• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,401 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 4: Garble Visits

Chapter 4: Garble Visits

Aaron and Smolder were playing on the Pool Table that they won from the game show they competed in. Smolder was about to take her turn. Smolder was in her dragon form.

"So you think we'll have a new principal soon?" Smolder asked.

"Hopefully," Aaron said. "Hopefully this one will get rid of all those unfair rules."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "It was already the first week of school and former Principal O'Reilly tried expelling us. Right before he got arrested."

"Liam told me that before he was arrested for embezzling, he's also been rigging the state tests since he started," Aaron said. He then walked away. "I'll be right back." He then put his pool cue on the holder. Smolder rolled her eyes. She then took her shot and she hit the cue ball and it headed towards the orange striped ball and it went into the corner pocket.

"Yes!" Smolder said.

"Nice shot," came a voice from behind her. She turned around and there was her older brother, Garble. "Hey, sis!"

"Gar-Gar?!" Smolder asked. She then dropped her pool cue and ran up to Garble and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't visit my sister?" Garble asked. He then noogied Smolder.

"Gar-Gar! Stop it!" Smolder said, laughing. Just then, Aaron came out of the bathroom and saw the two.

"Whoa! Garble?" Aaron asked. "What brings you here?"

"I thought I'd pay my sister a surprise visit," Garble said. "I thought you two would be in school and surprise you when you got home."

"Yeah, school is temporarily closed," Aaron said.

"Both the Principal and Vice Principal were arrested for embezzling and rigging state tests for years," Smolder said.

"Whoa," Garble said. "Okay. That's nuts."

"You know it," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form.

"Still can't get used to you two changing forms like that," Garble said. "I know that dragons don't really exist in this world, but this is still kinda freaky."

"Meh, we're getting used to it," Smolder said. "But unless we're here in the house, in private somewhere, or in Equestria, we'll have to be human."

"Huh," Garble said. "Kinda weird." He then looked at Aaron. "And I still can't believe my little sister is dating a human turned dragon, who became a legend to the Dragon Lands by the way."

"A legend?" Aaron asked. "All I did was get up to his size and threw him at an upcoming nuclear missile that was aimed right towards us."

"Yeah, but dude, that was awesome," Garble said, patting Aaron's back, knocking him down to the floor. "Whoops. Sorry."

"I still can't believe that the two of you are related," Aaron said.

"What do you mean?" Smolder asked.

"Ever since you started attending the School of Friendship, you've never actually said your brother's name until you, Spike and Fluttershy all headed towards the Dragon Lands together," Aaron said.

"Really?" Smolder asked. She then thought of something. She was remembering all the times she was talking about Garble, but never said his name around the Mane 6 or Spike. She then smacked her head and said, "Guess I really should've said something sooner, huh?"

"No wonder Spike was surprised when he found out that day," Garble said.

"I guess that was on me," Smolder said. Just then, they heard a car pulling up. Aaron and Smolder flew over to a window that was over the staircase and they saw Marissa's car pulling up. "Looks like your aunt is home, Aaron."

"His aunt?" Garble asked. "What happened to his parents?"

Aaron landed and transformed back into his human form and Smolder explained, "Aaron's father didn't want kids. Aaron's mother left him with her sister the same night Aaron's father killed her. Then he was killed by police officers he wanted to kill so there wouldn't be any witnesses."

"Wow," Garble said. "Good mother, awful father. At least Aaron wasn't taken to Equestria when he was a hatchling."

"He wouldn't even know where he came from," Smolder said. "Or immediately drained of life from Ragnarok."

"Good point," Garble said. He then hovered over to the window and saw both Aaron and Marissa getting something out of the back of the car. "What is that they're bringing out of that thing?"

"Must be something for that sport that Aaron wants to play," Smolder said. She then noticed that Garble wasn't wearing a medallion. "Where's that medallion you're supposed to wear? The one that makes you blend in while you're here?"

"Oh, they didn't have one prepared for me," Garble said.

"They had one in Yona's neck size," Smolder said. "It'll fit you."

"Oh, well, I..." Garble said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"You didn't find any, did you?" Smolder asked.

"I didn't even know about them until now," Garble said. Smolder groaned and face-palmed. She then headed downstairs.

Aaron was setting up the Basketball backboard in the living room. Luckily, the backboard came with the proper tools to set it up. Smolder and Garble came in from Smolder's apartment, both in human form. Garble was wearing a red and yellow striped shirt, dark red pants, and red and black shoes.

"I see you're setting up that thing," Smolder said. "What do you call it again?"

"It's a basketball backboard," Aaron said. "Might as well get some practice in time for Basketball season at school."

"Good thinking," Garble said. "Better stay fit."

