• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,724 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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143. Operation: Honeymoon


Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise as she heard the the alicorn utter Arthas’ real name (albeit in a foalish, very cute form). She had barely even noticed that a small form shot at the paladin beside him. Luckily, Arthas hadn’t, and managed to catch Moonlight gently before she slammed against his armored chest.

“Hello Moonlight,” Arthas said calmly as the foal hugged his muzzle. “How’s my favorite Princess doing?”

Giggling along with Caring Star - the nanny of Princess Moonlight other than the one who had fallen sick - at the sight of Celestia and Luna sharing a half annoyed, half amused look, Twilight turned to Arthas.

“Nice catch,” she said as they left moved past doorway.

Arthas shrugged in reply. “I’ve had practice,” he replied with a smirk.

As Caring Star resumed helping Princess Luna on the other side of Luna’s bedchamber pack a bag with things they’d need, Twilight pondered their task. While it wasn’t exactly… something she and Arthas had expected, she felt that it would be quite the pleasant change. “Compared with talking about politics of two worlds, convincing dragons to move away, saving an Empire and Equestria,” Twilight thought, giggling inwardly. “Twice.

However, at the moment, something more important occupied her thoughts. “So how come Moonlight knows your real name?” she asked Arthas, raising an eyebrow.

She had hoped that her question hadn’t sounded like she was making him any pretenses, but seeing how Arthas slightly winced, she might have failed. Or maybe he winced because Moonlight began to climb using his mane.

“Well...” he started as the little alicorn made herself comfortable on top of his head and began chewing a lock of his hair.

Sweet Celestia,” Twilight suddenly thought, feeling warmth in her heart, “this is so adorable!

However, she wasn’t given much time to admire how cute they looked together, as Celestia unexpectedly came to Arthas’ rescue. “Arthas, you’ve told Twilight about your real name?” she asked, smiling. “I’m impressed; it must have been difficult.”

Arthas smiled awkwardly, “Oh, well, it-”

Unfortunately for him, Twilight was still a bit sore for how he kept his true name secret from her and everypony. “Actually, Princess, he had blurted it out by accident.”

“Ah, that explains it,” Celestia said as Arthas frowned at Twilight.

“You couldn’t let me have this, couldn’t you?” he asked.

“Not a chance,” Twilight smirked. “Now, how does Moonlight know it?”

“We don’t exactly know that,” Celestia replied for him. “Luna is certain that she had never called Arthas by his real name near her. We suspect that it must be either tied to her alicorn powers somehow, or have be caused by Arthas being the one who brought her back to life,” she said in serious tone. “Or by both reasons.”

“So you think I had somehow affected her subconsciousness?” Arthas asked, squinting his eyes to look up at Moonlight, who has now moved from chewing on his mane to chewing on his ear. “I hadn’t heard of the Light’s resurrection having such an effect… but then again, I’ve never heard of a newborn being brought back to life after a thousand years of being dead on the surface of the moon. Not to mention that I’ve never actually brought anypony back to life with the power of the Holy Light,” he added.

The slight change of his voice hadn’t escaped Twilight’s notice. She was even more convinced that she was on the right track with her conjectures. Unfortunately, the talk she planned to have with Arthas would have to wait several hours; talking about the death of innocents, destruction of kingdoms and necromancy hardly seemed like a proper topic of conversation while babysitting.

Unless… is there a fairytale with played down scenarios like that?” she pondered.

“Augh!” Arthas sudden yelp startled Twilight out of her reverie. She looked at him as he flickered his ear out of Moonlight’s reach. “Moonlight, please don’t bite my ears,” the strong earth pony in full set of plate armor pleaded.

The destroyer of kingdoms and mass murderer, everypony,” Twilight thought with dark humor, hardly able to believe how one’s fate could take so many of such improbable turns. “Just the thought of it is beyond hilarious. Oh, even Moonlight thinks this is,” she noted as the small alicorn began to giggle adorably.

“Oh, don’t be a baby,” she teased Arthas as he rubbed his ear. “She’s a foal, she couldn’t have bitten you that hard.”

