• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,401 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 22: Forced to Stay in Equestria

Chapter 22: Forced to Stay in Equestria

Aaron and Smolder arrived back at their home after school was finished. Aaron headed for the door with the key he had, and was about to put it into the locking mechanism.

"A week with no school," Smolder said. "So, what are we gonna do for the week?"

"Well, I guess we can go to Equestria for a couple days to search up Catrina," Aaron said, unlocking the door. When they got in, they were surprised to see a bunch of Canterlot Royal Guards, including Gallus and Flash Magnus. "What the heck?!"

"Aaron Blazer, Smolder, Princess Twilight needs both of you in her presence," Flash Magnus said.

"What for?" Aaron asked. Just then, Marissa's car pulled up to the driveway. Marissa got out of the car and headed for the door. When she got through the doorway, she saw the Royal Guards.

"What's going on here?" Marissa asked. Just then, the door leading to Smolder's apartment opened up, and Twilight Sparkle walked through the door.

"I can tell you what's going on, Miss Blazer," Twilight said. "An Equestrian villain was banished here to this world, long ago. And if she finds Equestrian Magic in this world, she'll stop at nothing to get all the magic of Equestria. And to prevent that from happening, I'm very sorry about this... but I'm gonna have to take Aaron and Smolder back to Equestria, and sever the link to this world... forever."

"WHAT?!" Aaron, Smolder and Marissa asked in unison.

"Not this again," Smolder said, angrily. "Aaron wasn't safe in Equestria because of Ragnarok, now we're not safe here because of Catrina. Make up your mind!"

"Yeah, that's true," Twilight said, thinking about it. "But we don't really have a choice here. We must run now."

"No," Aaron said. "I'm not going anywhere. You can't make me!" He then transformed into his dragon form, along with Smolder.

Twilight sighed and said, "I'm sorry for this. For the sake of Equestria, you must stay in Equestria, permanently." She then lit up her horn making Aaron, Smolder and Marissa drowsy. Eventually, all three of them passed out. Gallus got nervous at this. But then, Twilight spoke again. "Gallus, retrieve the book that Aaron had to communicate with you."

"Uh... y-yes, ma'am," Gallus said. He then sighed. He saw some of the guards carrying Aaron and Smolder towards Smolder's part of the house, and into the portal. Some guards helped with carrying Marissa towards the Master Bedroom. Gallus went up to Aaron's room to find the book ashamed that he had to take the book.

Gallus went into Aaron's room to find the book. He was looking around for the book. He looked under the bed, in the closet, and even Aaron's desk.

"It's gotta be here somewhere," Gallus said. He then opened up the bedside drawer and saw the book. He then got surprised. Then another guard spoke up.

"Hurry up, trainee," the guard said.

"Uh... okay," Gallus said. As soon as the guards headed downstairs, Gallus quickly went into Marissa's room, and hid the book under Marissa's pillow. "Sorry, Twilight. But you know this isn't right." He then headed downstairs towards the portal, where Twilight was.

"So, where's the book?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know," Gallus said. "Aaron must've hidden it pretty good. He probably didn't want one of his school friends finding it and taking it home with 'em."

Twilight sighed and said, "As long as it's hidden, we'll be safe. But for now, we're gonna have to take the book connected to this portal and take it back to Equestria."

"But wouldn't that close the portal on this end?" Gallus asked. "How will you get back?"

"Hey, I was the one who brought the portal to this world, remember?" Twilight asked. "I can bring this book back to Equestria. Now, get on through the portal." Gallus sighed and went through the portal. As soon as Gallus was on the other side, Twilight took the book out of the slot, and then she teleported herself and the book back to Equestria.

Back in Equestria, Aaron was waking up. He groaned as he opened up his eyes to see Smolder over him. From his view, Smolder was upside down. He then got surprised and sat up, almost hitting Smolder's forehead with his own.

"What happened?" Aaron asked.

"Apparently, Twilight used a drowsiness spell on both of us," Smolder answered. Aaron then noticed something around Smolder's neck. It was a black strap necklace with purple gems in them.

"What's that around your neck?" Aaron asked.

"Honestly, I don't know," Smolder said. "But for now, we should get out of this dungeon."

Aaron then realized where he and Smolder were. They were in a dungeon cell. He then asked, "Why are we in a dungeon?!"

Then the latch on the dungeon door opened up, revealing a royal guard. He then said, "Princess Twilight wanted both of you to stay in this dungeon until the portal to Earth is destroyed."

"WHAT?!" Aaron and Smolder asked shockingly.

