• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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108. Princess' Love

A brown stallion watched as the group of paladins and royal guards set off from Ponyville’s marketplace together with the changelings and the group of their friends. He was going over the events that transpired a few moments ago, especially the emotional, yet clearly well-thought out speech of the one called Sir Lightbringer, and the even more passionate appearance of the little fillies.

“Must be interesting to see things change,” a voice spoke from behind him. Turning around, he spotted a familiar zebra standing wearing a cloak and covering her head with a hood. “For one that has seen so much, it must be strange.”

A smile crossed his lips. This was one of the reason why he stopped observing zebras so long ago. Their natural ability for seeing the spirits of everything had always made things difficult for him.

“Not entirely, Zecora,” the stallion replied warmly, as he considered her his friend. He allowed himself to have one or two every now and then, to avoid growing completely insensitive. Of course, he never told them who he really was, although a few learned that by themselves. The two of them began to trot further away from the dispersing crowd as he spoke. “It was within my calculations that this would happen after the events of the last few months. What was surprising, though, were those fillies speaking up as they did. It didn’t occur to me that they might be quicker to accept those looking so alien to what they’re used to that the grownups. Then again, I was never really good at figuring what foals think.”

A pain he never gotten used to filled him for a moment, along with regret. He couldn’t help it; his ability to feel those emotions was an inseparable part of himself.

“It’s good to know that some things might evade you. Otherwise, your life would be quite dull, true?”

“My life isn’t about being interesting,” he objected. “I was handed down the mission to observe as much as I can.”

“You spoke of your quest, and I know you don’t want to do a coup,” Zecora waved off his words. “But you might need to reconsider, as I am sure Lightbringer is on to you.”

“Really?” he asked. He had a suspicion that the one being a stranger to this world might be able to spot him, but since after so many months Sir Lightbringer hadn’t approached him, the brown stallion hadn’t thought of that possibility much. After all, he had escaped the notice of both the changelings and those shady ponies when they were skulking around Ponyville. “What makes you think that?”

“His experiences make him unique, and he’s not the one to miss a being such as you. And once he decides to talk, he will want answers from you.”

His experiences…

“You know that he’s not of this world,” the brown stallion stated.

“He told me, yes, and it’s clear you must have seen him come from beyond that gate,” Zecora replied, looking at him intensively. “But even though we are friends, when I ask you won’t answer me straight.”

“I cannot interfere. Never have, never will.”

It sometimes amazed him that he could keep a neutral expression while lying through his teeth. He had broken that rule once, after all… but suffered by doing so more than he ever thought he could.

“But… it depends on what you ask. I cannot tell you or anypony what I know… but I can tell you what I don’t know,” He glanced at the puzzled and intrigued zebra. “I don’t know why he’s here.”

Nymph was still on the verge of hyperventilating by the time they got settled on the train car. The reaction from the crowd, while expectable, upset her greatly. She was grateful for the fillies’ support and warm words. Thanks to that she managed to get through the painful experience without crying.

You could avoid that by staying in your true form,” a voice that was even more familiar to her than her own filled her mind.

She took a quick look around to see if anypony was paying attention to her. The Hivespeaker sat opposite to her, but his eyes were closed; probably due to the last night events he hadn’t slept much, and was now planning to rest now. The other stallions were discussing something; from what Nymph overheard, Storm Clash murmured that he had plans for today, and now the other two began to tease him. “What plans could the mighty Slayer of the Windigo possibly have in a small town like Ponyville?” Judging by his emotions and the data the changelings gathered about him, it was probably related to his feelings towards Rarity… although that surprised Nymph a bit. His personality profile made her thinking that he wouldn’t have the courage to do anything about that for awhile.

Serenity, on the other hoof, tried to establish conversation with Wind Reaver who, while answering quite politely, was not interested in conversation at the moment. Despite not knowing him on a personal level prior to the mission they were both on (herself being assigned, Wind Reaver volunteering), Nymph knew that he was not himself right now. In fact noling, even their Queen, knew what had to be going on in his head. There was never a case quite like his, to have his loved one lost and in a constant state of danger of losing their life.

