• Published 2nd May 2023
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A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

  • ...

Chapter 16: Family Meeting

Chapter 16: Family Meeting

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were all sitting on the couch. Gallus was still in his true form with Aaron and Smolder still in human form. The rest of the family was looking at them.

"I can't believe that Gale is actually a cat bird thingy," Reggie said.

"Griffon actually," Gallus said. "I'm a griffon. Half eagle, half lion."

"Well that explains why he doesn't eat any eggs," Aaron's grandpa said.

"So, what else have you been hiding, Aaron," Jerry asked, looking at Aaron.

"It's... a long story," Aaron said. "It all started two weeks after Marissa and I moved to Orlando. Back when we were still living in that hotel room."

"That was seven months ago," Jerry said.

"It was longer for him," Smolder said, pointing at Aaron.

"She's right," Aaron said. "That night, I made a wish to actually make some friends. The next thing I know, I was sucked into a portal to Equestria, the world where the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is based on, and founded by her." Aaron pointed at Smolder, who changed into her dragon form.

"Samantha's not human either?!" Zoe asked.

"Sorry," Smolder said.

"I've had the same reaction when Aaron transformed as well," Marissa said.

"Aaron can transform into one of those things as well?" Jerry asked. "Which... creature?"

"Remember the fight against the giant black and purple dragon outside of Vegas?" Aaron asked. "Yeah, I was the jade dragon in that fight."

"That was you?!" Reggie asked. "Dang, dude. You threw that black dragon into that incoming nuke. That had to be the bravest thing I've ever seen."

"Of course, he got unconscious when the force of the explosion reached him," Smolder said. "I had to catch him. The story how Aaron stood up to Ragnarok the Reaper and the rogue Army General is going to be throughout both Equestrian and American History."

"Okay," Aaron's Grandpa said. "But why did you come to our world in the first place?"

"That wasn't the first time Aaron was close to Ragnarok," Smolder said. "Ragnarok only comes out from his forced slumber whenever a jade dragon is living in Equestria." Aaron transformed into his dragon form as Smolder said that sentence. "There was a legend on Ragnarok, which involved him being taken down by a jade dragon."

"So, the prophecy didn't mention that the jade dragon was a completely different species, huh?" Liam asked.

Smolder then looked at Aaron, then she looked up thinking about it. She then facepalmed herself and laughed, saying, "Oh, man. The prophecy probably did, and we forgot about."

"Wait a minute," Aaron said. "The prophecy said that Ragnarok would be taken down by a jade dragon who believed in peace, no matter the distance. And that army general thought that Equestria coming to Earth was a declaration of war."

"And that's why we went there," Gallus said. "To explain to him that we didn't come here to attack. But he wouldn't listen."

"Which eventually got him dishonorably discharged," Smolder said. Just then, there was a set of knocks at the door. Aaron and Smolder changed back into their human forms while Gallus tapped his medallion, changing back into his griffon form. Gallus was still in his swim trunks.

"Whoops, I should get changed," Gallus said. He then headed for the bathroom. Marissa then headed for the door where the knocks came from. Marissa opened it and on the other side was the pizza delivery guy.

"Okay, that's a hundred twenty-two fifty," the pizza guy said. Liam walked up to the door, taking the pizza and Marissa was paying the man a hundred and fifty bucks. "Nice tip, thanks."

"Mane, pizza is getting expensive," Smolder said.

"It depends on where you are," Aaron said. Smolder tilted and nodded her head.

"Okay, we'll continue this talk at the table," Aaron's Grandpa said. "As soon as the griffon comes back." Just then, Gallus came back, still in human form.

"Tell me, why do humans wear clothes again?" Gallus asked. "It's such a hassle putting them on.

"Humans have clothes to wear because they need them to keep warm," Aaron said. "We don't have any fur, scales or feathers to keep us warm."

Gallus then looked at his arm. Then he tapped the medallion, turning him into his true form, and he looked at his right foreleg. He then said, "I guess that makes sense."

"C'mon, let's eat," Aaron said. Then all of them headed for the table. They all were eating around the table. Smolder went back to her dragon form.

"So, about Aaron helping you with a girl," Reggie asked, looking at Gallus. "Did that really happen?"

"Yep," Gallus said. "Sylvia was just a cover name. We don't have names like yours back in Equestria."

"So what is Sylvia's real name?" Reggie asked.

"Silverstream," Aaron, Smolder and Gallus all said in unison.

"She was my roommate back in Equestria," Smolder said. "And she's neither a pony, griffon or dragon. She's a hippogriff."

"What's a hippogriff?" Zoe asked.

"A creature that's half pony, half eagle," Aaron said. "We think Gallus is attracted to her because both griffons and hippogriffs are both creatures that are half eagle."

"That actually makes sense," Reggie said. "What about the other friends you mentioned. Are they different creatures like you guys are?"

"Sandy is Sandbar," Gallus said. "He's an Earth Pony. That's basically what we call the normal ponies."

"Yvonne is actually Yona," Aaron said. "She's a yak. Yeah, those big furry guys love to smash things. Even though their English isn't as good as ours. Most of their speech patterns are a bit broken. But they're clear enough for us." Smolder and Gallus nodded in agreement with them.

"And lastly, Olivia," Smolder said. "Her real name is Ocellus. She's a changeling."