“For your information, she has fangs,” Arthas told her, deadpanning.

“She has?” Twilight blinked in surprise.

Interesting… I knew that she inherited her eyes after her father, but carnivorous teeth to be passed on… what would this mean for those bat ponies?” she wondered. “I know they are differently… made than how Shadow Bolt had been transformed, but what would happen when they’d have a foal with a non-bat pony?

“But more importantly,” Arthas voice pulled her out of her musing, “Your Majesty, may I ask for how long you had known that Angelic Heart wouldn’t be able to foalsit today?”

“Since late last night,” Celestia replied. “Why? Are you trying to say that we could have found better foalsitters than Moonlight’s godfather and my student?”

“Of course not,” he sighed; Twilight had to admit, it did sound as if Celestia had tried to reproach him. “I am more than happy to help and spend some time with Moonlight, and I am sure Twilight will agree.” She quickly nodded to her mentor. “But you could have told us about it sooner. I wanted to look for a blacksmith to come work for the Order, and I expect Twilight also had plans as well. And I might have told Storm to continue to do something until I got back to the Abbey,” Arthas added, looking away.

“Couldn’t you send Guard or Tucker?” Twilight asked, puzzled. “You’ve sent Guard Shield to look for a cook.”

“I wanted to do this myself. I mean no offense, but since it’s been millennia since you took part in an actual armed conflict, your blacksmith’s job had been practically reduced to maintaining the royal guards’ equipment. I wanted to make sure the blacksmith has proper qualifications.”

Before Twilight had a chance to ask him what sort of qualifications he was talking about, Celestia stepped in. “I believe I know of a blacksmith that would meet all possible criteria, and with a little coaxing I can get him to suspend his retirement and work for the Order of the Celestial Light.”

“Oh,” Arthas exclaimed, blinking in surprise, “really?”

“Yes. He was working for the Royal Guard, but he left claiming that it was ‘too boring’. I am certain that he will find your paladin’s armors and weapons interesting enough to keep him in the Abbey for several months at least. And I vouch for his skills; I am certain that he would put to shame even blacksmiths of the war-torn Azeroth.”

“Well, if you say so, You Majesty, I will trust you on this,” Arthas said, bowing. “Thank you.”

Celestia smiled. “There’s no reason to thank me, Arthas. I have yet to convince him. And besides…” Twilight glanced at her, surprised, as she trailed off. To her confusion, Celestia seemed embarrassed. “I hope you’ll accept this as my way of apologizing for that one… discussion,” she added, now definitely embarrassed.

“What sort of discussion?” Twilight asked, confused.

“It’s nothing you have to worry about,” Arthas quickly replied.

She frowned at him, but nodded in understanding; it was probably something not important. Though it was hard to imagine what could cause Princess Celestia to be embarrassed about, she wouldn’t have waited until now to apologize if it was a serious matter.

Arthas turned back to Celestia. “Your Majesty, you don’t have to worry about… that. But getting back to the topic, do let me know how this matter turns out, and when I can expect to meet this ‘blacksmith who would put to shame even those from Azeroth’.” He smirked. “Of course, it would probably shame them if they knew a talking colorful pony can learn their craft, so...”

For some reason, his comment caused Princess Celestia to giggle. Twilight shared a look with Arthas, who was as confused as her. Just when they were about to ask what seemed so funny to her, though, Princess Luna and Caring Star had finally finished packing things they would need while taking care of Moonlight and turned to them.

“Everything is ready,” Luna said as they trotted.

“Ma-Ma!” Moonlight exclaimed adorably as she she jumped off Arthas’ head and flew at her mother.

Luna caught her in her magic, nuzzled her, and made her go around her. Caring Star coughed lightly. “Since Their Highnesses are busy,” she said, smirking, as she levitated the bag, “inside are diapers, foal towels, bottles with breast milk, toys-”

“Wait,” Arthas, who took the bag, interrupted her, “what milk?” he asked with wide eyes.

“Breast milk,” Luna replied, embracing Moonlight with her foreleg and staring seriously at Arthas. “Mine, to be specific.”

