• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,389 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 12: Basketball and Cheerleading

Chapter 12: Basketball and Cheerleading

It had been almost a full month since the school play. Winter was going to be coming soon, meaning some new seasonal curriculars for Summer Valley Middle School. Aaron and Smolder were looking at which curriculars to pick.

"So, what are we going to do this time?" Smolder asked.

"I'm actually wanting to sign up for the Basketball team," Aaron said, looking at the sign up sheet for the Boys Basketball team. "I've been wanting to be on a Basketball team for a while."

"One that's not with Equestrians playing against the Harlem Globetrotters?" Smolder asked, bumping Aaron's arm. "That was an impressive last shot by the way."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "But this time, I better keep it professional and play as a human."

"Good call," Smolder said. "Maybe I should try something different as well." She looked at the sign up sheets to see which was available. Then she saw one sign up sheet for the Cheerleading Squad. "Cheerleading?"

"Are you thinking about joining?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know," Smolder responded. "I've been on a Cheerleading Squad before, but that was back in Equestria. I'm not so sure I can handle this." Just then, the Principal's voice came from the Intercom.

"Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office. I repeat, Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in confusion. They then headed for the Principal's Office.

Aaron and Smolder were sitting in the Principal's Office as Principal Smith discussed something with them. Both of them were stunned at what she told the two.

"You want us to actually be dragons in school?" Smolder asked. "No more hiding?"

"You two actually helped save the school," Principal Smith said. "You two deserve to be appreciated for everything you've done."

"I'm not so sure that we should," Aaron said. "I'm sure the President is wanting to keep our dragon forms a secret."

"We got away with it on Halloween, though," Smolder said. "Everyone in school thought we were in costume."

"The President of the United States called," Principal Smith said. "He feels that it's time you two actually reveal your dragon forms to the public. And since you two are protected by the US Government, you won't worry about those people who think everything from the show is a mistake."

"The Anti-Bronies," Aaron said. "Yeah, we wouldn't want anything to happen to us."

"So, I'll give you two until tomorrow to rethink your decision," Principal Smith said. "Anyway, have you two signed up for any extra curricular classes for the winter?"

"Well, I signed up for the Basketball team," Aaron said.

"The Basketball team, huh?" Principal Smith asked. "Well, since you played basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters, you might as well be a part of the team." She then looked at Smolder. "And I assume you'll be signing up for the cheerleading squad?"

"I don't know," Smolder said. "Should I really? Back in Equestria, I only joined the cheerleading squad just because it was being coached by Rainbow Dash."

"Well, if you join the cheerleading squad, and reveal yourself, not only would you be the school mascot, but the head cheerleader," Principal Smith said. "And it's a common fact that cheerleaders and athletes get a lot of popularity."

Smolder put a finger on her chin and started thinking. She then said, "I'll have to think about it."

"Okay," Principal Smith said. She then looked back at Aaron. "Oh, and Aaron. I've had a talk with your aunt about sports wear. Would you mind asking her about them?"

"Sure thing, Principal Smith," Aaron said. He then noticed the time. "Right now, we need to get to class." Principal Smith then handed Aaron and Smolder some passes and the two of them headed out to their next class.

Back at home, Aaron, Smolder and Marissa were having spaghetti for dinner. Smolder was in dragon form, thinking about what Principal Smith proposed.

"Are you okay, Smolder?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah," Smolder responded. "Just... wondering about something I guess."

"Is this about what Principal Smith talked to you two about today?" Marissa asked, making Aaron and Smolder look at her. "The President called. I think you should consider revealing yourselves as dragons to your school. It would bring a huge weight off you."

"Well, I was exposed as a human in Equestria by Pinkie Pie," Aaron said. "Lyra was trying to keep me in Equestria."

"Ocellus said that Lyra is still trying to find the portal to this world so she can get you," Smolder said, chuckling.

"She's still wanting me to stay in Equestria?" Aaron asked, shocked. He then grumbled. "She just doesn't get that I have family here on Earth."

"Anyway, I think you two should be able to reveal to your school friends and the faculty about your... other forms," Marissa said. "You could put your school on the map."

"I still don't know," Smolder said. "What if the other students don't treat us like friends?"

"Well, those who treat you as friends, even in your dragon forms, will still be real friends," Marissa said. "You just need to see for yourself."

