• Published 2nd May 2023
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A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 10: Halloween Costume Dance

Chapter 10: Halloween Costume Dance

Aaron and Smolder were heading to school, being driven there by Marissa. As the car pulled up, Smolder noticed that the school was covered in decorations. Aaron and Smolder were in human form.

"Hey, what's with the Nightmare Night decorations?" Smolder asked.

Aaron looked at the school, seeing the decorations. He then said, "Actually, here, it's called Halloween. And it's actually coming up, soon."

"Really?" Smolder asked.

"That's right, Smolder," Marissa said. "It's similar to Nightmare Night. Halloween is when kids go out in costumes to get candy. But instead of saying..." She was then thinking of something. "Aaron, how does that saying go in Equestria?"

"Nightmare Night... What a fright... Give me something sweet to bite," Aaron said, saying what the trick-or-treaters of Equestria say.

"Yeah that," Marissa said. "Well, instead of saying that, you just say trick-or-treat."

"That sounds way more easy to say," Smolder said.

"But, this year, I'm not going Trick-or-Treating," Aaron said. "I've already reached the age where I'm too old for that."

"Good call," Smolder said. "So, how are you gonna spend it?"

"I'll have to think about it," Aaron said. Then they started getting out of the car and headed for the main entrance. Marissa pulled out as Aaron and Smolder were out of the car.

Aaron and Smolder were heading through the school, seeing a bunch of other students talking about something. Smolder then noticed something. It was a poster for a dance on Halloween.

"The school's hosting a dance on the 31st?" Smolder asked.

"Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "A Halloween dance at the school. That could be how I spend celebrating Halloween. We should totally go there for that."

"Sounds like fun," Smolder said. "But, I think Dang is gonna have a hard time cleaning that up once the party's done."

"You kidding?" Dang said, appearing right beside the two of them, making them scream. "I can clean up things faster than any other janitor in the world." Then the warning bell started ringing. Aaron and Smolder then started speed walking to class, leaving Dang just standing there. "Well, since no one called, I better get back to work." He then vanished instantly.

It was already the night before Halloween. Aaron and Smolder were looking up costumes to buy before the night, but every costume in their sizes were sold out. Smolder was in dragon form.

"Well, that's a bust," Aaron said, closing his laptop. "I told you we can't wait until the last minute."

"Sorry, Aaron," Smolder said. "Guess we just won't go to the Costume Party since we don't have costumes."

Then Marissa came in with a laundry basket. She then said, "Well, that's what you get for waiting for the last minute." She then got an idea. "Smolder, you still have that cheerleader costume, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Smolder asked, confused. She then got what Marissa was saying. "Ohh..."

"You actually want her to go to the school dance as a dragon?" Aaron asked.

"You can, too, Aaron," Marissa said. "In fact, you can wear that Basketball uniform I made for you when you played a game of Basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters."

"That final shot was awesome, Aaron," Smolder said. "But, still, going out to the Halloween Party as dragons just might make the others think we're just in costume. But, I don't know how we're gonna explain the eyes, wings, and tail, though."

"Just don't move your wings and tail," Marissa said. "And as for your eyes, just say that it's special contacts."

"Basically, someone will be there asking to try on the costume," Aaron said. "What do we tell them?"

"Just tell them that it's a skin tight costume and you're not wearing anything underneath," Marissa said.

"Do we have to wear underwear while we have the Basketball and Cheerleading outfit on?" Smolder asked.

"Well, we wouldn't want anyone to see anything mature there, would we?" Marissa asked.

"Good point," Smolder said. "Although, things like that don't happen in Equestria. Maybe because Equestrians don't wear clothes 24/7."

"Although, there are some ponies that do," Aaron said. "Like that one pony, Svengallop. He's just a selfish jerk."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "Applejack was telling us that story before you came to Equestria. I still can't believe he used Countess Coloratura's name to threaten ponies to get what he wants."

"And he was doing it behind her back," Aaron said. "I doubt any celebrity in Equestria would want to hire him as an agent if they find out what he does."

"I would burn the suit he's wearing if he tried doing that to one of my friends," Smolder said, making Aaron nod.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight was reading the book that Aaron gave her. She was amazed by how good the story was. Although, she had to make a few... adjustments. Just then, Spike came into the room.

"Hey, Twilight," Spike said. "Is that book really good?"

"Actually, yes," Twilight said. "Although, Aaron was right. There are some corrections that need to be made. For example, Diamond Tiara's mother's name was named Affluent instead of Spoiled. And as for Top Marks, this Pen Stroke writer called him Bastion Yorsets."

"Wow," Spike said. "Pen Stroke really needs to update that book."

"I know, right?" Twilight asked. "Although, I think it may be possible for that kind of spell to be made."

"Wait, what?!" Spike asked, shocked. "You're actually thinking of creating a filly Nightmare Moon?!"

"Yes, but more like this filly, and none of the evil," Twilight said. "And for that, I'm gonna need Princess Luna's help with this. She's going to be needed if this spell is going to be possible."