Pulling her mind away from her companion’s terrible situation, Nymph concentrated on the voice of her Queen as the train began to move. She looked at the window, so that if anyling noticed her lost in thoughts gaze, they would think she was simply admiring the scenery. “If I had changed back, I would have felt even worse.

For a few heartbeats the voice stayed silent, and she felt a warm rush of love and concern. “You know I didn’t send you there out of resentment, right?

Of course I know,” Nymph replied; such thoughts had never crossed her mind… well, maybe for just a tiny little second. “You sent me here because I was the only changeling you trusted this mission with, and to help me.

I am glad to know you understand that,” Chrysalis spoke, then her voice lost most of it’s motherly tone as the conversation turned to more important matters. “What do you think of ponies’ attitude so far?

I… think they will give us a chance. The Cutie Mark Crusaders-” she paused when she detected a mental sigh, “-I mean those fillies of course - they came to our defense when the mob nearly attacked us. And after hearing their words they all calmed down, and felt ashamed. I wonder if the Hivespeaker had counted on that happening?

He is a great unknown in this equation,” Chrysalis murmured. “I do think that he has the best interest of everyling in his mind - if I had thought otherwise, I wouldn’t have sought his aid. But where did he come from? Where did he learn to use this ‘Light’? And what are those other ‘insectoid races’ he spoke of?

Nymph could perfectly understand her Queens’s irritation. The mystery of their race’s origin could be within a hoof’s reach, but they couldn’t take the chance and risk revealing to an uncertain ally how little they knew about themselves.

Do you think…” Nymph began to ask, but her courage quickly left her.

Finish your question.” Chrysalis told her patiently.

I was wondering… that dream you had… do you think the Hivespeaker will recognize that colt?

Her Queen stayed silent for a moment before she answered, long enough for Nymph to begin pondering if she was mad at her. “I honestly don’t know. Given how strange that colt was, I should doubt it… but everything has been strange as of late. There’s a change in the air; the pony princesses must have realized this as well, otherwise why would they create this paladin order?

Do you think something bad is going to happen?

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst,” she reminded her one of her first lessons. “Speaking off; had you prepared for a failsafe plan?

Um… yes,” she admitted uncomfortably. She knew she had to have it in case Equestria would betray them, but she didn’t like that she had to assume such a possibility. Not only because it was hurtful to think that the hope for peace might be nothing but a dream, but also that made her abuse the ponies’ trust… although given her plan, she doubted they would mind or figure it out if Equestria will stay true to their word. “I will have it ready by the end of the day.

Excellent,” Chrysalis complimented her. “Is there anything else?

Yes. We are now going to the Crystal Empire, to convince those two to support the idea of the alliance…” Nymph had to chose her next words carefully. While she herself didn’t take part in the attack on Canterlot, she knew what the actions of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor had costed them. A lot of changelings resented the pair, even though they accepted that their Queen tried to make peace with them. “And I’ve been thinking… while we are not going to apologize for the Invasion of Canterlot, as we’ve been manipulated into doing that… perhaps I could, in your name of course… apologize to Cadance and Shining Armor for… their wedding? I mean,” she quickly added, as even she had no idea how did the Queen felt about that, “even if it would be a dishonest apology, it would help our case.

She held her breath as she awaited Queen’s answer. “I’m proud to see that even though you are not of my flesh you inherited my ways of thinking,” she finally heard, causing her to swell with relief and pride. “Very well then, when you meet Cadance and Shining Armor, pass to them these words:...

Matthias tried and failed to hide his irritation at the sight that greeted them at the station. Of course, he wasn’t upset by the view of the Crystal Empire. In fact, seeing how they restaurated the old train station, proving how they were prospecting, filled him with joy. What he was irritated with, though, was the presence of another sign of said prospect.

The crystal guards.

He wasn’t entirely surprised by them being here. He knew Princess Celestia must have sent a message to Cadance to expect them - one does not simply walk into the Crystal Empire with changelings unannounced - but what he didn’t expect was their numbers. Eighteen guards were a bit too many to just escort them.

