• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,403 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

  • ...

Chapter 17: Christmas Shopping

Chapter 17: Christmas Shopping

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were helping with decorating the Christmas Tree they had put in the living room area behind the couch. Gallus, in griffon form, was putting some ornaments high near the tree top.

"This Christmas Holiday is a lot less like how that band of aliens described it in the song they sang in the beginning of that Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special," Gallus said.

"Those aliens twisted what Christmas is all about," Aaron said.

"If all the dragons in the Dragon Lands heard that song, they would totally like it," Smolder said. "Especially my brother's friends."

"Careful with your wings, Gallus," Marissa said, walking into the living room. "We don't want the breeze from your wings to make too much of a mess. We have to clean up this hotel room before we leave."

"Right," Gallus said. "Sorry, Miss Blazer." He then landed on the ground.

"Alright, Aaron," Marissa said. "It's time you do some Christmas Shopping for the family."

"Really?" Aaron asked. "When are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Actually, Aaron," Marissa said. "You're old enough to do some shopping on your own. I think you can handle doing some Christmas Shopping on your own."

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" Smolder asked.

"You're all creatures that are technically mythical in this world," Marissa said. "I'm sure you can handle yourselves." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Then they changed into their dragon forms.

"I guess that's true," Smolder said. "Us being fire breathing dragons, and a griffon." Marissa then started typing on her cell phone. Which caused a ding to come from Aaron's phone. Aaron pulled it out and checked the message. "That is a list of Christmas Gifts for the family. Find a place that wraps presents before coming back here."

"You got it," Aaron said. "Now we've just gotta come up with an excuse just to get out of the hotel room."

"Perhaps we'll just say that we'll go exploring around the place," Gallus said. "Of course we'll have to go out without the rest of the family getting suspicious."

"I'm sure we can think of something," Smolder said. Just then, Aaron's grandparents came into the hotel room, carrying supplies for dinner.

"That tree's starting to look good," Aaron's Grandpa said.

"Thanks," Smolder said. "It's only a matter of time before Gallus here ruins it." She then chuckled.

"That was one time, and I didn't want to go home for the holiday break," Gallus said. He then sighed. "At least I was invited on this holiday vacation."

"Yeah, that's true," Smolder said.

"It's not right to spend the holidays alone," Aaron said.

"Thanks, buddy," Gallus said, patting Aaron's shoulder. "Guess we really are best friends."

"Well, everyone," Aaron's Grandpa said. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour. We're having chicken legs." He then thought of something. "Is that offensive for griffons... you know. Them eating chicken?"

"Oh, no, we griffons do eat chicken," Gallus said. "Why does everyone think we're not capable of eating chicken?"

"Maybe because griffons are half eagle," Aaron said. "And just like chickens, they're birds."

"Oh," Gallus said. He started pushing Aaron and Smolder away, down the hall and into the bathroom. He then asked, "So, where do we start first?"

The next morning, Aaron, Smolder and Gallus, all in human form, started walking out of the front doors of the hotel room. The three of them looked around.

"Okay, Aaron, you better call for a Lyft," Smolder said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "With all this technology, it's starting to bring out the taxi services. All this summoning a car through your phone instead of just calling out 'Taxi'."

"You called?!" came Dang's voice. The three teens looked towards the voice and saw Dang standing next to a taxi with the words "You Called? Taxi Cabs". Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus screamed.

"Dang? Why are you driving a taxi?" Aaron asked.

"Dang? I'm not Dang," the taxi driver said. "I'm his twin brother, Ding."

"Ding?" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus asked in unison.

"You wouldn't happen to have another brother do you?" Aaron asked. "One named...

"Dung, yes," Ding responded.

"Dung?" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus asked in unison.

"I almost thought that he was gonna say Dong," Aaron said. "The song, Frere Jacques last words were Ding, Dang, Dong." Smolder and Gallus snickered.

"So, where do you want me to take you?" Ding asked.

"Uh... how about some place with great shopping?" Aaron asked.

"Alrighty, get in," Ding said. Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus got into the back of the taxi cab. But then Ding appeared in the driver's seat. "Okay, I'm taking you to the Kahala Mall. We'll be there in time for opening."

"Are you here in Hawaii to spend some family time with Dang?" Aaron asked.

"What?" Ding asked. "No. Dang and I hate each other. We've been fighting for me marrying Shirley."

"Who's Shirley?" Smolder asked. Just then Ding held up his wife, Shirley, who was a duck. "You married a duck?!"

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"Because I said yes," Ding said. He then put Shirley down, turned to face forward, and started driving off, taking the three teens towards the mall.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus arrived at the Kahala Mall. The doors just opened, and people started walking in. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus started looking around.

"Wow," Smolder said. "This place is big."

