• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,680 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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13. Nightmares of night and day

Dear Princess Celestia

I'm writing to you today because of the strange thing that had happened in Ponyville a few days ago. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the three fillies that you often read in my letters, and who barely a week ago sent you their own letter, got lost in the Everfree Forest. While they were trying to find they way out of it, they were suddenly attacked by a pack of timberwolves. Before any harm came to them, out of the woods jumped out a strange stallion and fought them off. After he managed to take the girls out of the forest, he lost conscience due to the injury he received during the fight. We took him to the hospital, and when he awakened, we asked him who he was and where did he came from.

It turned out that his name was Matthias Lehner, and he is from a land called 'Azeroth', which I never heard of, and apparently, it is only populated by the earth ponies. In fact, he didn't know that unicorns and pegasi really existed, he thought that they were only in legends. But that is not the weirdest part of it. Matthias, despite being older than me and the rest of my friends by at least ten years, doesn't have a cutie mark! And according to what he said, ponies in Azeroth doesn't have them either! Not to mention, that until we explained to him what was a cutie mark, he didn't know about it!

I think it would be best if I told you about this Azeroth a bit, in case you haven't heard about it like me. Matt told me that a few thousand years ago his land was faced with a terrible danger. To protect it, the last emperor of Azeroth somehow managed to create a magical mist around it, which hid it from the rest of the world. Is such a thing even possible?

However, those aren't the most important reasons that I'm writing to you now. If that were the case, I would have waited until I've gathered more information. Today, while we were having a party for welcoming Matt into Ponyville (you know how Pinkie can get), our town had unwelcomed visitors. The three teen dragons that Spike met during the Great Dragon Migration came after him to the Ponyville, with an intent to cause trouble. Before they managed to do that, Mattias started fighting them, and despite getting severely injured, he beat them. For a moment he was even go as far as to kill them, but stopped himself, and let them leave. When one of the dragons warned him that one day, when they were all grown up dragons, they would return, Matthias said something that scared everypony: that he let them leave only because they were merely kids, and if they would return as grown ups, he would kill them without hesitation! Apparently, that is how ponies in Azeroth handle danger.

After the dragons left, he went to sulk near the river at the end of the Ponyville. I went after him: I wanted to know why he said what he said, as well as better understand him in general. He told me then something terrifying: that because he made wrong decision once in his life, and followed a path of revenge, or something along those lines, he became evil after he found some weapon that corrupted him. He didn't say what exactly he did, saying that it would take long time and would scar me mentally. He only said that he did a lot of terrible things, and it wasn't until shortly before he came into Equestria that he was brought back to his senses, and he fears deeply that he might became evil once again. He is plagued with guilt for what he did. His story sounds a lot like what had happened to your sister, Princess Luna.

I had said to him what I think is a great lesson about friendship: that If you have your friends with you, they can tell you when what you're about to do is wrong. Being surrounded by ponies you trust and have them advising you will always make you take the right course of action. I had also offered to became his friend, which he happily agreed to.

Matt is currently staying at my house. Of course, I have placed magical words to warn me if he would tried to cause harm, just in case. I don't believe he is of any danger to anypony, and my friends agree with me (well, mostly), but I felt that I have to ask for your opinion nonetheless.

Awaiting your response, your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

He was in a dark room, chained to the table. He couldn't get out, his bindings were to tight. He tried to look around the room he was in. At first, he couldn't see a thing, but after a while, he managed to make out several shapes, and he wished he didn't.

There were corpses on the floor, and the tools, which, judging by the blood on them, were used to kill them, hanged on the walls. But it wasn't until he noticed what those corpses had in common that he started to panic and tried to break free.

The corpses were skinned and had most of their organs removed, and if their faces were of any indication, it all happened when they were still alive.

He struggled with all his strength to break his bonds, but to no avail. When he finally stopped to catch his breath, he noticed that he could hear something.


Whoever his captor was, he was coming.

Step by step, heartbeat by heartbeat, he was coming closer. Soon, his captor's steps became loud as thunder in his ears. He could feel his heart beating, as if anticipating that it would soon stop for all eternity.

Slowly, his captor came into sight. He gasped when he recognized the full body armor he wore. He tried to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth.

And his captor was still coming closer, until he stood right next to him. He raised a hand wielding an all too familiar to his victim shattered blade, and slowly, very slowly, brought it down to his chest.

When his captor started skinning him, an unbelievable pain shoot through him, but still no sound came out of him.