At first, Twilight was a bit embarrassed to hear Princess Luna say something so private, but then she saw Arthas’s reaction. His eyes, wide open, looked at Luna in utter shock. “But… um, you…” he mumbled as his eyes darted between the bag and the Princess, his face becoming red.

Moonlight was first to voice the thoughts of the four grown up mares. The little alicorn began to giggle loudly. Twilight, the Princesses, and Caring Star joined in quickly, though not as loudly as the foal.

Arthas, who was deadpanning at Moonlight as she started to giggle, sighed and rolled his eyes and waited patiently for them to calm down. “Since when did Moonlight get her own room?” he asked after several seconds.

“Trying to change the subject?” Twilight giggled again seeing the look Arthas gave Princess Luna. “Both Caring Star and Angelic Heart kept telling me that Moonlight should have her own room, so I had the chambers right next to mine prepared some time ago.”

“And still hadn’t used them,” Caring Star added.

Luna glared at the unicorn, but the nanny - tired of staying up all night looking after the alicorn foal - yawned and hadn’t noticed. Noticing that, Luna cleared her throat and continued. “I had decided that, seeing as Moonlight had slept through most of the night and is bound to stay awake now, it would be best if you’d foalsit her there.”

“And since Angelic Heart is sick, she won’t be there to criticize Her Highness for coming every ten minutes to check on Moonlight,” Caring Star added.

“You’re going to have nightmares,” Luna told her bristly.

The unicorn nanny shrugged. “If you want me to not rest properly before I come back to look after your daughter, go ahead.” Not waiting for the Princess to reply, she turned to Twilight and Arthas. “Take good care of the little Princess, Sir, Lady,” she told them, before trotting to Luna and Moonlight. “Goodbye, sweetie,” she said, nuzzling Moonlight gently. The alicorn foal groaned unhappily, probably familiar already with the gesture and that it meant her nanny would leave now. Caring Star kissed her on the forehead, right below her horn. “I’ll be back before you’ll notice. Your Majesties,” she said, bowing, as she finally turned to leave.

Princess Celestia restrained herself from commenting on that exchange until her hoofsteps faded away. “It’s always heartwarming to see how well you and your nannies get along,” she told Luna, with a barely noticeable smirk.

“Did the definition of ‘heartwarming’ change over the last thousand years? Because I don’t believe it meant ‘amusing’,” Luna replied, annoyed. “Caring Star had been spending too much time with Angelic Heart,” she added, sighing. She then turned her head away and covered with a wing as she yawned. “Hm, I really need to rest. You be nice to Arthas and Twilight,” Luna said as she bend down to nuzzle Moonlight.

The little alicorn giggled as she tickled her. Princess Luna yawned again as she used her magic to give her to Arthas to hold. Moonlight squeaked happily and quickly wiggled her way out and flew on top of his head again.

“I only need you to look after her for a few hours,” Luna said. “Let’s say… until eight in the evening.”

“Princess, are you sure?” Twilight asked, concerned. “If you need to rest, we can look after Moonlight longer.”

“Your concern is appreciated, Twilight, but it will be more than enough. Besides, I couldn’t stay away from Moonlight for too long,” she added, smiling at her daughter. “Hope you’ll have a fun time with her.”

“Of course, Princess,” both her and Arthas replied in unison. “Apologies for not bowing,” Arthas added pointing at his head as Twilight bowed.

Luna smiled in amusement before looking at her sister. “Good luck with the court, Sister.”

When Princess Celestia wished Luna a good rest, they finally began to leave. As they passed the doorway, Moonlight finally had realized what was going on, and began to look around. Her eyes began to well up when the door had closed.

“Oh, don’t cry, little one,” Celestia said softly as she bend down to nuzzle her. “Your Mommy needs some rest, and you are big enough to have your own room.”

Though the small alicorn still looked unhappy, her aunt’s words managed to calm her down. She was still unhappy, but she didn’t start crying. Grumpily, she grabbed Arthas’ ear and resumed munching on it.

Arthas sighed. “I’m going to lose my ears at this rate.”