"You kidding?" Gallus asked. "You should've seen the shopping mall that Canterlot had recently opened up."

"Really?" Aaron asked.

"No," Gallus said. Then the three of them started laughing. Then they started walking. They went towards a directory. They looked at all the different stores that were on the map. Gallus then saw a store called GameStop. Then he remembered something the previous night.

The night before, Marissa was talking with Gallus as Aaron was in the bathroom.

"So, you forgot to get the last thing on Aaron's Christmas Wish List?" Gallus asked.

"Yes," Marissa said. "I checked with the rest of the family, and they didn't get him the last thing he wanted either. So, I want you to go into one store and buy it without Aaron finding out."

"If I can come up with an excuse, buy the gift, get it back here, and go back to Aaron and Smolder in time without suspicion, that's gonna be hard," Gallus said. "I need to be faster than Rainbow Dash to do that. Even I'm not that fast."

"Dang," Marissa said. Just then, there was a knocking on the sliding glass door, and there stood Dang on the other side.

"You called?!" Dang called out from the other side of the door. Marissa and Gallus screamed at Dang. Gallus then looked down at himself, seeing his griffon form. He then got nervous. "No need for that! Aaron had already told me about you! He told the whole school about his time in Equestria!"

"Wow," Gallus said. "This guy is unpredictable as Pinkie Pie and faster than Rainbow Dash."

"I think we might have a way to get that gift back here without Aaron seeing it," Marissa said. Gallus gave a smug look as well.

It then went back to Aaron, Smolder and Gallus checking out the mall directory. Gallus then bent forward to make him look like he had to do something.

"Hey, guys," Gallus said. "Sorry, to leave you guys, but I really need to use the restroom."

"Okay, just meet us at Ross on the second floor over here," Aaron said, pointing towards where the Ross store was. Gallus nodded. Lucky for him, it was in the same direction as where he wanted to go. Gallus then started running towards his destination.

Gallus went through the mall, looking for where he was trying to find. He then saw the store he was looking for. GameStop. He then went in and saw only five people were in the store, looking for some games.

"Wow, this place isn't so busy," Gallus said. He then looked around at all the things and then he saw something. It was the Mario Kart Steering Wheel. But it wasn't the one he was looking for. "Dang."

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing next to Gallus, making him scream. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," Gallus said. He then pulled out something. "Anyway, I'm trying to find this thing for Aaron to get, but it's not here. All that's here is that normal version."

"Oh, I see," Dang said. "Well, I think I can help you find it." He then walked out of the store as Gallus watched. Just then, Dang reappeared behind Gallus. "I found it!" Gallus screamed again. "Best Buy has 'em."

"Oh, man," Gallus said. "Now I really need to use the restroom."

"Already there," Dang said. Gallus looked around and he saw that he and Dang were in the men's restroom. "Luckily I got you here before your friends were coming by.

"Oh, one more thing," Gallus said. "Your relationship with your twin brother, Ding. Can't you two forget about it and just bury the hatchet?"

"Why should I?" Dang asked. "Ding is a complete weirdo for marrying a duck. The only one who still likes him is our youngest brother, Dung."

"Guess he was the least liked of your family," Gallus said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dang asked.

"You do realize that Dung is another word for poop, right?" Gallus asked.

"Oh," Dang said. "That explains all the potty humor towards him. Okay, well, see you later." He then walked out of the restroom.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus then walked into a Best Buy in Honolulu. Aaron was holding a bag full of stuff, each wrapped in Christmas Wrapping Paper.

"Wow," Gallus said. "This place has so much technology."

"You know it," Aaron said. He then looked around. "Before I get to business, I gotta use the restroom myself. You two look around if you want." Aaron then headed towards the restroom. Smolder and Gallus looked at each other. Then they started walking around, separating.

Gallus went over to the video games section and saw what he was looking for. He then said, "Score."

Lucky for Gallus, it was the last one. He then grabbed it and headed for a nearby cash register. The cashier helped him with checking it out. Gallus paid the amount with cash he had gotten from Marissa, and he got the change back. He then walked over towards the computers and saw Smolder walking up to him, holding something.

"What is that?" Smolder asked, looking at the thing that Gallus was holding.

"Aaron's aunt asked me to get him this while we were out," Gallus said. "It's the last thing on his wish list. What is that?"

"This is something that can connect to Aaron's phone," Smolder said. "It's actually pretty cool." She then looked towards somewhere and saw Aaron walking out of the hall where the restrooms were. "Shoot. He's coming this way."

"Dang," Gallus said.

"You called?" Dang asked, appearing next to them. Then the two of them screamed. "Don't worry. I got this." Dang then grabbed the two gifts that Smolder and Gallus purchased and started walking away. Then he reappeared behind them. "All done!" Smolder and Gallus then screamed. "Okay, that's all I'm here for. Merry Christmas." He then started walking away.