Smolder was thinking about it. She had a frown on her face when thinking. But then it slowly became a smile. She then said, "Alright. Let's give it a shot."

"Good, because I've been working on the Cheerleader uniforms, and I've made one in your size as a dragon," Marissa said. "I would really want you to wear it to school tomorrow when you reveal yourself."

Smolder rolled her eyes with a smile on her face after Marissa made that comment.

The next day at school, there was an assembly going on in the gymnasium. Everyone in the seats was confused about what was going on. Then Principal Smith walked up to a podium that was set up in the middle of the gym.

"Good day, students," Principal Smith said into the microphone. "I assume you are all wondering why I've called this assembly today. Well, I am here to tell you that it involves something that happened months ago." Then a projector screen came rolling down in front of one of the basketball hoops. Then a projector turned on as the lights turned off. On the screen showed images of the battle against Ragnarok the Reaper. "You all heard of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. How we all thought it was a work of fiction. Well, it apparently was real, and they had a battle against an ancient Equestrian villain, here, on Earth."

All the students started murmuring. Kyle, Maddie and Paul were sitting close to each other. Kyle then said, "This is really weird."

"I think it's actually cool," Paul said. "Sure, the pony thing is girly, but the other creatures are actually cool. Especially the griffons." The other two nodded.

"And just a couple months after that..." Principal Smith said as the image changed. "...Thanks to some of those creatures, they had a charity game with the Harlem Globetrotters to get our school back to how it was supposed to be." The projector was showing images of the basketball game between the Harlem Globetrotters and the Equestria Uniters. "We wouldn't be where we are right now if it weren't for these creatures. In fact... two of them are actually students in this school."

"What?!" Kyle asked.

"No way," Paul said.

"Dang," Maddie said.

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing while sitting on Paul's left side. Then the students around them screamed.

"Okay, Dang," Principal Smith said. "No more scaring the students."

"I can't help it," Dang said. "Someone says my name, I appear. No need to be so drastic." He then got up and started moving through the students sides, heading out of the gym.

"Anyway, like I said, two of those creatures are actually students of this school," Principal Smith said. "May I have Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake come over here?" Then Aaron and Smolder walked up to the podium, in their human forms.

"Huh?" Kyle, Maddie and Paul asked in unison.

"Well, you see, these two students were more involved with those two events than you'd think," Principal Smith said. "Aaron, why don't you show them." Aaron nodded. He then jumped up and transformed into his dragon form, surprising the students. He then flew over all the students.

"Hey, everyone!" Aaron said. All the students were surprised to see Aaron in his dragon form. He then landed back by the podium.

"Whoa, dude!" Paul shouted. "That is awesome!" Aaron pointed towards Paul with a grin.

"Since Aaron helped out on helping the school get its funding back, and with that spectacular game play with the Harlem Globetrotters, Aaron will be on the basketball team," Principal Smith said. Aaron then started flying over the podium and took the microphone.

"As long as I'm in human form," Aaron said. "My dragon form and abilities would be considered cheating since I'd be the only one on any basketball team that can do that."

"Of course," Principal Smith said. Then all the students cheered.

"You are awesome, Aaron!" Kyle shouted.

"What about Samantha?" Maddie asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Maddie," Principal Smith said. "Samantha Drake is also one of those creatures. Although, her name isn't really Samantha Drake. She is actually..." Then an image of Smolder appeared on the screen. "Smolder. And she has informed me that she's going to be taking part in the Summer Valley Middle School Cheerleading Squad. In fact, she's wearing her Cheerleading outfit right now."

Smolder nodded and transformed into her dragon form, showing off her new Cheerleading Outfit. It was orange with red trimmings, had letters white letters with gold trimmings, the letters being S-V-M-S, a red and orange striped skirt, and red, orange and gold pompoms.

All the students started applauding for Aaron and Smolder. Then the two leaned their heads straight up and let out some flames, being careful not to cause the gymnasium to get on fire. All the students cheered louder than before.

In the school cafeteria, Aaron, Smolder; where the two were still in dragon form, Maddie, Kyle and Paul were in line for getting their lunch. The school was serving burgers and fries.

"I can't believe you two were dragons all along," Paul said. "I mean, actual, real dragons."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "It's actually been a huge relief to actually show the school my true form."