He didn't know how long it had taken, but cutting off all of his skin couldn't have been fast. When his captor finally stopped, he felt his mind empty from his soul's screams. That he was still sane was a testament to his will.

But what came next was possibly even worse.

The blade once again cut his flesh, this time digging deeper. He could feel a cold hand grabbing his insides and taking them out one by one. His captor didn't even spare his bones. By now, he was sure he was still alive - if he was alive - only because of his captor's whim.

Feeling the cold fingers grasping his heart, he struggled and looked at his captor's face. He must have sensed his victim's gaze, for he turned his head and their eyes met.

He frowned. Something was wrong.

His captor's eyes gleamed with a sadistic joy and started laughing, while at the same time spouting words very quickly, that his victim, despite his barely sane mind, or maybe because of it, could distinguish from one another, but not understand. He then put his hand on his helmet and took it of.

The face under it, bearing a horrifying grin, was Pinkie Pie's.

This time, Arthas Menethil screamed.

He woke up from his nightmare, only to find out that while in reality he wasn't in a dark room or that he wasn't bound, he could still feel the pain.

Matthias frowned as he remembered the taste of the 'Skele-Gro' that Twilight practically forced him to drink, or how he soon realised that the taste of it was the most pleasant part. The pain he felt now was nothing compared to the sensation of having a thousand small hot needles piercing his chest. He was surpised that he actually managed to fall asleep, although had he known he would have such scary and bizarre dream he would have stayed awake.

His thought were interrupted as Twilight barged into room.

"Is something wrong? I heard you screaming." she said with worried face.

"Guessing by your expression, nightmares aren't a side effect of your treatment?" Matthias said in light tone, despite his ordeal.

"Uh, no." replied Twilight with a hint of guilt. "What was your nightmare about?"

Matthias considered not telling her, but he knew that she would continue to pester him about it later.

"I saw what I thought was an old me torturing me, only to realise it was Pinkie Pie, and then I woke up."


"Yeah... I must have eaten something bad before I went to sleep." Matthias said, shrugging his arms.

Twilight gave him a look that said she wasn't convinced he had said the truth, but soon forgot about it.

"How do you feel?"

"All things considered, better." he replied, taking off his bandages.

The body lotion worked very well, despite not hurting nearly as bad as any other treatment Twilight have given him, and his hooves were completely healed. His chest, while still aching, appeared to be healed as well. Matthias stretched carefully and checked his ribs. Throughout the pain, they mended.

"I think I'm fine." Matt said, jumping down from his bed.

"Great. So, what do you want to do today?"

"I was thinking about having breakfast, and then tour around Ponyville, maybe? I didn't have a chance to get a good look of it yesterday with all that was going on."

"Excellent idea!" replied Twilight happily.

After they ate, they went outside. Spike stayed in the library, cleaning after the mess Twilight made while studying in the night and in the morning before Matthias woke up.

"You really like studying." he commented as they left.

Twilight just shrugged and went on.

"I was thinking we could go to the Sugarcube Corner first. You should apologies for the hole you made in their door, after all."

"Ow... I forgot about it. I should probably help them repair it, too."

"Don't worry about it, I already fixed it with my magic yesterday." replied Twilight.

Sugarcube Corner turned out to be run by Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and Pinkie Pie was their employee.

"Figures she would work in a place like this." Matthias thought as she was giving some pony cupcakes he just bought. For some unknown reason, this made him remember his dream. He shook his head and returned to the conversation.

"Once again, I apologize for... well, bursting in yesterday." he said to Mr. Cake.

"Don't worry about that. Thankfully, we were both upstairs at the moment, feeding the babies."

"I hope the noise I made didn't scare them." Matt replied, worried.

"They're just foals, they get scared of every loud noise. By the time Pinkie came they were already sleeping."

"I'm glad to hear it." Matthias said, glancing at Pinkie Pie, who was talking with Twilight at the moment. "Mr. Cake, do you mind telling me why you hired a pony like her? I mean no offence, but she seems kind of, well..."

"I know what you mean, but trust me, she's a great employee, and my wife and I couldn't have asked for a better foalsitter than her."

Matthias stared at him. Mr. Cake sighed.

"Yes, originally we thought the same. But she's really great with foals."

Before Matt could reply to that, Twilight came up.

"We'd best be going, if you want to see the rest of Ponyville today."

"Very well. Goodbye." he said to Mr. Cake.

"Goodbye Mr. Cake."

"Goodbye, and once again, thank you for fixing the door, Twilight."

"Where to now?" Matt asked Twilight when they left.

