• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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105. Preparing for the future, learning about the past

“After you, Princesses, Lady.” Matthias said, bowing, as he held the door to his office open for Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. The last mare was shooting daggers at him.

He chuckled in his head upon seeing that, but soon his good humor evaporated when he entered the room himself. The Princesses and Twilight were already seated in front of his desk on pillows conjured by Celestia; which, of course, left him with…

Matthias caught an amused smirk from Luna, as he made his way around the desk and jumped into his seat. The swivel chair, as usual, made a circle around itself, before it let him face the writing table. Just in time to witness Twilight and Luna snickering with laughter, and Celestia’s eyes gleaming with amusement.

Now I know you had this chair enchanted to do that every time.” Matthias groaned inwardly, glaring at Princess Luna.

“If you could stop fooling around,” Celestia said, only hints of twitches on the edges of her mouth betraying that she knew it wasn’t his doing, “maybe you could start telling us about everything that happened after Twilight took the fillies to safety?”

“Before that,” Twilight interrupted, “if you wouldn’t mind, Princess, could you tell me why you wanted me here? I mean, it’s kinda of state affair. You hardly need -”

“I asked you to join us because I want you to hear what the Changeling Queen told Matthias, and tell us your opinion on it, as the pony that was harmed by her the most out of everypony here. And besides,” Princess Celestia added in a warmer tone, “you are my precious student. Your opinion always matters to me.”

Matthias allowed himself to enjoy the view of Twilight blushing fiercely (she looked so cute!) for a few seconds before he closed his eyes and concentrated. He didn’t want to give Luna more reasons to make fun of him, and he needed to focus on the task at hoof.

“I imagine that the unexpected absence of both of you from Canterlot for too long might be problematic.” he said. “So I would ask you to hold out with your questions until I’ll finish.” Seeing the three mares nod, he began: “Once Twilight was gone…

“I don’t understand why I couldn’t guard the female.” Rainbow Dash overheard a certain annoying stallion complain from behind the corridor.

The cyan pegasus hesitated before she took another step. She really, really didn’t want to do this. The mere thought of apologizing to a changeling was making every part of her body scream in protest. And even that matter aside… she felt guilty. Rainbow Dash told him something horrible, not even realizing how much it would hurt him. But… if she knew about his marefriend beforehoof, would she hadn’t say that? She was pretty pissed off at that moment, and it was a changeling, of all things…

“Ugh, why apologizing has to be so complicated?!” she hissed quietly.

“You do realize that you guarding her would most likely had resulted with her consuming your…” Storm replied to Tucker’s complaint, but then hesitated. “Well, not love, I guess. Can changelings feed on lust?”

“Hey, she can eat me out all she wants, as long as I can do the same. Bow-chicka-bow-wow!”

Rainbow would have joined Storm Clash in the tired grunt he gave, if it weren’t for Pinkie Pie, who came here with her and now was nudging her shoulder.

“Come on, Dashie, its easy!” she said enthusiastically. “All you need to do is say you’re sorry, and give him a cupcake.” Pinkie finished, pulling out from behind her a plate with a cupcake on it.

The pegasus mare decided to not question as to from where her friend got the treat. “I don’t think it will be that easy.” she said instead.

“Nope.” Pinkie Pie shook her head, and then embraced her shoulders with a foreleg. “Give him a cupcake and you will be the bestest of friends! Trust me on that one.”

“Is there a point in telling you that I don’t want to ‘the bestest of friends’ with him?” I just want to apologize for what I said.”

“Really? I would have thought you would like Windie as a friend. You’re very similar.”

“What?!” Rainbow stared at her friend, offended, the snickering she was about to utter from hearing Pinkie Pie’s nickname for Wind Reaver completely forgotten.

“Well, you both are super-duper fast, strong, loyal to your friends, act before you think-”

Rainbow Dash pushed a hoof against Pinkie’s lips, interrupting her counting. “I am nothing like that bug. And I’m way more cooler as well. Alright?” she asked, forcing herself to be calm. Not because she thought her friend was right, she was dead wrong, but because she didn’t want to let Storm and Tucker overhear their argument.

“Okay!” Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically.

Rainbow sighed with relief, happy that for once she made her see sense. Knowledge that she managed that gave the cyan mare enough confidence to go towards the door guarded by two paladins. Oddly, Storm looked as if he was about to leave.

“Hi, you mind if Pinkie and I talk with Wind Reaver?” Rainbow Dash asked, glancing curiously at Storm.

“I was heading out to get some shut-eye, so that I could change with Tucker later.” he explained, noticing her gaze. “Why do you want to speak to him?”