"Are you sure about this, Twilight?" Spike asked, taking the book. "I mean, sure, through Chapters 1-9 in this book made Nyx sound so sweet and innocent, but you know what happens to her in Chapter 10."

"Because the Princess Celestia of this story was tricked into taking that filly away from that version of me," Twilight said. "This time... it's gonna be a lot different."

It was Halloween Night at Summer Valley Middle School. Marissa pulled up to the school drop off area. Then Aaron and Smolder, in dragon form, came out of the car. Aaron was dressed up in the basketball uniform he wore in the game against the Harlem Globetrotters and Smolder was in her Cheerleader Outfit.

"Alright, you two," Marissa said. "I'll be back by 9:30. Be sure to be out here by then."

"Sure thing, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said, closing the door. Then Aaron and Smolder started heading towards the school gymnasium. As soon as they got in, they saw a bunch of students just standing around.

"Why isn't anyone dancing?" Smolder asked.

"This is the first time I've been to a school dance," Aaron said. "This is new to me." Just then, Paul, who was dressed up as the Superhero, Black Panther.

"Whoa," Paul said. "Sick costumes, you two. Who is that under there?"

"Hey, Paul," Aaron said.

Paul was surprised when he heard Aaron's voice. He then asked, "Aaron? Is that you? Dang...!"

Suddenly, a two man, Chinese Dragon Costume appeared next to the three. Then a voice came from it. "You called?" Aaron, Smolder and Paul screamed. Dang then noticed Aaron and Smolder. "Interesting costumes, you two." Dang then poked his head out from under the head of the costume he had on. "They look very realistic. Even more realistic than my costume."

Smolder raised an eyebrow and asked, "Wait... who's controlling the back end of that dragon?" Just then, the back of the Dragon Costume that Dang had on revealed who it was. The back end was controlled by another Dang. Aaron, Smolder and Paul had their mouths opened with a confused look on their faces.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Paul said.

"What doesn't make sense..." the Dang from the front end said. "...is that nearly every student is here at the school dance, and no one is dancing." He then put a hand up to his mouth and called out to someone. "Yo, DJ! Play a song that'll get these students dancing!"

Then at the Disc Jockey Station, there was another Dang, dressed up like a rapper. He then called out, "You got it!" Then all the students there screamed. "Okay, everyone. I think it's time to get this party started with a very popular song that originated from Asia. More importantly, Korea." He then started playing the song, Gangnam Style by PSY.

Then some of the other students started moving to the beat, which led to them dancing. Then all the other students started dancing.

Paul then looked at Aaron and Smolder and said, "You two look amazing. You honestly look like real dragons."

"Thanks, you'd be surprised on what special materials needed for these costumes can do," Smolder said.

"Dang, Samantha," Paul said. "You even sound like Smolder. I guess you got that a lot."

"You have no idea," Smolder said, smirking.

"I shoulda known you were a brony, Aaron," Paul said. "You actually look like the dragon from that Basketball Game with the Harlem Globetrotters."

"I know, right?" Aaron said.

"Dude, you have got to let me try that on," Paul said.

"Actually, Paul, these dragon costumes are both one piece, and we're not wearing anything underneath," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "And it's really tight here with these bindings holding my breasts down," Smolder said, rubbing where a girl's breasts should be."

"Oh, I understand," Paul said. "Let's get down on the dance floor." Then they started heading towards the floor with the other students, dancing to the music.

Meanwhile, back at Aaron's house, Marissa was handing out candy to Trick-or-Treaters as they were at the front door.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said, handing candy to the Trick-or-Treaters. "Here you go. Oh, and one more treat for you. Just wait right there." She then headed inside and closed the door. Just then, the door to the apartment that Smolder lives in opened and out came a gorilla. All the kids there screamed and ran away.

The gorilla then transformed, changing into Ocellus in her human form. She then laughed and said, "You were right, Marissa. That was fun."

Marissa then came out of the main part of the house with a smirk on her face. She then said, "My father used to do that with all the Trick-or-Treaters after my mom handed them the candy. Although, we didn't have much Trick-or-Treaters when Aaron and I lived in Chicago."

"Really?" Ocellus asked. "Why not?"

"We lived in a small apartment complex and the owner hated Halloween," Marissa said. "He wouldn't even allow any Halloween decorations or Trick-or-Treaters into the building. In fact, Aaron had a hard time getting back into the building after he was Trick-or-Treating."

"Well, that's harsh," Ocellus said. Then the two of them went back into Smolder's apartment. In the living room area of the apartment, Gallus, Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona were watching a Halloween Movie on Disney+. They were watching the movie, Hocus Pocus 2. Silverstream was wearing the same costume she wore on her first Nightmare Night.

Sandbar had on his vampire costume, and Yona had on a black mask, a jack o'lantern on her head with lights attached to it and wrapped around her horns, jack o'lantern earrings, and a different blanket on her back.

"Wow," Gallus said. "These witches are very gullible."

Yona laughed and said, "Silly women. Cream for rubbing on skin. Not drinking."

"I still don't get why they came back after a virgin lights a Black Flame Candle," Ocellus said.