"Town hall. After that we could visit Rarity's boutique, Pinkie should join us there once she finishes her work."

The town hall was an impressive building, to say at least. A lot more familiar to Matthias than a giant tree he was sleeping in, that’s for sure. However, it looked more like a carousel than town hall, but he decided to keep it to himself as he talked with the mayor of Ponyville, a sympathetic mare, who thanked him for getting rid of the dragons, but asked him to not be so brutal in the future.

At Rarity's boutique they found Spike, which wasn't a surprise to neither of them. Soon after they came in, Rarity started asking Matthias questions about fashion in Azeroth, like how did the most luxurious dresses looked like, how much the most expensive suits cost, and stuff like that. He tried to answer to the best of his possibilities, which normally wouldn't be so hard; his mother and sister, as well as Jaina for some time, had plenty of beautiful dresses, and he have seen them on many occasions. He also had to wear formal clothes from time to time, not to mention he had dealt with many nobles and have seen what they wore. There was one problem: those were human's clothes. He tried his best to describe how would they looked like in a version for ponies, helping himself by looking at some of Rarity's dresses, and surprisingly, she found the clothes from his description to be 'dazzling', and said that he gave her a lot of ideas.

By the time they finished talking, Pinkie Pie came, and they decided to go visit Applejack, who was living on a farm outside Ponyville with her family. On they way there, they unexpectedly run into Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Apparently, Rainbow Dash have just finished her weather jobs for today, and Fluttershy returned somepony's pet that she was taking care for. Since neither of them had anything better to do for the rest of the day, they decided to join the others and they were going to see Applejack all together.

Before they managed to make few steps, however, something weird happened.

"Oh no!" Pinkie started shouting out of the blue.

"What happened?"

"My knee is pinching!"

Matthias was about to roll his eyes, when he noticed that for some reason everypony was looking at her with fear in their eyes.

"Something scary is about to happen at Sweet Apple Acers!"

And like that, everypony started running in the direction of Applejack's farm. Besides Matt, who for few moments simply stared after them.

"Can somepony explain to me what just happened?" he asked, easily catching up with them.

"Look, I know this won't make much sense," started Twilight, "but Pinkie has something she calls 'Pinkie Sense'. She can predict the future through various twitches and involuntary motions made by her body. And now she predicts that something scary is about to happen on Applejack's farm!"

"How come in a peaceful land like this so many bad things happen?" asked Matt, trying to imagine what could be happening at the farm.

"Well, its... Wait, you believe this? Just like that?!" Twilight asked in astonishment. And she wasn't the only one; even Pinkie Pie seemed to be surprised.

"Are you kidding? After all the things prophets and shamans put me through, I am just glad that this 'Pinkie Sense' is at least specific!" Matthias replied without glancing at them.

They quickly made they way to the farm, and could already see the big sign saying 'Sweet Apple Acres'.

"What that noise?" asked Rarity.

Matthias started listening.

"Oh its just Winona. Applejack's dog." Twilight added to Matt, but he was already running towards the noise at the back of the farm.

"It's not a dog!" he shouted back, speeding up.

Rainbow Dash, who quickly realised what he meant, flew fast ahead of him.

"You fool!" thought Matthias, forcing his legs to run even faster.

By the time he got there, a huge timberwolf was about to pounce at Rainbow, who was standing over Applejack laying form.

"Duck!" he shouted at Rainbow Dash, jumping.

Thankfully, she listened, so the timberwolf, instead of pouncing at the cyan mare, collided in the air with Matthias. The speed with which Matt was running made both of them roll on the ground, but the wolf was faster to recover, and pounced at him, biting his arm.

Matthias growled and attempted to throw the timberwolf off him. He almost stopped when he recognized the scars on its muzzle and missing teeth.

"You again?!" he thought angrily, shaking him off.

The loss of his teeth didn't work well for the timberwolf. He was visibly thinner, and alone. The other wolves must have abandoned him. Not feeling sorry for the animal that just tried to hurt his friends, he quickly turned and kicked him with his back legs. Since the fight with the timberwolves, he grew more accustomed to his new body, and was a lot faster now. The wolf didn't even have a chance to dodge, and soon was flying between trees.

The timberwolf picked himself up, growled, and started running away.

"You think I will let you get away that easily?!" Matthias thought.

He started to give chase after the timberwolf, but soon Twilight scream stopped him dead in his tracks:


Matthias looked back and felt his blood run cold.

Applejack was laying on the ground in the pool of her own blood, gasping for air, with her throat ripped open.

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