• Published 2nd May 2023
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A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Harlem Globetrotters

Chapter 5: The Harlem Globetrotters

Aaron was practicing some basketball skills on the newly installed basketball hoop and backboard that's over the garage connected to his and his aunt's part of the house. Smolder came out of her apartment, along with Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus and Yona, all of them in human form.

"Hey, Aaron," Sandbar said.

Aaron looked towards the group and smiled. "Hey, guys. What are you all doing here?"

"Gallus told us about what happened at your school," Silverstream said. "We thought we'd come and see how you're doing."

"Well, Smolder and I are doing fine," Aaron said. "I'm just getting some practice in before basketball season starts." He then shot the basketball and it went into the hoop. What they didn't see was a bus pulling up.

"Nice shot," Gallus said as the ball headed for him. "Mind if I take in some shots?"

"Go for it," Aaron said. Gallus then took the shot. The ball went off the backboard and started spiraling across the rim. But then the ball went out of the rim, and headed towards Sandbar. But then a black man in a basketball uniform that had red, white, blue and yellow jumped over Sandbar and took the ball. The jersey the man was wearing had the words Harlem Globetrotters, and the number 5 on it.

"'Sup, little guys," the man in the jersey said. "Mind if we get in on the action, too?" He then passed the ball to another guy in a uniform that was like his, except he had the number 32. "Comin' to you, Jet."

"Thanks, Bulldog," said the player with the number 32 on his jersey, going by the name, Jet. He then started dribbling the ball. Gallus then tried getting the ball.

"Who said you can come in and take our ball?" Gallus said, trying to take the ball. Jet then threw the ball up and balanced it on his back.

"I don't have the ball," Jet said. "You got the ball, Bulldog?" He then passed the ball to Bulldog, who caught it and started spinning it on his finger.

"Nope, I don't have it," Bulldog responded. "How 'bout you, Spider?" He then tossed the ball towards the basket, but another black man with another uniform similar to the other two was standing on top of the garage. His number was 42.

"Slam dunk, coming in!" the man known as Spider said before jumping off and slam dunking the ball into the basket.

"Okay... that was cool," Gallus said.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "These guys are amazing."

"I've never seen anything like that," Yona said.

"No way!" Aaron said. "They're the Harlem Globetrotters!"

"Nice of us to see a fan," Bulldog said. "Especially when we came into his driveway."

"Oh, yeah, I heard of these guys," Sandbar said. "These guys are famous performers on the basketball court. They usually face off against a team called the Washington Generals. They haven't won a game against the Globetrotters for over fifty years."

"You've done your research," Bulldog said.

"Actually, I've looked you up," Aaron said. Just then, his phone started ringing. He checked the caller and saw it was his aunt. He then answered it. "Hey, Aunt Marissa. Oh, you are not going to believe who's at the house." He waited a while until after Marissa asked who Aaron was talking about. "Three of the Harlem Globetrotters. No I am not kidding."

Later, Aaron, the Young 6, Marissa and the three Harlem Globetrotters were all in the kitchen area, all having spaghetti. The Globetrotters were enjoying the meal.

"Nothing beats hunger like a good, home-cooked meal," Spider said.

"You said it, Spider," Bulldog said.

"So, what brings you Globetrotters to Orlando?" Marissa asked.

"Well, we've been working so hard on our yearly tours, we've decided to take a break for two weeks," Bulldog said. "Although, the Washington Generals couldn't be any happier that we were taking a break."

"Yeah, they didn't want to be embarrassed again," Jet said. "Although, it would be nice to help out with any place that needs help with raising money."

"Speaking of which," Smolder said. "Marissa, did you get a call from the school about trying to raise funding and how much it needs to get back on track?"

"I have," Marissa said. "But it's not going to be good. There have been many donations that the school has got back. But for the school to be back up to its former glory is to gain another... fifty thousand dollars."

"Fifty thousand dollars?" Silverstream asked. "How's the school going to get that kind of money?"

"It's not gonna be easy," Aaron said. "It might not be as easy as it might be."

"Perhaps we can help," Bulldog said. "We can host a scrimmage game to raise money for your school."

"Yeah, but... who are we gonna play?" Spider asked. Marissa looked at Aaron and the Young 6 and smirked. The seven of them then got the same idea.

"I think we can do something like that," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form.

"Whoa!" Bulldog said, standing up from his seat. Spider and Jet pointed their forks towards Aaron. "Okay. Miss Blazer, I think your spaghetti is making us hallucinate."

"Oh, you're not hallucinating," Marissa said. "My nephew just changed into a dragon. His friends here aren't really from this world. Remember the incident outside of Las Vegas during the summer?"