“Greetings, Sir Lightbringer.” said the leader of the division. The crystal guards, all ponies trained by Shining Armor, eyed the two changelings (although Nymph stayed in her unicorn form). “We’ve been sent to relieve you of your prisoners-”

“I have no idea what the message Princess Celestia had sent to Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor said,” Matthias interrupted him, “but clearly, there has been some mistake. Those aren’t prisoners, but guests, with a diplomatic status I might add.”

His words caused the officer to back off slightly in confusion. “Eee… yes, well, I still have my orders, and they say that-”

“Let me put it bluntly:” the paladin stopped him, getting even more irritated; he didn’t get much sleep on the train, and his lack of rest aside, he wanted to talk with Cadance and Shining Armor as quick as possible: “if you want to take them anywhere, you will have to get past me first.”

As he said that, he opened himself to the Light, so when the last words escaped his lips, his eyes shone with white radiance. The effect was immediate; all guards stepped back and cleared the way for them. Nodding, Matthias looked back at his subordinates and his charges and signaled them to follow him. He did not object when the crystal guards surrounded his group and began escorting them to the castle.

“Um, sir?” Serenity stepped up beside him, whispering. “Did you just… threatened the members of the Crystal Guard?”

“No, I informed them that we are bound to protect Nymph and Wind Reaver.” Matthias replied calmly, also quietly. Glancing at her, he added: “I knew that for you such scenario would is unthinkable, but our oath of loyalty is to Celestia and Luna, and we must follow the ways of the Holy Light.”

“But… you don’t actually think we would have to fight them, right?”

“Oh goodness, no. We are all good friends with each other, not to mention how dire the political repercussion for attacking us would be.” He paused, and pretended to be confused. “Also, didn’t I get impaled over there by an evil king that enslaved you all and walked it off?”

Serenity glared at him with unamused expression.

“Remind me not to let you hang out with Twilight anymore,” Matthias said, unhappy by the fact that his subordinate picked that off from everything she could from his friends.

“Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to offend you…”

“No, it’s okay; you are allowed for more formality when talking with me,” smirking, he added: “That being said, leave the talking with the royal pair to me. Trust me, I won’t allow things to get violent.”

Okay, I might have a problem with that,” Matthias admitted to himself, gazing into Shining Armor’s face and seeing no sign of friendship there.

He was granted a private audience almost immediately after he reached the castle. The changelings waited outside the throne room, with his ponies guarding them. Thankfully, the crystal ponies, being away for a thousand years, didn't have many reasons to hate the changelings as much as their Equestrians counterparts, so Matthias wasn’t worried about them being harassed… although the hungry looks they gave to Crystal Heart when they passed certainly didn’t earn them any fans. “I could swear I saw Nymph drool.

“Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor,” he greeted them, getting back to the present moment, “it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“Under normal circumstances, we would be thrilled to have you here,” Princess Cadance replied, looking a bit friendlier than her husband. “Sadly, the presence of those two changelings sours the mood, as well as your threat to our guards.”

“I did not threaten them; I just made it clear that Nymph and Wind Reaver are under my direct protection, and Princess Celestia’s indirect protection.”

“Yes, the message I received from her clearly stated that,” Cadance said. “We merely wanted them to be contained until we’ve made our decision.”

“But instead, we have them right outside of our doors, thanks to you,” Shining Armor added. “Can you please tell me there is a reason for you taking their side?”

“I’m not taking anypony’s side…” Matthias started to explain, but the Prince of the Crystal Empire hadn’t finished yet.

“Other than you getting with the Changeling Queen to second base, of course.” he smirked.

Matthias jaw dropped upon hearing the accusation, which even Rainbow Dash hadn’t thought to make. Glaring at Shining Armor, he turned to Cadance. “Did you know that every stallion that showed interest in Twilight was threatened by him with the promise of severe beating?”

“Wait, what?” the Princess asked in confusion.

“How did you- um, I mean, what?” he tried to correct himself. “That’s the first time I heard about it.”