“Look at the bright side,” Twilight joked, “I won’t be able to pull you by them when you annoy me. Princess Celestia,” she turned to her mentor, “is there anything else we should know?”

Earlier, Princess Luna told them what were her favorite toys - most of which were already moved to Moonlight’s new room - and what shape her magic surges could take.

Princess Celestia pondered a few seconds. “If she would start being too active, take her to the royal gardens; there’s a foal carriage in the room.”

“Princess Luna lets her play in the gardens?” Arthas asked.

“She’s not that overprotective,” Celestia replied, rolling her eyes. “And foals need to spend some time in fresh air.”

Moonlight voiced her agreement in an adorable cry.

Arthas sighed again. “Sorry, I guess I am still getting used to being a pony and all. Human babies don’t start crawling at her age- augh! And usually don’t start teething, too,” he added as he flicked his ear away from her.

Focusing on opening the door to Moonlight’s baby room helped Twilight to not laugh. She was already called ‘racist’ today, she didn’t want Arthas to call her that as well.

Moonlight’s room was decorated in the similar theme to Princess Luna’s. Shades of blue, with stars on the ceiling and the Moon in the middle, above the crib. The floor was carpeted, and there was a box with toys in one corner and small drawer with short books to read for her in another. Through the ajar door on the right wall of the room Twilight could see the small bathroom.

“What a lovely room,” she commented as she stepped in.

“I wish I could stay a bit longer,” Celestia said as Arthas followed Twilight, “but I’m afraid I have to attend to my duties. Even during my short lunch break I will be going through some paper work.”

“Don’t worry about us, Princess,” Twilight said briskly. “You and Princess Luna can count on us.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Twilight,” the Princess said, smiling, before nuzzling Moonlight in goodbye and leaving.

Not wanting for the little alicorn to grow sad now that her aunt also left, Twilight quickly trotted over to the toy box. “Moonlight?” she called as she grabbed several toy blocks with her magic and placed them in the center of the room. “Would you like to play with me?”

Moonlight seemed to like that idea, as she almost immediately flew to her from Arthas’ head. The paladin smiled at the two of them as the foal sat beside Twilight.

“You seem happy,” Twilight commented.

“She’s heavy,” Arthas replied, sticking his tongue, before he began to taking off his armor.

Twilight shifted her attention to Moonlight. The baby alicorn began moving the blocks in random order, placing them on top of each other in the way that would result in the them falling down. Just as soon as Twilight noticed that, the block Moonlight placed began to shake. She quickly grabbed it with her magic and placed it back where the filly put it, only more stably.

The little filly, however, didn’t like that she moved it. She looked at the blocks, then at Twilight, and frowned.

“Moonlight, if you set them this way, they won’t fall,” Twilight defended herself. “Look,” she said, as she took a few toy blocks Moonlight had yet to use, and began setting them in similar way to Moonlight’s. They fell down after the fourth one was placed on top. “See?”

The little princess didn’t seem to be impressed.

“But if you set them like this…”

Now Twilight placed them carefully and precisely, creating small, symmetrical, and most importantly, stable structure.

“What do you think?” she asked Moonlight.

Moonlight frowned and pushed the structure, resulting in the toy blocks falling down. Twilight, who expected this to happen, shielded the filly magically so no block would hurt her.

After a few seconds, when it was over, she dropped the shield. “Moonlight, that wasn’t very nice,” she told the filly calmly.

The little alicorn stomped angrily before she looked around. “Ar-thias!” she exclaimed, pointing at Twilight.

The earth pony, now free of his armor, trotted over to join them. “Twilight is right,” he told the foal, lying down. “What you did wasn’t very nice. She’s trying to be your friend.”

Hearing the gentle reprimand in her godfather’s voice took a greater effect than when Twilight had tried. She looked down, dropping her ears, before she resumed setting her toy blocks.

“You’re good with foals,” Arthas commented as Moonlight kept herself busy.

“I had a great foalsitter” Twilight replied, thinking back warmly to the time when Cadance had foalsat her. “I learned a lot from Cadance.”

“Why, did you push toy blocks too? Weren’t you six years old when she started to foalsit you?” he asked, smirking.