"Oh, I know of that," Spider said. "You're the dragon that threw that other dragon at that nuke."

"That's right," Aaron said. "And these guys... are my friends." Then the Young Six changed into their real forms.

"No... way!" Bulldog said. "You're all characters from the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." He then got an idea. "Oh, I getcha! If we play a basketball game with these guys, that'll surely draw a crowd in. And that crowd will bring in lots of money to help save the school."

"Oh, yeah," Gallus said. "We're famous in this world. People would pay big money to watch a game with us."

"But there's one problem," Smolder said. "We don't know how to play Basketball."

"I do," Aaron said. "But since it's gonna be a game, you all are gonna have to play."

"I can teach you guys to play," Jet said.

"Really, Jet?" Bulldog asked.

"Of course," Jet said. "Although, with most of them flying, it'll give them an unfair advantage."

"I might have to ask Princess Twilight about that," Gallus said. "In the meantime, how do we play basketball?"

"Well, we're gonna need a basketball court to show you all the basics," Jet said. "Bulldog, why not get some of our other teammates a call and tell 'em we've got a special game to play?"

"You got it, Jet," Bulldog said, pulling out his cell phone.

"This'll be something nobody wants to miss," Aaron said, the Young 6 nodding.

The next day, Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus walked into a local community center, where they'll be practicing basketball. Jet walked up to the five. All of them were in human form.

"So, this is the whole team who's playing, huh?" Jet asked.

"Yeah, Yona and Sandbar went back to Equestria to talk with Princess Twilight about something," Smolder asked. "Besides..." She then changed back into her dragon form and unfolded her wings. "We might cheat by having these."

"Look at what we got here," came a woman's voice. The group looked towards the voice and saw a black woman wearing a Harlem Globetrotter's jersey and shorts, the number on the jersey being number 18. She was walking over with a black man, also wearing a Globetrotter's jersey and shorts, with the number 11 on it. "We're actually playing against characters from an animated TV show."

"Hey, it's TNT Lister and Cheese Chisholm," Aaron said.

"I thought we could practice your game," Jet said. "Aaron, you said you've played basketball before?"

"That's right," Aaron said. "I've always wanted to actually play in an official basketball game, but I never got the chance to play."

"Let's see what you got," Jet said. He then tossed a Harlem Globetrotter's Game Ball and Aaron started dribbling the ball. "TNT, you wanna give him a little pressure?"

"You got it, Jet," TNT said, getting into a defensive position.

"Okay here's how it goes," Jet said. "When you have the ball, you have to keep bouncing the ball whenever you move. You carry the ball while moving, you'll be travelling, and the other team gets the ball. If you stopped bouncing the ball, you cannot bounce it again. Or else you'll be double dribbling and the other team will get the ball. You also have to stay inside the large rectangle. If the ball goes out of the rectangle, it's out of bounds, and the ball goes to the opposing team of the last player who touched it. And lastly, when you bring the ball to the side of the court with the basket you're supposed to score in, you cannot bring the ball back across the half-court. It's called backcourting, which will be another way for the opposing team to get the ball."

"Okay, so that's the rules, huh?" Gallus asked. "Sounds simple enough."

"Of course, there are also the fouls," Jet said. "Personal, flagrant and technical. Personal fouls are given if you are grabbing and pushing your opponent. Flagrant is when you make violent contact or dangerous, non-basketball plays. And technical fouls are caused when a player is yelling at the ref or another player unsportsmanlike. So, whenever you're being fouled on by an opponent, you'll get a chance to throw one or two shots, depending if you make a basket or not. Aaron, why not show them a foul shot?"

"Alright," Aaron said. He then walked towards the foul line.

The Globetrotters there set up for a foul shot with Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus. On Aaron's right side, from closest to furthest was Smolder, TNT and Ocellus. On the left, Gallus, Cheese and Silverstream. The Equestrians were in their normal forms. Jet had the ball ready.

"Whenever you're making the shot, you cannot cross the line," Jet said, explaining to the Equestrians. "And whenever you're on the outside lines, you cannot cross the line until the ball hits the rim or the backboard of the last foul shot. That's when you go for the ball if the shooter misses. Each foul shot made is worth one point."

"One point?" Smolder asked. "Do we get points from shooting from certain areas?"

"That's right, dragon girl," Jet said. "You only get one point from foul shots made. Whenever a foul is no longer in motion, you'll be able to make two points..." He then pointed at the long, circular line around the basket. "...within this line. Any shot made from beyond that line is a three-point shot."

"Cool," Gallus said.

