow her to her father."

"Liam," Marissa said. "Are you sure that it's wise to take Aaron and Smolder with you on a stakeout? It could be dangerous."

"C'mon, Marissa," Smolder said. "Aaron took down Ragnarok the Reaper outside of Las Vegas. Plus, I bet that those guys wouldn't expect us in dragon form to swoop in and take them down."

"And because of what happened in Drama Class, Miley has been begging me to come over to her house for a private rehearsal," Aaron said. "And I'm pretty sure that she's trying to sneak a kissing scene when there isn't one in the script."

"Yeah, he's right," Smolder said. She then grabbed her backpack and pulled out the script. "There's no kissing at all in the script."

"Perhaps she wants to sneak in a kiss during the main performance," Aaron said.

"Not gonna happen," Smolder said. "Tomorrow, we're gonna follow her to her house and see if her dad's a gang boss, and if they have something to do with her getting the lead role when I was the more likely perfect role."

"I'll pick you two up after school tomorrow," Liam said. "We've got some work to do."

The next day, Aaron and Smolder were packing up their stuff in their home room to leave the school after the final bell rang. They walked down the hall, talking about their plan.

"Okay," Aaron said. "As soon as Miley's ride gets her, Liam and the both of us will follow her and we'll see if her father is a gang leader." As soon as they got out of the school, they saw Mr. O'Connell getting into his car quickly.

"Where's Mr. O'Connell going in a hurry?" Smolder asked.

"I don't know," Aaron said. "Maybe we should asked him on Monday." Smolder nodded, not knowing that Aaron was being pulled by someone. "What the heck?!" He then noticed who pulled him. It was Miley.

"Hey, Aaron!" Miley said. "I think, since the two of us got the lead role, the two of us should get some practice in for our scenes in the play."

"Actually, Miley, I need to get going," Aaron said, turning around. Just then, an intimidating man in a tuxedo standing in front of him. Aaron stood there, intimidated.

"Yeah, my daddy really wants to meet my partner in the play, and he doesn't take no for an answer," Miley said.

"Uh oh," Smolder said. Just then, the man picked up Aaron and he took him towards a black SUV with Miley following. Smolder watched in shock just as the intimidating man in the tux put Aaron into the SUV. Then he and Miley got into the SUV and it drove off. Just then, Liam pulled up in the police car. Smolder saw and she ran towards the police car and got into it. "Aaron's in that SUV. Apparently, Miley's father wants to meet him and he doesn't take no for an answer."

"Okay, that's a high probability that he's the leader of the East Coast Gang," Liam said. "This actually works out without them drawing attention. Pull out your phone and track Aaron's phone."

"I can do that?" Smolder asked, pulling out her phone. She then saw one app. The Find My iPhone App. She opened it.

"Alright, type in Aaron's cell phone number," Liam said. "That way, we can figure out where he's going." Smolder then checked to see where Aaron was going.

"Looks like they're heading East," Smolder said.

"Then let's follow them," Liam said. He then put the car into Drive and started following the SUV that Aaron and Miley were in.

Aaron was brought into an apartment building with Miley pulling him. He was pulled into an elevator and Miley pushed the top floor button. Eventually, they made it to the top floor and headed for the Penthouse. Without Miley seeing what he was doing, Aaron texted to Smolder about where he was. He also told Smolder he was going to call, and tell her to mute their end so they'll be hearing what Aaron and the other people would be saying.

Eventually, Miley brought Aaron into an office room where her father was talking with some men.

"Hey, daddy," Miley said. "This is Aaron. We're starring in the school play as the lead roles."

"Ah, so this is your boyfriend, huh?" Richard Brands asked, looking at Aaron. Aaron was confused about that.

"You told him I was your boyfriend?" Aaron asked.

"Like you and that purple haired girl are really dating," Miley said. "Trust me, you're better off with me, anyway."

In the visitor's parking lot of the apartment building, Smolder and Liam were listening in on the conversation through Smolder's phone. Smolder was getting angry at what Miley was saying through the phone, but Liam was holding her down.

"Easy, Smolder," Liam said. "You'll get her. Besides, we're not here for that."

"So what brings you up here?" came Richard Brands's voice from the phone.

"We're actually going to be practicing for the play," Miley's voice came. "Especially with that kissing scene we're gonna do."

"There's no kissing scene in the play," Aaron said through the phone.

"Not if we convince the Drama Teacher to put one in," Miley's voice came up again. "We can surely convince him, right, Daddy?"

