• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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148. Engaging Talk

“You’re what?!”

Twilight stared at Big Mac and Nymph, shocked. The two were still smiling, holding hooves and brushing sides, as if they hadn’t just been shouted at by eight ponies, one dragon and one changeling, all of which were staring at them now.

“We’re engaged,” Nymph repeated, still smiling happily, although this time she sounded a bit embarrassed.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac added. Unlike her, he was still smiling as widely as before.

Twilight glanced at Arthas, standing beside her, only to see him as shocked and confused as she was. When Applejack had gathered everypony and got them to come to Sweet Apple Acres, she had expected… anything besides that. She thought Big Mac and Nymph made a cute couple, sure, but who gets engaged after such a short time? Others must have been thinking the same thing, judging by their expressions, except for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Although Twilight had seen them in the corner of her eye stare in shock at the happy couple earlier, just like everypony else, now she had to cover her ears as all three fillies shrieked very loudly.

“Congratulations!” Spike, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison, while Apple Bloom first jumped around yelling: “Ah have another sister! Ah have another sister!” before she threw herself at Big Mac and Nymph to hug them.

Glancing at Applejack, Twilight couldn’t help but be even more shocked at her acceptance of that. She was certain that the farm pony wouldn’t like the mere idea of Nymph dating her brother. But now there they were, inside her family house, with Applejack smiling happily as her younger sister so quickly accepted the changeling into their family.

“Thanks girls. You too, Spike,” Nymph said, smiling gratefully at the three fillies and the baby dragon as she brushed Apple Bloom’s mane affectionately. She then turned her blue pupiless eyes to look at everypony else, her expression becoming a little awkward. “I suppose the rest of you have some questions?”

Yeah, a couple,” Twilight thought, but before she could voice the first one - which was going to be either “Aren’t you two moving things a bit fast?” or more direct “Are you crazy?!” - Wind Reaver raised his hoof.

“Yeah, I have a one,” he said. “Can I be there when you tell Her Majesty about this?”

Nymph’s eyes went wide. “Oh no, I’ll have to tell Mother,” she said, covering her mouth, as she apparently only now realized that.

“Wait, ‘Mother’?!”

Oh right, they already left for their camping trip when the announcement was made,” Twilight realized, looking at the shocked Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Hearing Arthas clear his throat beside her, she and everypony else turned to him. “The day when you went on your camping trip had unfortunately been the same day Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis made the announcement about peace and forming an alliance between Equestria and the changelings. During it Chrysalis revealed that Nymph is her heir. We’ll catch you all up later,” he added as the six ponies made a collective ‘Oooh.’, before turning to the engaged couple. “Big Mac, Nymph, as a servant of the Light and the Princesses I have to congratulate you and commend you for setting an example for pony - changeling relations. But as a concerned friend I have to question the… pace at which your relationship is advancing.”

“Or,” Rainbow Dash added, “to put it simply, what in Light’s name are you thinking?!” she exclaimed, after which immediately her eyes widened and she facehoofed. “Oh great, I really started talking like him…”

Suppressing a chuckle at seeing Arthas roll his eyes at Rainbow’s comment, Twilight turned to Nymph and Big Mac. “What they are saying is, while we are happy for you, we are concerned about how fast you two had gotten engaged.”

“Quite right,” Rarity agreed. “While I don’t consider Twilight to be a high authority when it comes to relationships’ progression-”

“H-hey!” Twilight exclaimed, blushing.

“- she does make a good point,” Rarity continued. Deciding to forget the jibe for now, Twilight listened to what else she had to say. “You’ve known each other only a few weeks and been dating for less than a week. I’m all for romance, but that’s hardly enough time for you two get to know each other well enough to decide to marry.”

Twilight found herself surprised to hear Pinkie Pie say: “Yeah, are you sure you don’t want to pause and think about it carefully? I mean, what if a month after a wedding you’ll find out about the other something terrible? Like, that Big Mac doesn’t like cupcakes?!” she said, her eyes widening in shock at the thought. “Or, or, that Nymph doesn’t really like apples?!” Pinkie added, grasping her head.

“Why wouldn’t she like apples?” Apple Bloom asked, puzzled. “Would ‘ave been silly to hang ‘round apple orchard for so long.”

“Um, I think what Pinkie is trying to say is that there might be a lot you don’t know about each other,” Fluttershy replied before Pinkie recovered, probably sparing them from hearing about another silly example.

