• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,721 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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48. In the wonders of Night

As the sun had set, Matthias made his way out of the forge, rubbing his eyes. Getting tired of describing over and over again how did the armor he wanted looked like, he finally assumed his alicorn form. The armor that appeared on him whenever he took this form was what he based the idea for this new order’s armor, so all he had to do was stand still for a moment as the blacksmiths took notes. The problem, it was taxing.

The earth pony strode towards the castle inner gate, when he stopped. He didn’t want to go to sleep yet, despite being slightly tired out by this day, and visiting Brann in the Archives while he studied everything he could about this world didn’t seemed to be an ideal way of spending time. Pondering what to do, Matthias finally decided take a walk through the city.

With that thought in mind, he turned around and was about to set off to the city, when he noticed small, blue shine coming from one of tallest tower of the castle. Glancing at that direction, he saw Princess Luna, her shining horn pointed towards the sky, standing on the balcony.

She’s raising the moon.” Matthias realized, and soon, the huge celestial body arisen from the edge of horizon.

Seeing this for the first time, he continued to gaze at the moon, and then at Princess Luna. She continued to raise it, until it ‘stood’ firmly above Equestria. Luna then lowered her now not-shining horn, and while the moon stopped moving, she turned around, having the intent of going back inside the tower, but stopped when her gaze accidentally locked with Matthias’.

She spread her wings and took to the sky. Matthias watched as the Princess of the Night flew towards him, and bowed when she landed.

“Hello again, Princess Luna.” he greeted her. “What reason do I owe the pleasure?”

A smile crossed her lips as she answered:

“I wanted to ask how the talk with the blacksmiths went.”

“I believe it went well.” Matthias answered. ”Of course, I had to assume my alicorn form so they could see the armor that I had in mind, but overall, I think they have now a clear picture of what I want.”

“It’s good to hear that. But why do you sound as if you would prefer to not transform?” Luna asked him with puzzled expression. ”Most ponies would have paid to be able to do that.”

“It is because in that form my body is made of the Light itself, not of flesh and bones. It’s taxing for a mortal mind to stay for an extended period of time in such state. My limit, for an example, is about two minutes, but even if I change back quicker, like today, it’s still tiresome.”

“I see...” the Princess said, and asked: “Since you’re tired, I assume you are going to rest now?”

“Actually, no, I decided to take a stroll through the city.” the earth pony replied. “I figured that maybe a little walk under your beautiful night’s sky may calm my mind and I will finally be able to think of a good name for the order.”

Princess Luna blushed slightly at the compliment.

“You still haven’t thought of it, then?” Princess Luna asked, to which Matthias shook his head, she added: “Why not give it a name it related to the sun? From what I heard, when you use your Light...” noticing the look he gave her, she corrected herself: “... I mean, The Light, it often seems as if you shone like the sun. And there are few similarities between nature of The Light and that of the sun, with the former granting others the ability of to heal, and the latter being the source of life for all that lives.”

Matthias didn’t miss the brief feeling reflected in her eyes, the feeling of neglectance and jealousy. Luna quickly recovered her composure, but it was there. Matthias guessed that she wasn’t exactly happy with that there’s (what seemed to her) a highly possible prospect of this brand new order having name that made it more closely related to her sister’s attribute, and felt a pang of sympathy for her. In his short time in Equestria, he noticed that Celestia had much more adoration from ponies that Luna. It must had been hard for her, to feel treated like second-best, and it even more so because this led to her becoming Nightmare Moon thousand years ago.

Matthias briefly wonder if, in a way, she wasn’t the more harmed by the fate out of the two of them.

“I can understand your train of thoughts, Princess Luna.” he told her. ”And there are many others who consider the Light to be related to sun in some way. Back on Azeroth, one of the orders of paladins is even named ‘The Sunwalkers’. But I happen to think otherwise.” Matthias said, and he meant it.

“Really?” Luna asked, surprised, and slightly pleased. “How so?”

“How should I explain this...” the paladin pondered, wanting to explain to her so that she would understand completely. He suddenly figured out a perfect way for that. “What do you feel when you look at the sun, Your Highness?”