"What virgin anyway?" Yona asked. Just then, Marissa whispered the answer into Yona's ear, making Yona go wide eyed. She then cut off Marissa. "Oh. Yona not old enough for that story."

"Neither is Aaron," Marissa said. "Now, who wants more popcorn."

"Oh, oh! I do!" Silverstream said, waving her right claw around.

"Hey, look!" Gallus said, pointing at the screen. The group saw the Sanderson Sisters looking at themselves in a rounded mirror and screaming.

"At least they weren't in a hall of funhouse mirrors," Ocellus said as the others were laughing. What Ocellus said made everyone else there laugh harder.

"That's true," Sandbar said.

Back at the school dance, Aaron and Smolder were dancing to the music with the other students. Just then, the music started to die down as Principal Smith came up onto the stage.

"Alright, students," Principal Smith said into a microphone. "I hope you all had fun tonight, because now, we're getting to see who's the winner of our costume contest. We have a contest that determines the winner of one individual costume, and one couple's costumes. Dang, hand me the cards containing the names of the winners."

"Of course," Dang said, popping up next to Principal Smith. Everyone screamed. "Sheesh. Everyone's all jumpy tonight." He then handed Principal Smith the card.

Principal Smith opened the card and she said into the microphone. "Okay... everyone has judged every costume of our students here. And the winner of the individual costume division is..." Then Dang pushed a button on the disc jockey set, making a drum roll sound effect. Then the effect stop as Principal Smith said, "Kyle Shawn in his Arabian Warrior Costume." Then all the students applauded as Kyle got up on the stage.

"Nice going, Kyle!" Aaron called out.

Kyle was then handed a Wal*Mart gift card worth $50. Principal Smith then held the microphone up to her mouth and said, "Now that we've gotten the individual contest winner, let's move onto the couple's costume winners. Drum roll, please." Dang then pushed the drum roll button again. It then stopped when Principal Smith called out the winners. "And the winners of the couples contest are... Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake... for the dragon basketball player and dragon cheerleader!"

All the students then applauded when Aaron and Smolder were heading up to the stage. They got up towards Principal Smith and she handed two more $50 Wal*Mart Gift Cards to the two.

"Nice costumes, dude," Kyle said, patting Aaron's back. He then felt Aaron's backside. "Dude, it feels so real."

"You have no idea," Aaron said, smiling.

Later that night, Aaron and Smolder returned home. They went into Smolder's apartment, seeing their five friends asleep on Smolder's couch.

"Looks like our friends from Equestria wanted to celebrate Halloween, too," Aaron said.

"Looks like it," Smolder said. She then walked over towards Gallus, who had a bowl of popcorn wrapped in his left foreleg, and he was resting his head on his right talon. Smolder then pushed Gallus's right talon away from his head, making his head fall into the bowl of popcorn, causing him to wake up, then the others waking up.

"Gah! Wha...?!" Gallus asked. He and the others then saw Aaron and Smolder standing in front of them. "I heard you guys went to a costume dance at your school. Was there a contest?"

"We won," Aaron answered. "We went as what you guys see before you."

"You actually went out in public as dragons?" Ocellus asked.

"It's Halloween," Aaron said. "Everyone at school thought we were in really convincing costumes."

"Even Principal Smith was surprised to see us in this form during the dance," Smolder said. "No one at school could top us."

"Wow, dragons are really competitive," Sandbar said.

"Even though I wasn't born a dragon," Aaron said, making the others nod. "I can't believe you guys actually came here. Why on a Monday?"

"Well, Princess Twilight asked me if I wanted to take a week off of Royal Guard Training to meet up with you guys," Gallus said. "She also told me to get a report on this Halloween holiday and compare it to Nightmare Night."

"As soon as he was assigned that, he came to us and we came right on here to check it out ourselves," Ocellus said. "All Hallow's Eve. What an interesting name it used to have."

"We also spent some of the day watching this Hocus Pocus 2 movie," Sandbar said. "It was funny seeing the Sanderson Sisters react to their reflection in that round mirror at that Walgreens in the movie."

"Oh, yeah, that was funny," Aaron laughed as Smolder laughed with him.

"That was one of the funniest parts of the movie," Smolder said.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said, coming into Smolder's apartment. "Aaron, Smolder, you two still have school in the morning. Get yourselves bathed and go to bed immediately."

"Alright, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said.

"Whatever," Smolder said, taking off her costume. Gallus then noticed the panties that Smolder was wearing.

"What are you wearing underneath that skirt?" Gallus asked. Smolder froze at that. She then turned around.

"Some people don't like seeing ones private areas out in public," Smolder said. "Apparently, it's like nudity."

"Oooh," Gallus, Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream all said in unison.

"That's understandable," Ocellus said. Aaron and Marissa then went into their part of the house with Sandbar and Gallus following. Smolder then started heading towards her bedroom to get her uniform off so she'll be getting into the shower. They were gonna get ready for the next day.

Author's Note:

Well, that was certainly an interesting Halloween for them. Let's see how interesting that Aaron and Smolder can make their school play in the next chapter.