“Oh, I don’t really think so,” Nymph said. Somewhat bashfully, she explained: “I was speaking about myself most of the time we were together.”

Not surprising,” Twilight thought, glancing at Big Mac. “That’s not exactly a pony one can have a good conversation with. I wonder how much he had actually spoken when they were together.

“And I can tell how much Big Mac loves me,” Nymph continued. “Like, literally.”

“She has a point there,” Wind Reaver admitted, sounding a bit reluctant. When the others looked at him questioningly, he added: “Not getting into any details, I’m probably going to start drooling soon.”

“Awwww!” the fillies exclaimed, looking at Big Mac and Nymph. “Ya really love ‘er a lot, don’tcha Big Mac?” Apple Bloom asked, half-smiling and half-smirking.

“Eeyup!” he replied, smiling.

“You don’t seem to approve,” Nymph noted, looking at Wind Reaver.

“My intended mate and I knew each other since we were larvaes, I don’t think I’m in a position to judge,” he replied, shrugging. “Besides, I’m supposed to be your bodyguard, not your life-mating counselor. That being said,” he added, grinning, “I am curious to see how you will explain this to Her Majesty.”

“Wow, ya’re just one pleasant fella, aren’tchya?” Applejack spoke up, deadpanning at Wind Reaver. “Also,” she added, point a hoof at him, “ya guys used t’ be larvaes, really?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing and Nymph.

“Speaking of pleasant,” Wind Reaver began as Nymph nodded, causing Applejack and the others who went camping to look at the changelings with surprise and curiosity, “what exactly happened to you?”

“What’dya mean?”

“Where’s all the distrust, suspicion and hate that made Nymph cringe and me roll my eyes?” he asked, sounding puzzled. “Everypony here was worried how you were going to react when you learn about the two of them dating. Why are you happy they are getting married?”

Huh, that’s a good point,” Twilight thought, turning to regard Applejack. Shocked by Big Mac and Nymph’s announcement, she didn’t notice how strange it was for Applejack to be apparently okay with this. “She even got us all to come here.

“Ah wouldn’t say ‘hate’,” Applejack replied, rolling her eyes, although her cheeks blushed slightly from the embarrassment. Sighing, she continued: “Ah admit, Ah was prejudiced against y’all. And Ah didn’t really take it too well when Ah found out ‘bout ‘em.”

Twilight glanced briefly at the couple. Judging by Big Mac’s deadpanning and Nymph looking away, Applejack was putting it mildly by saying that she “didn’t take it too well”.

“But after Ah had some sense talked into me by Big Mac and Nymph, Ah realized just how unfair Ah was, and how much those love each other. And how our great uncle Scrumpy Jack used t’ say: ‘if ya love somethin’, put a bracelet on it’,” she added, smirking.

Noticing Arthas’ confused expression, Twilight quickly leaned to his ear. “Earth ponies wear bracelets on hooves when they get married,” she whispered, glancing up briefly at the tip of her horn.

As Arthas’ eyes widened in comprehension, Twilight heard Nymph speak. “Your great uncle’s saying aside,” she said, smiling a bit awkwardly, “there was actually a reason why Big Mac proposed to me. An important one in fact,” Nymph added, glancing at her fiancée and smiling bashfully.

“You’re pregnant?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

As everypony looked from Nymph to Rainbow and back (with the Cutie Mark Crusaders gasping and staring at the changeling with excitement), Nymph, whose jaw had dropped, said: “N-no, changelings and ponies are too different to produce an offspring.”

Twilight was sure she heard a hint of regret in Nymph's voice as she said that, but it was nothing compared to the disappointed whine the three fillies gave.

“Aww, Ah would ‘ave liked to be an aunt,” Apple Bloom said, frowning.

“Ya still got another siblin’,” Applejack reminded her, deadpanning.

Eyes widening, Apple Bloom quickly explained: “No, Ah meant, like, sometime soon. Within next year ‘cause of what Rainbow said,” she added, possibly because how her first sentence could have been interpreted.

“Which, by the way, was rather rude thing to say,” Rarity said, looking at Rainbow Dash with a reproach.

“What? She said Big Mac had an important reason for proposing,” Rainbow pointed out. “What else could it be that they got engaged because of it after dating for a few days?”

As the attention once again turned to Nymph and Big Mac, the changeling’s earlier smile became even more bashful than before. “W-well, Big Mac proposed because… I told him what it means for changelings to nibble on their wings-”

“Oh, shit.”