The change of subject caused the Princess to stare at him as if he grew a second head.

“What? I guess...” she stopped to think of an answer. “... pain? It hurts to look at it, and prolonged staring at it can cause a pony to go blind.”

Matthias nodded.

“Yes, and that is what The Light is to all that is evil - it’s a source of pain to them.” he said, and immediately added: “Of course, it also heals all that is good, like you said. Now, what do you feel when you look at the moon?”

To better indicate his question, he glanced at the moon, and saw in the corner of his eye that Luna did the same. Matthias waited patiently for her answer, enjoying the gentle light of the celestial body she rose every night, and where she was once imprisoned.

“I feel...” the Princess answered slowly.”... at peace. Calm.” she shook her head, annoyed. “It’s difficult to describe this feeling.”

“Just like the feeling The Light leaves when it touches pony’s soul.” Matthias told her and asked The Light to bless her with this feeling now. As the glow appeared around both of them, he continued: “It’s difficult to describe, but fills you with calmness, warm, peace...”

He trailed off, knowing too well that trying to put in the words was impossible. The glow lingered on for few moments on Luna, granting him a weird sight of the Princess of the Night shining like the sun, before it dispelled itself.

“It... does kind of feels like staring at the moon.” Luna said after a while, and looked once again at it. ”You know, Matthias, I think it’s the first time I’m looking at the moon and actually see it in a very long time.” glancing at him, she asked: “Isn’t that ridiculous?”

“It’s sometimes easy to forget what’s important.” Matthias replied.

Luna, looking thoughtful, shifted her gaze back at the moon.

“You’re wise beyond your years, Matthias Lehner.” she said after a while.

He bowed in response.

“Thank you, Princess Luna, but I acquired this wisdom during the last three months. Before that, I was the biggest fool there can be.”

His harsh comment about himself made Luna glance back at him. For a moment he thought she was going to say something, but soon, she began to turn around instead.

“While I find this conversation to be the source of great pleasure, I’m afraid I need to go and take care of the state affairs.”

“Of course Princess.” Matthias replied, bowing once again.

“I hope you will have a pleasant walk.” Luna said as she trotted toward the castle.

Spottedleaf began to like this world more and more.

She spent the rest of the day helping Fluttershy with taking care of few wounded animals. It was a lot like helping her Clanmates back when she was alive and their medicine cat, only instead of cobwebs, poppy seeds, dandelions, and all the herbs she learned to use over the seasons, she was asked by the pony with wings to give the them some weird small rock-like things, some weird-smelling liquid, and use some strange white thing to cover the wounds, which, surprisingly, happened to be least common. Considering how often she had to heal her Clanmates wounds after battles, she was a bit... confused.

Not to mention how weird it is to help get mouses, birds, and one fox better.” she thought as she finished putting the ‘bandage’ on fox’s paw, to which the red animal barked in appreciation.

“Great job Spottedleaf.” Fluttershy commented as she glanced at her. “Thank you for the help; I can’t believe you’re so good with helping other animals!”

“Well, I’m surprised at that too.” the cat murmured to herself, amused, and no longer surprised that every animal in this world seemed to understand ponies, but not the other way around.

“Now, now, you shouldn’t be so modest.” Fluttershy scolded her, and added: “You deserve some rest know, I made you something to eat and left in the living room.”

“Thanks.” Spottedleaf replied, and padded away from the kitchen.

“You’re welcome.” she heard the pony reply.

As she sat on pillow by the bowl with fish in it, something suddenly hit her.

Wait, what?!?” she thought, glancing back. “She understood me?

And then, something actually hit her.

She looked at her side to see the only reason so far that made this day unpleasant.

A rabbit called Angel.

“What do you want now?” she asked, praying to StarClan for patience.

Normally, she wouldn’t get so easily ruffled up by such behavior, even if she was used to cats showing her respect, except for few crankier elders and queens during kitting, but those were cats. This was a rabbit; a prey.

Spottedleaf watched as Angel made some irritating noises, waved his paws around and pointed at the pillow she was sitting on.