Then Aaron walked up to the two and asked, "Was that Dang?"

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Is that guy so unpredictable with that trick of his?"

"More than you think," Aaron said. "One time, he said his own name, and a copy of him appeared, scaring all of us there."

"Yeah, that was pretty freaky," Smolder said. Then the three of them walked over towards one part of the electronics area and walked up towards the counter. Smolder then said, "Now I've got to go." She then headed off towards the bathroom.

"That's convenient," Aaron said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gallus asked.

"I also ordered something for her here," Aaron said. "I called ahead and ordered something for both her, and Reggie."

"Really?" Gallus asked. "What'cha get them?"

"For Reggie, I've gotten him his own 2-in-1 laptop," Aaron said. "So he doesn't have to steal mine anymore."

"I suggest you also get Reggie a computer bag," the man at the counter said. "What's your name, son?"

"Aaron Blazer," Aaron responded. The man nodded, kneeled down, and pulled out two boxes. One containing the computer Aaron ordered for Reggie, and another Apple Watch box.

"You... ordered an Apple Watch?" Gallus asked.

"It's for... Samantha," Aaron said. "Might as well get her something to connect with her phone."

"She the girl with the purple hair?" the man at the counter asked.

"Yes," Aaron said. "This is going to surprise her."

"Okay then," the man said. He then typed on the computer and said, "That'll be one thousand, one hundred sixty-seven dollars and twenty three cents."

"Wow," Gallus said. "That's a lot of money to pay."

"We're in the twenty first century, young man," the man at the counter said. "Everything's getting more and more expensive."

Gallus then thought about it and said, "Yeah, I guess that's true." Aaron then paid the man in cash.

"Whoa, where'd you get all that money?" the man asked.

"Let's just say my aunt has been lucky on her career of selling clothing," Aaron said.

"Wait, you're the nephew of the new clothing brand CEO, Marissa Blazer of Blazing Fashions?" the man asked.

"That's right," Aaron said. "Well, we gotta go." He then received the change and he and Gallus headed towards the door. Aaron put the Apple Watch box into his jacket pocket as the two of them were heading for the door. Smolder then came back and all of them left Best Buy.

"So, back to the resort?" Gallus asked.

"Yeah, we're done," Aaron said. "Yo, taxi!"

"You called?!" Ding asked. Ding appeared with his taxi cab right by the curb. Then the three teens screamed.

"Dang," Gallus said.

"You called?!" came Dang's voice from behind the teens. Then the teens, and Ding, screamed. "Ding!"

"Dang!" Ding responded.

"We called?!" came the voices of Dang and Ding from the side of the building. They saw copies of Dang and Ding leaning on the building. Then the teens, Dang and Ding screamed.

"Okay, this is getting weird," Gallus said. "How about we just go?" Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus started running away. Dang and Ding then looked at each other, angrily.

"Now look what you did," Ding said. "I just lost some customers."

"Two of those customers happen to be students of the school I work at," Dang said. "They're good friends of mine there."

"Oh, I'm gonna take you down," Ding said.

"Not if I take you down first for marrying a duck!" Dang said. Then they started fighting each other with martial arts.

The Blazer Family, Smolder, Gallus and Liam were all about to enter a restaurant, and their host came up to them. He looked like Dang and Ding.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked. "You should not have come! Go home, and never return!"

"Uh... what?" Gallus asked.

"Dung!" came Dang's voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw Dang and Ding sitting at a nearby table. "You are the worst restaurant host Hawaii has ever had! No wonder you were fired from the head of tourism back in Vietnam!" The group looked back at the host, Dung. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Then a new host, or rather, hostess, came up to them.

"Sorry about Dung," the hostess said. "He's new here. So, how many are in your party?"

"Ten," Marissa said.

"Right this way," the hostess said. She then led them all towards where they were going to be sitting. But from outside, there were a pair of green cat eyes in a black silhouette looking in from outside. The eyes were glowing. Whoever owned those eyes were scanning the group, and saw that Aaron, Smolder and Gallus had something that the other humans did not.

"Equestrian Magic..." the figure said. It was a female voice. "Finally... for the past one thousand years, I can finally return to reclaim what is mine. Meow-hahahahaha!"

Author's Note:


Silverstream and Ocellus decide to surprise Aaron and Smolder at their home, but we all know that Aaron and Smolder, along with Marissa and Gallus, were out of town, spending the holidays in Hawaii. They left the place, and they needed to find a way to get to Hawaii. How will they get there?

Option 1:


Option 2:

Cruise Ship

Option 3:


Most votes will be the final decision. Hoping to get a lot of votes on this one.