His wife glared at him for a couple of seconds, making him chuckle nervously. Finally, she sighed and turned back to Matthias. “I will deal with this later. Right now, could you please give us the full details as to why my aunts are prepared to form an alliance with a nation that, while wasn’t an outright enemy, was definitely not friendly to us?”

Matthias nodded and began to tell them all the events that transpired in Ponyville since yesterday’s evening, when he returned to the Abbey and was informed shortly after that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were kidnapped and were being held hostage. That part didn’t warm them up to the idea. However, when he went on to his meeting with Chrysalis, her proposition and information she provided, the reason for Wind Reaver volunteering, the walk back with Nymph, and ended with the discussion with the Princesses and Twilight. Hearing that Twilight in particular admitted, despite her personal dislike of the Changeling Queen, that they just had to try and reach for peace, made a big impression on them.

“I would have thought that Twilight would be the last one to agree to this,” Cadance admitted once he finished. “That young mare can really hold a grudge.”

Yeah, I know something about it.

“I’m happy to know she can see past what the Changeling Queen did to her,” Cadance continued. “I, however… am not sure I can do that,” she looked down. “She imprisoned me for days, Matthias. If I wasn’t an alicorn, I would have died in those caves. And all the time I was there, I was thinking that she was stealing Shining Armor from me, my wedding, and would soon take over my home,” Her husband moved to nudge her, and when she looked up, nuzzled her gently.

“I’ll have no right to judge you if you chose to deny Crystal Empire’s part in this alliance, and by extension, the existence of the alliance at all.” Matthias said slowly. Who better than him knew how far vengeance could carry somepony? “But, as a paladin of the Light, sworn defender of Equestria, and, more importantly, as your friend, I will have to remind you of your duties. You are a Princess, Cadance, a leader of this kingdom. The fate of your subjects depends on your decisions. You cannot allow them to be influenced by your personal feelings, especially not the ones born from hate. A leader has to put the good of her people first.”

Cadance eye were locked with Matthias’ as he spoke, gazing into them intently. When he finished, she looked over to her husband next to her. “What do you think?”

“You know me, beloved,” Shining Armor replied with a smile that contradicted his next words. “I would like nothing more than to beat those two bugs outside senseless and send them back to their queen, having planted bombs in their chests. But we both know that what Matt said is true. This is something you have to think about calmly and carefully.”

“When did you became so smart?” she sighed.

“I learned from the best,” he answered, nuzzling her affectionately.

Matthias coughed, reminding them that he was still here. They both parted slowly from another, their concentration once again on him.

“I want to speak with those changelings,” Cadance said, her voice no longer having any sight of the tiredness and uncertainly it held a moment ago. “Send them in!”

The doors to the throne room opened, and in walked the group that left the station. The changelings seemed to return to their usual selves since their meeting with the Crystal Heart; Nymph was still a unicorn, once more a nervous one, while Wind Reaver stood indifferent. Serenity, on the other hoof, looked in awe on the inside of the throne room. Matthias assumed that this was her first visit to the place which her brother stood guard so long ago.

“You can leave us,” Shining Armor told the crystal guards.

Matthias, following his example, nodded to his paladins and the two royal guards he had under his command.

Once the doors were closed again, Princess Cadance addressed the changelings: “If my husband and I were informed correctly, your names are Wind Reaver and Nymph, correct?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” they both replied in unison, bowing their heads a little.

“And what are your reasons for being here?”

“Our Queen understood that, given how little ponies know about us, forming an alliance would be impossible,” Nymph answered. Matthias frowned; there was something different about her… did seeing the Crystal Heart affect her in more ways than he assumed? It was an artifact that utilised love, which was probably why they looked at it so hungrily. Could it somehow change her personality? “That is why she needed to send a changeling that would be able to answer your question in regards to our society and biology, and out of those that could, I was one of the few that honestly wanted peace.”

“Why?” Cadance asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her question seemed to take Nymph aback, but she merely took a deep breath and replied: “Because that way, everyling… and everypony… can be happy. You might not view us as such creatures, but we value happiness as much as ponies do. And… I would like to be able to walk around in my true form and not feel ponies’ disgust,” she added quieter.

