• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,403 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 20: Final Basketball Game

Chapter 20: Final Basketball Game

It had been a couple months since Christmas. Gallus, Ocellus and Silverstream were back home in Equestria to do their regular things. But as they were going to be there, the three of them were going to be finding any information on Catrina in Equestria.

As for Aaron and Smolder, Basketball Season was almost ending, and the Summer Valley Middle School Dragons had just won the semi-finals of the Basketball Tournament. It was an away game, but luckily, Marissa had picked up Aaron and Smolder from the away game.

"That was awesome, Aaron," Smolder said. "You made the last shot with a three-pointer."

"I agree, Aaron," Marissa said. "You surprised us all there."

"Yeah, I did," Aaron said. "Now there's only one game left in the season for the Summer Valley Middle School Dragons. Then we'll have to get through Spring, and that'll be it for the school year."

"That's right," Marissa said. "Then you two will head on up to High School, and eventually college."

"That depends on what kinda interests me," Smolder said. "Let's just hope there is."

"There's also something that's bothering me," Aaron said. "That Equestrian Witch, Catrina. I wonder if Gallus has found anything on her."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "Who is she? And why was she sent here?"

"The others are looking into it as we speak," Aaron said. "Hopefully, we'll get an answer."

Back in Equestria, in the Canterlot Archives, Gallus was looking up any ancient Equestrian Villains that were anything like what they had an indirect encounter with. He then slammed the book closed.

"Nothing!" Gallus said while slamming the book closed. "There's nothing about her here!"

"Hey, rookie!" came another guard's voice. It was the voice of Flash Magnus. "We need to close up soon, so finish up there."

"Oh, yes, sir, Captain sir!" Gallus said. He then grumbled. "Sorry, Aaron. I can't find anything on Catrina." He then grabbed the book but it slipped out of his hands, opening the book on the floor to the index. Gallus then tried grabbing the book, but then he noticed the chapter, "Catrina: The Wicked Witch". Gallus then went wide eyed. He then checked the page number. He then changed to the page, but where Catrina's chapter was, it wasn't there. "What? It's not here? How...?" He then noticed that the pages he was looking for were ripped out. "Missing pages?" He then grabbed the book and flew out of the archives.

"What is that?" Flash Magnus asked.

"A book that was supposed to have the answers about what me and my friends encountered back in Aaron's world," Gallus said. "But the problem is that those pages are missing. I need to have a talk with Princess Twilight immediately."

"That's gonna be hard," Flash Magnus said. "Princess Twilight hasn't been really around lately. She has been really busy in the royal quarters, and I don't know what she's been doing."

"Well then, guess I'll just have to go up there myself," Gallus said.

"No," Flash Magnus stated. "Princess Twilight wants to have total privacy with whatever she's doing. And we have to respect that."

Gallus then thought about it and said, "Perhaps I should talk to Spike and have him pass a message to Twilight. Then maybe she and I can talk."

"Here's hoping," Flash Magnus said. "C'mon. You need to get back to your quarters. It's almost curfew."

"You got it," Gallus said. He then started flying away from there as Flash Magnus was locking up the archives.

Back on Earth, the Summer Valley Middle School Basketball team were warming up for their final game. Aaron was getting his basketball shoes on as Coach Little was talking.

"Alright, boys," Coach Little said. "This is our final game, and we're up against the one team that is undefeated this school year. The North Orlando Mountain Lions. If we win this game, we'll be the best Middle School Basketball Team in the area."

"And we've made it this far due to the great skills of our friend, Aaron Blazer," Paul called out, making the other boys celebrating towards Aaron.

"Alright, alright," Coach Little said. "Settle down. Okay, so we haven't been able to pull off a win against this team, but we're gonna do our very best. Ready for this, boys?"

"You know it," Aaron said. "Let's do this!"

"Alright, boys, Dragons on Three!" Coach Little said, putting his hand in, which all the boys did as well. "One... two... three..."

"DRAGONS!!" they all called out. Then they all headed out of the locker room, heading for the basketball court. As they went out, all the people in the bleachers started cheering for the basketball teams coming out of the locker rooms. The people were cheering for their respected team.

In the audience, Marissa and Liam were watching Aaron and the other basketball players on the court. With them, they had Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream and Ocellus in human form.