Kyle then looked at Aaron and asked, "So I'm guessing that your name isn't really Aaron Blazer."

"Oh, it is," Aaron said. "I was actually born human, in Chicago."

"Then, how did you two meet?" Maddie asked.

"It's a long story," Smolder said. "In fact, Mr. O'Connell wants us to write the story of how we met as a school assignment. Might as well do it together."

"Good call," Maddie said. As soon as Smolder got her burger, Maddie pointed out something. "You wouldn't want to get any condiments on your new Cheerleader outfit."

Smolder looked down at her outfit, smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right." She then changed into her human form. "Thanks for that, Maddie."

"So, did it feel kinda weird when you transform?" Maddie asked.

"Almost all the time," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "When I first transformed into a human, I almost fell forward."

"Maybe it was your tail," Kyle said.

"I guess that makes sense," Smolder said. "It still feels weird not having one when I'm human."

"So, how did you two get that shapeshifting ability?" Paul asked. "Isn't that what the changelings in your world do?"

"The portal that sent us both here from Equestria was supposed to have a transformation spell meant for one creature," Aaron said. "But due to Ragnarok shaking the place we were in, I bumped my head and went out cold. It was night time on the other side of the portal."

"I had to drag Aaron through the portal so he wouldn't get hurt by Ragnarok the Reaper," Smolder said. "He was a legendary villain in the Dragon Lands. He would only wake up from his induced slumber when there's a jade dragon in Equestria." She then motioned a hand to Aaron.

"Ohh!" Paul, Kyle and Maddie said in unison.

"And since Aaron wasn't in Equestria anymore, Ragnarok would go back to sleep," Kyle said. "But, how did the entire land of Equestria end up on Earth."

"Apparently, our friends were going to surprise us by coming to this world," Smolder said. "But Princess Twilight surged and accidentally brought the entire land to this world. And that's when we had to fight Ragnarok outside of Vegas."

"Yeah, we thought the less casualties, the safer the world," Aaron said. "But the military thought we were trouble for the world. They thought we were invading Earth. They even tried launching a nuke at us."

"A nuke?" Dang asked, appearing next to the group, making the five scream. "I heard that the general of that military division was fired for taking unnecessary action."

"Oh, he was," Aaron said. "But, for him having that nuke launched, drastic measures had to be taken. I had to go big."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "Aaron used greed induced bigness and brought Ragnarok up into the sky, and threw him at the nuke. Although, I still don't know how he was able to control it." She then looked at Aaron. "How did you control your greed induced bigness?"

"Well, seeing all of you willing to risk your necks on helping fight off Ragnarok, I had to concentrate," Aaron said. "I wanted to protect you just as you were protecting me."

"So, you focused on what you wanted on helping everyone that was willing to help you," Smolder said. "That was actually a good plan."

"Dude, you had guts back then," Kyle said. "Hope something like that doesn't happen again."

"You kidding?" Aaron asked. "There's no threat here on Earth that requires me to go that big again."

"Not yet," Smolder said, smirking.

"Smolder," Aaron said. Then the five of them laughed.

"So, when does Basketball Practice start?" Smolder asked.

"Not until Monday," Aaron said. "I need to get my basketball gear. And new basketball shoes."

"Right, since you're gonna need that kind of gear in your human form," Smolder said. "Well, we cheerleaders will be cheering for you. And of course the rest of the basketball team."

"Yeah, man," Kyle said, wrapping his left arm around Aaron's shoulder. "We're gonna need all the help we can get."

"Especially since we've got two dragons as fellow classmates," Paul said, wrapping his right arm around Aaron's shoulder with Kyle.

"You two signed up for the basketball team as well?" Aaron asked.

"Well, you can't be the only boy on the boy's basketball team," Paul said. "Let's do this."

"Can't wait until the first game," Kyle said. Then he and Paul got their arms off of Aaron, and they put their hands in, along with Aaron, Smolder and Maddie. "Dragons on three. One, two, three."

"Dragons!" the five of them called out. Then they all laughed with the rest of the students in the cafeteria joining in.

Author's Note:

Well, Aaron and Smolder don't have to hide their dragon forms and now they're going off for the Basketball Team and the Cheerleading Squad. This is going to be one interesting school year for Summer Valley Middle School.