"What the heck is a changeling?" Aaron's grandmother asked.

"A shapeshifting bug-like pony," Smolder said. "They can look and sound like anything. In fact, the first time I saw her, she was disguised as a dragon. She was very shy at the time."

"So, she could just shapeshift into anything?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah, but if you meet her, I wouldn't let you have her abuse her shapeshifting ability," Aaron said. "She's also very intelligent, and doesn't like being abused."

"I guess all shapeshifters are smart enough to know when they're being used," Reggie said.

"All of them were being used by their former queen, Chrysalis," Smolder said. "Now her fate is set in stone. Literally. She's trapped in stone, along with two of Equestria's biggest villains. Tirek and Cozy Glow."

"As soon as I get back to Equestria, I'm gonna get to looking into why Cozy Glow became a villain," Gallus said. "What could have that pegasus filly gotten into?"

"They turned a filly to stone?" Zoe asked.

"Doesn't that seem a little dark?" Jerry asked.

"You haven't seen what she's done up close," Smolder said. "She made all the unicorn and alicorn magic vanish..."

"She trapped the six of us into a sphere that was slowly descending into a black hole where the magic was going to," Gallus said, also giving an example.

"She also took out the guards in Canterlot Castle with Grogar's Magic, and stole the magic of both the royal sisters," Aaron said. "That psychotic filly is a mystery that needs to be solved."

"So, do you guys constantly come to this world to visit?" Zoe asked.

"Whenever we get free time," Gallus said. "This world is actually amazing."

"I still can't believe that you chose to stay in this world," Aaron's Grandma said, looking at Smolder.

"Yeah, why did you want to stay in this world?" Zoe asked. Smolder didn't say anything. All she did was blush and smile, looking away from all of them. Zoe then looked at Aaron, then back at Smolder, who quickly looked towards Aaron, and then she looked down at her pizza slice, grabbed it, and took a bite. "Oh, that's it. You actually fell in love with Aaron, haven't you?"

"We'd never thought she'd actually have feelings for Aaron," Gallus said. Just then, Smolder punched Gallus's left shoulder. "Ow! Okay, I deserved that."

"Did you also say something snarky like that that made Smolder burn the pages of that textbook?" Aaron asked.

Gallus then thought about it, then he got a realization. He then said, "Okay, maybe I should watch what I say. Especially around fire breathing dragons."

"Speaking of which, my pizza slice is a little cold," Liam said. "Would one of you two..." Smolder then started breathing a thin trail of fire from her mouth, heating up Liam's pizza slice. He then took a bite. "Much better. Thank you."

"No prob," Smolder said. She then looked towards the others and asked, "Anyone else need a bit of heat for their pizzas?"

The rest of the Blazer Family and Gallus held up their plates. Aaron changed into his dragon form, then he and Smolder looked at each other and nodded.

Later that night, Smolder was in the shower in her human form. Just then, a set of knocks came from the door. Smolder then transformed into her dragon form.

"Come in!" Smolder called out. Just then, the door opened and coming into the bathroom was Aaron, in his human form. Smolder poked her head out of the shower curtain. "Oh, hey Aaron."

"I still can't believe you change back into your dragon form whenever someone walks in while you're in the shower," Aaron said.

"Why?" Smolder asked. "Most of us Equestrians don't wear any clothing all the time, except on special occasions. Or just for the heck of it."

"Yeah, that's true," Aaron said. "For a moment there, I almost thought that the rest of my family was gonna be mad at us for keeping this a secret from them."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "But still, they still care for you. Especially since you're now half dragon."

"You're half dragon now, too," Aaron said. "Since that transformation enchantment was only meant for one creature."

"Hey, I had to bring you back to this world," Smolder said. "You needed to get back home to your family, and Ragnarok was coming after both you and Princess Twilight."

"That was really gutsy," Aaron said.

"You shoulda seen my brother's reaction when I announced that I had to pull you through the portal," Smolder said.

"Speaking of which, when I was watching the show, every time you mentioned your brother around the Mane 6 and Spike, not once have you ever used his name in the sentence before they found out who he was," Aaron said.

"Really?" Smolder then thought about every time she mentioned her brother before they found out. She flashbacked to when she was mentioning the Molt Effect to Spike.

"Yeah. I mean, I love my brother and all, but one whiff, and I was all 'See ya!'" Then she also remembered when she was telling Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy about going home to her brother. "My brother's been having a hard time since I left for school. I want to go home and check on him. He's a really sweet guy, and the other dragons can be kind of rough."

The flashbacks stopped as Smolder made a realization. She then said, "Huh. Guess I didn't realize that I didn't mention Gar-Gar's name to either one of them."

"There are a lot of things people miss when mentioning something or someone," Aaron said.

"Yeah, I guess," Smolder said. "Speaking of missing things." She then picked something up and held it over her head. It was a plastic mistletoe. She was giving a smug look towards Aaron. "You know you want to." Aaron smirked, transformed, and then the two of them kissed.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Gallus, in griffon form, was watching the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special with a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Gallus was shaking his head after watching a certain scene after Drax gets "tickled".

"Like anyone would survive something like that," Gallus said. He then grabbed some popcorn and put it into his mouth.

Author's Note:

Well, now the Blazer Family knows about Aaron and Smolder's secret. Hopefully, things will be a whole lot better.