"Wow," Sandbar said. "This place is very loud."

"Not as loud as the basketball game where our friends played the Harlem Globetrotters," Yona said. "It was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen!"

"Still can't get used to you talking in clear sentences, Yona," Ocellus said.

"I requested it, remember?" Yona asked.

"Right," Ocellus said.

"Hey, there he is!" Sandbar said, pointing towards Aaron on the court. He was practicing layups with the rest of the team. "Looks like he and the others are warming up."

"It's always good for the players to warm up before the game," Liam said. "Especially in the finals of the Middle School Basketball Tournament."

"I still can't believe that Gallus isn't coming to see this," Silverstream said. "He wouldn't want to miss something like this."

"He would, but he's still looking up information of Catrina back in Equestria," Ocellus said. "If only the information was found sooner. Otherwise, he would've joined us."

Then both teams huddled up and were talking with their coaches. Coach Little then said, "Alright, boys. This is it. Keep your heads up, and we'll be the winners of the Middle School Basketball Tournament in Central Florida. Take a look at your opponents." Then the group looked towards the team. They were especially looking at one player who was about the same height as Aaron, but with short blonde hair, in the style of a buzz cut. His white and orange uniform had the number 13 on it.

"That guy looks intense," Aaron said.

"Dude, that's Bryce Pierce!" Paul said.

"That's Bryce Pierce?!" Kyle asked. "I've heard of him. rumor has it he keeps getting expelled from each school he attends for unfair plays in every sport he plays."

"I heard he kicked the leg of one of his opponents in soccer while one of the referees wasn't looking," Paul said.

"Well, I guess we'll have to be extremely careful around that guy," Coach Little said. He then looked towards Aaron. "Especially you, Aaron."

"Don't worry, Coach," Aaron said. "I won't let you down."

"Alright, boys," Coach Little said. "Hands in!" Then they all put their hands in. "One... two... three..."

"Dragons!" they all called out. Then Aaron, Paul, Kyle and two more of the Summer Valley Middle School Basketball Players went onto the court. Paul was going to go for the jump ball. Then Bryce Pierce came up to Aaron.

"So, you're the, so called, best player of the Summer Valley Basketball Team, huh?" Bryce asked, giving a dark smirk towards Aaron. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy making you look like a fool tonight."

"We'll see about that," Aaron said. Then the referee blew his whistle and threw the ball straight up. Paul got the ball and passed it to Aaron, but as he was about to head to his team's basket, he tripped. During the trip, Bryce took the ball and started dribbling it towards his team's basket, jumped towards the basket and dunked it.

"Yeah!" Bryce called out.

Aaron was getting up, surrounded by his teammates. Smolder then ran up to Aaron, in human form, and wore her cheerleader outfit. She then asked, "Are you okay?"

"Kyle, I think you might be right about that guy being a cheater," Aaron said.

"I tried to warn him," Kyle said.

"No you didn't," Paul said. "C'mon, it's our ball." Then they all went back to their positions while Smolder went back to her fellow cheerleaders.

"It's alright! It's okay! We're gonna get that point on you, today!" the cheerleaders cheered.

Kyle was at the end of the court about to pass the ball to Aaron. He then passed it, and the two started heading towards the other side of the court. Bryce was at the half court line, trying to keep Aaron from passing him. Aaron then tried passing the ball to Kyle, but Bryce was all over him. Aaron eventually saw Paul wide open. Aaron passed the ball to Paul, but after he did, while the referee wasn't looking, Bryce elbowed Aaron's gut, making Aaron go down. Bryce then ran quickly to Paul, snatched the ball, and headed back towards his team's basket, and did a layup.

The ref noticed Aaron's pain and blew the whistle. The ref then walked over towards Aaron and asked if he was okay.

"That guy Bryce, number 13, he just elbowed my gut after I passed the ball," Aaron said to the ref. The referee then looked towards the scorekeepers.

"Number 13, white, personal foul," the referee said. "Number 1, red, two shots. Second basket made by white team, no points awarded."

"C'mon, ref!" Bryce said, walking up to the ref and Aaron. "I barely touched the guy!" Just then, Smolder came up to Bryce with an angry look. "Whoa! 'Sup, girl?" He then did a clicking noise, trying to impress Smolder.