Rainbow opened her mouth, but before she could come up with an excuse (as she didn’t need those two to know she wanted to apologize to a changeling) Tucker cut in: “Hey, if you want to use him for some kinky/celebrities’ fantasies you have, you can just ask me, you know.”

Both pegasi just glanced at him, before deciding to not dignify his comment with a response. “I suppose you can go speak with him, but don’t start a fight in there.”

“Sure.” Rainbow Dash told the stallion with the crooked jaw, not bothering to remind him that the changeling was the one that attacked her. Granted, she might have given him a reason, but even so…

She stopped her inner musing, as Tucker horn glowed, and the doors behind him unlocked and opened. Exchanging a look with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow nodded thanks to the two paladins, and then both mares entered.

The inside wasn’t exactly comfortable. Not really a surprise, since they were inside the barracks. The quarters to where Wind Reaver is confided were the same size that the ones of Nymph, which they had briefly visited, and where they left the others. He had a small bed, a table, a drawer and about enough room to house for ten ponies, although they would have to really squeezed themselves into it.

Wind Reaver was lying on his bed with eyes closed. However, as soon as the door closed behind Rainbow and Pinkie, he opened them. “What do you want?” he asked coldly, his face (as far as Rainbow could tell) twisted into a scowl.

The cyan mare took a deep, calming breath, as she didn’t trust herself to not reply in kind to his tone. “I… I came to apologize.” Wind Reaver continued to stare at her with the same expression, not even blinking. “You know, for what I said. Matt… you know, the Hivespeaker,” she added, barely containing a snicker at the thought of Matt’s newest title, “he told me about... your marefriend.” Damn, she was really bad in the sappy stuff. “I guess that’s why you reacted that way to what I said. I… look, I wanted to say that I’m sorry for saying something like this. I was really ticked off at you, and…”

“Damn, you’re bad at this.” Wind Reaver interrupted her.

Rainbow gulped, feeling her cheeks turning from cyan to red. She would have liked nothing more than to punch him for his comment. “Yeah, well… I’m sorry. Here’s a cupcake.” she added, giving him the plate with the treat, and trying to ignore Pinkie Pie’s grin.

That finally had gotten some reaction of out him. He raised an eyebrow, and his gaze traveled from the cupcake to two mares. “Oh. That’s… nice. Thanks.” he added, as his twisted horn glowed with green aura, embracing the plate in the same light and taking it from Rainbow’s hoof.

“So… we’re good?” Dash asked, unsure.

“Yeah, I guess. No hard feelings,” he shrugged, “And sorry for tackling you.”

“Told you!” Pinkie Pie sang, but was ignored by the two.

“You don’t mind if I shapeshift?” Wind Reaver asked, glancing at the cupcake. “It would be easier for me to eat it.”

“Oh, sure.” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

She took a step back as green flames appeared around Wind Reaver, and then took a curious peek at him. After seeing Nymph walk around as a black unicorn, Rainbow had expected him to do change into something along those lines.

She most certainly did not expect to see herself lying on a bed with a cupcake in her hoof.

Rainbow Dash blinked in dumbfound, seeing a grin on her face. Only Pinkie’s giggle managed to bring her back to her senses. “Very funny.” she snorted.

“Thank you.” Wind Reaver replied in guise of Rainbow Dash, happily devouring the cupcake.

“Aren’t you bothered that you’re in a mare’s body?” Rainbow asked.

“Not really. Everyling has to take different shapes of ponies.” he said with a shrug, then shook. “I even had to buck with some stallions. No offence, but I didn’t like it.”

“Would you mind not being me when you say something like this?!” Rainbow exclaimed angrily, imagining all the ponies from Cloudsdale Academy grinning from ear to ear right about now.

Wind Reaver and, to her annoyance, Pinkie Pie both laughed at her expense. Thankfully the changeling at least changed back. The pink pony, on the other hoof, began happily bounce around the room.

“Yay! I knew you had to laugh at some point! You changelings can’t be mopey-dopey twenty four - seven!”

He stopped laughing and his gaze followed her with his neutral face. “Most changelings aren’t like that.” Wind Reaver confessed with a shrug. “I myself am normally rather… playful, so if it weren’t for my intended mate being Ashvattha knows where, I suppose we would have gotten from a better start. Even if I am not that friendly towards you ponies.” he admitted.

You could almost taste the change in the room’s atmosphere once he had mentioned his marefriend being missing. Pinkie Pie stopped bouncing and looked at him with a sad frown.

“That’s why you volunteered to come here, isn’t it?” Rainbow asked, not even bothering to question about whatever that Ashva-something is. He would have most likely said that he cannot tell them.