Twilight frowned, but instead of pulling his ear like she would usually do, she thought of a sweeter reply. “Why did you grow so uncomfortable about the breast milk?”

Arthas’ cheeks became red. “I don’t know what you mean,” he said, looking away.

“Was it because human female’s breasts are located on the chest and it confused you?” Twilight pressed, feeling great satisfaction at seeing him uncomfortable.

“... Maybe,” Arthas admitted, still not looking at her.

And this stallion had slept with three mares since he became a pony,” Twilight thought. “One would think he had grown used to all anatomical differences.

“Is this an appropriate topic to be discussed in front of a foal?” Arthas asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Seeing how she’s too young to start eating solid food, I am pretty sure she is familiar with breasts.”

Arthas visibly cringed. “And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Luna only feed her with a bottle.”

“Mares usually feed their foals through a bottle when in company of others,” Twilight replied, surprised how one could be so dense. “It’s a bit… revealing.”

Okay, I’m starting to understand why he is so uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat as she changed the topic slightly. “And if you were referring to that time when we all came to see her after you brought her back to life, Princess Luna had to bottle feed her, as she hadn’t had milk. She gave birth to Moonlight a thousand years ago, remember?”

“Yeah, that’s another thing,” Arthas said. “How-”

“There are ways for a mare to induce milk production,” Twilight cut him off. “It’s all caused by hormones, after all. If you want-”

“No, thanks, I can do without the details,” Arthas quickly interrupted her. “How do you know all this?”

“I read.”

“No!” Arthas exclaimed dramatically.

Twilight glared at him, thinking of a good comeback. “And you stink,” she finally said.

“You try to walk around in plate armor in the middle of the day,” Arthas replied, though he did raise his foreleg and sniffed it.

Before Twilight could add anything, she felt Moonlight touch her leg. She looked at the little alicorn, and saw her pointing at the toy blocks. She had set nine of them into a small pyramid. “That’s amazing, Moonlight,” she praised her.

Moonlight smiled adorably and turned to Arthas, probably wanting a praise from him as well. But as Arthas was about to speak, she wrinkled her nose and backed away.

“You were sitting on my mane earlier, how is my smell now bothering you?” Arthas said, frowning at the foal.

“It’s official, you smell,” Twilight smirked. “We outvoted you.”

Arthas rolled his eyes. “Fine, I will go freshen up. You two will be okay alone?” he asked as he raised.

“Of course,” Twilight replied. She watched Arthas for a moment as he walked towards the bathroom, passing his armor. “Wait,” she said as she had an idea. “It’s kind of dangerous to keep your armor here. How about I send it to my place?”

“Your place?” Arthas asked, confused.

“My house in Canterlot, from before I came to live in Ponyville,” she explained. “It’s not far from the castle grounds. I figured we can spend the night there, since we’re stuck in Canterlot.”

To her relief, Arthas smiled. “That sounds lovely. Thank you for your offer.”

“No problem,” she said, and looked at his armor, concentrating. With a flash, it disappeared. Her magic sent it to her house’s living room. “Though on our way there we will need to buy something to make supper.”

“You can cook without Spike?” Arthas joked.

“Better than you,” Twilight replied, sticking her tongue.

Arthas just shook his head and went to the bathroom. Twilight smiled and looked back at Moonlight… who was staring right at her.

“So, Moonlight...” Twilight started, but trailed off.

The little alicorn slowly smiled.

Twilight opened her mouth and tried to speak. “... there’s no way you…” Twilight finally started, but again trailed off as Moonlight scampered towards her toy box.

She watched as the filly began searching through it, moving toys with both her hooves and magic, until she found what she had been looking for; stuffed dolls. Moonlight used her magic to pick two of them, one white and other purplish, and turned back to Twilight.

“Ar-thias,” she said, pointing at the white doll, “Twa-la,” as she pointed at the other; then, to Twilight’s shock, she made the two dolls collide heads with each other several times while the little foal imitated kissing noises.