Bits of sympathy appeared in Cadance’s face, and even Shining Armor’s. She nodded to her, satisfied with Nymph answer, and turned to Wind Reaver, signaling him that it was his turn.

“I’m sure the Hivespeaker had already told you; my intended mate was capture by whoever is screwing with us,” he blurted, making Matthias and Shining Armor to glare at him and Nymph to shake and look at him in alarm. “All I want is to save her; and allying with you is the only way we have left to accomplish that,” A somewhat amused smirk crossed his features when he added: “I’m sure you can relate to that.”

“Yes; and the irony of this doesn’t escape me,” Cadance replied, but her tone held no amusement. She glanced at Shining Armor, and as if an unspoken agreement fell between them, they both nodded and Cadance addressed the changelings once again. “Thank you both. You have given us a lot to think about,” Turning to Matthias, she said: “The castle’s staff will show you to your rooms. I trust that your guards will be sufficient?” when he nodded, she continued: “We will inform you once we reach a decision. You can leave now.”

“If I may…” Nymph spoke up unexpectedly. “I would like to speak with the two of you alone.” Seeing the glares of suspicion she received from the royal couple, she explained: “I have words of… apology from out Queen, but I can only pass them to you in private.”

That information surprised everypony, even - at least Matthias thought so - Wind Reaver. He didn’t expect Chrysalis to apologize to Cadance and Shining Armor, even if she would be lying.

“I suppose in that case we will grant your request,” Cadance replied after a few heartbeats. “I am really interested in hearing your Queen words.”

Nymph waited for the doors to close behind her, ignoring the confusion of her Queen.

Why did you want to be alone with them?” she inquired.

I will explain later,” Nymph replied, concentrating on the couple.

Once the doors were closed, she transformed back to her real form, causing Princess Cadance and Shining Armor a little worry. Only a little; she was still just one changeling, nothing the two of them couldn’t deal with.

Nymph winced inwardly. While they weren’t outright hating her like the mob in Ponyville did, she could still feel that Shining Armor would’ve gladly kicked her out of their kingdom. Cadance, on the other hoof, remained calm, and she could only sense a slight discomfort at the sight seeping through the barriers she placed around her mind and heart.

She bowed once more and spoke: “These are the words of my Queen: ‘Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor. I will not apologize for the attack on Canterlot. Saying that I’m sorry would be a lie, as we were manipulated into it, and my Swarm had lost much more than Equestria. But… I will apologize for your wedding, even though you will probably not believe me.’”

The changeling paused to take a breath. She could taste the couple’s disbelief and confusion; she hoped that by the end of the speech they would believe Chrysalis’ words.

“‘We changelings don’t have weddings, at least not in the same sense as you, but I understand that it is an event in pony’s lives of great importance. While taking your place, Cadance, for a few days, was the best way to for my invasion plan to succeed, I did feel bad even then. While being you, I got to experience first-hoof how you mares’ prepare for that special day, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by the concept. I honestly hope that after our loss you had a happy wedding - and that you weren’t gloating. And before I forget; I didn’t do anything more intimate than kissing with your husband, so if you had any doubts about him you can rest easy. Really, he’s not my type.’”

Nymph wasn’t sure if that was a smart thing for her Queen to say. The embarrassed and somewhat offended look on Shining Armor face definitely didn’t point at that. But she dispersed such thoughts as she took a deep breath, preparing for the real reason why she wanted to talk with them.

The peace needed to happen. She was more certain of that than everything else she ever was. And if she could make it possible by her next words, then she would gladly say them.

“Those were the words of my Queen,” Nymph said. “And these are mine: I can tell that you hate her for what she did to you. You want to hurt her, not make peace. That hate is the main reason stopping you from forming an alliance.” Not giving them a chance to object, she took a step forward and declared: “I am Queen Chrysalis’ foster daughter and her heir. Kill me, and you will inflict her greater pain than you could have hoped for and you’ll be even.”

No!!!” her Mother’s scream resonated in her head as the realisation of her plan came upon her.