"Yeah, but we're the Globetrotters," Cheese said. "Sometimes, we go further than just three-point shots. Aaron, hand Jet the ball." Aaron then passed the ball to Jet, who took it. They all watched where Jet was taking the ball.

"Here's a four-point shot," Jet said. He then took the shot and it went into the basket.

"Whoa," Ocellus said. "That's awesome."

"The Globetrotters always wanna show off their skills," Aaron said. "How about we move onto offensive and defensive positions?"

"Good thinking," Jet said. "Whenever you're on offense, you'll only have a short amount of time inside this box." He pointed at the rectangle under the basket. "If you go how much time in the box, the ball goes to the other team."

"Okay, so we can't be in the box for a certain amount of time with the ball," Silverstream said. "Gotcha."

"And as for your positions, you're gonna have to come up with your own positions on your own," Jet said. "As long as you get your proper positions, you'll be fine."

At Aaron and Smolder's home, Marissa, along with Rarity, were taking the measurements for Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus for their basketball uniforms and jerseys. Rainbow Dash was there as well, checking the rules of basketball.

"Wow," Rainbow Dash said. "These are interesting rules to this game."

"Indeed," Rarity said, measuring Gallus. "But this is one game that must bring a lot of money to save the school that Aaron and Smolder now attend."

"Why was the school in trouble in the first place?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It turns out that the Principal and Vice Principal were embezzling from the school for years," Aaron said. "Gallus was the one who got them busted by sneaking into the school."

"I still can't believe we're doing this," Marissa said, sewing a jersey with Silverstream's name on the back, which had wing holes and the number 17 on the back. "This is actually the first time that I've been making clothes for creatures that are usually mythical here."

"Aaron told us that you used to work for a company that sold dog clothes and the owner didn't want you to leave," Ocellus said.

"She was the worst boss I have ever had," Marissa said. "But no matter. Blazing Fashion is gonna make it big."

"Blazing Fashion?" Rarity asked. "Is that the name of your fashion line?"

"Well, it makes sense since it's similar to my last name," Marissa said.

Rarity thought about it and said, "Oh, I guess I see your point. And I'm guessing you're making different types of clothing in your company?"

"Oh, yes," Marissa said. "Casual, athletic and formal."

"Speaking of which," Rarity said. She then pulled out something from a bag she brought. "Smolder, I thought you'd like a memento of something you did during your days at the School of Friendship." She levitated Smolder's old cheerleading outfit.

"My cheerleading outfit?" Smolder asked.

"I still can't believe you had that, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, none of the new dragon students were the same size as Smolder is," Rarity said.

"So, when's the big game?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Just then, the news came on the TV, and everyone watched.

"This just in, the Harlem Globetrotters are going to have a five-on-five game with characters you would not believe." Then an image of Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus appeared on the screen. "That's right, folks. The Harlem Globetrotters are going to face four of the Young 6 from the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and the jade dragon that saved both our world and their world from an evil dragon. You better get your tickets soon, because this game is going to happen this Saturday night."

"Saturday night, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, we got two days until then."

"That's right, darling," Rarity said. "So we better get this done as soon as possible."

"Well, the people of this world don't know that Aaron here is the jade dragon," Smolder said. "So we can't put his name on the back of his jersey."

"Way ahead of you," Marissa said, holding up a jersey. All the jerseys were purple with light blue outlines, and white letters and numbers. The back of Aaron's jersey had the number 1 on it, and the words, JADE FURY, over the number."

"Whoa," Aaron said. "Jade Fury. I guess that'll work."

"Alright, all the measurements are done," Rarity said. "I hope you're all ready for that game this Saturday."

"Well, our friends will be coming in to see this game," Rainbow Dash said. "Sandbar will be handling your hydration and towel needs."

"Well, we better call it a night," Marissa said, looking at the clock.

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Luckily, I got some time off of Royal Guard training for this basketball game."

"Let's head up, Gallus," Aaron said.

"Alright," Gallus said. Then they headed over to where they were going to sleep. Except for Rainbow Dash and Rarity. They headed back to Equestria.

At Amway Center on Saturday night, a lot of people showed up. A lot of people were wearing Harlem Globetrotter memorabilia and some had some MLP G4 Merchandise.

In one box, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were looking down at the court. They couldn't hear what was going on out there. Just then, a woman walked into the room.

"It might be better to watch with the Television on," the woman said, turning on the TV with a remote. The five ponies and young drake looked towards the voice and there stood five women. These five women voiced the Mane 6 and Spike; Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St Germain and Cathy Weseluck.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm certain you all know that there's a show based on your adventures," Tara Strong said. "My name is Tara Strong. And I voice one certain known character in the show. In fact, we all are in the show."