I cannot believe this,” Twilight thought as she facehoofed. “Moonlight is what, two months old? And even she is…

As she took her hoof off her face, she noticed that Moonlight continued to make the two dolls kiss. “Ugh, Moonlight, sweetie,” she started, taking a step towards her. “Why don’t we play with some of your other dolls?”

To her dismay, Moonlight shook her head, and keeping the dolls levitating, she began to run around the room with them, giggling. “Ar-thias, Twa-la! Ar-thias, Twa-la!”

Long-term note to self; get back at Princess Moonlight Shadow about twenty years from now.

“You seem… energetic,” she tried as Moonlight stopped running and instead began to fly around her room. “How about we leave those dolls and go play in the gardens?”

The little alicorn stopped in mid air… and began to fall. Twilight quickly grabbed her with her magic and brought her closer to her. “Yay!” Moonlight exclaimed as she giggled happily.

Twilight sighed with relief. “Alright,” she said as she placed Moonlight on the floor next to her. “Let’s just wait for Arthas and then we’ll go to the royal gardens.”

As she said those words, she heard the door to the bathroom and Twilight turned to look as Arthas emerged. She could tell that he had just finished drying up his mane and coat, as he was still visibly wet in some places.

“I’m back,” he announced unnecessarily. “How you’ve been- where’s Moonlight!?” he suddenly asked, his eyes alarmed.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, confused. She looked to her side. “She’s right…”

She wasn’t there.

Twilight’s jaw dropped in shock. “Moonlight!” she called out, looking around the room frantically. “Moonlight sweetie, come here!” When the little alicorn failed to appear in the next few seconds, she began to lift every pillow and furniture in the room into the air. “I-I don’t understand!” she told Arthas as she looked under the crib. “She was next to me literally a second before you came out of the bathroom!”

“Twilight, calm down,” Arthas told her. She turned to look at him, dropping everything. It was clear that he was as alarmed as she was, but he managed to control himself. “We must think. If she’s not here, then…” he trailed off, wanting her to continue.

Twilight breathed deeply, trying to concentrate. “W-well.. she obviously used magic.” She thought back to the list of what Moonlight’s magic surges so far had caused. “If she hadn’t turned invisible,” and seeing how she had in the matter of seconds turned the room upside down, it was unlikely, “she had either phased through the floor or teleported.”

“Where would she go then? Luna’s bedchambers?” Arthas suggested.

Twilight nodded… but then she added: “Or to the royal gardens. A moment earlier I suggested that we’d go there. Oh no, what if she hurts herself?! We have to tell the guards to help us look for us.”

Ugh, the Princesses will be so disappointed…

But to her surprise, Arthas, after a brief hesitation, shook his head. “No, we can’t. Luna is already too overprotective of Moonlight. How do you think she’ll react when she hears she got away from the both of us?”

An image of the little alicorn surrounded by a bubble of magic appeared in Twilight’s mind.

“I will go check if she’s with Luna,” Arthas said, heading to the door. “You teleport to the royal gardens and look there; I will join you shortly, to help you or tell you I found her. If we don’t find Moonlight, then we’ll get some help.”

“Okay,” Twilight nodded; this plan sounded sensible.

Her teleportation spell made her appear right at the entrance to the gardens, outside of the castle’s corridor.

Alright,” she thought, taking a step forward, “let’s-

“Twilight Sparkle?”

She almost tripped hearing a pony call her. Twilight looked back, and was surprised to see two ponies standing in the hallway of the castle, one very old and familiar.

“Oh wait, it’s Lady Twilight Sparkle now, isn’t it?” Lord Blackhorn, professor of history and geology - and all things related to those fields of sciences - from Canterlot University, corrected himself.

Despite in how dire straits she was, Twilight knew she had to spare a few moments. “You can just call me Twilight, Lord Blackhorn,” she told the dark grayish unicorn with mane gray from old age, head of the very ancient unicorn noble family, as well as one of its last members.

The elderly pony chuckled warmly. “Actually, it’s just Professor Blackhorn now. I’ve stepped down and made my nephew, Victorious, the head of House Blackhorn. I don’t believe you’ve met him yet?” he asked, nodding at the unicorn next to him, who trotted close.