Smolder got angry at what Miley was suggesting. Then Richard Brands spoke. "Of course we can, my sweet princess. Like how we convinced him to let you be the lead female role instead of that tramp at your school."

"TRAMP?!" Smolder shouted. Liam then held her down just before she was about to get out of the car.

"Easy, Smolder," Liam said. "That girl doesn't even know what's really going on. Or does she?"

"How did you convince him?" Aaron asked through the phone.

"By doing whatever it takes," Richard Brands answered. "Especially when we made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He's in our house now."

"What did you do?" Aaron asked, a little sternly.

"Since he was going to take away the lead role from me, we decided to take away something very important from him," Miley said. "Isn't that right, Daddy?"

"You know how much your Daddy loves you, and how he loves getting what you want," Richard Brands said.

"C'mon, Aaron," Liam said. "Get him with the big question. Good thing we're recording this."

There was a plug connected to Smolder's phone, which was connected to a recording device, so they would be listening to the whole conversation.

Back in the apartment, Aaron was stepping back, giving an angry expression.

"What did you do?" Aaron asked, looking at Miley.

"My Daddy says that whatever you want, you should do whatever it takes," Miley said. "So, we kidnapped Mr. O'Connell's family, and we're keeping them hostage until the last night of the school play."

"That's the rule of the East Coast Gang," Richard Brands said. "We always get what we want."

Back in the Police Car, Smolder and Liam were getting ready to go in. Liam then grabbed his CB Radio and spoke into it.

"All units, we have a Signal 41, and a Signal 84," Liam said. "Everyone, come up to the Luxurious Condo Building, and head to the top floor." He then put the radio back. "Let's move out."

Smolder nodded, then the two of them got out of the car. Smolder then said, "They're not just gonna let us in when we found out about them being the East Coast Gang."

"Who said anything about going through the front door?" Liam asked. "You're gonna fly us up there."

"Oh, right," Smolder said. She then transformed into her dragon form. She then started flapping her wings, grabbed Liam, and started flying up the side of the building.

Aaron was trying to get to the door, hoping not to get caught by the others in the room.

"Where do you think you're going, Aaron?" Miley asked. "We've got some scenes to rehearse."

"Not with you," Aaron said. "I'm outta here." Just then, he was tackled.

"Sorry, Aaron," Miley said. "But what I want, I always get. You should know this." As Aaron was pinned down, along with Miley talking, he saw Liam being carried by Smolder outside of the office's balcony window. They landed on the balcony and Smolder changed back into her human form. "Anything else you wanna say?"

Aaron smirked and said, "You're so busted."

Just then, the door to the balcony was slammed open and in came Liam, holding out his gun. He then shouted, "Freeze! Orlando PD." Then a bunch of helicopters came in, surrounding the building. And a bunch of police sirens came in. "Richard Brands, you're under arrest!"

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Richard Brands said, trying to pull out a Tommy Gun, but it was shot out of his hands by Liam's gunfire. Then a bunch of police men from the helicopters came down on lines and onto the balcony. They held their guns up to the rest of the thugs in the room. They all had their hands up.

Miley then pulled Aaron with her towards the door and said, "Well, I guess I'll just... practice my lines... in my room."

"Oh, no you don't!" Smolder said, running towards Miley. She then tackled the girl and pinned her down, making her lose her grip on Aaron.

"What?!" Miley asked. "How are you...?"

"Never mess... with my boyfriend!" Smolder said.

Monday came in, and all the students in Drama Class were in the Theater room, waiting for Mr. O'Connell. He then came in with a smile on his face. Aaron and Smolder were in their human forms.

"Alright, students," Mr. O'Connell said. "I have a big announcement. Miley Brands has been expelled from Summer Valley Middle School." All the students there celebrated. "Should've seen that coming. Anyway, since Miley and her... gang leading father are no longer going to be a problem for any of us, the part of Mal is now going to be portrayed by... Samantha Drake."

Smolder bowed her head with a smirk face and her eyes closed. Smolder was happy to get the role she was meant to play. She then said, "Now this is what I was waiting for."

"Miley Brands has been sent away to a boarding school for naughty teens," Mr. O'Connell added.

"Or in this case, juvie?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," Mr. O'Connell answered. "But for now, how about you and Samantha practice your lines for the play?" He then handed Smolder the script that was hers in the first place.

"Finally," Smolder said, opening the script. "Time to get to work."

Author's Note:

Well, Smolder finally got the role she was meant to play in the Middle School play. This is going to be amazing, wouldn't you say?