“Yes.” Wind Reaver replied, growing sadder. “Finding her is one of the conditions my queen wants Equestria to fulfill before we can talk about any alliance. We haven’t found her by ourselves, and changelings are the best there are in espionage. However, your night guards are also exceptional, and they would have a much easier job searching for her in Equestria.”

“Aw, don’t worry, Windie old buddy!” Pinkie giggled, pulling the changeling into an unexpected hug. “You’ll see, we will find your girl and we will throw you two a big party here in Ponyville!”

Rainbow chuckled in amusement, as Wind Reaver shot her a look that was all but begging for help. “Oh no, buddy, you made fun of me, now you’re on your own.

“Um… thanks, I appreciate it.” he finally managed to stutter, making the pink pony drop him.

“Perhaps I should get around to planning it right away!” she said, full of optimism. “What’s her name? I will need to write it on the banners and cake along yours!”

“She doesn’t have a name yet. And besides-”

“Wait, back up!” the cyan pegasus interrupted him, believing she misheard him. “Did you just say that your marefriend doesn’t have a name?”

“Oh, buck it…” the annoyed changeling grabbed his head. “I wasn’t supposed to say that… Look,” he sighed, “we changelings don’t choose a name for ourselves until we are considered mature.”

“And you are?”


“Didn’t you say that you’re sixteen?”

“Ugh… that’s the age of maturity for changelings.” Wind Reaver explained with a pout. “More or less.”

“Okay then, but what’s the point of naming yourselves once you are old enough to drink alcohol?”

“For the record, I drank my first beer when I was seven by that count. And the point of doing that is… we want to define ourselves.” he said as he rose to his hooves and turned around a bit. “Out of all beings in this world, ponies and zebras are the ones that resemble us the most. But look.” Wind Reaver pointed at his flank. “We don’t have cutie marks, where you do. They define your special talent, what you do in life, an aspect of your personality… or something along those lines; I’m a bit sketchy on those details. But anyway, once we grow up, we want to define ourselves, and we do that by choosing names for ourselves. I chose Wind Reaver, for I am one of the best fighters within the Swarm.”

Okay, that made sense… somehow. “Ghh, why cannot a smart pony like Twilight be here? I’m getting a headache already!

Wind Reaver’s head twitched to the side. “Your friends are slowly getting around to returning to their homes.” he said. “They are already parting with Nymph, although the fillies wanted to have a sleepover with her.”

“So what, is she speaking to you like your queen?”

“Only Queen Chrysalis can speak like that. But somelings can emulate her ability by using a spell, which is what Nymph just did.”

“Guess we better go, too.” Rainbow Dash said, accepting his explanation with a yawn; clearly, this was beyond her head. “I’ve got some weather duties in the morning.”

“It’s been fun talking with you, Windie.” Pinkie Pie told the changeling, giving him a hug for farewell. “Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?”

“Umh… we will have to wait and see.” Wind Reaver replied uncomfortably; Rainbow was surprised to not see any sweat dropping down his face. “I still don’t know what your Princesses plan to do with us.”

“Oh, okay. See you later, then.” Pinkie said, and bounced through the door that Rainbow opened and held for her.

Rainbow was about to follow her and say something for goodbye, when suddenly the door closed, and she felt something tapping her on her shoulder. She turned around… and was kissed by herself.

To be fair, it was a very unique thing that happened to her. It was no wonder then that it took her a whole five seconds to snap and pushed Wind Reaver away.

“The buck do you think you’re doing?!” she screeched, scrubbing her mouth and tongue.

“I said I am rather playful.” Wind Reaver replied with a smirk, changing back to himself.

“Didn’t you also say about missing marefriend? What would she think about this?!”

“We changelings don’t see physical acts such as kissing to be exclusive to your partner. If we did, we would have starved to death, since we often have to do them to gather love. And as for her… missing...” he trailed off, looking at the ground. “I… Look, I cannot tell you ponies anything, and I am already in trouble with my queen for all the things I let slip and attacking you, but… let’s just say that pretty much every changeling would tell you that I am mentally unstable, so… I might be coping with this situation in an odd way.” he finished uncomfortably, looking at her sadly.

The cyan mare had no idea how to respond to that. He just said her that he was considered by his own kind to be crazy (at least she thought so)!

“I’m sorry.” she said after a heartbeat or two. That was all that came to her. “But if you do that again, there will be definitely something wrong with your head.” she added.

Wind Reaver grinned in response.

Both Princesses were lost in thoughts when Matt finished his recount of the events that took place beside the lake. Twilight herself was also processing everything. The Changeling Queen was manipulated into attacking Canterlot. Somepony was spying on them, and used Apple Bloom as a diversion to keep them out of the town, nearly killing her. A changeling was missing, and even their own queen couldn’t find her.