New Lord Blackhorn was an imposing pony. He was very handsome, even to Twilight, who usually hadn’t paid attention to stallions, with his ebony coat, black mane, and orange eyes, whose gaze pierced her. However, at the same time, there was something… repulsing about him, though Twilight couldn’t put her hoof on why that was.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lady Twilight,” he said in a deep voice, extending his hoof.

“L-likewise…” she said as to her surprise the unicorn stallion took her hoof and kissed it. She managed to resist the sudden urge to tear it away. “Professor, Lord Blackhorn, I’m terribly sorry, but I’m… running an errand for the Princess,” she lied, though technically it was truth.

“So you don’t have time,” the elderly pony said, nodding. “Well, we certainly wouldn’t want to keep you.”

She nodded in goodbye to him and Lord Victorious Blackhorn and run into the garden. “Well, that was an odd meeting,” she thought as she began to look around the garden for any sign of Moonlight. She also recalled the last lecture of Professor Blackhorn she had attended. “Especially since Professor Blackhorn hadn’t been back in Equestria for five years I think. He’s been staying in Castle Blackhorn on Magmarock Island” her thoughts trailed off as she focused on the task at hoof.

She passed several bushes and flower beds, wondering where would she be if she was a baby alicorn. “In my room,” Twilight thought sternly, worried if she could find her on her own. “At this rate, it might be best to ask the guards to help with the search…

After several minutes, she was no closer to finding Moonlight. However, she did stumble upon somepony familiar.

Twilight looked in dismay at the imprisoned Discord. “I bet you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she asked out loud, thought she wasn’t sure if he was conscious of his surroundings or not.

Of course, she hadn’t expect the statue to reply… which is why Twilight almost got a heart attack as she heard it giggle. Only… in a very foalish voice…

Twilight looked sharply at Discord’s head, where she spot tiny hooves helping a certain alicorn filly lift herself up atop the statue. “Moonlight!” Twilight exclaimed in relief. “Oh, I’m so happy I found you! Come down here.”

Moonlight, who was now sitting on top of Discord’s head, giggled and shook her head.

Twilight frowned. “Moonlight, I wasn’t asking; this is dangerous,” she told her, grabbing her with her magic.

To her surprise, the little alicorn’s horn flashed, and she disappeared.

Well, at least she’s no longer sitting on Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony anymore,” Twilight thought a heartbeat before she heard giggling behind her.

She turned just in time to see the end of Moonlight light blue tail disappeared behind the edge of hedge maze’s wall. Twilight quickly ran after her. “We should have brought Rainbow Dash,” she remarked as she passed the edge and spotting Moonlight disappearing behind the next turn. “She’s surprisingly fast!

Instead of running, she teleported right behind her, and resumed running, practically at her tail. “Moonlight, stop running!” she called, concentrating on a spell that would stop her from teleporting away again.

The little alicorn continued to laugh, and flapped her wings harder. She flew to the left on the next crossroads. Twilight followed, casting the spell…

… and violently colliding with somepony.

She shouted, more in surprise than in pain, as the momentum send them both rolling across grass. After several flips, they stopped, with her landing on top.

Could this get any worse?” she thought, as she raised her head from the pony’s chest, apologies at the back of her tongue, when she noticed that he smelled familiar, and so was his scarred chest.

“Arthas?” she asked in surprise, getting a better look at her friend.

“Hello,” Arthas replied, smiling uncomfortably. “So, Moonlight wasn’t in Luna’s room…”

Adorable laughter erupted next to them.

Both of them looked to see the foal alicorn lying on the ground nearby and rolling in the dirt, laughing. Twilight and Arthas gave a tired sigh.

“How much do you think her nannies are getting paid?” Twilight asked, collapsing. “Sorry,” she added.

“Easily more than the rest of the castle staff,” Arthas replied, his muzzle pleasantly close to hers. “And I don’t mind.”

“Ar-thias, Twa-la! Ar-thias, Twa-la!” Moonlight exclaimed, dancing around.

Despite how embarrassing this situation was, Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the little filly.

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