• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,403 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 6: Back to School

Chapter 6: Back to School

Marissa was dropping off Aaron and Smolder at their school, which was back in session. Aaron and Smolder were in their human form. As they went in, everyone got an announcement.

"All students, report to the gymnasium," a woman's voice came on the PA system.

"Sounds like we're getting an assembly," Aaron said.

"Hopefully things are gonna be better for us," Smolder said.

All of the students went into the newly remade gymnasium. Some men were setting up some basketball hoops. There were bleachers spread out and all of the students were sitting in them. Aaron, Smolder and Paul were sitting next to each other as a woman walked towards a podium.

"Welcome back, students," the woman said. "I am your new assigned Principal, Principal Smith. Now that the school budget is back as it should be, we will be reopening all the extra curriculars, including the sports teams, the arts, even the school clubs. We're even getting rid of that horrible meat they're serving in the cafeteria." All of the students cheered, including Aaron and Smolder.

"Finally, some decent food," Smolder said.

"Well, to start off this school, we'll be serving pizza in the cafeteria," Principal Smith said. All of the students cheered again. "For your extra curriculars, you're gonna have to sign up on the clipboards in the hallway after lunch. So everyone, head on to your home room classes, and then we'll get everyone their PE clothing passed out to them as you all head out to the buses or transportation home." Then all the students headed out of the gymnasium, heading towards their classrooms.

Aaron and Smolder were eating their lunch in the cafeteria, along with all the other students. All of them had big smiles on their faces, happy that they're finally getting a good meal.

"This is way better than the mystery meat they used to serve," Paul said.

"Anything's better than the mystery meat they served," Aaron said.

"So, what are you thinking of doing for extra curriculars?" Smolder asked.

"We'll have to see what they have," Aaron said. "After we finish eating of course." They continued eating their food.

After they finished their lunch, they headed into the hallway, seeing a bunch of other students gathering up around an area with clipboards that had sign up sheets for extra curriculars. There were different curriculars to choose from. When Aaron and Smolder made it to the end, they saw that a bunch of curriculars were full.

"Dang," Smolder said. "All the good ones are taken."

"Well, there is drama," Aaron said.

"Drama?" Smolder asked. "What's drama?"

"Basically, we get to set up a stage or costumes, or even perform in front of people," Aaron said.

"Oh, I get it!" Smolder said. "Just like that certain play back in..." Aaron then covered Smolder's mouth before she could say where she came from in front of the other students. Aaron then uncovered her mouth after she realized it. "...back in... my old school." She then nodded and said, "Alright, let's see what they're gonna do." Then the two of them started signing their names onto the sheet. Smolder almost wrote her real name after she wrote the S in her name. She then continued with writing Samantha Drake.

"So, now that we're done, we might as well head on over to class," Aaron said. "Perhaps we should head on over to the computer lab until class starts."

Smolder smiled at that until the PA system went off. The new Principal announced, "Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office. I repeat, Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's office."

Aaron and Smolder looked towards each other in confusion. They then walked towards the Principal's office. They eventually made it and went into the Principal's Office. There, Principal Smith was waiting for the two.

"I assume why both of you were called here?" Principal Smith asked.

"Actually, we were wondering," Aaron said.

"Well, Aaron Blazer, I just want to say that..." Principal Smith started talking, but then she gave off a sigh. "Okay, here's the deal. It would seem that the one who provides the sports uniforms for the school teams have been run out of business two years ago. So, we're gonna need your mother's..." She then saw the school file on Aaron's record. "Oh. My apologies. Your aunt's help."

"You want me to get her to help with making sports uniforms?" Aaron asked. "Why?"

"Well... she was involved with these, isn't she?" Principal Smith asked, bringing out a photo of Aaron, Smolder and their friends playing basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters.

"How did you know that?" Aaron asked.

"Well, I may have had connections with the Secretary of Education, who's in cahoots with the President of the United States of America, and has told me that two Equestrian Dragons are students of this school," Principal Smith said, pulling out government files with both pictures of Aaron and Smolder, in human and dragon forms. Aaron and Smolder were giving off surprised looks.

"Oh, uh..." Smolder said, trying to come up with an excuse. "The thing is..."

"It's okay," Principal Smith said. "I understand that you two want to keep your true forms a secret."

"Actually, this is my true form," Aaron said. "I was born human."

"Really?" Principal Smith asked. She then looked back at the windows behind her and she closed the curtains. "Alright then, show me the dragons." Aaron gave a smirk while Smolder just rolled her eyes. Then the two of them transformed into their dragon forms. But their dragon density was too much for the chairs, making them break and the two dragons falling to the floor.

"Guess we're heavier than we thought in dragon form," Smolder groaned.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Principal Smith said. "Those chairs have been broken before you two got here. The last Principal thought that anything broken should be fixed, not replaced."

"Wow," Smolder said. "Talk about a cheap guy."

"I know, right?" Principal Smith asked. "Luckily, we have enough money in the budget to replace the broken furniture. Anyway, you mind calling your aunt about this proposition?"

"Alright," Aaron said before he and Smolder changed back into their human forms. Aaron then pulled out his cell phone. He then called his Aunt Marissa. Lucky for them, she answered. "Hey, Aunt Marissa, the new principal wants to make a proposition with you." He then put the phone on speaker. "Alright, Aunt Marissa, you're on speaker."

"Well, okay, what's this proposition?" Marissa's voice came from Aaron's cell phone.

"Well, Miss Blazer," Principal Smith said, "I would appreciate it if you would design the school some uniforms for our school's sports."