"Listen, pal," Smolder said. "Aaron just got back to Earth last year. And what about his aunt Marissa?! She's his legal guardian!"

"Marissa Blazer will be staying on Earth," the guard said. "Besides, humans need meat to survive and she can barely get any here. Especially with what the griffons are charging for meat these days."

"You can't keep us in here!" Aaron said. "I want out! I want..." Aaron's voice was starting to get deeper, but then the collar he was wearing shocked him. "Gah! Ow!"

"Sorry about that," the guard said. "Princess Twilight wanted you to stay in this dungeon. Those collars are able to prevent you from using your dragon abilities. Such as fire breathing, flight, even your greed induced bigness. You'll be out of there once the portal to Earth is permanently gone." He then closed the latch.

Aaron then fell onto his knees. Smolder then went onto her knees right in front of Aaron, and she hugged him, rubbing his back as well.

"It's okay, Aaron," Smolder said. "Gallus will probably get us out."

"Gallus was there when we were encountered by those guards," Aaron said. "I thought he was my best friend. I can't believe he did this."

"I saw how Gallus was looking at us when we were back there," Smolder said. "He was ashamed about what was happening. Being with him at the School of Friendship long enough, I know how he feels."

"You sure you're not really Ocellus?" Aaron asked, smugly. That made Smolder laugh.

"Well, at least we'll get a good laugh," Smolder said. Aaron then sighed, losing his happy thoughts. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I need to be with my family," Aaron said. "They can't just keep me here forever."

"I know, Aaron," Smolder said. "Heck, this isn't how I wanted to spend Spring Break. We need to find a way out of here."

"Psst," came a whispering voice. Aaron and Smolder looked around. "Hey, guys. Over here." Aaron and Smolder looked towards the voice and saw a barred window with Gallus on the other side.

"Gallus?" Aaron asked.

"Sh!" Gallus said. "Listen, I'm gonna get you both out of here."

"Why should I listen to you?" Aaron asked, angrily. "You took us away from our home."

"I know, and honestly, I was totally against it from the very beginning," Gallus responded. "Right now, Twilight is trying to find a way to get the portal destroyed. But luckily, I came up with a plan ahead."

In the Treehouse of Harmony, Twilight was heading into the room where the portal to Earth was. Spike was with her as the two were heading in.

"Are you sure this is wise, Twilight?" Spike asked. "I mean, Aaron does belong there."

"I do know that, Spike," Twilight said. "But I just can't risk it." She then sighed. "We just have to get this..." She then went wide eyed. Where the portal stood, it was no longer there. "Where's the portal?! WHERE'S THE PORTAL?!"

In the catacombs of Equestria, Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream were putting the portal back together how it was set up.

"And with that... it is done," Ocellus said.

"It's a good thing you remembered how it went, Ocellus," Sandbar said. "Otherwise, Aaron and Smolder would be stuck here for the rest of their lives."

"Yona can't believe that pony princess would keep Aaron away from his family!" Yona said. "Yona would smash her if she wasn't royalty!"

"Even if she was royalty or not, you would still be in big trouble," Ocellus said. She then pulled out the book that Gallus uses to contact Aaron. "I just hope this one works as much as the other set of connecting books."

"Let's find out," Silverstream said. She then took the book and opened it up.

Meanwhile, back in the Canterlot dungeon, Aaron and Smolder were waiting for their escape. Smolder was tapping her foot impatiently.

"How long is this gonna take?" Smolder asked. "Twilight didn't even think of bringing our tech here for some entertainment."

"She probably thinks we'd use it to contact someone," Aaron said. "But with the portal closed, there's no way of contacting anyone on the other side."

"Okay, that makes sense," Smolder said. "Although, for doing something stupid, I'd probably stink up her room with a homemade stink bomb. Or, better yet, get a dragon hatchling who's really gassy and aim its butt at Twilight's face, like at the end of that one Tell Your Tale short." Aaron then laughed.

"Even though she works for Opaline, I feel bad for Misty there," Aaron said, making Smolder nod in agreement with him. "Although, the real question is, how did Misty end up with Opaline in the first place?"

"That's a good question," Smolder said.

"Alright guys," came Gallus's voice from the window. "My plan to break you out is a success." Then the sound of the guards groaning from the other side of the door came to their attention.

"What was that?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, I got someone to come and get you guys out of there without any of them realizing what happened?" Gallus asked.

"Who?" Smolder asked.

"You didn't call," came Dang's voice. Dang appeared right in between Aaron and Smolder. The collars they had on were now in Dang's hands. "But I appear anyway." Aaron and Smolder screamed at Dang's sudden appearance.