“Listen to me, you rat with big ears.” the cat, being fed up with him, said looming over him. “If it wasn’t for it that Matthias asked me to not eat any other animal besides those ponies give me, you would be within my stomach since sunhigh. Everything and everyone I ever cared about was taken from me, and I was nearly killed for the third time yesterday. I will not put up with your behavior for much longer.”

Spottedleaf knew Angel didn’t understand a thing she said - she spared a moment to regret that she never learned from Midnight how to speak to rabbits, or even foxes, at least - but her gaze and outstretched claws told him what he needed to know.

The medicine cat watched as the rabbit backed away, and disappeared around the corner. She sighed, wondering when Matthias was going to come back. Twilight came earlier and told Fluttershy that her ‘fourleg’ (as the cat jokingly began to call ponies), or housefolk, as kittypets called them; was going to be away for few more days, and asked the winged pony if she could take care of Spottedleaf for that time.

As if I need to be taken care of.” she thought as she bit her teeth into fish.

Matthias wandered through the streets of Canterlot, going nowhere in particular, his mind busy with thoughts about the future.

I will have to write down all the prayers they made me remember before the initiation. As well as all about the three virtues, and...” he shook his head. “No, before that, I will have to discuss the cathedral with some architects. I hope Brann will help me with that. I will also need to think of the name. It has to be something that sounds dignifying, a name that speaks of strength, but not like the Blood Knights... maybe...

“If it isn’t Matthias.” some familiar voice called from his left side. “How have you been?”

Matthias broke from his thoughts and glanced at the blue stallion who called him, and the grey mare standing next to him, both unicorns.

“Oh, hello, Night Light, Twilight Velvet.” he responded with a greeting, recognizing Twilight’s and Shining Armor’s parents. “It’s a pleasure to see you again. I’ve been fine lately. How have you been?”

“Just fine, too, thanks for asking.” Twilight Velvet replied. “And it’s a pleasure to see you too. How’s our daughter doing?”

“She’s doing magnificent, as always, both in life and her studies.” Matthias said, and added: “Shining Armor and Cadence are also staying in Ponyville since yesterday, enjoying the last few days of their honeymoon with their friends.”

“What are you doing in Canterlot, then?” Night Light asked. “Aren’t you also one of their friends?”

“Princess Celestia summoned me and an old acquaintance of mine that also arrived in Ponyville yesterday.” Matthias replied, smiling both due to the other pony's words and because of what he was going to say. “Surely you’ve heard rumors about strange bipedal creature with ridiculously long beard.”

“Oh, yes, we’ve heard. So you were the ‘weird pony’ walking alongside of him through the streets. Where did you meet this...”

“His name is Brann, and I met him back in the land where I came from, which is rather far from Equestria.” he told them, knowing he probably shouldn’t mention about the whole 'other world’ thing. ”Princess Celestia was curious about him, and wanted to meet him, so I brought him into Canterlot.”

“I see.” Night Light said, and then asked: “Say, would you like to come for a cup of tea with us? We would love to chat a bit with a friend of our daughter.”

“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Matthias replied politely, despite feeling slightly worried, for some reason.

“You have a very beautiful house.” he commented as he glanced around the specious living room.

Its walls were painted blue, which kind of went well in Matthias’ mind with the color theme of this family coats. There were furnitures with many framed pictures on them, and few armchairs and a sofa next to the low table.

“Thank you kindly.” Twilight Velvet replied, pleased by his comment, as she trotted towards the kitchen. “You drink tea with one cube of sugar, or two?”

“Either way is fine.” Matthias answered as he followed Night Light’s example and sat at the armchair by the table.

“So you say Shining and Cadence are in Ponyville?” the unicorn asked. “How are they after their honeymoon?”

“Happy, relaxed... They also seemed glad to be coming back, despite that they would have to return to their respective duties.”

“Yes, my son takes his duty as the Captain of the Royal Guard very seriously.” Night Light stated, with pride in his voice.

“You sound very proud of him. I guess you must be as much proud of your daughter as well.”

“Of course, not every father can brag that his daughter is the personal student of Princess Celestia, right?”

“I suppose not.” Matthias chuckled.