"Oh, really?" Marissa asked from the phone. "Well, I guess I can do that. We can talk... logistics if you join us for dinner tonight."

"Oh, boy," Aaron said. "This is gonna be a long day."

"I heard that, Aaron," Marissa's voice came from the phone. "You're still on speaker."

"I guess I'll see you tonight," Principal Smith said. "See you then." Aaron then hung up the phone. "Well, you two better get to class." Aaron and Smolder nodded. They then looked at the clock and saw it was one minute to class.

"Might we get a couple passes?" Aaron asked. Principal Smith looked at the clock and went wide eyed. She then pulled some passes out of the desk drawer and signed them. She then handed them to Aaron and Smolder and then the two headed to class.

Back at home, Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Principal Smith were all having a home cooked meal. They were eating some spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread. Smolder was in dragon form.

"Well, I'm sure that my company will get as many jerseys, shorts and pants for your school's athletes as soon as possible," Marissa said.

"Thank you for this, Miss Blazer," Principal Smith said. "I would deeply appreciate it if you do this for the school."

"Of course," Marissa said. She then looked towards Aaron and Smolder. "So, did anything else happen in school today?"

"Well, Aaron and I signed up for drama class for the autumn season," Smolder said.

"Ooh, that's good," Principal Smith said. "I've seen a lot of schools put so much effort into the plays they put on production. So, I'm glad that you two would want to get into that. We'll see what the school will put up for production here."

"Well, I guess we'll have to see," Marissa said. "As long as these two don't transform into dragons on stage."

"Yeah, that would be surprising," Smolder said. "I just hope whatever the play we're doing isn't too hard. After all, I was in a school play with Princess Celestia before she and her sister retired."

"I've seen the episode, but I don't think you've had any lines," Aaron said.

"Oh, I didn't," Smolder said. "But I hope this time, I actually say some words."

"Oh, I believe you will," Principal Smith said. "Oh, and when you read your lines, I think it's best if you try to not act all tough. A lot of girl characters aren't like that in school plays."

"Oh, you mean like this?" Smolder asked. She then cleared her throat and made her voice sound sweeter. "Excuse me, Principal Smith. Can you pass the bread?"

"Of course," Principal Smith said, passing the bread bowl towards Smolder. She took it and put it on her plate.

"Using that tea party voice, huh?" Aaron asked.

"Only for plays only," Smolder said, using her regular voice. "If any of our friends, besides Ocellus, ask, we tell them it took a lot of practice for the play. That is if our friends from Equestria come to watch."

"Suuuuure," Aaron said, sarcastically. That made Smolder give a scolding look towards Aaron. She then smirked.

"You're always a handful, Blazer," Smolder said.

"So, how did you two meet?" Principal Smith asked.

"Well, it's like this," Smolder said. "I found Aaron in the Everfree Forest, as a dragon. Apparently, he made a wish to actually have friends, and he somehow ended up in Equestria. I found him, and took him to the School of Friendship."

"I was camping in the caves underneath the School for a month there," Aaron said. "The faculty and Smolder's friends were wondering what she was up to. They said that she was falling asleep in class."

"She was sneaking out pass curfew to take care of you and learn more about this world as much as you could tell her?" Principal Smith asked.

"For the entire month of staying under the school," Aaron said. "But then Smolder's friends, and most of the founders of the school had followed her down to where she was hiding me and... well, let's just say I took classes there for almost half a semester."

"Well, hopefully you learned as much as you could at a school that teaches you friendship," Marissa said.

"It helped that he had six great tutors," Smolder said, smirking. Just then, a cell phone started beeping. Principal Smith pulled out her phone from her purse.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to see you all later," Principal Smith said. "I have better make sure the janitor isn't overworking himself." Smolder then changed back into her human form. "Why'd you change into your human form?"

"Because I don't want the janitor to freak out when he sees me in my dragon form when one of us says his name," Smolder said.

"And why would he do that?" Principal Smith asked. "What's wrong with saying 'Dang'?"

"You called?" came Dang's voice. They all looked towards the kitchen and saw Dang on the other side of the kitchen counter. Then Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Principal Smith all screamed.

"How did he do that?" Principal Smith asked.

"It's either super speed or teleportation, all with great hearing," Aaron said. "It's gotta be one of the two."

"He makes a good theory," Dang said, walking up to the table. "Sometimes, I wonder how I get to certain places so fast myself. Even in space."

"You went up to space without a rocket?" Aaron asked.

"It was one time," Dang said. "Don't even get me started on how I ended up in a virtual world."

"I'm surprised he hasn't found himself in another dimension," Smolder said, leaning towards Aaron, making him nod in agreement.

"Well, we should get going," Principal Smith said. "C'mon, Da..." She then looked around and saw that Dang was no longer in the house. "Seriously, how does he do that?" Then she headed for the door.

"Well, I hope you two are ready for some drama," Marissa said. "Smolder, you might be put on making clothes for the school play."

"Meh, wouldn't be the first time I made a dress for class," Smolder said.

"The first dress you made was still smoking," Aaron said.

"Oh, you saw that in the show?" Smolder asked. She then sighed. "Oh, well. Hopefully things will look up."

Author's Note:


For the school play that Aaron and Smolder are going to do, the school play will be based on a Disney Channel Original Movie. Which of these Disney Channel Movies would you like to see the two perform in?

Option 1:

High School Musical

Option 2:

Teen Beach Movie

Option 3:


One choice per vote. The one with the most votes will be chosen to be the school play. Hopefully both Aaron and Smolder will get lead roles.