“No wonder Queen Chrysalis wants to ally with us,” Princess Celestia finally said. “We have an enemy in somepony who managed to make a fool out of both the most powerful nation in this world, as well as the most elusive one.” Turning to Princess Luna, she asked: “Sister?”

“I already informed the night guard.” Luna told her, opening her eyes. “They will start gathering information about any strange activities, and will be on a lookout for this missing changeling. Even if we won’t become allies in the end, we cannot allow her to suffer from our enemy, and most certainly not in our land.”

Celestia nodded approvingly, and then turned to Matt. “Are you certain that the changelings and their queen can be trusted?”

He mused her question for a few seconds before he gave his answer. “There is a chance, even if it’s slim, that this is all a part of some greater scheme. But… I believe what Chrysalis told me. I believe that we truly have a common enemy. I also think that she was speaking truly when she said she wants peace between our races. With the aftermath of their invasion on Canterlot, they must be having problems with gathering love. And in that case, they have two options: try to negotiate peace, or fight. And I believe the Changeling Queen was honest about her intent of protecting her subjects from suffering.”

Celestia once again nodded. Then she turned to the last pony in the room. “And you, Twilight? What do you think?”

Twilight took a deep breath. Princess Celestia told her that she values her opinion, both due to her being her student, and due to what she’s been through because of Chrysalis. If she wanted to voice some arguments against the Changeling Queen, now was the time. But… would it be worth it? It didn’t even take her a second to decide that it wouldn’t be. The fate of Equestria was by far more important that her personal hatred for what Chrysalis had tone to her and her family.

“If there is a chance to make peace with changelings, then we have to take this risk.” she told her mentor. “They’ve been feeding on our love for at least a thousand years, even if they did so a lot subtler than they did in Canterlot. And if we have to fight somepony who would not hesitate to place the lives of foals in danger… the changelings kidnapped the Cutie Mark Crusaders, yes, but they made sure that they were safe, and the girls treated this whole day as an adventure. If what Matt said is true, the Changeling Queen is disgusted about the actions of whoever this mysterious figure was.”

She was rewarded with the sight of her mentor gazing at her with an approval, and caught Matt smiling at her from behind his desk, clearly happy that she managed to look past her hatred.

“It will take some time to convince everypony, thought.” Celestia said quietly.

“I’d imagine that the nobles will be less taken with it.” Luna added with dismay.

“And on top of it all, I have to leave for Saddle Arabia tomorrow.” Princess Celestia sighed. “Of all the times this could happen… I had originally wanted you to accompany my trip to Saddle Arabia, Sir Lightbringer, as my guard and advisor; but in light of this new development, I have another mission for you. I will, however, ask you to spare two of your paladins to join my envoy.”

“Of course,” Matt replied, and then thought about it for a few heartbeats, “I believe Guard Shield and Tucker Out should prove worthy of protecting you there.”

“I wouldn’t have expected you to trust Tucker Out so quickly.” Celestia noticed with a smile.

“It’s not an issue of trust, Princess, but of me disliking him,” the stallion smirked, “But as long as he’s on duty, he will keep his comments to himself.”

“Very well then, they will leave for Canterlot tonight, and return three days from now. In the meantime, you will have to travel to the Crystal Empire, along with Nymph and Wind Reaver.”

Twilight stared at her mentor as if she had lost her head. Did she just say that she wants Matt to take two changelings to the kingdom ruled by two ponies who’s happiest day of their lifes was nearly ruined by them?!

Even Matt seemed surprised. “Could you explain the reason behind it, Princess?”

“Luna and I will deal with convincing the important ponies here. However, the Crystal Empire is our very close ally, and an alliance with the changelings would affect them as well. They have a right to have a say in this matter. Furthermore, Cadance is still Equestria’s Princess, and my and Luna’s niece. She deserves to know about it, and she and her husband need to see for themselves that the changelings can be trusted.” Celestia frowned a bit. “I know that Cadance will probably also come to the same conclusion as we had, but considering that it was her wedding that was nearly stolen from her… she might have some problems seeing past that.” gazing at Twilight, she added: “And please don’t take it the wrong way, Twilight, but your brother-”

“Can be a bit of a dork sometimes,” Twilight said instead of her teacher, rolling her eyes. Seeing everypony glance at her, she explained: “I grew up with him. Just because we were such close siblings doesn’t mean I was blind to his faults.” She frowned as she remembered some of his less impressive moments, his constant prying to wherever Matt and she were in a relationship taking the lead among them. “You know what, scratch what I said; he’s always a bit of a dork.”