“Although for a time, she used to worry me and my wife.” Night Light confessed, surprising him. “Twilight was always reading her books, always studying. She never made any friends, like a normal pony, until she came to Ponyville.”

“Really?” the earth pony asked, astonished beyond believe. He would have never guessed that the first pony that tried to befriend him could have no friends at all at some point of the time. Sure, she mentioned that she used to think of her brother and Spike as her only friends, but he thought she was exaggerating. ”I must say, I’m surprised to hear that. I mean, I know she loves to read and study and all, but she always places her friends first.”

“Yes, and we have those five friends she made in Ponyville the first day she came there to thank for that. And while we’re a little sad that because of that, Twilight decided to stay in Ponyville and we’ve seen her even less than before, but we’re happy she’s happy.”

“Spoken like a true parent.” Matthias commented.

At that moment Twilight Velvet entered, levitating a tray with three cups of tea. As she put the two of them in front of her husband and Matthias and taking the last one for herself as she sat next to him, Matthias picked his and took a sip.

“So Matthias, would you care to tell something about yourself?” the unicorn mare asked. ”We know much less about you than about our daughter's other friends.”

A weird thought crossed his mind, that they were interrogating him. He quickly brushed it off as he replied:

“There’s not much to say, really. I was born and raised in far away land, and I came to Equestria about three months ago.

“Do all ponies in this land learn this weird magic like yours?”

“Not all of them, but some; yes. Ponies like me are called paladins, and we use The Light - or, if you will, a ‘weird magic’ - to help and protect others from evil.”

“That’s very noble, but what have you been doing since you came to Equestria? I can’t imagine much to do for a pony like you, safe for what happened during our son wedding.”

“There is always something to do for a paladin.” Matthias retorted with a chuckle. “I was occasionally helping the hospital in Ponyville with few cases, not to mention the feather flu epidemic from three months back. But, to say the truth, you’re right; I didn’t have much to do.”

“Then how do you make a living for yourself?”

“Well, I was offered by the princesses a job today, so to speak. I’m afraid I can’t tell you what it is exactly, because I was asked to keep it a secret for some time.”

His friends' parents looked surprised by his words, but in a pleased way.

“You were personally offered a job by the both princesses? That must be something really important.”

“Oh, it is. I’m sure you will hear about it in a month or so.”

“But what have you been doing until now? You must have had some kind of job in Ponyville, that isn’t classified to speak off.”

“Uh...” Matthias murmured, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “Actually, I didn’t have any, and before you asked how I managed to pay a rent or something... I happened to save three fillies that your daughter knows well the day I arrived in Ponyville. I also got slightly wounded, and didn’t have a place to go, so Twilight offered to let me sleep at her place, and... I’ve been living there since.”

“Oh really?” they both said in unison.

“You’re beginning to make me nervous.” Matthias told them, taking a sip of the tea. “I’m going to assume that your train of thoughts went the same way that Shining Armor’s did when he heard about it, and correct you: Twilight and I are just friends. She’s been very generous to me by allowing me to stay at her house for so long, but... why do you look disappointed?”

Indeed, the moment he said the he and their daughter were nothing more than friends, they both frowned in disappointment.

“It’s nothing, just...” Twilight Velvet sighed. “We really hoped she would have met some nice stallion by now, and you seem like a perfect match for her. A bit older, but that matters little.”

Matthias found himself at a loss for words. Slightly blushing, he carefully chose his next words:

“I appreciate the compliment, but I would prefer not to endanger mine and Twilight's friendship. And I don’t think you should worry about her: she’s a beautiful, smart young mare. I’m sure she will catch an eye of some stallion.”

And I will kick his flank all the way to...” he began to think, before he noticed and stopped. “She’s not Jaina, she’s Twilight; stop thinking of her in that way!

“But will he be as good as you?” Twilight’s mother didn’t let him get away that easily.

“I’m not as good as I appear to be.”

“I beg to differ.” Night Light cut in. “From what I can tell so far about you, you’re a kind, compassionate stallion, who’s not afraid of speaking his mind, as we’ve seen at the wedding, nor of terrifying creatures such as a Changeling’s Queen, and have many talents. Not to mention that you were given some important job.”