"Oh, yeah, I remember this," Smolder said. "It's that sport that was being played in the movie, Hatching Pete. Although, where are you gonna hang this?"

Then Marissa came downstairs, saying, "The basketball hoop and backboard will be set up over the garage. The garage that's connected to our part of the house, not Smolder's part."

"Well there's a lot more room on your driveway than mine," Smolder said. "Well, who are we gonna get to set it up?"

"I'll find someone," Marissa said. "I'm sure it'll take some time. Well, until then, who's hungry?"

"What's cookin'?" Garble asked.

"Sorry about my brother, Marissa," Smolder said. "He's usually... I'm gonna stop myself there."

"He's been rough in every episode he was in until we found out he was a closet beat poet," Aaron said.

"You told him?" Garble asked, looking at Smolder, angrily.

"I didn't have to," Smolder said. "Nearly every adventure that Twilight and her friends had were on a TV show. It was the day that you helped save the dragon eggs with your beat poetry that changed your appearance in the show."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Garble said. "But, I'm still upset that someone like him knows about my secret beat poetry." He then smirked. "And I bet he'll be interested in you..."

"He already knows of it, too," Smolder said.

"Oh, really?" Garble asked. Smolder nodded. "Dang it."

That evening, a couple of pizza boxes from Marco's Pizza were placed on the kitchen table. One was a meat lover's, and one was plain cheese. Aaron and Smolder reached for the meat lover's pizza.

"You're seriously eating that?" Garble asked, looking at his sister.

"Well, I kinda have to," Smolder said. "When I came here with Aaron, both our DNA got mixed up. Making both of us half-human, half-dragon. So that means, I have to eat meat."

"Guess that makes sense," Garble said.

"So, how are things back in the Dragon Lands?" Smolder asked.

"Pretty good, actually," Garble said. "Especially with the dragons making a statue of him." Garble pointed a claw at Aaron.

"Seriously?" Aaron asked. "They're making a statue of me in the Dragon Lands?"

"Dude, you're now a legend," Garble said. "You saved both our worlds from this world's government, and vanquished Ragnarok the Reaper on the same day."

"I'm surprised that Aaron became that famous in the Dragon Lands," Marissa said. "Even though he hasn't been there before." She then looked towards Aaron and Smolder. "You haven't been to the Dragon Lands, have you?"

"Not really," Aaron said.

"I was actually thinking of showing him the Dragon Lands before Twilight and Starswirl had come up with a way to get Aaron back here," Smolder said.

"Well, I don't know if it's safe for you to be in a place full of lava," Marissa said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Garble said. "Dragons are able to go into pools of lava like it's a hot tub."

"Oh, right," Marissa said. "I forgot about that. Well, all of you, eat up." She then noticed that Garble had brought some gems from Equestria with him. "Are those... jewels?"

"Gems, actually," Garble said. "Dragons can bite into them like rock candy." He then looked towards Aaron. "Have you tried eating gems while you were in Equestria?"

"Actually, yeah," Aaron said. "Smolder actually brought me some gemstones to try when I was there. They actually tasted like candy."

"Right?" Smolder asked. "To those who are dragons, when you taste a gemstone, it'll make the gemstones taste like fruit candy. Kinda like those Skittles candy."

"Well, I guess it's been nice seeing you again, Smolder," Garble said. "But, I've gotta head on home." Garble took a couple slices of cheese pizza and put them on a paper plate.

"You're not staying the night?" Smolder asked.

"Nah, I've got work to do tomorrow," Garble said. "I just wanted to see how well my little sister is doing here." He then tapped the medallion and changed back into his real self. "It might be a while since I'll see you. Bye." He then headed out of the kitchen area, headed into Smolder's apartment, and went through the mirror.

"I'm surprised he came all this way just to see you," Aaron said.

"Me, too," Smolder said. She then sighed. "Kinda wish he'd stay longer though."

"Guess it's hard being away from your family like that," Aaron said. "I understand why you took some days off from school to visit him."

"Yeah, well, at least Spike and Fluttershy went there to help out with him being down," Smolder said.

"And that was Fluttershy's first time in the Dragon Lands," Aaron said. "And she used to be afraid of the bigger dragons."

"Well, I'm gonna go find someone to set up that basketball hoop," Marissa said. "Hopefully, I can find someone on the internet that's close by."

Eventually, the three of them finished their pizza. The slices they didn't finish, they put in the refrigerator. Well, Smolder took some slices to her fridge in her apartment. Eventually, they all went to bed. Soon, the two young human-dragon hybrids will be back in school as soon as they get a new principal.

Author's Note:

Well, the votes have been tallied. Although, there weren't a lot of comments made on it. Prepare for a chapter that involves the group taking on the Harlem Globetrotters in a Basketball Game.