“Gee, thank you, Twilight; you make my job sound so much easier.” Matt commented, making her giggle. “Although to be fair, I hadn’t expected it to be easy. Few things can be more dangerous than a stallion’s wounded pride.” turning to Celestia, he said: “If I’m lending you Guard and Tucker, then I will have to take Sound and Bomb with me, along with the remaining paladins, to escort Nymph and Wind Reaver. It means that Abbey will be left unguarded.”

“I think that if you’ll ask nicely Al’ar will gladly agree to keep an eye on Everfree Abbey.” Celestia smiled. “He seemed to be ready to do anything I’d have asked him when I patted him while waiting for you.”

“Of course he would. You’re the Princess of the Sun. He must feel some sort of kinship towards you. But I guess I will manage to convince him, as well.”

“Excellent.” Luna said. “There is one more thing left for you to do, though. You must inform the citizens of Ponyville that there will be two changelings living here for the time being. They have the right to know.”

“This will go well.” Matthias sighed, sounding tired.

“Mayor Mare is supposed to announce at nine o’clock tomorrow to the town about the visit of Princess Celestia with Saddle Arabia’s delegates.” Twilight remembered. “Maybe you can talk with her and ask her to let you speak as well?”

“Oddly, I happen to have a scheduled meeting with Mayor Mare at eight o’clock, so I think this will work. After that will be over, I will board the train to the Crystal Empire. Is this acceptable?” he asked the Princesses.

“Yes, I believe so.” Celestia replied, and Luna nodded.

“Good, good…” Matt murmured, sighing again.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked him, concerned at how tired he looked.

“Just missing few hours of sleep.” he said, dismissing her worries with a wave of his hoof.

“Speaking off, would you mind explaining why did you stay in Northville?” Princess Celestia asked. “Your paladins’ report was rather vague about it.”

Matt sighed. “There was this elderly mare there, Granny Rags. She was really old, and her health was scathed by the windigo. I sensed that she didn’t have much time left in the world of the living, so I decided to keep her company, as she had nopony else.”

Twilight gasped. None of the paladins had mentioned anything about that. She immediately felt sad for the mare that she hadn’t met, and fiercely proud of Matt for staying with her.

“I see.” Celestia spoke, her voice saddened. “Was she at peace when she died?”

“Well, she died with a smirk on her face after making a joke at my expense, so I assume she was.” Matt replied, smiling briefly.

She couldn’t help herself. Twilight chuckled quietly. Trust Matt to be made fun off by a dying mare.

“I’m glad for the care you showed for one of our subjects.” Princess Luna said. Turning to her sister, she added: “Now, as it looks like everything’s settled-”

“Actually, there was something that I wanted to ask you, Princess.” Matt interrupted her.


“What is up with your guards?”

Twilight blinked. So she wasn’t just imagining things? “I thought they looked a bit different than those that escorted you on the Nightmare Night, Princess Luna.” she said before she could help herself, earning a surprised glance from the Princess of the Night.

“I’m impressed, Twilight Sparkle.” she said. “I did expect Sir Lightbringer to take a notice of it, but not you. Clearly, you are becoming more perceptive.”

Princess Celestia rewarded her with a warm smile for earning her sister praise that made Twilight blush with embarrassment. She had no idea this would’ve turned out to be a big deal or anything, there was just something funny about those night guards.

“As to answer your question, Sir Lightbringer...” Princess Luna paused, exchanging a glance with Celestia. When her sister nodded, she continued: “For some time now, my sister and I felt that… something is in the air, as if something is about to happen.”

“What do you mean?” Matt asked, with his attention focused.

“We are not sure.” Luna replied. “We think it is a similar feeling that you had when the Light was subtly warning you about the upcoming confrontation with the windigo. But, even if we were to overlook our premonitions, then with everything… this Project Eclipse, your discovery of the link between the changelings and the aqir… you being brought back to life in our world, and now with this new information provided by the changelings…”

“You fear something bad is about to happen.” the paladin nodded.

Twilight gulped. Indeed, it made sense to think that, when looked at everything the Princess had mentioned. Heck, a single thing out of those events was enough to worry, with all of them combined…

“Yes, that’s exactly what we fear.” Celestia replied. “Luna and I began thinking about possible ways to prepare for what future holds, and one of the ideas we had is to increase Equestria’s means of defense. The creation of the Order of the Celestial Light was the first that came to our minds in that regard.”

“But not the last,” Luna continued. “I had an idea for making night guards even more formidable force that they already were. As you know, the enchantments on their armor grant them their looks, along with boosting their sight and hearing, but that’s all.”