“That may be true, but I still think that Twilight and I are better off as friends.”

“Oh very well, if you think so.” Twilight Velvet said, sighing. “A shame, really. I’m sometimes worried about her. She still never had a coltfriend, until recently she didn’t have any friends... have you heard about that?”

“Yes, your husband told me about it, and I still find it hard to believe. Twilight that I know is one of the friendliest ponies there are.”

“Well, I admit, sometimes it’s hard to recognize her, after all those years she spend with her nose in the books.” her mother said, chuckling. “She wasn’t that bad when she was a little filly, though... perhaps you would like to see some old pictures of her, and of Shining Armor?”

“With pleasure.” Matthias replied, smiling.

Twilight thrashed around in her bed, unable to fall asleep. She tried counting sheep, breathing, she even got up and drank some milk. Nothing worked.

Sighting out of irritation, she finally got up again and turned the lamp on her nightstand on. She knew that some ponies could also fall asleep by reading a boring book, but there was no such thing for Twilight Sparkle as ‘boring book’. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to read something.

Carefully, to not wake up Spike, or Shining Armor and Cadence in the next room, she walked up to the bookshelves.

“Who?” Owlowiscious asked her.

“You mind fetching me book about... let’s see...” Twilight glanced across her library, wondering what she should read. “Perhaps ‘The Art of the To-Do List’?”

The owl hooted and flew towards the mentioned book; the lavender unicorn went to the kitchen and made herself comfortable by the kitchen table. As she poured herself some more milk, Owlowiscious returned with the book.

“Thanks.” she told him.

“Who.” the owl hooted in response and flew back to the main room of the library.

Twilight opened the book and began to read it, but her mind wandered somewhere elsewhere. She thought about what could have prevented her from falling asleep. Maybe it was because today wasn’t as exciting as yesterday? What was different tonight?

She rolled her eyes as she realized what was different. Matt wasn’t here.

Twilight didn’t even realized how she gotten used to his presence over the last three months. Apart from the unfortunate day before her brother wedding, they always slept in the same room. Almost all the time he was somewhere nearby, and because of that, she felt... safe. Twilight knew that Matt would never let anything to harm her, just like yesterday.


As the memories of that moment beneath the rubble came back to her, the closeness of Matt’s body contrasted itself with his lack of presence now, and the lavender unicorn began to wonder, as her heart began to beat faster, if her friends weren’t perhaps right.

Maybe she was in love with him.

Matthias walked into the castle, paying no attention to the royal guards that he passed. He spent long time watching some old photo albums together with Twilight’s parents. He smiled at the memory - little Twilight looked so cute! Matthias was glad that he managed to keep that to himself, however. He didn’t need her parents to think that he thought of her as anything more than friend. That conversation earlier was really embarrassing.

He entered the suite he’s been given by the Princess, when he thought about what Night Light and Twilight Velvet told him, that he would make a perfect match for her. Matthias recalled how he and Twilight almost kissed in the heat of the moment. As much as he tried to, he couldn’t deny this anymore.

To him, Twilight was more than friend.

Sighing, he walked up to his bed and climbed atop of it. He wasn’t sure anymore if it was due to her reminding him of Jaina, or for some other reason, but he was sure he was in love with Twilight. But even as he realized this, and even if he decided to look past whenever this feeling was an echo of his love for Jaina or not, they couldn’t be together.

Because,” Matthias thought as his mind began to wander off into dream, “no matter how much do her parents think that I would be a perfect stallion for their daughter, I know that all I would do is make Twilight unhappy.

Matthias watched, terrified. Everywhere he looked around Ponyville, there were dead ponies. But that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst part was the corpses were rising.

He mind whirled as he saw the small army of undead; composed of ponies he saw everyday on the streets approached him.

“Gaze upon them now.” he heard a voice, cold as winter, speak behind. “See how pathetic they are.”

Matthias turned around and saw a sight that he hoped he would never see again.

The Lich King, in all his power and dreadful glory, stood and pointed the Frostmourne at the approaching ponies, which all stopped in bowed before him. The Lich King laughed.

“In the end, all will bow before their king.”