"Dang," Smolder said.

"That time you called," Dang's voice came from the door, which was wide open. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus all screamed.

"Dang, get them out of here and to the portal," Gallus said. "Do the same with..."

"Already did," Dang said, interrupting them. They were all in the catacombs underneath the school. Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream all screamed at their sudden appearance.

"Whoa," Aaron said. "Okay, that's something I'll never get used to."

"Trust me, it's not easy to master," Dang said. "Now, c'mon. Let's get you all home." He then headed through the portal. Aaron and Smolder nodded. Gallus, after removing his armor, got one of the medallions he uses to turn himself into a human and put it on. Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona did the same with their medallions, and all seven of the young ones went through the portal.

Aaron and the Young Six arrived back on Earth, in Smolder's apartment. Aaron looked around. He then smiled and turned back into his human form.

Aaron then went back into his house and called out, "Aunt Marissa! Are you here?!"

Then Marissa came running down the stairs. She then ran up to Aaron and gave him a hug. She then said, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Not to sound rude here, but we gotta get out of here before Twilight realizes where we are," Gallus said. "Where are we gonna hide."

"We're not gonna hide," Aaron said. "I'm starting to get tired of being pushed around. Ragnarok, Principal O'Reilly, Miley Brands, Bryce Pierce. They've been pushing us around for too long. Right now, I think it's time we finish off Catrina once and for all. We're going back to Hawaii."

"But we don't know where in Hawaii Catrina is," Silverstream said.

"The magic that was in those Aulani employees was taken out of them, and headed into the mountains," Aaron said. "When we go back to Oahu, we'll start there."

"I'll get us some plane tickets there," Marissa said. "Go pack up some stuff." Aaron and Smolder nodded, both of them heading towards their rooms.

"So..." Gallus said. "This is gonna be interesting."

"With what you've all been through, especially with Ragnarok, I wouldn't be surprised," Marissa said. She then sighed. "You do realize when Twilight figures out you were the one responsible, you'll be in big trouble right. Court marshaled, even."

Gallus sighed and said, "I would rather lose my job than lose a friends trust. You know what I mean?"

"I do," Marissa said. "Anyway, let's get you kids some clothes to pack."

Back in Equestria, Twilight was putting Nyx to bed in the crib. She then kissed Nyx's forehead. As soon as Twilight was done, there was a silent knocking at the door. Twilight was confused at that. She then put an invisibility field around the crib and diaper changing station, making everything there invisible. She then headed for the door and opened it up. Outside, there was Flash Magnus.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"We found the portal," Flash Magnus said.

"Good, where was it?" Twilight asked.

"It was underneath the school you opened up," Flash Magnus said. "And apparently... this was in the slot." He then held up the book that Gallus had contacted Aaron with, making Twilight gasp. "It appears that the griffon trainee... has gone rogue."

Twilight then got angry. She then asked, "Why would Gallus do that? Why would he purposely break out Aaron and Smolder when we're specifically trying to protect them?"

"Maybe it was because you were trying to make Aaron feel like how Gallus was," Flash Magnus said. "In a world with no family of his own."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"I think you were doing what Star Swirl was doing," Flash Magnus stated. "He wanted Smolder to remain on Earth with Aaron with no way to contact her friends with Ragnarok awakening. And now, you're trying to do the same with Aaron, trying to keep him away from Catrina in such a similar way."

Twilight then realized what she did. She then sat on her haunches, her breathing in shock. She then said, "What have I done? I almost made the same mistake that Star Swirl did." She then sighed. "I... I need to be alone." She then used her magic to take the book she made for Gallus to contact Aaron, and closed the door. Twilight then leaned on the door, hugging the book. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I'm so, so sorry."

The next evening, on Earth, Aaron, the young 6, who were all in human form, and Marissa were all heading towards the plane that would take them to Hawaii.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Sandbar asked.

"I'm sure it is," Aaron said. "Because I have no idea what we're gonna do if it doesn't."

"We still don't know that much about Catrina, though," Gallus said. "How are we gonna beat her?"

"We need to think of what she is," Aaron said. "She's a cat witch, right. So, we're gonna have to figure out how to beat her on our own. And nothing's gonna stop us."

They eventually made it to their plane, and it took off, heading to Hawaii for their battle against Catrina.

Author's Note:

Okay, the votes have been tallied. This is gonna be one interesting battle for the Young 6 and Aaron. Be sure to tune in for the next chapter when it comes out.