Twilight blinked, surprised at the interruption, then she and everypony else turned to regard Wind Reaver. The changeling had covered his face with a hoof and seemed to ignore them all.

“Excuse me, language,” Rarity said, glaring at him. “There are youngster here and they don’t need to learn such words.”

“Yeah yeah, I will steal a bit from from Rainbow later and put it in a swear jar or whatever,” he replied, shaking his head.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“But back to the topic, now those two have to marry,” Wind reaver continued, ignoring her.

Oh, right,” Twilight thought. Because of Wind Reaver’s interruption she didn’t think about it, but now she recalled what Nymph told them about changelings wings, tagula and how sensitive they were. Apparently Big Mac had proposed to her before in changeling’s manner without realizing it.

“Why?” Rainbow asked, sounding a bit annoyed (which, seeing what Wind Reaver said earlier, wasn’t surprising). “What’s the big deal about biting a changeling’s wing?”

“Nibbling on a changeling’s tegula - the part that connects their wings with the rest of the body - is considered in their society the same as a proposal in ours,” Twilight quickly explained.

“Really?” Rainbow and Rarity said in unison, as they and the fillies looked at her, then Nymph and Wind Reaver in confusion.

They weren’t the only ones confused. “Why did you nibble on her wings?” Arthas asked Big Mac in the meantime, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, like you’re one to talk,” Rainbow snorted, rolling her eyes.

Arthas’ jaw dropped as he slightly blushed. Twilight too felt heat on her cheeks and a slight pang of jealousy hearing her comment. As she tried her best to disperse that emotion, Arthas closed his mouth and cleared his throat. “What I meant was, how come you were unaware of what that meant for changelings?” he asked, ignoring giggles from others.

“I didn’t mention it,” Nymph replied. Somewhat defensively, she added, “Do you mention your race’s courting rituals in conversations?”

Fair enough,” Twilight thought.

“So you see,” Wind Reaver resumed, “now they have to marry. If the word would get to the Swarm that the Queen’s Heir allowed someling to nibble on her wings and they didn’t become lifemates - and trust me, it would get to the Swarm - Nymph would be very humiliated. And her bodyguard possibly beheaded. So, you know,” he added, turning to Nymph and Big Mac, “no pressure.”

“You changelings are weird,” Rainbow Dash summed up.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that, they’re just… different,” Rarity said. “Regardless, now that we know that Big Mac proposed to save her honor - which is a very romantic gesture if I can say so - I believe that we cannot do anything but congratulate them and wish them a happy life.”

Well, that’s true,” Twilight thought. “Nymph said she wasn’t really liked by other changelings, and even beside that she doesn’t deserve to be humiliated by something like this. And besides,” she added in an afterthought, smiling inwardly “they do love each other.

“True,” she heard Arthas say; for a moment she assumed that he somehow heard her thoughts, but then realized he was talking about what Rarity just said. “And on the bright side, at least it’s not Azeroth.”

“Why is that a bright side?” she asked him, confused by the remark.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know what kind of mess it would be if a princess and a farmer were to marry there,” Arthas replied, rolling his eyes. “Seriously though,” he added, turning to Big Mac and Nymph, his expression brightening, “congratulations you guys. May the Light shine brightly upon your approaching union.”

Smiling hearing his blessing, Twilight walked over closer to the pair along with everypony to congratulate them properly.

“Oh, this is so exciting!” she heard Rarity exclaim. When Twilight glanced at her over Nymph’s shoulder, she saw her eyes shining brightly. “It’s been too long since we had a wedding in Ponyville! Darling, you must let me make a wedding dress for you!”

“Well, yes, of course-”

“And I will throw you the most super-duper reception ever!” Pinkie interrupted Nymph before she could finish.

“Ya know,” Applejack began, “Ah was thinkin’, since we’re havin’ Apple Family Reunion next month, maybe ya could ‘ave yar weddin’ then? Ah know it’s a short time to prepare, but all our relatives would be ‘ere, so-”

“Hey, take it easy everypony,” Twilight interrupted her, noticing how nervous both Nymph and Big Mac started to become as all of them began offering their services and advices. “It’s a bit early to press them into thinking about all of that. We should give them some space.”

“I agree,” Arthas said supportively, nodding at her. “However, while I don’t think you should start planning your wedding right now,” he added, turning to the engaged couple, “there are some things we should discuss.”

“Such as?” Big Mac asked, frowning.