Blocking Chrysalis attempt at controlling her - with difficulty - she quickly said: “Don’t worry, my Mother won’t place the Swarm’s future in jeopardy over my loss, I’m expendable. Do it quickly-”

She was stopped. Not by her Mother. Not by her own fear over her death or by her sorrow for the pain she would cause her. Nymph was stopped by a slap across her cheek from a golden-slippered hoof.

“How dare you?!” Princess Cadance asked, looking down on her lying form sternly; Nymph didn’t even notice she fell down. The Princess, while bristling with fury, kept her voice quiet. “How dare you think I would have slain a foal in a petty revenge against her mother!?”

“I- I-” Nymph stammered. This wasn’t a reaction she had expected; nor did Chrysalis, as she felt her shock over their link. Ashvattha, even Shining Armor was shocked. What was this anger? Why was she… angry at her, but at the same time… not?

“I know from Matt that your Mother can speak through you changelings,” Cadance cut her off. “I want to talk to her, now!”

Nymph wasn’t even sure what exactly is going on right now, so it didn’t come as as surprise that Mother took over her body easily. She felt her consciousness enter and fill her, pushing her gently into a position of a spectator.

No doubt Mother’s eyes appeared over her own, for Cadance realised Chrysalis was now present. “Did you put her up to this, you fucking bitch!?”

Over her shoulder, Nymph saw Shining Armor’s jaw hit the floor.

“Watch your mouth, Princess!” Chrysalis sneered with anger. “I would have never asked any of my subjects, let alone her, to do something like this!”

Both females bristled at one another (Mother using her body) and continued to glare at each other for while, before Cadance took a step back. “And if I had accepted her proposition and killed her, what would you do?”

Chrysalis also took a step back and said: “I would have continued pursuing peace, and I would search for a new Successor. Once she would reach maturity, I would pass her my powers and make her a Queen. So in about twenty-thirty years I would kill you with my bare hooves.”

Mother’s statement, that she would honor her wish while at the same time she would still avenge her made Nymph more happy that she remembered being in a while. “Don’t celebrate yet!” a mental hiss interrupted her. “I am really angry at you right now!

Wincing, Nymph returned her attention to what was happening outside of her body. Princess Cadance sighed and rubbed her eyes. “What does it say about my character that I find your threat heartening?”

“That you will be an excellent mother one day,” Chrysalis commented. “Now, I don’t like taking over my subject bodies for so long, so if you’re done...”

“Yes, you can go; I’m sure Nymph will inform you of our answer,” Cadance replied, and then looked at her sternly. “But for goodness sake, talk with your daughter! She said she’s expendable!”

“Oh, I intend to…” Mother said ominously, returning her consciousness to her own body.

Nymph shook; it always felt odd to regain control of herself. Of course, Mother didn’t do that too often-

I might start.

Gulping nervously, Nymph looked up to see Shining Armor trot up to Cadance.

“Are you… alright?” he asked with concern.

“Yes, I just got so mad when I thought that the Changeling Queen might have made her say that.”

“I’ll say. Never thought I will hear you curse,” he said teasingly.

“Oh, don’t start with me, mister. We still have something to talk about,” Cadance told him threateningly. Turning back to Nymph, she asked in a more gentler tone that she had expected to be addressed by her. “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” the changeling replied, confused to no end about the last five minutes of her life.

“I am sorry for hitting you, but, as I said, I was just mad,” She paused to smile. “You really love her, don’t you? And your people?”

Not feeling confident to speak, Nymph just nodded, smiling in turn. She could feel the Princess radiate with compassion and love, no lesser than Crystal Heart’s. Nymph took a few “bites” of it, so small that she wouldn’t feel the loss. It was delicious.

“I’m glad to know that. Perhaps ponies and changelings aren’t much different after all,” Cadance replied. “Now, you and your mother have some things to talk about, so you can go.”

“Yes…” she nodded again, not looking forward to the mental scolding. “Thank you for your time, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor. And could you… not tell anypony that I’m Queen’s heir? For a while, at least; I wasn’t supposed to reveal that.”

“I don’t see why not. Have a good rest, Princess Nymph.”