“I won’t!” Matthias replied, as he stood defiantly before his nemesis, summoning the Light to his aid.

What replied him was more laughter. The earth pony readied himself for charge, when suddenly, he heard another voice.

“Matt? What’s going on here?”

Matthias glanced to his side and saw Twilight approaching them.

“Twilight! Stay back!”

But she wasn’t looking at him.

“Matt, what are you doing?” the unicorn asked the Lich King with puzzled expression as she crept closer until she stood in front of him. “What happened to everypony?”


Instead of answering, the Lich King lifted his runeblade.


“Frostmourne hungers!” his nightmare yelled as his blade descended.


“That’s enough.” a familiar voice, that sounded like it came from everywhere at once, said.

Matthias blinked, and everything was gone. Not only the Lich King, Twilight, and the undead ponies, but Ponyville as well. He was now standing atop some hill, with forest outstretched before him and moon above.

“Where am I?” Matthias muttered, glancing around.

“Somewhere safe.” the same voice from before replied, however this time it’s coming from above him.

The earth pony looked up and saw the moon again, but after he blinked, he noticed a pony to fly off from the celestial body.

“Princess Luna?!” he asked when she landed before him. “What are you...” Matthias began, but he cut himself off when he realized what was going on. ”This is a dream, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Luna answered, nodding. “It is my duty as the Princess of the Night, to come to my subjects dreams.”

Matthias tried his best not to show any emotion as Princess Luna revealed that she had powers like Ysera.

This could mean...

“And how often do you come into mine, Your Highness?” he asked, fearing the answer.

He was surprised when he saw the sympathy in her eyes.

“Often enough to know that this wasn’t the first time you had a nightmare like this.” Luna told him, coming closer. ”Those nightmares... they are related to your past life, aren’t they?”

Matthias looked down at the ground, enough for an answer.

“Those dreams of yours...” Luna said as he remained silent. “They didn’t tell me of what happened to you, if that is what you fear right now. Almost all of them were about you hurting your friends... mostly Twilight.”

The tone she said the two last words made him glance up at her and blush when he saw that the Princess smirked.

“She’s just a friend.” Matthias answered automatically, despite knowing that it was a lie.

In response, Luna lifted her horn, which shone with blue light, and the scene around him changed into:

“It’s so beautiful here.” Twilight hummed as she brushed his mane, both of them lying by the edge of the lake under the starry sky. “And peaceful.”

Blushing even more, Matthias glanced back at Luna, who raised an eyebrow.

“Is there a specific reason you’re doing this?” he asked her, annoyed and embarrassed.

Luna responded with a chuckle and returned them to the previous setting.

“Sorry.” she apologized, and immediately grew serious once more. “Matthias, I have no idea what you’ve been through, but I can see that it haunts you to this day. In that at least, we are similar. I said ‘at least’, because I cannot compare what happened to me, what I did, with your story. Not without knowing your past.”

Matthias wasn’t surprised by her last sentence. He was expecting to hear this since he agreed to create and order of paladins for Equestria. His honor would forbid him to lie to her or her sister now that they would officially be his rulers. The only thing that surprised him was that it happened in a dream.

He was about to say that he understood, and he would tell her everything, but then, he was surprised by something else.

“But, the reverse is also true. You can’t compare what happened to you and what you done to my past, without hearing this story. How about this, Matthias Lehner: I will tell you how I became Nightmare Moon, and in return, after hearing me, you will tell me your story?”

Matthias stared at her, unsure if she was serious.

“Your Highness...” he started, and coughed to clear his throat. “Your Highness, why would you tell me about what happened to you? Since I am to become a part of your military, all you have to do is ask me, and I would tell you mine. There is no need for you to do something in return.”

But Luna shook her head.

“It would have been wrong of me, to ask that you confess your past without me telling mine, even if I am your Princess. And besides...” she added and hesitated, before she went on: “... it would be nice to confine in somepony.”

“What about Princess Celestia?” Matthias asked her, confused.

“I do not wish to cause my sister pain.” Princess Luna shook her head. “She suffered enough because of my foolishness, and there are some things that I kept hidden from her.”