Sighing, Arthas sat down. “Big Mac, Nymph is the daughter of the Queen of Changelings and her heir. Despite how changelings themselves see this matter, to ponies of Equestria you will be seen as a princess,” he said, looking at the changeling. “With the announcement just a few days ago and the interview you underwent, it’s reasonable to assume that changelings are the number one topic of conversations all across the realm. Similar to how Wind Reaver had said, word will get around. Even if everypony were to overlook Nymph’s status, this will be the first wedding between our two races in history. Such an event has to be planned carefully.”

Twilight couldn’t help but notice that the longer Arthas talked, the more serious and, unfortunately, deflated Big Mac and Nymph were.

“Ain'tcha overreacting’ just a nudge?” Applejack, who must have noticed that as well, asked.

“Unfortunately, I’m probably underreacting,” Arthas replied, glancing to the side. “How to put this… if the wedding were to receive too less of an attention, it could send a message to both Equestria and the Swarm that we do not respect changelings. Were it receive too much of an attention, everypony would start to wonder if all of this isn’t staged. Especially since this is happening so soon after the announcement. Furthermore,” he added, and his expression brightened, “too much attention would cause this day to no longer be your special day, and that is something that, as a servant of the Light, and your friend, I will not stand for.”

Smiling upon hearing that (along with pretty much everypony else), Twilight turned to look at Nymph, who was visibly deep in thoughts.

“He is right,” she said. Looking up at Big Mac, she continued: “This will be the first wedding between our two races. It’s… something unimaginably big. Our wedding can affect the relations between the Swarm and Equestria for many years to come. We cannot make any mistakes planning this. My duty to my people compels me to make this wedding… perfect.”

Big Mac smiled. “Ah understand. We’ll make sure it will be,” he said, putting his foreleg around her in embrace.

“Good… because I have no idea what to do,” Nymph sighed, pressing her head against his chest.

Aww, they look adorable,” Twilight thought, smiling.

“Don'tcha worry Nymph!” Apple Bloom said, stepping up beside them. “We’ll help ya out. Right Crusaders?” she asked, turning to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Right!” Sweetie Belle replied immediately, while Scootaloo said: “Of course.”

“We’ll all help ya,” Applejack added.

“Duh!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“But of course,” Rarity added.

“It will be our pleasure,” Fluttershy said.

“You can count on us!” Rainbow said, puffing out her chest confidently.

“You didn’t think we would leave you to do all this by yourselves, did you?” Spike asked, smirking.

Twilight also stepped forward. “We will be glad to help,” she said, smiling. Turning to Arthas, she asked: “What do you think should be done?”

She wasn’t the only one to turn to him. Everypony else was looking at him. As she watched his eyes jump from face to face with an expressionless face, Twilight could practically hear him think: “Are they seriously asking the former Lich King of the Scourge to help plan a wedding between a talking pony and talking insect-pony that eats love?

She almost burst out with laughter.

“First things first,” Arthas began after a few seconds. He pointed his hoof at Nymph and Big Mac. “Tell Chrysalis the good news. Family and friends should know first. Actually, it’s usually customary for the stallion to ask the family of his would-be bride first-”

“Yeah, about six hundred years ago,” Rainbow pointed out.

Arthas rolled his eyes. “Fine then, not customary but traditionally-”

“And changelings don’t really care about something like that,” Wind Reaver said, interrupting him again.

As he deadpanned at him, the changeling and Rainbow Dash raised their hooves and bumped them against each other. Letting out a sigh as the two chuckled, he continued: “Just tell her. I trust you know how to best tell her?” he asked Nymph, who nodded, although there was some uncertainty on her face. If Arthas noticed it, he chose to ignore it. “When is Granny Smith coming back?” he asked Applejack. “It would be best to wait with planning until she knows.”

“Day after tomorrow.”

“Well, seeing how I’ll be gone by then, I’ll have to do what I can before that.” Seeing the confused faces around him, he explained before anypony could ask: “My paladins and I will be gone on Order’s business, we should be back within a week after leaving.”

“So you won’t be here to see if I got into the Wonderbolt Academy or not?” Rainbow asked as everypony expressed their sadness at the thought of him being gone for so long.

Taken aback by the disappointment in her voice, Twilight was surprised to see Arthas smile. “I know you know you couldn’t have not gotten into it,” he said. “And that you don’t need my support to do awesome at the Academy.”

That brightened Rainbow right up. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” she said, smirking.