“So you decided to do something better than just enchant their armor.” Matt said, having his expression unreadable.

“Yes, and before you try to make any accusation, know that nopony was hurt.” Luna told him, and then looked to the side. “Although, the process was a bit painful…”

“Wait, what process?” Twilight asked, then immediately remembered herself. “Your Majesty.” she added hastily.

Luna smiled briefly, amused by her reaction. “A process that we called the Nocturnification Process. It was based on the effects of the treatment Shadow Bolt had gone through when he was a foal, which resulted in his appearance. Of course,” she added, glancing at Matt, “it would have been impossible to mimic that process. However, by injecting a pegasus with various potions and other chemicals, prepared by myself and doctor Angelic Touch, in addition to subjecting his body to the moon’s magic, the Nocturnification Process allowed to permanently change a pegasus into a new kind of pony - a bat pony.”

Twilight felt her jaw drop. “She means that they now really look like that? And is such a thing actually possible?

“Of course, all night guards had volunteered for the process.” Luna added. “They were quite taken with an idea, I assure you.”

“Interesting,” Matt murmured, although Twilight noticed that he relaxed thanks to Luna’s words. “I assume the Nocturnification Process did more than just alter their bodies?”

“Yes.” Luna said, visibly invigorating to the discussion. “Sadly, we weren’t able to recreate Shadow Bolt’s increased strength and magical resistance. I would also say that he was even more perceptive and stealthy, although those might be due to his own skills rather than his changes.”

Twilight noticed a note of sadness when she spoke about her consort. She felt for her. Shadow Bolt seemed to care a great deal about Luna and their unborn foal. Even when she became Nightmare Moon, he still gave his life to protect them.

Princess Luna continued, “We also failed to invoke within the bat ponies an ability to use the energies of the moon, which was one of the objectives of Nocturnification Process. I suppose they would have needed horns to channel such powers. They did, however, gain unique abilities. They are able to teleport for a short distance by using a shadowstep, making them disappear in a cloud of smoke. They can also use residual moon magic from the process that created them to boost the strength of their attacks. And while they’re nowhere near Shadow Bolt’s level, they now have naturally better senses of vision and hearing.”

“All which are beneficial in their line of work.” Matt concluded. “It’s impressive how you were able to come up with such a process.”

“Well, I was the one that made the healing potion with the side effects that changed Shadow Bolt.” Luna replied, accepting his praise. “And I had doctor Angelic Touch checking if everything was safe before we administered the first volunteer to the Process.” glancing at Celestia, she added: “Even if someponies had they worries if it was a good idea-”

“I already admitted that you were right and this is a brilliant idea, little sister.” Celestia said, with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice; Twilight wondered in amusement how many times they had this conversation already.

Princess Luna smirked, while Matt rose from his chair. “If something is waiting for us in the future, then we will need all the help we can get.” he said as he jumped down to the floor.

“My thoughts exactly,” Luna nodded as she also rose, “Which is one of the reasons that we will attempt to make peace with the changelings. And since we’re back to it, then I need to remind you, Sister, that we have a lot to do in Canterlot.”

“I am aware of that.” Celestia replied, but unlike the two, she did not rise from her seat. “However, I wanted to talk with Twilight.” Twilight eyes widened, but then she relaxed; she probably wanted to speak to her about the magic presentations she was supposed to prepare for the delegates from Saddle Arabia. “In private?” the Princess added, looking at Matt and Princess Luna.

“Of course, Princess,” Matt replied, while Luna just nodded.

“Shall I tell your guards to wait for you?” she asked.

“No, tell them to return to Canterlot, I will just teleport there once we’re done.” Celestia replied.

“Very well. Don’t stay too long, though; you will need to rest before traveling to Saddle Arabia.”

“Thanks for your concern, little sister.” Celestia told her warmly. “But I think I know how to take care of myself.”

Luna shot her a smile as she passed through the doors that Matt held open from her. He followed her shortly, after bowing to Celestia and smiling to Twilight.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” Twilight began as soon as they were alone, “I didn’t have the time today to think of anything to show for the delegates.”

That was only partially true. Before the events that started by the evening, she had a lot of time, but she spend it on worrying about Matt and chuckling at Rarity and Storm Clash. However, Princess Celestia seemed to not care about that at the moment, as she raised her hoof to stop Twilight.

“That is not why I wanted to speak with you, as I am sure that whatever you prepare will be most spectacular.” Celestia told her, which caused Twilight to again blush with embarrassment.

“So… what did you want to talk about?”

“How are you?”

Twilight blinked. “Huh?