“I’m not exactly…” she began to object, but continuing would require explaining the changeling’s society, and Nymph didn’t really feel up to that right now. “Oh, forget it,” she gave up, bowing and flying toward the door.

She landed next to them and transformed back to unicorn. When she was about to open the doors (and already feeling Mother’s presence on the edge of her mind), she managed to hear from the couple: “Now, what was it that Matt said?”

If looks could swallow, then Matthias would have eaten the bed in the chamber he was given. Finally, he would get some well-deserved sleep.

He quickly took off his armor and put it in the corner. Matthias had already made sure that his subordinates were guarding the changelings fairly, so now he could just relax and await Cadance’s and Shining Armor’s decision.

He took a step towards the bed, its size, warmth and comfort summoning him… when it happened. A stab of pain so great as if he had… seen his home cast him away. Matthias pressed a hoof to his heart, panting heavily as he looked around for a source of this. But the chamber held no strange secrets.

The paladin continued to ponder it for minutes after the pain had completely gone away. In the end, he gave up. Whatever it was, it apparently could wait.

Twilight growled in frustration. She could not believe what just happened; she had been quite literally thrown out of Ponyville, and now was powerless to stop the one responsible for that from taking over the small town.

She glanced in irritation at the flower buds. Twilight could also not believe that she, Trixie, of all ponies, could perform such a complicated spell so easily. She remembered how months back Apple Bloom grew old, and she had tried to fix her up with a spell. That was a limit of her skill in the field of the age spells - canceling their effects. She couldn’t just change the age of a pony.

“Without Spike, I can't get a message to the Princess in Saddle Arabia,” she mused. “So who else do I know who understands strange and powerful magic? Ugh, of all the time for Matt to be away…” Twilight said out loud in annoyance, when it suddenly hit her. By thinking about Matt, she recalled clearly the one of their conversation’s today. It regarded a necklace, given him by- “Zecora!”

Yes, the wise zebra could help her. Knowing that time was of the essence, Twilight hastened to her hut. However, when she reached the forest’s entrance, she just had to stop.

Outside of the forest laid a warming sight, which said:

By the order of Grand Master of the Celestial Light, Sir Matthias Lehner, also known as Lightbringer, entering the Everfree Forest without a paladin accompanying you is strictly forbidden for the citizens of Ponyville.

Twilight really tried to hold it in, but it was just too funny to her. Laughing her flank off, she entered the forest, her mood already improved.

Nymph finally relaxed in her chamber after the two hour long discussion with her Mother. Chrysalis had spent all this time for being in turns angry at her and expanding her mental reach to give her a feeling of a warm hug. Nymph quickly grew tired of apologizing over and over again, so she laid silently in her bed while her Mother scolded her; for thinking of herself as expendable, for trying to get herself killed…

In hindsight, she should have thought clearly how it would make Chrysalis feel. Nymph knew very well that she wasn’t her only heir; she had many foster daughters over the centuries, but she outlived them all, and every time they died the Queen felt great pain.

Finally, she was allowed more privacy after swearing solemnly that she would never say that she was expendable. Feeling her Mother’s presence retreat, Nymph had decided to put her failsafe plan to life; even though she hoped she would never have to use it.

Still, enjoy the moment, right?” she mused.

Clearing her throat, she called out: “Guards?”

Nymph, still in her unicorn form, waited patiently for an answer while lying on the large bed. She didn’t have to wait long; merely seconds later the door opened, and in came the two royal guards: Sound Wave and Cherry Bomb.

Perfect. It would have been problematic if they were paladins…

She still didn’t like the idea of using them, but if she never planned to resort to this, nopony would get hurt. And it’s not like they are going to complain.

“Hi, um, would you mind helping me out with something?” she asked them, feeling a bit nervous.

“Sure, what’ya need?” Cherry Bomb asked.

The doors closed behind them.

“You see…” Nymph began. “I’m hungry, so… do one of you want to have sex?”

She was awarded with the sight of the royal guards’ jaws hitting floor and their eyes getting wider with panic. “Odd, based on their psychological profiles, I thought they would be quite excited with such a proposition… oh no...