“Although you will still have my support. Back on track,” Arthas said, turning to the rest, “I will try to come up with some ideas on what could be done with the wedding and either write them down or pass them along to somepony. Princess Celestia will have the means to contact me, so if there would be something you would need from me you will be able to send me a message. Although bear in mind that from… the fifth day from now until the eighth day I will probably be busy, so it might take me a while to reply,” Arthas explained as he quickly counted the days in his thoughts. Seeing the confused gazes again, he added: “I will explain the nature of this journey later.”

Twilight certainly hoped so. He hadn’t mentioned to her that he would be leaving, and for so long too. “So soon after we finally got together too…” she thought. Even though Twilight knew there had to be a very good reason for him leaving, she still felt a pang of sadness.

“And speaking of Celestia,” Arthas continued, “it’s best that she and Princess Luna will be informed as soon as possible.”

“Do you want me to send Princess Celestia a note?” Spike asked, straightening.

“Thank you for your offer, Spike, but the Princesses will probably want to discuss this matter, so I’ll use the mirror in my office,” Arthas replied, shaking his head.

“Yeah, that sounds reasonable,” the dragon replied, a bit downcast.

“Sorry buddy,” Arthas said, smiling sadly at him. Standing up he began to turn to the door. “Oh, and Twilight? Could you come with me?” he asked, stopping. “I, um… don’t really know all the laws concerning weddings and wedding customs in Equestria,” he explained, slightly blushing from embarrassment. “Could you fill me in on the way to the Abbey?”

“Sure, no problem,” she replied immediately, smiling at the thought of them being alone.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Arthas said, turning to the rest as she trotted towards him. “It would probably be for the best for now to keep quiet about the wedding. I’m sorry,” he told Big Mac and Nymph, “I can understand that you might want to tell everypony in Ponyville, but I believe that until you have everything planned it’s best it remains a secret.”

“Hivespeaker, you do remember that you’re talking with a changeling?” Nymph replied, smirking, although somewhat awkwardly. “Remaining secret is what we do. You’ll be okay with that?” she asked Big Mac. “For now?”

“Eeyup,” he replied quietly, smiling.

“That goes for everypony,” Arthas added, gazing at all of them in turn… with his eyes resting on some longer than the others.

“Why are you staring at us?” Scootaloo asked, although guessing by her expression she already knew.

“You do have a record of getting yourselves in trouble,” Arthas said, almost innocently. “And I do know you once ran a gossip column in a school newspaper.”

“Oh for- that was ages ago!” Scootaloo said, throwing her forelegs up.

“Yeah, and we know how important this is,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Well, I’m happy to hear that,” he replied, smiling warmly at the fillies. “Because I was seriously considering asking Princess Luna to have her Night Guard tail you and stop you if you were to blurt this out,” Arthas said, smirking.

“Very funny,” Apple Bloom retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Actually, that does sound kinda cool,” Scootaloo argued.

“Well, maybe for you. I don’t want any scary looking ponies to keep watching everything I do,” Sweetie Belle said, wincing.

“Or, alternatively,” Arthas began; now Twilight was sure he was joking, “I could have all three put on house arrest and ask Chrysalis if she could send her changelings disguised as you to go to school and stuff like that.”

“Wait,” Scootaloo stopped him. “You say we could skip school?”

“Alright, that’s enough jokin’ ‘round,” Applejack interrupted her, looking at Arthas sternly.

“Very well. Oh, and speaking of Chrysalis…” Arthas trailed off, looking at Nymph.

“I will contact Mother immediately,” she replied, nodding.

“Alright then.” Turning to Twilight, he slightly bowed his head and opened the door for her. “After you.”

Although feeling slightly self-conscious about him acting like this around their friends (even if that could easily pass as something normal friend would do, let alone ever-teasing Arthas), Twilight felt warmth spread through her.

“Thank you,” she said, passing through the door.

“Oh, wait you guys!” she heard Rainbow speak from behind her. Glancing back she saw her trotting towards them. “There was something I wanted to talk with you about. Mind if I tag along?”

And there goes our chance to be alone for a few moments,” Twilight thought, sighing inwardly, as both her and Arthas said that they absolutely didn’t mind.

Author's Note:

Still working on master thesis, but almost done with it, so decided to quickly write this chapter before the Legion expansion comes. Hope you've enjoyed it. Sorry about the long delay, will try to find time in September to write a next one (which, with expansion and the real life stuff on top of it might be tricky).

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