“I see.” the earth pony said slowly, and bowed. “Your concern for your sister, despite your personal pain, speaks well of you, Your Highness. It is a great honor that you chose to confine in such low-life like me, Princess.”

“‘Low-life’?” Luna asked, slightly angered by his description of himself. “Matthias, I thought my sister was clear when she told you of what we think of you. Your virtues make you equal to us... and besides,” she added with a smirk, “you’re also of royal blood, aren’t you?”

Matthias could do nothing better than stare at her as she laughed.

“How...” he tried to ask, only to lose his voice again.

“You really thought we wouldn’t have realized?” Luna asked, still amused. “We can see how you act, how courteous you are, and how you carry yourself, especially when you think nopony is watching. Not to mention that, according to my sister’s student’s letters you know at least two kings on personal level, and you were taught how to fight by a prince.”

“And Twilight was foalsitted by a Princess, does that mean she’s a royalty?” he asked her as she continued to chuckle, feeling embarrassed that it was so easy to figure this out.

“Well, she is now.” she reminded him.

“Technicalities.” Matthias rolled his eyes.

Luna continued to chuckle for a while, before she finally managed to calm herself.

“Don’t worry, neither me nor my sister have an intention to revealing this to anypony, especially you friends.” she said, waving his hoof. “In addition, I also promise that I won’t tell anypony, even my sister, of what you tell me.”

‘Thank you, Prin...”

“Luna.” the alicorn interrupted him, smiling. “Like I said, we’re equal. When it is just us, I wish that you will call me by just my name, and so will Celestia.”

“Very well, then, Luna.” Matthias replied, slightly smiling. ”Thank you and I promise I will as well keep to myself your next words.”

Luna smiled, and sat down, beckoning him to sit next to her.

“This is a dream.” she reminded him. ”There is no need for telling you this story with words.”

As Matthias gave her a puzzling look, she lifted her horn again and once more, the scenery around them shifted.

Author's Note:

Before I tell you the important part, I want to make something clear: I do not think that Elune is a naaru. I know I practically said that the sun and the moon are both sources of the Light, and I actually think so, but Elune can not be a naaru. Why? Because she's the mother of Cenarius. While it still is kind of hard to picture her mating with Malorne (a gigantic white stag), I don't think that naaru are capable of mating and giving birth.

Now, the important message: I'm afraid that the 'season of studying' is upon me, and it won't end until about the mid February. As such, I will be dramatically slowing down with the releases of other chapters, and before I will write the next one, I wanted to concentrate a bit on the others. Not only because they deserve some attention as well, but also because the next chapter is going the be a tad difficult to write, as you can imagine. Knowing how many magnificant stories are out there to read, I trust that you will all have plenty of other stuff to read. Heck, you might even read my other stories! I would especially like if the Shadow of the Past had more viewers (although, that second chatper turned out so twisted... eh, you will read my explanation there).

I will still appreciate ideas for the name of the order. Also, I sorry, those of you that wrote the ideas about the priest order, but this can't happen, for several reason:
1. Arthas doesn't know how to train priest; while it is true, that paladins and priest have a lot in common, and I myself wrote that paladins are a combination of priests and warriors, but priest have many unique abilities. I mean mostly all the shadow stuff.
2. Arthas wouldn't be able to be both head of paladins and priest, those two to much contradict each other. For example, while Tyrande is both and excellent warrior and High Priestess of Elune, she left the position as the leader of the Sentinels to her foster daughter, General Shandris Feathermoon. And Arthas couln't just appoint somepony to lead the priest, because that would made that pony above Arthas, since he or she would be the head of the Church of Light, essentially. This would eventually make that pony as much important as Celestia and Luna. Like Archbishop Alonsus Faol, he was considered equal to the kings (or other leaders) of seven human kingdoms ("Wacracft: Tides of Darkness"). I do, however, plan to introduce eventually a pony that would be more fitted to become a priest rather than paladin, and few others that will have problems fitting in for various reasons. This is, after all, something completaly new to Equestria.
3. Priest happen to be the only class that I never played ;p. I plan to put the list of my characters on my blog, soon, if anyone is interested.

Okay, wish me luck with studying. See ya'll!

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