"Indeed," Andrea Libman said. "I play two of the main characters, which you all are. Rainbow Dash is also one of the main characters."

"Because we all are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony," Twilight said.

"And it was when Twilight was assigned to look over the Summer Sun Celebration that Nightmare Moon returned that was the series premiere," Rarity said. "The six of us, along with Spike, are the main characters."

"That's right," Tabitha St Germain said. She then used the voice of Rarity. "After all, we all we know you almost as much as you know each other."

"My goodness!" Rarity said, covering her mouth in shock. "You voice me in the show?!" She then remembered the cast. "You're Tabitha St Germain."

"That's right," Tabitha said. "I also voice other characters in the show. Mostly recurring characters. Such as Mrs Cake, Pound Cake, Princess Luna, even Flurry Heart."

"WHAT?!" Twilight asked. "You voiced my niece?!"

"She was only in a few episodes," Tabitha said. "You should check out Andrea."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked. "Who does she voice?"

"Well for one thing," Andrea said. She then changed her voice. "Hey, everypony! Who's ready to party?!"

Pinkie Pie gasped and asked, "You play me?!" She then thought of something. "And Fluttershy?!"

"So, I see you've seen the whole cast," Ashleigh Ball said. Then she changed her voice. "Kinda makes you feel a little more surprise in your voice."

"Hoowee," Applejack said. "She must be Ashleigh Ball, the voice o' me and Rainbow Dash."

"Sure am, sugarcube," Ashleigh said.

Twilight then looked towards the last two actresses and asked, "And I'm guessing you two play me and Spike?" Tara and Cathy nodded.

"Why is my voice actor a woman?" Spike asked.

"It's very hard finding certain young actors to play someone like you," Cathy Weseluck said, using her Spike voice.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Spike said. "Hearing it from my own voice." Just then, the lights went out over the court. The group looked out onto the court from the glass as the Television announced something.

"And now, everyone, the main event! The Harlem Globetrotters... versus... the Equestria Uniters!" An image of the Harlem Globetrotters and Aaron, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream appeared on the screen.

On the court, Aaron, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream walked towards the Harlem Globetrotters, who were all five of the Globetrotters they met. Bulldog, Spider, Jet, TNT and Cheese. They all shook hands, hooves and claws with each other.

"Good luck out there," Bulldog said.

"This is for my school," Aaron said. "Let's make it good." The two nodded and went back to their sitting areas.

"Okay, you all," Rainbow Dash said. "Win or lose, let's make this a great game."

"First half, we'll be shooting at the basket over there," Aaron said, pointing at the basket on the side where the Globetrotters were sitting. "Second half, this basket." He pointed towards the basket close to them. "Four quarters, one game, and a lot of people wanting to see this."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Rainbow Dash said. She then pulled out a small sack. "Twilight made these for all of you." She then pulled out a medallion. "These medallions are able to cancel your flight. Basically, you won't be able to even unfold your wings."

"Good," Aaron said. "It'll give us a fair game with the Harlem Globetrotters. Although, we're gonna have to watch out for Spider."

"Why do they call him Spider?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then looked towards the Globetrotters and was surprised at something. "Oh, never mind. Figured it out." They all looked towards where Rainbow was looking and they saw Spider sitting on the basketball hoop on the other side of the court.

"Okay, now he's just showing off," Gallus said.

"Silverstream, you're the tallest," Aaron said. "You're jumping for the ball."

"I won't let you down," Silverstream said. Then a referee blew his whistle. That was their cue to head out to the center of the court. Silverstream then got in the circle in the middle of the court with the referee and Bulldog.

"Good luck, Silverstream," Bulldog said.

"You, too," Silverstream said. The referee held the ball out and the two tapped the ball. Then the referee tossed it up into the air and the two players jumped. Silverstream then tried hitting the ball towards one of her teammates, but Bulldog got the upper hand and smacked the ball towards TNT. TNT dribbled the ball towards the basket, which Smolder tried getting on the defense against her, but TNT passed the ball towards Cheese, who took the ball and dunked it into the basket.

"Whoo!" Cheese called out. "That's how it's done!"

Smolder got a little angry and said, "Oh, it's on."

Time had passed in the game and the first half was coming to an end with the Globetrotters ahead, 62-28. Ocellus had the ball and she sat on her flanks, but she was being blocked by Bulldog and Jet. She then passed the ball towards Aaron, who took it. TNT and Bulldog tried running towards him, but he took the shot from behind the three-point line, it going in right before Spider could even grab onto the hoop and climb up it. Then the buzzer went off, signalling half-time. The ref took the ball and both teams went back to their seats.