“It’s been a while since we just talked.” Princess Celestia explained in amusement, no doubt due to her shock. “I was curious as to how are you doing.”

“Oh…” Twilight exclaimed, thinking what to say. “I’ve been fine, Princess, thank you for asking. I had less free time as of late, of course, but I’m not overworking myself, and still meet with my friends regularly.”

“I am happy to hear that.” Celestia paused. “How are things between you and Matthias?”

Twilight’s jaw hit the floor. “Ough, Princess,” she exclaimed, facehoofing, “not you too!”

“What do you mean?”

“You too think that Matt and I should get together, don’t you?! And you want to talk me into it!” Twilight began to shout accusingly, and for the first time ever she was actually angry at the Princess. However, she soon trailed off when she noticed that Celestia was barely containing laughter.

“I will admit that I think you and Matthias would make a cute couple.” she said once Twilight had calmed down. “But it came to my attention that you had decided to remain friends, and I will respect that.”

“Oh… well, thank you, Princess, for… wait. ‘Came to my attention’?”

“I have my sources.” Celestia replied with a wink. “But let’s leave that for now. I wanted to ask you how are you dealing with this… relationship Matthias has with Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight felt her coat again take the redder shade, especially around her cheeks. Why the hay was Princess Celestia asking her for such things?!

“How should I be dealing? They’re both their own ponies.”

“Twilight, the stallion that is so dear to you is rutting with one of your best friends,” Celestia said bluntly, making Twilight gap in shock. “You won’t convince me that you are truly alright with it.”

“But I am.” Twilight replied, feeling really awkward about this talk. “Few weeks ago I even listened to Rainbow as she described… some things.” Okay, she did not actually say that outloud, did she? Gulping, Twilight added. “We were a bit tipsy…”

Princess Celestia stared at her for a long time, but finally she closed her eyes and gave a tired sight. “I guess that’s all I would hear from you, isn’t it?” Odd, why did Twilight felt as if she was… disappointed with her? “Alright then. But Twilight, if you ever want to talk to somepony about this, you can always send me a letter. I will respond back as soon as I can.” Princess smiled shyly. “I might not be the best pony to consult with when it comes to relationships, but I want your happiness, and I am a considered to be rather smart.”

Twilight chuckled. “Of course you are considered to be smart, Princess. And… sure, if I feel like confinding with somepony, I will send you a letter.”

It felt weird to her to think that she would be talking about those matters with Princess Celestia, of all ponies, but her alternatives were hardly acceptable. Matt was out due to obvious reasons; their friends were all convinced that they should be together, no matter what they said; her brother thought of her a little filly; Cadance was too busy with ruling the Crystal Empire; her parents… “Okay, there is no way in Tartarus I would talk with Mom and Dad about Matt!

“Thank you.” she told Celestia.

“Think nothing of it, Twilight.” the Princess replied, rising from her pillow. “Now then, is there anything else you would like to talk with me about?”

“Nothing that I can think off,” Twilight mused. Normally, she would have used the chance to ask about some spells, but she was too tired for that. “Just… be careful in Saddle Arabia.”

“Of course,” Celestia said warmly, “Don’t worry.”

“Good night, Princess.”

“Good night…” Celestia began to say, but her voice trailed off as her horn glowed while she cast teleportation spell.

Matthias yawned as he watched the barely visible carriages of the Princesses flying back to Canterlot, surrounded by their escort. One was bearing Princess Luna, and looking after her the stallion rolled his eyes as he recalled all the complaints he got from her for not visiting his goddaughter.

Maybe on my way back from the Crystal Empire I will stop in Canterlot.” he mused, turning his head to look at the other group leaving the Abbey, those by hoof.

His friends stayed around long enough to hear what the Princesses had decided. They told him they went to speak with the changelings while they’ve discussed things in his office, and Rarity and Applejack admitted that Nymph wasn’t so bad once you’ve gotten to speak with her for few minutes (although Applejack actually phrased it as: “Well, for a back-stabbin’, love-stealin’, no-good, foal-nappin’ changelin’, that Nymph gall ain’t too bad.”). Matthias also properly introduced himself to Babs Seed, and expressed his disappointment that they couldn’t have spent more time.

After quickly taking care of his duties - informing his paladins and Abbey’s guards about their new orders, letting Scootaloo know that she would have to spend two more days at Sweetie Belle’s house - Matthias got a moment to relax as he waited with Spike for Twilight.

“So, crazy day, huh?” the little dragon asked once they were alone in front of the barracks.

“Yeah… and I suspect it’s not over yet.” Matthias replied unenthusiastically. “I requested the Princess for some documents a while ago, and now I have them on my desk. Since I will be busy tomorrow and for about two days after that as well, I decided to pull all-nighter and read them now.”