“Wait, I don’t mean it in a way that I am going to eat you or something!” Nymph quickly tried to explain.

“Yeah, um…” Cherry Bomb muttered.

“Maybe you could explain what you actually meant,” Sound Wave offered.

“Well, it’s like this, “she began once more, this time picking her words more carefully: “Prior to being sent on this mission, Wind Reaver and I were provided with an amount of love sufficient enough to sustain us for a few months. But we didn’t expect to be within the Crystal Empire; by just being close to the Crystal Heart, we were affected by it and grew hungry for it. I, unlike Wind Reaver, am not used to not feeding for such a long time. To remain sated, I would need to absorb some love, and I cannot go around impersonating ponies, as I think it would be a breach of trust. But we changelings can feed during sex, as it is the primal, physical act of love, and it’s not nearly as invasive to ponies as our usual way of gathering love. Although, compared to true love, it’s a bit like… your fast foods,” Nymph trailed off to think, but then she noticed the confused stares the two stallions were giving her, so she stopped.

The funny thing was she was speaking the truth; she felt hungry after passing by the Crystal Heart. She would have been alright after some time, of course. When changelings preserved their energies, they could go on without eating for a long time. But the sight of such concentrated love made her almost drool.

“Wait, let me get this straight,” Sound Wave interjected, “you’re offering to have sex with one of us in exchange for love?”

“Yes, and I promise you won’t feel odd after that.”

“Aand… you can take on the form of anypony, right?”

For a second, Nymph felt hurt by the question. She thought her current form was pretty. But she quickly pushed that feeling away; even if it did, Nymph couldn’t expect them to pass on the chance to have sex with a pony they fantasized about for Ashvattha knows how long. Besides, she would be able to siphon more love from them that way.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Even… I don’t know, uh…” Cherry Bomb tried and failed to convince her that he was actually pondering his question. “Princess Celestia?”

“Yes, although transforming into her takes more energy, as she is twice as big as me,” Nymph admitted, then pretended (far more convincingly) that she just had this idea. “If you want me to change into her, then it has to be two of you.”

They blinked, not understanding.

“At the same time,” she specified.

Their eyes widened. For the next few seconds Nymph had quite the fun watching them glance at each other, then at her, then back at each other. Dealing with Sound Wave and Cherry Bomb was quite different than with the crowd earlier, to say the least, or even the royal guards yesterday. Then again, she couldn’t sense much hatred from them since the night before, and after Princess Celestia welcomed them, they had none at all.

Finally, they both shrugged and said “Sure, why not.”

Matthias yawned, waking up in the middle of the night, all rested up. He stretched and pondered what to do until the sunrise as he drunk a glass of water that stood at the nightstand.

Wish I had some books from Twilight,” he thought. He regretted not taking anything like that, but he was in a hurry in the morning. Putting the glass down, he mused: “What to do…

It seemed that fate has chosen an answer for him, for his hoof somehow slipped, causing the nightstand to fall down. Cursing, Matthias bent over to lift it up…

… and stared in surprise at the secret hiding place behind it.

Nymph stretched as the two stallions left her room. The last few hours were certainly productive; she managed to acquire quite a lot of love from them.

I wonder how Prince Shining Armor would react to his friends rutting the look-alike of his wife, mother and sister? The Hivespeaker would’ve certainly beaten them up for the latter,” she mused; those two had a lot of fantasies. “I should have prepared a camera; between the Princesses, Wonderbolts, the griffon princess - how in Tartarus do they even know how she looks? - it would’ve piled up for quite a scandal.

Still, her main objective had been accomplished - a subtle spell had been placed on their minds. Now, if Equestria ever betrayed her, she could easily take control over their minds and make them obey her every order. The effect would be short lived, but it would prove enough of a distraction to let her and Wind Reaver escape.

A yawn interrupted her thoughts; her body reminded her how much she needed sleep. She pulled her covers over her, preparing to drift off into a dream, but before that, her hooves absentmindedly reached for the opposite end of the bed in an embrace. They found nothing there.

I guess that’s another plus of impersonating a pony,” she thought, saddened. “it’s warmer to sleep with another.

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