"Do that again, I'll make sure you'll get a lesson you'll never forget," Smolder said, giving a grimace."

"Hey, what did I do, girl?" Bryce asked, trying to act innocent. Smolder then helped Aaron get to the foul line.

"That guy's trying the innocent act," Smolder said. "Kinda like Cozy Glow."

"At least Cozy Glow got caught at the end," Aaron said, making Smolder nod in agreement. Aaron was then given the ball as Smolder went back to the cheerleaders.

"C'mon, Aaron!" Sandbar called out.

"We believe in you!" Silverstream cried out. Then she, Sandbar, Yona and Ocellus started clapping five times.

"Let's go, Aaron!" the four of them called out. Then the rest of the crowd started getting in on it. Aaron then took a deep breath. He then shot the ball and it went into the basket. Everyone there cheered. Then the crowd did the chant. Bryce on the other hand tried sneaking off towards Aaron. He then did a sweep kick right before Aaron was about to make a shot, causing him to trip. That did not go unnoticed by the ref. He blew the whistle.

"Illegal action!" the ref called out. "North Orlando Mountain Lions are disqualified. Summer Valley Middle School takes the win!" Then the crowd started booing Bryce for making an illegal move. Bryce was surprised at that. But then, his coach walked up to him.

"So the rumors about you were right," the coach of North Orlando Middle School said. "You got us disqualified. You have brought shame to the North Orlando Middle School Basketball Team. I will be telling the principal about your behavior."

"Oh, c'mon, coach!" Bryce said. "Don't do this to me! I promise I'll eaz up!"

"You've been making promises ever since you've joined the basketball team, and you keep breaking them," the coach said. "I'm making sure you get suspended." Then the coach started pulling Bryce towards the exit, and the rest of the team started following them.

Smolder and Paul were helping Aaron up. Paul then asked, "You okay?"

"That was kinda a hollow victory," Aaron said.

"Meh, just take the win," Smolder said.

Back in Equestria, the next morning, Twilight was coming out of her room, tired. She yawned closed the door as quietly as she could. Just then, Spike ran up to her, holding the book that Gallus was looking at the other day.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted. Twilight then covered Spike's mouth with a hoof.

"Shh!" Twilight said. "I just got her to sleep."

"Sorry," Spike said. "Anyway, you should see this. According to Gallus, while he, Aaron, Smolder, Silverstream and Ocellus were in Hawaii, which was a big tourist destination in Aaron's world, they experienced magic from an old Equestrian Villain that was banished to that world for... who knows how long."

"What?!" Twilight asked. She then covered her mouth with a hoof. She waited a few seconds and asked, "Can you tell me more?"

"Anyway, Gallus was trying to look up that Equestrian villain, and he found out that the pages of that villain were ripped out," Spike said. "Apparently, the name of this villain is... Catrina."

"Catrina?" Twilight asked. "Never heard of her. Perhaps Celestia and Luna might know about her. I'll go ask them as soon as I get the chance." Just then, Twilight heard something coming from her room. "Oh, dear. Not again." She then sighed. "Go do your daily schedule. I've got something to take care of." She then headed back into her room. Across from the royal chambers, there was a baby crib. Twilight walked over towards it and looked inside it. "Hey, there. It's okay. Mommy's here."

Inside the crib, there was a baby foal wrapped in a blanket. It was a black alicorn baby filly, with a mane that was purple, and turquoise eyes. The eyes had dagger shaped pupils, and the whites of the eyes were a lighter shade than how normal eyes were supposed to be. This was a baby Nightmare Moon, but Twilight decided to call her the name of the main character of the MLP fanfiction she got from Aaron.

"It's okay, Nyx," Twilight said. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I'll make sure of it." Baby Nyx looked up at Twilight, and started giggling. She then tried reaching out for Twilight, but she fell forward. Twilight caught her and brought her to her hooves, and started rocking her. "It's okay, Nyx. Mommy's here for you."

Author's Note:

Well, Twilight's gonna be looking for some information about Catrina, and it's gonna be a little bit hard having a foal of her own to look after. And as for Aaron and Smolder, they're still gonna have to be careful. If Catrina does come for them, they're gonna have to prepare themselves.