“Gee, who dyed Twilight white?” Spike snorted.

“Did somepony say my name?” Twilight’s voice sounded from behind them, making them both turn around.

“Spike said you’re white, or something.” Matthias replied, as he was too tired to pay attention to what the dragon had said. Another yawn escaped him.

“You really should go to bed.” Twilight told him.

“When I tell you that I actually plan to spend the night reading some old documents and catch some sleep on the train tomorrow will you be angry?”

Twilight facehoofed. ‘You’re impossible.” she mumbled. “It’s your call; I know I will have a great time watching you fall asleep while introducing Ponyville to the changelings.”

“Oh please, I can go days without sleep.” Matthias boasted. “On that note, though, you should really go home.”

The unicorn just gazed at him, probably wondering if she shouldn’t pull him by his ear again. “Come along, Spike.” she finally said.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” the paladin offered.

“No, but thanks,” Twilight rewarded his offer with a smile. “Good night.”

“Good night.” he replied, and for few minutes he watched both of them leave.

He sighed as he turned around and went back to his office. He needed some shuteye, but he need to know if Chrona was in some way involved with anything that was going on even more. The duality of his needs made him almost gallop to his office, slam the door shut and pull out those documents from his desk. If he would read them fast enough, he would still have time to rest.

The documents Princess Celestia sent him consisted of a bunch of loose pages, written in what Matthias had recognized as the Princess’ writing, and one small notebook. Leaving the latter for last, the paladin gazed at the pages.

Name: Chrona

Kind: Alicorn

Cutie Mark: A golden hourglass within a golden circle, twisting around

Parents: Dr (?) Hooves and Rose Charm

Spouse: Constant Sigil

Foal: Twilight Star

Additional notes: Mother died at foalbirth, father disappeared once she reached adulthood. Once Equestria learned of her birth, she was granted a title of a noble. Studied magic and history since an age of eight. Discovered a spell to allow time travel, but a few months afterwards she cast a counter-spell, making it impossible to change the events of history.

Met her future husband during her studies in Canterlot. Their wedding that took place few years after that had caused an outrage amongst the nobles due to Constant Sigil’s low social rank. One the summer next year she gave birth to a unicorn filly Twilight Star.

Gifted with seeing the vision of time since little. She could see both past and future. Some events she was unable to describe in any language known to ponykind, and when written down, she did so in runes nopony could read. It is unknown if it was due to the counterspell Chrona herself had cast. She could speak off the events that happened recently or where about to happen soon without such problems. Suffered increased headaches, diagnosed to be caused by her visions. When in her twenties, she expressed symptoms of growing anxiety and paranoia. Administrated to Eastin Asylum at the age of twenty eight. Spent her time painting the already mentioned mysterious runes over the walls of her room, at times with her own blood. Died year after being placed there. According to asylum’s staff, during her last few days she was never seen with open eyes.

Her last known words, spoken to one of the nurses, were: “I need to see it… how to... the end… I have to…”

Matthias rubbed his eyes to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep.

By the Light…” he thought, sorrow for the mare gripping his heart.

An alicorn with the gift of seeing time. One could wonder what things did she saw; the past or the future? Could she have foreseen the rise of Discord? Nightmare Moon? Or… even something that hadn’t happen yet...

The paladin took a deep, calming breath. There was nothing he could do about it. To him, visions were granted by the Light, and he had no control over them. Unlike Chrona, who apparently, spent her last days trying to force them to show something. But, for all he knew (as did Celestia and Luna, and they weren’t worried) this could happen a billion years from now on, or could have already happened.

What mattered was this moment.

The other loose pages were less informative. They seemed to be taken from newspapers, and had each article about Chrona encircled. They didn’t give him any new information.

Finally, Matthias took a glance at the notebook… and gasped.

...and when written down, she did so in runes nopony could read.

The notebook that lay on his desk was covered in the same runes that Storm Clash’s sword had embedded to its blade. It’s the same runes that he recognized from somewhere else. The title, however, was written in the letters anypony could read.

Compilation of prophecies made by Chrona, gathered and translated by Yellow Flash”.

Author's Note:

Before any of you start: no. I am not making this story into a massive-crossover, so no Doctor Who references there. I dislike giving anything away, but I preferred to avoid unnecessary confusions.

Also - no, Arthas is not being an idiot by ignoring Chrona's last words, he's being practical. Take, for example, what Murozond says in "The End Time" instance. So far, nobody in World of Warcraft seems to care, as we don't know how many thousands of years the End Time is going to happen (or, you know, 2-3 expansions).

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