"Okay," Rainbow Dash said. "That was an interesting first half. Especially on that last shot, Aaron. I can't believe you made that shot on this court."

"Dragon's are stronger than humans," Aaron said. "Even Smolder found that out on her first day here."

"It's true," Smolder said, tilting her head and nodding. Sandbar handed towels off to his friends, along with some drinking bottles.

"I still can't believe how many people showed up to this game," Ocellus said.

"A lot of people are fans of the show," Aaron said. He then saw a bunch of fans coming closer to them. Some of them were asking for autographs, some were wanting to hug them.

"Wow," Smolder said. "They really love us."

"Excuse me," one teenage girl said. "Is it cool if we get a picture with these guys?" She then handed Aaron her phone.

"Of course," Aaron said. "Would you like Yona in on this?" The teenage girl nodded. "Hey, Yona! Come in for a picture!" Then Yona came out of the tunnel and got in a line with the rest of the Young 6. "Okay, everyone." Aaron got out a stylus and turned on the girl's phone and put it in camera mode. "Smile." All of them smiled and Aaron took their picture. He then handed the girl the photo. Aaron then went over towards the merchandising area. One of the men working the area saw Aaron coming up to him. "How are we doing?"

"Pretty good," the man said. "We're only short another 2,000 dollars, but with how much we're selling, I think we're gonna make it."

"That's good," Aaron said. He then turned around and Twilight Sparkle teleported in front of him. "Whoa! You almost made me change into my human self."

"Sorry," Twilight said. Then the two started walking towards the other side of the court. "I still can't believe how well you guys are doing. Even though you got half their score on the board."

"We've just about gotten the school saved," Aaron said. "We're just gonna finish this game, give out more autographs, and we'll be done."

"At least you guys are doing this for a good cause," Twilight said. "I bet you're getting more fame in this game than when we've all taken on Ragnarok."

"That was for my home and my friends," Aaron said. "This is for a good cause." He then noticed the clock. "Time for us to get back on the court." Twilight nodded and teleported away.

The game continued until the fourth quarter. There were 20 seconds left on the clock, and the Harlem Globetrotters had 100 points while Aaron and the others were down by five. The group were all in their final time-out.

"Okay, you all," Rainbow Dash said. "Down by five, but we're gonna have to make this game count. We've made a comeback in the second half, but hey, it's not about winning or losing."

"Still, I wanna try and make this a win," Gallus said. "Is it possible to do a six point shot?"

"The Globetrotters have tried, but they don't always make it," Aaron said. He then saw the score. "But the best thing we can do is make a 4 point shot. If we make it, at least we'll lose with style."

"True dat," Rainbow Dash said. "Hooves and claws in." Then they all put their hooves and claws in. "Friendship on three. One, two, three..."

"Friendship!" the six of them called out. Then the players all went out to the court. Smolder was holding the ball on the other side of the court, away from their basket, with Aaron getting ready to intercept. She then passed the ball to Aaron and the two headed down the court. Bulldog and Cheese were up front, getting ready to block the two coming down. Aaron then passed the ball towards Gallus who took it and bounced the ball. Spider tried getting the ball, but Gallus passed the ball towards Ocellus, who faked a shot, which TNT fell for. Ocellus then passed the ball to Silverstream, who then passed it to Smolder, and then passed it back towards Aaron, who was near the half court line. He then shot the ball, heading towards the basket. The ball hit the backboard, went towards the rim, and spun around like a top just as the buzzer went off.

The ball kept spinning in the rim. Everyone was watching until the ball went into the basket. The referee blew his whistle. Then all of the players started celebrating, and the crowd joined in.

"That... was awesome!" Gallus said.

"You said it, Gallus," Spider said. Then all of them came together and put their hands, hooves and claws in.

"I can't believe you did that," Jet said.

"You kidding?" Aaron said. "Now that's how you lose a basketball game." Then all of them laughed.

Later that night, Aaron and the Young 6 were all asleep in the living room of Aaron and Marissa's apartment, too tired to even get to Aaron's room or Smolder's apartment.

Marissa smiled at that, went over towards Aaron, who was still in dragon form, and kissed him goodnight. She then said, "You did great, Aaron." She then headed towards the stairs. "Your school's budget is back on track. Enjoy your sleep." She then went upstairs so she could go to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, they all earned the money to bring back everything that the old Principal and Vice Principal of Aaron and Smolder's school stole. From now on, things are gonna be different at that school. Who knows? Maybe Smolder might join the cheer squad when Aaron makes the basketball team.